« The Ben Shapiro Show

Ep. 1970 - The New Trump Nazi Lie

2024-05-22 | 🔗

The Biden campaign leaps on a retweeted video from President Trump to claim he’s a crypto-Nazi; the German legislature votes for lower sentences for child pornography; and the world continues to mourn the death of Iran’s butcher president.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Today's episode is brought to you by Helix. Helix is offering up to 30% off all mattress orders and two free pillows for my listeners. Just head on over to HelixSleep.com/Ben. Well, it's a day ending in Y, and that means it's time for a new myth to be spread about Donald Trump. And it's all of the same sort. There's the Donald Trump is orange Hitler myth, and then there's the Donald Trump is orange and loves... Hitler myth. That is the one that the Democrats and the media are going with yesterday. So yesterday... The Biden team decided to get very, very hot and bothered about a video that was posted by Donald Trump on his Truth Social that included an almost. Illusory headline. I mean it's very difficult to see. It's almost indecipherable in this video. It was just a video showing how Donald Trump is successful And presumably they took some stock newspaper files and they pasted in new headlines. So for those who can't see.
Newspaper headline says What's Next for America? And then beneath that, there are some. Smaller headlines that are from the World War II era. And one of them says industrial strength significantly increased driven by... The creation of a unified Reich. So, you have to zoom in to really see it clearly. There it is. Is a reason to declare Donald Trump a Nazi. And let's be clear about what's actually happening here. What's actually happening here is that Joe Biden's party is Between people who actually are pretty okay with today's Nazis, meaning Hamas or the Iranian regime, and people who are really... Not OK with all of that. That is a battle that is being waged inside the Democratic Party. There is no question at this juncture in time. That the party that is more associated with open anti-Semitism in the United States is the Democratic Party, and in fact They're open anti-Semites who are sitting in the Democratic Party caucus and are being treated with kid gloves by the Biden administration.
The Biden administration has gone so far that they put out a State Department report showing no evidence of Israeli war crimes and said there might be a -- to think Israel is doing war crimes even though we have no evidence. The Biden administration, Joe Biden himself, went out and called for an immediate and Permanent ceasefire the other day with Hamas still in control of parts of the Gaza Strip, including American hostages. Announced to the Israelis that if they went into Rafah in a way that he didn't like, then he would simply remove particular armaments for Israel. So they have to come up with some counter-narrative whereby Donald Trump is the real threat to the Jews. Is the serious anti-semite. Now, Donald Trump does unthinking things on a regular basis. This is one of the hallmarks of his personality. It's been true for literally as long as Donald Trump has been in public life. Does anyone rationally think? that the serious anti-semitism problem in this election lies with Donald Trump? Believe that and if so I would love to see one iota of evidence.
This is all designed to rely on the Joe Biden 2020 argument that Donald Trump was a threat to the republic so deep and abiding that it didn't matter that Joe Biden could no longer speak English. Donald Trump was the person you had to fear. To this dumb video that had a headline that is barely visible, that clearly was a mistake by somebody in putting the thing together. In response to that... Senior Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates said, As you know, we follow the law and do not comment on the 2024 election. It is abhorrent, sickening, and disgraceful for anyone to... Remote content associated with Germany's Nazi government under Adolf Hitler. Just as it is disgraceful to dine with neo-Nazis or to say there were very fine people on both sides after Charlottesville or to falsely claim that
Hitler did some good things. Any anti-Semitic dog whistling is dangerous and offensive and profoundly un-American. This is, of course, a giant misdirect. And we talked at the time about Donald Trump making these rather large boo-boos. We had dinner with Kanye West and Nick Fuentes, which was an absurdity. And a fool's errand, and a bad thing to do, a morally bad thing to do, and from which Donald Trump later, very quickly Dissociated and said he had no idea who Nick Fuentes was. Okay, but in this moment, is there any question which party is more closely tied to today's Nazis? The Democratic Party seems to believe. At least at the highest levels, that if they say that Nazis are bad, the only Nazis that have ever existed are the Nazis. And today's modern analogs, those are people worth n- With. Those are people who might become responsible actors on the world stage. The Trump campaign spokesperson Carolyn Levitt, she said this was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online.
Posted by a staffer who clearly did not see the word while the president was in court. The Biden campaign then sent another statement to media. America stop scrolling and pay attention. Donald Trump is not playing games. Telling America exactly what he intends to do if he regains power. Rule as a dictator over a unified Reich. Parroting Mein Kampf while you warn of a bloodbath if you lose is the type of unhinged behavior you get from a guy who knows that democracy continues to reject his extreme vision of and violence. That is idiotic. I'm sorry, that's the stupidest thing. Because it combines again another myth. You remember the bloodbath myth? This is one the media promoted just a few months ago in which Donald Trump suggested that Joe Biden's border policies, to a bloodbath in America. And this was twisted by the media to suggest that Donald Trump was threatening a bloodbath, as in his followers killing people, if he lost the election. It is truly amazing the lengths to which the Democratic Party and their friends in the media will go in order to sm-
Here are Trump with the most bizarre and stupid possible things. And there's plenty for them to attack Trump on. If they think this is going to win them the election, good luck to them. And this is politics for dumb people. There are a lot of dumb people for the Democrats. Joy Behar over at The View, who is single-handedly capable of... Powering a very small wattage light bulb using her intellectual firepower. Here she was suggesting that if you wear a MAGA hat, you might as well be wearing a swastika. Which is super weird, since like 90% of Orthodox Jews are going to vote for Donald Trump. And given Joe Biden's predilections in the Middle East will walk. Over broken glass to do so. Here is Joy Behar declaring that you're a Nazi if you vote Trump. That hat that you keep wearing, that red hat that says Make America Great Again, that tells people that you go along. This so you might as well just put a swastika on the hat. Don't do that. Because we say it anyway. Oh, really? You remember?
might as well put a swastika on the hat, as we wear a mega hat. So in the opinion of Joy Behar, there are literally... 80 million Nazis running around the United States given the kind of voting that Donald Trump is gonna draw in the upcoming election. That is what she believes, or that is just cover for the reality, which is that Joe Biden is a failing president I'll get to more on this in a moment. First, we all know that cancel culture is a threat to free speech, but do you really think that social media companies are innocent bystanders? when they hide your channel from search results because those channels express the wrong opinion. Nobody should have the right to silence your voice. The good news is you can fight back against the social media bros by using my trusted privacy partner Express. The alarming reality is that big tech companies monitor your searches, the videos you watch, every click you make. And use to serve you those targeted ads, potentially compromising your privacy and free speech. When you use ExpressVPN, however, the tech companies can't see your IP address at all.
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I don't even know what he's remotely going for here. I signed the PAC Act into law. I handed the pen that I signed it with the nutrition of the most person, most responsible. After I signed the knick-knack paddywhack, give it all the bone and the lies, and the bandage. - Sure, baby. Why, why oh why is he losing this election? No one knows. Well, one of the big problems for the left right now is that its philosophy is a complete mashup of a bunch of different ideas that are mutually Exclusive and we are seeing it all come to fruition before us in the ugliest of possible ways. Modern leftism has basically become a mashup between three principles and the worst aspects of these Principles. So principle number one that the left supposedly embraces is a sort of John Stuart Mill libertarianism. This is particularly true on social issues in which I'm free to...
Do whatever I want except harm you. I can wave my fist around until it hits you in the face. Harm principle of John Stuart Mill, which is really a libertarian principle, and if taken properly, means things like property rights, free speech. But that is not what the left totally means by it. Basically what they mean is that you shouldn't have any pressure on you to perform anything in the way of duty. There should be no boundaries on your personal behavior. So John Stuart Mill, libertarianism, in which consent is the... Central value and there is no higher virtue at all. That is principle number one. Principle number two is the belief that... Human beings are their feelings. And so, if human beings are their feelings, then it actually is an act of harm. For me to insult your feelings. So it's a perversion of the John Stuart Mill Principle. It's a perversion of that principle. So the John Stuart Mill principle again is you can wave your hand around until you hit me in the face. You can say whatever you want.
My feelings are hurt or not is irrelevant. But the second principle that the left now believes is that I am my feelings. And so if you hurt my feelings, you have... Done to me a grave harm. You're erasing my identity. That is a concept that's drawn from 19th century romanticism, which was sort of blowback. To the enlightenment rationality that was put forth by philosophers like John Locke Romanticism was the philosophy of Rousseau, the philosophy of Shelley. You are your feelings. And because you are your feelings, therefore no one can offend you. And then there's the third principle. Which is that all failures are the result not of you individually, but of systems surrounding you. And again, that is a concept... Is drawn from Rousseau and from Karl Marx. It's those three principles, modern leftism, a mashup of the worst aspects of this. Of libertarianism, in which there's no such thing as virtue, there's just moral relativism, and I can do or say whatever I want so long as it doesn't hurt you.
Which again on its own is at least arguable. But that is matched up with a second principle, which is that it is a form of. Arm to insult you or make you feel bad. And a third form, a third principle, which is that if you fail. Life, it is not as a result of your activity or as a result of your choices, it is the systems surrounding you. When you add all of those together, then politics basically turns into just a power game. Because after all, who def- whose feelings are paramount. Right, it may be that me saying a thing hurts your feelings, but me not saying a thing hurts my feelings. Feelings are paramount. How are those feelings protected? What systems need to change to bring about this magical personal utopia? What the... Constructionists realized is that basically all of this was specious and all politics is just a power game and that's in essence what the left ends up promoting. Is a power game where they get to sit at the top of the heap and boss everybody else around and structure society.
In ways that are anathema to a healthy functioning society. So I want to go through each of these principles just to show you in one day's news how each of these three principles is brought forth. Get to more on this in just a moment. First, are you or somebody you know fighting the battle against cancer? For the last 25 years, Invita Medical School has been a priority. Have been pioneering personalized, cutting edge treatment programs for patients all over the world. And VITA has been the leader for patients looking for advanced immunotherapy and genetically targeted therapies, all while focusing on fewer side effects. Effects and better patient outcomes. As a global leader in oncology care, Invita is committed to healthcare freedom for everyone. A revolution in employer health care options, empowering companies to provide their employees with access to not only top doctors... Hospitals and technologies, but also first of its kind nationwide personalized medicine coverage. Invita is doing all of this, plus offering significant tax and cost savings, full transparency,
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Who are celebrating all of this are all of the associations that love pedophilia. A statement of opposition was released by the Christian Democratic Union and the Christian Social Union of Bavaria, saying the... Distribution, possession, and acquisition of child pornography must, in principle, remain classified as crimes. The movie has already been praised by a German pro-pedophile activist group according to Redux.info known as Krum 13 or simply K-13, the activist group has been described as a self-help organization for pedophiles. Blog posts written by its founder, K-13 laments that no politician in all factions apologized to the thousands upon thousands of those affected who fell victim. To a 2021 law which had made possession of child sexual material a felony. So again, why is happening. The reason that that is happening is because there is this bizarre libertarianism that is broken out.
Far beyond its original boundaries, to suggest that so long as no non-consenting party is harmed, is totally okay. And you can see the wages of this all over our society. It's created, it's wreaked absolute havoc. Topic, with regard to relations between the sexes. You see this all the time, where... A man will treat a woman like trash and she will consent to it and then five minutes later she'll feel bad about it and not know exactly what to do with those feelings. And if consent is your only value, then there's nothing she can do. Not only that, the man didn't do anything wrong. What he was doing to her. Well, it turns out that in a traditionally virtuous system, there are many things that you can gain consent to do that are still bad and gross and violative. Sex work would be the most obvious example of this. Prostitution is the act sometimes. Of two consenting adults, it is still gross violative, degrading to the human soul spirit, and degrading to women and men who engage in it. Hey, but, the John Stewart-
The corporate mill principle has been taken to its ultimate extreme in many European countries with regard to matters sexual. To the manifestation of the second left wing principle, which is that human beings are their feelings. These are the only things that matter. And this, of course, is the essence of the transgender movement, which suggests that there needs to be no evidence whatsoever that you are a member. Of the opposite sex. No biological evidence, no brain scans, nothing. As long as you claim that you are a member of the opposite sex in violation of all data. You must be treated as a member of the opposite sex. You are, in fact, a member of the opposite sex. Your feelings are paramount. And to deny that that is a reality is to harm you. Is constantly being used by advocates of transgenderism is that they're being erased. If you don't acknowledge a falsehood, then you have erased them. Because they are their feelings. If you denigrate their feelings, then you have erased them. Now this run is totally counter to all mental health.
Because mental health very often is about looking at foolish thoughts and saying, That's not true. Looking at feelings. And saying that is not justified. But again, in a society that is feeling centric, you end up with really, really bad policy. Question that we live in a society in which those who are the loudest about their feelings and have that are counter the traditional morality, which is really what brings all of left-wing philosophy together. It's not the commonalities between these three principles, it's their opposition to tradition that matters. This all comes together in things like yelling at people... For more information, visit our website at www.plastics-car.com questioning whether boys should be able to compete against girls. The New York Times reported yesterday, quote, This... A group of elected parent leaders in New York asked the city to review Education Department rules, allowing transgender students to plan on sports team that align with their gender identity. The parent council said the current policies present challenges to youth Athletes and coaches, and failed to consider the well-being of girls. The school's chancellor, David C. Banks, called the proposal despicable and disgusting.
No way in line with our values. Democratic officials have also responded to the parent council swiftly and angrily. 18 Democratic elected officials from New York called the proposal hateful, discriminatory, and there it is, actively harmful. Right? is now you made me feel bad about myself. The elected officials. Include Representative Jerry Nadler, Assemblyman Tony Simone, State Senators Liz Krueger and Brad Hoylman Segal, as well as five City Council members. Officials argued that the resolution was based in anti-LGBTQ+/SINR. It has helped fuel her Harassment, and mental health issues for young people. It is demonstrative of that second principle in action, which is that feelings are the only things that matter. And I mean, you can see this breakout online all the time, right? This is what TikTok is dominated by. People expressing their feelings. The most obvious and hilarious example over the past 48 hours is a video that has been going.
Around of liberal women participating in what is called a rage ritual. I warn you, this is going to be loud and obnoxious. It is a rage ritual retreat where-- apparently spent $4,000 to bash sticks on the ground and scream. And this is what happened. This is you in consonance with your deepest self, meaning your feelings, your idiotic, stupid feelings. Here we go. So in case you thought that there's an axe murder happening, you are incorrect. Right now I feel afraid I feel sad for screaming. Okay. This is the worst horror movie of all time It's amazing comedy though. They're just taking sticks and bashing them on the ground. Hey, society doesn't need men. Give it to them! What are they trying to take?
Wow, this is this is terrifyingly hilarious. So, feelings are paramount. And if you say those feelings look incredibly stupid and you look incredibly stupid expressing them, then this, of course, is a sin. It is bad, according to the left. And then the final piece, systems are responsible for people's lives. So if you are an idiot who goes to the woods and pays $4,000 to smack a stick into the ground and scream at the top of your lungs, not only is that fine and good. The system is responsible for you failing in life. And this is how you end up with the situation in Portland, where over the past 24 hours, Politico points out... There is a progressive DA fighting for his job in Hipster, Portland. The Keep Portland Weird t-shirts are on sale. It's still common to encounter employees wearing N95 masks. If that's an out, it greets visitors at the N95. Iconic Powell's books down here. The first image is of a private security guard staged just past the entrance with his ubiquitous
Is enduring live and let live ethos and a politics so deep blue the homeless guy outside the Whole Foods in the Pearl District solicited patrons to buy him a beer by bearing an F Trump cardboard sign Portland hardly ripe for Republican takeover. But on Tuesday, the voters of Multnomah County, the surrounding jurisdiction, a county that has not voted Republican for president since 1960, could in fact replace their incumbent Schmidt with a man who was in the GOP until after Donald Trump became president. Why? Well, because the... DA in Portland basically decided not to prosecute any of the crimes, which is a real problem. Of believing that the system itself is corrupt. So don't prosecute any of the crimes. You see this on America's college campuses. More on this in just one second. First, my days are obviously incredibly full. I've got the show, I've got the company. Lot going on. And I start to run down really quickly if I don't get a good night's sleep. That is why I appreciate and rely heavily on my Helix mattress. Helix harnesses years of mattress expertise to offer that truly elevated sleep experience. The Helix Elite Collection includes six different mattress models.
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Get probation after the faculty voted 154 to 136 to recommend amnesty because of course the system is to blame in the end. It is the system that is to blame. Harvard faculty did the same thing by the way. Harvard Crimson reports that members of the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences overwhelmingly voted to add 13 students back to the... List of degrees recommended for conferral in May after students were initially barred from graduating at commencement over their participation in the Pro-Qamas Encampment. 15 seniors had been barred from graduating by the ad board for their involvement in the encampment, but the faculty Members decided that they were going to vote in favor of people violating the rules of Harvard because it's the system to blame. These students are not to blame for any of their activities. They in fact are good-hearted rebels. And you can't blame them for that. Again, you see this with regard to international politics, where the left has decided to embrace the world's worst human beings, legitimately the world's worst human beings and cover for them, because their evil is a result of the...
International system of some dominant shadowy force that has structured the system not to their liking. So yesterday, the United Nations headquarters took down its flag to half-staff. Not in honor of the victims of October 7th. In honor of the Christians who are being kidnapped in Nigeria, not in honor of the 600,000 Muslims killed in Syria, in honor of the -- Iranian president, the butcher of Tehran, who died in a helicopter crash. Here they were at the U.N., on American soil, by the way, taking down the flag to half mast. America should withdraw all funding from the UN, take over the building, and turn it into a Trump hotel. That's what I hope President Trump does when he's re-elected. It literally take the flag down to half-staff here in honor of a butcher in Tehran, which is insane. Not sure I've ever seen a more clear example of what this organization, this trash organization is.
Philosophy dominates our media as well. Yesterday, it emerged that a New York Times reporter named Farnaz Fasihi was caught on tape urging. Other reporters not to interview an Iranian dissident lest the dissidents in Iran actually be heard from Leave to make sure Emma doesn't interview the crazy. Miss Fassi, your mic is open. Hey, so that is a New York Times reporter saying do not interview the dissident do not and That is again because of that third left wing principle which is that failure in society is a result of broad Western values. The one that unifies everyone in the end. So what is the solution according to the left? The solution to the left is that the elites left retain top-down control. The most obvious way they can do this is to retain control of the world economy. But they need a cover to do that. They can't just grab control of the world economy without some blowback.
That they use therefore is you wait for it global warming of course because that's a global problem The only response is global control. The only way to solve global warming is with top level global control. This is the case that is being made by our treasury secretary. Yesterday explaining the top priority for the Biden administration in an era of historic inflation in an era of economic stagnation. The top priority is climate and clean energy. Sustainable growth. We need clean energy economies that are less vulnerable to shocks, including from geopolitics. These economies in ways that expand economic opportunity. Thank you.
President Biden has made this a top priority. At home, the Inflation Reduction Act is fueling investments in manufacturing and clean energy. And expanding economic opportunity across the United States. Okay, it's not going to expand economic opportunity across the United States. It's going to toss trillions of dollars into boondocks. Goggles that are a complete waste of time and money. But the real goal is to restructure the entire economy. But the agenda for the great reset, that is his term, not mine, the agenda is a complete the global economy in the name of elites who wish to rule top down, in the name of this leftist ideology. Be. Jenny Yellen then suggested the transition to green energy is the greatest opportunity we've known. It really, really is not. I wish that green technology...
Were significantly more developed than they are. They simply are not ready for prime time. The transition to green energy is now increasingly recognized as the greatest economic opportunity of the 21st century. With an estimated over $3 trillion in investment opportunities each year between now and 2050. - Okay. No one believes that this is about providing economic opportunity. It is all about, as Joe Biden has suggested, equity, diversity, inclusion, social justice. It is all about imposing a regime. From the top down. We'll get to more on this in a moment. First, if you're struggling with collections, medical bills, credit cards, personal loans, you should check out PDS Debt. PDS Debt is an innovative, one-stop- shop to guide you on your journey to freedom from debt. There's no one-size-fits-all solution to becoming debt-free, which is why PDS Debt offers multiple programs and solutions tailored to your specific needs, budget, and future financial goals.
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columnists over at the free press and I actually earlier have called revenge of the normies. Revenge of the normies is happening. It's happening in real time. People do not like this crap. They do not like the application of unthinking libertarianism to matters like child pornography. They do not like the idea that if you are offended in your feels that this amounts to a harm that must be controlled. Top down by our institutions and government. And they really don't like the idea that everyone's individual failure is the result of a corrupt system. They don't like any of this. And you can see it in the polling. I understand that these narratives are very popular online. But as I've been saying for a while now, online is not real life. It is not real life. X is not real life. Facebook is not real life. Is certainly not real life. None of these places are real life. They are geared for virality. The greater reason for being is to get you to click on more things, which means feeding you more things that feed your feels. That is what they are there for. But... But!
Then people actually get outside and touch grass. And then when they are asked questions like, Who do you approve of? Who do you like? that people like precisely the institutions that protect traditional values from the left. Institution in the United States by far the Harvard Harris poll by far the most popular institution in the United States is the United States military knocking in at 83% support. 83% support. Only 10% don't support the second most popular institution in the United States. The police at 75% I'll see you next time. The FBI just what it's myriad foibles and failures because it turns out that that criminals ought to be investigated even if the FBI is misused. And when you get to international politics, the approval rating for Ukraine is currently, in the United States, 53%, compared to just 27%, who say...
They disapprove or have an unfavorable view. For Israel, 53% have a favorable view, compared to just 26% who do not. The US Supreme Court has high levels of adherence at 52% positive and just 38% negative. Believe it or not, even Fox News has a favorable rating that is better than its unfavorables. Fox News clocks in. 49% favorable and 41% unfavorable. Compare that to CNN. CNN is stuck at 44% favorable and 44% unfavorable. In fact, when you move all the way down the list to the things that are least popular in the United States, it is all left-wing priorities. Hamas has a 14% approval rating. Tifa has a 17% approval rating. China has a 20% approval rating. The Palestinian Authority has a 20% approval rating. These campus protesters-- Being touted as the legion of moral leaders by our media.
Have a 25% approval rating with 57% of Americans disapproving. NBC is stuck at 39% approval compared with 38% disapproval. So in other words... The normies still exist. And they are legion. They are, in fact, a silent majority. And that's not just true in the United States. Abroad as well. It's certainly true in the United States. You're seeing increasing moves by the population. To simply reject the matrix that has been created by the left wing in terms of thought. So, for example... Over in Oregon, a high school boy raced a bunch of girls and won the state championship. The person's name is Aidan Gallagher. Gallagher finished first with a time of 23.83 seconds. In the 200 meter race, which is not an amazing time for a dude.
Jones from Roosevelt High School finished second at 24.023. In the 400 meter finals, missing first by only 0.15 of a second. Now, the OSAA, that's the Oregon School of Activities Association, allows anyone to participate Based on their assorted gender identity. And here's what the tape looks like. Okay, look at this gigantic dude. Just outracing all the girls, because that is a large dude. But listen to the crowd. That's the more important thing. The crowd boos. Because the normies are not going to sit still for this any longer. They realize that the protection of normal, virtuous lifestyle requires... Here's the rejection of this amalgamation of exaggerations of bad ideas that actually
Pretty good. But the only thing that holds together the leftist philosophy is opposition to tradition. And it turns out tradition is pretty good. And what we're about to see is a serious, real backlash. A real backlash against these sorts of transgressive values. We'll get to that in just one moment. First, get ready for something special tonight. Join me, along with Matt Wal- Michael Moles, Andrew Klavan and Jeremy Boring backstage 7 p.m. Eastern 6 p.m. Central streaming live and free over at daily wire plus we are We've been taking you behind the scenes and beyond the headlines at Daily Wire Plus and we have been told that Jeremy Boring has a special announcement you'll hear first during backstage. Ooh, ah. We've been busy. It's been way too long since we've been together. There's a lot to discuss. This is your chance to hear about all of it. Don't miss out. Watch live and free at Daily Wire Plus tonight at 7 p.m. Eastern, 6 p.m. Central. The revenge of the normies it is going to happen. So while the Europeans are proclaiming their moral superiority over the rest of the world, including Israel fighting a war to
The Europeans are busily blocking everybody from entering their continent. According to the Washington Post, with EU backing, North Africa nations have been pushing migrants into the desert. According to the Washington Post quote, There is Algeria. Follow the light. The Tunisian official barked at the black migrants. If you're seen here, you will be shot. Francois, a 38-year-old Cameroonian, obeyed, jumping off the bed of a pickup truck near desolate Algerian frontier. A day earlier, the rickety boat attempting to carry him and other hopeful sub-Saharans to Europe, including his wife and six-year-old stepson, had been interdicted by the Tunisian Coast Guard in the cobalt blue waters off the coast. Still wet and cold, the group of 30 migrants, including two pregnant women, now walked toward their punishment, the desert. They're ordeal in Odyssey of at least 345 miles from sea to sand, recounted by Francois, GPS tracking on his phone with images and videos he captured during 9 Days of Wandering illustrates one example of draconian practices being deployed in at least three North African nations to dissuade sub-Saharan migrants from risky crossings to Europe.
The Europeans lectured the United States all the damn time about closing our southern border? Yeah, they are just stranding people in the desert in Africa! The clandestine operations mainly targeting black migrants had a silent partner Europe. A year-long joint investigation by the Washington Post, Lighthouse report... And a consortium of international media outlets shows how the EU and individual European nations are supporting and financing aggressive operations by governments in North Africa to detain tens thousands of migrants each year and dump them in remote areas off in barren deserts. European funds have been used to train personnel and buy equipment for units implicated in desert dumps and human rights abuses, records and interviews shows. Most inhospitable parts of North Africa, exposing them to abandonment with no food, no water, kidnapped. Extortion, sales, human channel, torture, sexual violence, and in the worst instances, death. In Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia, vehicles of the same make and model as those provided by European countries to local security forces rounded up black...
Migrants from streets, or transported them from detention centers to remote regions. European officials held... Internal discussions on some of the abusive practices since at least 2019. The EU provided more than 400 million euros to Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania between 2015 and 2021 under its large-scale policy. Migration Fund, the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, an initiative to foster local economic growth and stem migration. So they've just been paying all these North African countries to basically dump people in the desert because they don't want people entering the contest. And at the same time that they are complaining about human rights abuses in other parts of the world. So number one, the Europeans are hypocrites. But number two, it is well worth pointing out at this point that civilizations seek to protect themselves from people who do not share their values. And that is not bad. That is not wrong. This has tremendous, terrible human cost is a reality of the world. Because the simple fact of the matter is that you can.
Not have open borders and consider yourself a civilization. You cannot. Open borders are reserved for people who wish to come. And assimilate to your way of life. And you can see this in nation after nation, in Europe. The right wing. Backlash that the media have been lamenting for years on end. The hue and cry about the election of Gert Wilders in the Netherlands. Or Viktor Orban in Hungary or Giorgia Maloney in Italy. All of that has been a backlash to the reality, which is European populations do not want who are not ready to assimilate, not interested in assimilation, and they do not feel a duty to simply ingest foreign populations because other places on Earth are bad places to be. That is a normal thing. That is not wrong. It is not wrong for a civilization to seek to protect itself. Now, you can say that the means by which it protects itself are wrong, bad, that there are better ways to do it, but the reality is... Is the reality. Multiculturalism is a giant fail. It is an enormous failure. People have different value systems.
Those different value systems are not always compatible. So Finland. It has a new right wing government. It proposed on Tuesday a new law that would allow frontier guards to turn away asylum seekers at the border. A migrant surge, Helsinki said, was orchestrated by Russia. Prime Minister Pateri Orpo told reporters new legal tools were necessary after the arrival last autumn of about 1,000 migrants without visas on their eastern border. With Russia. The Nordic country closed its border with Russia in mid-December after the surge of migrants. Now again. Are they wrong to do that? No, they're not. They get to protect their country. Meanwhile, experts are warning in Sweden that the country... On the brink of civil war as the country is gripped by migrant violence, according to the Express. Lauren Adamson, senior lecturer in sociology at Uppsala University, told Express his country was becoming a capital of violence. Due to a wave of suspected criminals moving there. According to official figures from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, the
Fatalities a year per million from gun violence is more than double the European average. In 2017, there was... 281 shootings in Sweden by 2022. That number was 391. The Swedish rate of death by shooting was more than twice that of the UK, despite Sweden having a population less than one-sixth the size. You gonna- Her rate in Stockholm was 30 times that of London despite having a population of less than 1 million. In this video, we will be discussing the importance of the ability to create a new app for users. Main pockets of the violence are not found in the center of the city according to Adamson, but in residential neighborhoods. He pointed out a link between the sharp uptick in crime and the marked increase in immigration into the country. In 2017, I was a little bit more excited about the future of the game. I was a little bit more excited about the future of the game. 58% of those suspected of crime on reasonable grounds had migrated to Sweden. For murder, attempted murder, and manslaughter, those figures were 73%. The scholar said, Even though migrants are generally law-abiding people, still the likelihood of a migrant, especially from the Middle East or Africa, especially below 50 years of age,
Much, much higher than for a Swedish person. These are just facts. This is the end of the video. This guy is not a right winger. He says this material is not political in the least. This is just based on the statistics. This is a test. There's a reason why the right in Sweden is rising. There's a reason why the right in France is rising. There's a reason why the right in the United States is rising as well. As it turns out, the conflagration of all these values is an explosion. It is very bad for the West. It is a destruction of traditional mores when it comes to family and sexuality. It amounts to open borders that destroy the internal cohesion of a society because you believe that failures in other countries are a result not of their systems but of ours. It results in the destruction of church. It results in the destruction of the church. Of pretty much everything that is good in the name of a dictatorship of the elites who believe they can restructure society according to their own whims and desires to make everybody
magically flower into the kind of human being they wish to hang around. But guess what? That is not reality. It is one of the reasons, by the way, why the Israel-Gaza conflict, the Israel-Hamas conflict has become tip of the spear for this entire conflict. Why? Because on the one hand, you have an incredibly well-developed, economically developed success. Technologically innovative liberal democracy comprised about... 80% of Jews and 20% of non-Jews, or virtually all Arab. And on the other side, you have a terrorist group with no minorities that is Seeking to murder every Jew in the region, tyrannize the population, steal the aid that is currently coming in, and steal the money. Somehow, the international left has found sympathy for those people. Somehow the international left has decided that those are the people, the Hamasniks.
Who really deserve support. Let me just remind you, the people who are being sided with here, these are the sorts of people who force eight-year-old hostages to do hostage videos. This is a video that was uncovered by the Israelis in Gaza of an eight year old hostage Stolen away by Hamas on October 7th, forced to do hostage videos on behalf of this terror group. And it's this terror group that right now the international left is seeking to preserve while ripping on Israel. Please again. Doesn't hate Israel because Israel is uniquely bad. The left hates Israel because Israel is a western country. In a very non-western part of the world, which means it's inherently bad according to the left light. Video of an 8 year old girl who is forced to do multiple takes of a hostage video on behalf of a terrorist group. And I'm Noam's daughter. I'm eight years old. I'm asking Bibi to release us. I'm a Hamas hostage.
That's an eight-year-old girl. And somehow, this has become a question in moral equivalence. Now again, all of this is predicated on the fact that we're all human beings. It on falsehood and lies. All of it is devastating. But in the end the Normies are going to win. Reasons. One, there are more of them than there are of the crazies who believe that all of the systems need to be torn down. The revolutionaries are not that large a number. They make a lot of fuss because they have no jobs and they have no lives. They can go out in the streets by the hundreds of thousands. They're not that many of them statistically by polling data. But there's another reason. Normies tend to be. Successful, people who value tradition and family and church and free markets and free speech. Who tend to be more successful in life. Which means that... Basically, the revolutionaries only exist at the sufferance of the normies. And that sufferance is growing really, really fast. Short. That does not mean that it's not a threat to the West. It certainly is. We'll get to more on this in a moment. First, emergency.
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Safety and well-being by securing your food storage today. Go to preparewithben.com for 200 bucks off your three month emergency supply. That's preparewithben.com preparewithben.com. Bill threat here. The real threat is that this leftist ideology, this gross left wing ideology, has pervaded the younger generation in particular. And we'll see you next time. Mainline social liberalism into the bloodstream of body politic. And they did a really crappy job raising their kids as a general matter. Like a truly terrible job. What is the result of that? Well, the result of that is that their grandkids and kids have horrible values. According to the NBC News poll. Baby boomers, people who are age 59 to 77, 76% of them believe that patriotism is very important. Those are people aged 18 to 26 in this poll. Only 32 percent, less than a
Third, believe patriotism is very important. 65% of baby boomers believe. That belief in God and religion are very important only 26% of 18 to 26 year olds think so as far as having children. 52% of baby boomers believe that's very important. So by the way, that is a great indicator of how skewed the value. The baby boomers are. That number should be 100%. You know what's really, really important? The most important thing you can do as a human being? Have kids and raise those kids. Well. It's literally the most important thing you can do as a human. And only 52% of baby boomers think that's a very important thing. That their grandkids, only 23%, say that having children is very important. change. And unsurprisingly, while two-thirds of baby boomers say that America is the best place to live, only one-third of Gen Zers believe that. Unsurprisingly, Americans 18 to 29 are also more likely to say they have a positive impression of socialism.
Favorable. Only 40% by the way are favorable on capitalism. It is also worth noting that people aged 18 to 29 according to Pew Research Center Favor Palestine over Israel 33 to 14, which demonstrates true... Levels of extraordinary moral blindness. That all of the bad values bled down generationally. So the true problem for the United States is the kids, Marty. Some things got to be done about the kids. Now one of the solutions there is that it turns out that the value system of left is a life of misery. It's women in the forest beating sticks against the ground shouting at the wind. And in that misery there will be a bunch of people who eventually turn back to something more traditional. But, the other thing...
Solution is going to be a muscular defense of traditional values, not a shy defense, not being polite, not being nice, explaining in very clear and convincing terms that the Promulgated by the left is not only a lie, it is a damaging lie. It wrecks the country, it wrecks individuals, it leads to... Broken souls and broken lives. Making that case is vital. And if older people won't do it, if middle aged people won't do it, there won't be anybody to do it. With is a generation of revolutionaries who do outnumber the normies. And at that point, all the systems get broken. When systems get broken, ain't no fixing those systems. These systems built hundreds of, were built over the course of hundreds of years. And fundamental truths. When they break, it is really much harder to fix them than it is to preserve them. So in other words, to my normie friends, get on your horse, it's time to ride.
Already coming up, we'll jump into the vaunted Ben Shapiro show mailbag. If you're not a member, become a member, use code Shapiro, and check out for two months free on all annual plans. Click that link in the description and join us.
Transcript generated on 2024-05-22.