« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Best of Book Five

2021-04-05 | 🔗
Jamie, James and Alice look back on some of the funniest highlights of book five in Rocky Flintstone's magnum opus, 'Belinda Blinked', ahead of opening book six on Monday 24th May. Visit mydadwroteaporno.com for live tour tickets in 2022.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, I'm up into my dad voter Porno welcomes Alison, Jane How are you both this? Is such a treaty? No so nice to see you see you too. Now, before we open up Belinda Blink, six, we're gonna real, live Belinda, blinked five, which is good cause. I've done a bit of analysis outcome, lately, forgotten most of it? Well, I've been a bit of a James, had been a total swamped and revised upon it. The only half asking about half way, I'm gonna be like really really upon it, and then it gets what episode seven or eight inoculate doesn't ring. The bell anyway, so an- and they do say before you move on into the future- need to relive pass traumas so that you can move ahead so this so that we- hopefully don't repeat
behaviour patterns, like I find Jamie. We we had to turn the monks on immediately because we just noticed something about you when we sat down a k, so you wearing her clear right. The thing is not easy for, but I just never seen you happened before could also have been locked down for so long. I vote in the UK. Hasn't rose gets that bothers for literally about half a year at this point, since I'm used to this end. So am I have? Is it such a kind of mad curly mass you want in China? I just hats, I'm trying to obtain the looked. I have normally side shorter and I'm trying to keep it down on one side with some flattened your hair. With about I,
count. Three too, I think everybody can pictures of Shirley Temple can decide on its own young stall in a kind of arrival. Branch Roche on today is the fact that we just unannounced he knew we see them, and then he found one on the floor. There has been doing, isn't a blue honestly, I keep forgetting that. I have the middle. I go to bed now. Wake up with happens him about his or her to suicide, which I just wish. I note that we would do exudes for so long and it doesn't really shall be wearing one of those ones aren't teaches lacking the court. A bulldog clip innovation, MR, like teeth, go in search of a five hour days with the most kind of subtle ones. I couldn't go out disgrace you can get those those butterfly ones you can get in get those a whole range of out of us applies negative, butterfly, clap. Unthinking Roy, I feel like he's one step away from Scrunch Bobby Pins, Bobby pangs of the gold is unmanageable. It's really bring me down Ashley. How
behold Chains- Alaska, that's the big, it's been a pots and pandemic has just been awful know how to live with the consequences. I just wish. You'd warned us like that just doing what it was that we could be. Court of James came in with a bus got? You did take a breath of, I wouldn't, but this is just what we are doing. I think it very important that we look at hand These are the top there too, and have to wake up. Wasn't benighted. There was any way back some book five will over complicated, but finding that you got rid of ready, dent story wise, which is something I never thought I'd say about occupants too, and this is the kind of Dijon rebel. Clearly, we went deep into the world of espionage and the detail, I'm sure that's true spies would agree, was radically inaccurate circles that we should go back to the beginning. The book and kind of work help
law for me: ok, business right, so will it all started with the aftermath of the bomb in the carpet? Of course- and we remember- everyone was scattered and we didn't know who is alive, who is dead and the book out? She started with Belinda in Heaven. If you could only God and the refugees whither, so Missis Hales Bird was knocking back shots with Nelson Mandela. Freddy Mercury was teaching Berlin, the child's Hancock, I'm dick than I was having alone by the loose instead, there is a law is a lie, to be fair, he is needed that is able to do. When my dad's world
at last check still with us. Thank you he's now. Ninety five are well of you. She was wife, a lovely wife. I have said as much as before. Do not look at me that way, she's a lot. Just as hard for seven years, younger season ass, already forty six years younger, quite the age gaster, exactly as evil is only six years come on indignant, I'd sooner hearts, precisely it's how you feel is net was I thought you guys got this little tidbits information, neither Shane Vandyke, directed and stars, and titanic too, show you both joy. If you haven't already atomic too, has anything that has lost its. They, I think unofficial I've been James. Come are not involved as United in Leonardo Copycat ones, not involved, but yeah hundred years after the original disaster. And they build another luxury line, a cool titanic too, and they
sell along the same path without Sousa obsolete mistake than a looming iceberg. While you can imagine the rest it it does, it doesn't go well, another iceberg. I think it's another. I spoke again, oh my god, and what this is set in one two thousand and twelve, and yes and and I think that climate change means as a big wave and stuff. The nice violating IVO back as they practice in advance, for that was they will. I, let's not fall for that, but closed the bunker How did I not seen this thing? You would love it. You know how he left the room with Tommy was well. I think chain yeah right, set, erects read this theme to ensure is what the Son of Ground anomaly, ok and who is here, and it is worthy of a star I mean, is the star he's a he starts in it he's a leading role. Yes, precisely what gifted family? Obviously you I didn't know your vandyke knowledge was so wide ranging what
wasn't at the time, but after rocky even accused of being dad, I felt like I should do more research, lest we do that again. Muslims, very, very much alive, though, is alive personally that the mat, so I think it is worthwhile spry. He said, and I just law. I love that image of Heaven. I think that's one of the best depictions of her. I've ever see, but of course she didn't say that she came. She was pulled back to earth her time it wasn't her time. Wasn't her time. She wasn't ready to die. He was about to die, was Bela. If we recall that yes, do I and she was in a coma and then had to be attended by a doctor doctors that doctor stirred doktor stud beckoned Belinda to sit down and talk to study. This is a proper poured out. What appears to be the issue? Doctors, You gonna put your thumb. Marbury me doctor. Still I've been very naughty
not nor naughty and have plenty presents a sickly. Edna. I've got rash doctors. Low played like calf nobler precious. Allow doctor I've got this unusual Damn it illogical issue, doctors to get you to a twin busy way way to God. We really ought to visit. We were like, what's every possible, let us say them all. I apologise because the gender ducked stud wronged me existed. We you did it I listened back you and used to being a boy you and she stopped being a man you see did that I didn't realize you were listening back, so you could. Weapons has accused me of some rank chauvinism. Wasn't the statute of limitations on that evidence, and you let me forefront you. Let me for
We just assumed it was a man, because doctors start to be fast, start India, and it was a woman and rocky flit tore expectations completely in the good thing is doctored brook safe bet, a fantastic I was kind of by having sex and of those. Now that you're gonna buy Cunnilingus terror of commerce, and then I think it's like literary soon, as you woke up, like cetera, is, are you can go home outpatient, however, that we went to the safe House with Monti that Grand Master of the cases on the yes side, sorry just a variety of extra context, so the safe houses where the confidential Oda Cook, where knights, were hiding after the bomb had gone off. You know that they will I world under threat here, so they found an anonymous house and basically lived there together. Almost like big brother and the Cox. All of the people steals and also the duchess and petty them
How do the farm and aim is a war? Again, you that's what I thought the ever became clear. His oversee the blue prints had been stolen, that's. A nice links have been stolen, who have had the great even had his hands in his anciently had right. So why do they have to hide? What because bade light? The threat was real. Because there was a bomb. I test cycles isn't agree and I think they were all together working together. Save steals. It have to be like some sort of shoe steals like some deposits deals Isla and they would protect these deals from ditch when they were hiding. The safe house labour, also having a lot of sacks of cold I've house miles, they have for one particular move. Shall we say that do not act,
was quite disgusting. Wanna try the hump a skunk. May that's them a dreadful thing realise what document chick was this tony thought allowed await? Skunks lungs bums, like all die of advocating the most famous thing about asking what dont magic was. This Toby thought allowed maize laughed heavily at tony sexual ineptitude. It's simple hurt if ticket you hump, one of us, while the other is eating while eating. Some wager war. At times I hesitated, but you separate you up with its appeal, but is eating it's illegal war. We please Lots the skunk? You
one of us while eating the others ass hold until foe, me. I've never got over until full, why the portion controlled element that is really intense. Thirdly, we never were very sex positive here. So obviously, if you humping skunk, though, while in the aisles but I think is the fact that your dad has created that move and up see. That's not gonna nail shows copyright issues, it that's not move that already exist for the name. No, thank you. I googled it at the time it was. He didn't, have an urban dictionary entry, but now it does it now. Son was done, that's good. I got so many people have entered it during a threesome, holding at least one male or female, with a sizeable strap on you hum of them will eat and the others asshole until completely full they hunted and just women. I mean,
it's not technically rimming. Is it it's a different thing? It's rimming well fucking, but what I mean is with rimming and consume anything, don't conceal anything, maybe the full to give rocky some. Metaphor recalled till you learn to love last lasted of joy. I mean a great branding. Now the humblest sounds fantastic swept the nation was more offensive, the hump, it's gone, my mailbox and he thought was actually a lot of another worst example in that book of size you have very close dialogue and that I think you know what I'm talking about. What you mean get it I've a saint transfer, a fun favorite dishonest people into went to get some thick. In training away. She went to get Spock training as a spy. Yes, you went to rats, of course, rather than Roger, and because we could never mentioned
sitting on his full Boil Academy of, Cameron, stop and stuff like that. But at this moment stuff, a law that we act and going on that, but Belinda did pass the acting test. I agree with the security that are an hour doktor with flying, am I Belinda we sideways of do oh Jesus, Christ, screeched, frost, first Belinda. Does Belinda does apparent, choked red spit Belinda did is Belinda does an Jeremiah innocent frost. Verse was gagging for it. Delirium and hum. Do you want to know? Is cracked Belinda spoke onto a fitting face?
Please do tell ya moaned the acting mistress. I don't find. Attractive, shoot you So that's the end of a man so he's I find you tempt you truly an actress. Many a Give that word of protein. Its J. When Rocky wants to do a twist, he really pulls out the back that but really surprised the curse in full standing ovation, oxy incredible, so she produced a but just to show that she had the acting chop so funny. Full name of of the auction teacher Jeremiah
Saint Frost, fantastic. What a woman said: Belinda's now fully trained ass, a spy after that one section, woman acting session cheese ready to go, and then she makes away too Germany. I think it was Germany and another misstep in my voice were, She has a new persona. Now, of course, oh yes, Smith was yeah. Murphy and spoon was mister. T felt tee a teaspoon lab that what was their mission to infiltrate Bishop I presume to rescue slim. Yes, I'm to get back the blueprints love, but they did run into his personal assistant, bitches person system picture. I have to say one of my favorite moments. Elias areas is making Petra. I advise the proprietor long. Are we going My face hollow and pizza here, Bishop Personal Assistant, ah, we heard
evidently had the aside to keep you waiting, but I'm afraid air beach, as at one of his clinic asthma attacks, but ass man backs. Is she having on How high understood them. Give me one second Phoebe who Mps were whether his card? There s been a tax Is it just be the ones to spread, has been lips honestly Are you ok, while You sound out the words one of his classic asthma attacks. We trust. The rest is private House It has to before you load. Cities are worth, however, an
meets with the above. I hope you understand there I don't understand what did you sorry not listening is of your stupid boy to write it all down hurry up. My router, you pulled a thousand, however, was the longest volubly over all the other words so far ass. I m sure I read it is just in them my own eyes and those rights. I really want my time and we won't. We went interrupt the vote. I will try not to react in a much better health and pits. He'll be issues. Personal assistant feel sorry to keep you awake. He envious.
That is clearly asthma attacks, as has just been most, is prohibited. Hospital is opening up new. Will I'm here to meet you build descent Never have I heard you people redundant on his way. Romanians in a German. That's me, I got a heavy irons in and what do the automatic hunt even its mandate in this you almost invented you're nuts and never heard the accent rotting is quick and then slow and the lives of bows? I was already.
That showed you pay him. One tactics that I've ever do it again. Oh, my god, it was a job p eyes. How is she so memorable, useless, Petra? What I mean that won't ever not bring the joy this was going on as well just sell and Tony's brother George you're, the one who the axe military he just turned up, and yet a man die are working for Bush, they'd kidnaps lens and then they had slain seem like a basement somewhere, dungeon yeah and then Gazelle accidently killed him with her vagina Hyaena happen at night. They got laugh I got a call from bash to say, come and have dinner with me tonight because Belinda Spoon had come under cut was insurance, people Lahti, we consider what are they? Gonna live regional development policy for the oldest man in the world and then just now,
pretend that she was ill and she had to quote quarantine harass very hurry prophetic. Realise that they have to get the hell out of there because they just coincidence ambitious deaf, kill them gazelle, lit Trudy skipped back to the entire region. Should room and sang. Ok, Georgie poetry Ok, you deportee. We heard only forty minutes up. To achieve this do you have about a tomb decided that the current draft eighties
Baron dig somebody's gonna take. It Give us all to Brazil, though, like to get back to the interrogation majority sang, ok, Georgie Polje we only have forty manage to get out or their about pack your stuff insolence. Is that what you thought you but it s not about it at at at at at at at at this aim? Is this debate really bad lira, my gods of just like the idea that she's just killed since, unlike put her life,
reaches skipping around singing merrily motions, potentially psychopath assessor acetate panels. Death insolence been if there isn't a bunch of her life nothing since zoom. Wasn't me: bucks lived about used up, about does mean bundling into a big. Remember the remixes. We got kind of dance numbers that people made out on her is a bang I'm and has no getting round eyes, but it just seems like an unusual mood to be in, I think was so relieved to have been given a reply.
To get out and save her ass? His hey seventy guys? Yes, it was. She was granted reprieve other orchestra dunes, gleam of light and shade gonna moments of levitate. We ve gotta remember about upstairs, there was a meal going on wabble endurance, Buena had joined Bush for dinner, and this is one of the basic. Could dinner party have always net yeah. I mean we let the Hump Unscom Rocky also came up with a new word for a trump he thought bitch. Let out a stinky gentlemen wolf. But that's what we're going to find a gentleman goods away. That means it's the focus of the chapter. We're not gonna Russia over this greatly Belinda Gordon.
The link, a poisonous gentle, the roof. He let out a stink. He gentleman worth. No one laughed sorry, but I realized it was, but the groom, no one laughed, but they did all wins. The toxic stench of a man not weapons regarded by the stamp I'd just like to refer to apologise for my Knowing laugh, exercise a fucking tropical these skills levels is he left and I just really enjoyed what kind of flora and very vivid description of the absolutely putrid insides lavish your dad managed to conjure because he was rotten inside worsening. This episode is sponsored by neck to sleep now waiver, quoting this remotely analysis to your camera. I mean don't offend you ve done a lot. You slept very well as Mr Lange
but it's gotta be going somewhere leave out the alluring this by is is have you got the right mattress right out of this. Is that EU pretending to be concerned for me now? Yes, because if you haven't your look, I don't feel lucky in this conversation that do go on well. Nectar believes that
Sleep makes all the difference. Alice. Ok, he's talking! This is neck detailing the Alura thought Jaska EU inspired by blissful sleet next was founded to create the most comfortable mattress. To give you the best rest night after night, taper make all the difference. Are we so much nicer today around if it works? Can you imagine how your lives will be improved? If I have a good match, your mood will be radiant every day and they got a crazy offer at the moment they do is the biggest offer ever. In fact, if you buy were their mattresses starting at four hundred. Ninety nine dollars, you'll get three hundred and ninety nine dollars in accessories. We're talking sheets, mattress, protectors, pillows, accept, and if that wasn't enough, you get three hundred and sixty five night home trial. You know how long I is a year
did you just do them off? In your head up up up a rubber warranty, I'm free shipping unreturned rather warranty. Can you imagine when I'm ninety two and, unlike so joined the over one million sleepers, that sleep on the nectar average rating of four point: seven stars with over thirty thousand review, a million of them does a big matches dodgy Vienna next to sleep, get the best sleep at the best value. And then we, quite interesting escape from that particular become the self from the shores Indeed, when Belinda and Spoon Hatter, let's make a run for it. Through the most unlikely of places The Jew O walked through the doors of a german fast food establishment, called it curry, be first
even the Caribbean? We can only work if you, let me see the very reverse which those who play it could be worse. Which was up that you can pick up the bill succeeded, I mean they'll, be so Michael that will. I hope there is now a hope that the other establishments existing couldn't be reversed, but that was what led them to the secret headquarters. This is a complete blank for me now,
This is what you stopped listening. You hope so does. It is the end of chapter seven area. Now I didn't get a stone ass, they went through it carried be first and the corridor became quite all night. And they will look like a relative advanced. I walk through a portrait of the queen, mother or something and then inside was the duchess. And we reveal that she was the head of all The thing was: Savage: has his spies or silly ass ever the average rate of the m- and she says, is I am I five men I myself think doubtfully. So why the hotel? We know it's very both all of it just overall head of british intelligence services or something I just can't imagine them shopping around for like a secret headquarters, curry Beavers twitter in the basement. They call me that
as I was gonna some really mount, but the place I get my lunch. Isn't the current diverse tell me more go on, but maybe it's quite smokers knows that go into a curry reversed because it could be worse. So the footfall is minimal. As this is the right, I mean of being discovered a decade right, but Belinda was quite shocked. That revelation I mean that is quite shocking, so she had to go back to her apartment hasn't downtime and his favorite gaol pow. Ok, I love this is my finest out. This is my favorite moment of lindblad. Five tally with favour ass time. With bandits Upernavik Sandy I think you got any hobbies everything implicit dad levies on television was a facebook pastime. Reality has talent, but Belinda was
unfamiliar with its treasures Chisholm? For me, with Tele Syria has no ITALY. Is she much prefer to practice day coup paused in her downtime also what we thought we were made in the eighties, but women steadily. Eighteen, hundreds. If it was day, coupon cutting out things from magazines and taking them to this. The fact that its political scrapbook space no online like the tables and chairs. Escalating surfaces of furniture with cuts outbreaks is generally hours putting pay very state bodies. Through we'd, never known its due to other people accident
little about. James S, view soda Nice, Everybody. Can you see? That's not about the negative out about the value of this, as I just about you that even a cry just think it was the combined image a watch entirely. Berlin. During the background day coup polishing, a stool, you literally said that the best to women even have about them fixed of carcasses one, but he how, with other people, obviously there the peers body at you beak, unlike that constantly support They would have evidence that I get to that. Other Linda was a day coup, persian thuvia! Well, we didn't have drastically as our own forward, because I kind of emotion not dislike how they end up in your light when therein, their sixty seventies
then retire institutional, that's when they'll do stuff what is now happening. It is now time to be doing that now. She's, always a positive measure that I thought when you said she was gonna Texan downtime. I was thinking. Oh maybe she goes back to the flat for Kippur Shag, but sit and day few part. All the goal of it, who would take proportion is also pelops madness. For some reason, I'm not really sure why they could to Australia our circle They do and we me one of the top celebrity in Australia. Absolutely who'd only done dancing in the sky with die and methods. Mr Cosmo, The root cause no macaroon you'll know him friend has many. Many cooking shape is one of the biggest names in Australia realized. Was it Bela that was the the president of his fan club muttered busker again, another vague was didn't. So she gets the access
him, and they try and sell him steals pots and pans utensils to use on his cooking? Shall yes? But they had one unusual way too, tell them in that they seduce tat. You SAM you, shall I say the only way they know how we want to change the pots and pans you use a mule show to the Oxy Brill o re. From steals pots and PANS seal me ladies Cosmo said ass. He started fucking. Each van due to time felt very screamed. Belinda MID bunk, their path, stick of environmentally nice guy to the touch only five. You D dollars wholesale
our path things that isn't, hopefully the cells, the octave in my favour, is environmentally. Now you and I you D dollars. I got a lot of that. Have a half but then just sell, saw them with exotic gangrene so the Australian, before the Joe Boys is avenue. I think they do now becomes think about. I think they went Australia, oranges, elles, trail, rice somehow knew she can't Australia. That makes as well as waste my and while they were in Australia, obviously Urban Belinda, befriended quince. If you remember him, backpacker executed Oh here they held like a whole weeks holiday in the big.
George, edible beds. This is a massive like loads Abed stuck together. She she profit driven out of trouble, spot individual areas, gold coin, and then they went off with a low track and then was they were away. They got kidnapped only by the black obstacles, quince betrayed them, so they were in the clink in jail. Members appear after them job, but suddenly Jesus did something quite unexpected. Belinda, Dalla and spoon looked petrified as Gazelle approached their cell. About a law. To their surprise. No might not mine, she began looking link K. Oh my god. Oh my god, he passed estate- oh my god, be she's goons, not him!
an evil george we down. So there is no time, but you will enable page let's not get and was lying. You not do not get the fuck out of the slow but you're evil page exclaimed Belinda. Girls? Is jobs now keep up a thank you, ll, be no. I have been it's true words of yours, but I was only to save my my poor mother, alpha toxic, on this issue on then you see she has a weird illness which are combined the battle right down here and also I'm rocky, so I kind of do what did we do specifically gives they get in trouble? Builders to Google? You see she has a weird illness its ill defined and hard to say. Oh God is how to say, oh come shock
corn shock maintenance detritus. This is a bit like services as italian concho. What now I think, I think he was top contract detritus debtor rights. This assumption miss Illogical, doesn't it was clearly life threatening because millions to get the message, which is why she of sea became the special one needs the cash at an endeavour got the Catholic. She wouldn't let some pact dissolve journey that because Sherry she's, very much back in the she's, back Micheletti Bruce out? In theory, she was the special on all along from from bookworm, and she was employed by Bush. He was getting the money to pay for a month treatment, so she was never really ambitious sighed. She just needed the money exactly so a few things. Why did she kills? Slim? No, I think, then that was explained. It was an accident. Oh yes, he had em assign ipo dinner. He actually killed him today
though he might have been allergic to have vagina, but that wasn't no themselves, because I also. Did they re about that that disabled citizens, here we are that Jizo killed slim so that bitch couldn't get his hands on the shoes deliberately sabotaging things could Actually she is on their side. That's cabinet! That came up again, so that would explain why she did Mary. Tony because she did not she loved TAT, he s on the other. For the money, exactly she's she's, now goody. Again, and then maybe the most consequential act of any of the books happened, and it was really really quite motion offers. All the fight between George and Spoon was really not nice. He rests can write, spies, schooner you, the laughing stock of the entire didn't services and I fucked you secretary I'm the bends. Oh that's just dirty.
Play is doing some noise couple weird. I thought we ve been gentlemen about this fight spoons yeah. Does the lunch to punch Georgia, but George was quicker than most with a broken leg: rotten eggs he's been wooed, this man, he's pulled out. A smallish dagger with TAT was shocked at the death of these studies that Ireland's gotta button I for everyone doing it pulled out. A small data and killed him there, I'm still I've read. I was kind of George when you ve got your second rates, but he was a terrible, is jobs have to die no short, but as a character. I feel like a kind of ours is served its purpose as more than we do get to hear tat. Taught me scottish you right away. I won't.
I'm already voted. I didn't I didn't really I like, and then the book ended with a massive twist Jupiter Bimbo happen goes. I do on this, isn't just no good day Let's play the clan Oda Helium balloon rose from below ground with little basket. Basketful bavarian treats ensigns happy in jumped bash in George, and just as they were taking off, they grabbed Belinda hoisted her. In some nine million fund fifth kidnapped Belinda as they flew. Into the orange sky. Belinda looked down at her crying friends as bitch scrambled four per day.
Scrabble today, Pacific Audubon debts grapple his late a hose and had written up his scrawny gray, but he's wearing later wholesome, don't fuck guys Belinda gasped on his rotten little man they will go on like this lies. Everyone got gangrene, sat a tattoo of three bees. Intertwined in fancy. Writing Belinda, The per own son dress, and reveal that sir, upper thigh? Belinda and whose the Third Bay bitch hissed as they flew
from anywhere genuine spam, bots gazed around I've gotta run away. You just called I am holding things like that. Like he's, gonna threat this together in some Amazingly always I'm just gonna make no sense are sometimes a stance that deals have all bounds is able to do so Essentially, what did she say as these two willing, because these tattoos, which Belinda never noticed she had another? She got Mona? Maybe you know she's gotta, but she didn't know that he had to say more than how did she get publicizing? Why it's not like three stars on you hit that everyone got with dolphin on this morning about unless she was tattooed, is it baby, the remedy, these things. If it's not a big market but the implication They are linked by blood, somehow somehow
Is it families, unlike the firm lifelike mafia, family life, No, I mean it could be neither of those things and it could be nothing. Let's forget beat you have to come back to find out as we opening book six on, may thee twenty votes? Where have you been well it back monetary way, that's what it is and we ve got something very exciting, very limited edition. Very simply tell you about omens uses a product that doesn't like me. Something we are releasing an exclusive range of Belinda B is so we did, and market research base emailing as these hounds absolute asserts that yet reasonably they drink. We absolutely must ultimately with errors, but what we do we do has every year now it's become tradition. We have our listening party for the season premier and we thought would be no to celebrate with a with a few babies, and we themed them so that all Belinda blinked specific beautiful, come second to collect as item. If you now inclined, I am, of course, of course, I'll have a whole,
a whole cabotage of them for around. We got. She asked you guys to help name these guys, and I have I'm saying so. We have a four percent pomegranate pale Ale, yum yum, that is called nectar of the north courts. Are wonderful gray suggestion a gene t IP. I owe Belinda's ruin as ruin, labelling, river and little play on words. Thou be nice. Guy was these idea where they have ever had anything luck of happier, energy anti. Does that parties non by and we ve got a six percent- show deny ale cold Heaven on a hat, stand all they'll be crisp Chris, along and of driver routine us? While it is sound about the Good NEWS? Is you can pre order
in the U K right now. The link is lie. Metaphor: the party ready for the party you haven't just in time. If you go to Alphabet Brewing Dakota UK those people with parliament with a lovely independent brewery up in Manchester actors are absolutely so. It's alphabet brewing doc, Coda UK forward, Slash M D, W H pace it. What I as an acronym That might utter opponents would never use thousands monopolies gap, alphabet brain. What would we do without? You would be a lot more so weak foolproof? We were a reasonably unresponsive. Bearers The good news is, if you are in international listener, they go on general sail on the twenty. Ninth of April, so you could try pick up a pact that, and you can do a common- can t you get a couple of each or if your planning on doing as in party a normal haughty, whatever's love new air, it then you can get a big thing and share a unspent? The cost, your legs? They wouldn't you have drunk with sweetness, coincide, collectors item eleven loan and at times watching give us. Europe does video drink, it
It would send a one foot to give the weight absolutely penguin paperweight useful our work on the night ever ridicule, so we will see you berries in hand for the listening party on Monday, the twenty fourth of May at eight p m bs t that's pretty summertime shop and thus make The biggest one ever because now I anyone's Gandhi, must bail if you haven't done a listening, partly with us before. Basically, we all press play around the world. At the same time, I listened to the episode together. Life tweet, along using the hashtag porno, cigarette everybody's favour bits worse, but some of the best guess I've ever see so funny, incredibly sociable. Show people too that's not a reaction to the saucy that absolutely may the twenty. Fourth, we are opening Belinda bling sakes.
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Transcript generated on 2021-04-06.