« Jocko Podcast

88: The Cost of Unpreparedness and The Importance of Fortitude. "Excursion To Hell"

2017-08-16 | 🔗

0:00:00 - Opening

0:07:28 - "Excursion To Hell", by Vince Bramley

2:04:40 - Final thoughts and Take-aways.

2:22:14 - Support, Cool OnnitJockoStore stuff, with Jocko White Tea and Psychological Warfare (on iTunes)Extreme Ownership (book)The Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual. Origin BrandOrigin Jiu Jitsu Immersion Camp.  Origin BrandExtreme Ownership Muster 004 in San Diego. 

2:52:01 - Closing Gratitude.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This is Jacko podcast number, eighty eight Charles and me Jacko willing good evening echo good evening. I went into a public house to get a plane, a beer, the public guinea up and says we serve, no red coats here too rose behind the bar, they laughed and giggled fit to die. I out into the streets gin and to myself, says I, oh, it's Tommy this and Tommy that and Tommy go away, but its thank you, Mr Atkins. When the band begins to play When the ban begins to play, my boys band begins to play. Oh, it's. Thank you, Mr Atkins. When the band begin to play. I went into a theatre, a sobering could be, they gave
drunk civilian room, but they had known for me. They sent me to the gallery around. The music halls, but when it comes- To fight and Lord, they showed me in the stalls for its may this and Tommy that and Tommy wait outside, but its special train for Atkins when the troopers on the tide? The true ships on the tide, my boys, the troop ships. On the tide. Special train for Atkins when the trooper on the tide. Yes, making Markka uniforms that guard you. While you sleep, is cheap, then them uniforms in their starvation. Cheap and when drunken soldiers, when they're going large a bit, is five times better business than paraded in four kids, then
Tommy this and Tommy, that in Tommy how's your soul, but thin red line of euros. When the drums begin to roll the drums Gin to roll my boys, the drums begin to roll. Oh, it's thin, red line of euros. When the drums begin to role, we are no then ready arose. No, we aren't no black, guards to but single men in barracks, most remarkable, like you, Sometimes our conduct is an all your fancy paints. Why so go men in barracks, don't grow into plaster saints, while its call this and Tommy that and Tommy far behind its priests, walk in the front sir, when there's trouble in the wind
there's trouble in the wind. My boys there's trouble in the wind. Oh, it's please walk to the front, Sir, when there trouble in the wind. Talk of better food for us in schools and fires in awe will rate correct rations? If you treatise rational, don't mess about the cook, slops book prove to our face The widows uniform is not the soldiers men disgrace for it Tommy this Tommy that and shock him out the brute, but it's If Europe is country, when the guns begin to shoot Tommy, this Tommy that in anything you please Tommy anal blooming fool. You bet that Tommy Seas.
And that is a another poem from Kipling Taxi one of my favorites from Kipling and end you can follow it and you can go back and read through it. Look it up online mine, it's it's explaining how you know the soldier doesn't get me respect during peacetime. But when it's time to fight, but when The troop ship is on the tide, then its Tommy, which is slang for the british soldier than its Tommy to the front of line, but Point that I wanted to focus on is is a line in the poem. Where it says, and if some times our conduct is an all, your fancy paints why Single men in barracks, don't grow into plaster saints and what,
That means is that. Soldiers and Marines in. Sailors in those men that go out into harm's way, voluntarily they're, not always boy scouts gonna, be plaster saint. You know, plaster saint, like you, have the little statue of a Saint Luke Christian, Saint the soldiers are getting a little rough around the edges. They might be a little bit rowdy, they might be a little bit brash, they might be a little bit drunk, they might be troublemakers. Now all like that. Obviously. But some of them are and guess who else is going to go forward who else is gonna go put their life? on the line. It's these guys and will end by the way when you are raised in barracks
A single man in a barracks. You some trouble from time to time and time once you You take these young men and you put him in a battle. Once you subject them to fear and terror and death. Can we assume now and expect them to act like saints. Can we somehow expect that their behaviour is now going to transition to becoming beyond repair? research in the way. You carry themselves. I don't think that's a realistic outlook. Now the book that we're gonna look at today is an example war, and it shows once again that war is brutal.
Not just in actions, but also in attitude in language. And in the way it impacts men both physically and mentally, in this guess raw its graphic its brutish and it's real. The language. That's it that's offensive. I leave it in. Why? Because war is offensive. And the language used in war is also offence in it offence. And if you don't want to hear, offensive language or graphic descriptions. Completely politically incorrect state being made. Then don't listen to this part cast The book is called scourging in Hell and
it tracks the experience of its offer her guy by name of Vincent Bramley, whose a young corporal in third battalion of the british Armies Parachute regiment. Otherwise known as the three Paris. Now the book starts, caught up with the way that the Falkland Islands is starting to escalate and has starting to escalate vague put on their name. These repairs get put onto a cruise ship chartered cruise ship called the as can the baron, their sailing south towards the Falkland Islands. And now we
starting to get information about to get in intelligence and start to get briefed on what's happening. Cuz. These guys, don't even know where, where the Falkland Islands were need, a lot of them. They didn't know where they were at some random island out in the middle of nowhere. They couldn't find it on a map lot of them now. There definitely look out there trying to figure out what's going on there, so we're started to get somebody's briefs. We're going to the book now. Our lectures noon now, the early afternoon now the most memorable was by some of the very keen Marines who had been serving in the Falklands at the time of the invasion the Falkland Islands were in a British. I guess you called a colony, but not colony, it's a little. British, it was owned by the British at the time and the Argentinians invaded it. So here we go Obviously, listening to first hand, experience was better,
Listening to some officer lecturing us on his personal beliefs. At the time, however, an officer from way up top gave a graphic account of what the are that's, what they call the urgent daisy orgies we're up to at the time. The intelligence constantly coming in with essential to all levels what I remember most about this lecture, was the officer standing, probably in front of us saying the art nineteen army is the best and strongest in South America. He told You will be in for a big scrap if it comes to war. Gents have no qualms about it. At the last week, ordered reports, the Jeez have about nine thousand men in fortified positions, around Stanley, the capital, We also have good reports that they are under fed morale is low and they have they can to eating horses and sheep which they have been stealing from the inhabitants of the local people that lived on the Falkland Islands.
This tells us that they are very on disciplined in Was to show that conscription is going to be their mistakes, are they have some other soldiers? Are conscripts meeting their forced into the into the army like a draft like yes,. My immediately my immediate feelings were Nine thousand fucking men and we only have two or three thousand what the fuck is. The big brass up to. So what is interesting about this is, One of the things that I really this reminded me of is these guys never work before them. For use even mention any one that has any prior combat experience and So this reminds me of when I was on my em all my first deployments like you know, I talked about being off the coast of Somalia. I talked about being of the goes to Rwanda and that's. The position that these guys were in an end and what our minds that was
I was to go in to Rwanda when I was a kid when I was you know well world, I was twenty two years old never been in combat before I would be completely different person than if I went in right now with my ye all the things that we talk about all time I mean I'd, be Stu. I just understand combat. I understand war bedroom. Forty five years old I be in combat leadership positions been in firefights. I understand these things. My attitude to be completely different. Oh completely different then it would be. I when I was twenty two words when three years old, their fired up with a million rounds and using know cyclase river. You know getting ready to go to smile, your head, blatant hunter two pounds of gear, grenades, we're so loaded. I wish the new heavy because we felt we want a world war three, and That's the that's! What these guys are like, they dont dared. There's there they just don't they
when a combat and I really do you know where everything is there to be ready for everything and adjust their attitude, and you can see it actually carries through this thing. Almost like, and this is what he says too. At times it's almost like they're on this giant really hard training exercise. Obviously it turns very sound, some ports and very much much more beyond that, but this is what a lot of this reminds me these guys. Now, some of these guys had been in. I agree. The combat experience at these guys. What happened- and I should have remembered this- I didn't you know what these had combat experts to help combat experience from being in Northern Ireland. So most of them had done deployments over the Northern Ireland but think that was a little bit more of us, not it's, not it's, not the full kind of combat there about to get engaged in here. So. That'S- what he reminds me of here in the way there talking all right, so
Back to the book on three May. The submarine h m S conqueror sank the argentinean ship General Bell, Grano with a lost loss of about three hundred lives, This news was first brought to us. We were optical thinking, yeah, ok,. Once the news was official, it wasn't greeted with total enthusiasm in the bar That night, most of us were solemn. We now new war was inevitable. They have a bar on this, ship that there are never bar there rather drink how to get some allotment of beers in there. That's what you're hanging out, but all the sun, this real! You know you don't eat, you don't kill three hundred. You know enemy sailors and think you're not going to go to war, and it comes back back the book the night of four May, while we were playing bingo in the bar news, came that the HTML Sheffield had been hit by Archie Exocet, which is a type of missile and was sinking The loss of a harrier jet was also reported. The news it
troops on board like a sledgehammer. Until now, everything we had heard had been in our favour: South George, had been retaken and the jeez submarine patrol boats at all been hit, even their inland positions have been bombed by the Navy and now a Bell Grano, which was the ship that its sinking, Sheffield was the first of their strike backs On the bar that night swung from an incredible high to an almost sickening silence in the each talks about this, but the waiting these guys are now that it's a long crews down there. I think it takes about real three weeks to get down there the book the day after the Sheffield is hit. We knew or way was coming to an end the ammo we was quiet and morale. Booster was now much needed. The only thing possible for the task force was revenge.
Thinking of the Sheffield had hit us as if we had lost a personal friend tension mounted frustration showed in everyone's eyes the Miss drills were now carried out in full kit and pounding the decks in the heat was gaudy, work. So don't I'm living steaming down there, out there running lapse on the other deck of the cruise ship. Trying to get in shape for what what's coming, back to the book. The main in four we picked up suggested a possible move on twenty may so now so they're trying to say I was going on there down these disguise veto, pretty low untollable, trying to figure out what's going on here in all these different rumours and and now they picked up that maybe they're gonna go on twenty may back to Our nerves now started the move. South was steady and without a real complications, but further south we went but further we were going in somehow I and many others still didn't quite believe the war is going to happen.
We were lost in our own thoughts on many different subjects: home came secondary now I thought about the Eu- and winds of our rival in the exclusion zone and the landings and battles to follow home was not my immediate thoughts. Survival was spent Nation was now rife as to whether what the landing procedure would be. We were still very much in the dark as to what was happening, but the next week in the next twenty four hours, all the bullshit rumors and personal beliefs were corrected by the balloon commander gents. He said it's the green light. So they know their now going in Now, they're getting into the serious preparations, packing repackaging to make our webbing as comfortables possible. We began to cite yourselves up for the days ahead. It was nerve racking beyond belief, yet morale seem remarkably high throughout the ship, though
the laughing and joking among the lads was partly to cover the fear, not that anyone fought. Deaf was going to hit him that way. For the guy. You were talking to gain the com. Belief that the common belief that we hear quite a bit which is not going to happen to me. Are I will say this, as I say it for all. These shows that we do I'm keeping a bunch of stuff I'm giving you some of the high points, but the way he lays this out and attention that he built it is now standing job the tension and capturing it, and I'm I'm going through pretty quickly, but It's worth reading cause at worth reading, because, if you're in one of these situations especially when you are in charge of guys that have never been to combat before this is what you got. It gives you a good lesson. About keeping guy informed about preparing for combat in keeping them with a right mindset going in so now,
They actually transfer from the cruise ship now they get onto a warship and eventually upon a landing craft. That's that's heading to shore. Because they're going to war again Covered that one in four in six minutes right now, it's it's much more well detailed in the book, but right now they're, getting ready to do their landing back. Book. The area now look like an overcrowded tube train, the troops so close together, tat, you could count the black heads on your neighbors face. I sat on my kit observing the order to keep all noise down no talking. I looked around. I looked around me at the hundreds of camp faces, so they got candid camouflage paid on an hundred you can't faces all with big wide eyes. Each Told its own story eats, each soldier had his own doubts about the coming battle in the law adds as the lads cos waiting, the story of all soldiers myself,
the story of all soldiers myself, I couldn't help but think that it was still joke and that won't we wouldn't be going to my. Stomach was not in the nausea was hard to control. The nervousness running through me was the worst of all waiting waiting for that fucking green light. Doc, Murdoch, Doc, Murdoch's, that next to me pulling faces like a comedian fuck off Like I said I ve got the jitters I gotta go somewhere thence, don't worry. The frustration of waiting, and all the hassles of the last six weeks disappeared as we washed and stunned silence the battle for fanning head to our left. Fanning head was the orgy o p near sent Carlos USA Acid Mountain and attack there to allow our landings to go ahead without interference. The trace around a naval bombardment on the Tipp of the bay brought us
roughly into the real world Jesus Look at that, its fireworks display. Shouted a lad at the front of the craft, shut up and the coming beach we had noticed, we are moving towards the beach. All heads had been turned to watch the battle, so that's the way cup call. They're going to do their beaks landing in there's a massive firefight going on with the USA as doing a hit, now They they d get on. They do the landing the landings unopposed they're starting to patrol movement towards one of their objectives. Here, go when we passed sand Carlos to Gazelle helicopters had just been shot down by some of the fleeing enemy word. Very. Quickly went around that the crew had been shot in the water while trying to swim. Ashore are
anger, brought home the reality of war and introduced us to the type of enemy. We would be fighting. I would personally felt I personally felt that if we could have caught those risks principle. We would have killed them for the cowardly act. So there's some well cowardly acts. I guess is the is the word used, so the guy trying to swim to safety, and they get shot. Now a copper pilots way into a position and they they they hold up for a while and insecurity position backed the book Guard, sat behind the the S S gun for two hours on four off, there's sleep to be had what? What Cold rain Pont shows flapping, all over the place and everyone restlessly changing positions all the time it was again.
First night, so they're out there, the freezing it's dead. That's one thing they weren't really prepared, for they won't really prepared for this cold weather and. But that's how they kick off no enemy contact yet others. They could see off in the distance. It gathered up for a little morning, meeting back to the book, p, grey, gathered the ants around him for a day. We brief and informed us of the things we weren't interested in, but also formulas that a company and see company had a blue on blue sometime earlier, apparently of companies had patrols out too for the Argius who escaped on our landing one, Fraud spotted the other and asked for mortars on their position. Seen in turn The other company asked for artillery on the first company, so about
battle between a company and see company both firing small arms at each other, with minutes the operations officer in charge, realise the arrow error and radioed for a cease fire, but not before three to four lads and been badly shot up to them. Suffering, head wounds. The ops officer was temporarily removed from the task. So again we got Relatively unexperienced, guys they're out there and in. Obviously I highlight that because Blue blue is real thing and people. Don't think it's gonna happen. I think leaf was talking about this. If you were to ask someone in to your browser, is What are the chances that work and have a blue on blue on our deployment? It would have been like the zero per se Worthy zero percent, because it was that its taboo and the fact it.
You know what there's a blue on blue, that we talked about an extreme ownership, but there is blue on Blue's all the time in the body and This is another example of how easy it is to have. It happened between two companies in the same battalion, back to the book. Well, lads bad news said: PETE the land to convince, has been sunk, how the fuck did that get hit, asked someone from the rear. You tell me PETE, wasn't a hat man, nor we for the ship been carrying the two and luxury kit like tents overboard, and so on. So there was a supply ship? Well, ship that had a bunch of supplies on including helicopters and helicopters what spoke to transport the pair around Falkland. That was the planned that that does get sunk
and now you get Sancho the helicopters on it. You got some with the thing like tents and sleeping bags, that's going to allow them to be operate comfortably in this cold environment. If you don't know where Falkland Islands is down by an article. Back to the book. Some bastard should fall for this. We thought all that It on one bloody ship, bad news- of our choppers being sung hit us shortly, and many of us were still thinking about about it PETE announced the next info. No joy offers so the big, makes have decided that we start walking s pit asap like today, PETE Game the breakdown of what was happening to Para, was on the march together. Screen. Forty five command a word or two head north to settlement called Douglas. We of three Para were to take teal inlet. Within an hour, all kit was packed tightly away
last meals and bruised demolished weapons, oiled and ready, and bunkers evacuated, Bruce Stock about tee and the Brits. If you dont know they like thirteen! It's it's! It's epic! and I saw that it you know with Britain work with. Obviously, I'm married to a bit. So I know how much they d like tea in drink tea,. I've I sought overseas. Guys would be they they just would be ready to brutal at any given time. The first, the Sri lankan when I was working with the Sri lankan goes back in the afternoon they ve been heavy, is heavily influenced by the british Army and by it is culture, because a british settlement, foreign time they got their tea onto they would brew. Any EU needs to take a break, ten minutes, it's gotta, be over, there were the little stove little Hext LAMP Bruin Uppity So that's something that you're gonna
and I'm talking about it now I dont as much as I could in this podcast, but that's their talk about having a copy ruin. A couple. Do don't approve When I worked with guys that as he s guys, that would come and stay with us here. Those guys in the same way he didn t I gotta have got over property solid. Back to the book. We made her way up the prominent part of what the gap where most of the time was gathering the Csf. That's the command. Sergeant major of Bee company was organizing which kit we were to carry and which to leave no tried, no trial, It's really ask as Afghans in it. As have guns, sustained Firebird spacecraft, big heavy machine gun that that takes crew to operate so you ever tripod someone cares, the tripod someone cares the gun. Someone cares the ammunition. We still think that's how they break it. Up.
No tripods for the Us Afghans and no sleeping bags. No burdens burdens is what the Brits call their big backpacks or big rocks acts all unnecessary wait to be left. We repacked our kit, the bird, and tripods were centralized for later pick up. They were to be cheap, put forward if a chopper became available. We all EL pissed off about the conveyor being sunk and the prospect of the coming tab, so they call a march or hump the colony tab. We were, we were pissed off about the coming tab. We knew that the march would be about fifty kilometers. We're all glad to be moving breaking out across the island. On the offensive we set out at Two thirty in the afternoon on what was to be an epic march for the regiment.
With the gps gee. That's a general purpose. Machine gun webbing order and ammo slung over every part of our bodies, we tabs or rather hobbled, as fast as we could. Over the first till we start the march around the sight of an adjoining hill This time the Marines were walking, alongside us rate, a break northwards toward Douglas towards the Douglas settlement on like us. They cared for kit burdens and all In thirty minutes we had a short break to let the stragglers catch up. Young marine was propped on his back beside me with his Bergen as a support You lot have the right idea. He said no fucking extras. We look like donkeys here. I couldn't help but agree with them, but thought to myself that while we may move faster, we'd be coldest at night. That time, I didn't know we'd be marching flat out all the way day and night.
In less than an hour, our bodies were struggling under the weight of kit and ammo. The g Gm G seemed away a ton we saw, it on every short break. Within the first two hours, the night March orders were passed slowly back along the length of the battalion that we'd be stopping for fifteen minutes in every hour. Some even started clock watching our boots What socks were becoming unbearable, demarche and rubber badly on the feet mode of most. If All of US blisters sprained, ankles added unexpectedly to the injury tall, haven't done a good job of describing the terrain, its miserable terrain just rocks. Slippery rocks, big, steep hills. It's it's go, look at it. You're gonna get some images of what the terrain and the Falkland Islands is like. It's it's a nightmare to nightmare to patrol on and it's the can. Its knowing came. It's gonna, Snow
snowing yet but its correct. But is that called worthily? Which actually is in some ways worse in some ways, it's worse to have cause if it's cold enough, that it snowing snows snow, generally dry. If that makes sense, rain is ray. You're right, you get reigned on your wet year, If you get snowed on, you can maintain your your drawing surrendering to really cold environment. Words, words, snowing Ok, the snow, its it doesn't make you wet and wet, makes you called That is one of the worst. Things is right on that border between because then you get rained on, but then, when the sun was out, it turns into freezing So this is the worst we're worst environment you could. You could want for this? situation that therein and. All their give only have what limited gear they they should have got sunk on a boat. Or its in their burdens, but that even the stuff that's in their burdens, isn't the full isn't the best winner equipment that they would want all that stuff.
Got sunk so he's, got a guy that started to slack a little bit. His name is of TAT move up move up. I screamed I can't van some fucked I was losing my rag, I could see he was out of it, but I couldn't stand the fact that he was gonna. Let us down before we even got there. Tat was keep up and mumbling out loud that he could do if only we were to slow down a little bit, but it was impossible. Nobody could tell the lead elements to slow down the gap got bigger. Wearing got louder, tough, wasn't there We want to feel the strain many of the lads were struggling at last exhausted we stopped on the slope of yet another wind, swept Hill, Taft, sure, uncontrollably. He had a bad and lay there totally the game, I informed the medics.
Steve was sitting beside his usual when it The unusual order came from the seal. The commanding officer, brew up a hot copper and make a snack that was. The order The shock, the lot of us theoretically it was a no no sitting in the middle of an advance in the open and pitch dark practically though it was the best order yet Welcome brew was what we needed: the seal, was obviously aware that the lads were suffering from the speed of the march to me tat looked as though he was about to die. His nine stone frame wasn't strong enough for the rest of the march. I could run the British, the army's british fitness test and around it minutes and was considered our best runner this proves, as do other accounts. I heard after the war that the fitness of troops cannot be determined by how fast they can run The Paris always pride themselves on tapping with kid, so it means arching with gear
and rightly so, but I learned a lesson on our we're on our first nights March. You must. A body fat on you to waste for that kind of long tab that we headed barked on so got a guy like me, no super thin dry athlete canaries. Now you put a bunch await autumn he's, hurt and I'll tell you that that was also that's a generalization too, does not always do. I know some guys that were lean and could run fast, and they can also help Iraq like it was like it was the leg it was their business. Now. They start gathered up kind of guys that can't continue The actual leave these guys are continuing perimeter area and then we're going the book, we slogged it out for another two or three hours of continuous hills. Bogs rocks holes in the ground ever thing that we could possibly everything that could possibly make your trip or get wet.
But the bloody awful train. We had the rain, sleet, wind and freezing climate to cope with exhausted and near the point of collapse. Came to the first man made thing, I'd, seen from the small houses at Saint. Carlos was a barbed wire fence there right in the middle of nowhere sat the fence stretching far into the darkness on either side orders from above told us to rest up till first light we ve been for fifteen hours across the worst terrain. You could imagine Steve I attached or poncho, with. Bundy's are ponchas with bodies to the fence and sky Eddie, Kiev and Johnny bashed up on the other side, creating a template accommodation. That's like their term for making shelter. We call a busy up, which is where it is worth asleep? They call it bashed up. We take Vivian, maybe up here,
the rain hard for the remaining four hours of darkness. The wind blew the rain in on us, as we all lay there trying to rest in the basher but although we were exhausted some, Snoring soon broke into my thoughts and outside around the basher. Little whispers could be heard and other voices shouting for silence. I closed my eyes, dreaming of a bath clean sheets and a letter from home In mind the rain, and does it My face the chance to. Was welcome and eventually managed to sleep. I was away by a nudge from skinny who is already half packed and ready move Steve I crawled from our refuge and quietly pact are kit into our webbing, the ray And called a trunk the webbing, so there was forgot to fasten. Cold and numbness had swearing out loud. We tagged, Overmore hills through more bogs marshes, my legs
more than I had thought possible. Steve was, if anything better than me with the weight. The time I start to struggle with the gps g. He took it without complaining. Carry that weapon. He could brutal march get to their next destination, where they're going to allay, appoint or a perimeter wilderness, stop for a while back the book. My stomach, felt hollow. The wind and rain drain me of life. Lying there feeling near to total exhaustion. I couldn't even think of what was to come. The battle fourteen in but my feet, didn't exist anymore? They were just blocks of numbed ice attached to my legs tapping them too. Other brought a pain that felt as if they would shatter and fall off Steve, lay next to me lighting up a fag which cigarette he look dump through the rain clouds at the dark and sky if we care. At this rate, we all do
that of exhaustion. He murmured. Steve said that he didn't want to look at his feet because they felt like they were falling off. I peeled back wet socks saw blood on my right foot and discovered that the name of my big toe was hanging off numbness. A mast. What normally would have been agony clinic my teeth pulled the nail away by its remaining roots. Soon, the shout went out that we were to get ready to move We are moving earlier than expected to catch the last of the daylight. When I stood up my body ached from head to foot I was minus one toenail. I took up my kit, moved into line with the others ready to go. The last thirteen kilometers to teal so far the taken us about fourteen hours to March forty odd kilometers. That was still good going We set off very slowly, spaced out in one long line rehab
over the hill in front of us. We do see more hills and marshes. I began to beat conscious of my toe and the more I thought about it. The worse it felt, however, the out of dropping out at that stage seem to fate worse than death, and so I fought the pain it's funny. Looking back but the further we went into the campaign, the less I thought of my home or family. I wasn't thinking of queen and country either. I thought of self, and the lads around me letting the side down was my biggest fear that fear kept me walking. Just doesn't want to let his boys down. That's it. Having force not even thinking about his family anymore, not thinking about garden country. I think it about queen.
Here's a little thing that I had to highlight. We were. We were annoyed by the lack of info coming down the marching mind to tell us where we were and how far we had left the march this, as a lesson I learned a long time ago when I was a young girl your guy inopportune and if you're in the back of the balloon a year. The backup drawing you don't know where you're going is the worst field. The worst feeling you ve no idea how much longer, where you're going where you are. Not only is it a bad feeling for the for the people and your team, it's too, ethically on sound because they know where they are. So what happens? If you can contact, we get split up where this was to go. There knew no. Where there were, if they're gonna run directions, they could get. Going to em enemy formation. It's it's a horrible scenario and is as a leader in any position you gotta Does Europe? Does the back your patrol know where you are disease? company know where you are working: company. Recently they had that, Transition to make
but no one knew what quantified that transition it just seemed like. Open, ended prospect and then no one knew where it ended, or what what quantified hey, ok, weaken we can. Move to the next phase, so it was a tough phase that there are both of you, cutting costs in being lost, directive on expenditures. I guess that is cutting costs, but Getting rid of some people, as it is a tough time but no one knew when that was gonna, end rain. They do. Thought all they knew that there were some kind of go out there, but they do know what it was and that was really tough for them in the transitions are giving. You need to set clear goals if you know what they are, which is actually the leadership did know they knew. There was a certain line, a certain amount, of course that they needed caught a curtain, certain operating expense that they needed to get down to, but they didn't everybody, so everyone just devour. We might just begun my job next or who know how long I'm be here we're just shut down. I don't
your people informed the people that are in the back into your patrol, you gotta Keep them informed back there We came to a fourth rip river, smaller than the rest and stumbled across it in the dark. The cold water mixed with our sweat to cause yet more sores on our feet. We are now about one and a half kilometers from the settlement of TEAL Inlet agony of the marching disappeared quickly, as it became clear that the task of battle would soon confront us how does that go one, and a half hours of lying in the cold with the wind shooting through us was all the action they had that night. So they d get deal inlet and really nothing really happens because the orgies had left the do get some updates back to the book we found out that some of the protein had dropped out on the march. More importantly, though, MIC Coleman, one of our gunners, had just been shot in the leg, not by the enemy
but by a knob in a company, so there first casualty. Besides someone getting hurt for marching, is get shot one by one of their own people, knob just there Augur territory for a tool effort. Not ass. Her way Not it's not area not Military right, it's not officials that military doctrinal term, knob, disabled turd,. The ceo and is been back the book, the ceiling is banned, followers inspected the lines later, Mornings and dug in another position with They might instructors to move our trencher. Something though usury thing, but we were still thinking is that we are on exercise so classic,
whereas there, the commanding officer, comes round, and they think he's gonna tell us to reduce these trenches cassettes. Will we be doing if we want access hey. You need to move this over here. That could be a little bit better. Doesn't do any that the seal look him, as he approached the six of us, taking a t break. Listen in lads The arrests, that's the regimental Sarge major. We look I am wondering what was coming during. The March to Paris or that's their sister battalion to Para, attacked, goose, green, Darwin settlements, after all, long battle, the region, liberated the settlement with the loss of Eighteen lives, including their commanding officer, Colonel H, Jones. Many have been wounded and a casualty list is being drawn up. They captured
dreads of arduous the war is now a different concept, for the enemy are believed to have shot down. Members of two Para showing a white flag. More information will be given once known The ceo half smiled and proceeded to the next line of partly dub trenches, Skippy care, John and I looked at each other with open mouths fought. Eighteen members of two pair a dead outweighed the view to refer us. I for one coming couldn't have given a shit about goose, green or anywhere else on the island. At that time it was a thought losing our mates in the sister battalion that worried me. So they think they ve got about, but this other better. And had been in a serious gunfight and taken some
pretty significant galleries, including losing their leader, the leader the battalion. Back to a book. The condition of our feet was becoming a major problem for the battalion, an old point suffered by troops during many wars was afflicting us in modern war, Trench foot our boots badly and cheaply made coupled with our old fashioned socks and put these caused this condition and and What these are like, I ever seen those old kind of school World WAR, one d like leggings or leg, aid is nor gaiters are they a cover, your shoes, the cargo, your boots, he was characterise trench. It was characterized by a dull thumping ache, all over the foot with blueness at the edges sums, a similar frostbite which some lads also got
Now they hold up for the night and then I he sleeping we get this we'll be corporal, be that's! That's that's who were talkin about right now. That's events, Vince Bramley Court, his Dick Home corporal, be a bunch corporal beak will be a voice risk whispered into the trench steed. I came around together. I look the policy for patterns officer. Looking down at me. Yes I replied, Vince, isn't it yes, sir, He asked your first name was an unusual between officers and men in the field. Sorry old boy, bad news for you, in my half sleep, I can't think of anything worse than being woken up. Orders from the boss we're pulling. First light and merchant You were stance here. He said a stance here: where the fuck is that I asked It was another thirty to fifty kilometers away toward Stanley. We learned stand begins the capital Stephen I looked at each other. As we sat the bought of our church to number to speak, I broke the seal
first, this is getting fuckin stupid. Steve March here, dig there were dropping down like flies. And now more do or die. Marching without resting, Steve started laughing at my moaning, his teeth shining in the dark What are you so happy about? I said just thought of more pain for the cause pain. Jesus. He was right. My feet would I before me, I thought, as I drifted back to sleep, I thought of my old corporal who trained me corporal daring. We hated him for his hard methods. He used to say, pain, doesn't matter, the mine does the work he was right. So write. His voice was screaming in my ears now, four years later, it was. To be mine over matter. There is wisdom. In the past is training method methods. I thought briefly of my parents, who
over the years had a rough time with my sluggish attitude. Had been in and out of all sorts of trouble before joining the army. I said to myself, but if I died with a boy in the head at least, it would be better than warring them into an early grave with my attitude, but to draw about now it be branded a winter would be unbearable. I own a lot to everyone, my old n c, my parents and, above all, to the law jobs around me, aperitif work without everyone giving their best. Lad, you fight and work for. You come second, so obviously more patrolling more boots boots boots over the Falkland Islands, another thirty kilometers up and down crappy terrain
back to the book. We are now within the enemies artillery range. The sea always ordered that we will dig, shall scraps for protection. No movement like walking around etc until ordered tomorrow so now there within enemy Artillery range, which we don't like artillery around here, not one its common towards us. At least he they there. Taking a look at each other sea, where the rat Stephen Tom, looked at my fee, wondering if I would be able to carry on, I found a bit and its hidden in my webbing and caught up to make small dressings for my blisters and toes thought the fresh air would do them help. Leaving my boots off. That night was by work. Leaving. My boots off. That night was be my worst mistake so far after freezing cold and sleepless night. The morning light showed me
two swollen feet, and the hardest frozen pair of boots imaginable imaginable. Putting those roots back on was agony. We marched for about four hours until the whole battalion and rendezvous- at a time we reached this point, I was now we crying in pain, my hip had bad webbing burns, and my feet were to run blobs as Iceland, against a peak PETE Bank Jimmy moron murmured that I look like Deaf warmed up. I felt like it too. Within two weeks, we look like a rag and bone army Our faces were drawn with the loss of weight, are uniforms, mattered and soaked. Our boots were damaged and we were hungry for solid food. Despite all this morale was very high in the reassuring knowledge that we have arched and taken mostly island without a bot battle or along,
of life. So far, so they they're making rapid progress and are not We are coming up against the enemy, the enemies, retreating at every time they roll into a place they find remnants of where the enemy was. When it, intelligence. It was the enemy was there, but the enemy just leaving soldiers damn against nature. That's what it's been. For the most part. This point they keep keep pumping we shuffled together. We were informed that we would be marching straight on to my London that night. The battle was about to begin the problem of peace, terrain called mouth now, London, we, had no time for last letters or anything else, repacked or kit and were briefed ready to go within two hours, the baton, informed up and marched appeal again spilling out of a settlement towards the summit of a stance here, the route we took with Treacherous we crossed a rock,
field of some sort of Iraq's were sharp and jagged. In four hours we only covered free, kilometers, sweat, and doubtless like water, I stopped one stage to take off my soaking long Johns. We can- the whole, as the order turned back, turned back hit our what's the fucking matter now. Someone shouted gesture back induce. Your told, screamed in officer just on the other side of the hill out of the view Stanley, which is that the capital loudest had been ordered back. Why shortly after we learned the cabbage heads, so they called the decimal in theirs: Marines Roma down there. Working in and running, some of major operations and they called cabbages shortly after we learned to cabotage running the show hadn't agreed to our advance, they didn't think we're
take the risk of going into battle on our own so that the Marines wanted to be there with them. So they set up. Don't don't go to a long time. Yet, back to the book as we were milling around a peat fire with nine squadron. A chopper came down from one of the mountains some nosey lot lads ran towards and quickly brought back report that some Marines had been in a blue on blue contact that night so another Bootblue, a written learning patrol, had stumbled upon a mortar base, team asleep, and it shall them as they lay in their sleeping bags. There were three to four dead. Whatever we felt about the Marines, we're sorry for them on that day, if, if you're out there and you use a gun for party your job, whether urine police department there. You are a swat team, whether you're in the military, I'm Dounia
the blue Ombu happens and you Gotta do all you can to train for situations and always be aware that it can happen do you not think it can happen? That's why it happens. Back to book on ten June. We had orders that something was going down soon. We see Pounds per gun for fur and oiled and Greece them, the pc issued fifty rounds per gun for for balancing. That's that's that basically test firing and probably do in some kind of a timing drill on your weapon to make sure that that it's good to go Bob get us immediately balanced his gun by fire across the water inlet into the sea. Tony Joan But just setting up his when the queue em, It's a quarter, master guy in charge of supplies and logistics came screaming over an ordered us not to waste ammo report. Out the guns needed balancing but his narrow mind wouldn't have it. He walked away, please
by the thought of saving ammo. In fact he the major fuck up with all the guns in the battle. Only two of the six worked fifty rounds through each might have saved lives and would have at least provided better fire power for the battalion. So you're gonna guy the supply guy- hey, don't don't s fire your weapons? Don't do that right. Now it save the ammunition. Now they did realise that they would have an ammunition shortage. That can be a problem, but You don't get avenue, ammunition, George, if your guns don't work back to them for pc came down and we gather around him eagerly. He stood for the draining at us soon, it out. Sir, said Johnny Cook orders in half an hour tonight, lads green light, see you by the model, one half an hour so The model we saw, what they built a little terrain model so that they could cut.
Draw out where ruins going Congo through the plan, and this is What we are talking about now is the assault on Mount London, which is about to begin. Begins with getting into position. And, finally, there We are in position, the assault is getting started. Things start going sideways, pretty damn quickly back The book lieutenant Oliver rushed over to opposition right, listen and he said I felt like saying I was anyway, but for the time joking was over be company had to change their tactics a bit corps. Was Bramley ease and cooks tee. We will follow myself and Captain Mason into a company positions, while Corporal Tommo Tommo Colleagues in peers will go to another task. Okay, so things are good crazy this to move. He starts to move with with lieutenant Oliver towards. This other position back the book would run about two hundred metres. We were also
together, but now the run it become a fast stumbling walk. The noise. Battle continue to grow continued to Right now, as we moved around, the slope suddenly zipping sound whipped across my face, I didn't think anything of it ass. I walked and stumbled to keep up. Then three or four more zips hit the ground in front of it for you on and at my feet I still carried on I was walking behind Bhutan Oliver as walk behind within Oliver. We bodies lying all over the place. I thought what the fuck. Are they doing lying there? Jesus Christ fucking lying there and we are struggling. I saw a lad kneeling over a guy in a sleeping bag, armor as I got them just watching him a low moaning was coming from the sleeping bag. I'd gone up, twenty paces when several more zips hit the ground, sending a small shockwave. All around me. Fox sake. Are you completely not sir? What some guy shouted? What asked Lieutenant Oliver
do you know a snipers picking out us? We, Frozen solid and our tracks than fell to the ground arson I'll call him now joining the bodies lying all over the place. We had walked into a company's form up where they had been seen. By a sniper line. Dared hit me like a sledge hammer. The zips had been that had been missing me by inches. They were sniper fire lay there thinking you fucking Idiot Vince. I cursed my son If all the time we lay there blaming myself and unprofessional act, but then I'd never been shot up before and Mama and had been so occupied with moving that disease. Being sound, seemed unconnected with the battle Like I said, first, I've being shot up, they need to know what it was and
I've told the story here before with first I'm I got shot out for the first time I was receiving. Fire was now movies. I found some was known cigarettes out onto the road, how they who thou smoking and now Humphrey Enemy, but it was rounds hitting the humvee in- and I was the same way I was just like Didn'T- it Didn'T- occur to me when it hits you that that there later. Are you like, in shock or or d just kind of shift into yeah? Shitting too has your game time, but it took me Not. I wasn't. It was a pretty slow transition took me. It took me to think through the whole process of whose smoking a cigarette. We. Why are they thrown cigarettes? Wait? Why do they have so many cigarettes ways the entire humvee smoking a cigar? and putting all our now and it was like a massive volume of her, but it was rounds hidden well can be won near you That's the way to your site on on another humvee, unfriendly, angry and from saw the spark, I saw a spark. I was I thought, and some
There are some of the procedure and the same same thing, I will say this, though we were the first time I got shot at when I wasn't in a vehicle. You I heard the rounds gone over and I know what it was because I was used from one we do but I don't know how else to explain it when you shoot on a range like when you go to sight in your rifle, you shoot on the range in and of our skies you go down and you work the targets for the other guys are you're in basically in a bunker kind of all. Are you behind a big Burma and you put the target up for your guys and then, when they shoot out, you pull that back down you market. With these dear, so that they know where their shots, and they can make adjustments that you put it back up again. So, when you're doing that and you due to different distances that they issue from different distances issue from a hundred yards and issue from three hundred yards and issued from five hundred yards in this. You ve made Andrea, seek to hear all these different ones in the further out they get
the more you hear, the actual sound of the round going over right and at certain range, as you can hear, breaking a somber did its and it's pretty loud. It's it's a crack reward, but then, when they get far enough away, it did. You dont care that anymore I'd just sounds like peace talk about like a little zip like a little, you know it's. But I knew it was for some ever got shot at. I knew exactly what was skin. I knew what it was. Well, that the four I got shot at, not in men in them which, by the way I got shot at first. That was the first time ever got shot. It was. It was in the home, the ear I go back the book the battle was raging on the hill Artillery shells were landing there, adding two ricochet of bullets.
If you slowly raised your head, you could watch the free firework display, because that's what I look like the odd shout could be heard and the odd scream, but it was the sound of rifle machine gun and artillery that dominated the night. So we ve gone from hey we're out on patrol we're. Looking now there in full there's a full battle going on, after our we're all getting pissed off with his fucking sniper, something to be done in quick, he was holding a hundred thirty month. So these guys are pinned down there. Pinned down, and idea was find the planet they come up with. Their they're use of MILAN call them the lawn. It's like a wash short range color. It's like bazooka. But it's why are guided see you can actually steered a little bit. It's a missile, a little and carried missile, and that Plan is to use that to shoot from where they think the sniper shooting from so they get in position to get the Milana position and then they're going to once they shoot with the MILAN they're going to shoot their machine guns at it.
Vice shouted Captain Mason My feet were forgotten my mind, emptied of any thoughts, but my eyes were completely live staring at the area of the fin. To start about this, too in future that would like a shark fin and possible target fire. Ginger, let off them along the rocket wars. Stop the small portable frame and picked up its deadly speed. After hundred twenty metres, it was at its deadliest We are only about ninety meters from the target by the way of yours, a sniper sooner at you from ninety meters. That is scary, he's not missing. Ginger method to guide the wire missile to wire. The missile on target, the explosion, ripped into the night sending sparks everywhere Bob press- the trigger and our guns burst to life for a few seconds then stopped star Page screamed Bob. I tried if the feed the cover the top of the GPA M d, but the knight site was in the way I ripped off the night side,
the weapon that food and disasters hand it's another guy says I clear The gun and reloaded baubles about the fire again. What is being sound, ripped the ground right in front of our tripod, we both docked behind the bank, enemies, bullets whizzed over our heads and all around us ginger was laughing and shouted they ve seen you all right. Fucking, brilliant, isn't it my night the bloody guns packed up happen. Mason shouted over from behind us. Reload reload see nine wants another one up there, They want to be hit again that sniper position again with a meal on which they do and they eventually care that problem and are able to move on now. They start
coming back down from that. From that supporting position. Does that that's what they're doing is the most part there assigned into supporting positions to get the high ground and support the assault as their happening? They come back down from that we, the bottom of the hill at about zero zero. Three zero hours The battle had been going for some three and a half hours. We came up to the FDA, P S first, aid post and walked past a line, a guy's lying there, moaning in half silence the medics were busy with all the did. There seem to be about twenty five guys working and wounded in the group. We were sitting some twenty metres from them in the darkness and weaken We just see the scene by the light of the moon. A sergeant from Battalion, H, Q came over and told came or to us, and the ten Oliver and Captain Mason stood up to meet him. We have three, firm debt. At this moment he said, Murdoch, Scott and Greenwood
We know there are more, but we can't get to them as yet so Murdoch of your remember. The guy was making fun of making funny faces when they are on the boat. Covenant confirm dead there com Station continued around are coming task. And that the arrest was coming to meet us. I sat in a trance I can't believe that we had lost guys today. Seems crazy that I should think like this, why I can only put it down to the fact that I was still in my own little world of make believe we would win the war without getting anyone killed the deficit three guys hit me like a brick total shock, Murdoch or simply dock dues. Who had been chatting with on the way to our start line after we bump into be company, now dead, Scottie from the empty platoon that some motor Transport platoon like Greenwood recently lignite nicknamed, faster because of his sleeping habits? My mind was born.
To the conversation around me, Johnny nudged me vince- were moving mate. This me too, the reality of it all. I was now fully alert for surely there was more to come now they're getting to another like a set, their job has been doing, supporting, supporting, arm which is basically cover move on a big scale. Doesn't there don't you get up a group? this machine gun platoon with their milk. With the heavy machine guns they're getting into elevated positions to cover for another element of another company or another battalion to go in and assaulted target. This is class cover moves situation in there in the cover position in most of these situations and that's what's goin on where we come back to the book there and another elevated firing position backed the book, be get ready. I we, for the command sergeant, major together If the orders to fire the weight was longer than I expected in my fingers state on the trigger frozen waiting.
Ass, I sat waiting for the command. Other voices came to my ears from among the sounds of battle. The voice of the wounded everywhere. Their cries It deals with those survivors still struggling and screaming frantically at each other. To move their move here, The wounded were, unlike anything else, their crimes, could be heard above the uninjured. Their shouts were desperate. My my, and went blank. Eyes were wide open with fright, for them Mouth, dried: as I lay there second seem like ours there. Anguished moaning and crying is here in my ears. Now as I right, no man what I were others did try need. For them. They somehow grew, seemed to grow, louder and louder. I burned with frustration one bit
Why later found out was bass, bear it seemed so near groaned. In shouting help me? Please don't we me for fuck's sake help. I can't move someone further. Along to our left called out for Christ's sake, I'm dying, don't let them bury me here. Please please. I shouted out, hang on dont me. Don't move for fuck's sake. Keep quiet start to crawl from my position. I wanted to help them murder grab my arm leave it Corporal B lieve it. I looked at him. Why Because a sniper, as already picked off about five or six guys that have tried to help top says no more. Okay, linked to the ground with a feeling of total helplessness. It was
worst feeling that anyone can imagine. As I try not to think it was real. The cries continued, oh god, I'm hit in the chest, I'm all wet. Please help the crying, went on and on. Some wounded guys had been dragged or had crawled away from the main impact area only to be pinned down elsewhere mind seeth with anger. Corporal be stand by the Sea S M screamed the command although killed off all the cries and moaning, the weapon brow stream of fire at the argentinean positions, three to five rounds bursting across the summit,. The steady rate of fire continued as the Csf shouted across to change direction using our tracer rounds as indicators. Also,
guns opened up our tracers ripped across the summit to the other end of the mountain. The book. Its bouncing in ricocheting in all directions, so Hammering the target their hammering the the enemy from where the enemy shooting, and obviously I mean one, oh, what a wretched description of being within the sound of the voices of your wounded men, who you cannot help, because there have pinned down by snipers. Eventually they this. I mean this goes on for a long time there. In this supporting position, there lay down farther shooting thousands and thousands and thousands of rounds back to the boy the Csf shouted, stop, stop worn out. We rested our heads on the ground
Battle had now been going on for some eleven hours. How We had lain there firing. I did not know. The Csf came over well done a company moving through too early. Now we ve covered having given them all the help we could give the rest is up to them. We can't fire anymore it get to them. It's too closely. It'll be light in an hour or so pull the gun back and dismounted did we get any asked Bob more than enough. He replied and walked away. Had we killed, we must have. I felt nothing afterwards just relax, I hadn't seen or targets they had been hidden in darkness. We hadn't held at the end of a bayonet or through rifle site. We killed
the spray of machine gun bots, it didn't seem. Personal it was as if the Enemy Haddan existed at all they complete their mission and then yes,. They crawled back to a little bit of a covered position away from where they had been supporting and then This time, further to our right, I looked down the hill. Was the shell exploded and saw an unbelievable display of flying red spot? Then another shell came over this time. Further to our right, I looked down the hall. It was the shell exploded and saw unbelievable display of flying red sparks deadly shrapnel the ground shook a shell after shell fell below
and ass the first, its of shelling were terrifying. So, been this. Is it now they started. We mention that they were artillery range and we all know what an salute horror, show two areas back to the Balkans, since a booming sound began that carried over the area. Someone screen incoming incoming sure enough. The air disappeared. There was wash and the explode And killed any remaining piece, He came in thick and fast. I may watching the red glowing shrapnel flying by now shrapnel was creeping up towards me, the explosions getting so loud. I thought they would deafened me. The shells were landing about. Fifty meters away for five shells would hidden area salvo. Then ex batch would hit about ten metres nearer.
The booming from Stanley could still be heard in the gaps between explosions in our areas, as I mean they're watching the shrapnel getting closer, I found myself shaking was from cold or fright. My leg shook couldn't control them and all the next salvo landed thirty metres away. A curled up into a ball as the shrapnel splintered. The rocks around me a piece, shrapnel land did in my who alcove still running with fury sizzling into the dirt by my waist, For five, more shells landed around us and then stopped as if it never begun The air was misty as though a fog swept over us. I lay back praying. It was over half light of the false down. I could now here shouting all down the hill. Some guys were screaming like mad one voice, what right through me. The scream of a man who knows he's about to die.
All over the hill people were shot medic medic,. I was about to crawl from my whole one another shell hit the ground. I hadn't even heard it coming fell on my face and stayed there for a few seconds. Another shall landed near by time. A shower of dirt fell on my back, I crawled back Into my whole and curled up again waiting my body, Look uncontrollably. The shells landed in thick salvos, the noise and explosions around me, making my head spend as if someone were banging and against the wall. I will do to stop, but the shells carried on landing around me then this second barb bombardment within minutes ended as suddenly ass. It had begun, so horrible hall
Four situation that therein and much like talked about the Germans having. Their mortars dialed in them their artillery dialed in its the same figure in the Falkland Islands. There's obvious train features. So when you holding a city like there, the Argentinians military, is in the city of Stanley. Will they know where they're gonna get attack from, and they know what a good firing position. So they have those positions dialed into their artillery and they. Just start hammering on back to the book. I can remember the aussi shouting behind me: move moved their artillery will be here soon against another China move sergeant, p waited only for me to squeeze myself through the gap before he took off again We had gone about four five steps ahead. Dropped out of the rocks grabbing at my ankle and dunams. The of it made us jump instantly. Sergeant p was back with me. We bought
Looked at my feet still holding my dunams was a wounded orgy. His eyes were staring at me, pleading, perhaps full of sorrow. Gnp shouted stack stepped back browsers. I tried to stop Back but the wounded soldier tightened his grip on me. I leaned back a sergeant p pointed his weapon and fired two bullets into the man's head. The noise of his weapon, echoing around the small gap, TAT when Johnny were behind me now the arduous head bounced quickly as a two rounds entered in his eyes or to the back of his head and his mouth, open to the release, a trickle of blood and saliva, which ran down his chin onto a shirt collar same time. His hand gave up its grasp on my dunams and dropped, onto my boots, my boot, as if I was playing football. His hand and arm dropped across his body and from mouth came a low whistle of air mixed with blood. All this took
seconds, but it seemed like a lifetime to me each date detail remains with me. Today, of this guy dying at my feet, shocked me, but I was grown Harder, although shaken I felt no remorse at the time the deadly aim of war lay at my feet only. I mattered. The rights or wrongs. The rights and wrongs of war can now we'll, be argued from the arm chair decisions are made on the spot question: asked afterwards that Own orgy could have been rigged to a booby trap or even armed the kill, done quickly and professionally. I felt that I should have acted as quickly as sergeant p come on me. He shouted sergeant please screamed in order for me to follow him as we try?
It further into the clearing we had to jump over the twisted pile of corpses. Mind was never nor has since been so alert. Adrenaline was rushing through my body so quickly that I felt I was floating with excitement mingled with fear A little further into clearing away three or four Argentinians visibly shaken shaking visibly close Together on the ground we ran, half walked through deadly sickening area of death, they up as we arrived, Had been seriously wounded and were moaning and crying, why held up his hands across his eyes and shouted Mama. I felt he thought there. We were or I was about to shoot him here known calling for his mama in a low whale.
One Argentinian sat in a trance his eyes wide and staring at nothing. Tears ran down his face. The only sign that he was alive. None of them moved all look like this back to be shot by us, but we ran past The whole area was littered with weapons, helmets, clothing and food and ammo a few less waste overhead and smashed into the rocks. Corporal shouted that tumble down. This is another another. Prominent terrain You're tumble down was firing at us. We ran into a tight up in the path and all came to an abrupt hope. As it was a dead end. For five bodies lay sprawled their close together. This time they for our own men. The camera large Para smocks, hit my eyes immediately, see us.
Works was standing over them like a guardian, scream. Yet some of his men to cover the further end of the path in the small crust. The sea, a salmon sergeant p, exchanged quick words. I wasn't listening MA and was totally occupied with looking into the crags from the enemy to look at our own lads dead on the ground mode down They tried to rush through this gap. I felt both anger and sadness. The sea assumes face showed the strain of having seen most of his company either wounded or shot dead. That nights fighting, was written in every line of his face. We all doubled in into the clearing. We had just run through. We spread out and waited for our next move wounded. Argentinian lay right. Next me ten metres away, he'd been
hit in the chest and screamed as he held the wound, a lad from be company ran across the clearing at him and ran his bayonet through him dreaming Argentinian tried to grab the bayonet from him before it took his life. Lad scream, shut up shut up. You can't. The enemy soldier died as the bayonet was withdrawn. The lad walked to his. Among the rocks, as if nothing had happened, My right three Argentinians were crying with their heads in their hands. Were they the dead man's friends feet? Lay one of our lads, moaning in pain as a medic attended to I could see his back was Peppered with shrapnel.
I swung to my left and fell against some rocks I felt the shock of it all coursing through my body wailed softly. My Feeling, like I wanted to choke. My eyes watered, and I shook my head to force myself into reality. This was reality. I looked for Bob and Johnny. I couldn't see Bob but Johnny. Was there staring right at me? Eyes met telling each other that we felt the ended come. The lad resting with his rifle pointed towards tumble down turned fell into ball curling himself up as he hit the ground screaming incoming incoming. We dropped to the ground crawling behind rocks wherever we could.
The first shall win over us onto the west side of the mountain Shell started to creep up towards us and one into the clearing hitting Iraq about thirty metres away. The shook, as if we'd been hit by an earthquake. Shrapnel pride the ground or bounced off of rocks all around us grant grid. Screamed out trap would hit his leg to mates were pulling them into better cover. As a shells rain down us around again soon after Corporal Stuart Mclaughlin Maclaughlan was hit in the back by shrapnel He was later killed by a direct mortar hit, as he was being into a first aid post. Their trembling, a shells roared over us each
splashing shook more fear into us. We had centred. Our group about half way along the mountain. The o c shouted us to split up a bit. Otherwise a directive would cause a heavy loss. Three or four anti tank lads got up and ran to a bunker on the other side of the hill As another salvo came rushing in on us, the shell crashed into the rock above the o c, sending shrapnel rock in the opposite direction to us? He looked up all of us, as we looked at him, expecting him to be dead since the shell, it only landed a few metres from us all. He shot across. Well. That was a naughty one. Wasn't it we laughed? You know amiss in appreciation of his complete com.
The shells came in for over an hour. We, lay there hoping praying that it would end soon. I lay looking straight into Johnny's face who at times would put out his tongue or do green again. The showing stopped as usual suddenly is it began. I stood Sakharov Connery crouched by Iraq CARE. I screamed he looked over and smiled get your ass over here. You twat. Started to walk towards us. One two or three more shells hit home. We all the ground once more, the vibration the explosion shook her son and the earth landed on our acts we jumped up running towards us. He jumped into our little opening Jesus fuck me. He said I've had a right night of it to
Johnny crowed skinny. May I asked have looked into my face and said Johnny's dead, he's dead, Vince killed outright Skid he's been wounded. Only me left home for FUCK's sake. How. In the attack burst around said Johnny Square in the chest, I reckon he was dead before you at the ground. Calves explained we. Don't shouting about the situation in general requested was brewing up for us when we heard The booming sound again from Stanley. Incoming someone screened not again. Johnny shouted. We are getting more scared with each bombardment. We hit the ground in fought to get legs, arms and bodies more comfy and secure than each other's at this they'll get us, we can't have luck on our side forever. You know I shouted as the shells exploded around us, I lay next
Have we bore faced mess tin, where a copper was brewing? shall landed, not three metres away, sending shrapnel and dirt nor direction, rocks and earth fella around us then over us, as if we're to be buried alive, both Can I oughta we reached out to cover the nest in the water that was coming to a boil. The dirt landed on her hands. Brew was saved. Everyone stout laughing talk about a time. Of crisis to all. Let's have a cup of tea, Johnny shouted brutal. The great account- and I know if we ve been done.
Gone through a lot of accounts of being shelled with artillery. That's that's very descriptive in granular, one end up: it's not over back to the book Kevin. I walked up over the hill. Ricky, followed us armed with a smock order, with every it filled with MAX for US dollars, we came to a clearing. Ricky was busy. Looking to one side of us when such Kevin I heard moaning. We stepped up on it ledge came face to face with a wounded orgy. Sitting beside him was his friend who obviously wouldn't leave him the womb. Soldier, had been shot in both knees and no chest and arms these showed on all the wounds. His face showed no pain. Merely pleading has made stood up and put his hands up no one had seen these two until now
pointed my rifle and bayonet, and not towards the wounded guy. He darted wailing and moaning and put both And together, as if praying to me, can't pulled a pistol from his belt. Well Vince whither shoot them help them. What will it be have lowered his pistol and looked at me. I Is my rifle and frame, the wounded argues head right in the sight the man looked down as if he was expecting deaf knowing that he could do nothing about it. He wheeled louder. I lowered my rifle. Can he looks like my neighbour? I helped them. Ok, yeah! Ok, I'm off to find some goodies. He walked off, A motion to his mate to sit on the other side of the wounded guy. While I place my weapon to one side of me and went down to help the womb
it argues. Mate shook his head. Looking at my rifle me friend, me friend, you friend. You help my friend, we all friends. Now he pleaded I looked at him and gave him a small, grin he grinned back. I didn't trust him. One bit. The wounded guy started It was then that I felt sad sad I had thought of killing them and that we were all in this mess together. We have different views and different homes, but there we were altogether. I still hated the enemy, but just then, when that guy I started to cry. I felt different. We. I had to be hard hard to the full of what was happening to all of us, kill or be killed.
I made my way back to our team was stationed. I got there Rick was sitting down. The oath Was busy with orders Vince we're out of water got me. Johnny asked no ripple, I replied. Just then CAP Mason shouted had av. Have you seen Peter Heidegger around us? last night with gate with gin with ginger west, sir, I shouted props. West you'll know Captain not to at me with serious eyes. Support team who were sitting there, look to Captain Mason in me, I felt something was wrong. The ocean motioned me over. I got to him and crouched down Corporal B.
Ginger Mccarthy was killed, and so was Philip West. The shell was meant for your gun team. A flashback of what had happened filled my mind, the smart from my back. The spinning head, the deafness. It must have missed you by inches corporal, be you ok, yeah, I'm ok, I'll go find head of her. Then captain MACE, came over sir. He said the Yossi Peter was killed. Also the bearers of now found his body.
I stood up and walked back to my spot. I was good it beyond belief, peat and always been my mate we'd spent many times together drinking in the shop I met his family to Now he was dead only a short while ago, I've been sitting beside him. He said what a good spotty had now he was dead killed by, shall that was meant for me.
I'll never forget that I survived. While he was killed, so it then they do some movement, they actually Get back up into their positions to where they were actually to wear ginger been when he had been killed, gone back. The book we turned around where ginger lane and walk. From the skyline defined a gap through which to. When the gap through sergeant p, let us in this way we avoided being seen from tumble down on the ground. I saw bits of clothing and flesh.
Everywhere resembled a slaughter yard. We walked out. Ten meters or so, and there was more and more stuck on the side of Iraq was clearly alone, peace Johnny and I move closer to it in my stomach churned, as I saw. The nose and cheek of a face. We looked at each other are eyes wide. I put my bayonet under the flesh and put it to the ground before bearing quickly neither of us spoke. I had no doubts and peat in confirmed to me that this was the remains of a mate. He told me later that he had died instantly for only the waist down remained. I felt good it beyond belief.
I've been told of the direct hit that it also killed two others to see with my own eyes the body and remains with, as was another story. Over walking over the crest we bump into Pat Harley with him were one or two others, although I no longer member who they were. As I was talking to Pat, I noticed a helmet on the end of Vanessa LAR planted in the rock face nodding towards this path. Engineer, you come up and found Jordi Lang dead. We're the rock face, and at our feet lay Doc and Jordi both on their backs. They died in an open space, With the infamous tumble down looking down on them, Georgia
I'm trying to save doc. The bastard sniper had caught him in the open, as he reached him. Jody lay with his mouth slightly open gunshots Wounds to his chest and stomach men, he died quickly. Evidence around him showed that he had tried to reach Doc he had been had he been calling for him help himself pat looking caught up took Georgie's Eggs saying he'd want us to have these rather than the rear echelon returned art The dark, who is more depressing doc, hadn't died quietly quickly must in fact have been fully aware of his injuries. The top Rivers, skull was blown away, the brain, visible smashed by a snipers bullet, only the fray
method. Skull had prevented the complete collapse The side of his head, how he survived him God knows where beside him were items from the first aid kit, he'd been carrying field dressing, half open, Safety pins in his right hand, fingers near the ground his left hand, held the morphine syringe. This had been used, the thin needle pointed towards him. They must have been his dying act. His radio MIKE was still attached to his throat we're close friend Told me many months later, Doc fell, on his radio. The scent switch was stuck and he was on permanent, send to all of us. We could hear him gurgling and moaning as he became aware that he had been shot badly. Vince
the signatures knots, but we're all helpless a sniper picked at anyone that moved. Jody tried and lost his life for it. We eventually had to turn on to the emergency frequency, to establish communications again doc remain conscious and eventually died on a part of that mountain along with a lad who bravely tried to rescue him. So Just to explain that you know why you're here, it's called a push to talk button on your radio and whoever he fell. He fell and and
landed on that post to talk so that he was broadcasting is near his death and his dying was brought cast over the network for everyone here. These guys are, they still have to fight and they start gotta get some intelligence. They think there's a counter attack coming and by the way this this intensive It is a matter of days, so everything that talking about is happening in a couple days. And now they think that there is a counter attack coming so. They dig in they get imposition there the machine guns up from where they think the counter attack from the Argentinians is gonna, come from and then They start getting Mordred again hit with artillery. Here we go back there
we all had the ground to get as a shell landed No sooner had I start to pick myself up when a high pitched scream rushed into my ears, a deadly sound I can still here today I looked down to where the shell would hit in the same areas before the ground was smouldering smoke. Lifting in evaporating. Five metres away from the whole lay two bodies. The sight of one of them will stay with me until I die his parents mark was riddled with smoke escaping from every corner. The arms bottom and collar had turned on to his back screaming. Oh God, help me help me please Ran down the hill in fright and concern, I do to my knees by the screaming soldier. His eyes met mine. Did he register me, I only saw Denzil dense
The character we all loved, I wrenched, my eyes to his legs. One was hanging off ripped to shreds the bone. Clearly visible his screaming turned by I'll make it was like nothing. I've ever heard. He tried to look down at his leg. Don't fucking! Look this way. Barked lay back down here me: he dropped his back, holding a start fry. Jonah Jones, a nine squadron lad, came to my side. Vince I'll deal with him. You see to him. He said pointing to Craig Jones. Craig lay very close to Denzil. I've rush to help me Craig had any visible wounds. He lay quietly as Clive tried to talk to him. I tried to poor smock open, impose trousers down to check for a wound, Denzil Screamed and moaned behind me help me help me Joe
was busy seem to his leg. I pulled out my knife and start to cut through Craigs. Dunams Quilted order clothing. My frantic but he was too slow and I knew it. The doktor skidded him beside me pulled out his scissors and start to cut through crags leggings. I pulled them. Material to one side. We had reached skin legs had massive lacerations in all directions, spilling muscle and bone, but there wasn't hardly any blood. The doktor shouted me to tie his muscles together. I pulled out my field dressings and tied the lacerations together, the doktor with joy, Biomedical went to Denzil was half conscious of cries of medic medic stretcher bear all down the hill Craig was lying Still I split up beside him. And looked into his face was pale with no colored all his eye,
Stared into my face. You'll be ok Craig. Just hang on, hang on. Clive held his head stroking, his forehead. Reading my words Craig. Can you hear me? I shouted the doktor pulled and tugged frantically Gregson, They trying to reach more obvious wounds, Craig you'll, be ok. Hang on. He looked at me a slight smile came across his face. His eyes laughed at me bright and wild. His green spread.
Then all expression faded. He faded away. Craig Craig, don't keep his eyes closed. He died, then, in there He was a young soldier. Twenty years of age, the records will say private, Craig Jones. The doktor motion to bear to get him on and away Denzil was also lifted and carried away. I fell under my bottom Jonah Clive, Panama,
Shoulder I tried to get up at fell to my knees again, I hadn't realized until then that I was crying crying without knowing it. I cried with all the pain and sadness it didn't seem. Fair Jonah came to my side and pick me up. He picked up my weapon start to guide me to our bunker. I glanced at Stevens. Ass SAS was crying as well and Steve had his head buried in his hands. I stumbled to our bunker weeping. Where I sat down Steve wake put around his arm around me and whispered, you dont a brave thing. Vince
no gone down there after those shells landed in the same spot. You done all right made his gesture didn't register. I cried with exhaustion, hatred and pity Denzil remain with me today, Craig who died and Denzil lost a leg, and so nearly as life people write or tell of experiences of this kind. I know now that they can never really tell the facts for anyone to totally understand. For often Readers wrapped in his own make believe game a war for Me personally, this five min experience changed Whole life and attitude towards war. Wars will always be fought, and I would go again for my beliefs, but I hope never,
get to see your face fade from me. Nearly a year after this war, for Eggs face to go before I slept nearly a year to wipe out Denzil Smock on fire and scream until I die. It will remain a part of me and because it is war there is
No time to mourn and soon after that they are marching for their final assault on Stanley, which is the capital city going back to the book after we had tab about. One thousand me Yours with wireless ridge clearly visible above us, the absence of troops and the silence of guns and Stanley began to produce some people, looks along the line of support company. R, o C, shouted for a whole week. Lapsed on the frosty ground to wait for orders, I looked up at the sky thinking what now who's fucked up this time. Let's just get this part started. A few shouts came down the line I lent forward and saw that the line was breaking up and the men laughing sergeant. Matthews were sitting behind Mitt beside me.
What's going on MAC, I asked fuck knows vents, shouted continued. This message is passed down towards us. A great three or four positions down from us suddenly turned round and shouted the winners of surrendered, a white flags flying over Stanley put your brazen index index. The last part of the message had an ironic ring because for some of the task force. The whole thing at seem like exercise. So index is a term Google An old diamond training when it when you want to stop, the exercise you say and acts in short for an exercise, so That's one of those things. Words seemed like for some of the guys they were just on this being exercised. That's a literally said: hey, it's an ended, the exercise right now making I looked each other bullocks. I said. We stood up to see the remains of three Para coming off London in
red brace joy, washed through my body naked eye hugged each other. Nothing more was said, the message had reached everyone. I slipped off. My helmet and put on my brain, which had stayed close to hand throughout, as I stood calm down at Moody Brook the. Brace stuck out like sore thumbs against the grass. I felt proud. The brake on my head meant more than any tat the army had ever thrown at me. It meant victory. The feeling is indescribable. Now that's that and they spend. But obviously it's over, but it's not like you just get to step in and its instantly over
They spend time there they go through some pretty significant looting he talks about that, a bunch and any kind. Comes to goes kind of observed and looting and they're all just gathering up war trophies and whatever they can find a value. Go into this one sort. Bunker position to loot and they on one side of the bunker. It's all a bunch of weapon. And the other side is other kind of more person. Type items and aid they have so many weapons have been only more so they go AIDS are taken stuff from the other side, men little like I said personal items, I think it was and they walk out of here and the today they find out that the side weapons on it- was all booby trapped with seventy pounds of explosive tens They went in there if they would have picked up like two or three things off of that it was a. It was a pressure plate of pressure release, so they were picked.
Two or three things they were gun killed his him, his crude gone killed and that's where he realized nobody talks about his neck. I was so greedy. I wasn't even thinking anymore they go through that they eventually they get done they chip away and eventually end up to through. I wonder, then, from from a different island. They fly back to back to England and it will go back to the book We stepped off the plane, an array of brised Norton the next morning. We were hit by the english summer in full blaze as we the airport lounge the doors were flung open to screaming crowd of relatives who charge towards us. Mother, climbed overtures to hug me with all the rest of my family, enclosed pursuit. My wife came up to me. I was too since and made on sure by all the noise and shouting it made me scared. In a peculiar way. Current looked
Hard and almost angry hello It was all I got from her, so he's home obviously his wife was a little bit tense about some things back to the book. We actually before go back lucky day. They do a little quick greeting with their family, but then they, back on a bus with the rest of the the people there Battalion members So driving back to their compound back, the book was very quiet on the journey, the English countryside made me feel like an alien John, tat, my shoulder from behind Vince the trees, man look at them. I looked at the trees They were part of what make me feel like an alien rollin full bloom, bread, green leaves in the wind, it was travel. On the roads, shops, people walking about doing their own thing? It all seemed unreal
Only three months away, it was shocked to see civilization again. The odd thing was, I felt anger. Angered everyone for doing their own thing. It was as if, Something in my head was urging me to shout at them ass. They walked along the streets. Hey you licking your fucking ice creams. There's a fucking lot of injured guys over their friends have been killed, but all you're interested in is yourselves. Just frustration. I know the general public was concerned, but it just didn't seem like it. Then. I wasn't expecting a metal or even a pat on the back. I really dont know what to expect. Even so I found it hard to be calm. There was no way I could relax. If I had been asked to go, do a torn Ireland I would have gone More than anything, I felt the
of no longer having my friends around me. We Been together so tightly over the last few months that it was, if now I had a set, an arm severed the body free system that we needed to literally survive, wasn't there more than this sheltered life now see Too far It now seems to me far too boring to endure. I made it. Point of not talking about my experiences to any member of my family, including my wife, but I do remember sitting up in bed one evening turning my wife and giving her a very mild insight into what had really happened. I was so the death of the press is views and of the publicity of a country still high on war. Told Karen what had happened, Denzil and Jones, the blank look, she Leave me with a half smile told me:
He wasn't interested and couldn't understand me at all. I never said anything again. I tried to look at it from her point of view. Instead she was sick of the war of the army and of me going away whenever I bumped into one of the lads I see more at home and relax talking our private language with him. Then I did with sea these remind me of one soldiers war. You know you come back and there's no doubt when you would go out on the biggest bender ever, but I knew that the easy way out. Did these these remind me of one soldiers war. You know you come back and there's no doubt. When you come back from war, you're gonna feel some of this. I'm going tell you right now
feel some of this. When you see civilians, walking around king, their ice cream, Combs, it's good, it's gonna. Do it It's a rough transition back the book? There is no doubt that I was slowly unwinding over the long leave boredom also gave me more time to think about my experiences. Worst of all, were my nightmares about the war Firstly, came nightly Maybe they faded and returned intermittently. I always had the same dream Of Denzil, smock and Jones is face passing before me. I would wake but a bed so wet that a bucket of water might have been thrown over me. Mares lasted about six months or so today. I can see and understand everything that has happened to me. I know Now that I wasn't alone the most
comforting words I ever had to help me did not come from any of my family, my friend, We were concerned, but can never really understand what I was going through. Those words. Came from my friends in the pub is we drank during leave. Johnny turned me and said: Vince. I've had a few turns in the night. You know that made me sit up and see clearly that I wasn't alone and we are not alone you're stronger. So that's somethin debt. I know I hear from a lot of vets and Maybe you're thinking that this is something your experience in that no one This is not true. Now
me or other guy's going through it other guys. I've always gone through it. You're, not alone. Back to the book, I fully believe that we as a nation, performed the most excellent of tasks. Fully behind the decision to send the task force and I wouldn't hesitate to fight again for a country and its beliefs p. Who who wins about the decisions taken in war. They were involved in to me Are the most misguided of all? most striking events. To effect, me throughout the war were obviously the deaths of my friends. Eight years Go, I regarded those friends as those in two and three Perez only after learning about others experiences and after watching and reading others accounts, I see that the whole task force was my friend.
I watched a marine sergeant in a tv Aki memory, his eyes, showing the emotion of his story and the site told me we were all the same. I still feel a bit angry that the wounded went unnoticed, a propaganda film on the task forces arrival home showed only the Paris in the Marines in the Navy homecoming. Can you remember seeing the badly wounded coming through the gates? I think not. Nobody wants to see the effects of carnage. Never again will I think that war is just a game. Like they showed on tv. It is very differ, from how it is portrayed in books and films.
We call ourselves in the killing game. Don't we member, very clearly watching from a window of my Quarters five or six kids playing a war game, so or even dressed in combat gear and curing small toy machine guns. I watched with interest in there acting in attacking a cardboard box that was meant to be an enemy held position, the two kids defending rolled over and pretend, the die when overrun by the goodies after being taken by their friends
They got up to resume the game from me: high restart to practise what is in human nature, to defend and kill the one big difference between their game and the real one is that you don't get up. After really being shot or is the legal killing of people can be very scary. War is kill. Or be killed. We also must remember that a lot of the command structure at junior rank level can almost be too difficult to maintain in the heat of battle, then it becomes. A winning factor is the determination of the private soldier.
His loan get up and go and do attitude. We must take our hats off to the junior ranks of all services, for they are the backbone of the war machine in that they have to He'll close range we are lucky to have what is perhaps one of the best fighting forces in the world thanks to our system of training and to our discipline. Even today. I feel frustration about the war. I was so psyched up to carry on with the fight in the Stanley that the art continued. Surrender may be disappointed as well as happy. I tried very hard to keep out of fear.
Fights now, as I would like to lose myself control to my alone and feeling this or their hundreds or thousands of other time bombs out there. Other experience veterans may be sympathetic to all. I've said we can only wait for the next war now to practise the art of killing. Again, I hope on their help. Finally,
I must call a first World war veteran who told me so many years before I joined the army you'll like the army events, but not war, it's horrible boy. He was right. I didn't like it. Then again I did and I'm gonna close this book out with the beginning of this book, then it reads. So that the members of three Para who never returned are not forgotten their aims and ages at death
The determination throughout the campaign make the author proud to have served with them. So that the members of three Para who never returned are not forgotten their aims, Ages at death, inaction are listed below, private Richard Absalom military metal, nineteen years old, private Gerald Bull, eighteen, private, Jason, Bert Seventeen Private John Crow, twenty one private mark. Dodsworth, twenty four.
I would add, the Greenwood twenty two private Neil grows: eighteen private, Peter Headache, her twenty two lads, corporeal Peter Higgs, twenty three Corporal Stephen hope: twenty seven private Timothy Jenkins, nineteen, private, Craig Jones, twenty.
Private Stuart Lang, twenty minutes, Corporal Christopher love it twenty four Corporal Keith, Mccarthy, twenty seven sergeant in Mackay Victoria, across twenty nine Corporal Stuart Maclaughlan, twenty Seven minutes Corporal James Murdoch, twenty five minutes, Corporal David Scott, twenty for private inscriptions, seventeen.
Corporal Alex Shaw: twenty five private, Philip West Nineteen and You notice those names, those men, their ages. Then their ranks they're all they're, all junior ranks, but one sergeant sergeant in Mackay. Who was awarded the Victoria Cross for storming of fifty cow,
we're machine gun met position but the rest of those men are privates and lay. Its core ports and airports. Young men and Ass Kipling pointed out there no plaster saints by any stretch, but they might not be sites.
But I have no man, my Greece and I've seen them with my eyes. As I have said,. And as this tale of the Falklands confirms once again,. War is hell and it's a hell that can bring out the worst in men, but it can also bring out the best. Then dont forget these young men.
Who, like so many others, answered the call for and died in that awful place to protect their brothers. And furthermore, and if you read this book, you will realise that we all have a little bit more to give the mentally And physically you can go further, you can push harder
could be more roof was if you have to be, and you can also show more mercy, you can be better. I can be better. We can all be better We most often get better not from the easy things and not from the good times, but from the hard times, the challenges, the suffering in life that pushes you to your breaking point and demands that you give absent
do we everything you have, but you have to keep going so, no matter what keep going And I think that's all that I've gotten for tonight, the rough on me Crazy home, how it got that crazy that vicious like that short period of time
it is in any way. We have to remember that that. We have one perspective from one Claude for in one platoon end was no, story of two pair, the one The battalion commander, H G. Only one, the Victoria Cross by the way. But what about that? One about that story and not to mention them royal marines that were down there is well what about their stores and that's the thing that just its I still can't wrap. My head around the amount of. Untold stories that there are, and then not just the not just the fact of the stories, but to think that these Because this is us, this battle was a very short time compared to Vietnam or
were to or world WAR one or even two wars. Have we been fighting today that from now on for years and years and years, but it is not so much at the story that that that, like we're missing the story, but these people existed everywhere. I may exist everywhere and yeah. It's it's it's an incredible to take a look at the book by the book and read and its I actually I got into some of the graphic stuffed some of the sum of the interaction them when they're not in combat is actually it's real crude. And I didn t know. Can cover much of it. Not that I want to get two more of the combat concentrate, that's kind of why I didn't realize that I had. I didn't cover as much as sort of just the straight up crude behavior that day that I to make dinner the boat for wild or drinking they're getting drunk when a common home. It's theirs.
There's some some. Crude behaviour and- and things are taking place? that's kind of why I jumped on the opportunity to read: Tommy bye, bye Kipling, because it's totally True, the your they say in a kind of our way of saying that seal teams? We would say this with it guys in case a war break glass, kind of guy. Meaning we don't want em around all time, we're gonna get over here and besides it looked like a year. If something happens to break glass and we'll get this, it is this fraud man out now. What what's jacked up about that is. That's. That played more overall when I was first in the seal teams and the more. The older, I got the more mature. I got the more I realize, like that's, that's ok, but it doesnt really work. What you need is an someone that you can have out of a glass
and that learns and what you have to do as a leader is you. Take those guys that, instead of putting those guys in a glass jar orbit, in a glass. Somewhere and keep their case work. What you do is you do what you do with a freak in wild dog? You have to train them. You have to bring them out to socialize them amongst the humans bacon so that they can interact wages. A guy that you have to keep in. You know in behind a glass, barrier from the rest of the world. Chances of you needing him for that situation are pretty minimal. So what about all the other situation that he be beneficial for so What you have to do is a leader is teach those guys that have the attitude of you know I'm just too I'm just a nothin, but a straight warrior, dont care about anything else, I'm here to go to war. Otherwise leave me alone what you want to do you want to get those guys out into the world socialism, like a good attack dog, that That'S- not gonna, buy anything in front of its going to actually bite what you wanted to bite.
And then you have something that's a much more valuable, not only for you as a leader, but for them because they have a much better opportunity. So still. If you guys left in the old mould of in case of war, break glass, but mostly guys now are, are actually more versatile than that one day when I was young Probably for category I wasn't exactly The guy you wanted to throw up out in front of the admiral to look at ride and say. Oh, this is our model guy right here. It's you know it would have been that way. Now at the older I got the more. I recognize how important to have that both sides of the of the coin cover and you couldn't just be of freakin rampaging berserker all the time you had actually be professional, you had to be a professional and so I definitely had my share of time spent in that zone. Birchen the jury
But what good is, I think, eyes knew that about me in Therefore, when I came up to and said a man look, we gotta we do better than that or hey week. We can't be acting like that. They knew that I wasn't common to them from a from What's that were from the ivory tower, I wasn't looking down on, like I Believe you locked out why they re, we don't act that way we're naval representatives. I wasn't come to light that I was come, don't hey! Where professionals we get. We want to get hired to do jobs. We want to kill bad guys. We got to get missions, we got to get mission, approval those were the things that that you don't kind of passed on to do. My guys was hey, that's cool, be frogman but be discipline fragment be frogmen I can represent an eye think, that's another thing in the book. Would there's no war going on where that year, within their economy reactionary and
and then, when the war breaks out, they go even more maniac style and It's almost like they get into that motorcycles. Who cares anyway, peace. Time and again, I know that they were doing towards national and at the time that was no joke and they took casualties nihilism. Actually you're, not gonna die. Actually we there's a guy, some chance, you're gonna, live and there's a decent chance that you need to continue build. You know that the reputation of the seal teams, just as. We're killers, but we're professionals so and we shall repetition of both and we do by the way think so. Professional killers is right, but yeah the great book there's a lot to learn from their lot to learn again that that the waves, I peace time and again. I know that they were due tours in Ireland at the time that was no joke and they took casualties in Ireland in there was many
soldiers killed in Northern Ireland, but that wasn't comparable to what they went through in the Falklands. So it was interesting to see how they handled approaching com for the first time, you are not a part that I think these. Really bring to light, is just the physical conditions that that they go into even talking, Talking to you guys, when you guys talk about how hot it is in every once in awhile, you add a detail like they're, oh yeah, so I'm like. All. My clothes are all wet from my sweat and newly that's not part of the movie when you watch the movie or like guys is furthest, beat or falling off, because it's cold and I was sitting in a combat outpost in Romania, and it was night time right the cool as part of the day- and I am I and do anything and I haven't been doing things. Why was literally sitting in a combat outpost? You know- the boys route.
Overall position. I was back there. I've been coordination, but I did it wasn't that it wasn't that establishes a common outpost yet so I still had all my gear on, but I was just sitting there. I've been seeing. Therefore, let's call it you, three four hours, and I was sitting there and I just gotta- put my was sitting down and I angled my back. Like a forty five degrees and ask to look at the ground what kind of resting a little bit and as I look down, I was four athletic sweat dripping off me like that fast And I wasn't doing anything: yes, that's the bait Influenza Darya! That's where you are not to gazed legs, getting blown off all the stuff for these Yemen, crazy it some the physical in the other big thing is the physical conditioning that you need to be prepared, for this is humping with Iraq's rucksack on yeah, it's a big deal for you know that you know they don't show a lot of that,
any kind of military training out to show it. They don't show what enough they should. They should. We just another trip up to Yosemite? We got our boots boots boots on sir It's it's if you're not condition for that, it's gotta be hard. You can make it through a day, maybe you can make. If you two days but also carrying out, tell my my kids up their up in the mountains you're, not carrying Amy, wait com, what you carry with them when you have gear we have the. When you go tactical, you don't You probably have thirty pounds. Maybe if you just if you're, just camping or whatever got a couple. A couple leaders of water you gotta sleeping bag, ground, bad. You got some time mix maybe a little bit more food but you're talkin. Thirty forty pounds hops yeah, you git geared up
I would weigh guys would before we send about out on training operations at when training operations they'd there rocks were like a hundred ten pounds, your gear alone you're your body, armor helmet. What, magazines, magazines, enamel, grenades you're sixty seventy pounds. Then you put water that you're talkin. I think I think I wait three ten or something like IRAN seriously like Rome look up. You are roaming about little heavy road. I think he's part two, these shocks himself because he wants to get rid of the messed up directive, see that given he falls down right unconscious, neither like a we gotta help when they try to pick him up. Oh he's on heavy move, yeah yeah that there, happened too. We were on a training exercise in to your browser, and I got put down this road Ok, you dead. So I lay down and
I just laid there in life came over to throw me in. The humvee I was like Robocop down there. They leave got a couple bodies, these guys Alamo Jacko slow, moving deadweight under like ok. You know you are like make an extra effort to be dead. We offer you like you like. I know you don't. I fully participating in training exercise. I wanted those guys people to be prepared to put a grenade in my mouth so get some. Awesome. Well, speaking of lots, stories, maybe its tells him stories about thousand how to support this I'd be happy to know no choice door. He did. Did you into drinking pomegranate tea and subsequently Jocker weighty, because your way is a brick. Nomes entities should turn quantity and she didn't really because they drink tea with milk, and I don't care
you can get regret it, but she doesn't it For that. What does she doing? Calligraphy? Do you drink tea, ass? She d drinker, but they can also says she's. A cup of tea copper to cure anything, she says your computer. Who is the robot doesn't cured? Everything is something like that: no without was like I don't remember specifically where I got the first cup of Jacques await tee from, but I do remember that it was in the desert. When I was, I was at the training command and I was would be giving debriefs or sitting through the guy's briefs and we'd be scorn on like two three four hours asleep. So you need a little bit kick somebody as somewhere. I got some just some tea. It wasn't yet jock away his palm irregular homo, weighty yeah, end and if I drank ass, I knew nicer. This is nice. A cold on way was a cold
yeah, yeah, yeah or deaf. We had a cold cause you're at the desert. You don't wanna drink haughty. Unless your british yeah counterproductive, they drink it, hot tea, no matter what their even drink whisky. I don't really like hearty that much the whole island. They don't really like ice t like UK, echoed Rostov some iced tea. They could you argue, weird area which have been looked many times there yet familiar. Let's face it, you can't we're both sides. Anyway you got it want to support ourselves first off. I want to talk about my little. Stories, not sorcery long. One now persecuting arrived you that, if the baron prizes on it kettlebells rates or from the first ones, I got it all the designer once their dollar. My video, I don't think I've ever be. I used the rigmaroles before at other Jim's, but anyway, I get that the current right want. Someone takes a picture of me and I have a man. Looked like extra cool with the
Prime, all, you can see how different our thought patterns are. Yeah, you're, here to win, I get it. I can dig fully, but I got the chimp once those are what one poohed, whenever the succeeding killer and went up to the werewolf Just the other day, I ordered the gorilla, What's that one, seventy something part or good one. So I got a pair. We incorporate That's it I'm getting stronger, Madame getting good at the kettle sell you need them. Eighty eight, like I got here, wait what is the one that that its big rate is button. My biggest kettlebells I currently have. You are forty kilograms. Yet eighty nouns, what's ninety some because two point, two pounds per kilogram: ok, so I think we can do the math if you want, but nonetheless that's heavy. I don't know I'm not enough, I'm ready for thou and given my current exercise programme with them, I seem too.
Russia's are due in math exercise yeah. Maybe nobody knows about you later or whatever, either way, that's the one I got an saw, so look amateur recommended if you're into kettlebells, you gonna get your kettlebells on get on at once the cool, opinion, lacklustre willing. I gotta jump, rope and stuff like that to you know what I did hundred purpose in timid, o Brien Medworth, where you yea as EU member lesson angle. Indeed it did it Brandon Justino ECHO is now he Tori asleep bad cardio like I did not hear you credit, even you credit, but still We could use that as sort of a statement to say if a you do it come on. Brandon yeah actually think this statement is looking for. Echo has come, look Far out things adds the statement
May I just made it they are echoes. Come said he can do a hundred were of a lot of people. Thinking hundred purpose in time is a joke. Actually yeah I could. I can dig it be. I mean I've been doing by peaceful for awhile. Not that kind of thing might there. Just in voting that many, but I'm familiar with them. So, unlike ok, you can you know you can kind of gauge. Like ok do this many. So what would a hundred take items? Can I reject forty? Thirty? Twenty? Two? So how are you how he did? It was twenty five one. Rest, twenty five, one minerals, twenty five one will arrest fifteen and then to me a minute have maybe out an awesome, unlike that, give or take, and then. And actually sorry eleven I did a hundred and one barbies and it was nine minutes flat. Moscow we're brand
which had got here's. What I found you don't off my cardio, good or bad is better than it has been very wrong tire just in general, even jitsu and other stuff with silver. Also, you know what you know when you run in enough. You don't get my mistress yeah, a life man for their life, to strangle challenges that you either way. So yeah. I didn't want to one in flat. What he was was. I wasn't breathing as hard as maybe you might think, we cannot have wasn't that that the issue was debated with like just poem push up. I am always welcome. We electing ass our key area barge if your legs weird yet legs, fully show there's not chess like at the evil due to push up one every euro. Second, isn't that much for me, but strangely my shoulders and part that, like we hoped that Sir rats, They're, like soil stay in a weird. Where is weird man
nonetheless Yoda approves a Burmese. Your good exercise, yes, full got using funky are out there: where is, he is good and then go on Youtube. I see this one guy does hundred in a on my tang, because twenty five was, I didn't. I was going be like hey, I'm gonna. Do if not how long it take him. Two hundred and three minutes and thirty three seconds, if I'm not mistaken, that credit yeah can wants, is a thing to you. The thing I think it's a thing on another thing or not. That's on us. Ok. So what really is a dirty? I mean as far as okay, so when I first we're doing Berbeus I wanna derby is you you're just touched the ground and jump up and there ok. So what about my hand?
do they have to go, but my head in these areas can agree as little clap over the head or collapse or what you mean over the head like technically ESA, be above the head, Sofa Galicia is or does it have to be, is doing this. I do a little when everything and putting all tired- I am you see what I'm really tired cloud was barely happening in its happening, like Flickr for six inches in from my belly, I'll get so you're like it. But if you wanna be like a technical, I mean really technical. Perfect burberry would be like both hands. Clapping up above your head as Europe This is in the air. Yet you too many though we can't use, may also not merely not at all and that a kind of that boy, France, between the dynamic jump like a hot I jump and not a dynamic jump is real big huge you and your words, the line. So for me here's the line get your hands above your head, get your feet off the ground. That's it right, I think that's, yeah I did it, I was otherwise really can you didn't jump three inches there, but what
in all this, if you want to do that which you to put your year, for you put your one, thirty five on the ground by bell with wonder revive on hop over that time, just the ground, and once I just gotta Yoda, suggested earlier, that's another way if you're gonna require I like When you can't cheat where you can gee, that's right! You have to jump over that. It's cool about, like burberry polyps key, you got it Just as I don't care how you do it just The ground and do your chin over the bar that animal can? What do you do in between those two? That's my remaining well then, I have to be honest. Then here's my disclaimer, the push up. I didn't touch touch me just to the ground. Like her, I mean was it like? Was it like an incomplete, probably some We were like a. I guess. I dont dude, I'm not like every single time. The ears
is to your discretionary is. Lingo is like that. You know when you held in, do let's face it. If we wanted to do, you know, get some this book, a worlds red scenario than pure yeah, but we we, I think, you're right. You know it. Berbeus yeah. I know there are obvious, get it right. So mine in just a kind of in spirit of, honesty? So I didn't touch my because here's the thing, if I was too. If on the push part, if you touch your chest over it every time you actually slow down enough that it's not hidden your cardio as much reminded Emmy, a meaningless added yeah. I guess- and you know what I saw, though, when I saw the guy doing the purpose he was on. I think it's just a regular Jim, for maybe I'm mad or something news doing it and after a while he starts banging this chest It's on my God, you're getting about on the bench. Housing know little about thinking. You know what that could be easier for me. If I did on a, I think, it'd be easier than having to
your body weight in not to such, you know, but it's gonna be what you use to for sure. I didn't touch my chest and there were like four of them that I didn't put like For because when I started the set, I might go shoot those three. I didn't put my hands above my head, so I can I drink yeah. You know food, maybe like four 5MM didn't technically count, but like. If I would have put my hand, above my head on those for it, when, amid a difference, that's what I think, but if like you know the kind where I'm thumbing at the muster. You know, I'm filming this girl she's doing the perfect burping while I'm familiar chest to the ground back when shoot at Winchester ground. Her hands came up off the ground for like a second and let things go uniformity, all their goals, getting pickles game day pushups. Maybe I'm wrong yea. I just call them we always where exactly have deemed it everyday gave it are you gonna do that every day, but
We wish you doing that and then she's going into the and her hands or straight in the air like she's straight up with an effort was isn't this India go Rasper said illegal Maastricht, not an attack. This up I put the in a video urca slum I'll check it out there and she had the perfect formal, be smart, full on and I'm thinkin one eye that compared to the two hundred and one that I did not night and day men like he's not doing this home our year. My hands are clearly this there so there above my head, oh I'm, gonna get maybe Brandon pick worth, is doing eight inch twelve vertical leap on each one like a beast. Call him out and he's actually, I know, is doing as the crap. I am sorry Brandon. If that's the gates are a good well, the goal is now hundred the protocol. I know one or two hundred year, like interrupting, are aware that the debate on the following four of our report back into it, Who kettlebells? That's? That's a good one, the jump stuff, that's a good one.
The audit ones are the comments, my opinion just gonna check it out, go on it darkened slashed Jacko for yourself and the also good with support. When you buy these books, the jug reviews direct I'm into everyone summer. Good or the website Jocapa cast out common German much today, Yemen are the only kind of a heavy one year heavy and I'm nothing of the sort. What know what going to gonna in what we are losing their jobs and restructure decision nazis. Well, you know you like that in any way we're you're like this is just one story. You know, to end its literally a sliver. Really, it is it's a slimmer as well, and I wanted or its one guy. There is for five thousand british servicemen down there with one five one: four thousand so this. This is my comparison. You know when you're driving in traffic ones whatever the freeway and all you
Is cars, though, make our aim? cars traffic is everywhere just cars in cars in cars and that's nothing you insects, kind of irritating really, but if you just take one little, like in your mind and look in the car and looked at the personal and may sometimes to people in that sometimes little little family each one of those people has their whole life story, all the little ups and downs in special things in it, oranges, challenge struggles and triumph. All that stuff judge one of those little things is a little guy in there and and even then, that nobody compared to everybody, so that's analogy I wanna make but seems kind of trivial. You know compared to like guys on the freeway, like our guys only that of police yeah. I got a lot of caprice.
Any way back to these books? If you, if you, if you want to get any of these works one or more, whatever there are listed by episode on the website, Jocapa cast up come in and by the way we started off today before he recurred record I said ECHO, You know you heard that, but the the there what's that saying judge, a book by its cover. The cover of this book, you can judge you by was called excursion to Hell by Lance Corporal Vincent Bramley. And the picture on the cover looks like hell. They do if they get your picture of him. It's blown up real big, but yeah. You can judge a book by it's cover. You can tell it's going to be rough story yeah. It's like he took it straight up excursion to hill on that cover. But if you want Good luck, I guess I'll come said little tab on the top level, tat many whatever books from podcast struggle, but guess books whatever it's called.
Their listed, thereby episode click through their get it through their good way. Support yourself, of course, and progress takes it. That also review other shop. Any other shopping bonus bonus. I support a massive good that still supports Swarthmore, bigger yeah, like It looks like a one hundred terabytes our drink. How much does it cost like forty, five grand? Oh, not forty, five grant for two firelit fourteen depends which one or like a landmark in. Can you well on more from you, buy anything on Amazon can now what do they do? They become with a big forklift truck? and beyond their back, there were not on all arms are unthinking, driving onward So what are they do? Get back it up. Areas are not more. When I don't know you product maybe trigger an aching edition of the animals, What either way indeed shopping boom click through their takes two seconds.
Action really big reaction. By way of support, Actually I've been thinking. That is actually not the best analogy I've been using for, like you know like you, would think that, but you'd be wrong. I think, you ever the expression death by a thousand cut. Yes, it's more like that. You know Life by a thousand clicks, clicks sure support with fervently some Yemen, I dig it, they all add up together, he's a sodium little, but it too big, you have to do away with all the other ones? Yet so naive, a punch, your little sodium spume huge area, huge support, widespread huge support by this little action from this. You know what it is. Actually, the foot who's better cuz. If I'm clicking through, I mean listen, I'm listening to this podcast sound, like you support them by one of these books, and you know by lawn mowers, Troy Bilt whenever I click through the website, just that two seconds of going to the website first clicking through that's like so much potential in my clique.
Like this the sodium so much potential energy in their, especially when you mix it with the water. You mix it with them the click boom support follow, we can move on from there. You go that's not my point anyway. As to everyone for getting that on in summer. I respect your ownership situation just know what you can do to fix an exit or you could subscribe, you could subscribe to the podcast on Itunes, stature and Google play. If you have an already having things unless it seems obvious, but yeah, have you don't you haven't yeah that'd be created, sword, yeah cool stepped in all that stuff also need to subscribe to down. I've been putting some stuff. This is kind of weird too, because we don't have that many you tube subscribers Africa, but it's not on modest
the peoples of the park, asked yea I offer, but not a lot of people on Youtube. You know: I'm no watch the inner jack on you too. That you're less compelled to do that, especially if you're not on Youtube. Just do what I tell you it s some of them deleted. You know that something but consider like if you never go away. I was working with a group. This last weaken their full on caught up in the park, asked every single episode: legit do it's getting after it, and I mentioned the deleted seeing that came out and Layton There are three would not have been seen. It. None of the machine. It that's that's a good see what are you doing? I know use bad language a refreshing by you, know like you, can cut loose jackals voice on you awesome know. You're on your own, I was going off.
So subscribe to the u to react if you're on Youtube or if you, if you think about getting on you too good start their subscribed to come here. First subscription and don't think that's a homogeneous subscription to nothing. One click man I let naughty. No money, just click, one click and here's the thing: it's a total non commitment situation. You can literally Subscribe in ten seconds later, you can others unsubscribe then you can do that again. He does wild sex or easy really that small action, big reaction situation and other one also Jack was a story you gotta, my stay quiet good Lord into your drought, is moved on her, but actually the two broke with others. The stuff I've been video virgin about yesterday and I M the one other point there other little videos that you put together for excerpts with. I called shirt on people call mcnuggets
document on their own, the fifth door. It's called Jockers door, Jocker stored up, there's some shirts on their there's. Some of a on their some bumper sticker on their. I reckon there. We ran a bumper stickers. I didn't know that anyway, we got some more on their. There are some rash guards on their dope here and there are some heads on there. Are there. There should be used as a last. I know where and still have it. I think I did not know tat. They should be on the army. Hats away. You got it. Yes, oh yes, there is an I'm not saying to support new board goes by our stuff. I'm not saying that I'm saying on the website check out the stuff on there. Canadian you're art, the stuff cells itself. You see now you're not getting my references.
No- and I was born in Canada to sort out can can offer tonight. It's vicious d, we're your highness, all good can in your and our own. We we don't sell that. We felt itself its and voted this term, maybe we'll generally some community or maybe we're gonna check it up. If you like some get something good will support. Also psychotic, Moreover, what psychological warfare is? If you don't know it is in our own with tracks chocolate tracks and what he does is on the tracks he's talking. You each track aced each track. He's talking to you about different stuff. MRS different weaknesses, earth! So really, this is what you need is the out from stuff, doesn't cut it yeah there could join those happening. We ought to your mother Tiber, toothpaste that use right nine and say that it will maybe depends in a habit. There's a controversy about four I been in the toothpaste,
the same. If that imported, I'm really agony onto the giant as everyone you brought it up anyway. What it's really for this album is in Europe. Campaign against weakness. That's the news, It is not journey anymore. It's campaign against Andy good bread. He gave you, though, Because I don't like saying journey that someone, I'm sorry message to do and said. I quit saying journeys a campaign against weakness, which is actually from the pod gas which all the jet layers big You don't think sandy for Thou art, but that's the one amusing for it now until like a better one comes up, if that's impossible in your campaign against weakness every single day for the rest, your life now that you're in the game Raina this further us here that campaign last wherever there is no discharge,
the war zones lay home an outbreak died anyway. So if you're trying to wake up, you know the everyday or universities we convert law. You know, however much and you got that a was wake up, early and you'll want to you just don't feel like that's, really the thing you don't feel like it. You know so jock, therefore, for you with little spot, diet, starve, procrastination, stuff, you're, gonna, love, creativity, stuff, that's a big one in don't listen to the creativity one at his. You feel like you're all created now, but here's the thing I'm like one of those Then you know, like you, know, good to you like a people or something cuz it. I know I'm going deep butter. If you have zit some people there, like I'm an opposite. Some people there like no leave it alone. Let it go away. You zoom say So, unlike the latter, when it comes to creativity, I'm like men, I'm not crazy about matter. Creative block door, don't force it to like
Jack on here, telling me pragmatically by the way, but John you do to put, thankfully it's a little bit more than that, but even less. The philosophy I'm not saying that the best way. In fact I made it- is actually an auto you're missing another good, tenacious D. Rather is made. But that's kind of the good thing about this. Is that that's not what it is, you know how, like you explain you no part of it, This is a total paraphrasing situation, but you say it in a really good way before when you're like memories. The feeling after you work. I dare that, like that's that you're not inspire inspiring medical work out, you're, gonna pragmatically telling their legs eyes. Did you mentally wage The war on that little weakness there, that's what it is tracks doing this for us, and the situation, Scots psychological Orford Jackal willing, as also
I have some other options now. If you want a kind of support, This part cast in general origin, main dot com for your duty who needs we are now unified fully with origin. Maiden America, like me, I would say, like echo, but echoes actually made in Canada. No, I was technically made in oak or closed as Bailey America, Maiden America, like ECHO and me, and delivered weight of delivering Canada. Can they get stuff from origin? can move just like neither okay, so there origin main dot com for your jitsu needs and check him out also if you want to check out alive. Check out origin live now. What kind of company is telling you hey come to our factories? You were all about. You know what kind of a company, or
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a whole section of like what I'm thinking about on a daily basis, so Jack out of the lake. One will like what you're thinking. People want to know what they think about big deal presumption. They ask me: what would you think in here? I answer it. That's. Why wrote that book yeah what like any situation, whereas, like your face with a decision to do this thing and it's hard, but you know, has to be done or should be done or whatever and there are so many times. Were you just when you shift, or someone tells you saw me, hey, look at look at it this way, and you know like my dad, we're always do it and it'll be done through in a big thing. All it took was. We think in a certain way to use Financing ABC says: do it screw you get that book from Amazon. Barnes novel whatever we'll bookstore is around you go and tell him to get it
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Doing some excellent front That's our leadership. Consulting me lay ban J B to now Dave Burke, welcome. Put your team into full attack mode, even email info echelon, front dot com. Now we have the muster coming, This is important. Step of fourteen and fifteen. Can San Diego thicket. Seventy, maybe seventy five percent so about at this time. In fact, the hotel was sold out, so we ve got rooms at another oats alyosha. We register the book about or to away so If you want to come, It's gonna sell out so register fast. You can do that extreme ownership, dot com while you're waiting for the monster. Or, while you're waiting to see us up in Maine at the Origin Factory Grand opening, where make stuff in America, while you ratings, that, if you want to link up with us and and maybe just crews a little bit, you can find
were actually on the entire webs, the Twitter, the Instagram. That these bookie bar echoes, ECHO, Charles and I am at Java willing. I talked about the snap- Chat last time in guinea, Do it I'm going to, of course it's coming. For breast implants. My wasn't around my kids, so they have to instruct me it's cool good Similarly, the orgy jobs for marriage ass could instruct me yeah early charge you for that, though sleep released, it could get the aspect of the kids we're not what and finally aid to all the service, men and women around the world from our military, an from our proud allies thing you for going forward and protecting our way of life,
to the fire fighters and the police and other law enforcement, auntie, em, tease and first responders. Thank you protecting us here at home, in rest, a view that around here, listening. That are facing challenges of your own, struggling with your own battles. Large and small, whatever those battles might be Fight hard keep going
Transcript generated on 2020-04-12.