« Jocko Podcast

251: Set The Standard. Set The Example. How to LEAD. "Guidelines for the Leader and Commander" (Gen. Bruce Clarke), with Leif Babin.

2020-10-14 | 🔗

0:00:00 - Opening

0:12:18 - "Guidelines for the Leader and Commander", General Bruce Clarke

2:15:49 - Get a routine. How to stay on THE PATH.

2:58:55 - Closing Gratitude.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is jocko. Podcast number two, fifty one with ECHO Charles and me Jocko Willink good evening, echo good evening and also joining us tonight, he's my brother life banned from parliament, eleven first guest ever on the park asked thirty four sixty five, one fourteen and one thirty, eight obviously life- was in task. Unit. Browser as the trolley between Commander Naballo remedy, we wrote extreme ownership We wrote that dichotomy, leadership together and we have a leadership. Consultancy called echelon front, and I at one point my life gave him the book that I've been reviewing. Last couple episodes that I wrote. The new forward to the book is called about face and we're gonna talk little bit about that, but then we're going somewhere else later come back all man! That's what I'm? U on was two thousand eighteen fourteen
this? Two thousand eighteen, the world has changed drastically said then ask that's, that's Conakry, It's crazy that Much as I see you just didn't, coordinate for another podcast in over two years. Apparently you say that you had to say on the first five apparently, so this is the way it is. You tell me about about face in, battle of remedy me Qaeda, saying, hey, check this out check out this check out the sex. What were you thinking, rum red, knew about like the south? army and how corrupt they were whatever relic. All these different examples, the am and just ass. I was so awesome that this new in other is new book with the new for written by you for about face. They knew the new version of it. That's out with an informed and now
I remember distinctly combat from operations in in remedy Malta's, probably at least for five or ten. Like remember where like walk into that Your office and attack operations centre. The cap markedly need say, listen to this, and I was I appeal and you bust out the book you'd opening up to highlight its action. Read this action and it mine blowing because it was like there was written about the operation that I was just on like an hour ago, and instead it was written forty years before about Vietnam and end it was. It was pretty prettier and that was it had. I've never realized all the influences. Until later. When you gave me a copy the book, Is the one thing that you gave to me and you gave us s down the dogmatic manner when we only Just ask: we came home, I saw them. Its dated gale January, two thousand said we just been over two months that point, but now going to the book? I realized like where you got
renaming gasket, a browser all those things like there's so meetings, a cave from that so its bed had some. If what's on you and through you or me, and at everybody, ask and in every generation afterward crazy, now network in the book about face. There's two quotes that always bothered me here is the first one. Men in battle and will do in battle what they have been in the habit of doing in training General Bruce Clark, one, the. U S. Army is greatest training generals. Had written in his then recently published guidelines for the leader and commander. So that's the first quota bothered me the second Quota bothered me was this quote the groups, responded well too hard hands on repetitive, but still interesting work. They may not have wanted to go to Vietnam,
they sure as Hell? Didn't wanna die there, so they even flocked to off duty classes like we're. Condo Meanwhile, I established the requirement that all officers and end ceos in the battalion Reed, and carry on their person general Bruce Clarks Guidelines for the leader and commander. As far as I was concerned, the finest little handbook on leadership and training ever written and adopt as their own philosophy. The one that I learned from a five by seven card, which I still had issued to me in Clark Seventh Army in Germany, which stated an organization, does well only those things the boss checks, end quote. So why did those You quotes bothered me. They didn't bother me because I didn't agree with them. Obviously they their me, because I could never find this specific book called guidelines for the leader and commander
always search for it, I would look for new these days. You can pretty much find anything online, especially like a lot of the old manuals that I read old army manuals on. You know they ve been out of print for long term. Jingle find a pdf somebody uploaded it. This thing has been nowhere for ever and here. I was learning from this book that colonel Hack Worth wrote, but I could never find the book that hack worth learned from and that did not. Me happy. So so, who was this guy General Bruce Crook Bruce Clark. He's a world where one world WAR to Korea he listed in nineteen, seventeen ended up gone West point hope we hold that against some life, get a girl. I turned down my poor midwest boy, but he's got into Brown the army school. Look at you over achiever
I gotta go to go to seal the sea around that years ago. You that's a rough gamble right It was a rough gamble and it paid it was very poor gamble. When I graduated and I didn't get selected to the fuel program, I can tell you, I should have gone to West point. I'd be in the army You don't have all those runaway of you, but I didn't know. That is the worst luck that that it happens, that the seal teams is in the Navy. And if you don't, if you want to be a seal and you don't make it into the seal teams you're in the Navy, you probably don't want to have the type of job that a regular navy dude has. If you want to be the seal teams, would you concur? God? Definitely I mean if you if you want to be in the seal teams, that means you wanna, be shooting machine, gun and run around in the streets. Are the jungle or whatever You don't want to be on a ship working in an engine, room or- or you know, DR and a shared danbridge, wise bridge watch or whatever
you're cool jobs to different people like different jobs, but those are two almost totally different types of jobs. Where as a if you tried for special forces, and you did make it used to be an infant, your guy, that's still the similar thing, but you just rolled the dice big time I did, but it worked out You know, you got to trust in fact, and I got selected for this. Your programme right out of the academy in ninety, not even a graduate. But it s your browser, our not pejorative Duke manner our done my oh. I see probably at least a year or two or three prior to that as As a lot of guys, you were my senior group, so No, that sir, the good Lord has a plan and you get a distressing that plan, and now it s actually not had gotten. Lucky for Marine Corps hours, it never had. She has to be the ceilings either. So what sports at school manner it was. It really really act. Rising decision for makers. I guess I got picked up S in now in in like
was I probably January February of my senior year and I found out. I got. I got an appointment, so accepted it, and then I didn't find onto like April, and I got into the navy so it was you it was. It was a bit a gamble for sure, but a man. It's an awesome mercury. Obviously there is a great river between West Point: an army Navy airlines football games in, but I am one of them. The things were most proud of obviously, and ask a cruiser was being one one. Eighty army serious as they call this saga. General court, wanting that that Are we just want to say when you read their quote I'm fascinated two to listen. This is well because I have used that core an organisation does, will only those he's the boss, Jack's, probably a thousand times since teaching the junior after training course up there, what we do now with national fraught and I did not realize it came out of this book. Ask if they dont use. I attributed to seventy Jack. Were there?
I think I just missed. Remember that he did. He obviously giving credit to General Clark, and I clearly did not remember that have not done there yeah. So it went to us points are enlisted World WAR one went to West Point World WAR, two commanded, the fourth arm division in patents, pants third Army battle of Erica battle. The boards sting were service cross and three silver stars. Also. Korea ended up with forty. Five or so years of service, not only leading troops, but also he oversaw a bunch of training schools and training commands died.
One thousand nine hundred and eighty eight at age. Eighty six and I wanted this book. I searched for this book. For years I I wrote an email to the publisher. This publisher still exist, I'm going to call him out right now, cuz, I'm sure someone will reach out to him and it's stock pull books. They still exist, the books of theirs on this podcast predicting print a lot of military type books. I think the clay pigeons saint low, we covered that this pact and a few others that are in the queue Irene, how to send me MA am looking for this book. I see that you used to publish it. Nothing, never heard nothing back. And then you know, like you, said, world works in mysterious ways. The about face. The new, the new version comes out, and I searched on on Amazon once a month, I'll search and see. If cuz they ain't, they would have this book. They have in their that's all I knew the publisher was They would have it in there, not avail, will not available not viable for years has been not available. It popped up says available one copy,
three hundred dollars worth three hundred dollars. This is I'm only holding a photocopy right now Three hundred dollars, this thing is a hundred and seventeen pages. It's like Autonoe, six by a lot worse with small. It's this little book. It showed up in a little tiny envelope. Officer stopped and as you might imagine like you said, is filled with lessons filled with the obvious routes of hack, worse theories, around training and leadership I stole as you already rightfully accused me of stealing many things from hack worth, as I fully admit all the time that I see. I use python to everyone. I could still try to pass on some trap, a song about face still trying to pass and what we do that's on front trying to pass on these lessons You know what I don't think you can actually use the words deal because their freely, given the same way that, like what ok,
do you mind if we like talk about remote or ship with our team like no, I actually don't mind it back. That's what we wrote the book for. That's why hack or I'm sure, that's why I wrote about face and I'm sure, obviously that's why General Carr wrote what he so stealing its freely given, and I think, these, as we have often said that we do not learn anything new witches were just maybe package it'll open. If we are use a different, the them others use it's always Goodwin ARM is common, for you know me to do. An initial client call with a company and they'll, be you know, get me a brief on your company in the back. Our company values are Bob Bob the boy extreme ownership and there like a. We hope you don't mind. Like the exact same thing, I say you can't deal with free, so I try hackers, credit yeah, but I guess you're right, can't steel what's free, but what we can do. We can take it and we can try and pass it on so without first
What do I present to you at long last? Guided as for the leader and commander, theirs I'll have to show it to you later, there's a little bit a little signature. I don't have it in a photocopy this way it's written did a little. You know somebody gave it to someone. Someone gave it to like the command sergeant major or something like that, all right, dedicated to the ground and combat soldier, be paramount concern of the army is the ground combat soldier. He is the focal point of all our efforts: organizing equipping training, sustaining and supporting him so that he can perform his indispensable role in combat. Is the army role The role is equally significant in any kind of war, hot or cold. It is This is important in general war as
It is a limited war for our nation to entertain any notion, to the contrary, would be dangerous. The danger would be social where was military more, any other category of personnel in the armed forces. The ground combat soldier comes from the general populous. He is the private citizen under arms. The clenched fist of his people. I think I'll just role without for Thou art tat at the greatest description of a car that, yes, combat soldier. I've ever heard my lighted lynched fist of the people. Why? Why Is this the first time I'm hearing? This is the one thing I'm I'm just were met. Yeah, that's what I'm saying me to we could have. We could have put that up as like a poster for attacking a bruiser. You know, I think I think I used, and you may have heard me use this Akron. Oh, you did the sword of destruction.
That to describe sort of what methodology was especially in cleaning out insurgents and how here wants to be every wants to make friends in and win the hearts and minds, and that's all definitely important, but that He comes, and this is, This is what I use this line, that that would come after the sort of destruction, has been wielded on the insurgents or the bad guys. I think the first of the people is better, were cord with clenched fist, the clenched fist of the people back to the book. It is by no idle chance in the history of mankind that the course of democracy parallels the importance accorded to the ground, combat soldier in the military forces of nations. It is no exaggeration to say that the base EC freedoms we now enjoy are closely related to his ascending importance on the battlefields since the battle of crazy
Nor is it an exaggeration, in my opinion, to say that the preservation of those freedoms will continue to be oriented by place in the sun. Only when men from all of the people are willing and ready to fight and die for freedom. Does freedom have meaning for them? Only then does democracy thrive. That is the inexhaustible lesson of history. These are important things to be reading right around this time in the world, because what percentage of of the populace actually is in a military one percent. So it is not a lot of people that seem to step. Up and be ready and willing, and what does that mean? That means I don't understand what the prices to understand the cost what he say here is freedom is only safe owners, people at a world when there's
all people. He said all people by the way all people have to be ready and willing teddy what you also have to think about his perspective, the random and, I think, in America Day. I wish that we ve been at war for a long time, since nine, eleven and but they're. Really there is an existential threat in the way that would he was living with what were wandered. I've got this expanding and power. Now world war, two you ve got you ve got the job these Germans, in their theirs. World was truly at stake and now- and it was every body all hands on deck, even those it couldn't serve. Who are highly qualified or whatever, like they're there other they're doing everything. Blood drives? Do you no color Ding tyres, all that kind of others go on back. Your Bonn drives in reciprocal garlands yeah. You know that the rosy the rapporteur, ladies out, their turnin wretches and build and plans and tanks, but I think that was in our country.
As an experienced, probably since that war war too, but I think living HU. There probably gave him unique perspective. This also ties in canoeing on beguiled by the mechanical marvels of an age. It is easy for people to forget the true character of the ground, combat soldiers in war, when free men have been so beguiled in the past, they have slipped back into slavery, for the ability of the ground combat soldier to play. His part in the social scheme of things depends upon the part he is given in the military scheme of thanks again, we we can very easily think about the fact that
You know this war is a technical thing and you don't have to worry to put boots on the ground and that whole idea that technology can eliminate war and that you- and I were talking the other day- that there's there's some people Hey God bless him. They have a positive attitude that we as a species can evolve to a point where You know we don't have already more and that's a very positive fought. Think We would all agree that that would be a great thing. It's probably highly unrealistic because there's always gonna be somebody. Eat, no matter how nice you are, there's always going to be somebody that's going to try and take a couple extra dollars from you. Echo Charles, is, if you have to defend of understand, even if your super nice. Yes, you might have to fight understand, I'll leave you care, study, history and believe that we're on some greater trajectory in
Mankind is above war or conflict or evil are darkness and now something I love most about this back ass is Roma. The people of the darkness. He can appreciate the light. If you don't know the darkness and analogous so most baffling it. I think only view experience what General Clark has experienced. You do fully understand that I am question of progress long time ago. I said you know you keep talking. Training jujitsu but I don't even like to fight. Why should I trained to do too? I said if you dont like to fight, you are actually the premier person that needs to train jujitsu. And if you don't like war, and you want to go to war, then you should train and prepare and be ready to go to war and then hope we won't have to, and if you do so given that that court reminds me of is that we, ass. How often do we get asked about Dino took talk about some training or bud story. You know from the seal basic training Programme and it we
We will talk about that so because I think people I mean that I am trying to explain to people that the Physical Nature of combat operations is so much. In a more difficult than anything and training in the emotional in I was going to say that has a bicycle. Yes, but the man to an emotional isn't even comparable thing great. I guess not a terrible thing to say. Well, you know I was really wet and cold during seal training. Compared to I was waiting to suck start an. I e g. Seventeen nights in a row like that's, definitely more, till stress, then hey I have to go hit the surf again, who cares? no question about that, but what I'm I'm talking about? The physical nature of it. So we're were dogma. The ground combat ogre here- and this is I'm thinking about
one of our seas. I mean you ve been certain normal was warm. I most awesome gas uncharted Attune soup justify physical. Stern awesome dude whose go down with heat exhaustion at my cat. Continue forward and I'm am like give me your machine gun. Take my my rifle my em, for we got em wolfman. We can't stay here. We're going to get we're going to get hammered and we knew we were going to get we're going to get ambushed at any. Second, it was just a physical nature of that. But I can't physically continue because I'm carrying you know eighty pounds of gear on this patrol and is a hundred seventeen degrees right now and at I got a little behind the hydration curve. We ve been out here for forty eight hours doing this kind of stuff and went down with the heat exhaustion you're, not so I think that something that people. When you talk about tat, apology and a riding in vehicles are flying an aircraft or shooting missiles in there There's just no getting around. The guy
as carrying a rocks out. You know a heavy rucksack would gear and go and foot and mouth Romania was unique like that. For us, If you drove into those areas, you were gonna get blowed up and there was the a good reminder of the physical. Nature of of war, and I think you know what he's I can now that the ground combat soldier is is exactly it's just it's just savage mortgages, just you don't get whatever you put on. You know like the beginning of land warfare, training and you haven't put on a rucksack and whatever two months cuz. You were coming back from deployment and then you go on leave and whatever and you get out to the desert warfare training facility and you put your gear, for the first time near like yeah, the first it's one of those things were the first like twenty minutes, you're just thinking this completely suck And then it just sucks so bad that this kind of numbs out but
it's just savage issues it just The constant level of pain no matter how good of shaping dolly rubbing their jobs, just talk about was an awesome shape. He was a great you know, cool specimen like awesome, do train horrible time, thus eels. I know it When it happened to me, I remember Johnny Kim Outlaws pejorative position. John Ec Usa. As our common he's like a leaf you ok, my girl, I don't know man is. I was like super pay all he could see the hours and I've I just. I was dehydrated and were already smoke. You bid for twenty four hours, so here gave me an ivy in inner. Did just help me we have good rights and we good J, I'm a we train hard. We are already climatologists. It was. It was hard. It was physically differ all those emotional things are absent occasion when he was a is, it was physically hard and probably the best
Dave Burke talks about this. It is a good deal, Dave running with a poet of water between where you you were about to carve out when we run of several watch position like three hundred yards down the street, carrying up on israeli stretcher, would like palates of water a market which probably probably way like two hundred pounds and run seeing as fast as we could say that in all our combat gear for three hundred yards day by day, Burke was just was I got Let's go and wages running it was. It was ass. If I didn't delivery run to you guys down there, you did you brought some water. Do is weirdest we're just bacon on the roof yeah, but I don't like even just that, even just in baking our rooftop for three days, just just getting dehydrated as everything socks, as did crook to quote Tony everything, socks, everything Sylvia worse,
back to the book. It will be a sorry day for all mankind in this supersonic nuclear age of ours should the ground Combat soldier ever be duped five of its rightful place in the hearts and minds and military horses of his people in our efforts to work This danger, a one army attitude, must pervade all ranks ground. Combat soldier is not a guardsmen nor regular nor reservist, nor a select. He is simply the merit. In fighting man on the one army team, I appeal to every member of the team, civilian and military, to give cause the enthusiastic support merited by its vital importance to our country. Bruce see, Clark General. U S, army.
There's the intro we're already off to a good start, The next carpeted suffered through her blocks, I gotta figure out what to do. I'm sure Stackpole wool will reach out, but if they don't, I'm just gonna publish this thing Jacko Palazzo policy is common in hot with a pdf. Publishers forward These guidelines were written by a leader in commander out of the wealth of experience gained by him in leading and commanding troops, from a squad to an army group, the Guidelines were prepared for the benefit of the other leaders in commanders in the U S Army, in order that they in turn may make use of his counsel and experience. So, as you said, he wrote this. For us, Jim Oh Bruce, see, Clark has probably had more command duty at more command levels than any other officer in the. U S army living or dead
he served more than forty years in all grades from private to forced our general known, as the most effective trainer of modern times in the? U S army, as well as an outstanding, combat Commander General Clark, your specifies the methods he has used with outstanding success in management training in soldier management and in leaders. An generalship Woody not exactly a lightweight exactly alike. A picture in here says the ground combat soldier the focal point of all our efforts- you don't school, God was exaggerate as you're saying that unsecured thing about my experts remedy and in our common experience three boys, Iraq is just absolutely nothing compared to what Someone who fought in World WAR one World WAR two and Korea, Is it just it just? I'm so humble. When are we about people's experiences and realize alive? If I think I thought I thought I saw some combat and now
significant with Iraq. Wars like man, it's absolutely nothing, all the even the physical hardships and describing just pay when comparison, you know to two bottles and just what? What? Clark Spirited, so many have experienced throughout the ages. We often joke about the fact that just what we experience compared to what these guys went through, we had dean lad on the pot gas who got got shot Roland into tar, Wha five hundred yards from the beach there, no possible way. He should survive that and by the way, what was crazy, as that was like they did he got done with a heat already done on the other, I once he give goes Natasha got shot, two of marine disobey all orders and actually grab him and bring him back to a boat. He gets somehow miraculously say he goes back,
to Hawaii and then six months later, he's back on. Another island campaign is, I owe you watch out, will you survive school year the year in the game? Yeah a man? What are our chapter one part one is leadership in command chapter one command responsibilities, interduction when an individual assumes command of a unit large or small. He steps into one of the most interesting and the most challenging assignments a member of the armed forces can have here. The job into which a man can sink his teeth. Here is a job where initiative originality, hard work, fidelity and human understanding can pay off in the richest dividends This chapter includes many matters that are connected with the ability of the commander to train is unit. So it's interesting or what
extreme ownership? We close out by saying this is the most challenging endeavour human can leaders the most challenging endeavour human faces and therefore the most rewarding I swear we did, deal out from it, even though he just said the exact same big, even though he wrote a lot earlier than us what he ordered his though I get as when we are talking which our leaders overtime and they say a word what these things you're talkin about and now, and it would do The reason for that is because there's what works and what does it work? So what no matter you call it it out. We gave of framework around share ownership laws of combat, but if you're in a leadership position, you gonna figure out what actually works and that we think about this. You talk about psychology allotted and not not like psychological terms and like clinical terms, but in like try to People do what you need to do to commerce mission weapon at that's exactly of human nature.
It took me out of know how many part gas must have been around- I don't know, but at some point yeah. This is a park ass about human nature. Really, that's! What it's about about human nature, where human nature is most revealed, is in war or in atrocities. Human suffering or human, ah that's when that's win, nature is revealed, and you know. We had this conversation and I don't know win, but I. Member telling you and stoner and being like hey look when we go on appointment, people are gonna, go crazy, and look I didn't mean hey these people cannot, but we don't you talk about senior leaders- or you know people are gonna start few and pressure and people do crazy thing. I'd saw that from my first appointments were across, I was thinkin wait. A second. This is just like people are going crazy so that something that happens p it's: just human nature is revealed and if you're, if you're
let's say you're nervous about things, but they are nervous type pursue yours, you're, you're, scared of something. What what's that got to do in combat is just to get worse. Let's say your worried about thanks what can happen. You're gonna be even more word, will say. You have a tendency to focus on that don't really matter Jurgen that even more and combat it. Everything you just your human nature gets exposed the ticket yeah you its carbon his life amplifying disavowed true, and I think that's true designer Versicherung sites like that friend that it tells you like go crazy when they drink like now you're, actually just when you drink, you actually are crazy, you're able to keep it until you put the alcohol, oh, you actually are crazy. Any just comes out. Yes,
very similar period go back to the book. So you want a command, How often have we heard an officer say I do anything. Get a command. Have you I wondered if you really meant it, have you for one If you really would make a good commander We have often heard the expression. A good commander is born, not made. This is interesting. So he saying hey. We often you're, a good commander is born not made You know how nowadays they say you know, actually anyone can be a leader. I should say in such a sarcastic force, people say: look, anyone can be leader. You can learn what I talk about leadership, trudging tactics. Is it both like you're going to the natural qualities for sure some other things we have to work, and so he says We often hear he heard the expression of good commanders Board not made. He says this is not entirely true.
By exercising certain principles. The vast majority of officers can become good commanders. There you go, he agree, with me, let us see if considering the following. Twenty questions will provide us with some guidelines. If the answers to these questions are yes, the potential commander statement is sincere and he should fight to get it and should be, given a command. He will now We have an assignment that will give them greater satisfaction or one that will enable him to contribute more to the army into our country. So here's, the Many questions is the officer seeking command duty willing to devote all hours a day and night, seven days a week to his command is his wife willing to take an active role in Hell. To make a happy or community in their unit area is
family willing to be secondary, if necessary, to the company battalion Group, regiment, combat Command brigade or division, so value of that, because I still have people that will call me out, cuz I'll, say: hey when I was in the teams. The teams came, first, The teams were more important than my family and I'm sorry, but you have to take care of your guys. You have to. You mean when you would say things like we go home and see this woman in these kids little. My yes, not just for the record. Jago was whew. Job was a loving husband, dad book. We knew there was a jerk everywhere he willing to learn, teach stress and live with the fundamentals necessary to make his unit good and believe his great talents for bigger
These are not to be wasted. Does he liked b with young people, can hear with their energy points of view and problems they create. Is he willing to take for hard knocks that come from carrying the responsibilities for failures of his subordinates you to pass these things on ECHO Charles. No we don't sounds extreme certainly does. Can he juggle at the same time all the balls of training, maintenance, test, administration inspections, property communications, messes supplies, athletics, marksmanship discipline and relations without dropping any of them all as an execute? Is he able to do many things concurrently rather than being a consecutive do, or can he manage a complex job? can he receive and carry out orders? Can he follow orders as well as give them so number there is able
do many things can currently, rather than being, can a consecutive dewar opposite of prioritize next year. Diameter I need to build a do multiple things at once: here's what s interesting I would add that my story- I was thinking about it, as I read through the rest of the book, he's darts to go into a. A delineation and by vacation between beach, mean the title, a book leader and commander, and what, starts talking about is when you're, a leader squad leader, platoon leader at company, it changes to commander and now what you have to do is realised that you ve gotta, you ve gotta, be older cask people you fix right. You got to build a delegate, and so as a leader, type prioritize next year as a commander? Yes, you're gonna prioritize next cute, but you're prioritize delegate, and then have other people doing to things at saved up I mean when we were gone and operation, for example, did we say. Ok, right now,
We're only gonna set security. We're not gonna. Do sensitive site, exploitation. We're not gonna, do a search right now, we're only gonna set skirted. No, we set security. Then we start targeting prisoners. We start searching, we start organizing, are you fears, multiple things that you're doing at the same time, so that different, then hey we ve got. We ve got we're getting attacked with multiple problems right now, we need to focus on the biggest problem and it also starts to baleen into talking about delegation and how? and your always said, even when I d explain, prioritize prioritizing, execute I say these words once you ve got that problem. First problem solved or you ve got it going in the right direction. Then you can move onto the next bump. So fight. Look! If we're the contact from the south and I go left but soon go go start, knocking those guys up I don't mean worry about you anymore. I'm good, like I might I'm with you five minutes later to make sure you're good, but meanwhile, what am I doing?
I'm saying staff are continually assault in this building right. It's not like I'm Saint everyone's death, all everyone all might know if you can hear, what you handle it another way used to explain. This is what they building a building and you ve gotta get well. One of the rooms electrical done, because there put drywall in that room today and you ve got ten electricians on site, and the Roma small doesn't mean you take all ten of your electricians, and you pack admitted that Roman put em all the work. No, because that it's there, need that many you need for guys in there, that's the fastest, most efficient you can get. It done so you take us for guys. You put him in that room together. Six guys make its are doing something else. You just that's the number one priority everyone just sitting there and do nothing for it. Do it never watched them? No, you you can you and all the problem you get it moving in the right direction. Then you move on to the next. Given you can take the remaining resources and apply them to the next thing.
That means we think about target fixation, which is why we talk about where they more with with part. As I see it, was it's really easy like this? Is the priority get so focused on that, but I mean What the devil you just gave like Lave, take your platoon and take the hit that target the solvent and sat. You continued the assault like you Even save surf continued Isaak is he's gonna Disney to do it, and you talk about how you get go on go on operations and not say anything, and I used to think that, like that was. I wanted to be the leader like the beat of John Wayne Sands. If he were GMO with my helmont on sideways and my gun at High Board is my finger is point you know, like the plastic army man finger, pointing it is the leader he's gotta! poor point of the sky and so many times romanian Milburgh. They gunfight. We must say anything at all. My teams do. What did you do? The party leaders are one of the guys. It squanders one of their guys, a delay, petty officers doing his thing. The g
doing this thing. I can think two steps ahead, so I mean it You have to be able to do that. That's decentralized command, a majority! This running that, then you can. You can handle twelve or fifteen robs the same job as each of the teams is doing their thick, Sokolow client. Today and pure, talking to me about how he sometimes has meetings, he eleven eight blocked meetings in a day or ten that he has to go to and he gets dies again work at this meeting this meeting I hadn't pull up its calendar and, walking me through its each one of these meetings, and I said what's wrong with you like what is wrong with you that every week, like ie, One of your teams needs to talk to you every single day. That's crazy to me. That's crazy! Me That's not decentralized meant that a centralized comment, so you
given the people the right direction, there not hearing what you're saying they don't the guidelines you haven't, given them the trust d, been an easy, but there's an there's, a bunch of reasons. Why could be happening? But its map, you shouldn't, have to attend those meetings all day long every day, because that's not centralized grants not efficient. What happens if you in those meetings well the guys want nor to do. Ok, we'll there's your problem. Give the guidance and let him run and if you're down the weeds, trying to solve those problems, which is what you are doing in the meetings, then you can't whose She take a step back about that's when you wrote in that the decent command, chaperone, extreme ownership that we we have now been a horrible blue blue situation. That happened. If you were down the weeds trying to tell you know, stoner says: don't how to run his poor too. You know just the way it is, I think that's your job as the leader should be to take a step back and thanks or to declare that the net,
step the next up after that, and you can't you down the weeds, make it maybe these are and what you can also see Our people need help and you could step in temporarily when you take a step back you got teams actually handling on those problems which you did all the time as a gun where's commander. We like come over Walk in the house. We called our duty workin out. What's going on checking when we give you cook update, what's going on, you do come then you'd move you got to where you were needed, you don't what where people might need more resources? Are hey when he swore guys outside Yoke and can you guess, bear far team or he would more guys in the house as bring authority, men or whatever baby. You got to do that. Continue down this list, canny receiving carry out orders Kenny, follow orders as well as give them can you stand tough competition from like units and still retain a spirit of cooperation and teamwork with em enemies outside the wire
Is he physically and emotionally fit to carry the load. That's what you mean I just talked about. I talked about the mental side. You talk, the physical side there, both freakin gruelling Does he have the courage to make and stand by tough decisions? Are he and his family willing to leave any goldfish bowl where their actions are closely observed by both subordinate an superior is still enthusiastic and cheerful. When can with seemingly impossible task to perform with inactive. It means is he owing to leave a warm office to check and supervise training maintenance and many Their activities of his unit is he willing to take responsibility himself and correct. Situation, rather than blame it on the staff of a higher headquarters or on a subordinate when Things go wrong and is used it man. We owe this guy's a money
that's pretty, for you know what is so humbling to hear that you are also does it he's capturing the burden of leadership so well by. Obviously someone who's been and lived it. You know in Malta the levels in I think so often we talked like frontline troopers or frontline leaders, or, if I wasn't, the senior scenery explain, everything would be great and Don't fully understand the burden of leadership in that's down the tough thing not at not everybody can do that they're allowed. He will they don't want that they get their their eyes like, maybe that for me, Next, is he willing to do the best with what he has, even though what he has seems inadequate? Is he confident he? produce a superior unit with the usual run of manpower, He inspire personnel to produce outstanding accomplishments is unwilling to
take a chance on being relieved for attaining only mediocre results. Does he really want command, rather than just to get command on his record, and I just realized he's got like a lot of these twenty questions. If there's like three or four questions, and each one he's not coming on us, but what a? What a great, what a great outline, just a just a check yourself, see where you're at see how in the game you are next. What does the soldier expect from his commander having dealt with the prerequisites of command? So that's what we just did I offer these thoughts on what soldiers look for in their commanders, regardless of branch of serviced, honest asked and fair treatment. Men admire a strict officer if he is also just and off
who tries to be a good fellow, loses his Early, an officer cannot be expected to know everything he cannot love his men and retain their respect when he does not know, he should say so and then find and announced the answer like it. La laughing as written as your laughin isn't really. This is like straight out a leadership strategy tactics. Just it's it's crazy to sit here and you ask that question all the time like who's got, it all figured out. Who has all the answers it? Nobody, so why would you can try to pretend like you do people, and then we get that questionable leaders level the loose respect for me here but if I click I've got pretend like, I know it or not. Everyone knows you don't order, so that, They know you dont know if your pretending they're losing respect for you. If you can actually admit you, dont know take ownership. Then now offer mistake wherever it happened, that obviously they reset spectres gonna out another tricky situation at that this
for some insight into an it's. Not it doesn't offer a definite answer, but I've seen leaders backed into a corner where you know like. Screw something up, and What, whatever the mitigating circumstances were. You I say you know what those leaf it's going to punish him. You're late lifting the project on time, I'm right them up I almost no right him up on the right him up and let you know you come to me and say: hey boss, I get my fault, here's mistakes that I made my up. Doesn't matter right you up I feel like I'm gonna lose respective people. If I dont like drop the hammer on you and the fact that matters you dont if you re, if you're a reasonable human being, and you under you, you listen to the mitigating sir from circumstance of situation and say you know what I really hope that this does not began life. There's a possible way. If this happens again, I'm gonna, let you off the hook by
you came to me with a plan on how you gonna fix these things. Don't ever how to happen again, you respect me doesn't go down, people don't think. Oh Jack was weak, they think we oughta boss can. I take care of our people now. Look if you have some That's just out of you know. Does totally off the wall. Of course, punishment must dealt out, but it's not week to be reasonable. I guess that sums it up. Can speaking of punishment, a commander should administer punishment in an impersonal way and to a degree that fits the circle. Dances and the offence. When a man pays a debt, the commander should fit forget the incident. Gotta. Keep that in mind. Now, like you, never repeat effect, I get it bribery. Did you General Clark, but that one you don't, I think, what you say in their. Would it what I interpret that as this is what you talk about when the first the regime ownership, this horrible blue blue situation. That was tragic.
That was terrible and the We owe our commanding officer commented to find out what happened, and we think ok meant to present a fire someone for this and there is a lot at stake. And then you talk about by taking ownership by employment the plan to make sure that never happen again. The boss actually his trial. Increased in you rather decrease. So I may I think, when people take ownership and they implement a solution, it makes it did. You see their fixing their problem, you are getting trusted and even if something bad happened, so it's not. The year is out there you're forgetting about it, but you you're certainly like you're, not holding it to get here, and I think that the key thing isn't the it's. Not the literal term forget, but you know nothin. We can go well. You know our no life. Last time you quite dude. I did you not a K. You at you, you, you made a mistake. We with the punishments gotta, be you did you time for your crime, we're get a move on and I'm not gonna hold it over your head. That being said,
I'm paying attention make it through, not repeat offenders, courage. Every man experiences fear in a crisis. The commander cannot show it. He must ve defy himself by learning to control his emotions, this is crazy. To read, consideration. Do them I this is again the zone of topic. What does the soldier expect from US commander consideration do them as mature professional soldiers, regardless age or grade soldiers should be treated as mature individuals. They are men engaged and honourable profession and deserve be treated as such. Military courtesy start between officers obsolete, These currencies between seniors and subordinate not belittling to either they are consists of the alertness, pride and good manners of your men A commanders rank show be used to serve his subordinates. Not a reward and is not. A licence to exercise idiosyncrasies.
Frank has one object to enable the officer to fulfil his responsibilities. Subordinates expect the commander to play his part. According to his position. They do not bring gut but grudge him. His rank. If he uses them if he uses it in the interim, of his subordinates, an superiors. So, if you're, using your rank in the interest, of your troops were good. Using it. For yourself we gonna miss you. We got a problem, you don't part about their professional these are professionals treated my professionals It reminds me of of our smears romani work alongside you s, soldiers, Marines, and you I said about these guys are true professionals. They there they are awesome national borders, that we were privileged in honour to work alongside, and it was interesting how there
special operators that did not treat them that way because they felt like oh, they were special and they went through some Speedo spare. Lies training, and they were part of a specialised you did they had better gear, whatever Anna and at how like They create always bad blood just by not treating people freshly, and it was I just remember, meets in those young worry into soldiers. We first arrived there. They just you know they they were looking at us, like all men of the seals are here and they look at our short barrel, Lou rifles and our cool gear, and we had better, Vision, all the stove as the staff and I'm I'm looking back at these museum privates they can manage. As far more rather their weapons and all of us put together in the entire to ask you two are ever going to fire and our entire careers in the seal tapes. I mean that's, how much combat they received. It was just what an honour and privilege of you ever they were. They were absent professionals and that serve well by treating them accordingly,
like one of those little golden rules why. Why is this so hard treat people with respect to treat people respect its? It treat people respect personal interest taken in them as individuals. Again, what does a soldier spectrums commander personal interest taken in them as individuals? A good officer will know the names background and individual care risks of his men. He must have genuine personal interest in them, or they will not have it in him each, individual has problems. There is, easy way of getting a grip on men than by hand, being them solve their personal problems that give them great concern. An officer should not, however, be too familiar with his men, good soul, Do not expect it and usually resent it. It is not us call soldier by the first names, even if the officer sleeps in the same foxhole them. Close, but not to close as we like to say that
dichotomy of leadership yeah. You know that the expression- and I I I didn't ever here anyone say this and I started saying in a little while ago I dont know, if maybe maybe it's not an analog, I'm not trying to take credit for something but Give me. You know the term that we say in the team's, which was take care of your gear in your girl. Take care of you, which is means hate. When you get done with a dive, you take your dive rig, and you do the proper maintenance on it. When you get done with a prepares, you jump, you take your pick, Can you do proper minutes on it? When you get done with a fire fight or an operation, you take your weapons the proper maintenance. Are you take care of your gear and your gear will be there to take care of you same thing with people. You take care of your people and your people will take care of you. True, as you say that I'm taking some of this text message that the Gipsy echoed
or else yes, those injured, become public. I think you might tell a different story and in a little way, but why is it so hard for people too? respect people, just no recycling waste over my text messages to echo Charles. They do have a high level of distress but- and this also brings us to the fact that I believe leave amount of censure. I believe that I have a certain guard. Passing technique is that is called. The disrespect literally that I asked We named because of you because I would use this guard pass, it's so disrespectful, the image of Europe, in this respect it think about it now you did. I remember very
David Lee expand. I like this, it's very disrespectful, that's it! I think. That's a good question. You know. Is it that hard to to be respectful and apparently it is so kind the file ever to injustice and disrespect and maybe maybe it'll never grey area gives very sometimes find some good screenshots end policy, some Jacko echo texts, baby girl before back Reebok there's nothing wrong today with following instructions written by Baron VON Stu been at Valley, forge and published in the continent published by the car. Mental Congress. Instructions for the captain. A captain cannot be too careful of the company. A captain cannot be
to careful of the company. The state has committed to his charge. He must pay the greatest attention to the health of his men, their discipline, arms, accoutrements, ammunition, clothes and necessaries. His first object should be to gain the love of these men. By treating, them with every possible kindness and humanity inquiring into their complaints and when well founded seeing them redressed. He should every man of his company, by name in character. He should often Is it those who are sick, speak tenderly to them, see that the public provision in whether of medicine or diet, is duly administered and procure them. Besides such comforts and conveniences, as are, his power? The attachment
that arises from this kind of attention to the sick and wounded is almost inconceivable. It will, moreover, by the means of preserving the lives of many valuable men. So there you what what a what a incredible thing to be able to read instructions for a cap for a captain from Valley. Forge ass, powerful, its humbling as well to I think about all my shortcomings and how much Could have used that guidance directly in a prior to the edge but to commander are fading. Even now, I just reviewing now think about it in a captures. I think, like you, said, the burden of leadership in a massive way and all that required of you, which is a lot everything under berserk,
all the time and if you take carrier men, your men are going They carry you and if you have this, if you have this inconceivable attachment what that does is is preserves lives. So when you, are tight unit. I have often said that universe, just the thing it makes a seal platoon strong is just the bonds that you have. I guess the death, the different that's what that's? What's gonna, that's gonna make the difference. Any military you're, not just ass. You I mean I can talk about symptoms because I've been in em but end military unit. What is it that makes a really strong unit. It's how tight they are and what makes people tight you take care of that. It goes on instructions for the lieutenant should endeavour to gain the love of his men by his.
Attention to everything which may contribute to their health and health inconvenience. He should often visit them different hours, inspector manner of living, see that provisions are good and well cooked and as far as possible, obliged them to take their meals at regulated hours. He should pay it. Into their complaints, and when well founded endeavour to get them redressed, but discourage them from complaining on every frivolous occasion. So for the captain and from lieutenant what are you trying to do your China build relationships with your team you're trying to take care of your people. By the way. Those are the instructions, not one. That's it. Next, I was sadly that's. That's the most profound thing to me: you don't you think. Worth saying every one every officer should be required to read this. You would think It's gonna be talking about tactics. You
The outer set up, you know your base, a fire in your assault elements. Are you know how to position your your troops and, and it's not that at all it's it's all about. Building relationships with your team. You know, what's required of you to actually be a leader its how you you know how you manage a lead, and that's that's pretty from our right and we use it all the time. Some that we but often witches, though it is of of combat late, ship, as is always the human aspect, naughty out attacks, as does the easy part that that's you know when I wrote the forward for about face. You don't get here turned you know he turned against He said: hey, we can't win this war. If we keep quite like this, and And you know that they asked him they are still Howard, Tucker, not interviewed that famous interview. You know
yet ass. Could you could you could you become? Are you two emotional about the war in Vietnam and half were says I couldn't have and the number of years I spent in Vietnam without becoming emotionally involved, one couldn't see the number of young studs die or terribly wounded without coming emotionally involved. I have just seen the american nation spend so much of its wonderful, great young men in this country. I have seen our national wealth being drained away. I see the nation being split asunder and also being being but a pardon almost being split asunder, because this war and I'm wondering to what end it will lead to end quote. You know like That's our guy that loved his troops. I can only imagine that burden with fifty eight thousand dead and then the Vietnam WAR. Fifty eight thousand new US,
groups, kill cause even at a tiny fraction of that number. You know that we are experiencing in Afghanistan and Iraq. Back from Iraq, and we came back Mahdi. I think one of the hardest things for me. Just after having lost market rhymes blind Mikey, we lost Mikey Del Opportune and a good friend of mine, whose hoping to be on this park ass. You sometime Elliot who was severely wounded and he was in Brook Army Medical Center and San Antonio, which is primary burn care facility for all of us. The, U S military and so well spent much time with him there and from December for beat up really through much like two thousand seven back irregularly Intranet China, you noticed I am supporting him. This family, where we could and just witnessing, did those burn victims in there.
When ids are that were causing the enemies most valuable weapon and your walk into those those icy rooms, and you see him. Young soldiers Marines would never lips. No no knows is no ears just fake. In our faces, burned off. It was one of the most horrific things. I've I've ever had experience anyone out here, people and news talkative the war and pontificating about the blood and treasure that we spend and they had no inkling of of just how deep and personal note was again that is a fraction of the Iraq war of what pack or of experiencing in Vietnam. I can only imagine freedom for him and for every other you know better out there, what that was like, but there's there's no way to not make their personal. Yeah, you can see the rule. Of that is? Did you know, This is the same route like you said earlier these things that
you uncover over time. You know it take care. If you, if you love your troops, that's be that's! That's what it's about and awkward knew that you know that. I know that General Clark knew that, that's the way it is. Goes on here: loyalty, Loyalty to superiors an subordinates is a basic requirement. Criticism of the commander superiors in front of subordinates, lays him open to the same treatment here. Stand up for his men as he expects them to stand up for him, you can you can. You can almost see course life unfold right, like you can see that that statement in everything that he did.
And officers presence when the conditions are unpleasant and when the going is tough sharing, the situation of the men means a great deal to them pick up the brass. The commander should act as a buffer between superiors and subordinates. He should pay. Tat, his men from harassment that comes from above, but still get the job done yeah, I know, sometimes I would pull back the curtain for a few minutes and like show you what was happening above me in the chain of command on all this. France and look ever up Bobby enchantment doing their job, but it's it's it's pressure and it's it's kind of maddening. And and sometimes I would be asking you for something and you'd get pissed off about it? You know what the hell you need, this foreign I'd say come in for a minute limits. It would take a look behind the curtain for fifteen seconds
you look back there see that sausage get maiden say. Ok, I'm good. I did what you hear about. Thank you either you. I did a great job screening us from that end, but I think that was very valuable for me because he gave me a new perspective. I you know all this asking us for this get mad about it, and then I realized how much iraqi screening out enough of that I'm. Ok, I'm keeping these guys ivory back so that you guys can you do you do that there may be anticipated and met a good soldier has needs both spiritual and physical and a commander do everything possible to anticipate and meet those needs. At the same time, he should provide all the comforts and privileges practicable. This is not meant to imply that he should cargo his men or treat them as babies like how beautiful this dichotomy just one Think, oh, maybe a little off track. Your maybe I'm a little. But now this is I mean to imply that he's
coddle was manner, treat them like babies such things as the heart meal, when it is not expected you It parties, liberal passport privileges and good recreational facilities are more more to the point next thing that Soldier expects from his commander to be kept informed and told the reason why Commander should keep his men formed at all times. Tell them the reasons behind decisions affecting them. Many job seem purposeless unless the facts behind them are known, They should continually take action to offset rumours and speculation by giving his men all the information again yeah, we'll this guy money. This guy body. You know adult You're probably. I'm an obvious. It is a direct influence grab through David Hack, worth about face from General Clark. I did you go back to them.
Recap lights or the veto the roman legions. It probably find subsidy jury in his ride, the same stuff, I'm in their learning the same status. So some different aspect differ terminology of the different, a vast. The different air millennia apart, but it's it's the human nature is, we just said, has a changed and that it would be something very soon and it just to make sure everyone realizes we're. Not just talking about war. We are talking about leadership or talk about leadership in business. You need to tell your people what's going on and they need to understand why they're doing what they're doing I'm talking about your family, they need to understand, what's going on I understand why they're doing what they're doing anything any situation where you're interacting with other human beings, these rules apply and they applied to the point. Why do we? but they work because they protested we tested, and but these guys testament even crazier conditions
conditions three freakin wars, that's one was calm, and these were gettin irrational brought these days is, is questions about managing fair the family schedule? How do I from home. With somebody was the work of among its eye. Does it those are like a good the questions are about that and it directly applicable whether everything an interesting is with covert hit. You know most of the companies that we work with our good companies that want to be awesome. We do get some companies that come to us. Sometimes, since there will brought to us by the border whenever we are going to fix them, help fix them. Most companies, we work with our good company and want to do better way, covert hit the So these companies are companies that are struggling. These companies that just wanna do Reno better, and so they would in the implementing the the principle that we talk about implement, cover, move, implement simple priority. Next decentralize command default aggressive you extreme
so they implement these things and- and yes, there absolutely start doing better at we watch them and we get feedback from them in their profits go and they become more efficient and more effective and they start taken mark to everything goes awesome. Whoever goes hey, that's great and work super excited about winning open hit and all the sudden they were companies that worry in dire situations and were able to utilise the principles to survived yes, but also start to actually go on the attack and thrive. That was pretty epic, because It basically was like have you Gee report Reserve parachute never have yeah. I only did at one time and all the other times. I've gotta get coolly. I'm gonna get a reserve on the time that I pulled it off these things. Greekan awesome brow figure for back of this. They correctly case a bearded, the rigour you know-
You because normally just like our yards, its working on their it's all good and that's kind of what companies you ok, we're doing. Really good air profits are up all these call, these positive things, but often wonder faced with real hardships and challenges there like What we do here prioritize next year, oh yeah, ok or die. They no longer exists, exactly hate? What we ve got Can we all these people working at home, which we do this is decent, less command? Yet we ve been doing it well yeah. Now you need to do it harder. You need to make sure everyone understands what the mission is. What the goal is, what the end state is. You need to communicate with them, to understand why they don't what they're doing get. Can you make that happen, We can ok, execute That makes you think there is that there is an educator member on your phone line. If you wish you s as they were about to go back to school, When her in her state of her, her district an educator. She was talking about how crazy was and how much uncertainty was and and you said
We learn the stuff and a boy scout. How did this we learned this on the battlefield? It was crazy, it was a chaotic. There was a lot at stake. There was a lot of uncertainty about. What's going to happen, what do you mean to do is prioritizing execute, that's where they came from it. I think I know it crazy in that six grade classroom and tell you. This is gonna work. And it did, she came back and gives a great. Does. It ran out how bout it was. She was evidently not a move forward in the new great legit next that the soldier requires a well thought out programme of training, work and recreation. The commander should keep a balance between training and recreation too much of either becomes a drag on the men, logical per russian of training helps helps keep the men from becoming confused. Yeah. This is exactly what we wrote about dichotomy, leadership, train, hard, retrained, smart, you can smoke people, you can Russia to the point where you're not getting any benefit anymore. Next demand
commensurate with capabilities, neither too great nor too small A commander should not overload his men with unnecessary work on the other hand, letting men become board because they are not working off is just as bad. Neither me and as individuals nor Europe be expected, accomplish impossible tax? What he's at what he's got about that dichotomy says Clark had the same experience with his soldiers that we also like a board team guys. The most dangerous thing in the universe get a figure, something out, go cause, trouble or because create because rock fights. That was when I was a young team guy. If there was we weren't being told to do some like sitting around waiting for something there was rock by happening. You know, thousands of MRS hits you in the leg with Iraq, from twenty yards and its Iraq, a word or annually actually wasn't rock fights. There was a couple, those
Most of you wanna talk about tossing a pebble. You learn about locking. We know what it was. I wasn't rock fight. That's when I was a kid when I was a kid there was rock fights and I don't know what you're even thinking when you're having rock fights, but we we have begun moors there. We had begun for Israel to your body in the leg, with you we had to leave on wars. If you got shot rider, be they gave you got shot. You take off one layer of clothing but always zero April. We were like. It was just the dumbest thing that I got hit in the sworn to a key moment on my eye, swollen associate and my dad was a son. What happened to you, I got hit. Spear, we're having spear wars? Sharpens takes the right of each other to hit me it miss my eye by like three millimetres, my dad's like you're, an idiot. Don't ever do that again
anyway, rock rights, oh yeah, now ratified hawking rocks at objects, maybe like hey, who can hit that. So I guess it's similar to the pebble, but it be like hey who can hit that lamp over there. You at St Light or somethin, starts in their hockin rocks at speaking aboard team. That I tried to sum up my first appointment, for we were together testing browser in two thousand, for After your first boys of Iraq, one of our Super solid team guys in an inopportune. Throwing rocks through the window of a God, all kinds of trouble because he damage this. Smash and shattered a window of over this. Like former Saddam Palace and a literary like like pulled in a war, for my native crazy? This this palace had a J, Damn dropped the middle of it. It was completely like for some reason. They get upset that, like shouted, the windows, J down a giant bomb
from the sky. Is it? Is it a gps, guided by God you're doing something ammunition, joint directs Attack munition rallied- I don't know, I don't know who go ahead I'll have to deal with Ngos. They would you do if you know what the word to me time to task and a browser where we had team, guys guys you always had is busy doing stuff, but I the one time that we did let it go. The Andrew Paul got volunteered to demonstrate the new taser that guy, I remember, Kyle teased him, and now everyone sat around filming it in Rafting Andrews. That was the worst recouping. There was a safety officer there that someone, someone made like we put out the judges, mats, because this was a memo religious or in the morning in the high bay there, and
I forget, you know I heard someone came like a Jack Odin. About the case hand you Paul mug of doing work of art. I d better go do, earmarks. Did you? I don't even remember. I might have been one of those things rules. I let the boys do at the board. You're gonna do maybe it other video did you presented. I thought I saw that there was a man they took our green mother Actually, my mats, they took him put him down only through he fell face down on african map. Thankfully the other boy came guys Didn't you say we can fight through it. I they do not fight through the details are tough tough but that taser took him back to the book. Guidelines to orders. Give orders. This is ridiculous.
Give orders in a manner which indicates you expect compliance. Do not issue orders. You cannot enforce, give clear, complete, correct orders. And follow them up? Every other reason is that this ridiculous, because it's this crazy, that what the actual, bids that we use. We brute brief, is you know, give simple, clear, concise, guidance, and here there saying clear, complete correct only by long and careful to Neither can the commander achieve perfection in giving orders. Ambiguity. Vagueness and incompleteness of orders are to blame for the moat for most disobedience and failure to comply, which is When I say if your tea doing what you, what you want them to do, the very first person you should check as yourself and here it is, and yet so hard for any of us to do right. You get frustrated with the person for not doing what you to do: weren't, bedewed, etc.
Look at yourself and saying: hey, ok, obviously I wasn't clear academic could the words of an order indicate what is to be done. The manner in which it delivers generates the spirit in which it will be carried out. We'll orders should be repeated back failure to do so will most assuredly result in a grave misunderstanding. Only by long and careful training can men learn to receive obey and pass on orders to others lack. Orders does not relieve commander from acting. Must strive to come to maintain a complete picture of the situation, so you can take suitable action in the absence of orders. It is a war eyes officer who refrains
from criticism until he can make logical, constructive suggestions and officer should be as good as his word. He should not make promises, he cannot keep or make decisions. He cannot support just perfect guidance on how you how you tell people. What did you want to know how you give orders. The combat commander, positive leadership battle appears to add peculiar problems to command, but when further analyze, the problems are merely magnification of those present in training. The great difference between Bat in training is the presence of danger and confusion in combat these two obstacle can be overcome only by positive leadership and by developing a pause. And automatic reaction in the endeavour or soldier. That's cool
It's called it says this, like we absolutely added confusion, massive amounts of confusion our training to stimulate the we couldn't. You know you can't shoot people obviously during training. You can add that element of danger, but you certainly can add some freakin confusion there the term I think I was used. Was chaos and may have a lecture like active? chaos may have in your ear. Trade at structures were also better than they were very awesome at doing these positive traits of the commander and of this Roger are acquired during training training in peace training in wartime before combat training during battle and by mental there's not easily described desire to overcome the enemy devotion to country and organisation and personal devotion to the commander, when it disciplined unit is spurred by the mental drives mentioned it fights not only well but brilliantly. Those are some awesome things to strive for the
with the the willingness to overcome the enemy devotion, a country and organisation and personal devotion to the commander battle was fought for real money and for keeps battles are one by teamwork, not by individuals acting alone, me teamwork that can stand up under the confusion and constant danger, feeling of fear and nickel exhaustion is the battle. Instinctive teamwork, success in combat is due largely to indifference on the battlefield the day to date, strain of living in the dirt of going sleep in food of the constant threat of death, we'll call men, the man who is physically or mentally week to quit fatigue makes cowards men in good physical condition are the last to tire.
How did that would definitely agree with that. You know what your man I was just thinking about going through the stream and stress of like? I think I just think about the support team. You talk about the provides between teams and relationships and just that that added Gary jar about the respect of the commander and in August Noise? No one ever wonder! Let you down to your browser clearly, but I think understanding the mission adjusts looking at another guy that you can be under fire in a crazy situation, and he knows I've looked like Tony Tony, but I can look back at you or you're, even that situation as an early were Dave Burke, and a couple of our guys ran down to grab How to water like interact with you when you came down here, for, Liberty, you don't have to resupply us, you know you're, just showing off for just a few minutes checking us out. So you know things are going like and I think just the look
in in Europe. I go how these goin down here is no better what the physical strain is on you in our are what you're goin through mental strand. It's it's got supported teammates around you and like the attitude, particularly the kind of attitude of humour in I think the midst of some really dire situation that it was always super helpful for us yeah that the the attitude the people have. Any we'd love to tell you it's leaders, but, as you know, full well, it's not just leaders. It can be any one in the protein anyone, the team. Anyone in the organization when things are bad and someone says dude. We got this eat or whatever somewhat instead of saying. Ah hey, we got a roll out again. You gotta be kidding me some of those good. Let's bring it, you know like that. Little thing the best. We have our man there. It is in the best example I can think of is weed
but in the planning chapter of its relationship with Europe mean everyone has a job to do about the large and hostage rescue operation and meaning in there and and borders are below Intel, instant comes Roland areas, they got he's bearing the yard and vulgar machine opposition. The house- and you just looked at me with his big city- your basic. I guess you guys you're gonna get like. I guess we harmony with that's in that attitude. It's gonna be like you. If you look at me like, oh no, you do you you shouldn't go on ass? You know now is sorry relate to smile it'll happen about it now Obviously, we planned and equal opportunities a place. It will be a callous about it, but it was that attitude Was contagious for everybody in our Barkley roared out on the as the lead turret got me like me. If you you're, lucky dynamic everybody's a winner,
so pay attention that really easy. It's really easy! It's really easy to. Let that bad attitude come out and stifle that thing meets need to stay what an anybody that's wants to talk to me about being transparent and showing your feelings I'll say no! No, actually just be quiet shut up and what you need to do is you go? It's going to suck and I'll look at life and say this. You guys are going to get some from watch this. Let's go Brit, let's go bring it the importance of indifference on the battlefield is underlined by grants philosophy the idea that in every battle there may came com a moment when each side is fought out and ready to quit and the belief that in such a moment, victory will go to the side which is able to make one final effort
in the heat of a fire fight. The poor commander will not be able to lead men into danger to make them attack or keep order when he and his men are under hostile artillery fire he won't be able to execute is plants instead, his men will forget teamwork and follow their own plans in fighting for survival. Therefore, you must have every opportune to make your men confident in your ability to command and of the skill and harshness of your unit unit morale, the prospect of entering battle puts everything you're under severe nervous strain danger, we'll an imaginary are thick around them. The commander can overcome my of the strain and strengthen the mental endured of his men by teaching. In advance what to expect an event foreseen, and appeared for will have little harmful effect. You were talking about you,
grants, philosophy there, and I was thinking about dumb Chamberlain that at Gettysburg where's it Gettysburg free of battlefield in a minute. In the twentieth made charged Vicksburg, The charge down the hill. The rounds opt out was the absolute lasted ever they venality ammo and when it was it was. It was devastated, millimetres close to two losing nap out. Oh, I now to change the entire title. The battle we left if would around undertaken, so I think that such for now will example of Jimmy. Does that while the grass mindset of a ok We're gonna be default aggressive too, to continue this and that one last bushes gonna change that the entire outcome. There is a famous boxing match with Mohammed Ali Wanna say, wanna say I can't remember which match it was, but it is a brutal boxing match and
One point both fight mom and all these all beat up and whoever used for Africa was will use incredible fight, but he gets back to his corner and he's telling his corner cut him off. He's done cut my gloves off. I'm done and basically is corners like you got. No, you got to keep going and they look over the other guy didn't answer, though, so. That's that's where that like, if you you can give up right there, that's something to think about. You know why can you just go a little bit more? Can you just go a little bit more? back the book in combat. You really see the critical importance of high morale and esprit de corps. Morale must be high enough to stand the shock and boredom of combat actually before it, I here I want to say this that thing about giving people heads up about what they're going to face like that. You know you're gonna
like if you I've had fighters where there have been other first big, there on the big stage, move there and you have seen for the first time or whatever they get nervous, and they don't know. What that is. No one ever told them. Hey man, you're gonna feel you're gonna feel sick, you're gonna feel butterflies Tita. What is your genius to corner Tito a lot and Tita when they just they do set of. A show about Tito versus chalk and one of the scenes you can see its Tito he's right about to walk he's throwing up just viciously, throwing up. By remember Dean. Tell me Tito. It gets nervous before fight that he would just start throwing up. But he understood what it was now. Imagine you you. Going in your first fight and all of a sudden, you start you want to throw up, and somebody has been. Hey it's going, throw up to get it out. It is always get out of your system, its assent.
Thing in combat to say, listen, you're, you're, nervous, Tokay, if you're jittery, if you give you feel sick, if you, whenever it ok, since your body, you know folks In its energy towards where needs be folks, who is perfectly fine but dont know that it can be a problem back to the book. So morale must behind to stand the shock and the boredom of combat every man must be strong must strongly believe that what he is doing is right. He must have supreme confidence that he can deal with any situation that he is a better fighter than the enemy, it occurs. Unit morale every man was feel that his unit is a superb fighting unit and that he, like the rest, will sacrifice even life itself for the unit. The spirit is often the day France, between mediocre and superior armies. It was strong in the roman legions and the french troops under Napoleon Roy. Gig nice, though, that
the commander must inspire beyond group a spree, only deep personal com, action springing from the identification with cause will drive a man forward when his unit is destroyed or scattered personal example. The commander should be a model soldier; he must. Master the technique of war as it fits, is assignment. He must improve and expand his technical knowledge. The commander must strive to make it possible for every soldier to say truthfully. The old man knows the old man always knows the right thing to do. In addition, he must exhibit daily a fine example of stamina and courage. Besides his own example, the high commander is also represented by his staff officers. They, too must reflect. The superior qualities of their commander. Above
all set the proper example leading by example. There you go. The model soldier soldiers, morale show me a unit that is well run properly trained and ready for combat now show you show you in a unit with high morale no commander will readily admit that his units morale as anything on the next number of leadership charging tax people is asking how to improve. Do hard. Thanks, You want improve morale, do hard things as we compare units, however, it is all an obvious that morale and some units is more excellent than in others. What is morale? Our manual on leadership defines Morales the Mental, an emotional state of the individual, although it is a key flax and intangible quality the manner stations of its absence in a unit can be detected readily in the form of poor appearance of the inn.
The jewels of the individuals and unit area, poor discipline and a low state of training does I made obviously awkward immediately applied that you know too, that the hard from the hard luck to the hard core for Italian I was thinking about that would task bruisers, seven, that we talk about often witches, yet the initially We are working on that everybody in other people were we work hard and we are prepared. Four scenarios that we, the guys then do Iraq previously at what and where we train for this crazy, more a casual scenario. We we do Strangely, like that, on the other, the when these charter desire, you guys, are good to go, and we say you know what we do a few more runs endeavours grumbling around that people were people were said. I will work harder than the reader will come in. An early were stay in late, were not taken the night off and going to drink beers in town rats. Plan in training and in preparing and die,
it is interesting to think about how those complaints just faded away as our performance increased in I mean I was morale. That's that's morale increasing to say we're task in a cruiser. Hey work We work in order than it did this. Other tasks cause we're task in a bruise. That's why? Because, where we stand, we better, then everybody and that's what you do and now that's death about status of a thousand one away, more stuff, I stole from hack hack, equivalent to one several adjunct to morale, chart three good management. We all like to be in a union where things run smoothly, where things are planned, where men do not have to hurry up and wait adequately. Asian men like to be kept informed at a time of things that affect them or are apt to affect them. It is far better to for the commander to keep his men inform them. The men seek to get such information from rumours high state of training. If a unit,
not well trained its men know it. This fact shakes. Confidence, especially if they anticipate the possibility of using that training in a critical situation. Chance for advancement. Progress is morale raising to all men, knowing that advancement is possible and that excellent performance and preparation led to promotion helps morale good. Physical and mental condition. Good physic, condition goes hand in hand with good mental condition, Two elements are basic to achieving good morale good administration men like to know that their pay and accounts and individual records are correct confidence in it. Women, are the best equipment of bastard. Army in the world evidence in commanders Man expect their com Andrews to know their jobs, to share the hardships with them and to take a personal interest in their problems. You will No, whether a particular officer or soldier has a problem. Until someone is heard his case, a willing ear will gain.
Much confidence, comfortable quarters. Paraphrasing some these mess good mail service, medical attention, post extreme in facilities, leaves and passes religious services in character guidance. Especially important. That army be made up, of mostly young soldiers, be provided with facilities for religious services in accordance with their preferences. A programme of character gains will help to continue in the service the wholesome influence of home, in community life. Wards in letters of commendation stand. Birds soldiers like to be in a sharp unit. They appreciate achievement high standards in discipline, dress, housekeeping police maintenance, training and f the lift and morale that comes from impressive and well executed. Military ceremonies is an important factor. That the compromise we like grew pity. You know it. The team and everyone like hates, groupie, teaser, Cromwell, target group
It is, then you get together and do some awesome work out together after we like that's awesome. Those great you know we just got some little help from extra sources that was We'll move on to the second we've got a little help from external sources that it was Ali Frazier when that fight happened. When that final talked about a little earlier happened, and it was Frazier. These Frazier Corner was basically saying: you're done all these was over telling his corner caught him off, I'm done and Frazier Corner said you can't you done and that was it. Ali data, all these corners dinner was no. You can't Conakry. Weird fight began your fight more and he decided to stick that was it you want. For an ex heap he held on for an extra three seconds and got the victory after fifth.
In round war than the four fourteen round war going into the fifteenth round, but I like that, like what I Oh look. I know I'm not the most talented and gifted person in any way, shape or form. But I know that I am I, if someone's have, if I'm having a hard time. I know someone else is too, and I know that I will answer the bell and I know that's going to that's going to be a problem going to be a problem for somebody yeah that that's, I think, for a lot of us. It's gonna human nature, to focus on yourself. You know and thick all. If, if you haven't a struggle in its its use, you talk about whether to of district freedom waken up. You know the alarm early in the morning and how it's your human being it's hard for you or for any one to do that. But if we can I to think, oh, it's it harder for me and without recognition like man. This is it's hard for everybody and if I can put a little bit harder, it's gonna give me the advantage figured that out in how weak. For me,
wasn't the fastest run. I was in fact a swimmer, but like by, like Two of how weak everyone is crash ass. I do The girl, I got all of a sudden I can. I can hang with guys ever way faster runners, the me you know they were there heard more and Anna and it Even the score that's that gives you a pretty huge advantage if he can keep brand of the top jobs you that, with that, more face philosophy for short, so much as a jump like I m ugly thing about like a digital situation or whatever, where your competing against someone directly where if there gas in her whatever their there in a state of extreme adversity, will sit in they enter. A break up, just like I used mainly for year, like hey, we're so focused on yourself. I'm focused on how tired I am. I don't know. I'm tired. This guy is all really is external, what he's doing her or looking like
but if the other guys just like cruising in his face, like he's really comfortable you like men, I can compete with this at all. So now you want to give up even more. You can never like that Joke about normal face is no joke man, it really isn't it really truly isn't, and you talk about you talk about you know like one. How many times have you see me like we're doing? Jujitsu Or even not you train with me, but me, train with anybody. Metering would deem list train with somebody, that's better than me. That's give me IRAN. Have you ever seen like a look on my face of just like despair? No, I am told the story plot, probably more than once before already on here, but there is a time where you are only with dean and with all due respect, use, use, kicking, lastly, a pretty bad as you and I was like tankers losing jobs and you guys are going hard. That's the thing, and that's the part that really like stuck with me. I'm like that. I would be grass in right now, that's hard,
You may scrambled unscramble again, you scrambling any scrambling and then you can a rescue. It break, really been doing that I'll, say men. And you're. Getting your ass kicks homelike jocose in a world. A hurt me then he had you in Mount double snowing, you're gonna, like I'll, be. I was feeling literally like physically claustrophobic, because of how tired I was like em pathetically getting from watching you guys and like all your arms Rueda rose sick man, I don't know how he can even take data whatever then you ended up sorted getting out in the round, ended and I'll. Look at me. Facing you're, just like the kind of like that's what you do every day. Can I think, her sex? that's all I know is like asking Lou with different than the normal person, you do that, even when probably the lowest point that I've seen you win, staff I came to visit you in hospital at your next surgery and we went bought. You
big, like daddy's burger, you know a double cheeseburger like we're. Gonna go, let's see Jacko, you said surgery and we go up there and you just in and you are like norm. I knew you were hurt back as you did like just settle down There are still acknowledge crazy. I don't know what you look like before we walk in there, but you down We turned our normal face when I I knew you had to be in massive page comes out a neck surgery. They all these lists does nerve issues and, had you on a budget of drugs. Nobody here even still or normal, that allows free can get an ex surgery cause dean. Lester, that's what with, but later You'll thing and- and also I mean look like you, ve, come to me with many times with all kinds of you. Bad bad news, the weather, whether just ape or even to some stupid, like I'm thinking of some damn stuff, like you awesome gear rights and lets, say some critical gear which you or your food aid which it means editor. I did like
you know you come to me and you go pay a boss. We lost this that the other thing and I go look at when I felt paperwork right like it's a real thing and if I can't control my emotions cause, you lost a piece of gear. Europe, too, must be secure liked will at last my going to react. In the end, came right away. When you're saying I lost a piece of gear like we're talking about, like I'm coming to tell you a loss of fifteen thousand dollar pair of like PBS fifteen like night vision, garbage can be used by the enemy yeah, which is a big or we lost a of a cat. Thirteen which, as you know, Krypton. Logic device that you know that we use for radios. It's a cryptic, blocked, ducal device that when you lose means the entire country of America has to update their criminal.
To go well with the wishes of joy at the edge over Joggerfys. Give you the normal face on that is. Actually the worst is like your dad. Tellin you he's he's not agrees is disappointing is actually works. If you were like dude, you kidding me. You know, like I would be looking. You must be desirable jobs like Roger I just looked back at you lights would you like angry doesn't again. Like a maybe it's on the other side of like your brain assembly, but doesn't give you like a big sense. A comfort like ok At least this is manageable, like it's a big deal, but at least its manageable because, like if you're, already kind of freaking out for whatever reason and you bring it to her whose, like part of the reason, your kind apprehensive about the whole thing to say the least, and he doesn't freak out so it's like it feels like
in your mind, you like ok, maybe this this whole chaotic situation that has emerged is kind of manageable, where I am he look to me. There's theirs Daphne, like it It's more difficult to hand, My boss is like doesn't forgot about it right. We like cause, you know, like a boss down you, you and let the Boston like hey Man is Roger it's it's a it's. It's it's harder it is more in what I guess do you ago, it's yours I'm an actually fix that problem and a major doesn't happen again whether you do if you flipped out about it in you know yell. Screen to me, then that's my punishment, whereas the planet, the pond what, for me, is knowing like its constructive because I know like I gotta get give respects. We can't let this happen again. This is a massive issue, a
Ok, I know get us in that a message and tell the entire: U S military deposited offence, Sonata jackass message- yeah, I saw you know- are almost our ride. The messenger right now, let's get you know, that's that's the probably not the best example. I could appear to cause as I'm thinking about it. What you're saying is accurate, like it's, it's more tormenting for me just to be like all right, cool Rodger. You know I supposed to be like. I can't believe you did that cuz now you can be like Jacques. With such a jerk, and it's almost like you know we can have a little Spagna area as opposed to me just laid just. Saddling you with unbearable guilt for letting me down. Let us look at the reality. Is that gives the prompt fix. It gives a provocation. I mean with its unbearable gilded psych. Okay, we can't let that happen again. This is a huge deal and we gotta get. We get up
I'm going to make sure this doesn't happen again, which is going to be better for me to be there for you to. We, therefore team. Can we therefore everybody rather than like? Oh I, hey. I got yell that you know and that's the end of it, and even like one flip out on your something you're like you, I messed up but like he didn't have to flip out on me like that in also cunning like just faced with the less ilidza gives you cause right girl if left precondition asked his mind with me on that european and you go back to the petition. You go do Jack, which totally free doubt his freaking out about this I turn mounted a mobility. I write almost done. It's me against you and then turning to me against Europe will do so. It's all bad
One thing I will say about normal face, and I could say this because anybody that knows me knows that I'm probably the worst one of them are the worst normal face. Guy ever like it is a real struggle for me till, like maintain normal face, his eye. I mean you. Yes, it is not strength of yours, but you are better. Now goes bad, back in the day it was just like, I would be likely you got. I raised getting turned red just clenching your tea. I realized Jack lays get spite up. This ought to be good and happy thinking like. Please, please don't say it, until the boss leaves or whatever I'll handle it dirty society vague other, be good, but What I was gonna says this is a great example great this when it was freedom, bright and your kids, Were we not made known them since they are super little and watched him growing up and you have helped them
in train them in that, like like healthier, there you're practising that at its summit in Europe that this is something you have to. You can a better with rapt, even if you're not naturally good at it. Like me, you can definitely better with it with and so I have approved a long way to go still, but I think you got anything about it all the time and that's what we talked about the park as years ago when I was here that you, the chaos at home. I got young at home. That's a great example to like, except that is like a ok amongst us been up. This is a good chance to practice normal face right now when I'm sat Frost Ray we're not getting out the door further whatever it is that we all August spot up about all the time and its. If you that is thick a training opportunity than here when, when you actually need to use normal face, you will actually be much better doing break you. You mention like training and the kids and stuff the whole reason. It's called normal face is because it's an actual game did you guys please, please.
Whatever with the kids who with it it's like. Oh, what did the wrapping paper? The rather cardboard left over from the wrapping paper, the the tube ivory, is the normal this year in and year out law today about what I did it to one a guy that showed up in remodel your new guy who's. Dude, but he showed up and he's a happy guy, and he too He would smile the time right, we're talkin, private pile, you know, and so I'd look at him we'll meet. You can't be walking around like smiling. That you're freaking team guy you need to represent. We have we arts, ask your browser not to SK unit freakin smiley? So I put normal face that guy. You know, I'm sorry about your self logic. Is I've always laughing so hard because he could not even come close to not smiling and the more I did it and the harder I hid in the harder I was laughin use laughing to provide it one normal they game up. Thinking about was was
your old, his daughter, which he was probably scrubby, sadden baby And we're at your house and on the pull a bar in the garage, never that now in your leg, their show later reports you can do now. She gets up. She cried ass, Bob's like awesome and then Maybe she wasn't even set because she was way off the ground. You know you like lifted her up there to get there on the whole size, porphyry sources, four feet off the ground. Edna and you were like, and you like. I will not catch ashes, any other bar like I would you like? A daddy like I mean, while you're at your hands are regulated casually, but she gets the analysis at age, but you know what you are just like you. You could see a new issues I got an immense using digital, like normal face. Everyday she dropped off. You got. Will you also have to train your kids to deal with just unknown terror?
followers broke new developments? sorry, kids, That's the way I do. She turned out our great outstanding yeah. I know the learning process. You know you, you were you learn about. You know you learn about control, your emotions, life. I've learned a lot about parenting. I feel like with the kids practicing or taking opportunities to practice no more face. One hundred percent of the time is a good method. It's a good method, and it is a great thing like no joke. It is a great thing for leader to be able to control your emotions because your emotions, we are to talk about this. If I'm panicking If reports to me some news and panic he's gonna panic ever panics could be, may help you ve seen me go I've got it. You know Ok, you're. You I've had like at the Master
the masters are theirs there's timelines and there's you got to be a certain place in certain time. You know, and I've had Jamie come up to me. You know The signs are that we don't have any that stuff. Yet and you can see that she's kind of panic about it? No, we don't the labels for the whatever to pass out stuff. Looking all past Baltimore and she's. Ok, just like it's all yours with that. That's an order the men and its power. For me, universities talk mothers today, right with some summa with S, offer us often end up in our shops. The growth in an it things that I was really speeding up about an unreal. Stressing on you like it's not that big deal. You know That is that and that is that perspective, what someone's emerged, which only is immersed in the details of things in their like it. But wait bearing down on ever like man. This is going to happen, It's really easy distress out about that too it's a path of the year that also you know, fall into some.
Implied intent right me and leaving you with the impression that sought something needs to be perfect because, well, you know me like hell. I like things to be squared away, then all of a sudden you got something: that's not squared away, and you start trying to fix this problem, and it's you vesting more than its worth into the problem and because I m giving you the wrong, implied, intent that hey you know what, if it's, that much investment I don't want you to make that much investment of time into something. That's really not gonna have a massive impact strategically. So Gonna do a better job of current. Oh, you know let No, if something is a struggle will have I done this before like hey, if it not a cop. This would be really cool to have we really cool. If we executed this, but we care. Don't we worry about it. You know, don't invest more than x amount of ours. Hey go! Look at it for two hours. If we can't do it, we know it.
Do it no factor it, because if we can, but let's not let's not lose sleep over it where, As you know, it's like I once again going back to Gettysburg What I need to remember is if. If General Lee Tell Stonewall, Jackson Adieu, something he's gonna free can do it and he doesn't care what price you to pay to accomplish that mission Well, if I, if I mentioned to you like hey this, old Avenue at cool. And now the sudden you're paid, the ultimate price makes up a rapid, and you look up of three weeks later and you ve spent money in time and ends like you like. I got done or not- or maybe we can execute your vision was it's ok, goal. Nor about it. That's, not a good normal offers. You know that too much self yeah happens The final thing I'll say that normal phases, that my kids now have been influenced I'll, be like we call it. I normal face when you would. You say
pretty much brand everything as Jacques around here somewhere good rice, execute Jacko normal face and ate their like these mile intervention that I boom is. Gear tourism by one year old, not so much yet, but my four year old sexual they get some legit, that's legit. I backed the book charge number for evidence of Russia. We are on this old thing, talkin about morale, and this is the morale in discussing the subject of morale with visitors, I often ask and am asked: what do you look for in a unit or in order to gauge the morale? So morale was influenced by so many factors there are. Actually many indications of this data morale. Things I know quickly and signing up a unit include abroad through some of these saluting dress, good housekeeping,
I'd pride alone, and I went with it. Are the men eager to show their accomplishments? Do they point to their units history with pride? Do they have something good to sell and try and sell it. Participating and charities, athletic programme in support of teams and athletic programme enthusiastically support is always a favourable indication of morale, church attendance, soldiers, despite deposits and other savings a man who saves money each month is banking on his future as well. It is usually a well adjusted in confidence soldier when There are many such YE does any unit. There is a depth of stability in the organization, but commander should attempt to coerce the men to participate in the programme that you know just for for it for all leaders. Really. This is poor. Probably one of the things. I look back in my military career that I did a pre parable job of, and that was that I,
never said, our guys. Usually do your money, some years moves to make you know here some things you should do here. Some things that do So just if your leader specify your military leader, look when you are when you're in Lahti, it's a joint military, myself included hey. When I got the teams and I wasn t for in the treaty- I was the richest person in the world and Who are you know, I got there paycheck every two weeks and I was ready to rock and we all make it was great and do you know I really wish somebody long away would have said: hey man, that's cool You know you're gonna make whatever five thousand there's this month. What I know you like to get after it and go have a good time, and you should- and you should do that with four thousand dollars, not with four thousand nine hundred and ninety nine dollars.
So if you are in a position where you can help people plan their economic future, please do that. You know what It's for the iraqi you say neck is you of all the people I worked with in thirteen years in the Navy, like you're, the only one that did that we end, maybe now like on my cup, You didn't like have a presentation to the entire to you to maybe you could go, we should have, but you had a lot of direct aid action with a whole lot of people and helped direct them in our are Joints are encouraged to do something you know going to me. I think, to your when I think of guys that we're close to me, I would be like Haber. What you need to do is this, and so that's cool, but you know I you have been doing it for everybody, and I didn't and
the reason is, I didn't really care about that stuff. Honestly, I didn't really think about it. I didn't really think about that. I just thought about hey. We. We just want to be good frogman and a good task unit, a good platoon. You know like that's it we're here for so a think a deeper about that. But if you're in that position, do it Enlistment reimbursement records a wall winds defences are reason we easy to commit that and the number of fences is low. It is indicative of high morale size, a sick call court, martial rates, incidents and accidents, complaints about the inspector general This is another classic thing right, so complaints to the inspectors and all citizens, complaints to the inspectors and later in the book leaf, he talks about how you should be open and ready to being inspected, Wiki,
you everyone's hates inspections and doesn't want the commander to come down, and he says you be waiting for that very similar to ours, attitude and remedy which which absolute restore from the axis of the first the five or six or sorry. The x or the first, the fight without officer from the first five or six, who Since we are there, there's investigation happening at you and I was I care what he can vestibule. Forty goes all of this that the other thing and or this thing- and I said oh, this- is at I can work out. He goes. I love it when we get inspected, because I want them to come and inspect. See what we're doing at see words like down here and see what it's like to live down here and let them understand what's going on the front lines and I I absolutely adopted that policy and what Who is in what he says in this book? As you know, you What why are you afraid of being inspected you
Shouldn't have nothing to hide. So if you're, if you're free, being inspected. That's the problem and lets the things so that you could be open to being inspected. We wish art about that. It is your motor shipwright, leading up the chain of command and how we invited our commander to to come down and see. Or do you want an invite her operations after them their staff to be there, but that's, it's a complete opposite, though, of what everybody else he ever biases mindset was. I get the boss man away, we don't want of around here. We want to build a in. What they want to be to get away with was like real. Ministerial stuff. I like uniforms around the cap like attended at meetings a little things, not really matter, and yet what we gain by having them come out a visit us was, deep understanding of our mission? How we're mitigating risk? What resource We needed a bet, it's it's! It's no brainer, and yet no one
does that cause they don't want to the scrutiny of the big Bosman wrong attitude MAX action outside influence on morale, the factors and indicate of morale covered so far concerned things generally within the control of the commander, but there are influences on the morale of the soldiers, especially those on duty in a far off land which stem from app attitudes of officials, press radio, commentators and public at home. The soldiers should feel that he is needed and that his sacrifices are the of immediate and long range benefit to his country, his home, his family and himself feel that his unit is in is as important to him as his family that he is just as important to the union. He will feel that importance as long as the people at home feel that he is sensitive to public opinion at home and because of good radio newspaper, and oh facilities.
And constantly aware of attitudes or at the home toward the importance of his job, that's an energy perspective comparative totally all enough. If we read newspapers and watch tv, figured two thousand six. The Iraq war exist constant negative coverage. Meyer, we cannot win. You know that this terrible, which is that it UNICEF out. Yet it is even more pronounced. Now, with social media do we do. We have social media was their social media for us in, in Romania was like Myspace. Actually I do him mark leaves always come back and get on Facebook. Yeah Facebook existed, but it was not a. I you Myspace was still like the dominant three thousand six echo where will react? Social media, wise, two thousand and eight is correct, is just kicking with lies between Myspace Myspace was like a music something you could put me.
So it so Myspace was legit social media backtrack. Yes, and before that, and before that two thousand and seven or two thousand says what using what you'd Facebook come to prominence. I don't know the exact year, but that's when you know when it was. It was rolling in future, but my speech will still on his work, but there is a lot less people on all these things. You don't know me now earlier now it's the What is it has replaced free? I you can access it. We are forty access through the New York yeah. That was like barely like right. When pictures to the internet started going lately not also had camera cameras so bottom line We have to pay attention the influence on morale from outside our organization pay attention to it. Next section is called junior officers, conferences and
it says they're always many newly commission offers fine offers in the army. They have I'm from many sources some of these young officers of demonstrate outstanding, a billion combat others have not had this experience. Few of them have had the time option: become fully indoctrinated with the duties and responsibilities required of an officer the stand the responsibilities of an officer are in many respects, more exacting and more difficult to discharge in peacetime than combat. Consequently, officer conferences, should be conducted for all junior officers to review duties response Mozart's, whether what I wanna say what you say is look. You should meet with your you, you're subordinate leadership and educated, and teach them, and I often ask this question to clients Say as anyone here a person that invested in them personally- and you know most of the time
firstly, when I'm talking to leaders most of the time people will raise their hands and say you know: oh yeah, you know how I had this. That took me under the wing or an out and out there well, how does that? How did that make you feel? And obviously everyone says, oh yeah, that makes you feel great make you feel like you can do well in its personnel, encouraging you, and then I say how many people are you doing that for right now, in, like there less Hants right, and so we take this investment of the people that raised you, like the people that raised me in the teams right, whatever that investment I just hold onto it, no give nobody else, that's horrible and it's not continuing to grow the capabilities of the community there. There's there's something deeper there that when he said the roles and responsibilities, so you were viewing roles and responsibilities with them and I think that something that you know eat the job. Brief that you would give in like the junior off training course when I was running training for two years. I ran training for all zeal offers a graduating from our basic train
applying UK man. We are becoming to give the Jackal brief, and it was the same thing that you breathed too. The task units in importance going through the work up, and I think one of the most important parts of that was the roles and responsibilities. So I it's great meant or by a meteorite people own ambassador people agree that around two percent a lot of you. Dont know how to measure people and What are you saying there I think wishes if you ve got, Their roles, responsibilities, clear and you broke down, and then it was it was. It was. Shooter know your job is to make things happen. You know get deep. The grass you that you have you have listed out, although it fire team leader, you take your guys led your fire team support. Squalor yet the squad leader than you had a platoon commanders, either a song chief rather sophomores committed the groundwork, commander, etc, and that a really powerful documents, so much so that I've had several several large, very successful seals, including
good friends of yours, who have reached out to me and said: hey, come get a copy of their because it really without breaking that down, enables you to execute operative. If you know what you're roles responsibilities are, then you can actually step up and execute confidence. I think that's a really people. Define that, though you do find it away where it was easy to understand enable people to execute and erratic the great that's a key thanks to major people on one of the key. Parts of that, when I would get on talking about what the roles and responsibilities of everyone was, I would say: ok, now that you know you roles and responsibilities. You also have to understand the person below you an appeal person above you of the chain of command. You have to understand what their roles responsible is our and, if you have to, u have to either assent or descend into the situation where you can solve a problem. Do their job. As soon as you get a problem solved, you can't get stuck there. You have to elevate yourself up the exposition, last thing that I would start saying two guys once they were done,
Georgie now talking to platoons I would say: listen I usually say this just like the head shed, I would say: listen, here's the responsibilities, I don't actually care Does these things, but you better figure it out because sometimes you might have or tune chief. That hadn't being in the teams for a few years, and he had some platoon commander that had just got back off deployment or you'd have what, whenever the case may be. Maybe the LP, oh just got Don teaching assaults out it. You know read it and now he's in protein or just got How we were first he's. Gonna really know how to do that job sites. They listen it doesn't really matter which one you have I'll. Tell you based, Finally- and this is what I always say- basically, it most guys you're the technical expertise handle a problem that you got at hand officer you need to figure out what the next move is. Gonna be,
that was the general thing. But then I say: listen if this officer like doesn't have any experience whatsoever and maybe L, P, o is kind of bad ass and the chief is I'd, say: listen, listen officer! You need to look to your chief and he's to elevate a little bit and figure out. What's gonna do next so, and I want the reason that happened was because, as I put more and more platoon through training. I saw that simple tunes. They D, they would they had a mismatch. They had some prior and did officer that was freaking, just a bad ass, new everything where they had a our chief, that was, you know, been out a loop for awhile, and so ok, but the LP, like I said so eventually, I would say: listen, I don't really care, how you guys break these up, but you to know who's responsible for what and one man do all these jobs. It did not pass For one man to do all these jobs. I seen him bad ass seals.
With toxic experience come through here and they might be held a poet offer on offer to ops and in some going to happen and almost It's gonna be overwhelmed and other people have to build a back up, not dimension. If someone's do not lose jobs, I'm gonna kill him again and you better figured out I remember that don't get stuck there in the owl can start here. Ok, so the reason I wanted to cover this section is because it says this southward talk about his junior officer conferences. The These conferences should be conduct By commanders themselves, in on an informal basis, lieutenants and separate companies and attachments may be invited to join groups from units commanded by feel great officer. Groups should not be too large, preaching should be avoided. I read this whole section, two Sarkozy that preaching should be avoided these com, this could well. Can well be the means of improving the unit team under the Coachman
of its captain. The unit commander. These conferences may consist of one our meetings. He goes. It goes into some detail about how to do it, but the fact that he sang look you're bringing people in there to pray on how to do things you're, bringing their education discussions and he not the hope, topical discussions here, military courtesies, personal standards, military? discipline promotions unit, history, esprit de corps, accomplishments, missions, information, morale self education of officers professional. Obligations, spots ability for five he's got everything. Security classification use, misuse of military vehicles. So basically it's like tell the guy what's going on. That's what you say, you have to tell people what's going on and then he's got this. Commanders checklist for success? In this? We are a for a while. So presumably the lasting recover.
Every commander at every echelon should maintain a continuing checklist to be left for or given to his successor to command this checklist. Should contain items of value that will assist. The new commander in becoming familiar with his command more rapidly than if he had on uncover the same items over a period of time. Such items consist of one significant step, and weaknesses of key officers, noncommissioned officers in the command bomb. Isn't it weird that we might be in charge of people and no That we would have to turn this over and not keep track of like whose what strength, Weaknesses are next important policy matters announced by senior commanders and not contained in S appear directors. So your tracking, this have a good turnovers, is such an impact the thing to do what I think is important about a turnover. It's great.
Have to turn over the next unit, but what it does is it forces you to actually think through how we who are operating and when you forced yourself to think through how your operating you define it: you re fine, it you clarify it, and now it becomes stronger. Just like when you just like when you write down these principles just like when you formulate a standard operating procedure and you just like when you teach it gets jitsu move or you right out how you time that you study what you're doing you will get better at it and that's what this commanders checklist four successors, I said successor four successes for someone's gonna. Take your place that you know what part of that you, I think he's dead at self analysis. You're talking about is hate. What did we screw up? What we learn from it? I remember given it over one time on a follow on to point to an end. When the new euro came in,
the new seal, so you taken over four for us at an one of that one of the singer. Leaders was like Disagree turn over. You guys were given here. I really. This is one of us towards words. Seen him like why why'd. You say that you can me off Garza. What what are you what he said that he is Could you tell us always self that you screwed up anyway it's it's really. You know you have a unit turning over. They like we're coming like guilty. It's out of here going to take take over, even though we ve been there for six months learning and housing. Like How are you gonna learn from us, to continue the mission to be more effective? If we don't tell you what we screwed up, but clearly he wasn't user that most reward doing that, and I think that taking deeply about it in if you care about the mission that you, what you want to be will be successful. And there we try to set up an actual team for sure most important, his gasser yeah speaking Steve Ward. He can count on the palm casting.
Sometime real soon names and personalities of individuals outside the command with whom it is necessary to associate do business areas of training weaknesses within? man so reporting the weaknesses like you to talk about disciplinary matters, security, manners, critical equipment shortages. So that's the best that section And here the last thing will cover vigilance and by the way where we are on page thirteen right now, so there we own page. Thirteen of this book is a hundred seventeen pages. Page thirteen a unit operational readiness status status must be ready for immediate employment at all times, regardless of how well a unit has been trained. The commander cannot allow it to become lax and let down its guard world WAR two and the crew,
Conflict were started by surprise attacks on Sunday mornings. These ices remind us that we must be ready for anything seven days a week. Twenty four hours day, we can not relax our vigilance in any way. That would contribute to disaster do you like that. That is the first thirteen pages it's dark, I'm only two thirds of the way through. My second justifies our house. Niver just give you look out I'll get arrested. This obscure I'll cover this thing, but incredible see how these principles remained the same overtime and its sole intriguing.
To uncover the roots of hack worse than about face, and thereby the roots of me, and a view and of extreme ownership and the dichotomy, leadership and leadership, tragic tactics, theirs, Fred. You can trace. Do all these books, no you're routes and the better the better? You understand yes, history, but the better. You understand the origin of ideas and principles. Then the better. You understand those ideas and principles themselves and the better leader and person you will become. Crazy what you think life, I think that's outstanding guess, incredibly eye opening and now it's because I've read about face in detail and and flip through my copy this week,
as I was, can organise itself in my home office in looking at just a you know that tab and underline pages in the I actually had to I put packing cape along the binder because been soldiers. It's been soap from over usage has been torn open and I had to reinforce it. Its awesome, too to understand where Carla I've got some of these ideas in and out. Look I'm sure yeah, I'm sure, also in other dead. These were learned from from mentors you know, and for generations as well, but incredible stuff. Dublin, making us better echo, Charles speaking of getting better, do you have any may be bound? suggestions on how will we have a very now that you mention it actually think that's interesting here that book they finally located
It was like a little treasure hunt. You know the kind guys who, like they look for treasure, that might not even exists, and I think that those you she like audacity. I'm saying you only got a hint of it through hack worth I have. I have access to all kinds of work. I pay. You know that Various websites that offer all these ancient he asked I mean I got the most did the dumbest subscriptions and I spent scouring these things for years. Nothing not How crazy is it that the month that this version of about four? comes out. I freaking find this thing one copy of on Amazon, and I have it is meant to be. I have lodged Jack o is true. I have the air sea, which is the its readers cop observed zone advanced readers come now. I don't have it up, but in advance readers copy when we know but he's gonna come out,
They release Thou print, like they'll print, How do you how many a artist you think they print in current days? I have no idea, hundred welder thousand notable advice, Reader copies the quota galleys. Actually, I'm sorry, I'm really think they print but like, for instance, thrill for extreme ownership. I think I got six and you got sick like that and then a printed, the sum to send to whoever by words walking Absalom view does young absolutely less than fifty right less than fifty. So. We are at the master and a guy named Tobin came up and he was I have some for you and he gives me like a brown paper bag. And this is just weird contort- even understand this. If you don't understand what an air sea is now understand, how rare they are that you know, look get out of like I was first, the dishes like I love first, a dish of about face, but there's gotta be a hundred thousand of those things floating around right.
You know you might like the first, a district stream ownership. You know we always joke about it, but there's hundreds of thousands of copies of the first edition of Extreme ownership- There's only probably less than fifty a our seas of extreme ownership, and soon with the rest of Oliver books. Well, the master and this guy comes up to me and he was he I want to give you some, and I almost appreciate it. People give us a lot of cool stuff all the time. You know, any me this paper bag and I opened it but there's a plastic, but as a book in plastic, just a plastic bag. I pull it out and I look at it it's a version of about face that I've never seen before and its thinner than normal, and I go. What is this pull it out of the plastic and sure enough, it's on edited advanced it copy of about face. Signed by David Hack, worth this
is priceless to me right. So he's out there. I actually owe him copies of about face this new version, but guess what else I'm sending him a our seas of extreme ownership? because they gave us about six each. I have all of mine. I you want to know why why have yours? Why did you keep yours I've got some of my intention to send people and they didn't get sent and some moment does not become a gold hang onto. I only captain. I first of I didn't know it was a big deal. I didn't this is at this whole thing. You know, we don't know about the hell you're doing when it came to writing. So we know how we are doing so. They say these things on my gear whatever or I didn't they like? you can send them to. You know the influencers that you know yeah, nor am I and so what I'm thinking is
there's misspellings in this. There are some things that we edit. It out. I said I don't want anyone to see this and let's put him right, my put him in. You know in like a drawer somewhere and then a few years later, I started as I actually as we started doing podcast and I started getting. Or into getting various box, and I'm always like the first, a dish thing, but then I realized point that there were something better than the first. The dish and that was the readers, a r c I get, I guess, I'd better than the readers air Sea, and that is the year. The word doc manuscript, oh yeah, which we get. We ve got the added all the areas like just a crazy added that we went through. Well that was crazy. Ducas will we were you knew you yet. You are New York when we wrote extreme ownership and we had to admit that thing and I remember spending for hours on the phone going through final at its
our pace. Page sixty four, you hate. You said What do you think any back? Oh yeah! We need Chechnya. What are we just sit there manually go through for our on the phone, these stupid edits, you know, and what it's interesting as we are talking about today. There was one of the last edit, that we did we kind of got out the freakin the clenched fist of editing and just started the cotton stuff. You know we started get rid of stuff. That was pretty. That was pretty. It'll, be interesting to see of, I think, particularly if you think about decades. From now, what that might be like a friend of mine showed me That stop becomes quite viable. The collectors and the people that no, you know it for the people that it has They understand the value of what it is now where it is in front of my show me a copy of of,
give me the Biography of Stonewall, Jackson and he's like headed to music. I was old and kind of riddle. I felt like I was going to fall apart, open up and it says G Patton It was Patten's personal copy totally agitated. I noted that all the note in the margins of seven general patent went through in a note, is pretty pretty off that is awesome. I have all the books that are covered in the podcast, with all the Tabs notes and read: fines and highlights in everything, at its freaking cool, to sit there and back as our go back and look at a book that Irish. You're too covered in Pakistan like are even come close to get and like every out of this, that I need to get out of this. You know. With the old reed stressing the early gas where we would not they weren't is long, and now I look like a man go, we get it right back into that thing right back in
That thing you did. You did speed about Egypt bores. I knew it as well, which I gave you that carbon you gave me it signed by life not my general Patton, I'm not quite as valuable of war as I knew it had. It is signed by les- and I am damn proud of that supporting you posted a copy that I originally gave you have about face the other day in You know I had my my because you made me sign it, you like him We knew scientists now comment whatever you ever would ease higher He gives my book you design the book and I put a date in it. I'd never give presence anyone and so or gifts of any kind, and I have never given anything anybody really have ever given you anything echo books, yes right, the I've given you some books, I gave you the I just gave you about this
so many ways. But when you asked me a kind of I dont come from the background of giving things it in on this scale of four givers jack. It's ten is greatest. One is the least chuckles like point zero to Jane. Covered move Cochrane sent, like my sent, my eldest daughter, flowers for her birthday whatever you're a girl, something like that from me, and my daughter did not even remotely believe it for one second cheese. I couldn't you get semi flowers, another o Jamie. I can't lie came out of my daughter so there you recall sorry, I did sign your book and and then we just we just three. We reenacted the signing of the book and I put the same thing so there you go I echo Charles speaking of getting better, you said,
Oh then, you you started asking us Cristiani more crush for the crew, her none of those more. My those may take way this house regarding this book the whole time, like that's your little treasure that you found. Finally after you I wonder, what's going to happen now, look wants this comes out. Is is stack books, Gunnar, reissue it or his job, somebody's going to dig their like grandfather's copy out and there's going to be nine of them on the internet. I'll buy a seven hundred and fifty bucks I'll buy them. Do you how much your old hardcover copy of about faces like they were on? They were on Amazon. I know you by the road to other back works. I have twenty guy, there. We go. Ok, getting better right run out. Ok, we're getting better, even if good. By the way like you know what he call
we're maintaining vigilance. Yes, big time for sure, but anyway, On our road of improvement for improvement is already working out everyday. I lay not to put too much on this on the spot, but you work out every day. I try to sort out my answer to which you know that that's a non answer by the way is this varying levels of try not to say that had ass, yet listen Dave! The goal is work at every day. Sometimes I cheat on now on a weekly basis. Cool I knocked out other times. Yes life gets in the way but die every year. Every day that I miss work out. It's it's deeply regretful. And when you don't do that, it's it's a problem. Yet, in an act you got to kind of be honest with where, if that's the goal like for real go to workout everyday? That is a good thing, as opposed to you know like how I'm going to try to work out this week. You know
The difference is what I'm saying so helpful is a big difference, remember to try and work out every day and I'm going to work out every day. You, sir, and then, if you want to talk about this, keeping it real yeah yeah and, as far as better and worse goes pressure pressure anyway. So We worked out every single, though, is this autumn relation Workin outwardly watch out for that sort of thing is, I think it's widely unnecessary to have it with you. You know I'd. Rather, wow you're joints we'll jam you up. If you let him, I'm not gonna talk too much about this right. Now I don't you we appreciate that. I don't think we should anywhere idle we should even think about it that much in it at all joint should be thing. You don't think about. You seem said: I see where in all of this and I like it. Yet what should we be thinking about gains obvious? Yes, yes, so let the joint
just be jointly seem same anyway, so the joints are monopolizing your tension, here's what you do boom Jackal Fuel, joint warfare. These are for. Joint for sure Super krill oil. For your time other every day for everyday right. You know what I see I had. I had an ice surgery recently, so I had to stop taking it for a and, like I know what it was crazy about. Those is when you started Can I like why they stopped to what do I do the building. I should tell me too, but like I just I just I just didn't, taken flight three four days you know like laid up and whatever I relate up budgets, just like I got your off you Ricky. I was off but on the other hand- and it was it was like- I feel, I therefore feel it and there's its ranges.
It is real. There really is man, you feel the joints and an attic both both girl, what your warfare barrage of yet it just keeps you kind of foam on the path in that way. Support. Yet don't worry about joints and you'll have to his warm saint anyway. Another thing you don't wanna be worried about is getting sick. That's one of those things is face. It we're not every day like fighting boost our immune system or something like this? Maybe we are I know I'm not consciously. Ok So when you weren't, we gotta be rough. Oh yeah! Well! Well, you branded, I'm surprised Dhaka, so at four, a m when we wake up. Are you like? Ok, let me get this immune, boosting scenario. Cracking right, automotive, its consciously prettier, contrary by merging I have my supplements lined up when I go
to brush my teeth in the morning doesn't come. I do what I'm supposed to be wholly when I go going to brush my teeth at night. I do not want to do that. Both brushing my teeth. Taking my supplementing and philosophy, which I never floss until I during the Navy determined for us, I serve us gain CO, UK seven, with pre work out. Yes, but you jack, and I take three superhero three joint warfare and vital or like for the pre work out, you mean like Northern, were united, but is different for the work out. Nobody prior to us is that what you're asking like is that when you take them rather than due to take some time before the work for the worker Dr Weir HANS. Lamps discipline go yet, but I m yeah easy there this is good. I just I just I do I take it. Every morning its parliament and then an at night we had this whole Kyra. Do not want to talk about this right now, but echo did not.
Routine and therefore he would miss Miss just like you. Said life. You got out a routine and you mess like that's a real thing, set up a routine, follow it not only the very it sometimes makes further terrorist aren't tracking you all good, don't be a good idea and when you are out as a routine worked out or taking the you know, the supplements sub limitation as we like to see that can sort of become the routine seem saint or part of it. It is get him very well in a way back to immune system thing so technically you're, just like I'm gonna go in and take this stuff, so you have to worry about me system you think you're not caught consciously were look, I'm not here's your but its signet kindness, what it significant think, anyway immune system. My ultimate point with that is, you have to worry about that now: vitamin d three
I'm going to you and cold or boom the combo. Now you really not worrying about it anyway. Also. After you're done, not worrying about these things. You don't have to worry about it. Now, let's start with the conscious stuff. Ok, we got discipline, rank good, really good, helps. You think I would say think, but here's what I notice about this, but this Where it's one of those ones where you don't like, when you go somewhere like you, always wanting to have a little drink, going where the be water or whatever? I think this is the best thing for that I agree, maybe not before we get a better whatever, but yet yeah. I saw you pal I watched you I just crushed to these do this minute there you were notably smarter this entire potash. I notice it and say the bar was very
I got to say I am not a sour apples, sour apple guy, like I, if I was a kid eating jolly ranchers like I would leave this our apples there on my J, p d, no sour apple sniper is legit. Is awesome. My family actually is all over the map. I made don't get me wrong. Dat Savage those Dax average forgot. Your Dax average has been my go to for a while, but bizarre apples. Libraries is awesome and I gotta give gave J. The credit for that logic thousand year. Those with your family and now and where here's, what I found in this might be the case for This is only reason mentioning it so remember. Yet when I first came out ass, a man is the best one, little bit better than Jackal Palmer, what straight up, that's. I know a lot of that and you know it's what these people like say it to me like you. In either one or two ways. One is like a new kind of like a sour.
Like the kind of ashamed to tell me and the other ones like we're up snipers way better such Uganda. Yes, but did find out. There's like a deeper game within the game is probably better leave the matter because it was new straight up because I kept probably those sweet in amounts just just it just people might be thinking about this I want to drink this stuff all day long. I want a drink. Jackal Palmer our drink it all day long, but it does have caffeine in it. Ninety five milligrams caffeine, so I dont want to drink seven, disciplined so we are making a discipline, go type drink that doesn't happen, caffeine, but and it's gonna be a ginger ale flavour, a ginger flavour And I've already approved the taste of it,
it's really. It's really good and what's cool about it is it's it's on the sweet side. I have to admit this. Not a sour apples. Labour cannot started making me The ESA me a little bit more sweetness, so the ginger is its it. My sweet. But here's what makes me think about is at night. You know you don't eat your tomahawks. Take sir and you have a little sweet youth, but to fall for a monk let's face it, we could. I would generate market your dessert on your little bit. Folder tomahawk was bigger than normal, But you want to have a little sweetness crack. It open, bombed, Eagle, decaf, yeah Dick afterwards while well there. It is there's also discipline powder by the way late. You mentioned pre work out, that's my go to pre work or to the discipline powder with water, most time we actually talking about this, like that. I'd that is what matters also. What flavoured you like: lemon lime, tank, illogical.
Jacko Palmer powder is free. What did the other day we see later and so cows get pretend I made, I may add, a mixed up a pitcher like you do in like they do in that to elect a huge Texas brow, a big glass picture. I filled up with eyes, put the Jackal Palmer there it was a huge amount and I just drank that thing all day with freakin awesome, so get your Palmer on I agree, but my recommendation on what what's cool about that? I think, with a powders you can you can dolittle Barone I'll, see you can you can have the time. I have a problem good, like many Americans problem that many Americans, myself included, have is sick. We stated more, it's better so so like makes these things. It was these things called deco. These glasses and travel mugs no way in the Great Hall Blue Tumblr gamblers. I get these tumblers, let's face
you only need to scoops of discipline into one of these top bars near but I will no doubt point. I will note output for scoops in their more is better and it does need it, but you know just think, muzzled, get that extra literally. I know it's gonna be a good time at the muster we gotta tumblr up there on the stay at mixing any get your drink At the bottom of it, you just get all powder: let's get down to fire. This did you. Will you know. Ok, let's talk about that for once the early masters. Where were disorganized on the back and we We had a lot of stuff to learn, and so we would sleep not at all but I made them, you must have we set up a one hour, one night, if that and the next day we got like an hour. Forty five minutes. I never says you cognitive, be if you sweep less than five hours each like you're drunk,
have you heard that you sleep less than five hours? It's like your trunk, you're, a hazard to humanity meanwhile you and I are up on stage first, Evan straight ours. That day answering questions. You know people are common at us with all kinds of leadership, Brahms I didn't hear you up, they're gone, Why? Yes, I ever read: how do they come up with a who's? The scientists like well you're, drunk if you set up less than ill Look how much I wanna get crazy you're, a needle for everyone at freaks out about this. Indisputable, feel manual, I explained sleep is necessary. I get it. It's good for you and healthy. I tell everyone gives much sleep. You can I'm totally down for the cause sleep, it's great
go and say hey if you dont get eight hours, you're a drunk, unequivocal being drunk and oil ass, you think about in Romani, then or logic on drove cop falcon, we're goin in south central Ahmadi. Neither your eye had slept at all there. We were up. We ve been up for twenty four hours, the apple and we're launching an operation, we're we're gonna, be out, About a feel for forty eight hours, so was I What do you do like you? his power through the speedy others. I mean you know, when we got into position, and I got security sent like I'd. Try to take her down for an hour in just to try to get it yet some shit I, while I could walk, was dark before the sun came out. We knew we were gonna, get her on as we get attack but life requires that you're gonna have simply food with, and you got to be able to some and not any get some more. If you have some little bit of discipline on the little, but this Go whatever we have to do. Discipline go under the coffee. Falcon up would have been much better. I think reality women's secured a lot quicker
I think the drunk reference comparison was like when you're driving, yeah. Ok now they take o the number of actions that happened for people are drunk to number people false. If the wheel, ok go got in a way. I got enough in a wandering like over retired driving. Could then, could be worse. What is there? Because if you were asleep at the wheel, because then you can control it, you get the point we're can control. It would like been drunk as this scheme with face it. Sometimes, when people are junk behind the wheel, they get like more daring and aggressive. So though you know, it's less, that, like other drunkenly drift, rash, you're saying it's their attitude more than their borders guillotine area. There is a lot of times you carry is vouchers argument lack asleep, so it's kind of like leaving nylon at it like clock in the morning. The other red ball run the up, and
as this would go back then obviously not much better with no sugar, where we ve been getting here hey, you know, are again not to split hairs, burn. You know these things. Sometimes you know nuance little explanation. They start to make more sense was what I thought is what I want to join a light to you or your kid. What else anything else, but but Cole, stuff and signed by the way, if you get him in origin, main dot com, you can also get about the vitamin shop and you can get a mental will place called while walk in Florida and the virgin area and by the way, if you're in those areas go get some, go into a Walla clean. It here is a different situation like a mentioned before? Is it cuz look online? Even if you gotta go at me, vitamin shops not is convenient. Stories like they're, not everywhere whatever, but is a different situation.
You got to go on there. You got to make it a point to stock up at all the stuff right now you can just grab one on the ghost way, different. Here's, what the here's, what the folks at Wawa wondering who wants this stuff? Should they should they put it in every store in America? That's what they're wondering where every store that they have. If you want to you, can support the does this clear now let him know we want we want. It is indeed and is in demand echoes yes, okay! You you mentioned or demand dot com. That's where you get can get Jocko fuel, which is all of this stuff. Also, a torch amain dot com is Jiu, Jitsu, stuffies, rash guards shirts on there and also, of course, genes and boots American made Delta Denham is back in again by the way, if you're, waiting on Delta genes they're back and we up more Denham too, were good, very good. Also, I got my lincoln boots. Gettin broken in red and I still do
nice would mean Lincoln boots that that's the one with the toll cap the model did you did request the toe cap, or did you just get it from PETE? He just sent you what you want. Yet you got to watch out. Dude PETE is sneaky. He tries to to impose its will on you like I do not want to talk up as a guide dog communal Lincoln skimming the regular once and he goes higher watch. But my house, the regular wants it and a pair of blankets, and am I wrong? he does. He does these little sneaky things and he thinks get in one over on you, that's the effective PETE tracking bro. We are tracking. You have to do that I like the Tokyo, it's good! Oh, oh here's! Another thing you did, I said Gabriel I wear white geese. I wear white geese, so you know this was pretty early into the whole thing you're an he's lying
here I have definitely was he sent me and I said you know what in a stretch, maybe a black. Why is there but the traditions that it's the tradition the first key. He sends me no shit, it's the only color I said, hey, look, don't send me a movie cuz. I I want a white jeep. Maybe I get it black. Do you know but you're the most popular cholera gears in like at origin. It, which means yes in the world yet black, which which to me Why was the true dish? That's what we do. We keep a tradition, but let's face it. What's that backs the facts. Is everybody wants to be a ninja? That's what it is you mix it for me. I want to be Charles Bronson in the movie. The mechanic there there wearing geese, and that's what I always refer back to a much more so
trading partners and instructors. I've I've said, Ms, a gift of origin risky, Annie we're there were six percent for black the black rifts, did you request y know No, I said tell me what you want under your own. Send me a black with well that that means a lot common from Tom right right cause he's an artist understands that Color Pelletier he's down there thinking what will look good, the I gotta say though, on it. For the rest, we ve got tat. We ve also got six out of six the outstanding reviews. The rift is ridiculous, yet its kind it junk, not the key, but situation. As you know, a lot of us. We have more than just the one d c, or, if not all those other geese sort of seem obsolete little bit. I give up that dumb back on the old ones.
Yeah it's like you. I knew I found when you get the new life you're gonna like what this is all well. It happened with I phone, not the six. The eleven our new did no seriously the the Iphone six year like it's, ok and battery, run out the picture sucked in all the stuff. I was with us Joe Rogan like last year, and we ridden we were taking pictures of the sunset, our hunting, his picture looked freaking, be at an Iphone. Eleven looked brilliant filled with collars. It look like a freak national geographic picture because we're taking picture the sunset she could see like the mountains, and then there was the horizon in our skies beautiful colors. My picture just look like black on the bottom and white on top. Then I just said: I'm an idiot. The call that dynamic range there, retorted would you're saying. Is you don't realize the Euro realise how good something can be at until you actually try out new Attica. It like TAT,
browser as I got that we are pretty good? My first ask it it until in browser. Like Actually I better get better and the rift is doubly like that, like ok, it's kind of some kind of a games but PETE, I don't think he sneaky pink, oi sneaky mother tongues, like smart heat in wake up. Look there's one and I was really was Jeffreys big difference. I yet us one say I grew these different, so the that the geek right. So I wasn't down further colleague is either all head was white for a reason, like on my girl, you're one of my black belts. One of the people I get is true, but here's what people thinking. Is my hypothesis he's like look. I get it. They like the way you. Thus the tradition can argue with that, but they just haven't felt the power. The pleasure lucky they just if I can get them to somehow feel what I'm feeling about. Ok, so he'll give you a framework you relax. I can't wear this being and you put it on you like
I gave em to have their own right. Peter successful bomb did then with the boots pure use. Pete gets some level of credit for a sneaking us, but just so you know, PETE Roberts. Listening this see in your moves broke, yes, I'm sitting, there rose you're, not gain anything by me. I get it, keep it up the accident. This hundred percent also What do we have? Ok, Jokela has a store skull, Jackal Store with some new stuff on there, by the way who these are back in by the way the big. I look at this for entered Prime Minister miss you know the last last season. You know we got. Sweatshirts Maybe that's where we're trying to obtain things up a little bit. You're pretty stoked about the jock, restores the board shorts, Sir, yet those kind are coming four fall winter too, which is cut off. Beat. But hey man, hey we're, happy, suppress, look, look I've been asking formed for three.
Fear so bad worth. Rather there we got exactly right either good. They run little bit loose the board's shorts little bit loose. That's good, that's good! For me. Get a squeeze the tree trunk legs into we do in the skinny Jean skinny, more choice. Does it work myself a little butter room, your aunt some ought stuff on there coming up to as well so It also have email list on there. If you want to sign up to get notified medical notifications for new stuff, but you didn't know the word notification there are just happened- knows about to say like if you want a notify. You know you use the wrong word for the wrong car tax anywhere else. What he called daddy my eyes crossing, make peace must in less dockers, doktor represent why on this path? That's where you do it also subscribe to the public, as you have already,
here. I I tunes and where we listen upon us does not the only part ass. We have by the way we also Jacko unravelling, which are due Darrow Cooper Martyr made fame of mortar made face. They're your Darrow grounded forecasts, which is about to do to warrior kit podcast, we got some little little better I'm a squeeze in some grounded. Some warrior kit park ass in the near future. You too general and if you want to subject yourself to videos where ECHO Charles has complete, creative control, to make everything blow up everything catch on fire. Then you can check it out the only if its song is its video less than five minutes there. Because of its along video. That actually would be nice to see some effects and they won't be there. Ok
yes, see what life looks like if you're, not or if you're intrigued by his Texas Batman persona voice wise I'm so appropriate way. To put it, we got something or psychological warfare. It's an album with tracks that I talk to you about. Overcoming your moments of weakness, get down on any mp3 platform out there in the world. It was the number one selling spoken word out. For eleven months on Itunes, and it makes it makes because not just artistically good whatever its effective functioning. How they spoken word albums are their autonomy. The questions on the others, since I will say this, there's something in the universe where perhaps you know, you're, like behaviour it is on your phone is randomly six up. Your car alike at my kind of
orchestra, lowest her Louis moments like it seems like sink and legs at its job. His voice, an easy it max about. Everything happened earlier that moment of weakness creep in any Eu Pie handed down, not shop that incomes on also for a canvas, my brother, Dakota Meyer, flips outcomes our common he's, making graphic representations of the path and other basically cool stuff No you just regarding carted off at asked have come from flippant. Aren't you guess we ve? we got good check and we ve got this one. It was freedom. We get all kinds of. We had default aggressive went home and we got a bunch of posters as well of the master and of echelon front and back and with troopers you mean you didn't get a poster that had like an outstretched hand on the cliff and- and Her hand going to this has on niece teamwork,
You know those opposed to go free did I mean, like the poetry, posters, a wolf howling and your ship on it yeah those posters, side canvas. We do not sell those posters, we sell posters that are there only be described with one word, legit the posters are legit and Dakota and Mandy on the team are awesome, ass, an organ we have some books about face. First, a dish with the forward by me, which is just friggin an honour to be able to do we got the code devaluation, the protocol leadership straw Jeanne tactics, field manual, warrior kid the work in one two and three by the way way. The warrior kid for you can pre order right now. It's called way of the warrior. You know the name of
new way, the work it is you might now? Yes do you know what it is that do not It's called away of the warrior kid for field manual, premises, the land, they are school. You MA, been happens marred years, but this, but now he's gonna get dialed in last year's school. Kid comes up to him and says: hey you. I've never really talk you before and I notice. You know you were that warrior care ass. You do and pull off with your friends and his kind it's kind of shiny says. I really wanted to be a warrior. It like you announced wait cause I'm moving away, and you know I just I wish I could have hung out with you and so Uncle Jake shows up and and Mark tells uncle Jack about this and says you know hey this. I feel really bad this kid's moving away. He wants to be a warrior. Kiddies too shy to say anything and do not want to be
open, but I know what I could do and Uncle Jake's. As I know what you can do right, I'm a field manual on how to be a warrior kid. So there and not its the same, let's see ape and size as the discipline equals Freedom field manual, You may notice some similarities when it comes to the lay out just a land of cover. It's funny John Balzac turf, the artist the designer whenever I says that, like a good idea, he who is as I think you might beyond the something there so ass, explaining the cover boy, your kids delirious. I think you might beyond the sum some young. So we, the work at Fort, is available. My the dragons, which has been crime, is the greatest children's book ever written I've. That's what I've heard me on that
I wrote it onawandah, you know he alighted about it. Apparently a lot of people think a lot of people think and that this political freedom feel manual. Oh by the way, is a new version that common out. You know it's called Mark one Maud one. You know that means kind of yes. Some cameras are linked to your marvellous work through. So this is the first modification to the original. This political freedom feel manual, there's a bunch, a new page. In their road, about much new things, so you can check that out and then, of course, there's a little book called extreme ownership that I wrote with my brother lay famine and the follow up to that book, which is good the dichotomy of leadership, the things that we heard us talking about today, if you want to see how to take those things and apply them what you're doing in life, whether at your business, whether its you're a first
spawned, whatever you do, whatever you do, and if your interacting with other human beings get to the source, remoter ship and that I leadership as front What's up with national front life Dellai I got over their software work. Would leaders overtime, you known as we talk about a discipline phenomenal. The watch phenomenal to watch through this tough times have been some some economic. Turn wall to cover lockdowns and an unreal the cross right across Amerika, etc. Like it it's been nigh. It's been os embassy com, mistaken, apply those principles, and so we got guts of coordination, of riding particular for if all mine, or are we We have our redesigned that, thanks to, The great echo Charles, put mastered behind that offer our are our landing page in design and set up, and we ve streamline the process. Logging on that thing and we
troopers from. I think, I'm glad you get the great ECHO Charles. I seem to end up with the average ECHO Charles over here. I think we're wreck is reckoned happy with it that a great deal yeah forty six countries around the world. Where we re youthful mind. What we're doing is were look our goal. Our mission and echelon front is to teach the leadership lessons that we learn on the battlefield that we translate into every day business everyday life, how to lead how to lead down the chain, a doesn't matter fewer. It doesn't matter, fear that the ceo, we're a fault person, It's not in charge of anyone when you who are interacting with other human beings. You are in the leadership position you can, you can do things to improve the mission. You can do things that will improve your station in life, going. You have all my dot com we course is about this stuff. We do live training all the time. If you want to ask me a question, if you want asked leaf a question about something he said, did I go on there
here, for mine dot com, for that we are. Standing by to help spread the word we have the muster The master there's only one this year do do covert and there is going to be in Dallas, Texas December. Third and fourth, I just did a gig dearest, private or people there, their social distancing happening. So it's going to be something like that will take, precautions, but the monsters on demonstrating we are super excited to meet with troops. Is we had been such a bummer? They have to have cancel two of them. A bomb excited added. Have this one year December dolls? Here's another bummer, is that since we carefully, the two most people at the other two transferred their tickets to this one which means. It's gonna sell out like they always do so. If you want,
I'm just try register earlier extreme ownership, dot com. And we also have the F over watch free, day. One we ve had people asking us hey: where can we get people that understand these leadership principles? Eventually we started this company, have over watch to EF of watchdog, calm. We MIKE's really at the helm. You heard him on podcasting forty four him George Randal Ave. They big geek out about hiring an getting people into companies taking leaders. Military leaders that understand these principles train in these principles and then show companies and help you led your company to victory. Gotta go to e f o watch dot com and, if you wanna service members, if service members, retired service members, their families, gold, star families around the world than you can check out Mark Liese mom she
and a charity organization Mamma, we if you want to donate or get involved than you, can go check out America's mighty war, yours, dot, org and if you're a masochistic. If, like pain, and just want more of my discordant declarations or if you want more punishment in the form of echoes is oriented diatribes or you wanna get some moral layoffs, prolong. The proclamations. Then you can find us on the inner webs wafers on twitter at Bob and he's on Instagram, which echo will only refer to as the gram relay famine and he's on Facebook outlay of bourbon and of course, ECHO is at ECHO Charles and I am at Java willing and thanks to General Bruce Clark for years,
service to our great nation, for your leadership and guides that continues to have an impact today and thanks. All of our service, men and women who are out there leading and also having an impact in the world by protecting our freedom and, of course, to police and law enforcement and fire fighters, Paramedics and Emts and dispatchers and correctional officers and border patrol and secret service and all other first responders. Thank you for protecting and keeping us safe here at home and to everyone else out there remember these lessons from General Clark. Remember that the commander must be a model soldier. He must master the technique of war, he must expand and improve is knowledge. He must exhibit Lee stamina and courage
above all, it must set the example, and you set the example every day by going out there and getting after it until next time. This is life and echo and Jacko out.
Transcript generated on 2021-02-24.