« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Best Of Book One

2016-06-06 | 🔗
Ahead of series two (starting on Monday 4th July), the gang get together to talk about some of their favourite moments from the now legendary 'Belinda Blinked 1'.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The following pot cast contains idle themes. Sexual content and strong language basically altered its gases back how his James Alison me Jamie's. My dad wrote a porno not quite time for services although rocky did hand me the manuscript of Belinda bent to yesterday ass, he can't believe, I know so is imminent, guys July. The fourth put any diaries polar Day, we'll be back then, but in the meantime, a wet your appetite to remind you of the world a blend of linked. We have gathered together some of our favorite bits of bookworm, I'm not sure about would favour if this low light so highlights a brief three elements. We women
There are causing one that everyone always brings up. A level in Dublin is a bit like a secret societies, and if you say the word pomegranate in the right company people automatic, you know we made the right path, Yeah, you know who your brethren are. I think rockies cannot ruining people's lives like my life, nobody, I can't watch titanic anymore. I think we all know that isn't true He was everywhere. He didn't want for a day and has gone back to his usual weekly viewing So we just take a trip down memory lane and I think the best place to start is on chapter. One seems like a central place in where it all began chapter one when she was not job interview- and this happened- Belinda lay back in the leather chairman spread elects. Why does requested Havana lids? to put it in a loving the things that I mean, I'm no expert on the vagina Alice. Maybe you can then does vagina have limits
I have never thought of it. As a top level that's when we knew we have today, especially on you needed to please God be adopted. That was the early days when we were so easily shocked as well. Where does the mere mention of irrational lead, which gets going that so true? That feels like barely even a lifeline? Now, let's damages not I've loved. Also remember sweating the early days is very so I say the rumble of liquid call moment. It almost been surrendered to the eye, then the men to the lower left eye so that this kind of kicking off the whole Belinda Blink craze its pop and buy it didn't, and their hats hits freely Life Palmer, on it,
a dozen ever is clean beverages. Old fellow, I think pomegranate is the one like everyone uses pomegranate, and people just don't look upon the balance in same way. Now they, I would say that fruit is ruined for generation. Did our parliament's became such a big thing that Christmas on Christmas day, my dad made some special Belinda blinked cocktails, the family? You know that you do the triumph over Wilma failed and he put in little red pepper corns to be like a cocktail full of pomegranates Why were able pomegranate? And it is a good question, a classic rocky moment, and I think I am going to actually opus Dei table peppercorns in the cocktail red pepper corns, to resemble pomegranate when pomegranate is economically Jake things, they were to look like a lot of little ones. I feel like yours induction
I did that to you like no to resemble little many pomegranate citizens like no, not ok about us onto justify logic of my father than there was one would be sorry. He is an absolute mental fiend, but no It was interesting just because it even got through to rocky that pomegranate was a thing more honest public was a tribute to me when he referenced my favorite fill my pony, may they Africa Titanic, of course, and they were now as large as the three inch rivets we're just how the whole of fateful tight time, maybe squealing with an eye to this very day. Where did he pulled out for a while mind go here. He doesn't have a mind like a normal person or normal right like he does. He pin balls like his references over there.
An orthodox, the least the sizes and even the classical sweeteners pictures of the actual with its other titanic, and they are literally the size of its kitchen tat trees around the redwood deputy. Why? Although we don't know to be fair weather, duchesses nipples, look like we could have that lies in the coins out Biagi, so others has grown For me, there is one moment the whenever I think about favorite bits from book on just respond immediately and it me with a son, the real knows. I love it. I must say this is one of mine underneath covered in pubic. It's more Belinda terms somewhat pathetic. Penis
What's it like you, remember like love bowl I knew it would be the though I do it for that dirty look. Face. I knew the vote immediately. Repulsive disgusting of his most vivid pay. She's that he's ever painted, I think, and the whole of Belinda blinked, but the thing it's almost Amesbury when the episode add they said. He's writing erotic at the point of Belinda Blink born is to turn people on Why would you ever right someone with a showed? That is the least sexy thing on the planet? All the after we recorded as areas such along about law makes a child was in fact has to be yea by yea. You don't like the way your suitcase asked of it and the apple of ashes play for
its equivalent of carry on Vincent Jade it's as long as it is wide right. That's the passage showed that nickel, which we don't know that he had not specified. You lie, When I was a child- indeed, it was not his best buy that it was the vote. That was, we took to cool Maybe he wishes that as long as it was alive, it was lying someone. I think he was trying raise awareness of an issue that I saw on this morning? Recently three men who had micro penis, you know they ve, always satisfied women in the bedroom and it's nothing to be ashamed of. So I think work is actually trying to find a good fight for my maternal, He says he has a wide. Reaching variety of coping with the lights. Does the folder philanthropist? is, and we really discovered this of the term episode when we did covered. The existence of I also want to personally thank Sir James Godwin for letting us have this opportunity to raise a much needed money for local charity.
The access and Don Quixote trust I'm all the charity all, but you don't even know it's a gag. He doesn't even know that is lower than its capacity is not evident on nothing but wisely. Down to asses and donkeys. Why didn't they just do animals under rule is to raise money for animal lightly orders if easily ails you about this about one thing: Calabria, listen to protest about you guys, because I like that, I like him in at least one thing I know is that we never really picked up on, but I think he's worth mentioning. Do you remember who pallor went to in the term bowler I'll fire the Yank Jim Sterling better how to spend twelve hours with Germany
I sent playing where's, Walid where's Willie, honestly, what is Hagen twelve hours to locate and then he would have liked a pauper. At least two people, so they can kind of the time it will become a dense cooler, evil twins in an expert at anyone. The pastor fights daughter, just so you ready be out, Donna Donna has Donna, Pussy mistaken, better He means bout. Believe our air to who gets characters mixed up mixed. This creates whole other names for them. She gazed quite quickly back to Bela, oh yeah, yeah. I think, maybe just like two references of a b, I think she's gonna forget, maybe two sentences. Then she lives does he think my remit to now? I've done it, but to bounce back so you're gonna proof, Reed, rocky or coach than he asked
The proof we spend immediately went like yours, like make sure, one sees works. In a way we are getting everyone else to pick eyes flaws we got so many is on this. Now we ve got like two million bravery that it's a proofreading or months a lover? He is a legit literary figure. Now I feel like so many people have listened. I think he can be talked about alongside you know, Jackie Collins, Jackie cover Jelly Cooper. To put the owl James, I'm until March two does he wrote he won the bad settled he's in the same country then as Morrissey. Also on about these likelihood village outta, your dad is in many ways- basically moors these. Basically
he's a charming man than us. That's why next, but peace. Is no normal individual and he knew when a girl was under his sexual spammers. Belinda now was so he asked his penis in her mouth and began. Using the mud to mark Belinda's, tits ass, mouth and is was symbolic. Signs another where you read that, like sir, I, though, like the skyline even on a hunt, starts with Peter. This is not a normal person, no shit, Sherlock thinking with the other under a spell sexual spare. How do we see it coming with Peter, not literally, but how do we not see that you are going to be widow because he was so normal up until that point he bowed to meet her. What things is another I. I do still hope that
bring it round they, because there was a time We thought he could be a love intra, yet what he is and what do we know that from the blood? So scared me I. So maybe there is still time for married. So much so that being a happily ever after. I love how we pinball round, because there is no story. So we just remember these remnants, oh yeah, that's exactly do regret pulling in the dark, in fact the whole night the proceeded to take sandwiches such gold, like the sea, tv being in the fire I of the horse and Jackie the whole bottle of Chilean Jordan. I am having dinner finishing eight twenty and, of course, not forgetting the youngest man on reception, entered the room with a truly on which that the ice bucket with a full bottle of chile. In short, no SAM
SAM, the young as you with SAM glad. He got a name in the end rocky heard, my prayers he'll never be sentiment. You'll always be the Englishman. The issue that makes it is kind of the underdog, though, isn't acres everyone else on that day, kind of had a business point to be having says Belinda Belinda just had sex with interest she wanted to. I thought she put him to the side to have to take so first and then did, the current political vision of King Gos PETE arouse our funds to Jim Sterling Turkey sandwich, then the young man among us about water hierarchy as having an ogre eighty company to be listed. Where did the helpful sex down levels that penetrates about, but I don't know it's very smash ugly, while less than rocky traveling, so it doesn't take clear ethical issue that could goes. How would we know discuss this. Yet I feel as though I was gonna
I don't know what is so many people get mad me for this, because they feel lying. I should a flag this earlier I was going to fire. He grabbed her serve ah what you say about low, literally bodies while having Alice's Everything, James Simony, girls of such made Ike boys know what it was where it was, and I think a lot of down to the next, took her hand and talk about it like work around the water cooler, but I never really asked of us preserve it. We will give our daily coming out now. You will be aware that it is time that exist which covering all the consequences that you are hoping. Talking about, I said I'd heard of the world
the word. Did you know? Why lies a word in relation to do with the reproductive site using the cooler than it was a huge? You heard it from rocky. That's up there with the pomegranate thing, I think, in terms of life. One word can just encapsulate all of what makes blinked, great, actually, man James met somebody who used the podcast as a birthing aid. Played it throughout their labour during labour, as somebody grabbed her cervix, an actual qualified person rocky with actual proper implement. But then that means the that somebody was brought into this world. The first thing they heard was much
it doesnt by thinking about the valley. Chance will begin therapy for ever. Was this birth I mean. Do you over? There is not. Our problem is that there is a private lives eroded. Please stop telling us these things could be. That's amazing, well, well, seems fitting. The last trip to apply is actually met so the last line of the book, if they were anything but the last twenty four hours, she would be truly fuck seriously. Guys. That is the end of Belinda blame. The last word of Belinda blame is something that isn't ending on such a bomb Michel that she would be truly fucked but could have in the blood but the boy tat allowed as she will be, that would have saved my eighty pages on the blood they actually right. So day book is obsolete.
Fell? Ass, didn't really realise, laugh. Why? Where have you been noticed just when you're in it when you drawn into this world, as we have been trying to forget, I mean I've say for as much as we mark done for its lack of literary skill, stop. He has created a genuine world. People love the world. Belinda Life people and we're being with these characters, and this small french town he's create how who clock, but you don't mean That is no mean feat really. I know I'm always the ones whose trying to finance the Rocky has created a phenomenon we're here. I'm not saying it's up there with other worlds law either. No Lord of the rings model is no mere window outside slightly different genre ground slightly. I can't not wait to see what it does next, its literally a few weeks. Can you even believe it difficult? Second album? The caterpillar is true.
Law. Oppression rocket, a bar he had written book to before puckers even began. He has so this has been a vault somewhere in theory. It should be pointed out and stone. I would hate to. If you suddenly got really good, can you imagine and go to the store factually happen? I'm really excited to read it obviously dreading reading as well to join us on Monday. The fourth porno day is gonna, be back from the fourth of July Independence Day with Thailand. So well but in the reset free from the shore because of the English at least the pomegranate thou be independent and actually, interestingly, the fifth of July is Rocky Flintstones, So now he s the next day is Rockies. Today it will be ready in Ireland which we gain. Nothing really great gift for tat would be on his birthday might address. A porno could get her number one in the partnership
for the first time to have forgotten the one got my clothes together. I mean what, but I give without bees rocky the man has given us the whole a politically the man who has everything? What more do you want? It does mean the world who is as well that you guys subscribe- and you tell your friends about and another thing that you can do to help is climb up- that China is to leave as a review on Itunes in Hocker section, and we really want serious teach me even bigger than series. Long absolutely unlike church was on Switzerland, Twitter Douglas Porno in Grandma slow, my dad rota and Facebook. We got a facebook page to search from opponents were everywhere years ago and the conversation avatar? We love the messages about. He was experiences as relates blend links. I e mail, as do any those things get in touch, unless the just do it for Aki, I think we can do is areas to type Belinda's bird
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.