« Casefile True Crime

Casefile Presents: The Frankston Murders

2023-03-30 | 🔗
In June 1993, Elizabeth Stevens, 18, was murdered on her way home from the bus stop. Her death began a seven-week reign of terror for the people of Frankston. A serial killer was on the loose. No one was safe, not young mother, Debbie Fream, 22, taken on a trip to the shops, nor Natalie Russell, 17, murdered on her way home from school. The serial killer, Paul Denyer, was captured and sentenced to life in prison. On appeal, he was granted a 30-year minimum sentence. Fast forward 30 years, and Denyer has applied for parole. Award-winning crime writer Vikki Petraitis was on patrol with police the night the final murder took place. She wrote the bestselling book, The Frankston Murders, which has never been out of print. Vikki has revisited the case in a long-form podcast to remind the world why Denyer must never be released. The Frankston Murders podcast uncovers new material and new victims stalked by Denyer in the lead-up to the killings. Vikki interviews prison guards, police officers, family members, and people caught in the periphery of a serial killer. https://casefilepresents.com/the-frankston-murders
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is this that guy, let's go upon day, one work out with us for thirty minutes feel good right away. I repeat five days a week for three weeks: three weeks, five or doubts are weak, we're body, and we call that a body block you bring the block and you're gonna love. The experience are weak, for this part is really important. Take the week off seriously, we mean it rest, go on vacation or try something new. Maybe some yoga noticed your not holding onto any tension or a dance class. Sexy waited vanity. You do you and then start again be committed to this process choose, a new body block each month, get a new chance and each month have fun every day, avoid Verne out you're, not gonna, creating yours Today. This is how you reach your girls. You in there is nothing we can do if we work together. Sign up for your first body block today visit body dot com for a free trial. That's b, o d I
I come. Are you ready to get started during the winter of ninety? Ninety three: the moments suburb of francs, then was terrorized by a vicious serial killer named pull Daniel. Following his arrest, Daniel sentenced to life in prison, which was lighter, changed to us, de minimum sentence three guides lighter dania- has applied for perot case file previously covered pull Daniel crimes back in twenty six days now, to coincide with Dennis bid for peril case file presence. Launching along form series about their case as a reminder that Daniel must never be replaced research, written and hosted by award winning crime ride. I figured that traders, the franklin murders, puncture, stan covers new material and new victims. Stalked by Daniel, in the lead up to the killings in fiji, the views, prison guards, police officers, family members and people chord in them
a referee of a serial killer. All eleven episodes of the franks than murders are available to listen to right now, stay tuned to The trailer and be sure to follow them, frank's than murders wherever you get, your blog cost. In june nineteen, ninety three elizabeth Stevens eighty, was murdered on her way home from the boston. Her death, big, seven wake reign of terror for the people of frankenstein irish but thinking how can I happened to someone? That's fought so hard to get away and have a good life A serial killer was on the loose. No one was safe, not young, mother, Debbie frame, twenty two taken on it. To the shops nor natalie Russell seventeen murdered on her way home from school. In two detectives came in a night said to prime myself
Can we can show a pride? We went into the bedroom. I say I'm sorry to tell you It's nearly the serial killer, Paul Denyer was captured and sentenced to life in prison on appeal. He was granted a thirty year, minimum sentence I saw his face. It yeah, I'm smiling. You saw the thing he was prayer Walid fast forward. Thirty years and Daniel Applied for parole award, winning crime. Rada Vicki betrayed us was on patrol with police the night. The final murder took place as it crime author? I found myself why, in the heart of frankenstein doing wide belongs with the local police when the murders happening she wrote, the best selling book, the frankston murders, which has never been out of print vicky has re visited the case in along form podcast to remind the world wide dania- must never
they released. Daniel, isn't just interests. When young women are concerned, hey is dangerous. To all women babies, school girls, friends, strange older women, everyone the frame then murders podcast on covers new material and new victims stalked by Daniel, in the lead up to the killings dead, woman policemen came to me and said you should take it in tat: as much as I always unlucky is person around vickie interviews, prison guards, police officers, family members and people chord in the periphery of a serial killer. He has not learnt its lesson. He has not changed. He has not become remote. For he has not repented. All even poligized a scale of one to ten uneasily forty minutes twenty, it's that far off the scale.
The french than murders is the latest podcast from case file presents available now, wherever you get your podcasts. your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is this: let's go: let's go upon day. One work out with us for thirty minutes feel good right away. I repeat five days a week for three weeks: three weeks, five or doubts are weak, we're body, and we call that a body block you bring the block and you're gonna love. The experience are weak, for this part is really important. Take the week off seriously. We mean it rest, go on vacation or try something new. Maybe some yoga noticed your not holding onto any tension or a dance class sexy waded daddy. You do you and then start again be committed to this process. choose a new body block each month get a new chance And each month have fun every day avoid Verne out you're, not gonna, creating yours
today. This is how you reach your girls. You in there is nothing we can do if we work together. Sign up for your first body block today visit body dot com for a free trial, that's b, o d I dont come. Are you ready to get started? Really? Is a politically this number funding their big fitness energy. You can join we're just one other down in ten dollars a month. That's nice, helping us twice! You can join planet bidders, wrote one dollar down ten dollars a month. No commitment to cancel anytime. You will be able to see home to upper details.
Transcript generated on 2023-03-31.