« Desert Island Discs

Sir Cliff Richard

2020-12-20 | 🔗
Sir Cliff Richard makes a second trip to the island he first visited 60 years ago, when he had just turned 20, but had already topped the UK charts three times. Over the course of his career, Sir Cliff has released over 100 albums and sold well over 250 million records. His chart success in the UK has been eclipsed only by his hero Elvis Presley and one-time rivals, the Beatles. Born Harry Webb in Lucknow, India, Sir Cliff returned to the UK with his family in 1948: money was tight and the family of six shared a room until they were able to move into a council house. Sir Cliff’s father bought him a guitar for his 16th birthday and he initially performed in a skiffle band until he discovered rock ‘n’ roll and started a new band called the Drifters which later became the Shadows. His first hit single came in 1958 with Move It – often credited as being the first authentic British rock ‘n’ roll track – and he dominated the home-grown music scene of the late 1950s and early 1960s. During his long career Sir Cliff performed on screen in films including Summer Holiday and The Young Ones. He has fronted television shows, twice performed Britain’s entry in the Eurovision Song Contest and starred in two stage musicals. Today, at 80, he is still recording new songs and itching to get back on tour to perform his music in a post-Covid world. Sir Cliff's return to Desert Island Discs after 60 years is record-breaking: it's the longest time between appearances in the programme's eight decade history. DISC ONE: Rolling in the Deep by Aretha Franklin DISC TWO: What's Love Got To Do With It by Cliff Richard DISC THREE: Heartbreak Hotel by Elvis Presley DISC FOUR: I Honestly Love You by Olivia Newton-John DISC FIVE: It Is Well by Sheila Walsh Featuring Cliff Richard DISC SIX: I Can't Make You Love Me by Bonnie Raitt DISC SEVEN: Stayin' Alive by Bee Gees DISC EIGHT: High Water Everywhere by Joe Bonamassa BOOK CHOICE: Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë LUXURY ITEM: A Gibson acoustic guitar CASTAWAY'S FAVOURITE: It Is Well by Sheila Walsh Featuring Cliff Richard Presenter: Lauren Laverne Producer: Paula McGinley
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
BBC sounds music. Radio podcasts, hello, I'm Lauren Laverne, and this is the desert island discs podcast. Every week I ask my guests to choose the eight tracks book and luxury they'd want to take with them. If they were cast away to a desert island and for rights reasons, the music is shorter than the digital broadcast. I hope you enjoy listening The my castaway this week- is the singer and actor sickly frigid
He's been castaway on desert island discs once before some sixty years ago. Back then, he told present roy glumly that he was celebrating the fact he just left his teens and that the ten singles he'd released had all been chart hits though he admitted he was keeping his fingers crossed, as he didn't know have long. His lucky streak would last well he needn't of worried his chart. Success in the uk has been eclipsed only by his hero, elvis presley and war. Time rivals, the beatles he's released over a hundred Alban's sold well over two hundred and fifty million records and is the only british artist too or number ones in five consecutive decades as an artist. He is at once familiar and enigmatic.
his career seen many transformations from rock n roll, it and knight of the realm teen heartthrob to born again gospel singer and from wyatt for sound disco king to veritable christmas tradition, the critics have always been kind, but funds continue to adore him, and sixty years in the spotlight has earned him a special place in british popular culture. He says I have always maintained on the most radical rock n roll sing. britain has ever seen. I didn't do drugs I didn't get drunk, I didn't indulge in soulless sex and have always felt comfortable with the decisions I've taken. I like being cliff richard, sir cliff richard welcome to desert island discs. Thank you very much indeed. Now
amazingly it was october. Nineteen sixty that we first dropped you off on our island. So I'm going to start by taking you back to that recording, if you don't mind no other mod at all, is it a virtual? You can't move about easily on the streets without the risk of being locked in town, the slightly more blogger about it, because I think they're used to bumping into people you know, but in the provinces they don't hesitate to someone, they know from the screen, today to gather around, and that means that you will lose the buttons off your clothes. Were you can't hide is determined to do any harm really. How does it feel listening bacterium yourself? The thing is what I call relate to us that I sound
quite confident back there didn't I mean I knew because I was only about well. I was only twenty. How do you look back at that young man now Willian? If someone asked me if I could, if I could advise that young cliff richard have about anything? What would you say and I'd say I would actually say to him: do whatever you're going to do, because apparently it worked yeah I was at that clip. You were talking about your fans. Fans can, of course, be very fickle, but yours have remained steadfast since the very earliest days. Have you managed to keep them with you? Through the ups and downs, you'll recording career and end. All of that time, that's past usage, been it's been better than I could ever have expected a mean. First of all, I didn't think that we would last that long, the shadows and I were clumped together with a lot of rock n roll is who will considered here?
today gone tomorrow. One hit wonders and suddenly ten years have gone by, and I thought our still got fans I'm still making records, I'm still having hits, and I still welcome the fact that fans are willing to come out and see me perform. I mean you have to It realistic as you get older, and I realize now that I wouldn't be able to go unfilled at wembley stadium, as I did twice once before. So as long as there's a one or two people that would come and see me, I can still perform well, let's get started, then it's time for your first disc say cliff richard. What's it gonna be, and why have you chosen this today? Well, first of all, the title sells right for an island, it rolling in the deep? I assume that I might be able to swim of more I'm on the island and rolling in the deep by adele was such a fantastic trot. I loved the song, but I have chosen to take a wreath of franklin with me. I mean I've been a fan of her voice that voices for me
the greatest voice ever that? Ah ha ha nothing I pitch and it's bringing me out of the die see I can see a crystal clear sound that you will leave with every, though do you estimate the things that I will during the rolling in the deep aretha franklin so sickly frigid, you were born hurry, roger web. In look now in what was then british indira nineteen, forty and your father Roger was manager of a catering company that service the indian railways, what you remember at your there. Well, you know
left there. When I was till seven, I had my eighth birthday in england, so might its childhood memories, but the ones I remember of amene independence of coin in nine forty seven and it was there- was kind of civil war kicking off. So I can remember that, let me in a big in bed and thinking it's a bang. Bang. I mean your dad like, like many fathers of his time. Although you had a lot of fun together, he he was also quite strict disciplinarian, where it was their side of him that you are a little bit scared of as a kid, assuming that bordered on being a bit fearful enough, I think sometimes, if you're actually going to actually have end up admiring someone is because they're strong, so I I've also been afraid of upsetting him. The wood indian word that I remember was a job and it was really a good clip around Eero. If you know enemy. My mother, I feel, was a terrific balance. You know if he did that if he clouded
around the head because I done something wrong with with will take it ticket a savant run to little moment and she said well, you must have done something that upset your father an indian when you start to talk to your mother who's. So gentle with you, you have to admit to her yeah. I did do that. She said. Don't do it again, so I thought of as a yin and Yang thing going on with mom and dad I mean, and my father influence me much more than I thought and I loved the one thing he said to me: I'd I'd record. It move it, but it hadn't been released. The first record and he'd said to me: you really want this and I say yeah. I really want this. He said well from now on you're going to have to be the best at it that you can be. You can never let up. So I guess that's part and parcel of my being able to focus so firmly on where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do, and I guess I don't guess I know it came from my father in nineteen for
seven india gained its independence and uniformly moved to england to cash out in the following year. He was seven and it was a tough time for everyone yet had a very comfortable life in india, but you dad struggled to find work back home. Didn't he had four kids to support. We arrived with five pounds sterling which I've looked up. I think it's about two hundred pounds now, if you could imagine how you have your wife, for children and survive on two hundred pounds and the work- and I can remember three meals, Three main meals a week were a super bowl with two slices of toast, with tee poured over it. Milky tee and trigger sprinkle. Yeah I mean you were living in. Was it just one room two rooms at the time you there was a period my father had a sister who lived in war from crossing offered, yet she had a spare room Funniest more room. There were six of us in that room had bunk beds and each side of the wall, so it was a narrow section in the middle that we lived in, but because of having
in that condition is the reason why we got jumped up the the waiting lists for council house and the course it felt like a palace wants me. I had gone into suddenly we had two and half bedrooms to bedrooms and a little box room which eventually became my bedroom even now, speaking about it. I am so grateful to have gone through that it makes you more of thankful, a grateful for what's happening now, I'm in Jakarta how I live. No, I wake up in barbados and opened the curtains and think. How did I get here in time for a second disk today might be chosen, as the song was written for me by a terry britain. who, who the devil, woman and a bunch of other social me meanness and produced an album with me as well, and somehow
well, the demo that he sent to my office got sent back to him with a little message saying we don't think this is right physically, so he gave it to tina turner and because I got it first, I wanted to record it and when the time came, I did an album called wanted, in other words the songs I wanted to do. and I did a version of what's left to do with it. My boy, hating sense, must try to watch. Love got to do with it this time by cliff
Should the one that got away that cliff fits so cliff you dad was musical. played banjo and adjust bombed and he bore you get off your sixtyth birthday. Didn't a body teach you before show you taught me. A cup of coffee is called a personal. If I heard the rings of fumble fumble verbal manger, over these prison walls, but far it was hook. It remember now not getting my fingers in the right positions all the time, but that's the guitar kicked off amanda, mostly as to stand in front of the mirror mining to an Elvis record with a guitar hanging around my neck, and it made me feel the way I thought rockefellers should look and feel it wasn't. Those days, though such a distant dream. You know there was that the matter of everyday life to attend to your dad was encouraging yo yo musical ambitions, but he also. What did you take? Gonna get a steady job. He was working for company called atlas
and he joined him. There is a credit control clock, not promising environment, foreboding rock stars, I'm guessing that you're hot wasn't really in it. You know it wasn't really and that I was, performing with my friends in bars and pubs and things to guitars and a drama. We had no base no keyboard, nothing, but we still sang the sums that were coming from america. We were doing ricky, nelson and elvis presley and the audiences that we play too it's difficult to call him an audience me into the people drinking in the palm leaning on the bar and they seem to like what we were doing. You decided he needed it and new name as a lead singer. How did you light on cliff wretched? We went to play at the two us coffee bar bushes, of famous cafe and its where tommy steel was discovered, as was terry deem, and so we had gone there. Thinking or weaken were better than them in the arrogance of youth, nobody spotted us at all, except to people,
somebody who became my fan club president and a guy that came from ripley indonesia and his name is Harry graduates and he said I'd like you to come and play in my ballroom. What's your name, I sit hurry up, ok, harry web hurry weapons drifters, I went none alone and know that doesn't sound like rock n roll to me that we just the drifters and you should know what I know I need the name. Otherwise, I'm not gonna. Have you up that, so we went into a little pub round the corner from the two eyes. and sat down on the lost combination of names was cliff. Rusted acid cliff sounds good, thus rock face rock n roll. Somebody else suggested richards, cliff richards within s on the end and the guy who had just joined us at the two eyes was a guy called instead. Well, he said: take the s off the richard and you ve got your life were tooth christian names and they bound to get it wrong in interviews and bound to call you riches and you can correct them, and then that means you ve spouted. You
they met twice in the same interviewed, so I went into that pub harry weapon. I came out clear frigid it's time for some music cliff and this one is the only track from your nineteen sixty list that you gonna take the island. A second time tell us about this to fraudulent drama, cherry guitars, norman and I have been hacked around in pubs locally, but river, chilling out on the street and wolden cross and this car came up. Windows were down the driver, jumped out and went into a noose agents and we're looking at the car thinking what great car boot we. What would you think we'll have one of those one day and then
the radio we heard Elvis. But since my baby left me, it just blew us away and then, of course the guy came back drove off. So we didn't hear who was singing. We didn't know what he was singing and we talked about it. We thought it's. It felt like something from outer space if we'd never heard anything other than backs by graves and frank sinatra, and people like that singing on the radio. So that's what kicked me off and that's what I'm unconvinced now that's the reason why I followed my dreams where dwelt three that the rule of law
Where's crowd. Do you still want to cry out of his precisely and heartbreak hotel, so sickly frigid by nineteen, fifty eight, even the drift is had got yourself. The manager you got a record contracted mastered the Elvis lip curled and hip swivel. Your first move it reached number two in the charts how quickly and how completely did life change for you after that, over the changed instantly, and I can remember the first check we were still at the chest and council house and dumb. This check came through for sixty pounds, mrs seemed like a fortune to us, and I believe I bought my moment of television with it may that is credited with being one of the first, if not the first time
british rock and roll songs, and that prompted John lennon to say before cliff wretched in the shadows as the drift is became, there be nothing worth listening to in british music, quite an endorsement. If god listen, some journalists to think they bring pretty cool, then really more cruel and cool. They often said to me what what you feel that Europe really cool the mud? said John Lennon thought I was cool so long ago. We all knew that even the beatles were rifle ass, fit chop positions and fast judo space as well. I know that studio too, in an approach and very famous these days was hotly contested territory between the two of you. It tell me whether, because we move it was a hit them. Of course we want to make the next one is not it's kind of superstition, really what you think. No I'm going to go back there. I want to be in that same corner. I want to have everything around me exactly as it was for move it
so we made our record today and don't forget. We were there five years before the beatles people think that the beatles own studio too they don't, they were renting it we owned at first, but it's so great I've. I've talked to Paul a couple of times about this and he said to me: well, you will always hear my favorite boy. Every time we ring for studio, two you've got it and I said Paul, please, every time bruce welch guitarist in my band every time bruce rang. They told us, no, the beatles have got it. Bracewell chat party, then uninvited you and the beatles he just had a hit with. Please, please me what happened to preclude? Where do we end up in the kitchen and that we were talking single? What are you going to follow? Please please me with it so that your number one they said well, we're not sure this is going to make it Bruce got his guitar at the. I think you have it a pool, or maybe it was george,
and they should welcome a signal for us and that what they sang was done and the course it was for me to you I want to say to you, I don't know what you think I d to me. This is gonna, be your next number one and it was. in decimal music. This is your fourth disc today tell us about it. Everybody, including me, was in love with olivia Newton John. She made this record if not for you, written by Bob Dylan and it started to chart, and I was doing a bbc tv series, so I asked to come on. Boudjellal, come and sing her record on an amp and present it to the public everybody loved at the camera loved her the camera men loved her, I loved her the audience loved her. She stayed with be there for eight weeks. I
would not get rid of that woman. Nor would I try and do she made a record corp. I honestly love you and as soon as I heard that song, I thought that if, if I'm going to be on a desert island, I would want to feel still loved. Even if I couldn't see the people that I was which do you love me We both know. I got some I've got it that U, I honestly look
You buy oblivion, eaten John sickly frigid, not long after your career started to take off your dad's roger sadly died. He was only fifty six and cheering down. As you you'd become very close images. Tat view. Teens is death must have knocked decide ways. It was a heartbreaking tie for me. My dead missed, missed the best he was so fast and hard behind me all the way through that I feel sometimes horribly angry that he died too early. He did. He missed the first number one he missed the knighthood. My father would have loved to have seen he benighted. I miss my dad. Still after you dad staff, he began to develop an interesting christiana, seen started attending bible classes, and then there was a big moment not came in nineteen. Sixty six, you invited to speak at a rally held by the imf, jealous billy graham tell me about
decision to get upon stage in front of twenty five thousand people and talk about your faith yeah. It was a difficult choice to make, but I had a lot of good friends who were who were much more mature in their faith and I'd say to them. Looking at what am I I mean when I damage in my career, they, sir William light, do. But you see this is what makes it important for me in there even though they said, but it might do it could do and even management says you know you have to be careful about that. In the end, I felt that it was more important even than my career, but it was terrify moment for me. I mean I was so scared, but it did lead to me beginning to be able to speak. The names this is without feeling embarrassed. I don't why people are embarrassed by that, but they sometimes all, but I don t let embarrassment anymore,
I think the more you can speak to yourself about it and speak to others about what you believe. It makes it easier to believe. The strange thing is, I did actually plan to leave my career and become a teacher. I actually went to a teachers' training college and spoke, the property of the headmaster there. Yes, I can you announced your retirement is well at a press conference. Didn't you. I said that I had to years of commitments which I would fulfill and then I was gone duck out, but the interesting things he learned. This is what I find amazing. It can't be an accident. Suddenly norrie paramour, my producer from here. I says: okay, you say you believe these things lead to a gospel album and I thought oh okay I'll do a gospel other then I'll retire. Then I got a call from tyne tees television saying we're doing. Six shows based on the parables of Jesus. Would you star in it? For us? I thought. Oh okay, then I'll do the album and I'll do the tv and then I'll retire. Then I get a call from the priests
they mention billy, graham, who says, would you be in this next movie? We're gonna make and that's when I changed my mind, I thought wait a minute. I can be a pop star and still be a christian and the two don't have to be at loggerheads with each other other stand to take a moment. This music cliff. This is disk number five. What are we going to hear and- and why is this one going with you to the island I used to go on gospel tools, allow you to do charity, two tours will be singing for charity and I met up with a girl called sheila walsh. Sheila is now living in a in the states and is really quite a big name in gospel tv. I got a call from somebody was producing a new album for her and they he said she like you to sing on this track. It is well in my soul. It makes me think, even as I'm saying it, faith can
was through some of the most disastrous periods of our life. To my mind, it is well cliff rigid and sheila. Whoosh clifford quoted the beginning of the programme, seeing that you'd avoided the excesses of the rock and roll lifestyle, the alcohol, the drugs, the soulless sex, although you ve had some important really. ships in your life, you you never got married and you ve said in the past that you two committed to your career. To do that, I have done
didn t think getting married would have been, or will it be able to have no effect now at all? I don't think it has any effect, don't people being married and singing a now doesn't have anywhere near the effect it would have happened when I started in the fifties its. It was just the way it was people, would say now that the girls role squealing at you, you gotta, be just available for them. Not of staging a girl called gene, but we came out of the theatre since we park empire think it was, and she sat on my laptop. The current I'm waving at the fact, and I turned around and never did the throwing the programmes on the phones dumping them in the gutter, and I'm thinking- oh no. No! No! No! This is not this. I and because I was focused when I look back now. It has to be that reason that that focus was not going to be changed. I was never going to give up this career that I fought heavily for and still still
when you think about it. It's still massive competition out there. Nowadays you know it doesn't matter Gary barlow's married and got children, don't no one minds and that's how it should have been then, but it wasn't. You also have to be tough, of course, to to survive something like press speculation about your private life, which you always been subject to not being variant. At times. Yes, it has been intense, but you know I have. I lived with it for so long now that it actually doesn't bother. I don't care anymore, what they think and say. Certainly my private life is absolutely nobody's business, but mine, and I tell them that it's time for your next desk, your sixth who will be gone to hear
you re it, I remember, being new york and in the hotel that we stated that was told there was a record store and I went down. Then it was midnight. I couldn't sleep having a jet legs horrible, I said to the sky, have got anything that I might like, like a blue sea guitars and he's got this. He bought this album out and it was bonnie red body rate is still one of my favorites. Sometimes people to save ii and sing. The things that you sometimes can almost imagine you feeling turn then these inside man
This will be done. Bonnie, raitt and I can't make. You love me so sickly, richard you said of august. The fourteenth twins fourteen that it was the day you life changed forever and that was knowing the rate on your home in berkshire by the south yorkshire police. They were investigating history if sex abuse allegations and the bbc filmed the raid from a helicopter and it was broadcast on television around the world. What do you remember about that day? Oh, I couldn't remember the phone ringing in the kitchen of my house in Portugal, and I was with a group of people visit when my friends were staying with me and it was the guy that manages the apartment block and he said that the police are here and they have a warrant to search your apartment. So I said: well, you can't stop them going in because they have the right to smash the door down if they want to acid.
Let them go in they're, not going to find anything. There was a tv in one of the rooms, so we will looked at the tv and that's when I saw the the the raid. I saw that helicopter outside the apartment block. It was a horrible horrible time. Like an account, to tell you we had a terrible drive home and when we got back the place was surrounded by pepper on see that were everybody's three entrances to the house and they will all crowding around everything, and I realized it was that something's something's areas on the second day after having come back. I was in the kitchen and I felt my knees. If my legs gave way and I collapsed on the floor- I've never fainted or anything, and I didn't faint, but I couldn't stand up and I found myself absolutely weeping like a child
I was never suicidal, but I thought a couple times. I might die because ice to wake up with my pulses in on your wrist, the head, the hot thumping like crazy and I'm thinking I dont- want to kill myself, but this this could kill me at birth five did all in that's the main thing for me and I'm past it now and I think I never get over it. That's not something that you can wipe from your memory. So you weren't charged the case was dropped and in twenty seventeen you settled with south yorkshire police and you won your privacy case against the bbc. The following year, what did those outcomes mean to you every now and then somebody might get the chance to perhaps change something, and I'd like to think that when I won that court case against the bbc, it means that they would have to think really hard. If ever they wanted to do something like that again:
Let's take a break for some more music, your seventh disc. What are we going to hear and why you taking this with you to the island? I've chosen this particular song, because I went through that period. In my life, where I thought I was absolutely lost, but I I've kept telling myself. I will survive this. I will survive this, so I've loved the beaches wherever I love the morning,
and I definitely will play this. Some really loudly be jeez and state alive, so cliff rigid its most time to cast you away now, your first out into the island back in nineteen sixty when you do that, you said you were sure how you'd cope. Obviously, if spent quite a lot of time in barbados since since then you think you'd be better equipped to handle living on an island I'll miss not having friends.
A meal miss not being able to cook proper meals or have proper meals cooked for me- and I admit, tennis terribly but term. but I think I could cope pretty well. I mean I am fairly good at being on when I did the lockdown first five weeks locked up in Bobby and I dont want that pretty well. So I think I'll at Bobby enjoys the first first month or two nights, Of course, it's christmas and you are as much a part of the season is reindeer jumpers in mince pies. Your hit mistletoe wine with a vague, is selling single of, nineteen eighty eight, but but when the some first came to had quite a different meaning, well I got a focal for money and manage appeared only. He died some years back now and his but I want you to come and listen to us. So I think this is a smash hit record and it came from a joke with a little match girl and it Had juries like a smile and a joke. Hugging smoke it this isn't a pump zone, but it had
mistletoe mine chorus and I support all I did was change a couple of lines to make. It sounds more christmassy and that's about all, but I thought I thought yes Peter go me was right. I thought this was. This was a possible top ten hopeful, top five dream on number one, but it went in and one and it is to reflect. I think partly it was not only the lyrics. It was also the fact that it was in the wolves temper. There's something about men. Don't down people sway to war. shows all the time, obviously The snow had this christmas is going to be being very different. Not so we can say that this stage, how'd you home to spend jewels I'll be back. In barbados, the first year I went to live in and in Barbados I had a big tree, Broughton fake one. Of course I had to shower twice one of his decorating it. It was just so hot. He seemed so ridiculous to be christmas and you're feeling sweaty and hot
Otherwise it's christmas is really about family and friends, and we ve got one more desk to share before we send you after the island was gonna. Be I want you to. Let me take high water everywhere by job on a message. He is fantastic qatar. he's an outrageously wild singer and deep down. Inside of me, there's a little part of me that says. Oh I wish I could do that. I wish I would were able to do that kind of music so,
I can pretend it's me where high water everywhere by Jove burgomaster, sickly frigid, whereby costume wait now to help you cope with island life. We are, of course, going to send you away with three books: the complete works of shakespeare, the bible and a book of your choice. What would you like, while the ring heights by Emily Bronte, because it
put me in mind of school and a teacher that I had there j norris and she could have told us all to understand it and enjoy reading, and because I did the show his cliff and and thoroughly enjoyed it because for those moments on stage for the first time ever in my life, I was not cliff wish it. I had become this. Does this horrific book every two? It's yours you can have Take a luxury item. Tell you pass the time more enjoyably? What would you choose is especial treat I would choose if it's possible, my gibson acoustic guitar, that's beautiful, guitar boarded london. Fifty and it's got a very, very gentle, sound and I'd love to have. That is a luxury, absolutely it's yours and finally, if you had to say just one of your eight discs from being washed away, which would you go for, I think I'd go for the gospel one, a go for it is well. I would need to know that god was with me. You know I would feel
safe, and I would feel well sickly frigid. Thank you so much for sharing your does Alan discs with us and, however, you spend it were. Wishing you very merry christmas, thank you so much, and I hope you have a lovely one too I hope you my conversation with sick leave as it's his second trip to the island. He should know whether tastiest cocoanut saw and which palm trees have the most change. Unified, cliff talk about his arch rivals the beatles wealth simple, kennedy colony was castaway by sue lowly in nineteen eighty two and he chose heartbreak hotel as one of his age tracks. T interesting. You can hear suppose programme
and those of a host of other musicians and sing his including tom yoke, Bruce Springsteen, Melanie, see use of cats, stevens, Debbie, hurry and lily alan by BBC sands. Next time my guest whoopi, colonel Lucy Giles, I do hope, you'll join us. I know you just want to hear your sure, but this won't take long on my own, the tradition of radio force, tricky podcast and it works like this for people from across the uk me and without represent a breathing down their necks talk, the issues they really cared about. It is quite complicated for long political will. And it's ok to be against it, but not too, shame. Someone is of their profession across the cities will hear anger shock and even the oblong another thing that really gets to meet when people say. I know what we need to do. I know I love you shut up, you don't.
That's the thing: that's not how it works. There will be those of you who didn't discover Conversations like thus researching tricky on bbc signs.
Transcript generated on 2022-06-06.