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Belinda Blinked 4; The Blurb

2018-08-20 | 🔗
Ahead of the start of season 4 on Monday 27 August, Jamie, Alice and James read the blurb of 'Belinda Blinked 4' to find out what's in store for Belinda and co.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello guys how I know it well, it's not quite tiny might address. Porno is about to be bad show on Monday, the twenty seventh of August out merely not violent way, leading to I'm busy so IBM. You wish you before. This all year, James Caper, the bank holiday after I've, got things today. How is it not in your porn calendar? I would definitely look is based and Oh, my God, the mother of Cliff especial on people talking about two months and months and months late either. Who is the special on? Why is a special one? How is the special wanted? We know where the special business Belinda Pagoda, of course as where we left exactly and my dad has released the blow.
I believe you wish, you can wait for this all year. James Cooper, stubborn color day after I've got things to do. How is it not in your porn calendar, I would say, as well. Cuz, if you remember correctly, my dad in the fountain just the mother of cliff the special on people talking about months and months and months late either is the special on. Why is a special one? How is the special wandered without where the special reason these Berlin, the pagoda, cost us where we left exactly and my dad has released the blood of Belinda blinked? For I think that might be a genuine type, an erotic, stew ray of sexual prowess, sexy characters exit uttering? That's an even bigger business deals even bigger than the other three, whilst the darkness increases so becoming a key
following the sexy over double, as if the new lines, eight following the sexiest sales girl in business as she continues to have big huge bound by being the best at removing her tight, silken stocking further into the darkness I mean, as unlike its after the summer solstice. So again the nights are getting dark reluctant about its autumn. Basically, that's all. It means it sets in the autumn. Other things has always like you do three books for the full. You have to stop going down He's taken leave of light, the Batman Series and things like that. I'm fifty shades right ass, dark ass. It goes on there once called ricocheted STAR Canada. You guys so is this his dark night or do you think it's gonna go really really nuance? steals is gonna, be plunged into chaos and be a den of iniquity like Gotham City is a dynamic. Belinda is a firm for town. She will stop at nothing,
to sell the last march. Ok right, you have to be the Blair from okey Flintstone, The self published offer very much. Provision is legally obliged to say that all of publishing got together to demand equal itself in front of us seriously. Still self regulation for books, police also published all which is not for this book shop Yoda but found fame. That way. He's gonna stay truce was routes from Rocky Flintstone, the self published author, who put the ought in erotica. For that's true, that's true. I think that's actually a quote from the guns, meaning it a lot. To the core like stagnant and and its and it's kind of moulding the most offers would take offence to the US would find it very much about you want of muttered the fourth book of the bullet, The blinked series leaves the faithful reader
This five read the puppies one last faithful, love, probably didn't know best, leaves the faith reader againe gasping for rocks because I love ignore, because around MR or in any way, intrigue lawyer, as also is the length of the sentence as you do. Genuine gas before rasta finishes entered the fourth book of them, like savings, leaves the faithful leader, a gay and gasping for oxygen? trees and threatens the very fabric of our world. It's very base areas that is not really visa, yeah does he mean trees, and secondly- and this is also about the White House- Reason, but that's what Medea monarchies isn't like Belinda blinks three ended in ISIS spends pavilion hair. The gang exposed his plans to dominate the world of ports
a super. I never thought soon as a suitable and he's got hooping coffers, nay, even better. That's a superpower here, not a well man also got its first. They both can ask us to renew, and while they gauge revealing tat, really kiddies held that decided for the book of this very you didn't say, fastenings hair yeah his hair, and it was a german nice, but at least eighty awry yeah. I just don't, lays. If you go back this you're very much knowing no, no good money. Jake he's also- and this happens with that- there is a bit regularity with the way he spelling bitch. Not to admit sometimes it's bad. Sometimes it's just a simple b. I s age
sometimes a sea thrown in there. I imagined it would say I shall say, be I s c h and sometimes be I see you, I teeth ass. He biscuit rain. Ass, happy ass, see you say NIMBY C H, he'll be back events in the news as Super Veil and believe me, cried the king with the same age. Even higher but these are his first name. Those laws, you guys? I must stress that I dont think quite starts to see. I was gained cutie our carry right, the cutie that emphasise that kiev- that's great so supervision. Have Wolfgang Bitch exposed his plans to dominate the world of pots and pans? Take
Belinda's company down in the process. That is the processes and that's the plan They're not Belinda's company should just works, but Belinda has set a blistering pace, customers on violent, I would say occasional shoppers rather than unrelenting- that interested they need, Belinda to be on top of her game, he's, nay, in this way, because these customers that are so obsessed with the person that is the cells director of their favourite possum palms companies like image sterling Peter round, not your basic customers, any shops I will also be that is well. They have presented a client to any other lady voices. Maybe that's whose reference in the point is not to check out girl she's not like in the shop selling the individual, but somehow I wouldn't say that James a customer gets he saw. It is the client doesn't pedantic with me, I can't believe, a gang of Odin this again,
but Belinda has set a blistering pace some as unrelenting: they he'd Belinda to be on top of her game as they can t new toward a more and more of the product. They so love from their favorite the national. Nobody cares about pots and pans Really, wouldn't you think if they were unrelenting native sell more, have not all very many really have enough, though she sobbed seven pots deficit, if anything, after all, a pot is a part and is a pan, is that our partners at bath buys workable pillar of ever heard it. So why by them from the best. Why not Jamie yes, great sex betrayal,
large breasts and hotel room chatter? Oh you know the combo accusing just talk about rabies hums as he's reading, where she's really like grip, unitary holding bresler, do might all kind of Mcmullen. A area in reading which, at the time, yes great sex, betrayal, Large breast and hotel room chatter, never mind the old bottle of australian Sheldon, CNN Tonic and even better consensual sex. But I would have hump and even better, all come together to give you faithful reader. The register is very unusual, assessed recharged atmospheric ride, three billion the blinked fool. You ve been wound That's not a bloody hell. Does everything it up
I believe that everybody- always Andalusia, honestly and no clear all. I think we're going some like gossip. In a hotel, That's about it. If I took from her and a massive pair of knockers, that's nothing. He said. Just more the same classic, Glinda blinked, William, so join us on Monday, the twenty seventh of August, because Porno day is returning and to get you in the mood we have written a full blown theme song forbidden to break, for it's called the special one, because he was the special, We need to know, I love you, so much is contact, trumpets and string, and a full video is Papa Day is a good check out all about social platforms to get a watch, but for now here it is, for you is only the special,
Why has he is rocky? You know has been changed.
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.