« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Finale Footnotes: Send Offs, Surprises & Songs

2022-11-30 | 🔗
Jamie, Alice and James hear your emails and voicemails before giving one Belinker the surprise of their life in a MDWAP first!

Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The cast powers, the world's best. here's a show that we were high, I'm xvi owens and I'm the creator and host of the award winning podcast moms don't have time to read vexed. I am a mom and I am a huge reader. If you love to read like I do, and I ve dedicated my whole life to it. I am also an author, a publisher and a bookstore owner. If you love books, you will love. My show. Em Today I interview a new author for thirty minutes and by daily I mean really daily. Three hundred and sixty five days a year, you'll hear from celebrities chefs athletes, authors, poets, everyone who has written a book which is a lot of people so tune into moms, don't have time to read books, whether you're, a mom or not. It has great literary content join me because it helps creators, launch, grow and monetize the podcast everywhere
gas duck. The following: podcast contains adult dont theme, sexual content and strong language. Basically, all the good stuff hello and welcomes the last ever my dad wrote polo footnotes. This is barium Suffice it wasn't planned either. This is a special bonus. Yet this is a bonus. Episode, because the reaction was so overwhelming. We're in the news in america yeah. We were really kind of blood. way by all of the support and I'm going to say it guys, love the outpouring of of on social media. We announce that really kind of took us by surprise and we thought we could and the show without hearing from you guys, you been such a huge part, the show you're the reason we loved
so one last but notice to celebrate you guys. It just has to be done it can't. You by that, by setting up a hotline you, a sort of pudding, is in the same head space as when take that broke up. Spice girls when other major cultural phenomenon occurred. Yeah, maybe over reaching a little bit. But yet we did set up a voice mail service, basically for people to leave their thoughts, messages ramps. My god. Damn boxes for guys
Why should we listen to some? Shall I just play one yeah yeah play as one, but do keep listening guys, because at the end of this episode there was a very, very special pelinka moment. You're not gonna want to miss, but yes, James, take it away alright, and here we got his his first message high priority at just the correct clinton to say that I had, and I am a security, yet you guys at the whole pie and how can we get through it and lying awake at four am with unhelpful thoughts running through my brain
your podcast? Is the the best distraction to thank you. I wish James and jamie and thank you rocky love. You you filthy slag by he yeah. It's our pleasure, another one. So I'm a little bit crushed. I love at last year I've sobbed because it is rare to kobe person's fucking shit. Probably my last I'm your biggest fan and forty listen to it over and over again, I'm going to say it makes like twenty five years. Todd like from start to finish, because sometimes I don't want music and I definitely don't find it so you'll put us guys on for one season signify to the environment, which I just listen to, while making much you can share salads and I continue to listen to on repeat until I fucking guy says I gave for the laugh. I left the way she skins over chicken kiev, salad, hurry rocky, actually that
she's it. It doesn't like. This is a recurring theme. Actually people who hasn't it, time you know a broken up with somebody. Somebody's died awful stuff happening, and I know the feeling of not being able to listen to music. in a music decision to impose national, and so there must be some kind of pilot cleansing that I don't wanna go, there's no emotion and no, it's so nice to light. We had so many messages were people which, I am sure will come on. Two of you know, people saying we got them through difficult times in life. That is the best outcome of this house. It surely yeah it isn't just voice motion. Have you been emailing? Has she been damning us Eric has been on she's a tall ish woman from texas, and she said to this point actually that her therapist, Her unto my top worry. So not only are we a comfort, we're medicine, baby gangs,
teacher in denmark, said that he used the podcast to scare away a bear. That was, interestingly, what did you mean? He was tracking, going on like a high costs of the other big one for weeks, and he came across a ban and nothing got rid of the bad part for james is school king. Filled with some eggs. I just gave me out to kill him. Yes,. Use the protest to save himself from a bear it while James you all repugnant to humans and animals, and I well. I was thinking on a hero, but everyone fraser. Ok, here we have another one jades. Yes, come on. Let's do a little cry right out of his corner team is Amy, I'm so sad that the show's ending, because it's meant so much to me. I actually, when you announced it on instagram and stuff, I actually welled up and khan expressed house, I'm sorry, you're ending and I just
Let you know not tell you, I'm even wondering now. If this is stupid, I'm not you guys and Belinda, and the books and rookie have meant so much to me in my struggles and you just made my daily life so much, but We want better say: oh, my big must he loves me. He's got maybe You know I'm made of stone, gosh, it's amazing. How, as reading terrible dad Putin has touched people's lives in such an emotional way? I mean it's credible you're. What I've been struck by the emails is the subject lines of some of the emails kyle's emailed us and it just says, devastate,
seeds of aid. That is one way to get retention. It really is another voice. Mail is incoming high james damien. Ours is amply in Dallas texas. I wanted to say thank you for the years the barn and laughter you ve been this presence in my life for the last five years, the free enjoy and humor and happiness in getting it through some dark times. Though. Thank you so much for all you, ve done. You will be missed an all remember
podcasts been the joy that it brought a for a long time. Thank you so much they do sound a little bit like we've dies with you. This is like go to your funerals. Hattie sent us a voicemail and she's been talking about how she's been on a big recruitment drive for listeners, hi James Damian outta, my name's sake and I've managed to get my whole family involved or my brothers and sisters lesson bearing in mind. I am one of six even got to the point where my cotler runs around asking to listen to Belinda. My toddler around shouting Belinda blank. Quite he heard about the pomegranate and we have to buy pomegranate for solid three weeks. All he wanted was to say pomegranate. Now I don't know if I could see the brass band base that is already obsessed with boobs, but when he asked the milk he says pomegranate, while in his baby language
you're joking pomegranate. Are you leaves and goes pomegranates pomegranate. Think of all the other stuff that the toddlers herring Belinda quotes, political that's what I love a toddler, quoting relevance today. It s kind of astonishing what we are the soundtrack whom we talked about this since the beginning, the things that people Do. Whilst he listened to the show we've ve got a message. saying up who says you ve been keeping me particularly cherry during a year and a half of frustrating and depressing fertility treatment. James. You roll festival, hole on the day that I was told. Another rounded failed and it was precisely the weird you evening I needed I've just come from us,
confirming that I'm seven weeks pregnant lobby heartbeat the alpine using to track the programme currently remarkably looks like a mollusk. This fallen out of its shall see, attach the screen grasp what she's attached does look like a mollusk. This fallen out of it's and she said I thought you might like to know that were therefore naming the embryo in snow it there s the embryo not they are not called in snail. Will in a similar vein without an email from Louise who was too is overdue. With her baby and the maid wife came round in the afternoon. Try to perform a sweet to encourage the baby to kind of get going and start coming out, didn't work there She spent the afternoon a hot bath and eating chocolate, it wasn't until she listened to season two episode: fifteen jim seated
the mediterranean diet. Contractions were in full swing, so she says I mean that the subject of the email is rocky help deliver my baby, while she think claims porno got that baby out. This is not the only story. We got where my dad wrote a was nearly the first sound, a baby heard you not kidding mary, This is insane guys, so she was at one of our london palladium shows and her friend went into labour, should we gave her a shout out on the stage to leave during the interval, because the baby was being born walk. Why did she leave off and they ve called the baby? Is Bela is probably in homage. That's awful, one day that eighty will be better for child speak of naming people things after characters from the books. Tenure
go on Galeano here, all the way from new zealand, this from Lydia hello thought you might like to know that Belinda Blumenthal to care and endangered alpine parrot is Having around the mountains of new zealand, going to important business meetings and plotting to overpower bishop regime's from her high mountain per cent of this link. You can track and the Blumenthal in real time. Let's say I've s, Belinda Blumenthal. She said female james is showing us the map of a wow. It's like that mountain range projection? Yet, while okay and she's doing well she's thriving, she seems to be, she seems to be near mount mitchell at the moment I'm good apart about you too, have finally been up back, but yeah love that not that there's a power
walking around new zealand called Belinda and that rockies inspired a sort of conservation effort. This is fun. Should we do another one, another voicemail yeah? Let's do it hi on our team, my name and all that goodness and I'm eighteen and I'm from cat in england and my god, what I tell you this show has seen me through it. I fucking the when I was like fourteen yeah. So if you're a long time coming, it got me through literally all my animal homage to the nugget unity. I listen to it at least three times a day and also maybe like the famous more comfortable by such lousy cause belinda fucking by law, but he loves your milky. I don't think you understand quite how much of a difference it makes the wealth. I just have a lot.
See and they often don't get shocked by that's. How I want the side of every call from now on at the ss and don't give her that sorry she started listing when she was fourteen. I know that one name hey, I guess it's kind of sex education according to anatomic and not wage of whom I didn't know we had listeners in poland, I don't lie. We do because I'm has been in touch hi and I live in poland and I'm just really excited cause. They believe in businesses. I just wanted to say thank you. They've started to listen to this podcast when I was going through a really tough time. I had a bad breakup,
just a big fucking mess and I remember laughing my ass off in I here in a shop in a trance. I was completely in love with your broadcast and I'm still grateful for you for your work and for rocky as well. So I gave him my Commissioner, thank you for being present in my tougher stones. Thank you again. I, love. What a little q sweetie pie signed all giving rocky best wishes for what he's a thrust upon the well. He does not deserve better is he deserves a cease and desist. You want another one fancy another one fancy offensive:
another one hi guys my name's ben, and I just wanted to say thank you so much for the podcast. My memory of my dad by porno is walking around the park in in the town in which I led trying to get my eight month old daughter to go to sleep in a prime in the pouring rain soaked to the skin in utterly miserable conditions, but listening to the podcast and just laughing and having a brilliant time, you got me through the eight months. The progression grateful thanks very much guys, ah, that's very sweet, or so, while he walks his eight month old round in the rain listening to us and the eight month old likes that but ever gets through the days is well. I say slowly I mean we said it, for they do not operate heavy machinery or manage a child. When listening to my daughter opponent, not recommended what is incredible from growth, these emails is the breadth of ages,
I kind of assumed that people our age younger people, but we got an email from LISA who said indeed rocky, doesn't know much about sex, but don't blame that on his age as a woman in her sexual prime aka sixty years old, I can promise you that most of us old farts have a lot more experience than you and know exactly what to do with her various saggy, baggy and otherwise decrepit parts, and we have way more free time than you do too. So we have to have more sex than you've ever dreamed of, except maybe James well fair play lisa. You know, I hope I'm having as much sex as you when I'm sixty. It is interesting, though, isn't it thinking about the listeners because often we're just not thinking about how many people listening where they are all over the world, as you say who they are what age they are. I really really loved this message from Becky who says as an sl interpret.
Yeah I tried to challenge myself by practicing interpreting interviews, ted talks, music, etc. By far the most challenging thing, I've ever attempted to interpret has been every single chapter of Belinda blinked. It's been humbling and entertaining trying to think of fun and interesting, ways to sign breast plunging, like pomegranate, showing the miniscule vall or how to show someone's reaction to blue seamen that Kate, your hair? I thank you both positive and is really help. People could discover things about themselves like Ricky got in touch and said I was always convince growing up. I was a sexual enlist into Belinda blinked over the last few years has actually confirm that for me and harrison at that. Helped him come out as gay. So you know it's really helping people across the spectrum wow in what way what he said that the parker showed him, that it wasn't a big deal to be into the same sex and knowing friends of his list
and enjoy the show allowed him to realise that they could befall within coming out, and they were these definite while fast rate, congratulations, harrison the bunker side effects of your doubts. rolling in the pavilion honestly fantastic, but you know we have given that a bit of a rough time over the years. not just for his poland, but also phase business knowledge ray, got in touch and said: look rockies approach of business is as balanced as his butte everything else, but some things a very accurate. She works in business guys. She knows the stuff she started. We can have to cut you off area too much of your message, cheese that one episode featured a discussion about payment terms influencing superbowl this position of steel products. We all see baffled by action. she thought was a very reasonable position to london if those with a key issues for the parties involved, so actually maybe dad, did know his stuff after all
you know hands. I think I was sent on both admit this definitely been times when we ribbed into following. Perhaps you know we ve been in the wrong will say it. We Maybe we've been in the wrong speak for yourself know. We have definitely had moments where I think, oh, my god, rocky flintstones lawyers are going to come for us cause. He actually does speaking of the business advice in the books, we've actually had a voicemail from someone whose life has been altered, improved by the the business advice in the books. I just wanted to say: I've been listening since my very first job in twenty sixteen. When I was a teenager at a retail bank- and now I am a graduate with a university degree going about my life and matters because Belinda installed such a, elegant policy. Ah, ok yeah! Let's do it. Let's do it in the sexiest way possible thanks for those that he goes fuck yeah. Let's do it there you go. That is a that is a business mantra. I need to know.
A graduate scheming zone and keeping the business theme human way, nay. got in touch from malaysia who said they land at a conference? Much like the pan, pacific, the pots of half come for conference. But they bonded over. Listening to my dad wrote a porno at the conference lot that brought them together and what are they together, they're still together? Oh, I love that I know it's not bad, so sweet. I love how a pin bawling here, but you mentioned malaysia. I've got another malaysia. Can I go? Louise has been and she says I moved to malaysia for a few months for work and it was a hugely stressful time. My friend sent me a link to my favourite porno saying you will love this and I absolutely did, but the most. My dad wrote a porno part of Louise's story is that when she was at uni, her dad did actually write a porno, but not in the way that rocky did. He accidentally. I don't even know how to say this sexed it. Louise.
But like the waltz, surrey, keep reading I'll get reading she's on her way to me, adopt for lunch and apologies in advance for the language, but she gets tax from her thinking that is going to say, like running of it lay or I'm here or doing the coffee or ever, and it says it was raising two common. Your juicy can't ton kiss my god is not the first Use of the sea bomb on my dad I'll make up again have to be met Do you see she says juicy is the worst of it ass. She didn't know how to with it, and so, unlike Jamie, she just ignored and went for lunch and they never spoke of it ever again. They never spoke of it, but his mother option. I can't believe, and amongst all the horrendous things that rockies written I'm the first one
prophecy bomb potty mouth your dirty little party about always such is about you all. I can say, as it was the bait him I'm so sorry. If your offended grace has been in touch high grace james, Amy, Alice and rocky. My name is grace. I live in paris and today, on my way to work. I walk past the language and everyday I think it's not as good as a new nominal and the podcast has changed my life infinitely because during the pandemic I was stuck here and I couldn't get home to see my family and me, and my best friend decided to make the podcast of our day in order to just get through the crippling anxiety that brought to us through the pathetic. So every day we had a listening party just have to, we couldn't see each other, we couldn't get home to each other and the port.
It's brought us closer together and it just brought in all day. I think he should watch it and he woke us. Oh that's amazing. I love the idea that they're all real world locations, which have also been desecrated by rocket, Writing you. You could pass major landmarks without thinking of him. I think people when people come to london now they do walking tools of Belinda blink communications like I've seen it, levy, males are people saying they ve been to cripple, would pumping state I needed. I yandah way. Even we have a government which is a massive like detour out of your way to go and send out a clear and probably incredibly unimpressive when you get to you like yeah, incredible. Well, that's funny, because you know people of color try to make belinda into like a cultural thing. You know by doing that, sort of thing and nicole from ITALY got in touch she's living in paris, but she came to see as in stockholm,
and she told all of her family that she was going to see the museum to tell them that she was going to say so because both ways, the culture of it I'm just quit. Laid staying in europe, we ve got an email from asked d. I only want to be the subject light. He said, can hagen is in adding unease. Put one of those out with a laugh. Through it in learning. I think he's trying to help you with your pronunciation james, a lot of people pronouncing it like the eisley. He spells the m o you oh line e r, I agree, as I believe it spells out. The traditional old english spilling joins us out of the voice. Mail of Jamie twould be my pleasure. This is kelly from, although in California I gotta give us a shot. Just do you know how far the influence of rockies whacking wonderful world of Belinda blinked has reached its craving to think that I said
listening in my second year of university and now I'm in my first year of getting my doktor it, and I just wanted to say that, especially during covered, this really felt like the most bizarre family on earth- and I really really am thankful for it. So I'd really like to raise a glass of sharp, nay to you Belinda. The glee team and rocky and basically all the good stuff. Oh my god, it's so much nicer than Kelly's voice. Why did we just employees? Can I just say I'd like to raise a glass to global lockdown, spur we're giving us a nice little tip of everyone's, like you got me through covert fight, like I'm good, I have to say, like the pandemic, seems to be a running theme that it's kind of help. poland, page or in touch to say that she listened to the entire but porno in the lab. It was researching cove Y Y yeah- and you know
the jet, you shouldn't cooler coverage caught it sars call every another's chaise sheet over. You talked about a night. Yes, she now attains. What are the treats? Do you have that we ve had a message all the way from Perth Australia. I've got stuck with light there. We have he go who these accidents are terrible. jamie jameson hours, rarely fun! w way- and I just want to say thank you very much but I brought upon It- has absolutely changed my life and I listened to you every day Still when I'm getting my washing when I'm doing the cooking, my wife and I listen tea in the morning and getting ready for work. Just thinking person is joy in my life, so much love, and I cannot say how much I appreciate you rookie of Heaven and how then it's a fucking money to or think he also took over
His dainty movie, I talk about, is all that. I have a james elles. Damietta god have you got nice, miss James we ve got, a listener from drama. Please, Austria, eu hi guys I'm here Sophia, I am from Austria and my mum name is petra and I absolutely lost my shit when petra you know the character appeared in Jamie's amazing voice. So we often quote quote our home whenever my mum says something weird, because my mum does say weird things a lot, Sometimes she goes like. Then it will always come. It must be rough when someone, you know,
it's the same name as someone in the books. It must be hard to separate the two I mean, especially patra. I'm really sorry about your mum sophie yeah. I could only apologize that voice Jame. I think that will die and bella will go down as your two most iconic. invoices now we've had a very special email from listener. Matt, oh okay, without giving too much away, I like to keep it mysterious he's asked us to call his boyfriend Jamie to ask Jamie a question: oh okay, let's call him! Let's do it hello, hi matt, it's jamie, James and Alex here. How are you that I never thank you? What on earth is going on Matt? Why have you gathered his oh, hey, I'll, just wait to and coast to my boyfriend bought, and yet I am another podcast is coming to an end, although maybe I can do something unique that nobody else would
be able to do oh amazing, so it was either this or the top of the eiffel tower or skywriting how you feeling that I'm just wondering if it's too early to have a rum and coke, it's never too early man. It's never too early. Do you think Jamie will be expecting this question to be popped lol. It always seemed to be one of them uttering girl, where's my ring and saw my mama thread when it is drawn, because I always said that never asked him. The third thing is expecting it Oh, my god! This is amazing. Do. You have the ring on you. Are you ready to come and present the ring now with not release costs? If we deepen wearing an author yeah, I asked him what a suitable to score. But where are you right now, it's very quiet time aka outside europe, hiding out there so you're gonna have to go back show you in the same places Jamie and then what a cold jamie and make this happen. Oh my god, I'm real hope not when I ask anything jamie bleeding
rather than the vowels oda. We believe me so the way we live, that look! Good luck! The next! we smoke, and you may well be an engagement man my god, you see I I companies like after eight years we finally get am I One proposal I was so excited, I always go. I would happen alive, show you guys have we planned for what we do if he says no and don't be that person we could send him a signed book. We'd probably have to send them to because they might break up. That's the truth. Now I've, I believe in Martin Jamie's love. I think it's. I think it's going to happen. What should we call Jamie? Oh, my god, okay hm hm hm hm?
hi is that Jamie must begin hi, it's another jamie here and on joint by Alison James, who my dad wrote a porno, how I can't believe it warning cuisses, I'm a little call that might arranged and just to say I see what europe too, we hear that you have enjoyed belinda's exploits in the past. a little bit shocked. To be honest at first I thought this was automated. I was like the alchemist work thinking about the technology gap over I'm talking to you now jamie when I told him actually set, can you put us all on speak a phone? So we can. We can old, big guy. Your speaker, who has, makin you here is not now Jamie. Doesn't it reason we're calling my actually wanted to ask you something more take it away. I am sorry to say I love you so much. You met me really happy and on yours,
When you have these big gestures for my birthday and christmas and stuff, I thought maybe it's my turn to return the favor. Obviously Belinda. We can't go without mentioning her and I know how happy she is when she's got a glass of charlemagne and undertook some of the other, so I was hoping you could make me as happy as to buy a green smarmy. Jerk want that, well yeah a dream We will open that you're going staging a blinks, germany dimpling. congratulations mightier than this automated message: jane technologies? Amazing? How do you feel Jamie? I feel I can dream enormously.
Are you a lake now found it? I mean it's a lot for votes. Ten o clock Saturday morning call granted will is from you free then am I got. You guys engage with money, great question, namely greater local shop out that, oh, my god, I'm so happy for you guys, like you yeah, I'm take it you're, incredibly surprised, like you, weren't, expecting this at all. No, I never thought I would be the one to ask me. While we should let you have a proper moment shouldn't wait. Congratulations! Thank you! So much. I really appreciate it. Oh my god. It's a pleasure. Let us know how the planning goes and when the wedding is definitely yeah, keep us updated or feel free some have rockies words in the vows. Of course, Oh by the way.
I have a wonderful day. Thank you fight, wow, so lovely. I was actually really tenth. He was going to say no that wasn't. The point was that was a moment I was like this is going to go the wrong way. I think he was just completely completely boat I beg you, wouldn't expect it to be far as three calling. What do you think this could be the start, the rest of my life, while I'm not sure how we talk about How would you do while? I doubt that we can? I think all there is to say is thank you to every single one of you he's got in touch today and over the past couple of weeks. It really really does mean the world to us. I know we could Rita every email and every voice mail, but we have read and listen to every single one of them and you really have it is as happy as three locked in a farm who sang she so much and actually guys at moon he has written a song to set up
the end of my dad's polar? We love a sum it we do submitted play that can. But just as I do come back next week for part two of the finale well Belinda say yes to Peter arouses offer of marriage. You know I doubt it will go as well as jamie and how could it he thought it was dreaming, see how I thought the books, my but yes do about next pool on monday and to play as out its ed mooning. So after after many I too, when all is said in the well being though I saw distraught lies, will raise a boat
to one issue which I hope will make her thanks for all the parts, through the place for us to go. It's the end of the shop. thanks to join me, James and another for bringing with was than I don't want to go. I know it's the end of the show
why the ship, but we all move on with. I believe it will be so wrong. Don't want me, like a black ongoing, saw brain to their nose, but you'll be back soon. When you get what you want, you feel grades and after six books, it's like you. So this is the then come back soon, life all the parts through the places. I it's the end jamie James is for bringing rocky with you. I don't want to go it's and and
j j g for its own sake? Sixty desires you besides, we don't like us we're meeting carbon gas is the game. It's always it is again. No one knows the game is the game like is worrying. Is the game there was much must be orgasm, MR de georgie J, we'll work. It out the the
really I I believe. I all believe They cast powers the world's best Here's a show that we were high, I'm xvi owens and I'm the creator and host of the award winning podcast moms don't have time to read vexed. I am a mom and I am a huge reader. If you love to read like I do, and I ve dedicated my whole life to it. I am also an author, a publisher and a bookstore owner. If you love books, you will love my show. Em
Today I interview a new author for thirty minutes and by daily I mean really daily. Three hundred and sixty five days a year, you'll hear from celebrities chefs athletes, authors, poets, everyone who has written a book which is a lot of people so tune into moms, don't have time to read books, whether you're, a mom or not. It has great literary content join me because it helps creators, launch, grow and monetize the podcast everywhere dot com,
Transcript generated on 2022-12-07.