« ID10T with Chris Hardwick


The band behind the Nerdist theme song are finally on the podcast! The guys of Anamanguchi hang out to discuss their party days in the NYC fashion scene, sending a pizza into space and they all create a generic 90’s song! See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What would the notice biogas number four four four triple fours look: yea ethnic alleged words like you do at the time limits for forty four, Do you get to. Then you get two wishes every day when for forty four or is it? Do you get double wishes whenever its three digits, like eleven, two hundred and twenty two three hundred and thirty three four hundred and forty four Xt5. Sixty six and doesn't exist that businesses, This is because the deadline by which I mean I guessed it exists. I guess it exists if your, if you counted as six sets no six feet now. He will be seven seven hours,
seven, oh, certainly that seventy six is cynically sexier yeah. Technically, seventy six make a dark wish so, we'll make a wish. My wish is that while ok, greener worthy spend around your cancer, but then also as as a non as a selfish wish, you'd be nice. People came out to any of the shows that men are doing in December. There will be great, wouldn't be nice I don't know if you really care that much. What I do I don't know what's nicely. I think you care, if I think, you're mildly sympathetic to it, which is nice and we don't have to care too much. Now you're gonna, be a Minneapolis on December six from Chicago in December, separate the men and then in Seattle on December 13th, at Friday, the 13th seven hundred and six and date time, and then you can go to nurse dot com counter to get tickets for all of those things. I'm very excited about this. Podcast
which is again, is another one of those who like they should have a long time ago, Anyone who is listened to the theme song of the nerves, podcast and said: how do I get that for a ringtone? How did you guys, copper that we did not come up with that the song was created by a group called, I'm gonna Gucci an amazing Corrigan chip tune yeah, like eight betcha turned yet to brag chapter, but on a Montague Chee was when we first after we did the first episode theirs by gas, which was Tom Lenin. Doing with the aims are Senora Leto during the theme song about have nourished by gas, was gonna, buy you a scarf and make sex with you. This was before your time of escaping and then so I said, I really want the themes on weekend. I ate Liddy, and so a bunch of people said you ve got to talk to. Wanna Gucci, so we I got their abolition metropolis and assume.
I heard a jet pact blue sunset use. I knew that that was the song that we should have an US by so I emailed them and they were super nice and they said sure, and and they ve been so so so cool about letting us use that song, which is, I think, is defines the Bible, Despite can imagine that this pact has about the automatic, reducing. I hope they never take it away. It's perfect cause, I don't know what would happen like there is, but there is for us it is not here. I think that song is more important, that you should give it to you, but it is it's that we're all equally important radically improve. So I was very excited, actually sit down with the guys who taught them they were New Albemarle called endless fantasy and words newish and David Budget shows coming up in December. If you ever get a chance to you in my view, should they ve
did show your meltdown once other fantastic band to see live in their their funding and really cool to us, and so now you don't have to wonder anymore. If you didn't know where the theme song come from, it is jet pack Lou Sunset Use, which actually is going to start. This progress is still here at a second yet so here we go so certain his pocket. Here's jet black lose sunset used by the group on Gucci: hey we're gonna be peppers and provide headed our kids radio Dj Nearest star com?
not everything has been going too well. Yeah from vans. Yeah all from San Francisco we started recording this is this?
This is going even better than I expected in keeping with the trends were downward downward downward ruin. Our natural conversation, absolutely two guys have known each other for going on, so that just a little more time observe just say it. I still on how do you mind if we re more rational? Unless not let that ruin this natural conversation beautiful? You were having that's your off gas voice. It is really why I do it goes where you just seems more fun. Jonah sounds relax when he's nervous. That's why we get along so things, just so natural with you. It's a nice report speaks like my father used to sir the comforting voice. Tell me about your dad huge, that's all it's unbelievable that it's been three years of a people sitting.
In getting just pack blues Sunset Hughes, it's been years, spin. It's been quite a few years before that we use and reason this guy and web soup for them to you. That's rank pockets. He was there well, it mean when we first started. We first the podcast I I don't know. I just feel like. I feel, like the thieves Sancho Some sort of like a bit can a tune thing and I went through a bunch of forums and then then I kept seeing over and over again was onawandah Gooch. You gotta talk to anybody, that's going to start on one and we have a huge budget and most people don't understand the importance of this, but you gotta get those spam bots, yeah yeah. I guess I do guys, your myspace friend after you can yeah. Ok. Yet since we ve been lacking since two thousand seven, we haven't even by checked count because just can the kind of out and out will be waiting for us what is currently using your job. That's what I want to know better, be Jonah, guess he suggested song and it worked out. Well,
Do you know he's a lot of bringing up in our topic. I think yeah, Joan is on the top of course, tomboy the icon can cover down the number one. With a better like and like a few other Tom parity accounts and then finally, you were the one you're. The one Jonah that said Don Don Metropolis was that you have a job There was an internal travellers and I listened to as soon as I heard jet pact lose out like this. Is there if it was just like I like to have Disney APP Song Riyadh religious use. Is it still be, last week, Don't need a lot to our kickstarter, so we actually with Russia. So we made at such an early I can remember how I came across you guys, but remember I don't like it just run. Finally email you know I like
there's a ban. I listen to that, can do like eight, because we need a bit suffer website because we had a bike yet like twitter, shots and all those yet thanks and then it turns out. We had a mutual friend and in just you know, back GINO yeah. Did you know that brother, other, with all the animation for these Beresford metropolis? Oh, no, then I didn't realize ere. He does he didn't do the innovations, but he knew no. Actually, I did, I did quite a bit of it and after effects myself, but we we worked with Dave Mauro, whose my roommate and the sky Paris trying to fillies he's very talented individuals villain. He yeah for that you have that many confidence in your last names is to be done. Johnny Johnny of Indiana two also helped with the the after effects of yet with this Europe was it was this: what number band was this for you guys, like it was, was. Was it sort of like we're you're trying
There are other John was a music that you're a sort of sifting through and then one day or like our, we should fuck around with a bit stuff. Well, we, of course, if we can and say like I knew we could, but just use it. Upon cares that UK long ass, you know, I don't have the gas, No, like neither Grass Thyssen stuff like that near its bearing I would put onawandah gucci of their let's wait until this is done. But maybe if the rest of the vampires attention guys or what but TAT S really music stuff, I mean we all we all played in shooting it'll school bans I put in a really should he punk ban when I was ten, was a very bad. My word all shitty. Hey come on. Sometimes your words are her pretty bad before this, like man they're all the workers,
that covered green onions. What was what are some of the bands of green onion? That's a good sum. It looks pretty but sorry about some of the bands a year. You're in before a middle school, guys, unsure my gonna, I was in a band. My first ban was called arrest. He named after all our video from clerks, because we were watching clerks. A lot and more rats and stuff like that, yeah. I guess we wanted to like fitting without world, unlike some like weeds, but also the dead candies and we fell flat both. But there s a kind of like a middle school then playing dead Kennedys. We have a called. I e children and my friends made fun of me for it for a really long time. Have you ever thought about going back and recovery ever thought about? Like all you know, I think I can save the songs now now now pursue
Would you give us a couple of hours of our children yea it? Well, I wasn't the singer: the ban but I could I could I trotted sing it down. I e children. Every day I e children, hey, hey, hey the others run yet arrived rejected. I must answer with became song yeah, my friends me, me for a really long time after after that really here, the bans like ten thousand has grown up like with like most of em, we're just a joke lyrics. None of us were sincere enough that's why onawandah you she doesn't have lyrics hoop. I want to give it the assembly who plays what yeah we should. We should do a roll call. Let's do that. Eight guitar van nice Guitar majorities
I'm PETE. I play guitar and do some of the like programming stuff. That's me, hello, I'm Luke, I usually play drums, sometimes all programmer, think but usually apply drums knife. I dig attire guitarists James, that I play base and make sure the lifestyle doesn't belong it's true. I missing some programming allowed different you really it's gonna inheritor their programme. You see my Jane doesn't like we games that highlights its pretty implied were all programming something. So we can just going to forego saying that future proudly, I gotta know I think that was important time. Personnel describes, the fucking agree They have ever seen everyone's at the do. I've ever seen any the videos were people actually cover jet pact, lose words like two guys but guitars with fiddle or guy. I saw tat. It was like a man,
when or something I want to say something that was like how'd, you do that and it is pretty safe. We We had Sarawak ends on the hot cast whose a bluegrass artist I they covered it and when they were an end, their fucking, like after musicians and they started playing? Oh fuck, this is hardly cause. I guess this goes away. You know in media like whenever the weird key. What's the work, it's in a sharp, which is a little sharper than to me yeah we I mean when Luke join the ban like we used there is there is a I'm sure it where we didn't have a drummer, unlike whenever we ve tried to get drummers and the ban derelict PETE. You can't play this ancient, might not gonna play this line, but then one Luke way to show he actually did to protect Roman. I like to play. You can do a lot. Can't do a lot of things that computers can.
I remember the like it was. It was such a difference. Francine you guys. Life has put that John back here at the back. Face here, that's right. You Milton like that, and that was great cause or just like. I think you said it you're playing you're like essentially we're just upon pop punk, but just would like electronic noises over the music I guess I, like you, fuckin click track in it, like your studies, the along. So TAT was a good shouts aggressor in its it's really really hard there and I'm glad that it seems to go but it still, it didn't seem like it. At any point you like fell off from all because it's like you just plain to prick programme shortly in total As long as I can hear that and nothing else I think I'll be ok. What's it like though, that, like the new ELM is like a little it's a lot less punk yea. I it some large punk in a different way.
As you know, it's not. The kind of I like I later, but no yeah. I mean we. Basically, in our e over the years has been introducing a lot of electronic music to us like whether its ts do or utter. We want to see us go on his birthday. Well, founded yeah, I mean yet so I mean there's. We grew up using computers and we always loved electronic music, even like awkward growing stuff like that, but yet the geek growing up with us, but you I mean you know even like nitty sounds and stuff like that, it's fun to think,
break that it didn't. There's like snow sampling stuff on there. Do you like a little bit of two hundred ppm via its what's its drenched in it, makes of mixed homage opposite loaf, I just how like howling just broad, while out, we ve decided to record the element hd this time. That's good! That's good! Here! I still gonna make the claim that this is the Punkahs record. We their remit now, just in the hole like a thought about this alot just in terms of lake? How people have come to see us and our band, and I always think about this interview had with in MECCA where he's talking about his conception of punk and what that is, and it was he described it as the quote was a roomful of misfits know: people who, just Didn't have their place in some scene or in their community or in their in this crisis. You fuckin world than you're like a room where, like Glenn Danzig and Jerry only are in fact the eggs I so
As I mean at the same time, would we don't really fit into any genre? We have music, that is pretty punk like Sonic, we music, but at the same time we're not trying to like can for anything, and they say in the same way that, like a lot of people who come to our shows and say like man leg. I try to get some amount friends come the show, and I try to get to my other friends come to show like I love this stuff like there's, nothing like it. It's like betrothing, punk yeah there is that weird. If you start, if you, if you start fucking around with a certain style of music and then of the Senate source, become popular, do you think about our shit? Now, it's that. Does that make it now? punk anymore. Then it makes a pop punk which is really more Amy. I knew not where we started. Shower just like these are just I can carry legacy to some forty one rifts. I am pretty much
man. I just saw this photo of territory. Leave. All I saw that picture help me. I really intense singer versa. Forty one not looking nobody ever look good, not looking good. He is definitely look you he's gonna back in the day you Jimmy did, I likely one at their brand, did you It's like. I know these guys like a kind of back on but like coming but like coming up like where you just Mormon Electronic Musica, why was I enjoyed? A lot of them? Was ass, a kind of him. Screamer bad, but also an array of when I was thirteen yeah. He knows the idea. That was a thing I can in young, so she could grow up in a small town or like the scenes with small you just like your finding. Whatever it is, you can do that just seems, account or cultural or just Anti Catholic. I can remember like I was gonna punctures. There was each other, like others like there's a DJ nine. We go watch like yellow, kept up two days or than others,
like these guys are wrapping here or there's like raves. We gotta raves to just got anything well yeah, anything, that's not where more as everyone else like yeah you're in high school, where just like it's like there's drinking at the beach or illegal someone's house and just boring like you're starting to get into it, makes you feel kind of more adult. Would you like you could think it's just kids, everyone you like, but this is like. There's no adults around here. There's it's great jets, buddy! It's what you could always tell grubbing, who I mean people just hang it out at the beach said the shore. Everyone knows ashore lake Lakes in out of the wood, the circle where you can grow up, which is James, and I grew up in the suburbs of New York City in Chappaqua New York, which is our government for where the brush rustles right. Now I don't even have a low trivia. Chapel watch over Europe in Hollywood- and I grew up in
I mean, can you downtown and then moved out to the West side in LOS Angeles ogre? Yes, sir, where we're like EAST meets west? Where did you he's gonna go. I went to Hamilton, ok to french high school copies. Were artists fluent in French, we'll talk with the oil for a year and my I'd lived in them, I transferred in from another city. We ask that of a dance there once really what why, as with the girl, that stuck in a bunch about fifty pages. My ambition, he's gonna say the same thing or you're too a right. Now we actually are pretty much at this. Cooper and of our first leg of the tour we are. We left New York on the sixteenth of May and,
We been a really really like other people, always say they're of smelly, but ours is like real bad. We gotta rid of the thing we So I kick started for ten thousand dollars downward out. We drop in prices. Seventh! No out and now recently I was there with sailor, after all it there. Anyone here now like from us best offer If you want automatic, urging you guys smelly to revenge noticed listeners. It can you for good nervous ten percent of Ottoman securities vacant as many as I'm like on the page, the lives of those buzzer Bioenergy ban has has did at the headlight fell out the other day just driving just fell out went up.
Just like this. We didn't you guys. Regulators are learning, I'm not going to stick around for the evidence against smashed into a box and angry Van yeah. She like shit, shitt, large me always got four hundred thousand miles honest. She is, and it's got barbed wire license plate covers, which we just got resources. Are we only we gotta but their value? It was our more than I am, should say that they keep the license plate frames if you buy them. I didn t mean does want to keep them, has nothing but all over the country is that the reserve is I've, been the ailing couple timewise yeah. Did you get it from another band, We got it from an airport shuttle service called golden touch in New York City had enough they were allowed to. So we didn't, we don't get from golden touch. They were the golden touch banned, but by Tom We body had already been disowned, as it were.
Z. Cows are more about our allowing such ass these guy helicopter over. Then you casually still see the golden touch. You got only if you, for, I am only helicopters and can't you cattle matter, not a building money. You can only see it from so very high, yet data has has, has the song being on the bus, so many of the progress that that help at all. I'm going to good good, so so I gotta what you guys want, land this down almost and I'm just thrown out, because I still coastal people. People always like me I sure wish that song was available on like it. When I tag you wanna go to that, I would draw up its own attitudes. You can buy. You can make a ringtone act there. There were people who made this a bunch of other music
wasn't awhile for they data, if you liked it would be a pretty cool thing. If there is a culture where the hosted everything opponents show where Conan actually played and wrote the intro lawyers multi down european money down. You can make it happen. I d Ancona I'm during any one, I'm doing Chris. What do you do about? What about our son? Now, that's that's really out of our way. Whatever it is. We have one episode of Tom Lenin saying I'm sites in Europe. Those men about I've got my executive and then step one episode too then at at at at at at at at at at baggage, whereby you then added I am. I know a guy lyrics. This amazing buy you a carbon dioxide, Yo Yo Yo night did the lyrics. Actually counterfeit
lyrics, actually counterfeit undervalued or we will have the original original themes like isolated, my computer or let it boil society she's. Only at the end of this episode sure gives their legs. Zella book ended a problem because here the original came from or just goal as an episode one. Yet I would ask you to check out there and other partners ever do that. I was not seeing that on Itunes. I wasn't seeing passed two thousand eleven on Itunes on the server just on Itunes. I couldn't go any farther the programme at least go to our lips and paid. If you go, you have noticed that lives in that comes slash our assess the get the RSS Veal Sierra that'll, give you all the pod cast iron it on a pod, castile ISA. Yeah, yeah yeah yeah legs every nervous from two thousand really about. On internet here only be applied on Itunes
Barnett, school borrowing? We're not gonna, you don't want me what I wanted and fuck you what's been. The biggest challenge ring. I would imagine, people are you think I'm pretty strong failure. Imagine like you're shows Philip pretty well, It's been insane like we, we vote against. We played salt Lake City. We played like a bunch of ski city new way. Today's Agus over me but you know like we we toward with this ban peelander undersea, and that was our first time twenty across the country. No! This amazing Japanese, like comic book, venture band, that human bowling and giant squids at their shows that have this dream I'm on board in good time. We talked with them and, like we played SALT Lake City in like they were like. Who is this and like what is this and I'm just confused? And then last two weeks ago there was like the line around the block and it's insane- and it's been like that for the past little, while
and uh yeah, it's pretty in the way they look about yourselves on purpose than there are already encore fervent. That's that's what I've been saying where I just noticed there was a linear. I just wanted to stand a total change everything when people go there on purpose because, there's like you, don't you know it duty honestly, it does really change the way that I try like kids, like I typically I'm the guy, that's like talking on stage Ohio does the show, unlike normally that's fine for me, I can introduce ourselves like IRAN, one good you maneuverable law by, people already know that part, so, thank you. I've been practicing for you, your patterns, amazing, might makes my I'm here. I guy you know me, you know so much about me. Yes, it with its tough is, like, I think, is real.
Really weird twitter account and I don't know what people expect from us said shows, and I I it's been really weird, mostly like the biggest challenge. I heard the word challenge- and this has been the weird thing is when, like I'm on stage only allowed to see something than someone asked me, a question and, like my natural instinct is just answer it, but like no one else heard the cry. So I'm just like standing around stage being like the New Orleans say: assets are having a one sided precision and began them like a notice. I'm doing that and a freak out and I'm like shit and then leave plays a song is offline, so people see not only music but also half conversation and and delusional it rained down again, you scare repeat the question they say in your answer. Well I mean that's, that's its role as an austrian James suggested. I said not. There's no cure,
Will you have to give him some vocal, something, as you know, the songs Earl Instrumental socially it's kind of nice to have the human voice? Yes, yes, I mean the robots. They know your p have you ever thought about like? Let's just do one saw where everything on it. We We we have some vocal guess, on the album and we're gonna do some more by we're all afraid of our own voices, and we will not afraid rather we we never liked me. Music in the same context like a wheel, want to do something new all the time, because we have zero attention span and we like way too much that so like. I can't do like that. J pop Euro be Dr Voice, so I got to get that person like we. Can we can
they're like Sassy aren't be sir. We have yet to find a person to, and yet we just like about the met your next beer than next incarnations experiment is like Barbershop, Gucci images you guys doing for part archipelago. Harmonies, maybe of the songs that you do already made. Or maybe new ones or maybe lovers of of old classics. You could do that standards, the hunted mansion pain from Disneyland. I think I think our fans of really enjoy the other way sets. I mean that's why they check this out for the for the four part. We're gonna. How much is this? Do you have an image of a do you feel like is sort of like you, guys, naturally evolving or do you feel like you're running from anything in the sense of like we can't be the same. We can't be the same. Like is it? You know? you're worried about like when you see someone who's trunks, I'm nothing. You do
but when you see someone who's like like who's trying really hard not to conform, and you like we're just conforming to non conformist like rare, how much? How much does it did so the loop around or what? What is kind of your motivation? Well, for us I mean it's, it's kind of justs. Hard to say, because we re just so capricious and have no real plans like we don't you know what we're gonna do tomorrow, even though we have to do something to my furniture flesh interplay that show that's, that's started, that's near the top of the list of things
but you I mean like with this record it when, in kind of like a hundred different directions before it turned into one it is which is just like all the restrictions in the same place. I guess I don't know it's a sort of pressure that I I ever conscious ever feel yeah. I would say that it's, the pressures never really scared of being different, though attendance pressures or people going to be all right with this difference that that's my revolver yeah, really wanna try something totally different. We're both of those cops are here for them. That's the cool police or not not ok, to be different. What's the what's, the reaction been for the new from some of the dire and it's it's been overwhelmingly pause. I only the first negative three yesterday, while actually we ve been looking at all the tools in what it. What was it, someone for his report I can show the song until the sanctions and singing caliber that's real happened, have
but that's, not even a super negative. We ve been really Looking at the comments that we get from the record and the first data we really, there are so many tweets coming in eighty percent of instead, I just She is dollar my keyboard or I'm coming buckets. All these people is really wanted to tell us is boss, amazed balls. The light my my amaze balls can produce enough come for my people. A lot of how is the first time I'd stop. It was just and I started taking screenshots there's some photos that they post should come about six weeks or didn't happen yet, but, like like the Zalm has like all the fields or late. It's like Joseph Internet speak. Yes, it's like I m pretty. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I don't appreciate
buckets of police. It upstanding please about, gets really. Does anyone appreciates the buckets of come when their hand you know why we are now talking about an earnest there's. A bucket of happened, look It's just my you're shows are going to do so until I opposite, Guam shows repeatedly throwing a big bonds. But I did nothing said scale than Clayton audience at its core. We're all like form they all humans are just like. Only fuckin tripping we're like one hundred percent normal users. I kind of like this is a video idea. Really big. As really get dismay. Wait. Let me walk on stage. Haven't seen the crowds like weeds, I've got just
she's, a squaw tall, costume, huge waving and avert pirate come no technical, whenever I strove rights coins coined by having the other pretty sick, I think you have to have someone from become too but their yeah he's going to do come no tens ex than you have to make sure that everything is not to have a license and company at the parliament. A graduate I've already, that its own workers, we thought about we're, gonna shoot in Ohio. There really lacks come last, that's what the come. Videos are being shot because they don't even fanatic. Oh, said the column the railroad cleave I think that even work, I I I do think that
I guess, shooting anymore, but you shooting video soon are, you guys, are firing hot jets, film, film, the direction of activity that we as a very big hearted loads of good good, Google, put them all over my Youtube channels. It it's come on now, Chris, No sorry come on now for a God is turning into a very. This is turning into your view, twitter feed for us when you guys think about separation of church and state. Turn the conversation. Where does the name onawandah Gucci come from? What actually it's it's a pretty interesting story, was a year ahead of me in school and she went Nor can I met him there and he was actually in turning at or money.
James, and I were both from Trapani Oregon. When we went to the city we actually, I had a by product to kind of like demonstrates and stuff at at some of the experts, exhibitions and stuff and Luke when he came to New York. He was on vacation and got picked up by gucci, so we now have you. It wasn't like so some that had worked with my dad on a project it, but he you didn't work for my daddy's reference friend he's like I'm haven't what New York it it's like. I don't live in New York and I could go so. I got picked up when I like, went this party and started talking to him this designer and is being like. Oh yeah, I mean I do this evening and I've seen like sketch of your ears I welcome the office in the suit me up. Yes, where we actually very, very popular in the party scene of fashion, and we would always role together because we were,
very young, believe you are playing music at the bar. No, we weren't like we were. We didn't know how to play music. Get this essential. I wasn't us a bit. Yes at the time we're just gonna like getting the eventual we had been advanced before, but whether they were built, but what it. What are they haven't? You do at fashion parties, mingle, shit, shit, shit, shit cell, justly always be closing young boys yeah. The thing is they would cause they? Those the Armani Productivity boys as know is always be together and about young people get tipsy citizen. Did boys and then that's how it is we're going to get. It came from a completely different area that I really thought Oda oh yeah, that's amazing, so is basically just lies- are almost down a money, bricks brothers, yeah well actually Jameson Like my uncle worked at El Beam, and so we were gonna work, we only on would be inserted, Albion, nineteen, thereby producing. You ve done. Do you started now? He's gonna want almost certifying catalogue shit. He can't help himself guys I'll, take real, no meaning
and then you anyway, as and when we come on something. What about we're back, we're back we're back I'll, get her back back to back to be everyone put your. This isn't some kind of banana republic. We pleaded the fuckin venue that Eminem Fucking did eight my lad I forgot about. The movie, or that actual moment that life, but was a rabbit or is it actually, you know it was down in the song, though you does break out of rabbits it. This is the fact that this is me talk about pretty thick and you I have that same moment on that stage. In Detroit There's really capable whoosh. What we walked round him to spark Does it have? You saw that one. I don't know why,
I feel like that's, why you ve decided you drive the long line of this bar guess, I'm pissed at that point, and I dont know why we bundle of your first name my backing to negotiate with So what are you what we now? That you finish the avenue at the end of the tour yeah, there's that there is an item another like the tourism related european tour with, would have yea yeah we're going to go into with kitty pride to these were actually, ah, two days from now we're going to South Korea for Music festival. Its can be awesome can be so good. Have you heard of his gangnam style, I have no, but I've seen the showed yeah shipping control we ask is that is that needs to be done? Actually, I'm just I've actually really do want to go to South Korea,
Looks it because I got a lot of alarm animation. Friends spend time in South Korea like it's fucking me crazy. You can just go with with who schedule Matthew. I mean I just got here. I've always wanted to make your ears either one, no one where you say yes or no to things myself. Many workers gaindu like a euro, be like you pop kind of voice because you get colors. For the yes, you do other I'll. Do whatever you want cool other, any kind of voice. You ought to do dumb. Cartoon voices on the side networks well supplied the vessel working has was it's it's in my tracks there is much room jazz, Bobo Corina, we're playing right before perfume, which is my favorite group of all time. The japanese trio can be sweet, be sweet and hawks Vichy Scan, be like real electronic place. Yes, I know it's the ultra festival. They have Miami. This is that in Korea. Secondly, I sang in the Olympic stadium. Sharing
out where it was already relax. What is going to jail for, discouraging is about your music. Is that are really just works everywhere that their there's? No, What are they saying it doesn't just it's just me. It's music that works everywhere. It's fine he's like we're we're misfits everywhere, but were also fits everywhere. It's kind of its geography, that's you know if they need to make the twitter I wanna get used to it. RO via where MRS everywhere but finnish everywhere, it's good Just what I said. Think of that in line with a prepaid internationally before we ve been taken,
Do you care appetizer? That's it you're I'll catch. You are, you don't feel the paperwork, and then you tell that ensure. Send then gave doubts and only as a second time you lie about it that they catch you another way to do it and then the third time you actually get proper representation. You do for real and any actually go, and it's gonna be sick. That hasn't happened yet we have been at Amsterdam in Ireland. Actually, when we want to Ireland, Luke left is boarding pass on the plane, while we were like liking. It was my forty, not his whereabouts customs, yes, customs now I would have like I was I'm so sorry, May I just think you lay down there's just like ghosts on the plane, and I am so sick. So not the UK. Technically, it's well. The arrogant, you find that dump you find that different that the crowds in different countries react in different ways in different places,
the music or, as everything pretty uniform table, typically just jump on each other and have accounts or time as solvent Brianna. We really consistent. Only one has been kind of weird was when we we played a show in Paris on that was reared balance we set up a now. It was a show. It just wasn't like a show them clean as being made at length in three p m and clothing store. You really nice booty canals, like your show for Paris yeah. That was the only one that is those seriously took that boyfriends that had access to a lot of money wasn't. There is migration just coming out. Others. Yes, wasn't really emphasise my remit. I know it's like seventeen at the time. My god, you tell him by a bunch of my there, like your briac. Most of the press is my friends, but here we are in principle Well, you ve got me fucking, weird and read we We played Mexico that for the first time in March- and it was
So amazing, we, four logo on our writer, because we're really stupid and they haven't, came devils ill. Remember the three ban full of aid when we played the lesson we played here in two thousand I was we remember that I played it because if I run this run arising every citizen in the music video on Youtube just wake, where This covers the most out of tune dogs, Where is possible cover of roots, radical just like verse. Supermarkets are, A second time for your murmured results, I got a little more comfortable. They were just about life, outlaw like they were, given the attic
or look at, however, also what we should try now before it even angle? We it all before they take it away, wanted just Walter had like a for party and like we had a protest, we protest in New York City. We had a rally and we made signs People came and they made signs in. One of them said it's for Loco, never forget within each other, they spelled it internationally covered. I have it in person, Peace is again disease and by ACT actually buy them like the photos that we got it there was lake, people actually started getting naked and it was we didn't know easy on Sunday. I still exist ass and said it wasn't just what I'm trying to keep more local is it was ever? What are you trying to keep us? We just did a whole run on come buckets. You can say with her vagina, I didn't hear them your honor vagina, which verdict in India.
The Squire New South Mouth? It's not it's really. It meant it start off his protest to save for local but ended as like exactly what they it's not in. The next stage is even fuckin. Worse is just like you feel, like your brain feels fuss. Oh, it was better wait. I have so many for logo and a bottle of laundry. That's it just for the good thing about him, was doing in a bottle of wine, theirs as much alcohol content and accept the has this taste of blood in it to be worth something about the can it's just like it has its middle Alec blood. You put it on ice and if so, what is the legal basis without the energy without the energy, it still twelve everlasting, still up two bucks and it still definite marketed to supply problem. Your other kids had their fine villikins. Yet that's definitely it's going
something like that or an energy drink, is that is that from the video is whether that's my fate. And that's someone we don't know and that's over o neutral. Kiss. That woman's vagina me. No, no! No! This guy, who looked like having a better job of this house and the use of these while very vigilant so great- In the words I got stuck in the worst way possible where it were those pictures available. While I was on my shoulder and weaken roads on Brooklyn, vague and on us, there is an awesome? Chant got started, oh god, I begin with these workers alongside national, just it'll, just pointing to the was born gay, not safe. Make sure that there is an average is an awesome. Chanty got started doing that if John was still with yoga, we still would have for look. Has the floor.
We are in Rochester when they like, announced it and read that night or french writer rips carelessness, and here we have to get a for local process together. I'm already I'm already on. I found like the like a fool. I guess I'm looking to Jelly somewhere insects, I don't need this. He understands chinese gradually. Nods. Solemn now, you're like a like John Here are some steps in that. I think that I know you don't know see her face. She doesn't seem like that kind of Mars. No, she she looks She looks like one of the Huxtable's from the neck up and then neck down, just like her, but her but circles China is starving for them, panties, that she's chopping down, and meanwhile we are playing sublime covers with, If I look at replace it was, as I don't got, no loco it was
yeah secretary, those onto my guitar and for his awhile, is s I'm glad I'm glad I missed this trend yeah, I wasn't a great day there. There to be honest- the business fucking Andy Action Jihad concert is We are sorry like. I don't want. No sangree try to figure out the ferret. You just. Why does a cab well go is what I got We are glad that you didn't die from Heroin appreciated what a diver for Eliza Lily. Yet we ve kind of we decided that this this is like in two thousand ten. I think I think we wanted to kind of we are pr stunt, are a little more controlled now and the like. We just centipedes into space the low, more positive thinking
Even when the lead singer sublime died that he immediately turned gas must guide science joke anyone sublimation will always want to sell. It goes directly to get really isn't, is needed here. New threats Neil Niels about here, and I think you would agree. I saw guy another comment that I actually like and respect, and we talk about music a bunch once and then I saw em on Instagram taken a picture with Bradley Knolls Light gray. Just like I'll know this guy Maybe he was doing, and ironically Joe, we want the same fear. What does they weigh whenever we're in a car? Together we put sublime on or Sunrise NASH, mouth fears Weird thing? I put a music choices. I was gonna, be my friends are hanging out he's ready for it gave a throne so put on
music choice. She had seen it. We try to turn it last night. I got HBO go there and it just doesn't work you that's why we turn. It is believed that the but here's here's the thing it's like you know. We have music choice from like no one. Ever cable company have and it has a little fun facts. Oh yeah, there's our grave, as is already favouring retweeted this good. This is it. This was the fun fact smash mouse, save smash, mild, Steve Hartwell lost his six months old son too acute lymphatic leukemia that and a part of it. Oh, my god, this is horrible and it's got the tributes is due You know who is responsible for what have you at least those funds fact about songs about. Hi
and I want to people listening to know. This is not a big here. This is a scream cab from the music choice channels. The I took a picture of the channels in here here is like the words I wore a bizarre that was can't get enough. You been married and are you kidding me? Why would they do then do You should really send a complaint to someone to everybody I'm can we already about another man. S mouth was on like that. King. Do this I just killed my toll hell. So, what's the opposite of come budgets, because that is what I feeling Roma to your book, a duty of all the feels deaf only all their feet. Dude. I can't I can't because of reasons kill. It refer to think that I mean know and as much as I love the enthusiasm is just if you're that enthusiastic, you think you could,
What was something by yourself like like like, which feels because not all of them, it's not half hour our best like it just tell us what feel it. I always used to be a valuable cease to be annoyed by the phrase its good. I see them too much like it's now, God. It's definitely not good. I started things grow old I've. Just we can all the glory was. It is at home. I just want to point out that Chris just went to confirm that it was correct. Agent is the trip. Here's the thing up. Let me open doubted that innovation is the transition of a substance directly from the south to the gas phase. Yes, without arousing through an intermediate liquid fate, you know it's like brows, even funnier, so many citizens and recognised translation that occurs a temperatures and pressures Bola substances below substances triple point in its base diagram, the reverse process of sublimation is de sublimation or deposition pickereel. When I bid you barely,
we graduated high school. That couldn't mean any. You know a practice. Academia, no grids. You always get a crystal ball and she graduated to do next. I actually, whenever I, whenever I sing Santa Maria parties, are just see those first two lines over and over again, you can do that for the whole sky, like any sense of start up with whatever I exaggerate, qualities that not die at whatever. You say why gonna couple things on my arsenal, I got that I got my span. I got like a whole bunch of things that are just ready to go at any party. Gotta kill hammer you gonna do in our regions, but ass. It is when you link em up and you like, span and then a while. The same song like it's been awhile, you got a virgin, you gonna, hey or those who, but you gotta, put him altogether yet have been negative
so far away I've ever it must encourage with my friends we delay was. He was on K Rock just just like the other one time. I actually think that I didn't say let's see without care. I just right there should we all take a piece of one of those and basically play sound board as do ok so which what do you want I'll? Do I'll stay with the old stammered it I'll do some. Ok, what else? What do they want to some of the other ones I'll? Take it as my good I might take a little baby. What's left of me another thing in my repertoire is.
So gentle pilot untroubled, violent they're gonna go with em american that all ships media, which removes Luke, has a real being. My point here: ok, so my girlfriend pointed out to me that there is this: song that should have been done my weird out years ago, and I wonder why hasn't happened? How come american fatter? never been like it's like fuck, Are you kidding me like he just couldn't at that point? I, Tommy, it's very late in the afternoon. I don't want to do something about food. It seem like some jokes were kind of like on their way. That's it. I believe. Like I mean he couldn't be candid done fat like the my god and we're do fat now. It would be one where he would be it wasn't you be a tall, Bialik we're down like me now. Does everyone deserve remember
Think I think I'll take. I think I'll take match box twenties here. So I got I got to where we were in the sons, and I think it's just so like the end of a sense earner here always like there is like that, gives it a little extra person here. We know that's what it's all about. Oh, we are that scramble it's a bit? That's you ought to know, and Zambia and Jewel already here and you're on me, my darling so Adobe alone Ok, so should I have now it's a jet fuel? Should I do? so do the or do you hear My legs, like here Jack as organic solvents, good balance, definitely solid bill.
Are you gonna do yeah he's gotta do is get ready yet a private m o airport, you ve airlines, the secret to singing like nickel back those you gotta add why vowels before any valid that your singing like Ireland or like a soldier s where real quick, because here about the metallic cover them tell did know which for whom the Bell tolls that purposes up and I don't know I read that's probably the best thing that ever been said on this park ass ever we are proud of you shot, my dick. I shall like it and make it into a letter. Why bring your dick into this? The name of a book? Neilsen you're, going to end a tumble down bored, so you have to stand up and then just wherever you point than we have to
We also know that you can point to people at the same time. So what's yours James, ok, so let's just go through and count up again. I got the span of deal what they get so the been too so what were? They won't? We'll go around the table on the table. Swag hook yet spam Earl, some here, it's been ok, good, spam? Here it's been SAM. Ah yes hear what
the world is gonna roaming world is over. Yeah their Shreck money, one factor collective childless, one day a day like today had there was most, we just want one kid, a base of all the sperm over the members, this mass. Now, No ma am you describe. Freddy Krueger is one that was re, but then there was another one that wasn't so right played by data veto like a twins. Reference has a twins reverence, this has been really form, has been really so what says it was. I was now you guys, tourism, you guys go, take a break or you're gonna know break
this train got no brakes. We, we are banned, have real economic, but we actually have a true for a couple hits actually metal screaming. Let's go metal metal, but now we actually, when we get home, we're gonna play on the Jimmy Sancho Dombes. We first time ever and were instrumental says, can be weird once you haven't but little virus to drop in front of class low rephrase. It has come over questions please Japan, loose The views when you know when I came out on the show they play he placed it was working insane and now we followers on Twitter, which is pretty good. Let's see these sofa has as yet we might actually has a lot of people in a roundabout way. That's biology! There was a guy, doesn't pay too much empty polite. Like they wait a little bit, take it off love, one another s elbow.
Right now we have the pleasure of integrity delegation. We get homer, we're working on some other music video stuff. We just filmed one where Luke is actually the main main star, his first starring role on a music video. He looks beautiful in it and it's gonna be rugged. Who are you in Jack now we'll take it back Joker Well, you have saved by Adele. well aware I never allow a barrel here you my mom men, Europe, Thomas it was a birthday party. She's got a fresh restaurant in my hometown, Rob Tom's lose my own town and he was. He was like. What's this group of
Fine Ladys are having a great time and there, like. Oh, my God is rub Tavis and then keep animal drinks I recognise and buys banks being down over the still have any wonder. Tricycle you ever Austria Museum Daily, your job. You know I've been out of those sites like fucking, know the worry it s lucky. I don't want to go there there, dear all one matchbox, twenty of a smooth was the first one of the first things. I learn how to play. Guitar, really good s on synthetic. You guys are of a generation where we grow
the latin explosion? How? Sir? I'm? Sorry? It's the latin slogan, what do you guys like twenty five or twenty, yet good average, actually worth twenty four? Twenty five? Twenty four? Twenty? Five? Twenty six, because you're sort of the first kind of generation growing up? That really was let you grew up digital. You grant digitally everything. Oh you sort of a have that its was that weird elderly Jensen thing we're like little kid who can programme the computer but then also like, but then you also do analogue things yet at the same time, so that this kind of grew up with us our friend- is therefore that we all have this friendly. We all men on the internet, it's called the manufactured himself of here
It has kids only with AOL Keywords and then he grew up into Myspace when he was in his awkwardly Nancy, we're like cats and rich, and it's never go away. I did go. I didn't hop onto the new Myspace to see what I've that's really pretty, but I never I went on at once in their own. Other gesture is basically music is suggesting timidly yeah website that he's all upon ebony player in a good mood. Player that we never deleted eyes when we're. So we resign let our top eagerly I'd, try to go on my phone just now to see what it is and their mobile such will not show tolerance. It only shows us songs, so Myspace, if you're here this bag touch as we want you to. Really important that we find out. Who is our people in over my best friends? I want to make my friends
and then the alienate the other ones of sixteen up. I want to get a sixteen. I wanted don't be an ever. I think I remember my favorite top it ever was someone had like eight Hulk Hogan throw up a definite can cannot national. Once I found out the html to just take out I did it immediately. I did have a dinner. They have my Myspace novelty account, which was just the username was just Yom and it was just a picture of a young sakhalin. Was I'm not the enemies and knew how to them? I'm in the idea that hosting from the point of view of a I'm staying in the ground, that's my routes in our lives. Look man I was gonna die. Then you answered it is that kind of stuff
What I am with you, I told you they had about a missed opportunity. Let's go back soon begin always edit. It so went so with the is the mobility I was well now yeah yeah is came out in me and now it's all. You guys are urging you up with this album on a label or was no no. We we did it kind of on our own thing, but we ve used like a distribution company to kind of getting up to stores and stuff, and how did you find that process is actually really fine? Is pre get actually happens? Tat we emphatically find is very stressful to try and yourselves yes, really giving. We knew that going into their agreed at the option to do with the label, but it wouldn't have been we wanted were control. Freaks anyway, is, as I say
but we had to do a lot of stuff. I've never done. Do you really feel like I had to learn about stocks of plastic. There's a manager, tat stuff where necessary. Did you feel I do feel that the pudding out you're out mystic as everyone There's a guy you put yourself: is it really a viable model, or do you do if you want really hard mood? That's a good way to do it. I mean it's: it's obviously people can do my band camp and things like that, make it really easy, but like on a higher level, you need to have something to go off like a wish. Honestly, I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have been able to do this if we had been working and playing and building up a fan base for the last five six seven years, we were also retail limits in this weather. Yes, there are. There are times really over. Suddenly everything is best done myself becomes on Jack. Exactly like. I just can't do this and in its
twenty one could die mentality to a certain point, its lake. At a certain point, you just kidding yourself. It's like George. It's like a bit entitled to say die wisely. You have much help like like Radiohead could do fine. They didn't have amazing zone where do deny himself because they're fucking radio, you have to do without a label, but they had a literally everything in any yeah. That's a saving like we're in comedy. It's always like worry just do. What do we see? like Woongas he's Louie, not everyone else, because lessening the base- and you know it it's it's not everyone else can- can really pull that all things actually Lucy can prove it. Comedy is just to do that. If you get a self, releasing model is a totally fine when it is used and control that will determine how successful and the boring and the unfortunate boring word that you have to learn is scalability scale Kenya scale up and you know like if you want to, I wasn't yeah. If, if, if you want up, if you want to come, playing at a certain. You know level. Maybe you just want to play local.
Here you want like those fine yet climate, but if you want a job of unfortunately need that sort of boring infrastructure stuff that will help superior. That growth is basically just at the lake, define your ambition as lake and artist or whatever. Unlike what? What was really read about the Kickstarter that we did and like how crazy that blew up for Us Lake, we can have had our ambition defined for us by other people which lake they gave us a certain amount of money. And now it's like oh shit. Now we have to do this much them and do it to the standard of quality. That's actually kind of the that's kind of the good part of our kickstarter that people really pay attention to is. That is your accountability to your van, yeah, because you know if it's a corporation label of you can as we like, but them. But if people who are fans of you believe in you enough to part with their money to help you make things act, then you better be really accountable to them. Gatt deafening becomes a bit. Like a populist kind of idea same time like food processing, doing this the response.
Been so fuckin humbling and huge. Rebuilding that it's not like obligated to wake do said, would like just to get the more likely that other colleagues like oh man, we're going to do now. We're accountable account or such like just like real. It's like me want. We want to do not like it. It's just like feels it more. It's like what they do. Is this much of an audience. I guess exactly. It's not like pretend we need to do is much stuff. It's we get to do its job, that's way better than them saying it. How so over funding is really weird, because we're definite China do things because we're overfunded read. That would be the wrong reason to make something has spread. There's a big is ethically
we have access to them and stuff and I think we're doing a good job for you now what we like to do and what we don't like today's someone else can do for us. So is it are you I mean, I guess with you know, with music a lot of the money comes from touring areas. Is it good sense? A year I you're able to support yourselves, oh yeah, yeah, yeah anguish, yachting that oh yeah Luke. I have a job that sexually ever gonna go to my anyone. I work with hey. I have ever really cool job
Has me working from the Van all the time, and I actually had to spend most of my time getting yelled out on bail today and trying to get in touch my boss, whose in London in him just being like call me this very important, and I call him six times in using again emo. Ok call me so still needed. So that's why I'm not gonna say anything more specific than that. What is this are? There are some points that you're talking about. That is really fun. That's the real job. Is Greece, and also the email with wasn't his boss but yeah answers are already, and I we we don't do anything, but the ban, and like other, like music stuff, like whether its rhetoric to say at this point that we have with creative
position we have like business ban gas. Has it's weird ethic through for the Alec managing the ban in Zagreb and James works at this really cool company called interview and like it so James, does all verily touring light set up stuff. Like you know, you don't do like the music programme said he Life programme, you'd better, do some kind of programme, and if he wants to keep keep their seen the gucci table- and I like that job to look, Surely, like that? You know it's really say it's all. A text of James Industry, time like he bit we lives and like the hay, Arnold Apartment, like him in our body, George he's like a brilliant web designer. Might he used to play guitar on one occasion when we were in high school together but yet a they made a door bell that, while their apartment doesn't have a doorbells like we ve got to have some kind of system, so they made one way
as soon as someone enters the room. It please sit composting music based off a library that I found out. I was wondering watery, leaving see our so long, so it'll do you. If you leave sometimes play the Herald theme. Somebody work and I said by the Beverly like during the max yeah. That's all I got two arduino so like one time it was James, is birthday and, like you got really really drunk in Georgia, we're going home first and we're going to play NFL blitz and it was like man. We should really switch. The doorbell too happy they when he walks in Wanta, be so nice, and we just in do. But you can. I remembered anywhere where you came home, passed out too favourable Somehow I don't know exactly what I wanted to talk about, I mean I mean you this party, good God. It was a good birthday
This was a great is where you you shot glass during a toast, J J right and I think that the legitimate use have like like sport, thereby half lake but half like science genius do these. It is a bit of an enigma, and I've known long time, we're we're all grow out of things is goes back to the first. We fit into one thing: none of us arrogant where it's my work were misfits everywhere and we fit every and we're fit. Where, where I'm really glad you don't write lyrics we're everywhere. I should any fake lyrics. I wrote for like the melodies that we have all lined up having to do with happy birthday.
Bag, Montague G G, I gotta go well Thanks for coming on you. Thank you help us do you want to do and archipelagos of the team, so please bound duty, even the development of renewable energy, but I guess and yet I am no people so we're doing a knock. That's that's expects an end. Next week a bill is generally is now like making yeah the occupant of the tables Diego after you have to.
Three we ok joy spare arrive here, while precisely such a good time. Well, thanks for being here, some time or combat body wants You guys started in high school, that's a we're, wait, ended and podcast you're, just not just level. But all back around now notice, podcast on other day. If I can, leaving you guys, I'm just one final one final Stone Temple pilot story. Ok, that's equally as disgusting as the four loco story. Just to keep the theme,
one day I had that saw him a hamlet were hurled at arms around that one in my head and I was walking down the street sophomore year of college there's this picture is always is dodging outside am like. This is one of the grocer things that it receives just like on the ground and like it's, it's you like. It can doubt vagina was just fucking all over the place. All the dog pussy literally go instantly in my eye. Was I just lake giggled on the street. It was like six, a m. And because I sang in my head, where the dolls with John, so rosy road, but the dog, I am glad that I could get
to their lily? I vow to carry a barn Burbank in Scotland was just hang out of the bar. Are you fucking, Syria? Anyone relies remember, saying no and someone did a suitable violence, just like it was it was it was a Chester Bennington. I dont know what that's a real current music. Losing of Sunday about Roma will really yeah well, no good for him. Yeah good for Chester the ban. Now he is don't. We are soon to pilots, match mouth work and of the whole lot of vagina stories. So lets us girls. Just clothes were, let's just close the dogs vagina. Yet we
Daphne just everyone is so grows, so go! But our aim here to you. I guess that's like the microphone size. You started we need an now leading noticed com
Transcript generated on 2020-07-12.