« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1041 - Covidiocy


The media push a red/blue narrative that makes zero sense on coronavirus; President Trump’s poll numbers nosedive as his Twitter habit continues to hurt him; and the culture wars continue apace.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The media push a red blue narrative, the makes no sense at all on corona virus. President, Pull numbers nosedive as his twitter haven't continues to hurt him and the culture wars continue apace, and then Europe is eventually Russia. He's been Shapiro Show is sponsored by expressing ppm. Your online activities should not be public, protect yourself at Express bbn. That comes lifespan already well. I hope that you had yourself a mildly relax. We can. We can get to all the news. This was happening out there from people defending their houses, with guns to the president, dropping in the polls and, of course, wars in all that, on a start, without
The big news today continues to be the space that we are seeing in many states really crossed the contracting. Virtually all states, except for a couple of scene, increases in cases in covered nineteen. That, of course, is not a major shock, as you continue to release people back into public, you are going to see more cases. The question is: does it overwhelm the hospital systems? One of the big questions has been whether what counts are actually that effective, because we saw increasing level of death in places like New York City, even after lockdown. Also one of the things that we size that when people get alarm, they go back in their house that you actually you tell them. You go back into their house. One of the things that seems to be happening right now is that states that are very hot. Where there's a lot of air conditioning being used, the rates are going up it s, because people are going away from the public places where they were gathering outdoors and they are going back inside and staying insides using up takes place like California and Texas in Arizona and the only common thread. There is not a threat of policy, it is a threat that has more to do with whether if it gets really hot go inside and such a lot of other people in close proximity,
those people and it's easier to get infected. Now. What is one of the things that we are seeing? We really have not seen a major uptake and death has been quite mysterious for a lot about the death numbers over the weekend continued to be pretty low. I mean meaning that the debt numbers on Sunday across the nation Raschid lowest they had been since March, which is free. Shocking considering that were supposedly experiencing- is mass and spike in the number of deaths across the United States. One. The reasons for that is because the age of people or being infected now extremely well like a lot lower than it was originally before it was mainly older people being sent back into nursing homes and basically was killing everybody. Often at that first wave, as I said before, maybe the only thing that you can do here is protected nursing homes and wear masks and socially distance. That's pretty much it, as are all the things. There is not another thing that you can do to prevent this thing from spreading and once you have gone outside, you been with
People will then there's envious or number of infections, but there are some good news here I mean if the number of infection is going up in the rate of death is going down. That means the overall infection. Fatality rate is a lot lower than originally was supposed to concede. Easy nostrums, zero point, six percent of people who actually get this thing and are infected by it are going to die to twenty six out of every ten thousand people get this thing or can it I which again terrible number, but not the kind of number where you shut down all society, for perhaps that is certainly a question worth thinking about job, whatever, whatever the actual overall number. Something will get more than a second. The media have decided they're gonna make this an attack on red states, which is unbelievable. I mean if you follow the millionaire over the past few months. The media narrative want some point that present from the network hard enough he'd net well enough, he'd net strong enough, the very beginning, and therefore there is this vast.
If it had not been for president from fulfilling the stained, the beginning or Fox NEWS, Sean Hannity, then there's never would have happened and I was sure crap. Nobody was calling for an actual shut down anywhere in the country until the very beginning of March, by which point it was too late. The thing was already in circulation: New York Genuine, shut down its state until late March after president from him basically started urging people to shut down, which was like mid marshalling March fifteen March sixteenth, when you start to see national attention brought from places like San Francisco and away to shut out, but even the shutdowns away in San Francisco, not preventing? Despite the we are now seeing in L, a county to the idea that trunk was responsible for this, recently, then you sooner than the narrative was everybody you stand side. It was imperative that everybody stay inside lockdown system was gonna, kill, you is nuclear grandmother was gonna, kill everybody, and then There's a gradual release? Net began at the very beginning of bay, and for about a month there was no option for about a month. There is enough in the number of cases, but there is not only not not taken the number of deaths nationally. There is a downturn, meaning in more
states. It basically stayed stable in New York and New York really declined rapidly right. That was the story of the death rate from covered nineteen, but the idea was that those red sludge were bad right round. The chance in Fort was very bad. Campbell Georgia was very bad. Gregg Abbot Texas was very bad. All those places were very bad because they had not shut down even they weren't experiencing there overwhelming death. Then there are the big protests and the media suddenly swivel and media. Turned again to remember. It started with results from thought you to shut down forever, then turn to well. You know Actually you go out your protesting for the right things. It's more important free to protest in favour of overturning the american perception of itself in its own history. You need you're going to need a protest at least go out and you had unmasked. No problem you convenient is: can we fight racism is more important public health threat and covered nineteen, and so he saw literally hundreds of thousands of people across the United States out their protesting. Then the protests in or at least a kind of fate off a little.
And people start going out again is though it ok hold up a second you just that. It's ok for me to be out of you know what I'm gonna go out all right. You know you set it we're we're done, and people's activity starts to change and you start to see adopted and Nelson he has rage, is turning back on similar governors was sixty days ago. Where was I Look at this matter on the sense and Deborah encampment bag. Reg have a look at these terrible terrible red states with their reopens. Ok hold up a second. They re open the beginning to make nothing happened for a month. And then there are a bunch of protest. Re read round Memorial day and you notice in media coverage is always memorial days really what's up, Memorial day was made twenty seven. The protest began made twenty there is literally no way, statistically speaking, to tell the difference between infection that was initiated. Twenty bet than an infection initiated made twenty six enemy, they don't want to know about it. New York contact racers had been told not to ask people whether they attended a protest, so the
Yet here is that it is only the reopening, but not the protests. Apparently, if you go to a bar, really bad, if you go to an open air bar where you just drinking and shouting about George Lloyd and fine, no problem whatsoever rain, not a problem at all, and so we seen as things in spite of the private media is gonna, go on the red States and it to me It is truly amazing because in the process of putting all the blame on the red states that have reopened there, also try rehabilitate the worst governor in America and Roma. We state has lost over Thirty thousand people now recognise that to this point, instead of Laura has lost between three and four thousand people. Instead of California is well something like four thousand people instead of Texas has lost under three thousand people. Last time I checked New York that absolutely wall when you're gonna kill, you mean, literally speaking, many new Yorkers guy killed in the area, most being frightened out, there is a model of what a governor should do. Well. Meanwhile, these The stakes are very bad, so CNN showed a showed a charge, and this is just a just goes to show the political narrative media.
Or dishonest the CNN over the weekend they shot chart and what the chart shows where you can see. They divvied up Seventy moving average new cases in from states and two thousand sixteen Clinton state, and what it shows is that the two thousand six England States is massive spite and then it sort of wavered off and then its increasing again mildly. Meanwhile, the the Red States, what you see is it increase further We then it held setting for a long time now, zooming up again read zooming up again, beginning shock of shot like near the beginning of June out a week and a half after the protest began, but we can limit the protein this. Probably the reopening issued a long period on the start of next year. The charging long period on the chart between the beginning of May and the EU have June for everything is perfectly stable, while peril,
no ray. Apparently that doesn't exist anymore. So, in any case, the idea is that red states are bad and blue states that now this chart is flawed in about thirty different ways. Its flood number one, because the original spike does not really take into account the number of cases like at all, but give your suggesting that back in March, like late March, there only thirty like about twenty thousand cases daily in place. Like me, your absolute your nonsense, sheer nonsense said the testing was not too far in the blue states. Overall overall across the country, the testing was not Afterpart since very difficult to tell us how many positive test there were in place like New York like if you believe that the blue states only experiencing twice the number of positive tests as the red.
States in that period and why wasn't? The New York was hit with thirty thousand dead, but it does make any sense. The testing was just under part. Such problem number, one there's a bigger problem and the bigger problem is you're, honest and you look it read by blue counties right, not just states. Two states are giant subdivisions the country, but counties because it turns out that a lot of red states include places like Dallas and Austin and Houston. They tend to be a lot more liberal. Read that if you look at county by county blue counties, red counties we see is that identical county by county division it. Basically you see that seems by and then you see, the blue counties starts. One water counties are fairly low and then they start to pick up right around the beginning of June. Are there in exactly the same trajectory like literally on same line on the same trajectory so No, this is not a matter of red states versus blue states or evil red people versus versus good blue people or like that's, the media are promulgating inherited. The narrative is red is very bad and blue is very good.
Now, in order to do that, they also have to explain away and requirements, and I ve decided that their basically going to now recapitulate. The Andrew Cuomo is the best governor in America story, which is just it's amazing. I mean the utter gall of people to suggest that Andrew Cuomo is good governor. It's incredible what any gets that in just one taken first, it may be tough to come by sleep. These days mean life is incredibly stressful. The new cycles, incredibly stressful hell, you dont, know when there's gonna, be something happening in your city that violence or, if you don't know, one there's gonna, be a panic attack from coal, but you just don't know what the hell is going on. I mean it's very difficult to sleep these days plus, if you have kids their home all the time, and that is incredibly stressful as well. This is why, when you get on your mattress must be comfortable and the only way to ensure that you're comfortable under mattresses have a mattress may just for you and talking of course about he licked sleep he would sleep has acquired the takes just two minutes to complete the matches. Your bodies have been sleep. References to the perfect mattress for you for the earth I'd sleeper or hot sleeper. Would you like a pleasure from bad with helix there's, no more confusion and no more compromising you would sleep? Is rated Dean number one man
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Randal Cuomo to be to be going round ripping at others. It is incredible. Secures Andrew Como suggesting the trumps decision to reopen the economy was wrong. Picking up when Andrew Conall says things like this recognised at the lock downs in New York City may not in fact have been responsible for the actual decline of cases in your city. It is past What happened is that ran rampant through the population and knocked out? Everyone was gonna knock out. I mean that that is a real possibility. Implicitly your because what you seeing right now is that New York is reopening new Yorkers, No, but we seem pictures of people who are hanging around outside of bars in New York, right, big crowds in New York and they're not sing a significant uptake and number of cases. Maybe that's because a lot of people have already had it, and so they are not now transmission backwards. We don't know the answer to that. So it may not be the end requirements. Thousands all that good. It may be that he basically achieve a certain low level. Was quasi heard immunity. By allowing this many people to get the Bay
Anyway, here is Andrew Cuomo, suggesting that its trumps decision to reopen the economy. This caused. All of this, which is weird because you not in charge of states, is he are you now thinking that? Maybe we might not see everything goes remote now in the fall given we're living this virus until there is a vaccine work first on the first, your first point: yes, I agree with it. You know everybody talked about the economic consequences of the president said we should reopen it s, going to help the economy through that's exactly wrong, but is also a social consequences. Ok, well hidden. That's the exact the rum, refusing a shocking bishop recovery in the economy. As people go back out, it turns out the economy has been up taking in a rather rapid rate. Just then requirement is now trying to rehabilitate Mark Levine he's just a disaster area. Marketing is, of course, the chair you're, a City Council health Committee that he is he's So the same guy, who claimed in the middle of the spending He told everybody got Chinatown Party it up. Denmark, Levine claim
Now then, map Levine claim that the protests we're gonna be fine. It protests were totally goal now. My living is claiming and by the way, if you got it at the protest, because racism races was the cause of the uptake of it now you just frankly why users on single worst day in your city, back in MID April, we had under eight thousand new cases. Well, I know your testing was asked by like an old, of magnitude you didn't have only eight thousand positive. In a day, if you ve been testing crop Let the number would have been a hell of a lot higher than that the region is saying that is because flora had nine thousand cases yesterday. Now again, if you look at the Florida numbers doggedly state by state numbers in the United States, will you actually see is that Florida is basically stable in the number of deaths it's been experiencing on a day to day basis. I am actually looking at the floor to statistics
right this instant and what Eugene Daily deaths per day in port on the review since June 16th, five thousand five hundred and twenty five four thousand three hundred and forty one thousand seven hundred and twelve five thousand four hundred and forty five, four thousand four hundred and thirty, seven, two thousand six hundred and twenty seven. Does that sound like an incredible? subject like vast scores deaths. May I again, maybe it will happen, it could seriously happening you're. Seeing more cases, it means more hospitalization, but this notion that New York City, somehow handled this thing why and therefore it is handling this in gambling and that we are seeing a vast numbers of deaths, and for that none of our not now again that could all change it could be. The health system gets up alone in his work. Recognising that there is no way that a lot of people are not going to get this. The whole purpose of widening the curb was to change the area under the current explained is one thousand times on the show. Behold the whole point of flattening her was Then the old woman of the healthcare system. There is yet to be ensured,
evidence that Florida is being overwhelmed in terms of healthcare system. In fact runs its answers did a prestigious today, in which run the census explain at length that near that, if Lord it is not being overwhelmed, he says basically, the number of people who are we're getting hit here. It's mostly people were young, mostly sickness and people were young and by the way before I get to genes, as you can see that this is the reality right. You can see an uncharted diagnosed cases versus death. You can see that there is a vast gap that has now emerged. That shows that there is a huge, huge disparity between the number of diagnosed cases and that we have that chart its aid charter diagnostics their area. This is these. Seventy moving average of reported combination cases and that with seventy lad, and what is easy ones completely. Diverging right over there are basically on points up until late April. Then they just started to drop rapidly and the cases started you level off and then rise rapidly now made
that red line is gonna turn around, maybe we miss you have expired, but we haven't seen it quite yet. The idea that New York handle this thing right and floor to handle this, I am waiting to see any evidence that whatsoever at this point by the way. Yet again, it makes me crazy, but the edge of the New Europe did. This thing absolutely right is totally crazy. Here is a charge of New York, excess debts in nursing homes. Suffice it to say this is not good for New York. It is the total weekly deaths from culminating, in particular metropolitan areas above the normal read. This is by by percentage, is the total cover nineteen deaths in entire metropolitan area and thousands, and what you see is excess. That's bullshit Spike in Europe met city, metropolitan area rates, unbelievable and then, when you look at the actual percentage basis, what you see is the places like Cleveland or right, maybe like three times as many people in nursing homes.
Why is normal, but if you look at the actual, if you actually look at New York's, like thirty five times as many people died in nursing, homes is normal. Okay, that is a giant fail by by Andrew Cuomo and by the university government, but apparently again, the bad guys here are the people in the Red States when he gets you more on the unjust and allow this just line. It really is in line with statistics, Romania to more of that in just one taken. First, let us talk about facts that You may have a bunch tee shirts at home in their ready and thereby helping you think they were good and they really look like crap well in two thousand. Sixteen seamen really was struggling to find the property. Should you want something it hadn't of quality to be worn professionally at work, but also Savishna for the night? in a matter where he looked, nothing really fit the bill, so he took matters into his own
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in positive, are now under the age of thirty five and as we know, if you're under the age of twenty five protect the way. This is not a deadly disease, meaning it can kill you, but it's must have led the slovenian reached forty five by statistics to here's my pension vice president, pointing out guys get we're seeing a spike basically a bunch of young people, socializing, there's another way, John, that this is different from early on, and that is that one of the things we ve heard in Texas in Florida in Particular- is that nearly half of those who are testing positive are Americans under the age of thirty five, that's contributing to the fact that those that are required to be hospitalized, who were testing positive for corona buyers, significantly lower than it was two months ago again. So he is right about this round. His answer said the same thing is that twenty percent of the tests are provided for those for twenty five, thirty, four,
it's a big bunch, people going to Barton they're getting their young and some are not seeing a lot of those people. Hospitalized yours, governor defence. Yesterday again is the bad guy here, amber he's the villain, Andrew Cuomo, the big guy in the media narrative here he's the black hat Rhonda Centres. You still see the numbers in those younger age groups compared to the number of a positive test, very, very, very low? tell any rates, and so you're, seeing it in those groups who are less at risk. But you're, seeing them test positive at much higher rates. I think of twenty five before he's been pretty close to twenty percent and we're seeing and all across in the different areas of the state. This is the one kind of consistent thing that way also happen in other states. So if you look at the share, of New Minnesota Cava cases by age. You seen a huge enormous spite for people who are twenty to twenty. Nine am looking to try right now. It shows those Minnesota cover cases by age. You can see it has declined in every single demographic group, except for people for twenty two
nine and, most importantly, its decline for people who are sixty two sixty nine and seventy above the people. Very bottom of that chart are the people who are most likely to die from this thing. That's really really speaking on people who are two thousand two hundred and twenty nine noticed that that's begins right around the beginning of June Red Round June, fifteenth or so, which would have been exactly two weeks after the beginning of this protest? But the protest in do anything apparently. So a lot of young people are getting this thing again. Could that be dangerous, yeah sure it could be dangerous? It could also be dangerous that in border counties there are what there's. There's immigration across the worsening Phil Carpet has pointed out. So carbon points out that, if you look at the charts in areas with different border populations, he positivity Rate Mexico and this house right now. The positive Europe's mask on uncovered nineteen test is nearly fifty percent. Like forty eight percent, which means a lot of people, Mexico habit, he points out that cases per one hundred thousand residence. I population at non border counties like Maricopa count. Your ally count your sense of Clara County they're, not having tons of case for one hundred thousand
but place like Uma or Santa Cruz or Imperial are having a lot a lot of kids to their their buncher different factors, but the until the system is in danger of being overwhelmed. This is not the same. Things was before, and media basically been saying what we were back to square one. All the hard work was blown because of all these evil red lovers these people and some things have changed, and the people who are getting infected by enlarging people were younger, which means that it is less dangerous, you're, basically getting the controlled and strategy that I actually had a talk about months ago. Are your effectively getting the control? The avalanche tragedy says: if you are elderly and avoid this thing it. If your younger and you get it, then ok, all right, I mean like not great. Some people are dying. Bill affected by it. Obviously, and their more people in hospitals endorsing increase hospitalizations, but the rate of people are dying in hospitals is going down fairly, That is why this issue away across the world menacing anew.
Story that has not been reported very much but late. Last week it was reported and science editor at the Uk Telegraph that, according to an Oxford study, huh Patients are now four times less likely to die than they were in April, because there are bunch from drugs that are being used that actually mitigate the impact and doctors are becoming better treating patients, usually sticking everybody on events later it turns out. That is one of the worst things that you can do so rules are getting better, treating patients more than people who are getting mister young. Does this mean that go out Willy nilly without a mass. No, it doesn't because again, as you spread it there too, one you pass it on. Somebody was older who can't handle it and to that one the hospital system, but the notion, We are exactly back where we were in that we were back where war, because it read state policy, is utterly crazy and by the way the red states are actually being very cautious about this by Texas. Lastly, shut down
I'll get it then California Judy's litter, shut down. All the bars knows well, look at gather, Newsome Ease response was opposed to that horrible Gregg Abbot is no. That's not know that somehow any of this works ass any of this work. It is also worth noting that when I suggest that this thing is less dangerous for people who are young, that is not just me saying that the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Pediatrics, is openly saying at this point that all the schools should basically be reopened. At this point, they put out a full statements. Adjusting the kids should be in schools, and she school policies must be flexible and nimble in responding to new information. Administrators must be willing to refine approaches when specific policies are not working by no children. Adolescents should be excluded from school, almost required in order to adhere to local public health mandate or because of unique medical needs. Is it. We strongly advocate all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with the goal of halving student physically present in school as the American Academy Pediatrics, not radical, right, wingers or making backwards. It go acclaim
so concerned, but not concern, but not crazy would be the answer here concerned, but not out of your mind with worry would be would be the answer here. Cautiously, maybe even at this point, it you're talking about that again. Disparity between deaths and hospitalizations, maybe cautiously optimistic, this thing is starting to Peter out a little bit, I didn't mean be irresponsible means where mass and socially too, since we ve seen this again. Ratan increasing the number of cases but notice, how the media have decided owing to talk about coordinating cases and they're, not gonna talk about that's anymore. Are there When I talk about cases it you're, not gonna talk about that's right round. The sense said that Florida has planned the curb with respect, maintaining healthcare capacity. He says the testing capacity and p p r in fine shape, he says treatments are improving. Do any good supply is wave. Your people now need medical ventilation. Then, in March or April says that is probably people were going indoors better than a really spreading these. His family units are largely testing positive as a group where people are going out, toolbar they're, getting it
and then they are going home and they are basically getting in their basically getting. Everyone said he said that certain hospital systems it round his chances are picking up asymptomatic, covert cases because a lot of elected are coming back and re elected surgeries are coming back in and their picnic asymptomatic. Other cases. When did you like it? it was ass for them. He said most for most people in younger demos. These symptoms are like the common goal. So he hear this is this something that we should be like over the crazy about? No is something we should be concerned about your you know, you're not really concern about this. The media there's a massive massive algae, beat you rallying Chicago yesterday, like crazy large, with I'm telling it tens of thousands of people in ST on top of each other media. Nothing has yet been covered Nothing if you go back to work, a problem. If you go to a restaurant, sit outdoors problem, if you're outdoors in Europe, in black lives matter right. This is just like an elderly deprived parade in Chicago
El Gb Rally in Chicago deeply vital to to the moment, because private right not a word of condemnation for any of this, obviously really really sounds up. Ok, we're gonna get! You are political situation in June. Once again, and then we can get to the ongoing culture war that continues to rage out of control. First, let us talk about life insurance, so here's the reality these days, one people wondering about life insurance. The fact, as you said, get life insurance you can. This is why you need to go check out policy genius right now. It does not have to be a difficult or time consuming process. You can just go, get less encouraging new quickly and easily get a competitively priced, Halsey geniuses interest, another winning combination, exclusive life, insurance policy with affordable rates and a hassle free application. Life insurance is great. Ok,
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Tucker housing is going on national tv in saying, Mr President, get this together. You're gonna lose it pretty obvious, exactly what is going on here and in order for people to understand just how bad situation for president from you have to understand, and not only is using by nearly double digit and the real power politics pulling average. But if you look at the electoral math right now, if there were no toss up for, if you just took the Rilke or politics, pull average in every state from would lose the electoral college. Three. Fifty we want any five yet shall act like Mccain by a bomb in two thousand it as it has an incoming president, which is nearly unheard of rights. Only the first time since Georgie's, doubly bushed running coming president's lose, but at least it shall be Bush had the excuse of prosperity. A lot less go through. This by state in the real politics. Pulling ever forget. Biden has now leading by foreigners Oda by eight in Wisconsin, by seven in Florida, by nine, in Michigan by six and Pennsylvania by two point: four North Carolina. I sixteen in Minnesota, which need from team, was trying to flip Lou from his we leading by June taxes by four in Georgia, is statistically tied in Ohio he's only by one
five in Iowa any and buying up by foreign about it is a really really unpleasant numbers for president from which means you would think that you really needs to step up his gait because no matter whether you want to like it or you, don't want to watch, any simple fact of the matter is the president's current performance is not going to win re election. It's not if things keep going. This way he's going to lose that's not! That is not an out of the box anti Trump thing again. I plan on voting for the guy, but if he doesn't pull this thing out, he's in a tailspin right now and something needs to change, it needs to change radically. You know it won't change it. The sweater have it, but I don't like not from speeches. I find a boy. I think that president from simply sits there and when his body tweets are they really is, Somebody like everybody else wants what are that's what he does when I'm bored I tweet when present from his board heatwaves Twitter is a place for board people, the problem
but when you have a window directly into the brain of the commander in chief May, have rock Obama had been go? Every thought and floated across his mind had been treated out. You ve been a lot more unpopular people. Don't want every aspect of politicians mind in front of them: it's what they don't want. In the same way the people don't like celebrities because they don't want to know what your favorite actor has to say about a particular topic because he's an actor- and this is why, back in the nineteen, These words fifties studios used to keep their sorry really under wraps, there's more to the publication of the star and then everything that went on behind closed doors, one on behind closed doors. When it comes to politicians, the public generally wants that to be true as well as we are. We're all gossip, mongers male like salacious details, but the country, I think, was a lot better off when people were were what's a less concerned with the sex lights of our president, then, when they were deeply concerned, a J K was a monster in private and he still widely considered the president by the left, particularly
simply because all that stuff was basically buried by the media voluntarily, I'm not saying we should bear the stamp voluntarily. I'm saying it, though enough, there's nothing to cover records the fairly HANS, billiard, that's out into public on a regular basis, so this reared its ugly head yesterday again when president from side to reach, we a video- and this may National NEWS, because again it is reflective of the narrative at the left- would like to push me the president from his white supremacist. Now, I think what actually happened here: isn't there something that happens to a lot of people on Twitter when your board, you just start retraining thing and when you re, we things you don't always watch the video all overweighted again and present from, as we know, has the attention span of an ass regards the presence United States that he literally will not read presidential briefings that are put on his desk. They have to put them in bullet point form and then using read those last for those to be short and we'll get a man is not famous for sitting there in reading homes of Winston Churchill later when it comes to watching videos online, my guess is: he saw a person driving passed with a trump sign, and then he just retweeted it.
That is the most like it likely explanation. Does anyone really think that, president from even in the people, who think that, while he's it he's a racist dummy in orbit, even those people, do you think if he really, intentionally between a video in which somebody's shouting white power, which is what happens in this video. A lot of people who think that that would be like, like just out of simple self preservation, it actually known what was in the video with me. What we did it or is it more likely that, like everybody else, the sound was often his computer? He sees a person yelling, they trump twenty twenty sticker on the front of the golf cart from loves, everybody loves him and the simple fact of the matter, and so he retreated a thing anyway. The video trumpery treated then had takedown dwindle. Really and then it is a dying from from past heart, and white power over the villages.
And imprison from dangers retreat does. He was like thank you to everybody over at the villages, because they're a bunch of older these Billy elderly women holding size, eight from raises and a bunch of golf going by in a Trump professional, with little a mirror, in flags on the back really very, very weird, weird stuff there's a bunch of seniors yelling at each other, some grand? their grandmother the good times over there. My grandfather grandmother raises an end. The one day, shouting white power and present from reach weeds. That ok then, yes to take it down, and this leads to its another tweet a watch. Two thousand it again removed his ability also to do things like attack Joe Biden on policy. Twenty says things like he easily wants him attack central buying a common heritage can say you hung out with it National Centres and I'm old enough to remember any sport, the ninety four crumble and buttons Look at him is: he still has enough brain cells to rub together and it just gonna say right and you reach we videos from white supremacist, shouting white power raids,
It's just a mistake, it is eight, is a useless blunder by the way. Most Republicans are not. You are happy with the bleeding most people at this point. They understand that this is not likely to win him friends and influence people, and I guess I did I presented from his office gave me says: does it feels like he is not honest game? He hasn't been honest game. It's something has gotten under his skin. The point where he is seriously if his game and when his father he tends to revert to a sort of narcissistic egoism, it does not serve well, let's orally so use. I wish I hadn't come in handy estimate, simple question: what are you gonna do in your second term and his answer is so self centered rambling. That, again, is not helpful to him. The word experience is a very important word. It's in a very important meeting I never did this before I never left over in Washington. I was in Washington, I think, seventeen times all of a sudden and present the United States. You know the story of riding down, and so they need to have a new without first lady- and I say it's great but I didn't know very many people in Washington was in my thing I was from Manhattan from New York.
Now I know everybody- and I have people in the administration. You make some mistakes. Like you know, an idiot like ball. Molly want to do is drop bombs on everybody arrive to drop bombs that everybody eaten, there's so much wrong with his answer was not you hire bomb second about you then killed solemnity along with bombs bass. Also, just generally speaking, be question was: what are you going to do in your second term? Why'd, you need a second her. Did that answer of anything. Do the question like at all, but that's it. That's such a sample. Raymond that that is the number one question every president detail. Ass is like what he planned for the second term and the answer isn't about new shopping bands and everybody looked again not coming from a place. I want from to lose its coming from placing he's going to unless he changes something something has to change right they held now. It cannot continue. This way upon, members are not going to support, it is and don't give me they're all fake balls, none every state their vehicles
No one is losing not just ones when state, but everything state there is not a single swing. State is currently leading it. Not one he's losing right now, our competitive in places where he should not be competitive. If we enter election day and from his only winning taxes by one point, he's gonna get want he's going swamp. Ok Republicans needs when taxes by sixty ten points when the presidency Republicans needs when Ohio by a significant number of points. That cannot be in statistical ties and when you act like this, it is not helping you in any way and they get that there's so much for him to campaign on The Erika the economy is recovering, the economy is coming back is coming back, an extraordinarily rapid rate. Why not champion that's why? I still don't understand why the Trump Administration has not cut an ad simply is just video over and over and over again of democratic governor saying they gave us what we need with cover nineteen because of those videos are out there. We played them on the show. I dont get it I dont understand by the President of the United States, not promoting the fact and solely promoting them The Joe Biden has nothing to say about the destruction of american history
in hiding the basement saying nothing about the destruction of american history hopefully you will say some Fannys was July. Fourth addressed from out Rushmore, elderly he'll say something there. I wanted these completely ignore that issue we hasn't, but when the country is going up in flames- and it looks like the president can't do anything about it- that's not a good luck. It is the lowest point of France Presidency right now we're watching the lowest point from presidency. He needs to pick it up and it needs to pick it up fast. Part of that would be fighting back against that there's a story to tell today the really is devastating again more to the strong, the strong mentality that that Trump was supposed to exhibit in the presidency on foreign pilots will get that and it just one second. First, let's talk about the fact that these days you need numbers you just do right and if you want to know your numbers gonna make sure the on top of all of your numbers, the best way that is naturally by or what's the world's number one club businesses to finance HIV means where E commerce, everything you need all in one place she save time money and
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shopping, strong, a broad, that's about the worst combo for the President right now- that's sort of what a lot of people are feeling like and something needs to change and change very quickly as a story out of the washer. The russian spy unit actually paid members of the Taliban to that level. Attacks on: U S, troops in that country, according to a classified american intelligence assessment. The assessment of the role played by the g are you, which is the new fangled KGB in fostering attacks on american soldiers comes, as President Trump is pushing the Pentagon to withdraw a significant portion of the US forces from Afghans and as yours diplomats try to forge a peace accord involving the Taliban and the? U s back to afghan government intelligence. Regarding Russia's actions in Afghanistan was delivered to the White House earlier, the spring, recently had been known only to a handful of officials, a person familiar with its at its contents reported earlier Friday by the New York Times.
It can be determined whether russian bounties page Taliban fighters did result in any american combat. That's, although I want reports suggest the answer is yes, the White House, without confirming the existence of the intelligence segment said, president from has never been briefed on russian bouncy payments, responding to democratic and republican critics who charge the tram knew of the activity and should have halted. So obviously you'd be horrible horrible for the administration and for the american people. If the White House knew that the Russians were paying the Taliban to kill american soldiers, and the White House, is not doing anything. Rush about it and simultaneously negotiating with Taliban over it, I doubt be a disastrous issue for the for the Trump administration
It is not surprising that Russia was doing this. Russia has obviously been attacking american forces directly in places like Syria there that that is not particularly shop, but it is a problem for the president's if it appears that he was dead at the White House knew that Russia was doing this and said nothing and did not hold Russia to account. Is of course, allowed Joe Biden the ability to go after president from an suggestion in Siam President from seed? seemed at the White House. Shouldn't ignore this sort of behaviour not worth noting good information that the Russians have been doing this in places like Iraq, with the iranian forces and play thanks you for a long time, even under Obama, Zyobite being dishonest but again is a line of attack against from This truly shocking revelation that if the time report True, I emphasise again is that president from commander in chief of american troops serving in a day. State of war. As now, what about this for months, according to the times
and on worse than nothing, not always fail to sanction or impose any kind of consequences on Russian or this again This violation of international law, Donald Trump continued is embarrassing. Campaign of deference basing himself before Vladimir Putin, nagging vitamins wildly dishonest here, because Obama literally offered flexibility. Should the russian government, in the run up to twenty five election, if they would lay off before the life himself, must be perfectly clear about this The Obama administration was so soft and rush. I mean I'm old enough. Remember when Mitt Romney is running for president. Had Russia is our number one geopolitical threat and Barack Obama, open debate, said the uniting. These calls wants its foreign policy back. Some are going to hear this crap from Joe Biden, but is that a good look for the president? No is, unfortunately, good luck for the present. You combine that this sort of stuff with the with the overall feeling of just chaos in the country right now, and that's never going to renounce the benefit of incumbent president and there's a story. Getting a lot of attention out of symbol:
Missouri according to Kay em over for hundreds of protesters chanted in March the symbolism, leader cruising on Sunday night, calling for her resignation a group of three hundred protestors. And resign lit out. Take the cops with you marched Africa. And read the name and address of demonstrators going for police reform during a Friday S, an infant but why did you she has been doing that consistently in these Yes, she wasn't signal. I sit singling out. My understanding is only these people, apparently the last three or four weeks. Public records require that yours, due to meet your name in your address and she's, been reading those outlet for weeks, but only these ones were the ones that consternation. In any case, a group of three hundred protesters broke into a gate, a community, meaning that literally label private property, and then they broke into the get a community. They walk ass. His big palatial estates. And they walked over the mayor's house unpainted something on the ground, but the thing that's creating all sorts of news is the fact that there is a husband and wife who came walking at their house. This is big crowd coming into their
the data neighborhood, they walked out of their house now, holding guns, no quick point: ok, Bunch of people had broken into my my property and walking across my front porch, and this group of people had been threatening to get rid of the police like wanting to get The police and protests have very often degraded and violence activity in the past several weeks and of these people, our protest- I know there are annoying, I know, did they watch in my neighborhood by breaking into private property, they broke into a private gate, nor together, if walk, directly, trespass then, I am wondering exactly what it they're using the guns irresponsibly, meaning that pointing them read. It should be pointed out that people, but if they're, just out there saying like if you can but my property. I will show you in lose. My understanding is that legal and more than that All the people were very angry. This couple, for even having guns Andrew
did you are literally chanting defined the police, while trespassing, I'm wondering what exactly it's a private citizens to do an end. Generally, I am wondering what you'll try private citizens, you, your guess, he more of this as the police, We want more and more Americans or law, How can we put in a situation where it's like? Do I let my house get ransacked, or am I supposed to get my gun? what lit? Literally? What do I do? I don't understand what I'm supposed to do. I was seen this in the United States over the past few weeks, using shipowners who are having to defend their stores of guns, but this is not good stuff. Your move, the cops- and this is the sort of stuff that happens, rest said his cup was acting well with guns me. Wouldn't video doesn't look like era supremely Famille with the handling of the firearms they're holding reminiscent pointing them all over and all that. But the notion that big have the guns at all where they should be seen. Like why they scare people which broke into their community anymore, ass. They mightier than they are. I'm not gonna get on board with that. I'm not like that that that it doesn't make any sense to make these people.
Literally walked into a private gated community where it has on private property, and these walk right. It dry Democrats do not believe that they have some sort of root belief in the sanctity of private property, because I'm not seeing the rationale for that now. Meanwhile, I will say that the media are doing an incredible job of paying attention. Where they can pay attention to Republicans doing stuff, that is best insensitive and their ignoring stuff, where Republicans or doing stuff actually kind of like so take an example. There is a there is a story today, the Mississippi is about to lose the the rebel flag from the from the state flag of safe by the Mississippi has Confederate battle flat upon it, and it can go battle flag is mega has been there, for, I believe, one hundred and twenty four years, something like that spending one thousand eight hundred and ninety four or one thousand eight hundred and ninety six, something something to that effect. So the Mississippi state Legislature has now come out and they pointed out and they ve got rid of it.
If they decide they voted in favour of getting rid of the confederate symbol that is on state flag. I think it's probably not a bad thing. Renovating, there's, probably a good thing. I mean the idea that the confederate symbol should be a part of the flag state of the United States and was placed there ahem, only thirty years, absence of war. It's a weird thing like at the very best, it's weird thing and the very most it's it's a race basting. Obviously, a very, very re space thing and I can see why your black merit and living in mississippi- and you look at the confederate sheds light on the states like the less uncomfortable that was the flagged flew over the army of the people worth. It warns. Like my father grandfather, that's that's not something I'm cool! If I get that I get, that job. You know I've got out the Mississippi State Legislature in red. You from this NBC story, see if you can spot what they change the story. Now, let's see if you can see what was missing in the original story. Mississippi lawmakers voted Sunday. Move, the Confederate battle and one's from flag, a symbol that as well more than a hundred twenty years, the state House inside it
RO the suspension of the roll Saturday allowing for debate and a vote on the bill. It has house on Sunday, Bible of ninety one, forty three quickly followed by thirty seven to fourteen Senate vote. Speaking we vote states hindered their examines urge colleagues to vote for the Mississippi of tomorrow. In the name of history. I stand my two sons where one in six years old, who should be educated wars and be able to frequent businesses and express their black voices in public places at all why a symbol of love not hate before the vote that would have given voters the opportunity to eat the flags. Let the new design fail. Is this thing passed last night when the governor said if its enemy, then, Will. I will sign it says the argument over the eighteen. Ninety four flag has become as divisive as the flag itself is time to end it they sent me. Because we can, I will sign it- is the original where the story now contains some party signifier, but it would be kind of important to note at this point, but the Mississippi legislature that vote you get rid of the Confederate battle flag. That is on on the safe, like that,
That legislature breaks down extraordinarily heavily in favour of Republican. The Mississippi House is seventy four forty five Look in the Senate is thirty. Six. Sixteen Republican, the governor was republican. I searched the story twice had why just make sure the original story, which has now been changed original story did not include any reference to party none. It did not say democratic did not say republican assumption is that its generically letters now if there had been a democratic state getting rid of it, don't you think that would have led the story? Democratic state get rid of wouldn't be the story an overwhelmingly republican state to get rid of the Confederate battle flag, assorted implies that most people in that state and most legislators are not racist. Its origin plays. The republican Party is trying to do its best to mitigate the effects of past racism, but the media will do its best to obscure that only later will they go in and self evident story.
Meanwhile Orange County Democrats, one John Wayne removed from the Orange County airport because he made critical racist comments back any nineteen seventies because he said in nineteen. Seventy one there is no genuine playboy interview in which he said What I believe in what you promised me until the blacks are educated to the point of responsibility. I don't believe in giving a thorn in positions of leadership and judgment, the irresponsible people he said Although you didn't condone slavery, I don't feel guilty about the fact that five or ten generations ago these people were slaves, and he says I dont feel we did runs. Are native Americans in taking this great country. Away from them are so called stealing of this country from them was just a matter of survival in great numbers of people who needed Lynn and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it solves, ok, not great stuff right, not obvious, not great suffering, John Wayne, Circa nineteen, seventy one certain agency, I mean and you exude him, unlike parliament, effigy, the reason the John Wayne is on the origin of the airport is not because of John Wayne Personal political views. The region he's on the Orange County airport is because, let us be frank about this, not tons of stuff is going on.
We shall then from Ella. Ok, not tons of stuff is gone unnoticed. County John Wayne lived in Orange County John Wayne is iconic symbol in american film. Literally Canada, there is not a single film stars. You could ever build a statute, your name, a thing for who would be ok at this point, I Bob Hope was the airport where the changes of Burbank Airport it was the Bob Hope Airport. I am sure you dig up stuff. The Bob said it was politically incorrect and or wrong. I'm sure you good, but there are no limiting principle. This cultural Revolution, Woodrow Wilson, is, can be removed from the Princeton Campus they're gonna. Do that because he was a vicious raises me: Woodrow, Wilson, wasn't backing dishes races to who attempted to. Foster Segregation and who was in the eggs the nation of the white, has been really a terrible terrible person. But let us be frank about this. Again. He was a democratic president's and the notion that you're just going to get rid of like he wasn't a confederate he's just a bad bad man whose president
so are we get. So I guess all the names happiness Avenant, except for them, what happened? The NBA Jersey, envy players or another to be allowed to put social justice statements on the back of their jersey? Furthermore, I soon, that will see no social justice statements on the back of jerseys condemning the chinese government for its forcible imprisonment in wiggers any forcible sterilization. Tens of millions of women over the past forty years. I really then. Where is your lot about human rights on it? Just just a guess, just a guess, but if you buy by weight the NBA things is going to add, which appeal to have people wearing on the back of their jerseys political statements. Good luck with that. The luck with that really Megan, making the world more annoying one step at a time players we can. However, they want, but the idea that your watch, baseball game, and suddenly you see on the back of somebody shirt. I voted, though, by what what in the world we have you have to go to New York Yankees now we're nobody even has a name on the back and Jersey, salad, salad stuck happening already, a wheel back your later today, with two additional hours of content. Otherwise, we'll see you here tomorrow,
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by Adam. Sigh of its audio is mixed. I might call Romena here and make up its mind, Geneva. The Ben Shapiro Show is a daily where production, copyright daily wire, twenty twenty. Everyone is Andrew, Clayton hosted the Andrew Clavering Show Trump is in a slump, and he needs to turn it around, but I can't do it alone. Right is part of the problem, the right to find the guts to stand up to a ram aging laugh we'll talk about it on the Andrew Clave
Transcript generated on 2020-06-29.