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Footnotes: Belinda's CV

2017-07-06 | 🔗
Who is Belinda? Where has she come from? What drives her? The gang try to answer these questions as they get their hands on her curriculum vitae...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, my blinking chums hands it curving. It is my dad we're about the footnotes hell, I always cider James hi. How are we yeah good is just been we mandated by the bottom. Hashtag bottom has gone global. I had solely texts with the US. Was bottom planet. I wonder how many houses with a bottom funnels? Have you visited led loads of people had bottom flannel method, Jenny, Bottom planetary with its people, the bottom flannel brigades, not a thing. It is not a thing, but does that mean the face formed so many people, many flannel question. I don't know what it means. I guess
the fact that they share the bottom. I read everything over ground that will never let them think families. Gentlemen, individual arms you'd have to replace them constantly lie. What is it aware? Ways acts it down the river, how many times news bottom Clotel, you already in the bath, slash airway! You know the data Let us move on and caused this week we discovered a lot about women, back store is, while we did indeed typhoid crockery, home he's got. A mention also has small primary school in slightly larger, secondary school, with high ceilings. University in London. So I know it's only fair to give the list is what they want. I have with me guys Belinda CV, only nine has been whispered there. That's a vote that certainly this a while ago. Still not
it's your white much in the formatting! Can you imagine for migratory is gonna, be all over the sure. As you downloaded Especial see the aptly thing, no, I think that everything is barely used. The word processing confirm he hasn't, and so much of it just says, anais an aid anyway and I don't like half a page of not capable not applicable president, please decided on the question to these invented a question for her: that's anais, relevant skills at previous experience and fuck, and I can't you throw them so from looking at it. This is the save ii that she used to get the job. That steals, I say, this is the golden ticket. Yes, this is information that totally was so impressed by the he gave her an interview and then the job. I can only assume he got one c they
and he's just woken up from a comb address. So what category are the graceful under professional accomplishments scenes? ok right says you? We go through this Ebay, yelling and airlines and tricks of the tide of how to get a big job. So the first thing is a good Skilling Tv writing is her name is very large, Belinda Blumenthal, so that should be at least a point. What twenty Take seventy two governing pathetic I'll. Go do on this job on are, if you like me, to fill most of the page with her name, because of some little else. To put both the important thing is that when they call you back in these nets, I'll tell you got the job to undermine cheese, the queen, the participants, they refugees, mobile psychiatric, clinic, lamentable number
I got you doesn't even have a mobile. Is the ever been Belinda sent a text, all Belinda Watts Opt Bela now use. I write a page of their knives. Patriot effect machine, fax machines. It steals got some portable vigorously nourishes where they amiss Ebay, so Belinda Blumenthal Greystock in bold, objective, semi, Colon Christ, have a fantastic job: lots of money, This is an appointment before I dread to think it be in the bin. Now, if it were may be, I believe, semicolon ridiculous objective. No, thank you copy entry to think personal statement. Oh no, it's one and a half. Lines long. Oh, my my ideal job, running the sales operation in a month
ten million pounds organization in the british pots and pans sector. No one's ever dreamed about job not a personal statement. This is still the objective, surely say the objective she just thinks he's. Objective in lie flights not even limited that really to work, and then this line is so specific that you can only really apply to one job, but so specific. Yet so vague, however, is like they say you gotta, tedious tv to eat. Job, which itself is done in this case maybe another one that says I want to be like a rampant sexual individual within any sector. I want to work for company the self like a disease being shut, your cousin, we ve got to the professional accomplishments two thousand and eight to two thousand and eleven so hang on how old achieve it
She was twenty nine. Thus graduation is roughly four December these books written two thousand and fifteen yes, which would mean, and which is when she was twenty nine or she still twenty nine. Two years on she liked. Simpson. Let's face it. Twenty one, said she doesn't h, doesn't Levin grant you it? Trainee with Heroin? of Knightsbridge. Oh that's just around the corner. Isn't it fan forces Yes, never let you do that part. What did she do there? Why does he any no two places in his name. He threw a knightsbridge. Also Harold It's a girl! I mean, if you have, If you must go a lawsuit, try harder as such is the aren't you a trainee with heralds of Knightsbridge Learning, the job with responsibility.
Retail sales of kitchenware and leather goods, a brilliant and learning the job which is what you have every employee receives, or so they got no xbox and spoons and let the jacket servant Estonia and you talk personnel as we have heard about diversifying, but it seems a bit too for James you're, not business, expert Nathan. Lifted. The phrase I leave it to our heralds. I think Pleroma these howled, our fire, so learning on the job with responsibility for retail sales of kitchen, where another goods to good star is a great star, but guys successfully completed the course and appointed to head of swimwear. So my man would have lever. Swimmer wig You wouldn't Spain's? They got you ve got your leather Ipad covers. Haven't we got you on paper through my would be an
The Belinda would be good if they write the skimpy, the bat refer. We got bookkeepers gossip, protected in they made me feel so. Save those plastic so panty line. Is that clear that sit? the growing old region Alison there. So if you try on in the shop yeah I saw you lit a girlfriend. Your bits rub against the plastics of everybody's bits rub against the plaster has led the bottom flannel. Oh, my God is worth petri dish. In many ways you should probably have a nasty. I check. If you ve ever tried on its so next up two thousand and eleven two thousand and thirteen sales manager at TAT void crockery who, in the south EAST of England Wonderful generally give the city but she's been prevail. Without maybe it's another regional thing. Let the regional cells manages yet will basis cells wander through regional,
so far they choose as it was. Then that's why she saw in the know about increased sales volumes by one hundred and twenty five percent of my three it's a new war. Did she have to do to do that, but the bavarian passive start. My boys, do. We think Belinda's behaviour now is unique to steal and pans, or she was up to this time for its well. Is it unique to steals in the sense that is that the atmosphere and the philosophy that they encourage in that they cultivate the culture? The culture is that by culture or is that all the places that she's were emerged? It's all the blaze issue, It's not just that the company anyway, she goes. You have sex with anyone, not just at the Amsterdam Belgium text, no one's shocked, and she's, not always want instigating a two thousand and thirteen good here for her. I imagine to present day Oh hi, which I guess, means two thousand and fifty because this is a cv she gave to steal exactly
today the culture, the culture? Is that their culture or is that all the places that she's were with international clothing peaty. Why pity? Why pity? Why do we can be Google pity widely? What was it international, close international clothing peaty? Why bears pity I, like an l tv, a brass- I think it might be but doesn't mean I properties is all her own pity. Why refers to proprietary company a business structure under strain and south african law, so she lifted a Stranger South Africa on the issue, wonder about hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on regional sales manager. U K, which would then make sense with international clothes. Pity. Why special responsibility U K. Underwear range pants, honest to God, but hang on hang on
these developments will impose Iceland, so she worked in the UK for an australian company called international of exactly what it says on the tin, Viti wife. Unlike certain international clothing, please let me suffer for the way the coins in Africa, where hang on out this wide, ranging job wide, ranging how much saw me control for key account. Sales manages that she did and reporting back to our australian h q in Sydney, fine James. He got it. Thank you cut the bureaucracy of ill, so she was in Sydney for war at least two years as it will show does the UK manager, but she must have got over the business. So we go over again appeal to visit international clothings headquarters, international pity light and hopefully said some clear. She was in charge of EU funds.
Your boxes, you briefs raw straining company that sold in the UK exactly like to have honours right, take a sure, another kind of thought- and she says, sales of our beach and footwear- have climbed five hundred percent and underwear by three hundred and seventy two percent, which famously wasn't in charge of footwear. So she What, specifically under me, that's the territories as issues that are under way that five hundred that's liveries day, So smokers of my goodness and then the next thing this is where we get the dna is, and I and I am a task for the rest of their professional accomplishments. Here God, but let me get to employment,
History was not heard, voices which is thou just all events of previous September, two thousand and eight graduate trainee heralds of nights. London, we know October, two thousand and eleven sales manager, typhoid crockery holdings, can't Britain is not in June, two thousand and thirteen to present regional, safe, managing Uk International clothing eighty, why London we establish this, I mean what's that bit voice if you want to cut off the bomb you're, a post as perforated that media education? Oh, my God is applying Kurzweil graduation June, two thousand and eight University of London, what you think she studied? Oh, my god, obey
this? I presume business doesnt source by what she got, though I'm thinking of her Oh yeah just put the degraded exactly why The last thing we have is is how references, so that was all she put fat schooling, more than an enlarged schools and get a mention still accept. They might do in the references say so, we have some references. It says references are available on request, question immediately, open right now and here with the people that we could request if we Oh, my god. These names are gonna, be fucking up up up up up up up James Petersen, job
parliament, international clothes my God, Norman Who new mood, hold up. Norman talk. We want young university blended bits to chop pass me. This Ebay will see me on my god. Norman talk, we so normal Norman, gee you I that not now. My god is the best name. They got no, no woman totally rotten during on Facebook or want to see this
God is visible: a billion people on Facebook not one, nobody, but only the last name, and then the final reference is Reverend Thompson Irreverent so now its parish, several things I don't know if you should cooperate. Don't ever led the way you like so show of hands. Would we employ Oh my god. I really no way what a church in the very beginning that which will be called on after objective. Thank you so much for bringing them into our lives if anyone's writing a sea at the moment or applying for joy I really hope. That's how that's and talk to another lesson from murky, don't be afraid to have several pay
these attacks, it just say- and I or maybe I'll, just a much summarised version of what's on the first. If you need to fill the page just make the Turks, the really big Slily don't be afraid to maybe does have one two per page so baked homepage AIDS, homepage page o God, but industry. We know that we now have a new episode on Monday's little sea, all about business, acumen, inaction in the reeds and get entered Facebook, twitter ins. Email. You know where to get as thank you so much and seen. Week.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.