« Dissect



<p>Our special mini-series on Beyonce’s BLACK IS KING continues with an examination of “Otherside,” “My Power,” and “Spirit.”</p>

<p>Simba returns to the river to be reborn, reclaims his royal identity, and reunites with his father in heaven. Assisted by powerful women, Simba defeats Scar and reclaims his throne. Simba then raises his own child into the air, just as his father before him, completing his journey and fulfilling the circle of life.</p>

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This episode of dissect is brought to buy. Lexus the new, let's iron sport sedan goes all in on style, performance and power. from its available nineteen. It's dark metallic wheels to the available track to these six engine his eyes, looked like excellence and feels like exhilaration all day. Every day, Spain's amazing, your let's dealer or visit legs comes less eyes. This episode is brought to you by fan dual sports book, not just watch college basketball, get in the action and shoot your shot with the fan. Dual sports book app, there's more to play the bracket alternate long. New users get your first bank risk free up to one thousand dollars sign up with code of sense on the fan dual sports book app and make your first deposit today, twenty one
and presence in pencil vainly first on line real money wager only for one thousand dollar risk free, then refund issue does not withdrawal site credit that expires in fourteen days. Restrictions apply see full terms at sports book that Van dual decamp gambling problem an eight hundred gambler from Sir try. This is dissect law, for musical analysis, broken into short digestible episodes. Uncle cushions- and city said here today. We continue our six part. Examination of black is king by biotic last episode, symbol finally placed a crowd back on his head recognised. the kingship inside it.
However, we soon recognise that some are still needed: spiritual renewal, practical guidance and emotional healing. In order to recover the throne and become the leader his people read it all these needs were filled by knowledge who brought why therefore, symbols renewal, light for his guidance and the law. The affirmation of generations of brown skin women for his healing ultimately, knowledge presence with the key for Simba learning how to give all of himself to another person in marriage, like the sun, the moon and ancestors. In the Heavens, Simba Knowledge, marriage came to symbolise the ideal balance between divine masculine and feminine energy. The that Simba knowledge have poured into each other has now become the best Tis, but waters that would be needed for similar to be born again. Town dust returned to the river your rooms and your story
It will be reborn as we see Simba and knowledge on a horse riding away from their wedding. We hear voices from beyond, say that were first December as a child of dust and call Simba Tour turned to the river so that his roots and story can be reborn as an ex Grimly concise were telling of the biblical narrative. This passage set the stage for the final act of the which contains a number of illusions and direct references to the Bible. Specifically, the phrase child of dust seems to reference the first narrative of the Bible, where God forms the first man from the dust of ground this man called Adam, which in Hebrew means humanity is placed in a garden by river that runs through a place called eaten God plants to trees in the middle of the garden, the tree of life, which provides food it will enable humanity to live forever and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
which will enable humanity to define good and evil for itself without trusting in God, got them This is humanity in the garden of Eden and tells the man and woman not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil or they'll die the man and woman, are led astray by a snake who convinces them to distress God and eat the forbidden fruit because of their debts, visions to redefine good and evil for their own advantage. God declared that you Kennedy is now exiled to live in the devastated land outside of the garden where they will struggle to bring forth in the food from the ground. God declares that you, Kennedy, will die and be buried in the ground. Because quote dust? U r and D dusty will return as the biblical narrative goes on God, tat to bring life back to humanity through a man he names Abraham, which means far Many nations God bless his Abraham and instruct the teaches children to trust in the Lord bring
so that is, descendants can become like the stars in the heavens. Despite this divinely inspired guidance, joy, durations after generations of Abrahams descendants failed to try in the Lord, Finally, one descended named. Jesus began to teach that humans need to be born and get of water and the Spirit, so they can finally trust in the Lord This teaching is the reason that water baptism became a symbol of receiving a new life by trusting the Lord even to the point of death. This seems too the inspiration behind beyond safe passage about returning to the river to be reborn. Indeed, at the end of the biblical narrative, humans from all nation to have followed the way of Jesus and learn to try and God are invited back to a delightful garden where the tree of life grows by a river. similar to the story of humanity in the Bible, symbol story in black is king seems to serve as an architectural narrative for the choices all humans must make and how the effect of those choices
can lead to life or death for humans and for the land itself. We recall that in the films first ACT man holding a snake initially convincing, but to distrust his father's instructions which eventually led to symbol living in exile, while those who are made in the pride land struggled to bring forth food from the ground during The answer is voice over that we just heard the devastation of the private seems to be depicted by a dust storm that begins enveloped in arid landscape. Storms, are pervasive problem throughout much of North Africa. The number of dust storms has increased tenfold over the last half century, largely due to poor land management and farming practices. Take nutrients from the soil without giving enough back. Similarly scars. Mismanagement of the pride land seems to be depicted here. As we see two shortlist man in black pants rustling in front of a tree, then crawling through the dusty grounds like snakes, we should
call that the last time we saw these shortlist men was during the song scar where they seem to represent scar. Psychology which had been twisted by the harsh conditions of the world, the harsh conditions that black men routinely face, also seem to be the because of the audio clip we here, while the two shortlist men crawl through the dust, we beg, condition to be recycled box, we bring created with this image of black men are supposed to be. This way the case. We have to take responsibility or by stepping outside of those areas where the next, An anonymous man here discusses how black men have the royal responsibility to free themselves, the next generation from it. No barriers that an unnamed they have used to constrain them for black men, who already grown into adulthood, breaking free, until barriers essentially requires them to return to their childhood by being born again, fittingly us duh storm spreads. We move
inside a small one, room, shack and see beyond, say depicted as a mother holding her baby boy, wrapped in a white blanket. As from the prospect but this mother that beyond say things the first. First, a black is kings. Next, some other side just raise the other side features beautiful, classically, inspired our patriot, a piano a rare ballad in the midst of mostly up tempo danced tracks. Lyrically this
expresses both beauty and tragedy, as a mother, sister or child, as calamity threatens to come upon their meagre shelter she sings if the storm comes. If we burn up, if the wells run dry, you're, my reason to believe in another life. These links, all due to the devastating effect of droughts, including dust. arms grass fires and a shortage of drinking water. These are the harsh conditions in which so many ancestral african mothers have brought children into the world for generations can do since that many mothers and rural parts of Africa continue to endure. Yet, despite the potential for devastation and death, mother declares that her loving relationship with her son has given a reason to believe and another life, idea of another life seems to be a reference to the biblical concept of eternal life. Just before Crucifixion Jesus defined eternal life by saying this eternal life, that they know that the true God and Jesus the anointed one, whom God the Father has sent. According to Jean,
is eternal. Life begins: when someone knows God the Father in Jesus, the anointed sun, and enters into a loving relationship with them. This idea, eternal life coming from a relationship closely beyond sees maternal understanding that her relationship with our sun illustrate the reality of another life beyond our current experience of devastation during disperse the film cuts to a dusty path where people are running away from the camera. Attempting to escape the impeding storm. In contrast, Bianca. Slowly, walks in the opposite direction towards the camera, while holding her baby boy in a straw basket this image. a mother with a baby in a basket makes it clear that beyond sais depicting herself as the mother of Moses in the Bible Ray of Moses follows immediately after the story of Joseph. If you recall, we discussed Joseph story, when analyzing the lyrics to the previous song keys to the kingdom, as we noted Joseph, was
well to rescue his father, mother and eleven brothers from a deadly drought after Joseph became the most powerful ruler in Egypt. Next to the Faro Joseph and his brothers settled permanently in Egypt, where their descendants multiplied and became an ethnic group known ass, the children of Israel or Israelites hundreds of years after Josephs death. His accomplishments were forgotten and erased from egyptian history. Result, a new fairer rose to power who looked down upon the Israelites and saw them as a threat. This new, Euro began to violently oppress and enslave Israelites, who were forced to form back breaking labour to build up Pharaoh's empire. When there is light descendants continued to multiply Pharaoh. Where did soldiers to kill any baby boys who were born to Israel? Light mothers in the mill
of this genocide. One a name Israelite mother managed to hide her baby boy for the first few months, then before he got two big. The mother placed her baby boy in a covered box made of straw and let it float down. The now river, which we saw depicted in the opening scene of black, is king by divine Providence. The makeshift boats floated into the river bank, The faroes daughter was bathing. Pharaoh's daughter took compassion on the baby boy adopted him. her own royal sun and give him the name Moses, Pharaoh's, or found Moses Birth mother. On the other side of the now, and paid her to nurse Moses for the first three years of his life. Having taken, I'm too here most as a story and recall the films opening scene. We can now recognize how the story of Moses serves as a direct parallel to all the major themes of black his king, like Joseph, and the Israelites the accomplishment of eggs. Larry. Africans has been systematically erased from history which allowed a press.
of empires to enslave Africans and force them to build wealth for their oppressors. Like Moses, his mother, countless african mother, sought to protect. Their baby boys from genocide committed by those who are afraid of me from a strong ethnic minority. Finally, like Moses, the dead The waters of the now River now seem provide the way for similar to find new life regained royal identity, a reunite with his mother and father. On the other side, and discuss this believe me, you say my fiance continues to find her
amid the threat of devastation and death. She sings, if it all ends and it's over if the sky, false fire best. Believe me You will see me on the other side dimension of fire falling, the sky seems to refer to several biblical stories and which fire fell from the heavens as a form of divine justice against nations, who committed unjust acts against the vulnerable, most probably in the story of Moses Fire, fell on Egypt as part of the ten plagues that God sent as retribution. Four: Egyptians, enslaving, the Israelites and systematically killing baby boys. This recurring idea of divine action for children that face oppression is something that black is king, director crazy for drawer highlighted when we interviewed him it represents those mothers slaves were separated from their children and the hope that their children would be ok and that they would see them to their children on the other side to see that their choice then again, and they even beyond that. It's just this idea
notion that is as it as a mother as a father dad your child I'll, be forever guided and spirits with guys or child and you'll, be there to see them on the other side. But that's fears will be there to see them on the other side as well. Other side continues received I'd say, arrive at the shore of the Nile River place or be boy in the covered basket and push it away from her as a cover basket, begins to float away, We witnessed the gut wrenching moment in which a tearful bianti reiterate your belief that she'll see her son on the other side at the moment calls to mind the countless mothers who wept as their children were sold into slavery and shipped across the Atlantic Ocean as the dust storm only enveloped all who remained at the village receives Several shots at the basket floating down the Nile, these shots at the exact same ones we saw at the very beginning of the film it was there that we see arise basket symbolized the ships that carried enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean. The recurrence of the issue
fear and other side confirms our earlier interpretation and also seems to convey that similar story is now coming. Full circle at the covered basket. Contains two flowed down the river we here nigerian, recording artist, bunk, coolly, singing and outgrown Europa. The inclusion Europa lyrics at this point becomes particularly significant when we recognise that Europe of people were among the most affected by the Trans Atlantic slave trade. A two thousand fifteen arts university study found that the majority of African Americans have ancestry, that's most similar to current day you're about people in West Africa and so most african Americans who hear these Lyric sung in Europa are hearing the words of their ancestors the Europe. Our words that we hear first are sought outlay sulkily, ok. Why well wow this translates to descend, descend, descend, come oh, come up.
How coolly then things why? One well call me law, which it's late to come in to my heart. These lyrics were actually taken from an old Christian him. Bunk coolly, translated into Europa, So what came to my mind was popular through spoons, music called my art for me to my eyes, were slipping down, flippity to Europe No sir,. Saw a kind man so kindly were and are put on the phone and are able to do my team treaties. Version of illustrate Bon coolies prayer asking the Holy Spirit to come down from the Heavens, is in line with historical Christianity, which is founded on the belief that Jesus descends to enter and transform human minds by the power of God Spirit since the beginning of the twentieth century. Asking Jesus
come into once heart is the defining conversion experience for individuals who identify themselves as born again Christians as more experiential focused form of spirituality born again, Christianity has become the most dominant form of Christianity throughout Africa Eagerly among Europe's speaking people in Nigeria, who, like bank coolly, continue to use their native. Song, when they sing to the Lord God saw saw wow, me.
really after we hear another repetition of bank coolly, asking the Lord descend and come into his heart. We see a visual depiction of the born again experience as we watch the straw basket, go over the edge of a waterfall, The film then immediately cuts to an underwater shop where we expect to see them. ask it diving into the water. Instead we see adults, him falling into the water facing upward? This juxtaposition between them SK it and adopt Simba seems too firm. That symbol is the baby boy placed in the basket. symbols immersion in the water thus appears to be depicting is baptism. Here You recall our analysis of the salt water. It was that we discuss the idea baptism as a symbol of Jesus is death and resurrection. Which we saw alluded to as Bianca floated in the ocean with her body mirroring Jesus on the cross, a symbol into the water we notice. His body too, is in the same exact position with his arms stretched out. All of these connections. typical symbolism and earlier moments in the film seem too
confirm the scene of a baby floating down. The river represent Simba spiritual journey from a child formed by a deadly desert storm who has now returned to the river, whereas routes and a story are being re born in the mists of baptism, we see symbol, begin to swim through the water and turned his head in different directions as if he searching for something. We then see the gold crowned king peace, sunken underwater, does the same chest: peace that symbols Father gave symbol before the song find your way back late. during symbol childhood daydream. At the end of move ever we saw, tv set that depicted scar playing a drum that scared, Simba and caused him to drop the chest peace into a river during symbol. Dalton nightmare in jar ray, we saw us are holding the chest. Peace after he suddenly appeared as the driver of the hearse that was leading Simba to his death. Now, ah here underwater, we know
December is now being baptized and the same button up sure and gold chains that he wore when he indulged in a destructive party list out through out Jara by recovery. The sunken chest: peace while wearing his party clothes symbols effectively recovering the royal identity that he forfeited during the child. Daydream, an adult nightmare doing so will allow him to return to the beginning of his story alongside his father. This idea of return, to the identity given by a father at the beginning of a story also mirrors the biblical narrative we covered at the top of this episode. It was there outline how the very first chapter of the Bible culminates with God, the Father, creating humanity in the image of God to rule as kings and queens on earth. Just like God, rules as king. In the Heavens, so symbols baptism and recovery of the chest. Peace illustrates symbols, renewed identity. As a son of my father and son, Oh god
proceed sleep, simmer reaches out and grab suggest peace. We here also seeing the word bigger does. Of course, references, the films opening track was here that Bianti old Simba that white supremacist would try to twist Bible verses to prevent him from recognising he's the living word, which references, geez his identity, as the word of God and the Son of God, Injustice emit takes hold of the chest bees the film cuts to a shot. but don't Simba and a new setting. Can no longer where's his party close a steady now dawning the royal leopard print Sue and had been he wore during his marriage ceremony with knowledge, Simba Approach, is an elderly woman kneels before her and holds up the gourd crown chest peace that he just recover from the river as a film cuts,
close up of the old woman wearing white beads and inspecting the chest. Peace, we see that she's, the reform inspired priestess, who anointed childhood simmer back on bigger in that? the little symbol was also wearing a royal leopard pal and leopard headband during this annoyed meant the tired face of the elderly, justice. This is now full of wrinkles, which seem to convey just how long she's been waiting for someone to return she Hansa chest. Peace back December then proceed to annoy him with white body paint just like you did decades earlier, and the Zulu village, in contrast to the traditional african aesthetic of the Zulu village. The current anointing takes place in the urban courtyard of posing hollow cylindrical skyscraper, whose open centre last sunlight to reach the courtyard. This iconic structure is the party city apartments tower of fifty four story: residential building in downtown Johannesburg, the Party tower was
shouted and nineteen. Seventy five at the height of South Africa's apartheid system of racial segregation during apartheid, black Africans, were forbidden from renting apartments in the tower. The only black people who lived in party city were servants of White South Africans. Once outside ended in ninety ninety, for most of the former White south african residents, vague did the tower and moved to other neighborhoods. This pattern of white flight created an economic void, along with an increase of violent crime, drug abuse, prostitution and urban decay. As result, The party tower serves as a symbol for the environment of repression that lead black people to walk around with their crowns in their back pockets a sentiment we heard in the voice over that played when we first saw Cinema in Johannesburg back on jarring guy and the way in which Party tower illustrates the ongoing effects of colonialism and white supremacy its fitting that the
tower is now the place where Simba is anointed. As the king, who led his peers out of this oppressive environment, just like me this leading the Israelites out of Egypt, however, rather than leading his Here's across the sea symbol. Now LISA spears up towards the Heavens, as he suddenly begins to levitate off the ground and into the bright light above orientation to survivors of the world. The elders are tired to God. We belong to God. We return, you find yourself in a room with all the people you lost and you dance with joy, As far as we watch Simba levitate further off the ground, we're here,
aren't they say salutations just survivors. The elders are tired to God we belong to God. We return the state seems to have been inspired by the account of Jesus, his last supper before crucifixion in the gospel. According to John, the author of that account, married the scene by saying quote: Jesus knowing that the father had given All things into his hands that he had I'm from God, and he was going to god- got up from the table, took off his outer robe and tied a towel around himself. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the time that was tied round him. Unquote. Jesus then told his disciples quote: you an example that you also should do as I have done to you unquote, while a person that they come from God and are going back to God could lead them to adopt a pride, full and self serving attitude towards others.
This account highlights how Jesus is knowledge of his divine origins, led him to an attitude of humility and loving service to others. Jesus, thus, perfectly exemplified we forces aging that true king search for what they can give instead of searching for what they can take the member. My father's teaching then sets up the final statement of the voice over you find your self in a room with all the people. You lost a new dance with joy. Ass, pure as your father's face, say here, seems to be describing the experience of returning to God in the Heavens, were once ancestor. Are enjoying eternal life and also foreshadows the forthcoming. Seen in with Simba having ascended from rounds upon tower into the bright light above reunites with my father on the other side, Why
as we watch them disappear into the light of the sun. The screen fades to white before fading back to shot of a serene peaceful river. It here that symbols covered basket floats through a lush tropical landscape, which seems represent the garden of Eden on the banks of the river. We see several children. Watching the floating basket. They all have been anointed with intricate white body. Pain We're branches leaves flowers and fruits on their heads. These I still seem to have been inspired by the ritual face, pain and headdresses, worn by adults, and children in Ethiopia is also Valley where indigenous try. we have maintained a distinct way of life, totally Sup data from modern urbanization, at same time. The fact that these trees, Children are standing by the river suggest that they are children of the dust who learned to trust in God who return to the river and whose
roots and stories have been reborn fittingly as the children catch sight of symbols covered basket. We here. Buckley singing the euro by word or Louisa, which previously omitted from the year by bridge section of other side alone, is most often translators with the english word Lord. Within Europe, translations of the old testament, although why the word for the name yeah way, the God of Israel, who created the Heavens and the earth and revealed his personal named Moses, and you're about translations of the new testament, the word otherwise is primarily used to refer to Jesus at the human embodiment of your way has been coolly repeats. Only one and so Calais, which means descend. We watch beyond walk through the garden wearing a beautiful angelic white dress with wing shoulders, fiance walks through the or of the river and Niels down to pick up the covered basket. This. Joe Bianti. Finding baby Simba by the shore while wearing a white dress, is a clear reference to the
very beginning of the film was there Chauncey, wore white dress and Hell Baby Simba by the short the ocean and our analysis of the scene. We discuss a Don T seem to represent the angel like a Russia, pneumonia and also Pharaoh's D. Therefore found Moses in the now river, but just have seem beyond say, depicting yourself as Moses mother, while declaring that she'll see her son on the other side, it seems This reunion between mother and son is now coming to fruition. as before. they rejoins their older children and holds Baby Simba, her arms. We hear her. Peter Leasing, mobile critique, I'm a window, which in Swahili means ancestors in the clouds the presence of Africa
ancestors in the heavenly garden of Eden is then confirmed when the film cuts to a shot of move Faso wearing an all white. Three p suit and hat decorated with white carry shells. The next shot shows adults, and but get off his royal leopard tale had banned in kneeling in front of his father, then in what is perhaps the most Emotionally arresting moment of the film we see a close up of Simba with both hands clinging to his father and his mouth is I'd open as if he can hardly believe his eyes, Simba breaks down into tears. Ass move fast. the places a hand on symbols. Right shoulder indicate in December is now the one tree came for some
seeing move faster on the other side has finally brought closer to the trauma that he endured. Since his father's mortal life was cut short by scars henchmen, at the same time, we should recognize them foster, isn't archetypal character and Abraham, like figure. Who is the father of many african nations for all of us who have descended from the ancestors seeing move faster The garden of Eden has the potential to bring closure to a collective trauma that we even dirt, since our forefathers mortal lives were cut short by colonialism, slavery, police brutality and all other forms of racial eyes. Depression move fast, his hand on Simba Shoulder conveys the hope that all the ancestors have put an US to bring about justice for all nations. Of course, about justice will require us to take a stand and challenge the oppressive systems put in place by Uncle SAM and other western institutions. Likewise,
member, must now stand up and challenged the oppressive rule of uncle scar to restore the pride lands back to their former glory. That's right. After the break this episode dissect is brought to you by Lexus. The new Lexus lawyers is a luxury sports today made for those in the wall, then with the task multimedia display available. Nineteen inch wheels in trouble being headlights is more than a car. It's a luxury performance experience and not just because the available tracking these six engine incur hugging handling, it's all in on style and all the non performance in one package. Experience amazing thing: you're, like stealer or visit Lex, Council s eyes, this episode is brought to you by better help Online Therapy being human, his heart, and we all have struggles relationships work, families, emotions whatever you're working through therapy, can help
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symbols, tearful reunion with his father, helped and bring closure to the trauma that Forest Simba into exile. We also noted how many facets: interaction with Simba, further establishment forces role as an architectural african ancestor inspired his descendants to bring about peace and justice on earth. These ideas can new into the subsequent interlude where were transported from heavenly garden into a south african forest when only kissed the trees, a thing melody and the ancestors waiter, Smiley divine. predecessor of land. We also hear described the scene in which the african ancestors returned to the land after the wind causes to trees to sing melodies. This personification of trees seems to connect back to the previous scene or children in the heavenly garden were dressed like trees, given all the
typical references up until this point, we also can't help but think that the device and wind here- might allude to a famous biblical passage which Jesus gives a spy about being reborn of water and spirit quote, do not maize that I said to you. You must be born again. The wind blew where it wishes hear the sound of it. So well everyone who has been born of the Spirit and quote the wind here, seems to symbolise God Spirit which moves people to make stinks, sounds just like the wind blowing through trees by this group. How the wind cause the trees to sing melodies that brought back the ancestors fiance seems to be fourthly, describing how God Spirit is inspiring gods. Children to reconnect with the ways of their ancestors as we These poetic statements about the ancestors we see a force in south Africa's Zulu region were six black women lean their bodies and heads against a dome shape. Grass hut that's adorned with purple flowers, each
the women is entirely covered with some type of earthen red pigment that covers her hair and skin. This use of earthen red pigment is the distinct way of indigenous women from the him a people of North West, Namibia, similar to indigenous tribes and Ethiopia, Almo Valley, the Hamburg people have managed to preserve their traditional culture, for centuries by separating themselves from the repressive influences of westernize urban environments. The use of red pigment is one such cultural practice in which hinder women cover themselves with an earthen clay base, pace called o t easy, as the film take inside the hut, we see real life timber woman grinding a chunk of red clay to make a tv paced, the woman than applies. It pays to the waited here of another woman, While him, the men, don't typically use o tc paste. Humble women cover their skin and hair with the paste each morning for beauty, hygienic and protective purposes. The deal
routine, a similar to how women in the West might apply makeup lotion, soap and conditioner, but unlike these commercial products, o t He pays helps member women maintain a connection with their ancestral land, a connection that is as close as their own skin, a connection that bridges, the Gatt from those living on earth, to those were alive in the Heavens, it's a mess, these him by women that we see Simba, sit down and close his eyes ass. If he's praying or meditating, this spiritual focus surrounded by indigenous women in his native Zulu land is a direct contrast. Is IRAN, state of mind when he surrounded himself with seductive women and male peers and urban Johannesburg. We also noticed that in place of his urban Party, close Simba is now wearing traditional Zulu warrior armor a leopard tale had banned, and one large circular earring. We saw
symbol wearing the same attire when we fossil placed his hand on symbols right shoulder in the heavenly garden? Further supporting the idea that will foster has entrusted symbol to fight against the injustice of his uncle scar. You were formed by the heat was tested with staff. Who has the universe in you Blood keeps the score of your blessings and try. Bianca continues her voice over by using cosmic language to describe the ancestors as humans, who were formed from the dust of stars. This choice of words, aims to parallel the biblical story of creation or humanity was form from the dust of the ground rather than the stars. However, as biblical narrative progresses, God bless his Abraham says that IRAN's descendants who are described we as numerous as the dust of the earth, can become like stars, given that if they learn to trust in God, this idea
by blessing passed down from generation to generation leads to be unsafe, in a statement that the blood of the ancestors keeps the score of your. Blessings and trials. This highlights the inconvenient truth that the blessings african. Want to receive from the ancestral blood also come with the corresponding set of trials, which most would want to avoid and the biblical narrative trials are often described as fire from the Heavens that God uses to remove unwanted influence and form purified humans. Just like a goldsmith uses fire from the earth, to remove unwanted metals and form pure gold. Most noted The leader of the very first christian community, told his followers quote, count it all joy, my brothers and sisters when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endure it and let endurance have it's perfect result so that you may be perfect and mature lacking in nothing unquote. He would all remember
they were what they were when they were taken from wide tried so hard and make us forget something about. Corruption something about walking in the rain, with your head high and them in the not disrespecting your car by when your neck, you know after Beyonce's voice over we here Video clip of an unnamed man who discusses how white Europeans historically tried to make enslaved Africans forget who they were, and what cultures they were taken from. The man than the arises that those why people tried so hard to make black people forget their african identity because they recognise the ineffable power that comes from being connected to the royal african bloodline. The man then, I want to assert the importance of black people respecting their crowns by holding their heads up high. This statement mirrors the one her before water, where woman said you can't wear a crown with your head down
This audio clip was followed by a man who said that most often women are the ones who train boys to be men and restore men who have fallen apart, and, it's the same way: the Hamburg and seem to represent all the women of the pride lance who have rallied around Simba as he goes to challenge scar symbols. I am on, the strength of these women is then confirmed, as we hear the voice of beyond say playing her role in the two thousand nineteen lion, King Film and the like, This bold challenge of scars rule is spoken by knowledge after Simba rescues his mother from scars advances and threatens to tear scar part here in black, is king We hear this dialogue right after we see a shot of Simba standing up from a seat in the hut, which is then followed by shot of scar standing up from his seat on the throne, we notice that the throne looks bare and devoid of life with no people are plants in sight before this guy.
And in Yang line. Simple has also been replaced with the school of a dead wildebeest. The film and cuts back to the flower cover hut, where we see the women dance out of the door and take their place on the front line. Wanna get now you have to get through. Are you want? May lie? That's a lie. the female warriors get into their battle stances. We here now call the other female lines to fight the Hyaenas, the filming cuts to what will recover current symbolic shot of a man covered in red dust facing off he's the man and blue dust, the two and seemed to symbolise the fight between Simba, red and scar and blew a rubber. think Simba, as a man covered in red does similar to the Humber women. The film again see, to convey how symbols power comes directly from the powerful women who surround him. These women centre stage. As we hear the opening moments, a black is kings. Next tracked, my power
As my power begins, we see individual shots of beyond, say beyond, sees daughter, blue be Carter, and the women who are featured on the Song American Wrapper Tiara Whack, south african artist, child centrally, and boost ceasefire and new as he songwriter Niger, as an eye sing the songs opening refrain. We see a shot from above looking down on Niger beyond Satyr Whack and moon shouts Emily, who were lying on a white floor with there. Toward the center forming an egg shape with their bodies on the floor beneath them is a black. outlined symbol resembling a clover, the combination of their bodies with the black lying, creates a Danny and a Ding cross symbol a dinner hour,
set of symbols used to communicate certain values or aphorisms. This civic symbol in my power is called basis, Saka, which translates into literally Colonna a valuable, not found in the tropical rainforests of Africa. The basic soccer represents affluence, power, wealth and unity in togetherness To portray four of the songs. Female collaborators with this symbol suggests that the power they sing about not only lies within themselves as individuals, but also in their unity as a collective this is a reiteration and culmination of a theme that we seen threw out the film that we all belong to it. Unified circle of life and will find our power when we found our place within the large or whole, we also know the red suits that the women are wearing when they gathered around the symbol of power and unity recall that first time we saw a group of people wearing red suits was during don't jealous me. It was here that scars henchmen,
were red suits as they lead Simba astray and killed move faster by showing beyond saying, a group of women wearing red suits. The film seems to be depicting how the women in and was community, have taken their power back from the hyena like men following size, opening chorus. We cut to the image of terror whack and a black cloak. She wears a golden Peace, along with her intricately braided hair, which for three rings high above her head in a very the traditional she grew style of the Europe people she's and motionless with her eyes closed. and suddenly her eyes open and she ll judge and jury commanding burst as always entity will you I wouldn't want to be with you. I need everything's all biodegrade from oh, please refrain from all points of view. She wasn't my dream Sinclair regimes. Everyday work begins with a proud
certain of our own power beauty and royalty. As averse continues, she compares herself to three characters of the nineteen ninety sitcom living Single Sinclair regime and Maxine, given this context, her line rage from a queen queen. So strong thought she was a machine likely references. The star of the show, wrapper and actress Queen Latif. Living single centres on six single twentysomething friends living in a Brooklyn Brownstone, navigating the crew yours and romantic lives? Many have drawn compare sense of living signal to the embassy hit, show friends due to friends nearly identical premise, albeit with an all white cast, this fuller context of living single brings tears, opening minds to fulfil its mission, Is there that she wrapped always in the lead, I'm who they were a b b. A? U t why? here is not only referring to her individual success and also the boy. or artistic successes and achievements of the black community, who are so frequently imitated by white. Creative
The spelling out of the word beauty is also a clever nod to queen, but has hit single you, and I t why asked he African and use our verse. She suddenly throws off her black cloak to reveal and all white jumpsuit she's wearing underneath this juxtaposition between dark and light clothing again highlights the motif of duality between good and evil, as we ve heard, discuss throughout the film the failure of white people to recognise This duality then becomes the focus of the remainder of deer adverse The libyan people demonic angel letters TAT. I discovered this passage. Islamic terror wraps referred or me as a goddess, I'm tired of being modest, a hundred degrees, the hottest, if we're being honest, ebony any bonnets, here. Tier, embodies the voice over we heard back on water when an anonymous woman said, I can't say I will
even God, and call myself a child of God and then not myself, as a God, than hanging her head down and dropping her crown tier asserts that black people are the hottest she sites ebony a dark shade of black that take this name from a type of dark Blackwood that often used to make black chest pieces in traditional african sculptures terror society by annex a term originally derived by combining ebony and fanatics, and the name you describe african american vernacular English, while black people black, are in black language, have clearly been influential, threw out western cultures. Tierra notes that this success has two more derogatory marks from white supremacist. She wraps black people win I say we being demonic, angel skies. I hate I have to disguise it why you gotta despise it here. Tiara is likely referring to the ways
european colonizers and in slavers, tried to suppress the power of african spirituality by saying its purely demonic. Ironically, demons. don't exist any far and other forms of african spirituality, which teach that all things and all people exist in duality, with both good and evil inside them. Wide support, Mrs have chosen to ignore the good inside of african spirituality, while simultaneously ignoring the evil hatred and justice and hypocrisy of so many western european Christians who directly opposed the virtues of love and justice exemplified by Jesus. As a result, white supremacist have chosen to despise and demonize all influences from Africa, which forces black people to hide their black identity and live as angels in disguise. Just like two years, white jumpsuit symbolise inside of her black cloak. Yet, despite the efforts
white supremacist deprive black people of power, success and wealth terror, assert, she's, rich in the mind and ends with a call to action. Can't we all in power its time the realize it reading. This deadline tat distant after a repetition of the chorus we see beyond, say performer dance, routine with several backup dancers All the women are wearing red crop, tops and red skirts we also see several shots beyond, say and blue eye be wearing Rainbow printed. Jersey dresses this common. Should have read and rainbow dresses suggest that Bianti has taken inspiration from oil. The EU or Russia. Of storms, wind, lightning, death and rebirth oil is typically too
acted as a warrior, holding a sword wearing a red dress and some depictions different colored strands of hang from her waist and a rainbow pattern here in black is king its association with death and rebirth, recalls the death and rebirth that similar experience during his journey down the Nile River. Another side oils word also illustrates the strength that enables women to wage war against oppressors, as we seen throughout my power. Fine oil is association with lightning seems to be
you do too in the opening by the bureau is worse than tat. Light tat, distant and tat is tat. Here is that of time protection given to get back to my power than ever take throughout her verse. Bianti refers to the power conveyed by lightning in fire in the african Savannah African for them, natural african hair and black skin african herbal medicine and african bloodlines. After encouraging her african sisters till get loose, get low in the style of many traditional african dances, Bianca,
I want to say, gotta protect my grace, keep it locked in a safe here. The word grace can refer to the ability to maintain balance and elegant moves like the dance movie scene in the video. At the same time within the biblical narrative. The word grace is most frequently used to describe a gift of divine favour that has bestowed upon humans by God. In the context of my power, Bianti seems to be asserting that her power is a gift that has been given by God. be safeguarded from those who opposed. Lastly, people who did a divided about They did
It's just that the repetition of the course we hear a verse by south african singer BC. Swat, who appeal is wearing a large dress with layers of red tassels. The dress prominently accentuate The BBC's was curves and causes goes to resemble the illustrated depictions of a nineteenth century. South african woman named Sarah Barton armaments, large physique, led to her taken to Europe where White Europe and paid money to touch her body and see your paraded around at freak shows while Lucy was dress reminds us of the tragic ways in which we Europeans have historically taken power away from black women. We should also note the tassels on her dress seemed to be inspired by west african Masquerade costed, the channel the dove the power of a particular spirit which in this case be the warrior spirit of oil, fittingly
cease, was verses almost entirely in her native Exocet language. She uses it additional south african style call in Response war cry to depict the moment that Allah rallies the female lions to fighting scar on the Hyaenas according to the EU, translation or beyond. These website procedure first says: are you with me, which is exact We what knowledge said after telling scar that is rain is over Lucy, was verse a group of women Responder question by saying we are with you, pussy what goes on to say, my inner demons have awakened, which seem to acknowledge the demon angel duality inside of all people similar to tears, whack verse about being an angel undisguised. However, despite the attempts and to be permanently overcome by rage and anger, we see swab briefly, so just to English and says there will be peace, when I'm done clarifying her ultimate purpose for going to war, while we want who see, swap perform this militant verse and flexor biceps the film cuts back and forth to shots of two other black women. The fur
doesn't eighty four, your woman who flexes her biceps just like goosey swamp. This is earnest Dean Shepard, who was recognised as the oldest competitive female bodybuilder after she began, train at the age of seventy one and subsequently want to body building titles. We also see beyond sais, formerly dancer. I e shall Francis, who wears a royal purple crop top that reveals her belly. That is an eight months pregnant and anointed with white body paint. Despite the physical toll that pregnancy takes on women, I issue continues to dance vigorously as she wiped her head back and forth like a weapon. The juxtaposition of earnest in shepherd displaying stereotypically masculine strength, and I use of France's display stared, typically feminine strength through child. Bearing reminds us of the sea motif use prior to keep to the kingdom it
there we saw a statue of the house a warrior queen amino, followed by the statue of a woman with a baby tied to her back like the recurring motif, suits and addresses the eighty four year old, bodybuilder and pregnant dancer shows how women routinely defy all expectations by embodying both masculine an feminine expressions of power through. my power. We continue to see the symbolic battle between the two men and red and blue dust, clear winner until the film cuts to a shot of the women in red, o tc performing a synchronized martial arts style. Bicycle kit The women deliver the final blow to film cuts
nighttime shot of Simba wearing his Zulu armor, as he marches too the camera with the women and read or teasing marching alongside him. The filming cuts to a shot of scar. Looking back over his shoulder ass, he runs away from simmer and the women scar fleas into a dark forest and Jack Mere of how simple was depicted fling the pride they had a child, this mirroring effective, straight another full circle moment and symbols Journey and indicates that this time so or is the one being driven out of the kingdom our stumbles through the forest. We see. several shots of a tree that colored white and decorated with white rope netting where we expect to see the trees We see eleven black men and women dressed in white who sit the ground and two lines are alternate male and female. Finally, Ryan, The tree trunk, we see beyond, say wearing a white lay stress decorated with carry shells. She also the car, we shall headdress avail that covers the bottom half of her face, as we seen throughout the fish.
Cavalry shells and the color white is most often worn to symbolise a connection to the spiritual room and the ancestors who seem to be depicted here as the roots. beyond these tree. This internal station when match the final lines of the song bigger whereby, and say wore white dress and told Simba I'll be the roots you be the tree pass on the fruit that was given to me legacy if something way bigger the connection, doing, trees and ancestors was also alluded to in the voice of or just before, my power or beyond, say said, when the wind kissed, the trees they sang melodies and the ancestors returned smiling, Thus, having seen scar vanquished and the royal legacy passed down, the Simba, their appearance, symbolic white tree seems to indicate the ancestral way of life has now returned to the motherland, fittingly after the screen fates two black He had time lapse, shot of the sun rising upon a new day, and we hear the voice a move speaking on behalf of the ancestors in the clouds, the keys, rises,
fools like the sun days. The sun was set on my time here and will rise with use. The new king. This time What comes from the scene in which we also take similar to the top of pride rock at sunrise and tells him everything the light touches? Is our kingdom move ass. It goes on to say that there will be a day in the future when the sun sets on his time as king and rises over symbols. Rain we recognize is that we are now witnessing that day in black is king as the film cuts to a shot of Simba wearing a white sue and gold chains. Ironically, this out mere is the one that childhood Simba WAR when he began to lose his white face paint in the dark warehouse was there he sat on a worn out, blacker, Kleiner, imitating the man with the snake on his shoulders
now, instead of sitting in an older Kleiner Simba, sits on his father's royal thrown wearing fresh white face paint and a black crown adorned with coldly symbols that assembled those warned by the Bali people of Cote D Ivoire. This is this, M crown that was mostly shouted in darkness on top of symbols had earlier in the film here and sighed the Zulu hat Simba. crown are now fully illuminated in the presence of knowledge and beyond, say the two women who have served as symbols guiding light threw out his journey. Both women wear white dresses and beyond sand particular where's. The same white dress that she wore when she first held Simba on the shores of the spiritual world. Beyond sais presence here in the physical world, seems to convey House Simba and Nala's rule have a store that unity between the spiritual and the physical between the Heavens and the earth between humans and nature. The ancestral lands have thus been transformed into a garden of Eden, which is indicated by the trees and flowers that fill
but through room. We also see that the Golden Yang Lion symbol, Crest, has been returned to its rightful place above the throne has black, as can continues. We see a close up shot of knowledge whose pink hair is now top with. crown made of white and gold circles, which seems represent the circle of life. This circle of life motif then becomes fully apparent when All it turns her head to see beyond say, holding a newborn baby while wearing again the same white dress she wore when she first held Simba as knowledge. It's up from the royal table to take hold of her baby. The film cuts to a close up of an alderman wearing gold, jewellery and sitting at the table within here. Another piece of dialogue from the linking filled him I'm home This dialogue makes it clear that the woman in gold jewellery is simple mother, the dialogue it health comes from the linking scene in which simmer first returns home rescue. his mother from scars advances.
Feels that he still alive like most his mother said as as now experience the joy of seeing her son on the other side of his journey through a long period of denial. The presence of some his mother with knowledge beyond, say, also further illness it's on the success of symbols. Rain is made possible by the loving example of key women in his life. After shut as one last shot of knowledge holding the new baby and symbol cradling its head, the film cuts to a shot of a man in a Bright, green row, walking along an old Dustin path through a dry rocky landscape. This shot takes us back to the films opening. on TAT, where we saw a group of people in matching green robes going down the same path. The scene was interspersed between shots of symbols basket floating down the now river and candid shots of various black people and families. based on our earlier analysis of this opening montage. It seems that this path represents the spiritual journey that each one of us must travel through our lives there.
Theme of journeys was also mentioned at the very beginning of the film. Before we see, visuals at all, but I'm ok yet, but I would like to take you gave me like I nor gotta keep really used. Sometimes I don't know how have any navigating is typically what a person does when the path is unchartered or unclear. However, as image of a man walking down an old, well worn path suggests black people can easily find their way identity when they follow the ancient way of life that was passed down by the ancestors variations? hold your hand. This journey that began before you were born. We never forget to say thank you to the ancestors not enjoy a night out blessings.
In the stars. After depicting herself, as you Mosher Ocean oil out, threw out the film beyond safe final voice over. probably acknowledges the Russia as guiding spirits, who play a role that is similar to guardian angels and Christianity. Bianti, then answer fine waste over reminding her fellow Africans to always think their royal ancestors for the heavenly blessings that they have bestowed upon their descendants. This focus on connection between ancestors and their descendants is also visually depicted as the film cuts to a shot of a modern, modest apartment complex. It's here, see a black man and woman holding their baby daughter wearing a white dress, just like somebody now held their baby in the royal throne room. This juxtaposition between wealthy and lower income, black couples holding a baby suggest that the royal identity that black people- and here it is not based on wealth. Rather black people become
true kings and queens when they love each other and make sacrifices needed to nurture the next generation networks. Sticking carriers possibility sacrifices. The amazement I wanna make sometimes work ass. King should take a clear with care, all that is less anxious. As we listen to this final audio clip, we see a montage of black parents caring for their children from me, and smiling abrading his daughters, hair to a woman and her too they're sitting in their laundry room to a husband has pregnant and their son wearing birthday, hats, the shots are interspersed with shots men wearing suits that are coloured purple, which we discussed was a color reserve for royalty at the time of the roman empire, and the first of these ass. The men in the purple suits are sitting in the bright warehouse,
previously symbols, blue subconscious dance during the song already recall that, just before the song, we saw these purple seats for the first time. as these men covered their faces, unclear or secure about their true identity. However, that these same men have committed to take care of their families. They realized their kings. Already, the law shove them montage show these men and purple suits by the ocean one man raises his fist. Above his head, a gesture was commonly associated with the Black Power resistance movement After seeing all the black parents and hearing the monologue about taking care of one's family, this image of a raised This suggests that raising black children, who loved themselves and love each other is the ultimate of resistance against white supremacy. At the same time, Bianca herself noted in the previous on power is assessed. It'll grace tat humans received from God. This is the same point.
This himself made as he ascended to the Heavens to take his place, is king. Over gods, kingdom, he told the founders of his church quote. Your receive power Holy Spirit has descended upon you and you will be. Witnesses, even to the farthest lands of the earth, unquote fit, lay the image of a man redefining black kingship and black power leads directly to a black church wire singing a song about the Holy Spirit yeah, the man who wore this is black, is kings. Final song spirit, unlike the fully produced album version
yeah. They begin the song here. Singing archipelago she stands in the middle of a room wearing an off shoulder bright, yellow, Shaw, imagine shirt. Perhaps a final debate of the Arusha Ocean the camera zooms out. We see that answer, standing on the choir risers of a church whose interior walls are painted, white beyond surrounded by a fifty person, black gospel choir comprised of an equal number of men and women they all where the same royal purple suits that we saw in the previous montage like men and women participating in such an iconic expression of the african american christian tradition. Further illustrate how the royal identity of black kings and queens is based on a connection to God that has been passed for generations generational. Experience of black church service is a motif that black is king. Co. Director quasi forger, also highlighted when we interviewed him out
the creation of a black me come at all that time. That moment where It's legit within black cinema, one of the most curious and beautiful world sensation. The baron, the mother or the main trade takes that boy to church. There is kind of what that represents and celebrating him finding himself and him accepting his responsible at his place in the world lyrically the archipelago choir begins with Bianti singing. The wind is talking for the very first time with a melody that pose you toward it. Painting pictures of Paradise does, of course, recalls the voice over. We heard before my PA our it was their Bianti said when the wind the trees they sang like melodies and their ancestors return smiling we interpret the wind, referred to God, Spirit, which seems to be confirmed. as the word wind appears once again, time and a song called spirit being performed in the middle of a church, it's interesting No, here that in ancient times the concept
of wind and spirit, were so tied together that there were four. by the same word and many ancient languages, old testament, hebrew and new testament Greek An idea between the two is that there exists. An invisible energy that can act upon humans are objects to create a visible change in the world. Just like wind is invisible, but causes is branches of a tree to visibly move so to his gods. your invisible but animates all living things in the Bible. God spirit is frequently to pick it as the energy that causes humans to great divinely, inspired art, give divinely, inspired performances and speak divinely inspired, word So Bianti saying that the wind is talking for the very first time with a melody that policy towards it. She said to be describing the moment. Simba here is God Spirit. Speaking for the first time, Typically in this moment, a black ass King Simba, here's God speaking through a visible black spoke choir, singing a melody inspired by gods, invisible spirit
he then goes on to say this melody paints. Pictures of Paradise here Were. Paradise is derived from the greek word Paradiso, which originally refer to a style of lush gardens that were owned and cultivated by kings, queens and the world members of society, this association with royalty and abundant. Likely explains why the scholar the first translated. The hebrew old testament into Greek, referred to the guy of Eden as the Paradiso of Eden, quite literally, the Paradise of Eden and the Greek New testament, there's a pivotal scene in which a repentant thief being crucified next to Jesus, acknowledges Jesus is God's anointed king, just before the two of them die. Jesus tells the thief quote: today, you will be with me in Paradise: unquote the fact that Jesus promised or former thief What I've, eternal life, an entrance into the Paradise garden of Eden further illustrates, idea that men who search for things to take can recover their rights the identity, when they turned from their wicked ways and fall,
the ancient way of sacrificial love that was exemplified by both my foster and Jesus. Who laughter, as the choir against a company beyond, say she sings rise up to them light in the sky watch the light. Lift your hard up burn your flame through the night. This imagery of rising up to the light of the sky seems to be describing the moment Simba ascended, through the center of the party tower into the light of the sky before meeting his father in the Heavens, as we who did earlier. This is mere Jesus is sent into the heavens to sit at the right hand of God, where he would rule as the king, the entire universe We should also note that the gospel according to John introduces Jesus as the quote light of humanity who enlightens every human
beyond, say last line Bernie flame in the night seems too rough God Spirit appearing as flames of fire throughout the Bible, including the affirmation story of Moses. The new testament also contains a scene in which Jesus his disciples were praying inside of a house when a forceful wind came down from the Heavens and into the house. Small flames of fire appeared above each one of their heads and the disciples were quote, filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with different languages, as the Spirit enabled them unquote, because the wind, God Spirit, spoke different languages through these prophetic leaders. The story of Jesus was quickly able to spread the people living in the farthest lands of the earth, and so the idea that Simba and his peers have the fire of God. Spirit burning over their heads in the night suggests that the tumultuous experience of african spreading to different lands and learning different languages is ultimately meant to bring blessing. The people all over the world
who for the songs first course wired joints Bianca, she sings Spirit watch the Heavens, Open Spirit Kenny here, Collen here the description of the Heavens. burning seems to be a reference to Jesus is baptism and the Jordan River, the gospel according to Matthew States quote after he was baptized. Jesus came up from the water and behind
the Heavens were opened and John saw the Spirit of God descending in the form of a dove to rest on Jesus and behold, a voice from the Heavens said, is the son, whom I love with whom I am very pleased and quote Having already seen Simba baptized and her bank coolly ass, the Lord to descend, the idea that the Heavens are now open, suggest that God Spirit is coming to rest upon Simba. Also, Oh Jesus, his identity, as the Son of God, was affirmed by God, the Father speaking from the Heavens, Simba his peers now recognise that their beloved children of God after hearing the voice. Move faster speaking from the happened. Interestingly after Jesus is baptism gods, beard abruptly led Jesus into a desert wilderness to face physical and psychological trials. For forty days much the same way after hearing the archipelago version of the chorus, the film abruptly Transition to a desert wilderness were beyond facings about facing overwhelming trials.
no Please to kill, you when in this as this Converse begins, we see beyond say in a group of black women wearing the same green robes that we saw on the man walking along the well worn path as the women gracefully, move their arms and symmetric flower like patterns, their green robe seem to depict them as visual as our plants being moved by the force of an invisible wind it here beyond, say, sings the waters ashen trying to keep your head a pie while you're trembling. That's when the magic happens, and the stars gather by your side within biblically and
fired lyrics. The idea of a person struggling to keep their heads above water is a commonly used reference to some. Sixteen, I quote: save me. Oh God, for the waters have come up to my neck. I sink into deep waters, my enemy outnumber the hairs on my head. This use deep ocean waters as a metaphor for persons, enemies was later used by biblical profits to describe the foreign nations, who enslave the Israelites and carried them away from their homeland, so for Simba and other black individuals. The crashing, why that beyond say mentioned, seems to represent the and slavers colonizers and other white supremacist who have separated Africans from their ancestral lands and traditional culture. While these terms, Experiences might cause black individuals to tremble, with fear beyond, say, as that these moments of struggle are exactly when the magic happens. Here we were caught, Beyond these instagram post, announcing black, is king spaces. Quickly. When she said quote, this is
story of how people left most broken have extraordinary. Gifts, this idea of hardship, transforming pain and fear into growth. Wisdom gifts is also some. co director crazy for George, spoke about in our conversation with him ass humans. We need a balance of good and evil in order to evolve. It's like how are superior to those those situations in how we, you know, persevere in A in those moments is how we become wise right. So you know those is it. You know send but kind of being in the middle of this and having to make those choices, and us really using you know, do the two archetypes to really kind of lead him into these different directions. That kind of
you know the rest him into his destiny is kind of like in many ways how a person can only speak for myself, the desk and how I looked like you know, because you know especially when you talk about rights of passenger rights, like this, so many different ways. So really you know, dissect there's no point to one. You know there is, I think for me that that is kind of what the importance of what those two characters were for supper right, because if Simba said that you know if some listened and abstained Would he become the same person right defeated if you didn't lose? If he didn't have to deal with that with his uncle? Would he be that same guy? would he had learned those same lessons that he learns. You know throughout the film to teach him wisdom to teach him,
You know how to be out of your man. How do you know it's just like I think you know those things are important, especially in again speaking for myself, especially for for me, like sometimes me just really need to go to things to wake up right until he had the loose things they do. I coach shaped like any willingness came, I should get you know, and sometimes It's a fine thing to understand what was at last as this continues into the fully produce course. We see beyond that
dancing in various desert scenes that feature a balance of male and female dancers, most notably we these men and women repeatedly raised their feet in the air in a dance movement that seems inspired by the Sabre dance of the wall of people in Senegal, We also notice that all the dancers are wearing matching blue outfits, which seem to further established the theme of unity between genders hears the Korean refer city larvae. Sure. Can we talking about this point in a besieged making the gift document? We are all connected to one another: something about it that had a sense of quality in order to equality of gender data. The way there is from this in the mail and there's a strong missing being female, and it was nice to disarm the kind of lights beyond gender according historically the choreography info. Eyes, the softness of men and the strength of women. This strength is exemplary.
as beyond, say, stands up with both fists in the air and sings the songs, powerful posts course. When recalling the themes of the previous on my power, Bianti sings your destiny is coming close, stand up and fight, then production shift away from the orchestral drums and horns to a softer, piano, driven section beyond tenderly things go into the far off land and be and with the great I am as we see
Throughout this episode, the idea of going into a far off land is a recurring teeth in the biblical narrative God cause Abraham Lee Babylon to go to a promised land were Godwin, make him the Father. Many nations Moses exiled from Egypt into the wilderness, where he receives a call from God to lead the Israelites for forty years before they reached the land initially promised to Abraham the Holy Spirit Oh Jesus into the wilderness wary face trials for forty days after his baptism Finally, once Jesus ascended into the Heavens, he sent the Holy Spirit down. Upon his disciples to spread his story to the farthest lands of the earth. The term great, I am refers to the meaning of the name. Your way, which was he'll to Moses during his exile from Egypt. This phrase Simultaneously means I am, and I will be, which refers to gods, iter, unchanging existence beyond says,
dear being one with God seems to be a reference to the culminating moment in the gospel. According to John, it's here, Jesus pray to God the Father on behalf of all current and future. Humans, I'll be one just as you Father are in me, and I am in you, I pray that they will be an US, so The world will believe that you sent me the glory to me, I have given to them that they are be one just as we are one eye and then and you and me that they may be completely one, so that the world will know that you sent me and you have loved them. Just as you have left me, Anko the say ends this passage. Singing a boy becomes a man. This seems to be further to the entire narrative of black is king, which tells this of Simba in his transformation from a boy to a man, because Simba isn't archetypal character, who represents all black individuals. the call for symbol to go into a far off land and be one with the great I am, is a call for Africans in the diaspora to take Bolton fossil.
In Jesus is example of humility and sacrificial love to the farthest reaches of the earth? in doing so, black individuals can fulfil Identities as kings and queens, who enable all humans to become united with God and know that they are loved by their father in their ancestors and Heaven. This calling comes. The final statement of black is king as the film cuts back to the shot of beyond in the church and the production version of this. transitions back to the archipelago.
As we hear the final call to be one with the great I am the camera again zooms out from beyond, say to show the entire gospel choir we see rays of sunlight beaming into the church, reminding us of the rays of sunlight that shone down on Baby Simba when referred, He held them up in the iconic seen and the linking fittingly and black kings final shot. We see me I'd say playing her refitting inspired role as she stands December holding the new born baby. While he sits on the throne, don't say a knowledge look on as Simba stands up from the throne and listen new, born baby up into the air symbolizing. The complete of symbols, full circle, journey
bad south lower back, very bad. When I really like his king begins, its credit were here opening moments of the sun. Black parade, a joy, celebratory anthem that reflects back on the themes of the entire film and serves as the films no call to action will impact this suitable saw, no by no line by line and our final blackest King episode next time, and I said Today's episode was read by Maggie Lazy TV show, DIA family only toddy me our series
was scored by some wily audio editing, Eric Bass- and me additional research bike, yellow costume, saw recreation by Andrew outward theme, music by bureaucratic it follows on social media. At dissect. Podcast, our limited merged for this series on our website, dissect podcast, our com- or, I think everyone talking next time.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-23.