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Footnotes: Casting The Movie

2015-12-16 | 🔗
'Footnotes' is all the extra bits we didn't have time for in the podcast. This week, we're deciding our A-list cast for 'Belinda Blinked: The Movie'...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem. Call one hundred gambler hello Come to my dad wrote a porno, the footnotes this week with thinking about beyond the book. Where can Belinda to take his neck, so Belinda blinked is gonna, be here to its huge already. Actually, Rocky Oversee owns all right. So if he wants-
it's. I don't know role this I'll, make a movie adaptation of the book, which is a genius I'd ever, should definitely happened. It's been discussed, light people are suggesting really has a well people have already been talking about the cast. I really anything was in my twitter sphere in the twins, the one that's here, Jim Sterling Donnie to veto like it is. And I haven't seen Don T be too and film of light is the role of a lifetime Jim serving I mean. Actually, you could really make your own, Do we have good Intel on Danny Situation downstairs to play a strip IRAN from her abiding? Everything was revealed, I think now itself which thou, even if he's well enough Would you could I'm sure there's something we see that the energy or something like any other website, a friend's wangwana, Capella yeah friends, is basically a reference point for this casting place a broom.
Our selves who's gonna play the titular title role of the now I've, We have all into so differently to how she's on the cover, oh yeah. I see. I think we just take the covering bird ok for these for the purposes of a well. The cover covers the book. So what did we just hit the book? My thing is, I think she almost no offense, doesn't look pretty enough on the cover. Sorry fearlessly love? No, I'm just saying Belinda's like a nine. Yet a little does not threaten Belinda. I think he's supposed to be really hot. Ok, then we ve got very different interpretive. Do you think she's now. That's why I think is one of those women that you know like how on is beautiful falls down on the inside you, She thinks she's gotta going now We are no attainable. The was not one person has been turned away. Anyone can enjoy the day
or late afternoon in the maze, ok, so she's dark. Had we agreed good body yeah, I mean, let's be honest, dream casting would be Jennifer Lawrence As Belinda Yahoo has, young should touch young, but Jennifer Lawrence display characters are all about her. Quite often, That will be the only heard, also yeah, I'm sure, sign my up Well she's amazing thing she put off with apologies to heart. Maybe I should see the tower she's about her really offensive. Sorry, Angelina Angelina got duchess written all over it ass sporty. The duchess S Gray, head and wisdom and who could hardly Maggie Psmith casting the Chinese. Ok I'll Miriam younger
some elements in the sixtys. The duchess is fifty something to ashes to out, maybe like Merrill, never would do what you did in anyone's going to fill in. I offended at their names been bandied around in such a callous manner. I think you do don't use that. I'm saying when you get a mention. Maybe it want these roles is that the new high potter and ass at dainty, judged every single actor in England will want to be invalid. Doubling what about you on a lonely ass, a great, shall, I think, you're a limitless too hot available to make some decisions so come on. We want a correct actress like an Imelda Staunton Emma Thomson. That's not bad and embassies have a great sense of humour soldiers lifted her ok, I've loved and cast whether you like it
but he kept the row. Love you have to ask is, but you know painted, does she have to addition? No, she can just have the role I don't ever come from about. Casting just have to wear a k about. So what my actual designed a model a mean is stunt casting, but I like it. I think that's no brainer and she's converted from Kabul muddling hasn't. She says she's about this time round. She's cursed done don't What about ballast Ashdown will can better be Jennifer Lawrence than obelisk to wells. Casus belli such donor, the two people vote against America and Russia, the US or to meet here tonight. This is only. For example, Easterner all all the twins are funhouse, but they could Mikhail and retailers ok, ok cast from either because we have way because they are that it gets, does not get their age on the phone. Stat. Ok, great, because Belinda not yet Belinda's. Still for glad that it is a problem.
Cast iron. Let's go back to the boys, then what about Project Herman show because it out like of us by Chris My now fight, Grand talking fatty acid microphone spend would make an amazing Peter good physique began. I mean Do we need an ugly act as that Michael Amazing, earlier about turning Tatum? I imagine Peter, I being a bit more. My tool that yeah a bit more like fatty, I'm happy with fast a year. I wish I mentioned attended a week to the man I know I never talk about sleeping pick up. What about not only Audio Hamblin, but does Martin was, as does not stem from the north low. Can Jews breathe? from the North legend Cranberries Fair forgot about hey. Maybe we could treat the arrests ends is like a group so that we can reform. I end sink or something like that.
Like one direction. Boy want the one direction voice echoing on a break. They only the always happens. So now can be Patrick Ahern. Them makes him. Please answer Liam can be does more, and he so does what he said. Tat, I say: does my Harry's candies Bri Up North era Louis can be matrons laughed the other large Dave Wilcox Stable caught. I Ok, so orisons down very fulfilling rose yeah, well, we know a larger wood is a fan is our role. We can get him involved in that's about child Eliza who'd you wanna play. You can have you pick of more? There is, of course, the famous interview. From chapter one who they realized, was even there. I think, maybe Tony for Eliza can alone
do sleazy doctor I've never seen these LISA censure he's creepy, insincere, hang, so illogical is totally cast down. Moving on Alfonso Backer Belgian remember about gene to each other, he saw the guy from the outer yeah he's not moving since September. I don't know why. I guess it's because of his name, I always think of Alfonzo Ribeiro that played Will Smith's Cousin Carlton mission. Let's do it relay yeah, I think so. So so back to Belinda Belinda, the trickiest of all about highly bury who now that's one. I hadn't thought. She's too beautiful she ate evil and bear older yeah she's. Twenty nine. Isn't she Belinda twenty nine got yeah, so I've got it. Hey Fox, oh my god. We ve got a movie guys o Angie. That's a great shout
using madam, we need put me on a review Baines few scrambled eggs and the Oscars yours and with Cassese on directing duty for home and dry cast said you agree, lies your casting thoughts for belittling the movie coming to a cinema. Nay, you never and I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan, dual sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.