« Desert Island Discs

Classic Desert Island Discs - Baroness Sue Campbell

2022-09-11 | 🔗
Lauren Laverne's castaway is Baroness Sue Campbell, Director of Women's Football at the FA. First broadcast in 2020.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Pvc sounds music. Radio broadcasts lower in rovaniemi were taken us some a break so until tobacco now was showcasing a few programmes from our archive. As usual, the music speech shortened for rights reasons. This week's guest is barnett sue campbell, director of women's football at the football association you might have spotted, has celebrating the lion s his victory at the euros at wembley stadium. When I cast doorway in twenty twenty. the my castaway,
sweet is deemed sue campbell as director of women's full at the fda she's presided over a blossoming of the sport with the lionesses making it to the semi final of last year's world cup, but it was as a p teacher manchester more side that she first witness the power of sport to transform lives when she persuaded a hard to reach to start their own dance troupe, she's been inspiring and creating change ever since a sports each herself. She loved football and paid netbook for england, always a trailblazer she became the first female sports lecturer at la for university cofounded. The youth sport trust and became the chair of uk sport. Her reward would be to oversee the largest british metal hole in living memory at the london. The twelve olympics. She was awarded her dame hood in this year's new year's on us. She says, I believe, in the power of sport. I felt it it's in my heart and my head: hid sitting on that way- would edge pulled back by this thing called sport behalf.
Only music and sport can speak to kids in that way. Plenty of both to this today dame sue campbell, welcome to desert island discs. Thank you very much, my pleasure to be here. So last summer, six million of us watch the lionesses first game on tv, lots of pops up down the country packed with people watching england's women's world cup. Semi final match against the: u s and it wembley november over eighty five thousand people watch their friendly against germany. How did all of that feel? I think its remarkable and if you said that, two nay. Even a year ago, I would have said, trot not a probability main in fact, eleven point: seven million. What's that semi final, the eyes on the gangs really important, and for me girls and women. Sports has always lag behind both in terms of the number of participants in the opportunities and, if she'd been when lay an you'd walk wembley wide olympic. Why? I need you sat in that crowd? What would have filled you with joy?
Was the number of young girls with their brothers with their fathers with their own courts with the mums with their arms sittings of family unit? loving, watching sport. Now, as will hear you used to growing organizations, what's been your biggest challenge, growing women's football when I first came in, I was given three very clear targets: double participation, double the fanbase, which we've more than achieved when the world cup in twenty twenty three I'd like to have won it in two nineteen. But we didn't quite yet, but you know I stand on the shoulders of lot of people who pie hindu. Women's football, as you know, know, was banned for quite a long time The esa nineteen twenty one years it was banned for about fifty years and why no add ons worlds and it's a great quest I wasn't there. Renouncing might look like. I was there in nineteen twenty anyone, but who does what happened? Was But when the men went away to all the women who were working in the munitions that we started playing football and indeed many of them played in front and very large audiences,
and then, when the man came back from the world, women were told that football is no longer for them and then a whole group of women I need the resurrection of football in the seventies, Angelo bustled, who I and all that Oh, we ve come a long way from those times. I do think one of the biggest challenges has been getting people to tight limits, football seriously, seeing as a right for young girls to be able to play this game tat national game. Changing mindsets is the biggest challenge and I should add, women's game is different from that of snow this is different than the man's but encouraging and getting the mainstream football fan to think the women's game is credible and of the highest standard has been the biggest challenge. My colleagues inside I'm never satisfied with the pace of change that, but we ve moved a long way in a very short space of time, which still little only together, the affairs a very male dominated institution. How are they coping with you? I wonder, and the call me that
monkey I'm not quite sure what that means. Yeah rogue monkey, I'm the one that causes all the disruption. So I am a disruptor and therefore I am sometimes difficult to manish, I'm very conscious of that. But you know if you want to change things, sometimes you have to disrupt things. Interestingly, that and of your personal in your approach, sits alongside another one, not just that the road monkey, but also apparently the efface chief hookah, something well known as well. Yeah, that's very much with the players. I've developed a great relationship with the lionesses many of them. Well, I think the girls today are still battling some of those things, but you know they fought their way to the top and I respect them and admire them enormously. And yet I do end up. Hugging everybody, I'm not sure how good a thing I do end up as the main hooker see Campbell it's time to go to the music. Tell us about the first,
Well, the first one is really dedicated to those women. We were talking about a few minutes ago into my lionesses. These are people who were not constrained by what the people tone they could do what was possible, so this music is very much dedicated to those people who resurrected the game in the seventies and to the present day lionesses and hopefully to the future lionesses. and the the the
john fun and andalusia neat and joan dared to dream which they performed the sydney olympics in two thousand so soon campbell. You said that sport was your fed, Aren't you a little bit more about the other to your dad is an important influence in and he really impressed the importance of sport on you yeah, my father was. It was a great coach now, what he'd got any qualifications, but he was my number one supporter and coach and we'd play cricket most nights when he got home even in the pitch black. Mrs North, he lived next door wasn't king because we had to keep going round for the balls. both my mom and dad were people who made their own way in life working classes, budget call them both left school. Various. Both really put high emphasis on our education. My sister's and mine. Sport was just something we did. I mean my father. Had this notion he's taken to skegness
It's once a month sought, the air was better, then we'd all grow up, much healthier and we really ought to scag. You know we we'd end up playing mini golf and then we'd have fish and chips and we go play football on the beach. My life was just spool. If I wanted to ice skating, they took me ice skating. I want to try swimming, they took me and let me have a gravatar and you had that natural competitive streak. That was just a mile wide. It was, I don't quite know where it came from. It needed a little tempering at times, because there were many occasions where I wanted to win. I didn't and what happened then well in the most, memorable one was, I went to the all england skills athletics championships number of times. I was trying to discus believed on it wouldn't believe that looking at me now, but I was discus, throwing John and I are lost, and then I lost again lost again. I think the fourth time always making mistakes always too hence on remember walking home and my mom and dad we're looking out kids.
we know and as I walk past the dust bin I lifted it up, not through my kit in it and slammed the dustbin lid down. I walked into the kitchen and god said to mom. I think you better go, leave missed me or we sat there and talked about it and by the end, of course, I'd gone and gotten us still felt spin, and he convinced me that you know the expression of heard senses. You can either be history or you can make history, and he he convinced me that my job was to make history and to go and practice even more in the next year. Only all england, schools athletics championships, so there you go so sport teaches you that you do it always when that things don't always work the way you want them to, but it also teach you sat resilience to quote when things are good and keep working after an if you say they were hard workers and do as your mom pat ran her own business as a hairdresser. Was that unusual, when you were growing up- and I think she probably was unusual shoes of entrepreneurial as she lived in
eight and started working nottingham and cost three shillings a week on the bus and january to and sixpence and her father topped her up the other. anna as it was known in those days, and then the man she's working for Mr Smith suggested to sinead start on her own and she opened her. I've got a picture actually of her first shop, which is upstairs in the marketplace, place lonely and she started there on their own and within a few years she doesnt three shops. It was very well known. Great, with people worked incredibly hard and did really well. You know the thing about parents. Is you don't realise how wonderful they are till either? Then will you grow up new, much wiser, an elder, and I think that one of the great sadness as I don't think
I ever really told them how much I loved them and and what they meant to me. I think they knew all of them, because I'm very you know as you've found out I'm a hugger, so I'm very tactile, but I think the the sadness is you won't say so much to them afterwards and and they've gone say if you can't do that, it's twenty second disc sue, although this is my my message that I would love to have given my mum and dad had they still been around, which is that they created in may the music of my heart, not just the sporting music but relationships with people, the love of being out. Was there are so many things which have kept me sign and happy throughout my life, and I owe it all to the two of them the
Gloria their and end sink music of my heart so soon campbell. I think you said you were usually in trouble. When are you all right always offer him a grey. Tell me more about the well. No, not all it's been, I I was the youngster with very high energy, not always good, at sitting still in classrooms, often looking out the window desperate to get outside, I mean I just deny I was
I already. I should have just been left to run about outside. You know I would get into trouble and all sorts of things and sent I didn't do well at school. Initially, it was only when my p t whatcha, Sheila Bassett sat me down one day and said you know what you want to do with your life and I said, oh, I have no idea and she said well. I think she be a pe teacher and have no such thing crossed my mind, and I said what have I got to do to do that and she said well for a start, you've got to start working at school, so Sheila Bassett. She was the walnut to move me across the vp teacher, so you struggled at school. It wasn't any, environment. That could really accommodate kid. Like you know not, you know, I worry even nowadays that we put huge pressure on our children to achieve exam results. And while I I understand that, and course we won't literate and numerate youngsters, I think we will send me physically literate youngsters in
we need kids that are in touch with their bodies in there and feel good about who they are in the world, and I think that's really important and what was fantastic for me. Was you know, I I played football in streets, the whole time, whisk Brian carrier and lots of other people would remember. Bryan particular I and we rolled escapees to roller skate down from road randall drive and we used to race each other all the way round. What I didn't realize was all of those are very different skills in a balance. Coordination, skillfulness or agility education for me, is not just about exams. It's about preparing you for life and why You know I wasn't anything like a shining star academically long eaten. I ended up is the head girl, because the headmaster, mister grey, saw something in may, which is probably the road again, and that made me behave in a very different way play.
football in the street I mean was not usual for girls, where you were growing up and now the Nela was the only girl, forty applied at primary school and then I got secondary school knows: tell girls didn't play football, and my heart sank, because I was convinced I was going to play for england. I I didn't realize that I was a girl and at that point I didn't even see girls play football on the tv only saw boys men. That was a big blow to me. Didn't use to sneak off to play football at a school that wasn't yours, I did regularly yeah my mom and dad because I am, I know this is me being naughty. Can you see I can get not tell him telling out to our out and yes, my mum and dad very keen on education, so they sent me to private school. the books on the way there was the chill will primary school and that's where and carried a night's played until you saw me, I played before school during lunch time after the leather. Well, I could go and do so
designed to get off the bus early and go play forty, it was only when my parents discovered, I wasn't going to school. I was hiding in the bush. Some words they find out its go wrong to find out. Why wasn't comin in school Annie I moved to that school then so I should I should get some Scully is really play football so that yes, naughty europe had tat, leads golden university in you paid netbook for england, you, the captain of the under twenty ones, while at college, while you were training to be a pity to how would you describe women's sport at the time? It took a lot of commitment in those days it did and and playing for your country or in those days in a boat, your own kit and and or you borrowed it and then had to hand it back. You paid your own transport. Sometimes you have to find your own accommodation. It was a real commitment. I wasn't the best player by a long way. I want an awful lot of benches. I was, I was disappointed. I was sitting on the bench, but equally I learnt a lot sitting on the bench and and the times I did play
you know when you pull on for the first time a shirt with your country's name on the back goosebumps doesn't described You know you, mass dry tongue, sticks the roof of your mouth, you're, so anxious and yet you're so proud to really strange combination of failings. To hear that national anthem played even now, it still absolutely makes me feel so, vibrant so alive. So connected to the moment when you polite shirt on what are we gonna to hear next? You gonna hear land of hope and glory. ray. You know it's a second most meaningful on two may, and I love the last night in the problems were the joy of people enjoying celebration just being together and land of home glory. Saudi speaks volumes to me about being proud of you country, proud of who you are,
I am proud to be part of something very special algarve landed
hope and glory performed at the last night of the proms by the BBC symphony chorus bbc symphony orchestra conducted by james laughlin, sue campbell, your dad who you've described so beautifully him and he sounds incredibly lovely you're, clearly very, very close. He died when you were just twenty one. What kind of impact did that have on you? I think the initial response was to be concerned for mom because she had nursed him at home. He wanted to stay at home and he'd been ill for a long time and she was very close to exhaust.
and so you focus went from yourself related to looking after my mother and then as I began to kind of move forward, and I think it had a deep psychological impact on me and and a bit by bit. I realized I was falling into. I won't call it depression, but a sort of introspective feeling which I had not recognized never had before, and I I became anorexic and but I think, on reflection, it was probably at a deep sadness, a deep feeling of loss, a deep feeling of confusion really- and I and I was poorly- I mean like her coat on play international sport leave it or not. But I really, if you see some pictures of me in those days you kind of thing. Oh, my goodness, so I I've gradually progressive. We got more more
and remember, I was a very determined hard working. Very focus of many touch started do something I could take it to an extreme and it front mamma to death. He always say: mumbled gave me life twice, really well I was born and then again at that moment what happened well collapsed if the flu, or something in a collapsed and remember mum and her sister, trying to get me to the toilet, heard a sister say to my mother she's going to die, you know and I'm thinking illness they talking about, and then I kind of started to sink, my god I took him me and then the doctor came- and he said, look you know sort of not. I don't give up on you. He didn't quite use those words, but he basically settler if she's really serious now- and he said, I hope you realize you're having a huge impact on your mother- and I see what you mean- he said- were you making her ill and
I she came in and I said moment and I'm so sorry and she starts to cry and I said, could have some right pudding or something and she It looked at me: she won't my rice pudding years, I'll, have your ass booty and that love bond between the two rivers was enough to slowly and it is slow to reengage me back and to start to rebuild myself. How long did it take get better. I think I'll. Take you a lot longer than you realize in alone after I wasn't thin or looking ill? I would look and go. I won't do that now. He won't tell you my favorite food is chips or having said that, I've been really careful with diet or I still am you know I don't eat lavishly now, but I certainly eat well now. Did it change your relationship with your mother? But you went through together, it made it a stronger bond, a closeness that no one could have.
Explained to us. I mean we already were close and I loved her and she love may gosh detail of makers, put it with some stuff, but that that moment of wreck rising that she meant more to me than are meant to myself tat moment when asked for the rice pudding was about recognizing my mom was more important than I was. That was a special moment for the pair of us, and I think you know we had some wonderfully very funny and enjoyable times together. After that, you mentioned how good you always Whereat, being regimented back to the training mentality, and most athletes are keenly aware of their way that body metrics the training regime that they might be taking on this alot of control there over their diet and exercise. How big an issue do you think disordered eating is in sport now and I think it can become an issue. Think you've got to be very kind
for with today's young women. You know that bombarded on social, maybe by what it meant to look like and what may not meant to look like, and you add that that sporting men tell say, which is determined and wilful until it is to be the best whatever you do, even if its dieting you'll have to be clear, you have to marry the intake with the output. So, whatever you try Enright. Shame if to check the input marys with the output. That's really critical: let's go with the music. What are we going to hear next to? Why have you chosen this one, and this one is really reflection of my teaching days in wali range, and you know when I got to manchester. I thought my job as a pe teacher was to teach netball hockey gymnastics, downs, tennis and athletics and very quickly. The kids in the school taught me that actually, my job was to teach children and what they showed me was that you should never judge a book by it's cover, because,
beneath some of those very challenging very unhappy young people with some remarkable women and I've chosen d, susan boyle moment, if you remember when she was on Britain's got talent, and she came out for her audition when she came on stage and everyone was laughing at her and then the music started, and it's that wonderful myself, she never judge a child, a young person by what you think he say, just look a little deeper and you find something special as I said needs, night
I see in boil and I dreamed a dream. Taking you back to your days as a pe teacher sue campbell. I think it was four. Oh, your class was an atmosphere while he arranged school in manchester. So taught me through that first lesson, then so: you're ready and waiting to go clipboard polished shoes on I believe there. I looked the part and been through three years, very good professional development at bedford, college of physical education to my teaching present dame alice harper school, where the children all came, changed and ready to.
Told what to do so. First lesson: net bull standing in the changing room, bag of balls, clipboard, would lessen plan track suit, perfectly clean shirt or a clean and neatly island, and I wasted in the bell when a nobody came well. Well, I I had to run up the corridor, which causes a no known scotian of IRAN encourages, but I am running past the toilets when I hear noise, so I go in and yes sure enough there, for I will having a cigarette. ah and in all the three years of the bank for no one said this is what you do with your class when you find them in the toilet. Having acted ass about this idea, nearly fainted actually services
heroic I am. I knew I should be shouting at them, but I kind of couldn't quite I said. Excuse me, you are you for aluminium. I said I'm your peter, don't do pay. Mister said it breaks your nails, so I went ah and at that point I was completely stumped and I really did think I was going to faint. So I sat on the floor, which turned out to be the best thing I could do under. One of them walked over and stood if, instead they looked terrible miss would you like a cigarette, and I went no thank you and then what am I doing? I'm having a conversation here about smoking, and then I asked them what the did in and they told me they locked, gets well being in a city like dance. Yes, well, how about next week uber
music locked down to and coming the gym. You don't have to change. If that's an issue sure of the show, though, not necessarily entente the showed up, unannounced and after a few weeks they were bored and the same person that had offered me. The cigarette came, see me and said: do we let former dance group we want to compete in the dance opportunities are a manchester. She was the most feared kid in school. She had a big reputation, not a positive one, turned out to be great leader, very good teacher. With a little help from me. She learned to read more effectively and she wasn't great reader, but because she had to do the choreography, we had to teach her words and after school she went back to college and and went on to work in the health service. So you know given the right context: sport dance can change lives and if you label children as bad naughty,
unhelpful unkind, I'm afraid that's what they are and if you start to believe in them they come slowly towards you and then you can do something very special with them and she was the first person that made me realize the power of sport to change your life. I quoted you at the beginning, saying that sport and music are two access points to very hard to reach. Kids yeah. What is it about those things? Do you think why are they a good way to reach those kids? I think they reach kids in a different way. If you are it also a youngster that likes to sit in a classroom and learn in a particular style. I know modern teaching has moved on, but you know you used to plonk people down. You stay, be quiet, listen if you would go if you learn to different means. In other words, you don't just in a sober. Why you learn by doing alone, can statical you learn by touching your emotion. It unlocked something inside of you which outen she too low,
winning people won't learn unless they're ready to you know what I did with those girls. I didn't turn them into great dancers. Many of them probably never danced again. What I did, though, was turned them into people who were ready to learn and wanted to get better in school, and that's the great magic of sport and music. It connects with young people in a way that the intellectual subjects sometimes can't connect. That is the music. What's next to one of the things I learned, but love, bra, and indeed from coaching, is that quite often, coaches are the unsung heroes of sport. They turn up tuesday. This saturday- some decent pouring rhine, everybody his about the athletes. We hear more about coaches now, but you don't hear a lot about them and I see them as the wind beneath the wings of the athletes they all the people that make what is for the athletes make their success possible, but don't often get the credit. So this is for every coach
keep grassroots level in pouring rain. To say, thank you the the
the bette midler and wind beneath my wings for all the coaches out there sue campbell, absolutely in nineteen. Ninety five, you call founded the youth sports trust that was with businessman John Beckwith. How did you meet tell me about your first meeting yeah. He started off by asking me what I would spend a million pounds on. I want to know what you would do if we could do everything and useful. So I got a piece of paper and I started describing all I'd start with primary school. Not do this and this and then you know that I'd do this, then I'd do this and- and he said I really liked up to those
Really interesting building blocks? Can you do that on a million pounds? He said well, no, but I'm really good at finding the money which I had at gained a reputation already for being able to find money so, and he said okay well, I want to do it, but I'm only going to do it if you come and work, vermilion was the beginning of the conversation sir Hugh's fortress was born and what was your motivation in working with John and and setting up the youth sports trust? What did you want to see happen? Well, it goes back to bali range in a city. Could I
bring alive that vision. Not if you gave young people is sporting start in life. Could you help them do well, and there were many initiatives we did, that showed young people who were engaged in sport not less or at the highest level, but involved in sport being active, were achieving better academically behaviour, improve parental engagement, improved. There was saying many things you could demonstrate that when you went bedded spoke in a school, you change, the school ethos do changed what people thought about the school, and so you know I think, of you ass most parents. They think schools are already given that kid's lots of sport will actually lie. Schools are not given that youngsters the amount of physical education, sport we shall be doing, and I was really look
he at the time, a prime minister and secretary of state that were really supportive and- and we started to do something very, very special for sport in this country. The organization grew and grew, but as time went on, not everything that you chose to do was popular in two thousand and three, there was a collaboration on a voucher scheme with capris I bought nine million pounds, but it was criticized at the time because there was rising obesity and it was criticized as encouraging children to eat more chocolate. Do you have any regrets over that at no? No, I I don't. I was a learning lesson for certain. What did you learn
I learned how the media can take a really good story and turn into written by bad one. I learned that early quickly when they put a big volleyball on the front of one of the papers and such now you've got tweeted four thousand pounds to get this volleyball, which wasn't true, but I know that the discussions with cadbury's were really deep. Meaningful. It wasn't a quick fix, it wasn't just about money. People like Paula Radcliffe helped us launch it because she's no end of chocolate and the message was about calories in calories out. You know there is no, Bad foods was only access. I think in hindsight. Probably if I'd been a little bit more, I suppose media savvy. I could have worked out what would have happened, but it was a hard lesson. Well learnt. Would you do it again now? wouldn't know I wouldn't I am now the great as they will tell you. Yes, I am the great advocates about making sure
if the people we work with are the right people, because I think it's really important, if you, if you own a brand like the football association which is so powerful, the partnerships and allegiances, you have a really critical. Because you're sending a message, whether you do it subliminally or upfront. So I think it's very important that we pass the moral test of how we do things and what about passing the test of dealing with that criticism in that kind of pushback. As you say quite vivid by the sounds of it, if front pages and LE man called andrew cosslett was the chief man at cupboards- and I remember the tervis someone to number eleven downing street and being harangued by gordon noses. I think it was about what we ve done. Harangued by gordon brown, gourd
several of these in the room. We were given a pretty tough time and we both came out and said hoof, but fair enough. He has remained a good friend and seal of him, but he's remained. A good friend in life is a series of lessons and. No every risky to know every judgment you might is perfect. I mean we're all human beings, we make mistakes, but I think the most important thing is to turn interface into those. When you do them, don't run away from them, not be shame to them, say you know. Looking back, I can see how this has been interpreted- it's not how it should have been interpreted. Maybe we didn't do well enough to get the story out that it was what it was and we needed to turn in and say: okay, we're pulled the scheme straightaway and that was the end of it champion extract. What have we got
and while working at the youth sport trust lot of the work we do is with young people who are in challenging circumstances. The theme- isn't it all the way through for me, and one of the things I've learned is that young people need to feel good about who they are, and it's really important that we validator- and I think so much of what we did is useful trust was help young people's rediscover that they are proud of them.
And is not an important thing for used to travel to say I have a small and clouds see campbell. You said that you job was about winning and world class success. Now that involves making some very difficult decisions, sometimes doesn't it deciding which young people, young athletes, should get funding, how much very kind of granular specific decisions, how
has that it's always very hard. The reality was that we were investing in some sports and some individuals that no matter what funding you put in at that moment, you weren't they weren't than to achieve success. Excellence is a scientific pace of work. It is about surrounding the athlete with everything they need to find one moment where they can achieve the absolute maximum in some incredibly granular decisions, you had a team of meteorologists. I think I have often studying the winds that yet for the sailors, you have to know what the wind alive if it changes at a certain time of day so yeah we send meteorologists out, we had it an innovations team we got them to search information, not just from sport but from all over the world in every medical and signs discipline. To look where could we find? What's cooled marginal?
I, where could we find those my new shifts in performance, because when you get to the very top everybody's good, it's getting every single element to be world class. We used in expression no compromise, which has subsequently been misinterpreted. Domain, You know we were going to be hard on athletes that wasn't what we meant. We meant. We cannot compromise on quality in any of the support disciplines. If you are going to produce excellence and of course it paid off with that record medal tally at the london two thousand and twelve olympics an incredible experience. What we are best moments there, oh gosh, I think the one that just felt so personal and so real was what six young people like the flame, every other olympics picks. The flame is be lit by a well known, ass late and we had well known athletes who handed that talk to young people in those six run round.
At that moment, these two worlds of mine became one, and that was a pretty special moment for me sitting there and, as you know, in the royal box, the queen was there. She didn't jump out that helicopter The spoiler alert, but you know a magical, logical moments and then see presented. I mean what an eye it was light. Thriller thursday at the parliament, It was the same thing in others. Amazing moments the pride that failing of pride in written pride in our athletes proud and in what london it put on for the rest of the world is absolutely fantastic and a sense that has transcended the individuals It was a national moment. Oh yeah, I mean I remember, walking between the swimming pool the site. velodrome one point and there was a whole bank of paypal standing up singing the national anthem looking at a big screen, while a recording of as winning a rowing metal and they're all standing on the bank singing and also while it's what now
it's mandela understood when he put that Springbok jersey on to present that world cup that sport has more power, I believe than governments to effect change in society, and I believe that betray, and what about the change I mean there's been a lot of talk about the extent of the legacy of london, two thousand and twelve. It was meant to inspire us all to increase participation in sport generally and bring all of the social benefits and the personal benefits that we've been hearing about. Has it do you think, and and if not, why not? and I I don't think it's had I been if you remember seb's words were that we will use sport to inspire a generation of young people to choose sport. To do that, you have to have spool embedded in school.
And we are slowly removed it bit by bit by bit. It's got less and less, and so I feel sad that that legacy, which was such a bright, an optimistic legacy and, ironically, got tighten all over the world through a programme. called international inspiration. It was just an amazing programme where we change lives through school and we didn't seem to do it here, which was really sad for me. Will talk more about that for now, it's time for some small music see campbell, what's you're gonna be well, I think elite sportsmen and women, like the law. In essence, or gara, singly team or the in pins? They go not one moment in time and each the culmination of years of sacrifice years of effort, fastidious preparation, and they are the realise that dream or that dream gets dashed,
rocks the witnesses and one moment in time so soon campbell give obviously always championed school sport. The Blair brown governments invested very heavily in it. So how did you feel in twenty ten up? started the austerity programme when the government cut the budget for pee and school sports by a hundred and sixty million pounds it hard to describe really, I think-
from the moment, Sir John gave me the opportunity to to work at ease sport trust. I worked so hard to to build a vision for the future of physical education, sport in schools, and we were beginning to build a structure and a system that was really exciting people from all over the world. Looking at what we were doing so when it got taken away, was a little bit like watching the house burn down each spilt with your hands tied behind your back, nor able to call the fire brigade. It was date play deeply depressing and probably one of the lowest points in my professional career people ringing from all over the country. Since can't you stop this and on another I tried everything I knew so yeah deeply deeply hurtful. Where are we now with one, well, ironically, we ve got more funding now than ever before, but I think- and this is a difference in philosophy-
you know the reason we lost them. Unable of the philosophy was that you gave the money to head teachers and it was up to them what they did with it, and some sort of centralized part which had a sort of strategy attached to it was somehow to control, But that makes an assumption that everybody is doing the right thing and course, through many had teachers who are doing rising in paints will borrow some money for whom it wasn't positive experience for them and they don't see its huge value, and so my view is the money that's being spent now is not being spent.
Well as the money that was spent before, I would love to say, physical education well taught, particularly in our primary schools, tour every day, so that when a youngster gets to ten and eleven, whereas concerned about their physical literacy, as we are about whether the letter numeral hour after school sport to be something that young people can try a range of activities, and I I want the school sport to be linked to clubs, so that a youngster who's, good khans can travel that journey and and go on and do great things. You are one of the most influential people in women's sport. You've got a very strong track record of transforming the institutions where you work. Making changes can obviously be difficult. You've been described as a fiery presence What do you think it's like to work with you on short times? It's got challenging because I am challenging and because I am both determined and resilient in cannot be downpour easily. So I keep going, I hope for those who work alongside me with the same passion they feel empowered by many. I,
Most people understand I'm very driven, and this isn't about may this is about, cannot change the world through sport? That's my passion, and so, if you care about sending that deeply, sometimes you can be difficult to manage so you're still driven. You still got a to do list as long as your arm. Often people when they come see autumn rely for thinking about routine, and does it have across your mind, the dogs you'd like me to retire, but I would be delighted if I would pack it all and will it Ass might be listening deny that I learned I will I won't paper. Kelsey could be kelsey like the music, but while I got the mental, J and while I got the capability to still,
maybe change one life and I want to be involved, and if I get to that point where I don't feel, I've got that capability, and I always say to my colleagues: please tell me when that moment arrives cause I'm leaving I'll go. But while I think I can change your life through sport, it doesn't feel like. I should go one more desert, island disk from you. What are we going to hear and why, while this sort of sums up how, I feel about what I hope we can all live like in society, and I know it's the unrealistic, but I think, with very lucky- to live in this country. We sometimes forget that I've had a very blast and privilege life that I think we should all make sure that those who are not as lucky is wasting we at least a child and give them hope.
The the Diana loss and reach out untouched somebody's hand, sue Campbell. It's time Cast you away. Will you stay active on the island? Oh, yes, definitely swim. Every day, little little bit of exercise every day I shall miss the dogs that you have to imagine you're walking, then we're going to give you the books to keep you company, though we can't give you the dogs, but you can have the bible and the complete works of shakespeare and also a book of your choice. What would you like long walk to freedom, nelson mandela? Why the ultimate missionary for me
I was prepared to sacrifice his own freedom to change the world and also really understood the power of sport to change politics. We're also going to give you a luxury item to make your stay more pleasurable. What will that be? Last year I have dogs, but to know so I guess I'll just take some pictures. That would remind me of this amazing journey of being on and what a privileged life have had and how special it's been to be in school. All my life will give you an absolutely gigantic photograph album and when evening Clinton and if pictures of the dogs for oh certainly and finally, if you could just save one of the eight tracks that you shared with us today,
which would you go for it's, got to be music to my heart, because it would the way my life, who sat in those early years by my mother and father. You look but now I think I would never never have had the journey. I've had achieved what I done without up and they did set the music of my heart and I followed, music, all my life, and I want to continue that even on a desert island on my own, dame sue camp Thank you very much for letting us here your desert and discs. Thank you. Ve been a pleasure.
The, The the.
Transcript generated on 2022-09-17.