« The Goal Digger Podcast

039: 6 Secrets to Less Work, More Life

2017-04-12 | 🔗

You’re listening to The Goal Digger Podcast, Episode 039. Today I'm going to be sharing the 6 secrets to less work and more life. I truly believe it isn't about working harder, it's about working smarter and I want you to be able to step away from your screen and step back into your life. 

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Here. Listening to the gold digger podcast episode, number thirty, nine. Today, I am going to be sharing this six secrets to less work and more life, because I truly believe it isn't about working harder. It's about working, smarter, and I want you to be able to step away from your screen and stepped back in to your life. Your listening to the gold digger forecast with Jenna Kutcher, the life workshops, I'll business podcast for creative girl bosses. So you can train from the export
How did dig in do the work and tackle your goals along the way? Here's your health photographer educator, artists and MAC and Cheese lover agenda culture. This episode of the gold digger pod guess is sponsored by honey book. Honey book is de management. Software that are used to stay, organise, manage invoices, get paid an give. Every client and elevated unforgettable experience. Honey book is offering twenty percent off exclusively for gold. Digger listeners just go to honey book; calm, slash gold, digger to get started and get your life back. Today, hey, hey, hey friends! Its agenda could turn I'm so excited to be getting the chance and the opportunity to hang out with you today so thank you for tuning in to the gold digger podcast today I am really pumped to be sharing all about how to create work flows within your business. Now, here's the thing I've been teaching
for the last few years and creating work flows is something back. In totally trance form your life noticed I didn't say, transform your business because it'll do just that, but in turn, as you transform that business of yours it's really going to change your life. Creating work, blows, allows you to work the class and live more, and I think actually, I know that most of us desire to do just that now, I first started my whole entrepreneurial journey. I had been working over fifty hours a week at ahead retailer in the United States, and was a really great job. I was working so hard whose falling asleep at dinner time I was driving home exhausted working from senators and down in a new in my guide that there had to be more to life than just that. Well,
when I started my business, I had no idea tat I, whose signing up for a very similar life of a lot of work, and so it quickly trick during that I needed to create systems in my business in order to actually Allow me to work class in live more because ass, the dream, a lot of us pursue our passions with that goal in mind, but a lot times. We will find ourselves caught up in the minutiae of day today tasks. So what are the biggest things? love to teach, my students is how to create systems within your business. The truth is most our day to day operations. Don't very much. We are constantly doing the same things over and over again, we seldom stop to think about how we can increase our efficiency or create or closed systems, to enable us to streamline our operations to me guys it's
all about working, smarter and harder- and that has been a job focus on my team over the last year, so today I am going to share six way, I've created workflow systems that not only made us more efficient. These hopes ice with the whole work life balance game If we really want to be honest and call it like it is, I think, balances a unicorn. I don't know if it fully exists day today. But at the same time, if we're not working towards that, what goodness name. Are we working towards aren't even of their maids and but you're, so with me, so, let's dive on in number one create templates if You find yourself trying to reinvent the wheel every single time a client asked you a question or use. Being hours. Writing custom responses. I need you to stop templates they're, going to say,
if your days seriously, the amount of time you are about save is insane. We have over forty templates being put to use in urban as every single day from answering simple client questions to setting up things like Paul it interviews or consult with our wedding clients. Now it so important to just sit down hammer out some templates so that you can step away from the computer and get back to life temples are also a giant lifesaver when the time comes to get a team. So we have templates your team is already going to have all these built in awesome responses that are in our brand, your tone, your messaging in your voice, which is pretty cool right, so why way to help you create templates. Is you take a look at your outbox so send Emily that you sent- and I want you to just go through the top fifty and just mark down
which emails are very similar or answering the same questions or responding to your inquiries, and I want for years tallying things out, because you're very quickly going to see that there is a lot of this same staff coming through, and while you might think that you can quickly whip up a customer response chances. Are you dropping the ball and having your messaging beyond point or you're missing important steps that give the overall Brian expired set your desiring. Note templates might feel impersonal and I've had a lot of people say workers- I don't wanna- do templates, because I want every client feel special in love done, but here's the thing you can the eight templates that allow room in space. For that, Oliver templates give my team opportunity to customize our response based on the initial inquiry, and so we agree free, like I love having a custom, feel I'll too are responses, but at the same
point before sending out similar emails day today today? It's time just sit down and hammer out a few responses outcome You saved is templates in order to save you time now a lot of times where I came here, yeah I'll get around to their befriend. If you are, we in your time today and tomorrow and the next day and the next day that time going to add up to be way more time than its actually gonna take for you to just sit down and create some awesome templates, so easy right, so One thing we ve been doing within our team issues having a running Google, Dr Folder, so that we can see here's some things that we can create templates for that's going to ease up our time. In the inbox as well as deliver
really clear messaging to the people that we are responding to so create templates friends. It is going to save so much of your time and is also going to enable your current team or your future team to know exactly how you respond. If, given a single question, number two is: apout, workflows. Now so many things in our business require multiple steps in order to complete them when we actually We sat down and said these ten things must happen in. Therefore X y see we were able to create repeatable workflow patterns that we could all stick to better yet add those were closed, into a management software like a sauna or Trillo, and you can check each item off of your list as you complete them, you'd, be surprised at how many steps a simple task and take but honestly views. Down a map. It all out you're, going to have a repeatable system that you can use over.
And over and over again, so, for instance, we rode down a workflow for or how we deliver our wedding day images and it starts the night the wedding. When we send a thank you email with a few sneak peaks, then we said an email telling him what's. Next then goes blog then goes to Facebook. Then we upload their gallery than we send their gallery, etc, etc, and we started to see my goodness. There's like ten steps to this process. Why don't we just create a workflow that we can reach? PETE for every single client to sure that every client gets the same branded awesome, experience for us it saving us, because we can see each step that needs to be done in the order it needs to be completed in and its also ensuring that clients a
it's the same experiences, client, b and client sea and so on. While you might think, while I just have this system and its not broken, so I'm just gonna keep doing it. That's awesome, but if you can simplify that system and just create simple checklist, my goodness you're never going to be wondering where you're at or spending time, re acclimated yourself to a project. That's huge, our team over here, we use Trillo and we love it. It's been such a cool, workflow tool because- could have bored. So I can see what my teams working on what their priorities are. We can send documents back and forth and it's just but a really nice way for them to see what my priorities are and for me to help them prioritize their time. Each week number three It is all about experimentation, fevered mean talk about
news. I love to think of everything as an experiment. That way it's not a success. Nor of failure. It's just either work, two or maybe it didn't quite work, and we can make it better. One of the best things you can possibly do is experiment within your own business, so view have an idea of sending them a simplified process tested out or conscience thinking of new systems are filters that we can use to help us nine. Our communication process. You can not be resistant to change your bid it is in your needs- are going to be constantly evolving. So it's important to keep an open mind and encourage your team to come. But to you with new ideas or ways you can innovate always ask my team what're you working on this week, worker you doing most order gaps. We could fill in that we are missing what are your three
biggest priorities as we gets all super important that were constantly challenging ourselves in our systems. To experience So if I see something that keeps popping up in the inbox all reach out men say: hey guys, I keep noticing this is there something that we can due to clarify or make a clear or walk people through steps. In order to do so, and we are constantly trying to test different ways of communicating it, whether it is through a freebie. Or a page on our website or through a series of email so even an otter responder believe really been trying to crack the code on how we can streamline all the facets of my business because were constantly getting inquiries for different parts of it. So I'll get paid cast interviews mixed in with wedding request, mixed in with graphic
was whatever that is made were constantly just thinking of ways. We can experiment in order to make the process super smooth for the inquiry, as well as super smooth for our team, because our time is not best spent Emily. So speaking of that number four is out sourcing. Now a lot of times we bar resistant to outsourcing and if you ve turned into this pod costs incurred. Talk so many times about why. I think it is absolutely critical. There are probably ten place in your business right now, we're you could be outsourcing currently, I know I know you're afraid of the money. But the truth is that you you have a max and your likely sitting at that MAX thinking how you can possibly- they can one more client or if you do, you might combust when I. Finally,
the open my hands in my pocket book to the idea of outsourcing I started experiencing insane amount of freedom in their freedom. I who is creative again I was given rest. Add credibility, so the more I outsource to the right people, the better I my job. We are constantly thinking ways you can evolve and add to our teams that each person is focusing on two big things where they are most passionate about and where they are, driving the bottom line, the most we are we talk about starting small and working big, so whether that looks like hiring an intern training in a virtual, assisted or even picking up help on sites like five or whatever it looks like for you chances are, you probably needs some help, so I wanted to share a few different ideas around outsourcing, because so many p
Paul are so resist into and trust me, I was one of them now. If you can take a look, your day to day activities and make a list, maybe it just tomorrow when you start your day, I want for, did you just have a running a list of what you're spending your time on so maybe block at half hour by hour and then right in the items that you're spending time on within that list I want for you to circle the things that you address, love doing or that you know only you could do it in a certain way and it worked for you to cross ass, either that you know someone else might be able to see with now. Here's the thing you're going to fail but true leadership and running your business like? U r c o requires, True leadership and running your business, like you, first Theo requires the
Billowy toots tell yourself that other people can handle things just as well as you can. You have to learn how to put your trust in other people in order to free yourself up to focus in your genius spots. So for me I started super small when it came to outsourcing. The first thing I ever out was image editing and I remember thinking cash nor I can't do that. This is part of my process, I'm the photographer. I need to be in control from start to finish, but here's the thing, I like editing, but I don't like editing eight hundred images after a wedding, and so I captain The part that I still enjoyed, which was what I would previous my blogger inside Joe and then I would First, the rest- and that gave me an extra twenty hours per week, minimum now, with those twenty hours per week, I could book another session. I could hang out with drew
could a mentor photographer, I could create more education, I could do all kinds of things with those twenty hours So if I believe the lie that those twenty hours were worth the two hundred dollars ice paying to outsource, my editor it. I am a running two business like a to that. I was an employee within my business hand, taxing outsourced. It took me a solid two years to get to that point was hiring on Caitlin Who is my right hand, girl? We hate the term assistant, but she is involved in pretty much every facet of my business Caitlin hopes with e mails. She sets a blog posts. She schedule, She's podcast episodes sheet, as so many things, including content creation and launch support, but one of the biggest is it she? Certainly business is in helping with the inbox and things like templates help free
her up so that she can get out of the inbox and get back to where she serves best. So when it comes to outsourcing, I really want freedom challenge yourself to sit down map where you're spending your time calculate how much it would cost for you to get a little bit of help and what you can do. With a time that you are saving in order to make more money and you're gonna see federal, likely be profitable decision? If not a prosperous one? Where actually living a little bit more. That sounds good. So do that for me, I can't wait to hear you think when it comes out sourcing. I know you're gonna be resistant, but I also know it can totally changed the game. Are you number five as one of my favorite things that I picked up over the last year, and that is create a resource library, okay, so
maybe you're not totally ready to outsource. Maybe my spiel didn't totally captivate you and get you really excited to go hire someone. Don't worry it takes time, but what would it look like if use? started creating a resource library, if not for a future team before yourself. So what does this mean come on for you to create a working document of email templates, creed, a page of your brand voice so terms that you love to use. Greetings. You use things. You love to say ways that you encourage people different things like that, and then I also for you to record yourself doing tasks that you do every single day and explain them, We use a program called screen flow, so it records your computer screen and your voice, and this Well. Allow you to walk through your processes and explain why, you're doing why you're doing it and how to access that. Now we started
creating a resource library and were always adding to it. You betcha like all. Why are you doing this because We know that my team is only going to grow so instead having a giant and steep learning curve for a new employee. What if there was a folder with video after video on us doing the tasks? What have you can learn with the fear, forgetting because you had a resource to walk you step by step through the project. Chances. Are your tea It is not going to be with you for ever, and so it's him porn to know and understand and be able to train someone do if and when the time comes to have a new hire a resource Library, is brilliant way to start setting yourself up first success, so that you don't find yourself in a bind and better. Yet you can attach videos your accord to the workforce. Was that you ve created in its honour, so that when the time comes to add to your team, you ve already got
your training materials created so this year, we're looking at expanding my team, more all just kind of working at work. I see, and we know that we need to get more help, and so what we're doing is we're really work king on the resource library, so we're recording when we're doing things like creating a new blog, post or search engine option raising our blog posts or strategically pinning we're Recording all these things with our voices walking its through, so that, if anyone's on, occasionally or maternity leave or were on board being a new employ ye re. Able to say hey, we need you to take over this part of the business, and here is how we are currently doing in here how you can do it and now way is sought. There's pressures duration. To remember you note to be taught once and forget it. We
Ray Access, so many videos, because people do things all differently in so it's so nice to have the clean, clear version, of what the team needs to be doing and how to do it. How awesome is that? It's also so important that you make sure you know exactly what your employees are doing and how they're doing them. So if you have any turnover you can fill that position and sure that no balls are dropped in the process. Now my team has been with me the whole time, I'm so thankful for that we ve all been working together for about a year and it's a mix of contract. There's an then Caitlin, and so we are going to know how each other works, but it's so an official- to create something like a resource library, just save it in a drop tax holder or Google Dr Folder, and have that so that if there are any questions on how to do something or how you do it specifically, you can just upload
and give it to your team so that they can see your exact process and make sure that they are doing it correctly? were to numbers, looks so no oh, where your best resource, which is your time, is being spent it so key into earning potential areas for outsourcing or identifying areas that might need to be tightened up from a workflow standpoint. So we are facing this right now- my business, even after out sourcing emails and having forty templates as a team, we are still spending too much time in the inbox. So deciding to separate our emo is even more setting the otter responders for emails. I don't necessarily need a personal individual response and we're figuring out how we can get ourselves in and out of the inbox without spending hours a day, in that this has been something really hard for me to know
of a gate because We have so many different inquiries each day and what we are finding is that Caitlin was spending so many hours trying to sift through them to forward on the ones that I'm interested in me to respond. For all of the incredible fan mail we get in to really just keep the Brian standard on point and I was spending like full days. In embarks on just kind of chasing my tail there. But what I am doing now. It's really holding me back from being able to create, Resources and teach live, trainings and record podcast episodes, and so what we ve been doing is really trying to figure out what area, is of our business. Can we automate- and twins doing, need to sit down and right responses. You, because we really genuinely want to do that. We just have to be so. Thought full in what that looks like and so were cut. Simply trying to x
or new ways to create better work flows within the business, so that everyone is keeping up with their tasks, We are all on the same page when it comes to what needs to be done. When does it need to be completed, and how can we support one another? So, let's run through those six again number one is creating templates again. I just challenge: to go through your email, see what you're sending out time and time again start creating those template If you sat down for two, hours you can hammer out at least a few templates that would say: give you hours at the end of the day, Number two is map out your workflows. So what every year doing in repeating within your business, sit down and write down. All of these steps it takes in order to get it from start to finish, so we have workflows for podcast pursued for wedding clients for blogging for courses
launches. We have workflows for all of these things and I really just how says all stay on the same page and help each other out to complete the tasks as well. Number three is experiment, man you did not jump into this business, to think that everything was going to be black or white. Let's make a little, let's try things outlets, have fun and see what I can do to simplify the process, come put new systems tat, so new filters. What error that looks like for you have fun. But really challenge yourself to think about where you're spending more time, so that you can experiment and see if something become a joy time safer for you number four is outsourcing again. You mine, be ready to fully invest in outs. Sing, but I really challenge you to look at your business from this standpoint. Never see oh and not as an employee, one of the best things that I always think of ours and by working on my best,
These are my working in my business. Five working in my business. It's really taking away from the time that is needed in to grow my business. The way I want to crow it I need to be working on it more where, then I need to be working in it. Number five is key, The eight a resource library sit down this week as you're doing tasks that you do over and over and over again record them on your screen drop them into a. Google Dry folder label them so that, if when you hire a team, they have I very waiting for them that will show them exactly what you need them to do and how you do it? How awesome is endless? sleep star tracking your time, it's pretty funny, but allow times we totally negate how much time actually spending on certain tasks. So all we might like to say, like oh blog, only takes me an hour if you were to set a timer and hammer it out and get it ready and get the photos in all those things. How much
is it really taking you? We did this with e, that is where, is our struggle being. That is where We started to brainstorm an experiment, and that is what is helping drive us knowing where our best resources being spent and knowing There we are serving our business best is both ways, We are really ensuring that each t member is serving the business in a way that is really keep fired up and passionate, but also driving the bottom line. So you didn't, we I'm an entrepreneur to work for yourself, twenty four seven. In fact, I am positive that when you'd dreamt of this life as a dream, chaser, you dreamt about freedom. One of the best ways you can incorporate freedom into your life is getting serious about creating work flows within your business that you your team or a new higher king complete. Yes, my friend, it is going to take
to set it all up and job at all down. But time is going to pass anyways. What do I think? I think it is time to aren't focusing on working, smarter and not harder, so that you can get back till last work and more life, so I am so excited to see how you are incorporating these work flows into your business. How you can simplify, how you can streamline how you can get some of this work off of your play so that you can get back to doing what it is that you love to do. I can't eight to hear how this changes your business- I am so thankful you ve tuned in and until
next time gold diggers keep on digging your biggest calls thanks for listening to gold, digger dive into shone out for this episode and all past episodes at W W W Tat gold, digger, podcast dotcom thanks for listening and you'll see a next time you gold, digging dream chaser, you.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-30.