« Jocko Podcast

206: THE STRESS EFFECT. Pt. 3 w SOG Leader, Dick Thompson. Why Smart Leaders Make Dumb Decisions.

2019-12-04 | 🔗

0:00:00 - Opening

0:01:18 - Dick Thompson. SOG. The Stress Effect.

2:30:24 - Final Thoughts and take-aways.

2:33:43 - How to stay on THE PATH

3:09:04 - Closing Gratitude

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is Jacko podcast number, two o six, with ECHO Charles in me, Jocker willing good evening echo good evening. Back for a third time is Henry Dick. Thompson after Throw Henry in their destination. When people look for your book, they'll be able to find the right so didn't Thompson. Sod warrior was on cast two or three and two or four, if you haven't listen to those, he's going, listen them immediately. And you realize the magnitude of the fact that this individual was sitting here alive. Talking to me is just an absolute miracle. So go Two or three to four, where You can hear about dicks experiences as a saga, team leader and T member in Vietnam.
Where we left off was home from Vietnam and now checking in as a ranger. Instead, which, for you was a great deal, because you would have the opportunity to take? the lessons learned teach them to the Rangers, and also, home them for your own experience Because you figured you were eight months away from going back to Vietnam. Yes, my opportunities, you get ready, so I could be more focus, Noakes town and I could do a better job now when you said eight months. What is it? What was that, based on what was that, when you say I was probably going back over in eight months? What was at based on at that time that was about to turn around right. You can action, Vietnam, they give you no time to recover in eight months, so you gonna get orders to go back again.
And you are now. Did you make captain yet or you still their captors are now you may captain the must be looking around at the guys that you deployed within that you knew. I mean you must be met in a lot of guys. Now I mean killed or missing in action. This is got be just a tremendous number for you when I, look at the ones that that I knew that I consider teammates, we did things together. We knew each other. I haven't Instead, I run for thirty five names tonight those are just the ones that I considered now my personal friends and teammates now see, and yet we launched a lot more people that I just I didn't know him very well, but just I was there. I get thirty five names I run for.
And you gotta have that you back your mind when you're train in these young rangers. You know what they're we need to. Even if it's not saw you know you want to prepare them to the best. Your ability for what they're gonna face because new at that time I mean us, they were going to Vietnam. There is also, no doubt suspicion They made it. The rangers go They were going further. The quest and for me was in addition to the personal things that I wanted to do improve my skills. Why I do for these guys too help them have a higher surviving once they get there. So I can't I made that my mission, you got you got the normal instruction from a ranger instructor plus, Then I added other things. I did you gotta. Do this learning
do that as this is how you talk business, I led They got a lot of extra coating and training whenever I load your group, then I just I felt responsible. To do that. What were some of the leadership that you focused on teaching young rangers Some are it was figure, be accountable. These are your guys? You gotta accountable. You gotta, take her possibility if you're gonna, let em you got to make sure You know what you're doing you gotta be physically filled, you gotta be mentally filled. You need to know the tactics techniques. And for some you need to encourage early. You need to build a team, you need to take care of him You need to know everybody on your team need to know what do you need to know everybody in the petition and at that time The army used to issue a
green notebook pocket sized notebook hard back. Did you put your pocket and dna data, you need to have you people here in peacetime need to know who they are known, thing about him, so you can later on when they're having problems and how to train them. The best know what they're doing areas are high build them up. Could you offer them they're your people. You're, the guy that the leader you need to be the first one out there and for me I'm not gonna ask do something I wanted. Do I'm not going go to you and say the door they are planned here. If not gonna, do it Why I can do to do more and follow me Going out there I'm going Do it to families
the example for you. This is how I want you to do up. So you trying to get that through to him and in time through in terms of think of yourself as a professional think about your medical doctor, Every day you should be reading learning, studying getting better every technique. Did you know, you should be trying to improve it. Today is about practice. Whatever it is that you doing, I ask you said there's somebody else better than you, then you need to be practising you got it it is good- is the basket. You wanna be that person and you don't get thereby just wishing hoping you gotta get out, take the action some of the things that you're gonna be doing, particularly if we everything Ranger Special forces seal. Well, that's a mindset, some
mind. You gotta think like that you can be in the greatest physical condition in the world. If you don't have a mindset, you can't do it You guys are the party seeing here and rangers go how many bodies have already dropped her when I want The rangers go, we started out with two hundred forty eight people when we finish. We had a hundred. Seventy five actually make it too, under the course seventy five others got, arrange them referendum only seventy five rangers produced- and it was mindset If it wasn't it, they were bigger, stronger, faster. They had the mental capacity to keep go. On one? May all the day three hours sleep, a knight, keep pushing and still be able to think. Cargan relatively enough to put together a good tactic
planned, communicate. That plan execute that plan and it takes work and you need to be the leader, so people far away whatever it is that I'm gonna do out there that I expect you to do. I wanna be doing it to the most of my ability, if you're going, about an airplane where the rope Todd onto you to pull a parachute out. I'm going out Thirty thousand three hayleigh that That's what I'd do if you have to have a landing on the size of a football field, a giddy unto I'll get it down to earth Are they do it in a dark? I want you to say it can be done better and if you can beat me more power to you, Now come now. What you ve done just told me. I need a practice which is to make up for yet the part that use about being a professional, and when I talk to young seals or young marine or soldiers or airman sailor.
Whoever you know, I always say I would say: professional and then I don't This is your life This right here is your life that everything else is contrary to what you're doing right here and you need to study you need to learn, you need to read, you need to practice, you need to rehearse, and you need to do that. All the time cuz you're never going to be good enough and you need to make this right here, your life, you gotta, other notes in here I just says staff sergeant Shelly, what's at all about when I when I went to render school in the mountain of AIDS There was of african american range structure. Their call, sorry Celli hardcore hard core do. Rarely delay pass anyone on petrol
and I had him. He greeted me one time I passed when I came back from Vietnam and went to the ring the department I ended up in the mountains. He ended up all my team. So now I've got the famous sergeant Shelly, all my team, and I thought man does it go. We we go on a patrol, grating pertain leader, he's groaning grating between Georgia, its aid ten degrees outside. Charlie shows up, would you got it teacher language go sleeves rolled up as it would where's your Parker help. Work where you gloves, I don't need class is eighteen degrees. Ok, I'm fine
hoard do and then doing we're out on patrol the snow is almost no you d dragon Rangers through at their tired call so, I call an expert patrol leader. Next persons is going to take over the opportune. Nice render take aftermath and I want to show me ten coordinates too, where we're standing right now. Could you got an over your you're starting from and he looks at an acid take your map out. I dont have em out sir. Why don't you have a map? He said well sergeant Shelly took my map when we, got back there and we had to go ahead. Man because of the guy get no frostbite. He took my mouth wouldn't go answered and Jelly to give your mouth back. Tell him you need. I can't do that
He built to fire when my mouth as it ok the new to find somebody for going that come alone. Your mouth and you're gonna be the patrol leader. You gotta have a map back then you could do a lot of things that you can't do now, I'm sorry that Shelly would take onions, cut them in half, rub them all over him. He would eat garlic. He would take in some Kentucky Fried Chicken in the bag and saw when it was dark and the Rangers doing it. So you only had to feed them once every three days back then if they forgot to call Andre supplies and get info called every supplies and they didn't ask for food. They just got ammunition so they're, always hungry and. You get under poncho at night. Sorry, I would say, can you show me?
show me where we are in the map and arrange would start to that way where nobody under the poncho can breathe. Shelly so. Where are you did second, your breath or watery and the arson want to wear the early mouth and he dropped his chicken like eyes. Failure is adopted, a tactic, and why don't you dare Like your finger now show me where you are, I mean he do things like that to him all He was very good very hard. And, as I started, to develop a seminal reputation. They would you're about it for banning and when they got to the mountain vice Shelley and I would walk him to take over the patrol for them. Twenty four hours and we introduce yourself, you could see the look on her face now. Ones, bad enough. We offer them at the same time no one's gonna pass
German television is super guy, really smart. Got another name down her bomb Howard Bob Howard marijuana Winner Tears saw down, town contain one like thirteen times a purple heart, he was. He was tough guy. No, he came up in flew vision. Re kind with us one going to happen. New. I had already heard some things about him. Another man I'm guy nervous about gettin helicopter withering because he does draws boards no I'm sure he's gonna save most devastating young. Am I not be one hard dude and then Became the Rangers go on as an instructor I ignore me already. He came through Ranger Skoda, Sir you're. Alright, you came back from side in
who's coming through rangers go and I ended up grading him. Sign your mom if we did a great job but he was. He was a hard do and then We went to the effort to reassure advanced course. He was, though they had come come commander of my class. So we were therefore year together, like that. He didn't want even far language clean your language up if you were in his organization a lot of things. He you promoted com to captain and retired as on for colonel Randy airborne School for a while. I did all all kinds of things that he and eleven months he was put in for the metal want or three times got it got what I got the idea,
for the other, a warrior at one time he was. I think he was the most decorated person on active duty, and then, after him, after many cancer and Passed away and then I think nothing com barge while took over most decorated for a while, so hard core saw guy So at what point did you decide? This is gonna, be your career. Have you already decided that you still think and well I'll do another toy Vietnam are now I'm in here, by the time I got. There were Zaga me now. What would I do if I gotta know why I want to go? Do some other things In the end, the interim all do the range herself to get ready to combat I'll do another two were here and figure out where I go from saga,
so now son, I was nineteen, seventy and are you see in the war wind down yet or not really is still still go pretty strong from where I am what I'm saying. So. I'm still expecting to get orders and time, and now that happen but before that happen on I got a call from that is one day, and he said this is me. I can't tell you anything picks up you're gonna get orders. You really want to do this. I need you click. So then I got orders to go somewhere on temporary duty another Ghana. Ranger department got it and was in arranging department at a time and indeed already been moved out on temporary.
For some reason, and into more of us get orders like that Ranger Department commander, said what's goin on Somebody better tell me what's going on and you started raising so much now. Disturbance about nor in what was going on that they council, our orders, the other guy, because the security they did. They don't want people asking questions about something might be going on saw several months later. That was the raid into North Vietnam, into sovereignty to one to the pure Debbie Count drive, so I had been picked for their jesting, get to go unbelievable mission. Will be one of the most successful missions were had except no no prisoners. They had just been moved.
The training that knowledge and stuff that came out of that and away those guys train in your hand, to build the every count every night and the darkness so that good practice on it. Data and the Russian are light, could see TAT the time all. Oh, that's down and then dog about practice. Once they figured out how they were gonna do the mission they practice the mission over a hundred and seventy times, and it did took a long time to do emissions most of the night and they were just every day. Every night take a practice that motion and training during the day with their skills, everybody, new their job and we wonder the guys. And when they landed, the compound one of the guys job was to Ghana Guard tower and how about who's gonna land, and he heard a certain number of steps.
Run to to get down behind a big tree that was there in use that is cover? Why took out a guard tower helicopter lands? he runs over, gets down, narrows down, starts firing, taken out the guards up here and then something says: pay due fictional tree here, where's your tree and what had been cut but he was right words, but if the tree had been there, he was in the right place, cedarhurst it so many times and all the stuff was like that you know you got dick meadows out there doing his thing. Ignoring the norm when, when did you get orders to go back, but I've been there about. Eight months- I got order to go back IDA actually signed up and starting to go on. Leave. I'm gonna get get
today, Lee before you have to go, and then I got orders, revoking those orders the guys at that time to be an instructor and arrange your department you had to help combat experience. And they are running out of people with particularly offers with combat experience because they're getting out so they put on operational hole or myself and I think of it three four other guys. That said, no you're not going anywhere, you gonna stay right or your keep doing what you done. So I was already set to go back to go to sob, Everything set up, as a lawyer, in place. So. How long did you and abstainers Ranger instructor little over three years long time
and now you deaf, we are seeing the war wind down, I'm saying oh or wind down, I'm seeing the protest. I am saying a lot of different things now, but still all very proud, to be in the military, proud to be arranged. Her special forces on whatever I'm now thinking about getting out now and in the EU. Married sometime around this timeframe that deal was confirmed right after I got orders revoking the trip back to Vietnam, so so I got me you got confirmed lightened now, because what I had said way, it would put Will we be better? Let me do the tour and when I come back they were can get married rather than you know, something happening to me
and you become a widow and all I can establish last night- do their bit me once my orders were revoked, then! Ok, now we can move forward, a grand Then your next door was went to Korea. Yes, I went to the advance guard and had been in for a year and went from there to Korea will read. Were the garage owners grass course now to prepare you be accompany Commander commander really start moving towards the next level. If you, if you can promoted here. You gotta go to advance course. As one you know Bob our you ve down near there are some other people who saw it. Then you there. And was an interesting to see the speaker like the guys, we're sorry the guys from special forces in there now there. Teaching the the company commanders for infantry? What kind of work
I know lessons were going back and forth from those two elements, always. Being there. I learned a lot about Justice agonize units, and things like that, because I know been in one. I've been some guy special art group. I didn't, I didn't understand about people outside of special outside I understand out someone that you could say? Ok, we gotta get those accomplish this afternoon started Jones and this afternoon. I go. Look it's not die. Why? I could that happen? I mean you tell a special opt guy. I mean this needs to be done. There was a different mindset different. I'm not trying to demean anybody to widen special arts, but this is a different answer. So getting used to that when I got to Korea I had
I had a time I heard them written. Or to the command in general I found out, I was going Secondly, of division and- and he was power herself tie. Written a letter to him and said you I'm coming wanna to a company, but I want to commend, arrange your country, I think the second after division benefit from a provisional Ranger company song but I'd like to do take over accompany, let me compared it You know, if anything happens with North Korea, I'm out here, You put aside their fourth we'll go: do and created a lot of controversy with staff and other people found out tat. I am Britain, the com in general, the latter, in fact, and the battalion allows assigned to do. There was a couple weeks there before I get to take over the company
Commander brought me in right off the bat and he said Let me days I'm Thomson, you been alone. A real army in it. You won't last month you'll, be relieved your command within a month year, snake eater You don't know how we do things and unite us about here Sorry that I'm not gonna be here to see him, but now I'm leaving Korean about a week or so, but my replacement, we'll see you and I thought my ass motivational waiter, Greek anew. I come in, is anyway a company called Bucky. Bravo. Became my company Then, a few days we painted a wall of the building block and go back Bravo Rangers and we
we had a game there? There's a called combat fell by forty people. On the field from, tea with two ball. And play at the time. And you had to ascertain what people per side yeah. So to reiterate than you have you had ten substitutes that you could use so Before I took over, I went down new and I got a new first. Argentina came at the same time. Let's go watch and play the combat football games. You go home, so we go down Bravo. Company And get enough people on the field play the game. They had to forfeit the game because nobody would go out there, so you don't half a dozen people and I'm thinking why. While waiting for the on going out there tollivers our top. We take over things change
companies gonna see the world differently. So we took over, we had a combat football game a couple days later tat company down to the field. Are all standing there and I walked out onto the field and I faced them- and I said: okay, I'm number one top where you first sergeant went running out and I said okay you number two where my lieutenants let's get out you're. Ok, now we're more players worthy and see? Why are there no Ngos out here all day and see oats get onto veal, gay figure out how many spaces have laughed in case. Some of the troops from reply they're. All I feel, like I said Man Holly horses within two years ago, apply new evidence. We were talking about before. I'm not gonna. Put you on a game like there.
You could break your labours lapping. If I M afraid you go out here s leadership you get out dear. Follow me I'll show you how to do. It might not be the best player on the field, but I'm right give it my best one the division championship twice How did the how'd it took? Two parts when you took over bunker. Bravo, the age imagines pretty slack attitude for them and You know sometimes people get the impression. Oh well, when you come in, like that, you got to drop the hammer on everyone. How did you balance dropping the hammer to everyone, creating a distance between you and them and Actually you don't. Describe one way that you did it, which is hey, I'm going to be the first one out here. I'm going to tell me to leave from the front. Was there any other makes a leader that you utilised to turn that to turn the the the folks at forfeited matches to the folks at win the championships two times? There are several things that happen, as you can imagine. Will
key. Bravo, there is a lot of drug users, particularly young marijuana, so I was walking through the company area Speaking about a week before I took over and I was walking about the barracks was the window was open and I was listening we're talking about this new guy coming in his company commander, and they were talking about. You know we to get rid of him and they were talking to. Korean Guy They were talking about. What's it, gonna cost us to have something happened to him So I hear that for over an enormous, and I just keep the door open and I step in I said we are familiar, I'm Captain Thomson and I'm curious that you have enough money to pay this guy to take me out but if you don't let me long you some money, so he can to do that. You will notice,
dogs are gonna, be out of here. Change around like that. So you with the programme you're a good shape. You wanted these drugs. You got a real problem, then now forward just a little bit, but what I found was the you could. Get? Someone were marijuana, one of men's, accompanied commander. I could find em make their money. I could reduce their rank, but I notice that has no meaning to So then I thought what are they value the moist their free time now, A gag it's got, marijuana becomes enemy and How much is gonna cost me, sir? I said I don't want your money, why I said I want your money But is seventeen hundred report here to the first sergeant,
look out my window. You see that big creek right next to the area here, ass, her eyes you see all those rocks on the creek. Bank on the other side says yes, sir. I said tomorrow they're going to be back on this side and if what you can't do that I can give you extra duty and that's what's gonna happen every night for a while, I can give you seven days, Baxter Duty and you, we go into the village, no words brain like wildfire that he's an it he's crazy man. You know you don't want your money. He's gonna keep you here, but when brought back in her thumb, to get the drugs out things like that. You know we had the combat football. I was able to get actor helicopters than we can they get to play. Helicopters to learn how to build bridges. We put on a demonstration for the present when he came over there for things like
and then one of the techniques. Using this won't show up but I want to give you an example of the power of life innovation I get in trouble. Company formation, and I said I We need to understand you belong to Bravo Rangers you're, better, anybody else here you can help reform on. You can outrun army again out, do whatever this is a special coffin. That. You belong to an arrest. I wonder why finish talking to or to the first sergeant, and here The issue you a Bravo Ranger Card and this card says that you are a member. A bravo rangers you need to understand. Anyone in this company, including myself,
catches. You down in the village and says, show me your card and you can produce it you by everybody at that table a round of whatever their drinking and also understand. If you lose this thing, you have to come to me to get a new one Explain to me how you. Are you lost it? I won't won't say necessarily on podcast hear what it says. On the back of this card life, let you look at the the back door. So excited about those got. That was the most valuable thing that they owned and in the company. Well, the Isle of all Red One part of it. You ve, never lived in tee, almost died in until you fight for, Life has a special favour that only a ranger will ever know. Bravo Rangers,
There's some various there's, some various special activities that the problem dangers are, are capable of executing the end They're, not all legal, also, so that's that's outstanding, now with them, but the power hasn't happened to me for some time now. In the nineties. I mean that, There is an increase in the seventies in the nineties. I believe can t you hear, but allowing airport and a guy to answer I'm here John. He D introduce himself, and the next thing out of his mouth was what you got the cards and he would have his guard. I mean It was amazing how many people I would run into over the years and one of them
things they would say you got your card, I got mine, they were still care and these guard ass wise in here, I think, I'm k, source ain't gonna do is ask me about it. The norm, Emma a big aeronautics, word is, but I learned a lot from David Hack worth from Colonel David halfway. And one of the things he did was rename the hopeless battalion in Vietnam took over to the hard core and like when I took over four task. Bravo at civil team. Three, as the task of the commander I immediately change the name to task in a browser instead same exact idea. I've got a great email recently from a guide it that change them. Of his his he's. Gotta be control. Robbery and that his team change the name of his team and like change the attitude and an office in this order, complete projects and just that that little element- We report, an important part to it, is
You can't just change the name and expect like! Oh now, everything's different, that's an element of you have to do the other things you have to say. Oh we're going to work hard, we're going to fight hard we're going to we're going to win this championship, we're going to we're going to be the best gear. You can just change. The name expect that to happen, you're going to have to do work behind it, it comes from price comes from struggle and in overcoming struggle. For pride comes from some people. Ask me how you develop private team cool. You want to develop priority, you make them do hard stuff! More training go few. Even with military units that have battle store, Worse, that's that's the pride that they ve carried for two years, a hundred years since they did whatever you know, thing in World WAR Warner, World WAR two or career Vietnam? That's something that add unit achieved, and that gives them pride, so you can just change the name and expect o cool. I changed the name now, I'm good to go. No, you
change the name and then you need to give them something to be proud of, which means some kind of struggle to get through some kind of pain to get through that not only doesn't give them a sense of achievement. It also brings them together because we were you that shared suffering, that you go through, whether its boot camper airborne school or special forces selection or training mission, all those things what they do is bringing together and the ultimate form of that is its combat, you know, which is why you can you, can to be a member of a guy that was in song and you reach out till you guys never met before also take up what will meet up some point you can move forward. You guys have that camaraderie because of what that unit achieved in the struggles that you went through. So The other question one ass, his with winter, relates going. How do you keep that in check at me well from year perspective for you because now listen, you guys are walk around with a chess boat out, and you start
get professional jealousy from the other company commanders and they're gonna, try and make you look bad in their talkum hundred. How do you content with that kind of thing and keeping your guys from become arrogant witches. A possibility is a real issue, a big issue, and it also happens internally, so I've we're we're out on all arranged practising in, and we are therefore a week and all of a sudden first sergeant says surgeon to come. When we got a little issue going on here and there Bank, that had a road. I knows all road, no thirty forty feet below on third pertain we're coming down. The road first pertains go the other way. Third, a tune. Some little time at the first meeting. Hail rocks, came down the aisle nowhere to go break up a rock fight because they were so popped in young.
Better and you can always do you guys These are real people the enemies outside the wire and you can be fired up but your hand. Other company commanders You in another battalion commanders were upset, because the general I mean I've been there maybe a week, and all of a sudden now meaning in command and all of a sudden the siren goes off. The siren is deployed to EU battle positions. Then you know Israel, and I was just get the poor. I saw I run back down there, my home, headquarters the first sergeant's there and say ok, what's up many said now, you gotta deployed the battle positions, I think you need go to retain commanders office and find out which battle plan where
promoting don't worry about the company. I know we have to be frightened gate in two hours we'll be there. Find out where we goin in what we have to do I'll make sure get everybody here. We load up everything, take it with us, so I go get it and I I come back and we went ahead all the time. We're gonna led the whole brigade. Camp over. Do where, with about opposition, is an If we start to move the jeep runs over Maya. The radio operators foot breaks, it's funny side the women and the animals. Where we go one know we get late at night we get upon the a mountain and in the area that were supposed to defend, and we have to dig dig fighting positions and everything
it's getting daylight. I got everybody Dougie on and they're, putting in firing steaks, Amy Steaks and all that, and I hear that wop wop wop and a helicopter pops up sets down on the ridge, guy gets out and all I can see the stars and income comes over saluting and he said is now Thompson I I want to see you're fighting positions. He walks around the region. We talk about him and he's asking me courts. Why did you put this from here rises ordering like this? He asked to theirs orders and defining position, some questions here and there, and now that takes about thirty men. Can you comes back a guess in his helicopter and leaves it while I was an expert in the division commander to show up on said it wasn't twenty minutes what what what? What he's the help?
after back up there again he gets off his boss, or three star stepped out with him. Then he comes to me and says I want you to take us around. I want you to show him your bow position. So they get and how I got currently amounts hear me: he's Ratan Raven television about how great, Bravo Company looked and all the staff in patent better commander, yonder back in there, my name out and then he starts showing up at least once a week my message using Commander walks in my old company mess hall to breakfast on a regular basis. You and he talk. We talk about the things I've got to company. Doing what I needed Do you start to share their as you get to company can use it? Why, commander comes down here.
Does he go to other people's amount? Sultana he's coming to power company! Look around you. What are you gonna? Do I'm a near ferocious combat football, combat footballers stay, he invented it and you guys are animals out there and he loves you and We we won the best technical, opportune and contest. It will have a call. Private Jones out my said, George one A place in the division, Christmas card, drawing contest third place, guys out about ten thousand people in a division. You got third place. I mean doesn't matter what we do you guys are winners. We can do it. We just keep this up and the answers we discussed. We haven't things to do in, like as they would wonder football channel twice we wonder attack tackling the championship
I was a player coach on on our team. We won, The champion Talk Lando championship. In division, just all kinds of things, because they were so popped up and they do whatever you poor map and it was like they couldn't lose mix up here. You had to put up with people who were jealous because he was standing, whether someone and then no they these centres to they send us too, to be the immediate reaction force for the nuclear sites. Tat wrote I had to rotate people through there. So you're thirty minutes notice to deploy to wear whatever nuclear sites. Might be under attack. I walked in and we're we're looking round and I'm looking at the battle plans I'm saying oh this: this is pretty cool I mean. Maybe they're all activators will have to do something. I said I would feel better.
If I could see the live ammunition that we have for their mission, you can't see had its Scots Edison therein, foot lockers them. Good are locked tat, they have still bands around and you can't really see it as they get a pair Balkan. I will see it open those boxes. Nobody had opened one those boxes in ten years. Agnes Angel Rusty there, the amateur it wouldn't feed out of it created major stare when I reported that we needed new ammunition because it wasn't functional A few days later, I said here we got a battle plan here says we're supposed to fly the cells, the european support around this neutralise, like I said, get a helicopter, get some choppers unless load up the first thing I want to make that insertion
while trees had grown up since that plan was there was no Wellesley there, I'm sorry reported that battalion commanders of toxic backup two hundred to find anything. Just back of you got me in so much trouble since no trouble we want. We had a decent life it's a lot. Well all those russian leaders of lessons and then, after that you go back to brag and Apologies deployment, readiness exercise, evaluation for special forces in Rangers, Sir you're, like a native and evaluated at this point so all special for listen, ranging came under the eighth They are born corps. Commander from Korea is now the 18th airborne core commander Did he call you out by name and bring it actor? He heard me brought their deduce, Besser projects and think so
and one on the words you gotta beyond the scene. I want somebody It knows about special ops that can deploy. So I would show up at her ranger retain headquarters. Two o clock in the morning had seek you of a paper classified documents that says wheels up in two hours and you Can I get out of the way you guys place? Was gonna come alive? then I would go with a mile will be one other the, put in a halo team. I would jump with a halo team and evaluate them. Take him on classified mission. Sometimes a lot of things you we do with them that I just ate up, because it was all special up stuff. So I got to do there. There was a lot of fun and this I pertain came under us, diaper all the sniper training before brag that was under us, so I could go out and play
The sniper risen shoe improve my skills and its where you, at this point of this point of view, are major so now I'm still kept him and then what about? next time that Dick Meadows called you up certain nineteen seventy, actually showed up at my house. Ok One better, I hope Several people like that that they call all her. They showed up at my house, my wife who was not happy negotiations. She knew they were there for one reason there were something they wanted me to do that she was not gonna. Want me to do the matter shows up. I didn't whores coming now up in my driveway I was outside, I sign so we go talk and he said I need you
putting together a special group. I need you to come out and be part of my cadre to help set this thing up and also evaluate and train the people and be an operator in this group when we get set up, besides, I really can't tell you any more than that You're, the guy. I want that me right now. He said yes, said: my wife is pregnant, thorough job. I just saw my house here. I just bought a house in Athens, Georgia. I just got accepted into the doctor or Programme University of Georgia and named off a bunch of things like that night. I can't just stop this process right here and he was not happy Yahoo. His
I will comment Emily. Was you hung up your guns, so haven't hung up my guns. I just need to delay it for about two years now I can come back. Do anything you know. I need you right now, and that was the last time we had a face to face and in the group he was setting up delta. Then he said that was the last time you ever asked you to go anywhere with no, that's crazy, what what? What did he had made? You want to go to college and what are you going to study you ask me Leon about going over the years.
Having a year and a half of college. When I left is second after division as a captain and came back to the states, I was, cured secondaries on promotion town, I was gonna, make major way before any other captains. In my ear group and staff, it was a done deal, promotion, those came out and I was not which is not there because many people a few people, get a second here, but I was not so when I called male per se and the decisions it what happened and said. Well, you know you are not consider Why not said the first thing we did was we went through all the records and divide agenda to pause college degree, not a college degree. You don't
what college college degree you are not eligible? You wouldn't even looked at beyond their so that irritated me look at my performance. The wise outperforming me in all their stuff, then eventually I talked to him and he wasted all your luck. Staying alive and combat, I guess yeah, ok, I'll go to school night. I'll finish this agree, so I did what I finished does agree. Then I got a call from them saying. How would you like we'll get a masters degree. You wouldn't let me get an undergraduate now. You're gonna say me for a masters as it's. Ok, I'm interested in that my plan was what I wanna masters. Let me find a school that has an oral tc programme that I am I could get a follow on assignment to.
I have to finish the masters programme. So what I do is, I am role in a Phd programme. Plead the masters along the way you have to year, more asylum with our Baltic Sea I'll be able to finish out the doktor so the next time you want to ask about education. I haven't you, can doktor merger right here I come. I guess it. If you gonna, do it you do he practice you do. What do you have to do you take, and what did you get your desired psychology, so I think we talked before about I started out in chemistry and I found myself on the battlefield leading man in combat and eyes. We can look round and thinking. I need to learn how to motivate people. I need
I understand the psychology of motivation. The psychology of people Finally, a wager if I'm gonna be a leader I need to learn about their night chemistry. So when I went back to school, suppose I called you, so I can learn how to do that staff with them and in reality I think four circle now I understand. Is the chemicals and these new ranges drive and others others doubt deal with those who elect you can do right now. I got to do a lot of things I helped put together Airline battle, two thousand. How are we or fighting in the twenty first century. I get to our counter research on sleep stress how we gonna fight, because we are predicting in the eighties
predicting the next ground wars, gonna be a hundred hours straight before there is any bright. So how are you going to keep people? Wait that long and keep a more active perform the mission how you gonna, create high performing leaders, high performing battle staff high performing teams. What does that mean? I get all over the place near me. Early smart people learn from and and work on, projects like that. Do research like that, a lot of which was used in some in the Falklands cause. I work for the british Army staff on in the head, Genoa, the time they are said we're not do and that their cash day awake. I said they can't stay away.
Not that long now, there's some things you have to do that, but now he discovered there, the Falklands you have to do something to keep him gone and then in the Gulf WAR the ground face was a hundred hours. My brother meal, Butch Helicopter pilot, our Apache power, He didn't get. I the aircraft. He would come in to refuel, they would feeding. Water, air crash rearming refueling and send him right back up in using some different things. So, give me keep him away. So then he was was the command and general staff. Conscious that your final tour now That was one where my lucky run out. So when I finished I was going back to to regulating and Did then they realise that
was the only downwards. Officer in the class then had a phd and the general monitored accommodate said you not go. You were. You stay in here to work with me on this airline battle staff. I need somebody that thinks like you do and has the combat experience and everything to work on this with me. So they kept me. Therefore, for years counting the year I was at school. And then they call me up and said: how would you like to be the professor military science at the University of Georgia? So you go back when you calling me why where's is coming from and said Actually, the university is turning down every body we sent every applicant deviated professor military science. They are finding a reason not to night to accepting, but they can't do
you. You had an hour ROTC two and there you ve been the ex level on department. Got a Phd masters and Phd from there, Michael you got everything its anti names are wholly staffing. He says they have to take you ok, I'll, try they took me and I just finished up there, because I had started high performing systems calling on the side is just something to play with, but started growing so fast You can have an engagement with a client and then to join What decides I need you forward for a meeting on Monday morning- and you can't do that- I mean you can turn to climb down if you like, evil
So now I'm having a conflict, so I decided twenty one years, that's enough get out and do the company, because I've said the company to be able to do in cancer things things like to do. For me. I don't get shooting people, but they don't get shoot me either. It is also an though, but at that time outdoor training was a big deal ropes courses I can repay I'll. Do it. Throwing the briar patch I mean I can do that stuff. In my sleep, I enjoy doing so. We had executive, jumping off cliffs, going down rivers and wraps and all its staff that played out toward the end of the nineties. People started to have been there done that. I want something different, so we changed up over So it's somewhere along the way you wrote RO deserting the stress attracts right, which
which I read and definitely has some summer smog We good information in it. I wanted to hit some of the information that you put in their distant. Give people feel for the book. I'm not going do as much detail as well as I would do with with like the document. Read about restaurant collaboration on the last point gas, but you know just you people some feel for what year what this contains. So come out here out of the gate, researchers, Shelly, Kirkpatrick and Edward Lock state. It is on equally clear that leader, are not like other people lead Do not have to be great men or women by being intellectual geniuses, or Omniscient profits to succeed. But they do need to have the right stuff and this Stuff is not equally present in all people, so this is interesting,
because you're saying something that a lot of people don't want to hear witches, hey, There are certain leadership traits at you may or may not be borne with, and That's the reality of the situation. Now I about this lot through, and I actually say the same thing, and I have this: description that I use and saying that you know you're gonna get different capability is that you have as a human being and what you can do as a leader is if you have an area of weakness, if you're smart, you'll bring peace, under your leadership team that compliment your areas, weakness, but you can We do that if have the humility to admit that hey, I'm, not greater planning or hey, I'm not that greater paperwork or have not that good at talking to the troops Whatever areas of weakness you have, if you can admit to them and bring people on your team that can complement that and say hey. You know one of my great talking the troops Dick how can you get out there and and deliver the work? You got ya, got it and that's fine, as long as I can admit,
but if I won't admit it my ego's in the way, and even though I'm not good at communicating with the troops, I decide I'm the one that has to get up there and do it, and I bumble around and leave them walk away, not feel confident about it. That's bad! So What this this idea right here that we I'll, get it eve. You're gonna get some qualities, but you're gonna be mentioned some too, and so something we all have to admit. You go here, you talk about learned ability which includes job knowledge, skills and experience is critical component of leadership and decision making. So acting a former g executive just because she was an employee of g to run a hospital corporation or public in company does not make sense, just because someone work from organization without swim, outstanding reputation, does necessarily mean that individual become will become an outstanding leader who makes- outstanding decisions, especially if she does not have
the learned ability for that role, level and industry this. Not to say that high performing leaders can't success. We switch organizations and assume higher rules. However, it's not a given important point there right of company where we place veterans, to organizations, and a lot of times. People think oh well. The person has better experience of their good behind a percent gotta go and as much as I would love to say that you can't say that that's why we do a screening process and we actually train them too. For that transition but this is the same thing: people just because people who are from an organization like energy has a reputation for their leadership doesn't mean that that person is necessarily a good leader, and you have to be careful that and in an this section here,
I have to say, was I found very interesting, Individual leader complexity find the person who can do the work. And so you can do to this topic here. Simply put leader. Complexity refers to a leaders ability to handle the choir the requirements of his or her job, depending on the size and type of an organization. Leaders. Job is often enormously complex. Two factors- determine ability to work at a particular level of complexity, and and innate abilities. So once again you're talking about, eight abilities, meaning that people have limitations and My big point to that or might might my thoughts that is the people there. We have problems, are the people, it don't realize it. They have limited that they have limited in eight capabilities, which means everyone. We all have things that were not ready at the public.
And admit that are going to have real problems. Now you get into this, all leaders have limitations to what they can learn and how far up the leadership ladder they can climb. Aid ability as it pertains to leadership, consists of four major factors: cognitive ability, emotional intelligence, motivation and personality and this is the most this. This is this section that I really was very interesting, because I work with a lot of different leaders all the time, because I have a consulting company to and we work with leaders all the time. So this topic here of cognitive ability, cod live ability is how a leader processes organizes stores and retrieves information, thus determining how she creates the world she lives. In me, sense of it and acts on it. Cognitive ability, easy. The determinant of our leaders ability to be successful at different organizational role levels on,
learned skills, cognitive ability is not tradable, it is, hard wired ability that unfolds through a natural maturation process across ones, lifespan A leaders, cognitive ability, determines how she approaches, problem solving decision making in your personal interactions- let's look at that- and will characteristics of cognitive abilities going from hide alone start talking about. The actual person that has high cognitive, a bill and this is interesting- and we have to come back to this. One that is now tradable that's an interesting statement, because I would think it. I've seen people get better at sip coming up with simple solutions in dealing with stress, so maybe that doesn't follow those things on for quite the category of cognitive ability. But here's what you say about
the higher the higher leaders. Cognitive abilities, the lower the need for consistency in the information being processed. This is a very important thing right. I will read it again: the hire a beaters cognitive, a bill ability level is the lower the need for consistency in the information being processed. What That means to me Is- and this is very very prudent on the battlefield- is you're, not gonna, get consistent information and if that bothers you, if you can wrap your mind around differ. Pieces of information coming in that are contradictory one. Another you're gonna have a problem, making a decision that what you're saying right there. Yes You, you need to be able to haul, have contradicting thoughts, ideas, concepts and for me someone in your mind, both of them at the same time and still function,
and they get any other opposites of each other, but you can still deal with that is not going to stop you for moving forward and you'll find a way to use that information to fit in What you're trying to do The hope is that I have in going through this with a little bit of detail, is that people recognise this people. Recognize what what are you? As I wrote, one of the books are risking the dichotomy leadership and it's it's about this idea that you as a leader gonna, have different forces point you, opposite directions, you need to learn how to balance those different opposing forces with just about retreat that we have that's what you need to be able to do so. Hope when people hear this. That they say to themselves. Oh, I get apt round, the actual, if, if two different piece of information are opposing each other, this is really important. I hope that. Even those not tradable. I hope
Did you can actually when people get recognition of what they can go? Oh you know what I know TAT right now, I'm here to different piece of information at my tendency, is just to want to focus on one or ignore them both, but make a decision when I wanna needed need think about how both these things are. Actually true or possibly, true Are you go on The great example consider the question: do cell phones cause brain cancer? you can find as many studies that say it does. As it does not at, lower cognitive ability levels, most people would find the inconsistency in the research confusing their response would be there must be a right answer, though Oh cognitive ability leader may choose to ignore the data altogether or pick the dot data that support her position, so there. You go classic example: hey look
There's gotta be right answer. We need to know what the real deal is willing. As you know, you can google and right now you can google anything and you can get supporting data for any hypotheses that you have. And if you have low cognitive ability, whichever one you think is right, that's we'll put all that data to back yourself up It says this In contrast, the high cognitive ability leader understand that there is no single answer and tends to look at the implications of cell phone use in organization or how to put in safeguards just in case the phones do cause cancer. She does not Let the inconsistency prevent her from making a larger decision in which cellphones play a role. You can still function, as you said. Oh, any topic conceit contains some level of data inconsistency, What financial markets are going to do in the future when
the construction industry will rebound, which airlines will survive and whether we need more effort. Twenty two raptors, which is only the world's most advanced fighter. The key. Is that high cognitive abilities leaders rise above the level of inconsistency and make decisions. Do not wait for everything to be perfect and I would just say to that, a level of cargan it to build that you get to where you realize there is no single right answer for anything, therefore end answer that you choose any solution that you choose what The downside some port in the future? There the unintended consequences, whatever you choose now saw and a lot of cases with people who can think forward. They are looking at which unintended cards
quences am I willing to accept it at some point. I if I enough time between now and then to begin to put in something that me he'll counter. There no they're common he's gonna happen. But I want to make a decision, we're gonna move forward. It is worth noting good decisions because doesn't unintended consequence to they'll, be thereby unintended consequences for no action you go on here. Leaders with lower levels of cognitive ability are constrained by the information they receive in for rate information must be consistent for them to make sense of it. High costs and of ability. Leaders by contrast, rely on themselves to provide missing information for more novel information and search across more domains to find information which is interesting. So across more domains. That means there's a problem over here. That's in a certain arena and
Hi Congress figure will look at that a reading. Go you. What that's reminds me of this other arena, and I can apply this and overly to this, arena that I'm looking right now and further. My decision making process color to it. The greater they show in this is again the high cognitive abilities leaders they show. Greater certainty in judging inconsistent information and are more focused on long term strategies, then oh cognitive, ability leaders are the low cognitive. Billy leaders are looking at the short term game. The leader with high cognitive abilities, uses multiple dimensions when processing information, these more I dimensional this model dimensional approach. Creates a high probability that the leader will matches some facet of herself when they found of another person during interpersonal interactions.
This leaders more inclined towards assimilation of information about herself than a leader with lower cognitive abilities. Thus leaders, with high cognitive. Ability show propensity for research, leaving feedback they he out. Information about themselves are opened the feedback and assume this information into knowledge about themselves. This goes back to me. Talk about being a mobile person, your humble person, you can take feedback and you can put in your world and the other. Part that I found interesting about this. Is that the high probability behind cognitive leader will at some facet of herself with the fast of a person. So when there When I'm having a discussion with you and you're. Here you have a different perspective or your opposing mere argue with me. Is that a me saying no you're wrong. I will look you and say: what's what, where they get upset Oh, I see where you get that perspective from that. Actually, sense because he's on the
lines needs doing this all so I, actually will put some facet. I will match some faster myself to you, so that I on, Stand your perspective better. We This expanded knowledge and confidence. They can more easily find some aspect of others with which they can connect connection, allows them to gain more feedback and knowledge gained? What am I, things that I thought my time is humility and how leaders to be humble and which is actually one of the cool things that you said about bars. We never talked about it, but you said you know who he was really tough. He was super smart and he was humble if those the queen what you called out in and that's what this. Represents to me. You continue a lie: a leader with high content of ability perceives herself as being more complex than the average individual, in decision making situation. She might delay longer ants. Amid a more complicated decision now
When I read originally read that right there, I had a problem with because because one of the Montrose Age, old, Montrose of leadership, combat leadership for sure, simplicity right, you gotta, keep things simple, so I'm want to come back to that one because my immediate reaction to was wait. A second I don't know for I agree with that, because we're talking about this person with a high cognitive ability, that's coming up with a more complicated decision, but I'll get, to hear, her interpersonal reactions, interactions tender, result in greater perceived similarities between herself and more senior people. She may perceive differences between herself and others more accurately than a leader with lower cognitive abilities. Does this? Complex internal structure results in a greater perception of the ex. Environmental structure, which can make fast in interpersonal conflict. So again we have someone that can that can sense. Why
someone else perspective is this is where I come back to the young. The simple thing the high cognitive ability leader wreck, ignited when she is communicating with others who are at a lower or higher level cognitive abilities when Tom into a lower cognitive ability leader, she recognising that person's simpler language structure? Linear, a process and shorter term focus and will stand that the lower cognitive ability leader might not get what she sank. So what that too? We take this one step further. What are really good the high cognitive ability leader will do- is take the complex aimed answer and simplify. It now so that this lower cognitive ability leader, can actually understand it. So, even though it might be a more complicated decision, the blue we're cognitive reader below He doesn't need to know that they're gonna get the simple I'd version, that day
grasp it makes sense to them and then move forward. Continuing on when she's talking to someone of equal or higher cognitive ability. She, find that the conversation moves faster and is more enjoyable and stimulating low, I never ability leaders tend to use fewer dimensions when processing stimuli resulting in fewer and less complex information domains and a low. The probability of matching some facet of themselves with that of another person, can see this is. This is why I think it's important to talk about this, because. If you can't relate to other p. If you are having a hard time talking to people up chain of command talking people down the chain agreement talking to your peers. If you're saying, oh, they don't get it they don't understand. How can think that way. If you're thinking that that's
with your mind, that's a red flag that you are that its iter, it's. A little sin bore a sign of low cognitive abilities year. The winds Getting us understand it, so when you get there instead of concern doing to point the finger outward. Take a look at yourself. And recognise the fact that there's you need to try and find some common ground with other people and the fact that you can't find common ground with where people is a sign that you have low cognitive ability and that's a problem. So I'm hoping again. I know this can't be trained, but I'm being that when become aware of it. You say: oh, that's me. That's me, and this is the worst part about this whole section- the war part about this whole section. Is this What I am hoping for is that the people low cognitive ability,
We recognise that this is about them right. This bout me. Ok, I Tend to do this, sometimes I I can't connect with an I think I can't see their perspective. You know what that's my that's me, that's on me! That's why I'm here when people say unfortunately, people with cognitive ability heavy much lower chance of actually being able to recognise this. So that's the problem. Catch twenty do it is contained doing, they tend to contrast themselves with others that are and are less opened feedback. Another great point: if you're not home, bull you're, not again, I use the word humble. If you're, not when the people telling you hey, you know what you can do this better. That is an she will sign of low cognitive abilities. I hate to break the news to the net
one in their interpersonal interactions, they tend to perceive themselves as being more similar to their peers and less similar to their superiors. They are poor. Disposed to be more rigid and concrete in their thinking. This is another. This is something that you can recognize in yourself, this is something I can recognize myself. When I'm going know we gotta do it this way No! This is the way it's gotta be that's the index listen to me that I am tending towards low cognitive ability. What I need to do is open my mind. And try some new things except some new ideas. Otherwise, putting myself on report, for being a low cognitive thinker, Let me share one thing: if you're a high
I ability person. If you become angry, the tendency is for you to start to drop in levels in terms of your response right now, they interaction right now. The more angry you get, the more you drop way really low here people argument very off their angry? Very often they both way down here and that's why, where the problem is, we have to get you back up and you hear it all the time and in meetings between people just listen. What's your focused, listen! the time frame that there are focused on listen to the concreteness of what they are focused on and you can. You can figure out where they are now. How, and we all about you- and I have this conversation I'm down your and I'm I've done my heels, reveres you'd wrong Jack Odin
there's something wrong with me. If you can see my point here, if I'm Dugan down here. We're not gonna. We're gonna be like this. It decided to discuss this with a quiet. It's like the boy thing I can do when you say I dont, like this. I don't like your plan Jacko, Best thing I can do isn't Well, that's cause! You don't understand it the best thing to do and you can you give me some feedback on what it is? You dont like about my plan, because now, instead, you dig in your heels in and look at how you're gonna strike me you're you're. Actually looking to formulate a legitimate answer to a legit the question by the way When you ask that question, just asking you this question, so I can trick you know, I'm legitimate we asking for feedback, because maybe you know something that I dont know, or maybe you see something our policy I immediately get us too start moving up. That latter again are instead it down. When you say I don't like your play,
I say, that's cause you too dumb to understand it. That conversation guy? You dropped all the way back, You continue on here the accuracy of their predictions. This is again low cognitive, the accuracy of their predictions about others is directly proportional to the amount of information they have about others, their concreteness filter, out more aspects of the external environment structure, particularly when there under stress- low cognitive ability, leaders tend to have a relatively narrow set of interests and knowledge domains, although they may have an in depth knowledge in a few areas. Consequently, they lie for others who share one or more of their interests. Unlike I cognitive ability leader, they do not a broad range of areas of expertise they can use to connect with others.
The bottom line is that leaders with and what that tells me as hate. You know I they get outside my zone right cool I like Jiu, Jitsu and I like war, but if that's the people I hang around with I'm not. Expanding my horizons. So I need go and playing a band and draw in right in out with people that are doing those other things as well. The bottom line is that leaders with high cognitive ability are able to possess greater amounts of information and operate more successfully in complex environment. With a higher level of inconsistency in ambiguity, then and leaders with low cognitive abilities. As they eyes to hire roles role levels in an organization the problems they face become more complex and ambiguous. These leaders, with high cognitive abilities, tend to perform well at upper organizational echelons, social.
I mean you can think about just the difference in any any job right you don't mind, troops is concerned with you know. As part of the manufacturing line. It's real, actively small. It's not a complex. Think anymore. Higher up you get the organization more complex decisions are being made and what not? The good thing is when we think about cognitive ability is theirs. Place for everyone, a real need for everyone someone has to do that day to day, our to our work and be happy with be good, be happy I go home at the end of the day, saying yes and Doktor Barton above them, somebody will know that more. That's really good at that level, so getting the right person into them. Right role, love him at the right time.
If we think about carbon to bully for a lot of people is, is continuing to change So there's like a growth curve right, you can see off, flattened out someplace as long as there are growing they can take. How're in her role levels. Bread is a they cross, those different thresholds. Eventually they're gonna hit Aport queer. I mean this. Is it Yeah they need to be happy here, because, if you move on to the next one, the file yeah and what I've see with people is theirs spot where they got yeah. This is where, on that, and I'm in this area, not comparable bad way of like on my comfort zone, but you start to move them outside that cognitive, that level and all and sudden their stressed, because there make decisions on inconsistent information and it's too much and you know what that's that's like you just said, that's actually good, because now we know what the limitations are. And now you can
focus on this, this kind of ability level where you excel at, because by the way You get somebody with really good cognitive ability and you put them in a job that. Doesn't require, as much will now. They're gonna be more than you use the term in this book, which I had never actually heard before. It's not burn out the officer burn out. It's called rushed out, so That's all good in him, like I said we work with all kinds of organizations, and the other interesting point to make is the cognitive abilities and doesn't measure your intelligence. It measures a bunch of different things that in and just like some people are more articulate and some people are taller and some people are shorter life. This is one of those things worse, components combined together and You could have somebody that went to an Ivy league school, and I know I got to see this in the seal teams. People I went to Ivy League schools, they scored super high on whatever I cute. As there are their cod mobility
not high, because they can't look at complex things they get wrapped around my nootka or whatever the case may be. So this is a really interesting, thing. I would like to think that maybe because I'm a positive thinking person I would like to think that a person has humility and they say you know what when I hear that my that that, when I hear it being described that. Having concrete ideas. Probably means that my colleague mobility is lower. Maybe I need to open my mind up a little bit and maybe they can I know that I saw meters and I still he leaders. I know for a fact. I see leaders get better, be better leaders and be able to look at complex things in and start to understand.
Information does need to be perfect, and even if I look at myself when I was when I first got to this you'll teams- and I was new guy- I couldn't look at a complex problem media lingo, okay, you know what or that these two piece of information are kind of different, but I can make it a sound decision that will make sense right now and we can make some adaptations later got it. No, I would been lookin for hey. What's the is this writer? Is that right? I don't know which one ok, I gotta move forward it. So I think that idea that you can improve. It is a positive thing, even though I don't does that mean its tradable what happens as I am growing, and I crossed the threshold. And I don't realize it. I didn't realize that I have or build a all and because it is like a stair step. It jumps up because long jumped up and when that job. I might not realize it initially I might need a coach
I might need you to come in and work with me to help me start to users increased ability thy up, because I don't I don't know how to do so we work were leaders, light helping them. To be able to take advantage of the building said they help because lighter homes they don't know what they don't know that and a war ambiguity. They can think further into the future because their job. They're not allowed to you a role level where they they keep Poland? back down here? even though you have a lot more ability. So one of the things they were looking at, people in an organization is: are you working at your potential? Do you have unused potential that if we could help you to start to use it. You raised the whole bar for the organization performance level for the organization goes up because now
your operating closer to their full potential than you were before we were doing immediate action, drills our task in a commander Bubbletop Commander MIKE to Jupiter, raiders were softened way. Flavour of the books may South was with the other to render the delta commander- and You know that you have immediate action, jewels, there's a stairs a standard operating procedure, there's a place where you're gonna go on appeal. On appeal right on the centre, peel on of flank right on the flank left, others there's positions, you go into, and so I watching him and his platoon and be equally, the call would get made. Whether was him when it was the leading petty officer, whoever somewhat to make a call, watch him and he would you, stay like in the precise position that the standard operating procedure dictates him to be it and so- which meant that if he ran down the ravine and was facing, but though six
but while the rain ravine conceal anything, he was gonna stand their cause. That's where you supposed to be and I say, hey man: what can you see right now? You don't like wild. Nothing. Will why? Don't you move a little bit? Well, because that's not the centre operating procedure will guess what you're the petition commander It's ok, you can to have someone fill in here right and you can go and you can crawl. So this part of the ravine and you can actually see maybe an were you can direct your guy, so you can get out of this kono ff How does that sound so that becoming aware that Europe, to move that you're allowed to think that you're allowed to take action. Reminds me of what you just said about a leader being able to step up suddenly realizing that, like a stair step up as soon as you realize that he's, like o o I can move around and yes as a leader, yes, you can. Talk about emotional intelligence,
emotional intelligence, focuses on the interpersonal, an emotional aspects of innate ability. It can be defined as a person's innate ability to perceive and manage his home perceptions in a manner that results in successful interactions with the environment. And if others are present perceive and manage their emotions in a manner that result successful. Interpersonal reactions, emotional, entail Its being able to read people, you talk, Bout, the innate ability to do this. But can you learn it to some degree good. I'm glad you said that, because I've talked people help people, like let me give you a big hint on emotional intelligence to anyone, that's listening! If you want to better at it. Here's a good step to take be quiet and listen to what people are saying you know when you actually shut your mouth and listen, people will then,
and you truly listen. What they're saying you can hear what their tone sounds like and pay attention to it. You can watch their fate, expressions and pay attention to it. You can walk, body language and pay attention to it when you're listening when you're on transmit. Instead, a receive you're, not gonna You're, not killers, perceive as much about their emotional state. At that time, which means you're, gonna react Babby to it, so instead of being on transmit mode for those you don't know I'm talking about your radio as arrayed human when you're pressing that to talk button, your trend, meeting Information beyond transmit beyond receive that's my advice, that'll improve your emotional intelligence in the next five minutes: motivation. Motivation is a combination of work, aspiration, the raw level, the role
Although the leader aspires to reach motivators, what drives the leader to be fully engaged at work de motivators, what caused leader to lose interest in work and dry, for results. The leaders need to Chief in general motivation is highly associated with job performance and promote ability. I think George Petersen causes conscientiousness like. Are you going to do your job Personality Leaders personality tends to be hard wired so that most of his core preferences for interacting with people gathering formation decision making and general orientation to life chain little over the course of his life, you kind of get what you get. Do how often you see people's personalities, change not much. We're we're ask all the time you get heretics. They charge you gotta fixing and in return we can work.
Whether we can smooth ass on the edges, but still gonna be ECHO charged him when the desert that's who you had a sad fact that I video recordings here is where I have here's what I had seen one I've seen people change personality from some kind of event that takes place in their life, like usually a traumatic event, something happens, bad good chance, luck and ate it. They end up. It's not gonna drastically chaser personality could overtime, people will be the gravity of there. Personality will draw them back to who they are, but occasionally the times that I've seen personalities changed. The most is something happens and that changes their personality. But it's hard.
It's hard to chase hard to truly chase the that story about the. What is it the frog scorpion than the frogs as I'll? Take you over The scorpion says: can we take me? Ovaries is now a writer you over the river, you you'll sting me and I'll die. He should no, I wouldn't do that. We both Dinah go across and, of course, the scorpions things why'd you do that on I'm a scorpion. Would you think himself Fundamental core of leadership is decision. Making Everything a leader does or does not do as the result of decisions. Everyday leaders are called upon to make decisions routine and non routine, Then you say problem solving is just a series of decisions. Good point: you have these steps, seven step problem solving model. One identified the problem to gather the information. Three redefined a problem for me red alternatives. Courses of action, five I'll, wait alternatives. Six
elected employed, implement the solution, seven evaluate the results and then back to one again. That's what we're doing all the time and you talk The Buddha loop in here, which we talk about bunch on on the on the spot cast in the you talk about the other, the loop that what is it, the Panama loop, What's that whoop, that's or year, perceiving information which is it's so this one reminded me of you too bright there there very similar to some degree guy follow you perceive information, becomes any your system. You praise it makes outside of it breaches like Orient right. So we are very happy to those two are pretty close right perceive and and observe would be the p and the oh, and then you get to a which is what is it in Panama? What has happened? assess appraise, appraise for similar to Orient. Ok, then, what the M
we get into the today motivational part, We gotta get into the action and then we're back in the loop began the new and the last one is action in the family at an end in the loop, its act so you go through. You know hundred dissecting. What these to the differences are the similarities and that's that's definitely uninteresting and has again see for me I always have this. I guess positive outlook on things that If you know something you can at least try and apply it so people do the Youtube people do the panel loop. They don't know it and so therefore, when they miss it, when I do it or they or they get caught in some, meaningless cycle of it. If no that that's what they're doing they can't even corrected. But if you're aware, oh, you know what I'm I'm not acting, That's why I'm sitting here, I'm not acting
I need to. I need to take action, so I think, being aware of things just like being aware of low cognitive ability, if you are aware of it if you are aware of it, hopefully can make some adjustments in your life to get moving in the right direction. You talk about rational strategies, which is logical, sequential analytical. Conscious, well thought out process that takes time and typically in others, so this is hey. We're gonna come up with a rational decision for our problem and the other. One is intuitive witches. Intuitive decisions are made quickly medically emotionally, mostly anxiously and the type of decision, usually maiden routine or emergency situations. So these again. These are two. If you understand these two things that you
make a rational decision or you can make an intuitive decision, understand what the shortfalls of each hour because you can make to rational the decision right. You can analyze things to death or you can just look at the numbers or any just make that kind of decision. I could be wrong or you can make it The decision, which can also be wrong and it can be right. So one of the shortness isn't in this again stuff. You cover in depth in this book, which is very, very interesting book, I believe, will raise p awareness and make them more capable of making decisions and, by the way, right now this page, thirty, five and the book? The book is actually called distress effect. How why Mart leaders make done decisions and what to do about it. So all you Up to this point is explaining what types of leaders there are what types of decisions are being made so that way can then explain what, stresses, is what's
as it does to your decision making process. Many of the things of which we ve talked about lives. Ass, this destroys your decision. Making process has distress. Level goes up. You're cognitive ability goes down Your emotional intelligence, goes down the clock. Do your decision making goes down town, managing stress stresses really key. If you you're a combat situation,. You're gonna make a lot of intuitive decisions when I get off my feet and I look and I see it there to envy standing there and they look at me and I turn their weapons. I'm not gonna, say ok Let me see here now what what Think the problem is, let me know those in what's gonna happen and I dont work through that big problem. Solving process. I see it, I see the Sure I pull the trigger and I,
better than this. My comrade answer when I asked somebody- and I do this autumn- tomato talk about a decision like they had and when I say how did you make that decision, there neatly large, and that problems our model. Did it in less than two seconds. You didn't have time to do all of those things what you are doing is you're using the soul. Ocean. Setting? On top of what I call a dominant response Harvey you had trained, and trained and train to produce certain response, when you SAM Greece, here, as you goin down new, that setting up there, That's what you gonna execute. If you want to execute a different place. You're gonna have to train in something else up there, because it- become so fast, and thus I
hey you survive in a life and death situation. You gotta make a decision and he had you very quickly. If you have time you got a week or so to make a decision you can bring T man, you can work through that problem, solving model oh, come up with a good decision. If you get seconds. Big, do. Gotta intuitive Gus it so much faster, but he's gonna go whatever is at the top, so you better be training for the right response, in those where the training comes over and over and over and that's automatic when you, when you watch, pro athletes brain hotel and they train particular responses in that what I can do it so fast you if you like to play God, can you play golf with someone you wanna give yourself an advantage. And the guy you're playing with is a really good, putter eyes.
You get on the green, and you say Jocker. I've always been impressed with your. Building to make those long parts I mean we're France help me. I hear tell me what you think about I mean when you getting ready to put time. You taught me through the steps: did you go? to make that put the boy could now he's thinking rather than executing prose execute. This automatic derives think about you, make him think about it today, the wind singers of saying in a national anthem of stopping if they make the mistake of. About what words coming next in the lyrics, their block you It's gotta be automatic. If we try to honour Jujitsu and snow talk about Jujitsu with them.
Combat leadership and life. Now it all's inner intertwined guy said to me: hey what how does decentralized command fit into Judy Do it? I don't see where the seawater prioritize next year is a sea were simple. As I say, recovered movies. I see where those aren't jittery, but where's decentralized command and I said here, is exactly where it is you to train enough that you're body parts, no to execute without being told what to do so when it. It's time to defend your arm. You need a move that arm. You have time to think about it. Just like you don't have time to tell the pollution commander or the squad leader, hey, take and put down cover fire as we move the flank milk they ve got to have the instinct to make that happen without you, the talent? That's where decentralized command comes in to your dear Jujitsu game,
You talk about this recognition, prime decision model or r p d, then Hidden a couple of things here: We need to assess the situation of value in a course of action. Select an option, develop a solution set generate new value adoptions, adjust the option. Take action, and again these are very similar ideas. But there's little nuances that you spell out pretty that you spell out inside the book. Here's one the technique sufficing allows a solution to be chosen. That is not perfect, but is sufficient, provide a satisfactory solution to the problem. The pity model chooses the first solution that might work sufficing approach in most cases, trying to choose a solution using a maximizing which is option or perfect approach tends to be unrealistic and inefficient, because the leaders
decisions in an environment where all the information about the problem and possible solutions are unknown. So this is a great thing that I'd God they have always used sufficing The other solution is going. Enough. We need to go with it. You talk about cognitive intelligence and now this is a little bit different kind Of intelligence a very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason plan. Of problems think straggly com, behind complex ideas. Learn quick, and learn from experience. Is not merely book. Learning a narrow goddammit skill or test taking smarts. Rather it reflects a broader and deeper mobility for comprehending our surroundings,. And there's these terms catching on
making sense of things or figuring out what to do so. This is a different type of intelligence, which obviously is variant That definition is an excellent starting point for about four things: leadership and decision making, especially the last point about a figuring out. Live intelligence doesn't begin and end with having some smarts an individual must know what to do with his or her country of intelligence. And this is once again you get these young officers that and at a certain point Sometimes I mean we're getting these incredibly qualified on paper individuals that were you They should be the smartest people in the world, but we see them have probably not of course, some of the great you know some guy the Harvard Yale and everywhere else in they were fantastic, but someone there was no like that was an across the board and that's it You want your talk about how you get here.
Smart, but I do know what to do with those smarts. Just some of them some of the things that that the cognitive, an intelligence, some of the sum of the abilities that includes fluid reason crystallized, intelligence, visual processing, auditory processing, processing speed. Short term memory, long term, retrieval quantitative knowledge, correct decision speed, again these are, as you think about these things, and if you're a humble person, you'll think yourself, you know what I I need to prevent a it. I dont process things very well. What what should I do to counter that? Maybe I should prepare more. Maybe I should study more. My mom auditory processing hey how I'll do actually listen. What can I do to improve my listening skills? If you don't
method, you don't listen. Well, you're, not gonna, get any better at it, can't live intelligence, moderating factors when Things are so so here's some is that you talk about when it comes to conduct of intelligence. The factors that come into play, one of them, environment and you'd. You gotta, very interesting, studying you. Ve got all kinds of studies in here, but one was like they looked it. Groups are kids that gave better opportunities for two low income, kids, they gave really good opportunities. The sum didn't give the other ones and she didn't have that much effect, which surprised me like that. Little bump in the beginning, but then it just levelled out most to those studies, are short I'm studies into create those environments
two months later they test and they say while TAT this group really improved, but then it come back to you Later, three years later, You find those studies they everybody's back to the same I, as they get older on a time kids or fifteen most to the staff enriched environment cannot work that you with em wonder whether young everybody's back, to the same I mean by that they ve all matured back to the same place. So you you can't just look at what happens at first few months. But nobody wants to do that, and privacy study of move off. I got great results at work. They want to show you the Einstein, music, for your guess, maybe Einstein. Whatever its clapped baby Einstein, little light Blue Einstein idea about age.
Here's some things if you want to help preserve cognitive intelligence, audio vascular, the absence, here's some things that that that specific factors, seem to help preserve card of intelligence is people which the absence of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases a favourable environment, above average education, occupational pursuits, pursuits involving high complexity in low routine above urging come, and the maintenance of intact families a complex and in actually stimulating environment, a flexible personality style at mid life. Being to espouse with high cognitive intelligence, maintenance maintenance. Of high levels of perceptual process? speed being satisfied with wives, accomplishments, important in some of those things are hard for you to do. For me. They happen to you the most. Important thing that you can do to maintain year.
And a year your intellectual ability is of rowing exercise, nothing. Has been proven long term have a greater impact on you. Your brains operating particularly delay and they said of dementia or Alzheimer's nothin does better then over weak exercise or your pop in the blood you pop The food and your brain you're clean in your brain out heroic exercises all do it for you good good information. Talk about memory, and then you talk about physical conditioning, which I'm a big supporter of. Tradition. Obviously, if you're not a clean sleep, getting good sleep, there's there's one of my weaknesses. Sleep very much.
Cognitive intelligence can be a double edged sword. A leader with high cognitive intelligence can possess campaign this information rapidly solve complex problems quickly and make effective decisions. He might also be perceived by his team as arrogant, condescending and impatient the leader knows he can do the work better and faster than his team members and may forget sometimes that they dont have his ability. This is one of those. Were I'm worried about saying that one, because what this does is it makes someone say: will you know people think I'm arrogant cause, I'm so smart cause? I have high carded bitterly that's everyone else's problem, but said many smart people over the years, if you're so smart? Why aren't you winning the only we say it all the time when a double edged sword we come across as a jerk You come across his arrogant.
And knew your condescending towards people was taken use along? This is simple well for you and might be, but for the average It is not, then, when you start putting, Can a feedback is taken to lock. I dont understand what's wrong with you, just killing your motivation and causing This is more a jerk. That's, that's gonna hurt you leadership. Capital talk a little bit. A motion here all human decisions have some emotional component. That's the way the Rain is wired as you're about to see the moral leader understands the emotional component of decision making the more effective her decisions can become. Emotions happen, emotions are neural.
Pulses that happen inside the brain and trigger motivation to reach our goal. Emotions are goal oriented whenever you try. Whenever you experience emotion, there is an end goal that the emotion is trying to move you toward emotions have their beginning in the unkind. Yes and most of them stay there when an emotion becomes conscious, we have a feeling, for example, when the emotion of fear becomes conscious. I feel scared, emotions. Be viewed as providing situational reports about what is happening in the bar why am I shaking, I feel scared, Emotions have survival value. David Caruso and Peter South they re searchers, educated and educators provide the following linkages between emotions, as rival fear from a survival standpoint is, let's get out of here Agnes is help me disguise. Is don't eat that anger. Is about fighting. Will you get angry your
Anger raises your energy level to overcome an obstacle in your path. In there you go you got a recognised. What's going on with these emotions, intelligence has always been present an identified, but not valued as intelligence. Ninety five, Daniel Goldman brought emotional intelligence or the world's consonant, with the publication of his best selling book emotional intelligence. Why Matter more than I q his books quickly spawned a proliferation of articles books were, shops, training, materials assessments, forces on emotional intelligence, a cottage and industry sprang up almost overnight. The term National intelligence is used to describe a non cognitive type of intelligence. I do find it as a person's innate ability to perceive and manage his or her own emotions, in a manner that results in successful interactions with the environment, and if others are present to all
oh perceive and manage their emotions in a manner that results in successful interpersonal interactions. Noted this day, mission does not require interaction with another person. Emotional intelligence involves managing controlling the awareness and appraising of emotions and the resulting motivation and action in a manner that produces successful outcomes. Whether in the present or absence of others, as a leader. I need to understand my emotions, how they impact me and what it causes me to do or how, I can use it. I need you you stand. Yours saw that I want you to prove a document for me. If I make you really happy and then say proof, this you'll miss most of the typos If I make you re irritated, your final you'll ripped apart with theirs, opinion there. You'll find it so one
standing, the impact that the emotions are having on you and your performance and in what way, it drives. You know that you emotional intelligence to be successful to help you be successful the same on the battlefield? I need to understand their emotions. Probably gonna experience, and what are they gonna do to you? How do you need asked him. How do you need a redirection understanding that fear takes away Yeah you're fine motor scales, and I need you train you to be operate with, Those fine modishly also be able to use the gross motorcycles and still perform just as well. You just have to perform ask a little differently. She with her Your learner, requite Kyoto, you talk about hijackers of emotional intelligence when the hijacking occurs, it said
an opportunity for your evil twin Skippy to come forward. Skip the bad side of you who says does things that are uncharacteristic of you. It was not my type two bit off a piece of event or holler fields, ear during a champion five nine. Seventy was type Thyssen's, evil twin Skippy. So then, You just go on to describe the fact that you gotta keep your emotions in check and something we all need to look out for expressing MIKE Tyson stress. Interferes with decision making again not the already talk about a bunch of stuff and our sort getting answers, the sum of the book? More. Holy cause, less dress. I really like this part data collected over the years on stress levels within the baboon population reveal that the higher baboon is in the hierarchy. The less stress experiences this worthy
result suggests that the amount of control you have over your situation, influence. Is the amount of stress you experience just to give an example In the end the holidays will decide team you got on a helicopter. You flew up to insertion you find out what was going on, They all see when you got there and one day I asked the treaty, you got an extra headset, There can aware that head sir, he said you're. So when I put the headset all of a sudden, I'm listening the cubby talk, I'm listening to our gunships talk listening about what's going on it Elsie or they pregnant, or that we are seeing Anything thing did they receive and aircraft far away out there if they LZ is hot.
I I know which side is hot and I may have a plan that we're gonna exit, aircraft and NGO eased. We need to go where almost I got always affirmation that I can use make decisions and I it's a little. We feel more stress level coming down. I understand, what's going on now, I dont have to figure it out and to set when I get here and being the child. Now I got a plan so given myself control, I dont know why we didn't do that right from the beginning, I know for me what say what I could get out tested out. Information is made all the difference in the world. There is a study in China. Remember it all you something about, like I think, of these cats or people or what, but it was like they get a shock notice is the rats. Ok, I talked about this at the muster. Ok, I, like so evade they'd shock. Come with us.
Like a certain string theory of shock dose of is the deal. There's a cage you had to say it's too the cage each of the EU, the floors in the cage. Deliver a shock One of them has a stronger shock, but there a light becomes on before the shock goes off. So they are, there are able to like expect. In others. They know when it's come, the other side less of a shock, but it's just completely random and there's a there's, a path wait to get between the two areas, but you can't like hang out there so that The rats base we have to decide each side they want to be on the stronger shock that they are prepared. Or the random shock that less and neurotic We pick the the site, That has the warning. So they know what no it's worse, He ain't got worse. I I I just talk. About this, I was talking to some army troops out in Hawaii, as manufacturing talking about
you know you mentioned earlier, that the the thing that you can take away from true that they care about the money. More than money rank is freedom. Contrary to that or or against. The other side of that is the best you can reward. Someone with is more I in the form of an one he reviewed due to work. Only give someone so much free time, but you say, give them control for the exercise given control over the training, give them control over what time they get done, given control over where they go, the more Twelve people have, though, the more satisfied. They are the better they're going to perform and where you can use that you, you can take it away from him and that's the worst punish me, give him the best. Word you can give somebody is given freedom give em. True over their feet, I think most powerful driver could get even tries people generally more than money, so
talk about that with companies that they give away week, we can afford to pay. You want the same. We can't afford to pay our employs more than acts or we'll go bankrupt or in a military. I can't go and you I can't pay. My corporal more doesn't work that way. What do you do? How do you reward them? You give them freedom, give them control over their destiny. That will drive people and its. Ass. Then you can use that stress element like it's only even in GT have that if you compete in Jiu Jitsu, if you don't know like when you're going to go on, you know cuz. Like answer was gone right now, but then there not calling your name and you like either stress, but If you know it's your time, then you're like Lester, it's almost like if you're in the dark about something you just more stress, so the more information you have about it. So that's why I like people and they're, worried they're like asking all these questions. Cause, I'm gonna go. They just want to know how it's gonna go. You know so yeah them, except. I feel that this dichotomy. A lot of people think dichotomy my favour word, but it is,
check out this dichotomy, as the number of choices increases, the autonomy, control and liberation. This variety brings us is powerful and positive, but if the number of choices keeps growing, negative effects start to appear as choices grow further. The negatives escalate into we become overloaded. At this point choice no longer liberates us, it might even be said to Tyrannise so that's why discipline will give you freedom while giving someone deal if too many options can turn out to be a bad thing, there's a definite dichotomy there. Here's another day again, I'm jumping around a bit. Point four that all models, whether mental physical mathematical or iconic, have blind spots When you choose a model, you choose your blind spots, that's powerful!
So whenever you're thinking you're not necessarily you're, not gonna, be what how two percent right, there's gonna things that you don't see that you don't understand that you miss, which critical is understand the models, to stay and they wanted to choose. What are the blind spots and I've just chosen. What am I not gonna see by using this and when We can, if you can use multiple lenses, and we do that alot when we're assessing people, I dont know just as one assessment as dramatic it's gonna cannibalize by so I pick another one. This a close some of those lines by us because it covers those and so I get a better Picture of what you look like by using multiple lenses to look at you with. So I don't. I don't have just one. Give you this one task. I miss almost everywhere him and by the way, if you don't ever high cognitive ability, when you see the
two reports about someone that might contrast information. You won't be able to see how this report doesn't make any sense. You lean towards the one that makes the most sense to you than he feels the vision that you ve been looking for you, The thing I just had to read catastrophic when catastrophic leadership failures occur. It is sudden and causes a catastrophic changing the leaders ability to perform successfully the leader will exhibit some or all of a characteristic characteristic set of behaviors and here's those behaviors, and this is to me, these are like red flags- these things you're paying attention right now. And your listing. You want improve your leadership capabilities paid. Some of these things and when you notice yourself doing them check yourself. Detached take a step back and and correct. You you're you're trajectory Could you trajectories Knocker number one, not listening.
Number one not listening, over analyzing failure to make decisions, low quality decisions, emotional decisions, flip flops, short term decisions and focus react, Decisions defensive This rationalizing self satisfying hedonism, denial. In attention blindness fear these decisions, anger, facilitated decisions autumn decision making and mental paralysis So there is a list of things that you who can identify about yourself when their a situation going on and you start can a rational decision or you start making an emotional decision are used, not listen. Anybody else knew more time to take a step back, detached and get yourself get your mind right. Because it's not right to make decisions at that point?. These are similar
list of behaviors it will get, will get you thinking about how you behave and stressful situations, aggression, loss of humor, taking a fence? Isn't that a great one? We too defence right and that's a sign that says. Oh, your stressed out, and you're not about to make good decision, and, in my opinion, when Taking a fence there's that route into something that we call ego it's gonna, be something that's brush up against your here's another one one. Thing to be right. Oh that's also ego wanting the last word: that's all we go flooding with information to prove a point that holding a grudge. That's ego. I know that. That's ego jealousy that's ego, playing pour me, our chasm blaming to nice. That's an interesting one!
being too nice, you're just gonna, ok I'll, do it. Oh you just broke So there's a dichotomy right. One of them is one of his we're getting aggressive. The other one is unjust, cow and cowering. Now, there's a lot like all of if you're doing well, you'll be balanced. Here's here's echoes favorite, it's my. My personality, it's just the way I am dont lecture me. Are all the classic, just classic things that you do. That should be signs that you're you're not doing well Chronic stress is a constant drain on leaders overall capacity accidently leaving the car light on begins to drain the car battery. Here you do a great job of you don't talk about the comfort zone, and we don't want to be in the council. On all the time we want to be pushing out of it a little bit that forces us to to but our game. But if we spend-
how much time up there out of the comfort zone, we'll get burned, because we're having to be undergoing all, stressful the other one already talked about rushed out and that's when you're you're just dear, do its utmost to easy. It's not challenge your yours. Deep in your comfort zone. It so easy for you that you don't care about anymore the further the leader moves into the burnout zone. Faster you'll burn out, has performed job satisfaction, interpersonal relationships, motivation of health will begin to deteriorate, dropping below the cup Don't takes the leader two into the rushed out zone there. The leader will experience boredom loss motivation and lowered sense of purpose those important things to look forward Your troops, you see, someone gets bored not motivated cool corporate leadership position, let em step up, stress, is not just a nuisance designed to frustrate humans and shorten their lives in this again? Am jumping through this book? Quite the opposite.
Piece of stress is to help people increase their odds of survival by providing quicker response time, more alertness and ability to focus more narrowly on the environment. The trick is to keep stress as an ally, not an enemy. The stress is not bad. Not necessarily battle on. It will make you better with with some as long as you get breaks from it and you can. You can adapt his dress, so it's like a view. If we live weight here and you're gonna do curls you get so echo approves of this. If you can you can get so you're using thirty five pounds and you do in ten wraps. If you just keep don't en route for thirty five pounds every day you don't get better what you have to
You stress yourself, so you have to to increase the way you can Greece, the ribs, adapt to it. Then you increase again and why Europe, he's doing adapt into that stress little time. So you keep it within a range that it can adapt to and you'll keep getting stronger and Are saying with running go out and run twenty six miles the first day you can build up to it, you're, so your son, in the body you run longer distances are run, hills or. Are you running sprats doo doo a series of things, the strategy to help you get so doing father. You can go faster and eventually you dated twenty six miles If you just you, run three miles everyday in the same place, you gonna max out right there and the twenty six people just eat your lunch when you drive
you know this is this. Is I want to talk about me being Having a positive attitude earlier being an optimist, and I was think but this quarters and you're gonna get to it. When Collins, asked Stockdale offices, Admiral Stockdale was appeared of you when Collins asked Stockdale, which pewter abuse did make it out. Stockdale responded. That's easy! The optimists, the optimist, where the prisoners who believed that believed I would say that the north Vietnamese we're going to release the abuse by Christmas when it didn't. And my Christmas they would say: retired happened by Easter. Then thanksgiving Eventually, the optimists would die of a broken heart. The saloon according to Stockdale is that you must never confuse faith it will prevail in the end. We
you can never afford to lose with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts. If your current reality, whatever they may be rats import there. Now, we say that I too needs. I work at the center for Army leadership for Leavenworth Kansas, a subject matter, expert on leadership and stress on the battlefield Research indicated that people high and psychological hardiness differed from people with low psychological hardness in for primary ways. A stronger commitment to self an attitude of vigorous toward the invite in a sense of meaning fullness and in internal sense of control, continued search narrowed, these differences to three this commitment, the ability
feel deeply involved in life's activities control the belief that you can control or influence stressful events in your life and challenge the anticipation of change as an exciting challenge for further development. Those Those are key that challenge they. Instead, Looking at everything like, oh no, this is happening to me and instead saying all this is from all. This is an opportunity for us. I had some client ask me the other day. Well, what would you do? You know if you're, if your team got assigned like the hardest Jaw, how you going to break the news to him? You know what I said. We got to sign the hardest job, I'm going to walk in and be like, hey guys, guess what This company knows that there's only one team that can get this done and there saying it's gonna take.
Three months to get it done and guess what we're gonna get it done in two months and it's gonna take everything we ve got. We are going to crush this thing. I want to show not only with the only thing that can do this with you. That can do absolutely anything. Oh yeah occurs. That's the attitude you gotta! This is, challenge that we're going to shy away from this as an opportunity for us to to get after it. Most. People study resilience agree on a course set of common factors. Flexibility, dab debility, meaning value Determination, strength and recovery so talking about resilience. Those are some things to think about that. How one isn't one that you might think of so little or intuitive to think, Well, I'm resilience, so I just keep go in the same direction: SEC, no, actually inflexible, nominal, Adapt gotta. Doubt
posed a burning yourself out, beating your head against the wall. You talk about this. This. Acronym use here stress resilient emotional intelligence, the ability to resist the negative influence of stress on the emotional aspects of decision making by flexing and adapting to sudden change. As the stress level goes up, particularly towards the x level people lose Their access to emotional intelligence If you can't take a step back and take a breath, then get control, your emotions, you have problems. There is no doubt about You have to learn how to breathe. Breathing is a big deal. Tactical breathing Were you in hell for four seconds? you and yet so four seconds very quickly that. Help calm down slowly, art right back down
It was sniper training. When you are reaching out those distances like they do today. Now, with a fifty gal, or you can return tat and touch two miles away, but the pressure of the parts finger is enough to change your directory to cause you to miss it so slowly. Heart rate down can it be a little weaker being very control, squeezing it off now Canadian Guide members name right now. I think he has a record dome of a kill like two point. Two miles that's crazy, that's a long time, but there are ways to do that. Yeah. We talk about the fact that It was always our goal to do. Never sound excited on the radio, in order to do that. You're gonna have to get control your breath. When you get control your breath, new control, your voice that just cause you know,
Instead, we need our air does, however, need more down this hallway place. That's really stay calm You get in here to these seven best practices to prevent stress, and it said it alive you can get caught ever accelerating downward spiral and start with rising. Of stress at first. The leader might think I can power through this on tough. That's how I, to where I am, but this as his stress levels, begin to he find more and more difficult to maintain the lifestyle that helps keep stress, manageable. The diet, quick turns on healthy, there's, no time or energy for exercise no time for sleep arrest, no time for family or friends. His attitude turns negative and learning halts A reinforcing loop emerges that sends the leader into a downward spiral like an airplane, has lost. Power is out of pilots control with little hope
recovery unless the leader can break the cycle and begin to climb. Again, and this is you're something. You call arsenal which another acronym, the seven best practices, awareness, rest, support, Exercise, nutrition attitude and learning and You know you, you, you go through each one of these and talk about how You know some steps to take for awareness data it's time to stepping outside yourself observing your actions for rest, you give great little sections of what to do to rest force yourself. Take breaks, personal time each day like go through support. What does support me support is so The logical, emotional and physical people that help you in those categories. Soap
significant other family friends, colleagues, coaches, mentors etc in. And what can you do? identify these people when you give again you do that for each one of these four exercise. You talk about. What you don't know how you start an exercise programme and I think you use a couple- you give we give one thing is sixty days ago. Sixty days do not miss an exercise session during the first sixty days. Not even one while some say new habits are created in twenty one days. I find for most people sixty days tends to firmly transform any new behaviour and to have it so And it s, you obviously are a little bit of an exercise fanatic, as you still run in Ireland. How'd you get into that. Well off the owl always been physical, about ten years or so ago. I had them, Other son in law go. Do try,
I I'm Navy got with Eric and I use it. We gotta do this. This is a lot of fun. So we howdy rhino seventy two, so it's sick, Did you you decided was a good time to start Trafford got it ok, for then he got into that. Then funds are ok, bird either iron man distances are considerable your father, so I got into that and then I I mean it son. It's a tough day yeah and especially at sixty two when's, the last time you did one year ago. Less only this year when the serum may start back again, there. You are you like ranked in the world I wasn't all last year You have to do a certain number God of Year,
and then then you can total at ports and they rank. You saw me out, I think, the last my last ranking, was filled. Then you ass fifty in the world, and my So you definitely recommend exercise. He apparently talk, nutrition, you know The right stuff- this is all stuff tat, we know, but we we don't. Wanna do you talk about attitude in Jackie Visa, build your self confidence and self esteem. Digital smile, so the glass being half full talk record the person you are unhappy with not to your co workers about that person becoming team player. Ask fellow team members what you can do to help them that good attitude adjustment and the last when you got his lifelong learning and again on a breeze and through these things right now, that's why people needed by the book so that they can get the damn
use themselves and read through. Lifelong learning. This is just such an important thing said daily month, Corwin annually annual learning goals, for I will read two books monthly or improve a foreign language skill over the course of a year, spy time with others who like to learn, spend time with someone you consider intelligent, get out of here. For its own, learn something you have always want to learn but keep putting off exercise all parts of your brain by choosing a variety of learning goals. So those are that's your that's your arsenal approach to controlling stress awareness, rest, support, exercise, nutrition attitude and learning. Here's the take away on Arsenal deserted me, Sir COS where brain is surprised. Brain hired brain, is grumpy, brain and and supported brain is a sad brain on unfair, brain is a slow brain, a hung.
Brain is a distracted rain, a nigger brain is an angry brain, unused brain is a forgetful brain. Anything a message on arsenal basket from you, We have an actual assessment that you can take on wine. Where you are- Some may we will use it quite a bit of their clients Stress is always an issue out there, so we can help them find a way to to bring the stress down. They perform better, particularly as the leader I'm gonna wrap up with this book here? Training leaders is similar to training parachute lists. Have to train them. The jump before pushing them out the door. And then you say this close now this book and preparing for the future. We should keep in mind the old native american analogy, describes the past present and future as a log burning in a fire. The part of the
it has burned into ash, is yesterday the part that is better is today and the part there. Burn soon is tomorrow we are the fire. We can live today and what we do today deterred and whether our fire will still be burning tomorrow well, that's that wrap up this book and again I mean I breathe through this thing. There are some points that I definitely wanted to talk about, or end and let people about the book is called the stress effect. By Henry L Thomson and its available on Amazon, What else you know we ve covered a time. You know we, we wee merged a bunch hard cash here, why else? Do we need to know about what
you ve got going on what about high performance systems. Hp asked why yes dot com? That's your company, I think- and this is what you do What we do we work with leaders around the world. We do a lot of work, helping them improve their performance. We would like it to your colleague Coggan job mobility. We can measure that than we can work with you to make sure you you're getting them. Stay of it we work manufacturing and building those high performance work teams a while ago, when you were talking about giving people control. If you take a high performance work team in and a manufacturing plant in, say: ok, you Gascon start making decisions so that you can even decide that I have come to ask us to more off because he's got something he has to do and Eric gonna come and and work his shift, so we can go, do it and you
don't have to come to me. The supervisor, to ask permission to do that. You guys are already authorized to do all kinds of things like tat If it's gonna make the team perform better, you can do it you run yourself, you take care of yourself and I'm I'm available. If you need to ask me, questions with some resources? Ya? How, then, let me know I'll go, find your resources hurry. Will we do a lot of work like that? We do a lot which dress management we do alight with decision making under Strasser Nuclear, operators that are making decision about whether or not the plants gonna meltdown, because sometimes the Stew sk it's really high and the control room when they have an incident so teaching them how to get control of this strategy. Lock up law enforcement for the most part emanated law enforcement has a different approach.
The two dealing with bad guys than the military ass. I may know I'll law enforcement swat team is a debt. Approach when they go into around when they kick a door down and go and is not like him. A special hops team, sale team company that door, when you go through you gonna take everything hinder their when the police Swat team goes through there is a bad guy there they want and they're, not gonna, take it. Everybody listen room necessarily so late it's a very different approach going in, but it's very stressful and there's things that they can do and things they need to understand about what they can do when the stress level goes out. What he's going to do? There's a so we work whether or not we can tram firefighters. Same thing, e M tease tell we do a lot of work like that? We also work with that their organizations. So we have this
thing going on twenty two pushups, because we have twenty two there today committing suicide saw the twenty two Shops as an awareness thing, so we get that lower social media people doing push ops jumping earlier about now echo, which also probably gonna knock out twenty four. The video, so we can posted there tomorrow, we had the challenge coins I have a group of people around the country that some of our coins and they run into that that they think maybe on age. They give Mccormick says: welcome home. Thank you for your service. I cast out and they reach out to some, that's all you have to do a smile at somebody. There's a that there's a person out there. Today That is all a mission In their life before the days are very
often they set up a condition. I want a ride to burst this place? Where I'm on a termite myself? If nobody speaks to me, If nobody smiles at me, nobody, recognises my presence between now and the time I get to this place. I'm gonna take my life, but if get some kind of interaction from somebody. I wonder they get on the bus. Ago. Nobody acknowledge them and they commit suicide just reaching out just talking to someone, sometimes skin turn around and all of a sudden. They don't do it. You can, they come off with a list of twenty two So we do that. Is there is there a website to go for that. Is that, like there is a non profit or gathers on mission twenty to their website, on our website, we put em, I stress effect website we put things you can
due to recognise that not just words firefighters police saw their other groups that are doing it, but particularly the that, particularly when it is not just that events, but sometimes it's easier to see and them. But if you watch, can see people do not act in quite right and they may have on their their hat. Now you can see there in Afghanistan, wherever they are, you need to talk to you you had one person when you hear podcast very recently, who isn't suicides suicide survivor the person attempted suicide and, and somebody snatched her up. I got her up and she do all kinds of things that she
you have done no doubt about it. So everybody has a purpose. Reason that you survived as long as you have and go in terminate yourself or sudden, all those things don't happen, you, you might be and it a lot of other lives. If you stick around and I dont think we as a nation do very well taken care of that do doing transit and I know a lot of them there to do our lives near they there needs to be a programme they ve astronomy, things on their own and yeah, but it's not downloaded spiral, but if we see one we talked to him. That's amazing, some of the stories I'm getting back from some people, let's colleague, join me in and this programme women, I hooked. Why
getting a running and they'll, the guy with his turn had owner something clues a man- and I just talked to the gases just turn around me all them down Has military people I they feel we have an obligation, we have a accountability of will take care of people tat. We we do think a lot of things like that, but sir, I mean as awesome that you already be served country. Oh and so many other ways and continue to serve the the Batson. Did any other final thoughts I really appreciate the opportunity to come and talk about some of the things that went on in silence on the leadership and other topics that we today. I appreciate you give him an opportunity. You guys been great great questions
It has been a fine day. I have a question: what the snake eater. Said that a few times sneak out he's a snake, eater special forces, second term, if I could make a term for like a special forces. Guy don't feel saved. A bunch of yours, though, say it like all that guide to snake eater penicillin than in any context like it was bad almost like from was saying it in your story, the competent I'll get it. I'm a ranger nearing basher forces. So I'm I'd better new Gaza. When I call you a snake, Creeters Ban, what I call myself went to rattle. Thank you well, you know thanks Eric for fur, New out here and I'm telling you this is just to talk honour for me to be able to sit here and in here
your stories and pick your brain, and so thank you for coming on and ensure and everything with us, and you no more important in I think it's pretty obvious Thank you for your service and thank you. When I hear your stories think about the times that you thought you not come back and you in any way. Then you do that for me and for my kids and for our country- and I just want to say thank you and it's been an honour to talk to you and I can't wait to here feedback from people and I'm sure, though, have so many questions that have to do. You out here again at some point your service- and thank you for that, all the things that you done, and you're doing for the vat timing
listen to these pike ass. I listened to what you guys say, and it makes a difference here you just you, don't realize when you help most of the people that you help, but you don't know where they were when they listen to your podcast. Listen did you talk your impact and people all over Europe I'm glad I could come in and in your sang out. Will you guys watch ideals, but you really make an impact presented. The door is always open to this podcast room. The microphone will be waiting for you anytime. You want to come back I'm sure that the amount of people will hear what you to say and do what you ve been through, and then you can help infinitely more people and It's so appreciated again, not just for what you ve done the passport for what you're still do now. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
So once again, Dick Thomson has left the building and once again I cannot even get my mind around what he's done and what he has learned in what he is passing on in these lessons, because really. There is no better way to learn, and there is no better teacher, then learning from those who have gone before us who have tested limits of human capacity for performance and leadership and decision making and here. We are, we get to sit here, read that actually sit here and absorb the knowledge, of these great man.
Who paid dearly for this knowledge and, as we know,. Many of their comrades paid with their very lives. So let us never forget that That for every lesson there was blood. Old for every story. There is a man who did not return to value. These lessons, lessons that we can apply to our lives to our family too. Businesses to our communities, everything we do we can apply? What were learning here? Don't squad Under these lessons, pay attention to.
Be aware, we talk a lot about awareness, be aware of your own shortfalls and then apply these lessons that to jump through after can we apply the meat can't sit back and listen to actually apply them, so echo We are all looking to learn. We are all looking too. Somehow make up for our own shortfalls in apply Things to our lives that will make us better. Do you know of anything software come about you. Do you know of anything that broadly speaking, can make our lives better. Give broad the end narrowly that would be deleted by far the ok
now. Is it possible that you're just a personage just into it answer you're you're, biased because you like you did and now you think everyone can gain from it and benefit from it. Even though you that could be wrong. Is that possibility? Yes, that's possible, Well, actually I can say that actually not possible you well. I'm more saying yes to the buys part of it. You are biased, but even if your biased then that doesn't mean is necessarily wrong. Would tell you this year, biased your biased, favor of Jujitsu, and that doesn't effect outcome of someone starting jitsu men really gaining a ton from it. In making their life better. Yes, colonel It's kinda, like you know how he like this. If I say hey the sun warm on my face today, and I really like that in a biased towards the sun
when someone doesn't like that is still warm on their face. Something say not only valid, didn't know. Nobody knows a privy analogy actually asked bad virus. Nonetheless, short notice. That sort of how pave agree factually actually did will improve your life sucks. Unless you do wrong here's the thing unless you do yeah yeah, I guess that is possible. Yes, and I don't mean, did you do to wrong? I mean approach their duty to Rome, so ok. So you mentioned before how how the person like a person in the beginning, you, your confidence, go like can go backwards. One step because you're like a like how many people know this and I didn't even realize it so you're kind apprehensive just in general. That is yes. If you approached correctly peanut, because if you broke it wrong, you're hurt
I know, of a joke now I know I'm blocked now, I'm better than everybody. You know kind of thing, that's the reality. You won't feel that way: cuz you'll get before you choke you learn to choke with you, get choked and are locked and come here in fifteen times. In one day, You don't feel more confident outer date, I didn't know you yeah, but you know. You know what a small part of me did did only if I knew the other Billy s already was bought on top of it. I would know you don't I note in my little one you see my circles like a new who did drain and who did dislike? We all do you know I mean strangers. I don't be always be like men like what are you gonna watch out? Just like you know like sometimes you, like you, do not take as a weapon of some like that love feeling it's that feeling you know, but but worse, because if those who are being cut a runaway someone, as you know, in any, how did you do to scenario like mounted or in our there's no way you can be mounted and you can't get away literally,
can't get away, I can scratch bite, go. Growing stuff, like all alone, cannot either whether you will never end of year is yet bad entered in. I would think about that stuff. It's scary, by they just like the whole concept of passing the guard right. Doesn't seem like it. If you ok, the idea of Jujitsu, one part of the jitters you to get around the other person's legs? That's the whole! That's what you're gonna do you think o I can take four seconds three seconds, maybe even two seconds whatever arguer on their legs. And then you realize it can take years and years and years of trying to get past one person's guard, if not never something there, that's crazy things, very craze remit. It was, I think of. Was you at the muster worlds like we're but I feel if you were saying it or I was in it you're saying- and I an like me, Nonetheless, I wish I could definitely getting past someone's girls just getting better. Let's just like I said Anne
can use this whole room. I don't care if you walk out the door and sneak back in the back door. You still can't do it like you can like, and I did a little demonstration- were I'd, be like ok, this is like all I got to do is get past. You late guard, no guard. I just can't get past your legs right. So I backed way up and I started like walking around all you do is like turn and just It's crazy! How just how impossible that can kind of sea middle, but that's the you to you, know, that's one. Tiny little sliver of an aspect of it is just passing the guard you get. The kids goes deep. None left. But yes, if you approach it correctly, I have no doubt in my mind I dont know under any circumstance where it would be. An improvement in your life. Net net cannot think of So so, overall we're saying: do you do
we decide to do to which we just decided? Now we need to get again. Yes, we get an orgy from origin, mean dot com, a lot of stuff But, yes, you get you gain from. There are many different options. Speaking winkies I've been no, Seen people getting blue belt, we in tournaments, saying hey I join you because of job because of this. Well, yeah. So there's there's that at camp this year there was people that were like I'm, a Jackal Buber right and also what does that mean? I started training because the podcast, like all awesome and I've, met, I think, to juggle purple outside the park, as has only been out for four years flourish
we're coming up on four years, something someone out of the gate was like a cam get because you got it only takes about four years get up about if you're like training, heart relative. This is no slack. Someone Digest jumps in so together. I've met to like Shockoe, purple belts slowly but yeah. That's that's super cool, yellow! so you're not alone, don't feel like here. If you of Otto, No one really actually doing that saw nothing. Absolutely learning? Yes hundred percent might buy wife just wasn't England. She delivered a friend, she delivered an origin g to England for her, Friends, husband, Anthony he's, absurd easy donkeys like whatever fifty MIKE you forty eight. D to something I got obsessed with a digital me up he's been trained for six months.
Like a wet belt in the guy right. Yet at some point you commit you say no, I want to do this. Just do it Do it this way. You know you and we haven't used the expression used to bug recently. But this are you came to know when you're so I'm trying to figure out moose when you're like it, driving, where this case it was like constantly rolling. In your mind, it might be a good feeling there does translate when you go back in it like you, workaday Goodman, but yes people are in the game. So yeah, they said you're going to train d, so get a jiu jitsu key from origin. Main dot com get a rash guard, so you can train a noogie which is also important important. As I always say I would just say important, it's important here, the difference there feel the defence I don't hear anything and then and then the problem is,
the problem is you're, gonna want to represent off the map off the bat z right and we go the whole thing about how you can't wear a key to the club. Morality. Yes, you can't a key to the grocery store. JANET Gps. Let you get away with deep hands, let's face it less reason it, let's face it. I, like most of us, have been into a grocery store in Japan. I know I have submitted a black ones nor urgent back on they look kind of dough united, probably go to a club in the origin, black leaping off you could pull and what kind of level what kind of fashion you know you're a fashion guy. But what does that fit into the fashion world, like? What would you wear with black deep ants to a club to know to a less able are you going to a bar? He put on me pants and you just what are you weren t shirt? and you I'll ask death cord teacher lids clarify for self
fashion person. But if I was, I would say there is no fashionable unless you're going to extreme new age fashion, which I can then you He could, where you know it's funny. You ever heard of this store called Patagonia. It? Rebellious outer, where Oh yeah outer goes right. It will gonna use, have pants they. Maybe they still do that were called the pants could ass, they were called. They probably still have. So may You know their over there where their deep hands out movie readers way at the gate and represent even harder for our legal deepen. Yes, they're called GPA or they called g ipads they're called key pants there there, when you I remember back in the day, I would read the little description and it will you know the gay pants is based on the loose.
Martial arts of paint young and say that a little description, soaking, so yeah yeah me then if cut like. Whatever you day, I mean it, wouldn't be a violation overall swish. If there were the black ones, the blue the way, maybe the kind where people will like if you were oh, I know you can wear white now heap zone for just no reason, but the boy You could Kennedy, however, if Olaf, yes, yes, anyways. If you don't want to give heads and use the one represent, that's fine! You need a pair of origin g which are also made in America, the little brass rivets are made America. Zipper is main America. The thread is made in America and there soon by Rafts men, women up in Maine. That's what they actually there made so every
is there there's a there as american as American can be that's what those genes are they when you put them on? You are embracing America through its and your rebuilding America could you gotta? we're all those none of those People had jobs. None of those People at origin had jobs five years ago. Three years ago, two years ago, because all the jobs have been taken overseas, we're bringing back so embrace America and embrace origin genes, a murder guy? I know, there's there's the heavy there's that there's the fact jeez what we call Those are the algae, their regional, the original once and then there's the Delta sixty eight, which are met. I met my signature genes
I didn't say Jock autumn cassettes not know they say Delta. Sixty eight named after my forefathers in the seal teams in Vietnam that war genes into the major Kong dealt to hunt down the enemy and they did it because they were more durable, they lasted longer. They were quiet. So That's what we did. We brought him back delta Sixty eight represent nip good on yet some. What else from origin. Well, supplements, of course, keeping in the game. So you know fifty years old, your friends, your wife, friends, has burial was an immigrant Anthony, Anthony fifty we'll just say: fifty around fifty silk US people will ask like. Am I too old to start you? You know you're forty you're not yet negative. I know guy forty one and started and is kind of a little
the band for road rail with forty one, which No that's, not terribly old, but terribly no. Actually, what surprised me just handful to deal with that means, because there are some people that, whether their twenty or whether there are forty there, they d although some little devils skills some inherent good in thinks there's some inherits Thank you, sir, flexibility for myself, This is where everybody and you can even train our. But if you do you, we have to mind these things like: ok, I'm not twenty years old anymore, I'm fifty years old! Now so you you do have the main those things not nothing. So you're, goin death matches eight rounds. Six men, ok, that's good! That's nothing! There either! So, but here good news, joint warfare,
krill oil. These things will keep you deep in the game from me, can turn up the work personally, I'm and speak for myself. No anomaly. I can go deep hardcore on a workout week after week after week, differences if I do take gentler, Ferko and if I don't take joint Africa, I won't be able to go. If I don't, if I do again supposed everybody like, I said so that question is Sir answered: yes, and if you, and if you want to make it a little easier to maintain then Jesse get thus scripture. You have the subscription now. So that way you can just here comes joint warfare. Once a month you get your bottle there. You go. You start to get your krill oil, you get. And you and use actually save money, so check out the subject ribbons there on origin may not come and afraid about milk
just additional protein, which you also need, if you, if you lifting, if you training if you're running, if you're alive, men proper that if you get done with a really good or even, if you had some delicious, like stake. And then you got done, and you still have this little thing in the back, your head, that you just need a little little bitter sweet, you can just leave it, who better to make yourself one scoop monk hater When you go to bed complete, We satisfied you feel like it look Ike I'm I am completely satisfied with what I mean. Yes, and and your stronger and healthier on your way to recover yes to You will not relate to this, but people may be able to ok. So when you get on the path from not been in the past,
your initial get on my include, quitting drinking cutting down drinking but probably quitting drinking. So here's a common thing that I heard inexperienced with quitting drinking where you clinic Eve like sweets or like desserts interests. Think that'll like give you a like a what a dopamine or whatever the chemical hit yet so You want that, like you want like cookies or stuff, you know cause you're, not drinking anymore, whatever that'll be like a result. This is what I heard and literally experienced, and its is stronger than expected to know. If you have the mark boom problems, one hundred percent, because it does supply that other dessert kind. A scenario in which you ve put some peanut butter, in fact you're on the path hundred percent, no no side effects, no drawbacks, speaking no side effects, no drawbacks. If you get the opportunity, the ready to drink discipline go
in a camp art rte these meagre. None of that thing that's a product made and like all this is an hour to do something. I didn't make it up. It sounds like you need. Ok, it's a it says it right, on page oil, high speed, low drag. Our tv then would make it up in our treaty bill, but speak it that way. When I was when I went up to feel violence podcast and he was doing he started getting that? You still feel in it. He was pretty funny he says, he said something along the lines of you know. I might find myself back on cocaine. You started feeling like the and I said: no, you don't need to go back on coke cocaine. You don't think of myself. You don't need to go get it. I just need a little bit more discipline go Kart, Edm at which is not a won't make, you gotta a gateway. Won't that a gateway, drugs, economic, you end up sleeping on apartments and the opposite. Might
the pig and my by the park, probably gonna happen so also Giacometti begin a pig in a poke ventures in Not here we're going to keep warm air happens to taste good end. It happens to be certified organic. You like mentioning that. Yemen ideas a big deal to get that little qualification. I dig skirt very good, actually, here's the thing again! You will, even when you first you find people decent people in Nebraska CARE for certifying organic rethink its only forty mile radius around. I think some people Nebraska care. That's what I think is why, where we're does, because when you first announced that you're drinking Pomegranate White T people were asking. Is it organic? As I was sure Gaza that that's part of the gases in that whole experience for will primarily is like that's it
rising. That doesn't sound very hard core you'd think. Maybe you drinking something else, but when you're like white. Okay, now we can do that or we could add admit we drink these white tease, which is good but a lot of our wise drink, weighty and innate, and to care about certify organic. In my experience, which is very low, by the way I'm saying, Pomerania, weighty, Jacko away, Tee is for everybody and just because you're, not all I don't care about certified or getting just cause you like. That does mean it went out. In fact, I think the majority of the people would rather be certified organic, then non organic, With that in mind, is the root of me drinking Pomegranate White Tee is wasted debrief seal tunes out in the desert after they would get done with their brief
drink chalk away to turn in profound atomic internationally. Some notes and just get into what are ya search ACT that is well also talk was door, it's called Jackal Store, so you got a jackal stored outcome. We You have t shirts, hoodies, rash guards hats three guide, that by the way, three types of headgear by the way women stuff you'll be Kelson stickers. These are all things if you wanna represent. While Europe The path it. Was freedom Deaf core to the core? I like it good all these things and that's one. That's going to permeate kind! Everything! That's good! You know when you find the good in the situation. All these things you can represent. Do you stuff jungle store dot com. You like something get something on that one also. Mention that I have a little. I have some event some radon around the country,
starting in January around the time the book comes out a little bit earlier. I would be in Washington DC in Texas, somebody somewhere in the vicinity of New York and somewhere in the vicinity of delay, somewhere in the vicinity of Seattle, Washington and somewhere in the vicinity of San Francisco. So I'll, let you know but just pay attention. I just got an email right before we started recording this, that that is actually factually happening. I don't know what I'm going to call it yet so I will be live onstage interacting to their go boom. Also, speaking of live, But I imagine when I do those live events and there will be lots of people representing represented big, they will be representing in their garments. Oh yes, at there on the path. Yes, we normally see a lot of people that are wearing something it says: Deaf core or wild. Today
also subscribe to this podcast. If you haven't already on your Itunes, if it was- and I didn't go Herblay if that's what you will do stage or if you have andred what the voice of launching an delegating the Listen avenues! Only review if you're in the mood in the mood leave a review. We reviews are welcome I haven't read reviews lately on the pond. I've done that before our dude again, fascism Goodwin, some someone's gonna nail, it can have. Yours we're looking for layers primarily, yes, Sir, and you know, and welcome reviews are welcome to the difference between welcome an accepted thirty, no reviews are accepted. Learning itinerary, Are they expected not expect it's here. Just didn't know. You're welcome many like. If there's view that's like, we cannot like that. You can let you know like what kind of puts a smile on on certain people's faces and we're going to go ahead and read
don't forget, we have another podcast. Well, grounded sister, podcast called grounded. We talk about other things and I think that the way you you said this on the last or support section cause. How need describe what we talk about on, grounded And I think the answer is we talk about other things, yes you know what does that mean? Other thing we get pretty, I did get spells out Yemen a year as opposed to what these things. Not these theirs is more other things yet other things for equally important things, maybe not varying levels of important, maybe that equally important but interesting, yes, I think this here's the imperial, something that is important. I will this evil
They might not be of equal importance. They are things that will grant you a better understanding, a broader understanding of things. Yes of other things, the more you understand, other things, the more you understand, these things That is true. There very well put. Thank you needed change whatever that little. You know that you now upon cast has a little no blurb about what it's about, don't they give change. The Jackal podcast and since you wrote it when you were nine, you love, but you should make a grounded. One say upon cast about other things and then it did a very good idea to scope for action. But Jason gardener talking about our lives up in the mountains and when they go jogging, they gonna carry guns just in case They get his life and freedom. In Lyons knows or other things. We talk about one another any, but it's important to understand that. Yes, we are
warrior kid podcast. This is a great podcast, not just not just for kids by your parent. You can use it to help you parent, you can also learn from it. I m apparent I got for kids, two of which are over the age of eighteen, twenty thousand eighteen sixteen year old and continual passing on some lessons learnt covertly flanking you with some lessons learnt that will help you and I wish I would have this podcast when my kids were younger, but for your kid podcast, let your kids check it out and don't forget to get yourself some more. Your kid is so from Irish Oaks ranch dot com, we're young Aidan, is kind of some business, and it's not just a business. That's making money, it's a business! That's helping people stay clean, speaking, staying gleamed on Youtube
there's the rub, transition and add one: there is called for bad non allied it does anyway. So yes, oh yeah, you want to watch the bought gas watch endless and put on your smart tv in your office. Jim place of place of work, I know what you or, if you just want to watch me anyway. It's a video version, so yeah men know somebody because video watching videos smart tvs, the purpose. Mediation, permutation. I don't know what the revolutions of smart tv What I'm saying it out for you to result in Saint have more of the inner sabre to bomb subscribe. Put it up, put it on their listen to do it seems, and do it and if you need some sums, the logical help getting through
of weakness- you don't have to be alone. You'd have to be alone. You have to fight that fight by yourself. You can get fire support when you press play on your phone of an album called psychological warfare, the artist notice. Me Jacko lay a now tracks, no music, just voice. Just me talking and when you hate us what you can do to overcome that particular moment weakness, whether it's you think you don't want to go to the gym, whether she think you're going to eat a donut going to eat a donut, no press play on your phone and take a listen, take a look and we'll get you right path and if you need em of visual reminder to beyond the path to stay on the path, checkout, flip side, Canvas doc. Calm the quota, Meyer, Dakota Myerst Company, and he reading graphic visual designs that will help remind you.
Where you are where you're going in, where you wanna be flip side, canvas, dot, com, also. I have some books. The first book is the stress effect written by Colonel Henry Dick Thompson. So we just reviewed that it's an hour standing book all kinds of information in their. Why only read small percentage of it but tons of knowledge, so order that you can find it on shark upon cast dot com under books from the pond gas, and then there is leadership. Gee tactics, which is my newest book coming out January fourteenth I just open up the index The inexorable do I see here some sections, sections you can read about fear inducing moments, failure, feedback, fighting fire teams flanking maneuver foot
patrol friendly fire leading from the front frontlines, F T x formation profiles of good teams, gossip guide hack, worth David hands off leadership, headcount heavy. Handed approach, high ground, high risk operations, honesty hope, humility, some of the topics that conflict but in the leadership strategy tactics feel manual. I wrote this see it's so you can refer to it. You can rapid say: hey, I got a person that is has a negative attitude, which I do due to open up the field genuine and follow the directions. So that's it. Book is trying to get information in there for you, dont forget if you ve got kids You know kids hope those kids out by giving them the knowledge that they need to live a better life. Where you get that warrior kid one. Two and three
or your kid one way of the warrior kid warrior. Two marks mission and were your kid three, where there is a will these books are the book books that free human wishes they had when they were eight years old, nine years old, ten years old, eleven years old, twelve years old man That wish come true for someone that you know for a kid that you know your kids, some other kids, nephews, nieces. Meat, a library. What You can do to spread the word and is making the dragons, which is a book that teaches even little kids, maybe four five. Six hundred and seventy eight how to overcome fear, which is what you have to do when you are growing up as a human being, you got to learn to overcome fear that book actually teaches little kids, how to do it. Mikey and the dragons you get that for every kid you know get that for the library,
for the for the classroom spread the word, and in this the despotic was freedom field manual. You dont know what to get that, send for Christmas Cool want that person to be weak. You want that person to be out of shape. What that person to have mental trauma or do you want them to be on the path give them the gift of discipline give them the gift of discipline. Despond equals feel men. There's no book like it. It's it's a different. It hits you in a different way: it's not it's not normal, and that's why defective disk extreme feel men or get that also the audio version? That is not on audible, it's on Mp3S through Itunes or Amazon, music or google boy We have extreme ownership and the dichotomy of leadership. Where leaf Bab an end. I wrote to explain what we learned from a leadership perspective on,
Battlefield and how you can use those steam tools in whatever doing in leading whenever wishing you are leading in and also we have excellent front leadership consultancy where we solve problems through meter leadership. That's what we do. We come into businesses and help with the problems that the businesses have. We help solve those problems, one four percent based on fixing leadership? improving leadership, aligning leadership when you a line, and you fixing you approve leadership that turns business. Companies in teams around supranational front dot com, if you some of that If all mine you don't necessarily have to bring us into speak to every person in your company. You got if online dot com and we can train your people or you virtual that's what it is. It's a virtual training, its interactive you
to get put leadership scenarios inside that training, all mine and you gotta make decisions that choose your own adventure so That's easy for mine dot com. We have the mustard it's coming out shortly for leadership com its extreme ownership dot com for that where we come in, entire echelon, front team live and in person, and we bring, the knowledge that we have and share it with you haven't we the F over watching you have Legion, where we are taking selected. Military personnel? We are ensuring? that they understand the principles that we talk about, the prince. Extreme ownership, the principles of the dichotomy of leadership we make it they know and understand those, and then we placed them into company
in the civilian sector, so that those leaders can lead and help those companies when gotta e, F over watch dot com or the average. For that, and if you. If you need more of us, which is really just hard, you even imagine that someone could want to hear more of. Either of us. But if you want to find us, you can't we're on the inner WEBS Dick Thomson, Colonel Dick Thomson, Colonel Henry Dick Thompson. He is on twitter. He is at h, P S, underscore ceo and he's at H. P, ass white ass dot com, which is for high performed systems, you wanna check, now and learn from him he's just an unbelievable human being,
It is an honour to have sat with him source back we are also on the internet. We are on What we are on Instagram and we are on that. Echo is adequate. Charles and I am at Java willing and once again just complete fakes sincerest possible thanks and gratitude to die. Thompson for coming on this programme and Sharing his lessons with us and, of course we thank him for his incredible, service and sacrificed to our great nation.
For what he's doing it inside the military and for what he's done since he left the military, so thank you colonel Salute, then appreciated and obviously, in open door anytime, you want to come back and too the rest of our service, men and women out there who stand watch for us every day. Thanks to what, thanks to you for what you do, And the same goes to our police law enforcement and fire fighters and paramedics, empties, dispatchers correctional officers and bored patrol and secret service and all this first responders out there. You also makes professes to protect us. So thank you. You do and everyone else out there Just stay aware,
aware. Beware of what leadership is be aware of what. Stresses, be aware of what cognitive ability and emotional reactions and be aware. Stress, and the impact that stress has on your decision making process and think about that, and also think about. This think about the fact that you're free you free our country is free and we are free because of the heroism and valor of
whose warriors that faced fear and horror and death and still moved forward, then got after it in until next time. This echo and Jacko out.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-09.