« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: Book Announcement

2016-07-14 | 🔗
Amazing news - Rocky Flintstone is going to be an actual published author! We're releasing a book this October and you can pre-order it NOW at bit.ly/MDWAP

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem, call one hundred gambler
homo everybody, and welcome to my dad's porno, the footnotes, its episode to James, unless it with a high doing guys, good top the wealth and q fantastic. We got some very, very exciting new. Suddenly we really have of I've been desperate to talk about this agency to actually here sire. I feel like when we ve set it out loud. That makes it real can actually be real, giving the jolting us I yet Maybe it's taunting amateurs is all one big, Joe is a hoax. That makes I still believe that make so much more than I feel that you should be the one to announce a jerk me. I really gone out with glee at the start of a vague
so we can officially announced that my dad row upon a team have signed a book deal now Rockies book. This is the most unbelievable, however, is that the rocky will be A genuine legit also published author, the thing that we never thought would ever happen and in fact, we ve mocked him perilously for never achieving Belinda blinked will actually be in there and that's great on actual paper that Indonesia, on Anita, not like not toilet paper, there's gonna be a letter. Anyone print policy paper. One thing I realized, I think the british Library keep a copy of every book in the english language of Belinda. Blinked is gonna, be preserved for ever, but they get to have five wild causes. When it was rejected. I admit I must notify the vetoes one day. They'll, be opening it with like white gloves on.
I like elegantly folding, the pages. Can you imagine generations that the future here what's Olympics us up in years to come and thinks this is a real book real text here, but maybe they will think that we were more premise being because they re reading them all they didn't on some sentence structure. They didn't understand how to write in kind flow though they were learning how to use English actually on that time didn't have a Paypal thumbs. The thing is, though, that could actually happen the way that we're doing a book because we're doing up or can I kind of like a spoof York, note style, study guide, so somebody in the future, my actually find the book think that Belinda Blink is a seminal piece of literature and naturally start learning things through the joke that could be on a future. Celebrate actually could how God, what have we done? It does cover law themes that I live, Belinda blinked does cover main business. As we know and love romance covers, like sexuality actual yeah
Why? I wouldn't say: love lust and having just loves Tony Belinda loves, postpones that's true, so the You have kids studying this. I may I would. Oh god, does I kids, but we're doing a revision guy? True? Are you proud, of course, I'm proud of him up? My dad is gonna be published over that's a great thing for any centre to kind of realise kinsman eat out of hand. James was about. Let's say I never thought I'd rival devices tat young man, darlin is crazy. Isn't is eighteen months ago when Rocky Self published on Amazon did. He know was interesting because it's actually be out for Christmas. This book so all of our listeners can build a gallows slice of Berlin during the Christmas stockings. Sorry about the people have always asked us. Why do I get it? Why do I physically get area
and we were just saying you the day James I could oversee you always read out. We never get to see the tax in its full form. You do a lot of mental editing, so when we were reading it off the page we like this is gold just to read oh yeah, it's is Britain, so different experience is always we ruin it, James the do not detract from what is the goal. Husband said, we talk over a waiter. Permit me to shut up and listen. There was somebody who's that in the early days isn't that there the progress would be good if it was without all the commentary. I think with. If it was a without you but isn't just going to be Belinda blamed, you know about be map is, could you can already by that is going to be but interlinked? With our comments, our notes as me, some original stuff from Rocky Flintstone himself, is going to giving a few of his insights into why he came up the concept. Why amaze
Why Belinda, hopefully a lot of questions will be answered. I've never written a book before nervous about what would you have written a book on that must obviously that, as has been said here, I'm affronted What do you say what he could do that anyone can rightly know what you know I'll shoot this Gothenburg Council table? I give you gonna slumber, We ve done a lot of disparaging chat about rocky, and now we ve got to go to prevent, when I think we're gonna realise that is not as easy as look, I think we're we're in four reckoning so I've been doing a little bit of research and I found some tips throwing a book which would have grave rocky, but I think we can do when the EU is not too late for us to live home, so it says That's not the number one never be an all of your own style, but what does not? meaning that basically way thank don't receive self indulgent, which we definitely are with so self indulgent? Only we really annoying recycling like an existential crisis is deaf.
Self indulgent to ask if you are going well, I feel like rockies in or of his own style and worked for him. Is it? Maybe we caught necessarily take the box, a number one, less economically and others does apply. Writers block equals writers in decision o basically down behind not because we ve been having a bit of that we, but I also feel into inside rocky, because people love Rocky, no people of his words he's borderline untouchable. As an author asked of us, can I have to sit alongside the and be as good as more and more as bad, as was the case may be that the Basque? Why lie, I think, will be fine. We'll be fine. As long as we can string a sentence together, I think we'll be called. This is an interesting point. Go the first page. The first level is the most important thing you will ever right is pressure by massive pressure. The first they let you right is the most important they might why
That is the first thing. Someone read then choose to undermine our own here. That way start with Belinda blinked strong punching. That's why the blouses off within sentences. So what we do for the first page. Maybe just maybe we should blank how in a kind of silver post, modern the state, an ironic statement, let Rocky led the way will display or maybe the last line of Belinda blinked one is our first page I what Belinda was one in twenty five year, just James Jamie, not as a voluntary fire where drivers of that what a delegation The first page is usually the dedication and actually have is an intriguing dedication. I read on offer: is anyone personally become dedicated to the scobie? Wilma? Have your mom, surely the long suffering Wilma Mugabe she hates being called women by the war stay besides mention listen. I write for safety. Ever is worse. Things in the book in this house on is pretty low. Raise your effort. Lower
expectations should be the matter of this poker. Mean racial effort lawyer expectation try hard, but don't expect too much. What we do we try to hard thing. We do with the definition of Troy, but refer we don't expect anything, so I didn't expect about that's for sure. There is an idea of God. What is a right as though your mother will never read is not a problem. That is, Happily hierarchies right, but basically what we ve learned from these tapes says we should take every leaf rockies book we even so, these and we need it may be a chart or diagram or a graph. People need to understand the book and just like when you reach I expect- and I think it's probably the first on the comparisons made
You need glossary, he's! U need ways to kind of dissect and understand the tax and with Rocky, is a completely different language really is you need a bridge to the way he sees the world and who better to interpret that his some. Do you think of yourselves as business associates now, rather than it helps you to have a contract You know like really really put on on the page. What's important and also, I think, should be like we ve gotta put. Drinking game rules in there and things like that. We ve gotta make it like that. We should follow up the drinking came. It was, I think we want it to be a fun book for everyone's actually engage with, and a half quizzes and things then get a dinner party interests have some fun with it, because it's given us so much fun, because people do he'd alongside that yeah, absolutely like a single. You can speak along the words with us, maybe that can be like priority number one. Maybe that's the first page. We were talking about that.
Can gain rules strike entity, as you said, and hopefully will people be so drunk there were, even though is, however, the book it, but I think he's my thing. It's not about the first page is about the cover. If you ve got a good cover, people gave the shades honestly. I've got so many books on myself because they look nice on the cover should make it look closely yeah. I think we should classy from cover is what people are expecting? Is one boobs opt out of the draft that will let you know little peak issue under the skirt, whereas it should they probably not fabric in some way, just basically getting people to judge the book by its cover the judge, the book by its cover. I cannot. That's gonna put so the only way we can sell. This is if we trick people into by trick. People say nice cover, and I say our pay. Seventy five quaint expressly its action like you, like your mother, to a massive coffee table book, exactly something that people will want on display and then, when friends come over for dinner party, everyone goes in our lives.
Really knew I'd want to get like in a destructive or anything is on that, so that people will be here and we should also do you like a little tiny little pocket book version I call it the gym sterling addition, diving nagging just Catesby. Now, guy isn't it they travel, five travel. Size. He's travel silent. You know what a snack size when you get from any talk about. He is snacks. I put a brake on. The other. Great thing is, while not somehow come on the total Pont, but for those that listen to them, because this is a good present for those that don't listen enough to have heard your such a saleswoman you're such a Belinda skiff. May I would like to believe you have three hundred outlets in Belgium if you dive, why am I even hear about? We will be selling books in Belgium at Amsterdam Amsterdam hazard certain
my god. I think we should go. Let tell me if you don't want to look at the bookstore. Everyone is yeah? Yeah that'd be a great great trip for us. If nothing, which means we have to go to, was it the Isle of Sky, which hasn't been? I would mention the add, as mentioned Windsor Windsor mentioned Helsinki. We have to find out where about ten o clock is and do something from a writ spar. Gossip let's go, if the reds all bloody young spell, you have submitted countless other colleagues, I think that's looking like a lovely little tray. That's a great idea! Ten points out. I want the publisher thought. We'd have want right, though do we are now. That's one slightly worried about nothing, that's kind of where the panic of the right as blocks coming from, but we working to a very similar schedule is supposedly trying to kind of mirror rocky in every respect. He wants a novel in what a twelve hours about, so it obviously be conquered,
Without moving up like a chapter of the pavilion, we don't have a powerful tools that he uses to write that's? Where we're going wrong? Does anyone have a conservatory? We can always go and visit dad's pavilion oh, my god really let us is a sacred place. Thanks laundry bring loads of Chilean shortly with I do have to cross ourselves, as we end up having a shout of its true right that he writes in the heat yeah. So how we create that work on the right. You, think simplest, ah little, that electric five Dounia exactly ok, there has been quite Mogi recently, so I just stir suddenly get the juices flowing in or maybe just weather, Google will. I was wearing out economic society out there now about of condensation that left your bodies removed underlay, like Chrome, pet? Wasn't it
but I will and I'm up for that everything we still righteous retreat. Let's do it being over our case c of the lesson that's pop cast from the pavilion. If we die, that's a great idea is a great idea, Read it from its spiritual home is the way it was meant to be ok, so we should go and get on with a book or a book tat twelve hours tomorrow, so Truchen Dispatch, I have shown you bring, depends on it, even the paper about it I'll bring shutting down.
and I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight. Credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.