« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: Dame Emma Thompson

2018-11-14 | 🔗
Double Oscar winner, national treasure and star of 'Nanny McPhee', 'Sense and Sensibility' and 'Love Actually', Dame Emma Thompson has the gang round for dinner. They discuss Rocky's feminist credentials, sex education with her daughter, and wearing trainers at Buckingham Palace...

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And I felt lay offs are in full swing. Like now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit. If you don't win download the fan, dual sports book out from the Eu S, Appstore herbage, vanderpool, dot, com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem call when a hundred gambler hello, unwelcome to my dad vote, a porno, the footnotes. Now this is the last footnotes of the season, guys I'm going out with a bang. How can we go a double Oscar? In national treasure Dame Emma
Watson is with us. Let welcome to my kitchen and all my recipe books upon which my concerns are at present precarious live alongside. I don't know if it's a normal fixture by love, the kind of array of pots and pans you ve got going or no its not normally put, might lead to a very special thought, though I just want to impress them with a battery cage, carries the nether up its long and tiresome plans. Pots and pans. If this is about as professionals and normally is that this is what we do, we we put the might find some books and we talk away. Yeah travel round the country townspeople about your dad's, porn I've met you that this is what I was gonna say Albert all you Albert Hole. I mean readers. Remember that these people- in the other, which is enormous, issued bloody, grace it and it's just then, being brilliant with three microphones, I mean it was like watching
funny, Craddock Laura just someone in the middle cooking, just people talking. I call that extraordinary an extraordinary achievement offence. All I'm amazed what this amendment Did he terrify you gotta ambushed, you somewhat in your book. He did failing to meet. His shirt might have been. My might have been too many andand from getting. This was why hello, hello, having a low difficulty, yet on our agenda was something nestling. What a medallions? You think I don't know a third nipple. Now you too, he doesn't do. Do we actually my daddy's his keys, quick classic in that. The old man had said, is very nice and brought me a poster. He has been hunters, swollen naps,
I'm not gonna, mask regulating northern I'll, make some great shredding for the guinea pig or some things that I am sure that will get frame. Genetics, carbon underneath the flagstaff. Oh now, because somebody dwarf hamsters, married gap all named after various forms of carbohydrate biscuit oat cake. We didn't get another one cause. It was all too tragic, some sort of biscuit. I took things on the other that now it wasn't quantity and I took an. I took him to the vat and the needle was going to push into it was longer than its poor little body. I thought that's not gonna work, Are you going to sew it to something anyway? We diagram We do in a really major factors that will do, but you can always cause it. They can't you began your you're, so that's the thing anyone have another drink. We do digress by. Impressed with sound like an assistant Aris. Believe me, I've been in that bag.
For a few hours before us, and that this is the first time that we ve brought the pall cast to somebody else this house use you just hours, so thank you for hosting. That could also be a veiled kind of. Oh you gotta. Let me get my boss, you bitch, a call we'll get out. You don't know you well, I ve been trying to reach a way. This is the first time we ve had to leave the comfort of our end up and come to. Somebody else is ass. I don't know don't tell him we're having fish pie for ten years gray. My old man are found in the name of the noon within eight pronounced will, if you re seven always taking early enough suggests gray is made a fish part with a brute vegetable topic, and I think you would have come to us before what and last week actually have a sneaking suspicion that something's on to your head day, Emma Tender. That's right! The slightly ray
I'm an inch above you like that, weighs yeah. No, absolutely! No! That was an extraordinary, not experience it was they touching congratulations which incite amazing honour. Thank you. Thank you! So much she caused quite a stir thy. You will trainers, but there were Pastrana. There were poetry, as and I couldn't believe the controversy that at that it still has a lot of jobs it. Of course, you have to understand that what is not listening to any input costs as well as yours, thought mostly knows. I don't do social media. I have no idea when these are. Oh, my god, you causes why! Well, let me Tell- it was all the major outlets, and by that I mean loose women, and yet they got up thirty. Eight minute debated whether it was appropriate to Irving Sir sage region or the result, as will gather together for did you get that? Maybe we'll get it. I see the vague and they were vague, entering the seller. Mccartney's done, Psmith TRAIN and come on
I go into terrible trouble genes on in. Can I won t I wore very sparkly top look viewing. Sport is hope. It does not away away underneath it. It was Jane, the fashion police, just when oh, my god, you're, wouldn't she delaying share Lazard is tying the old cans everybody's got disease. A meal developments is outright Zob logging, Gaza and look what she's doing she's Agatha housing. In those Austrians list, the Moonlight Belinda, and so I don't give a shit. I can now only have an Oscar for acting. You also have one for writing. So, as an expert is my dad any good Boniface anew, look over, I certainly says we have to gain, is sending out the above all, I think we can safely say he's a fucking genius
and he is come on we got here so good boy that it should be The government of credit- I don't think I didn't think you'd know, is a certain style. It is it's very specific. Is tired of this act of writing. He's owned it very much what he has Has is the regional sales aspect of it move it, though you those that film the fly If those who took part in those Jeff and a fly- and they got makes outside it those of a jockey Collins and nurturing for beginning. You know they were in those parts and I just got wham together and and that's what came like a freak scientific and our governments of day were very stiff, rising stars got just chuck
The horrible wranglings dines monster, yeah yeah. He did zero research he's, never read an erotic novel. I gotta think it shows. Statue he's really done well attended key needed. No did. I think it would have really curtailed his his creativity. I do too. I think this is something he stressed extrapolated in the most extraordinary and none power too many my glasses empty, what the hell's going on. I oughta Diane sleigh since the window. She bouncing obesity quite good photo fridge. Gaia, reacted very good. Is that often a thing or two and then a double clapham, then anyone normally also say here today Betty Sailor claim the eyebrow the ice give two kinds, some really well trained. She needs a blatant, might bloody marries the age of war, three six, six problem areas that six
you dear what we should say. It's Gaia that proposal Now that together, that's the point is that guy I've would hear her sniggering Annabel, drunk what you listening to sift heard. This might outright a poor known, I thought very On a title. Oh my god, then I listened to your first thing. I don't even know the library I'm sorry, I'm really sixty, for God's sake, have a heart attack. Reasons the youngest son they just so pure judgmental scientists. Do, though this is just such a brilliant idea, because, as well as everything else, it does sort of take upon the whole notion of pornography and make as ridiculous as it is because it is so. If you ever see pornography
is so full of industrial, yet criminal, I mean clinical made lease of without any it so odd, and I think it's absolutely fantastic therefore, because it's a kind of chemicals we had some kind of tariffs. Peace is really because here yet my dad was writing from a very kind of old fashioned viewpoint to get one where women had breasts like pomegranate, For example, a well run at a really exist. Any thing was just student resume, Bickersdyke Shaw: hurry. Yes, every point: I shall yet even nib ensuring that every law actually price until they all sorts of just talking teeth. When my jump talking to through my job, because Madeleine Pause is right in the middle and let me tell you, girls and boys, it's no bloody that talk about that enough.
And I found it- doesn't match the fucking menopause in his pull out. He ought to us that it does produce a lot of heat at famously. I think a sex seen a man horse s neck saying we should suggested to him did, say something, though very mean not make its areas, but when we met at the roll up a whole cake, you said it. Feel like a moment when we should be saying this is Ridiculous- has been this way for such a long time and sperm using it for what it really. I agree up ass. Well, so wonderful about it and why I salute you with all my heart: you no war when my first boom and this isn't good beginning a promise. It might. Seventeen thousand people did switched off. It was called the tool guy and there was a sexy and is, and we have to be put on it because it was a comedy sexy in every way shining on the piano with shaggy and breakfast things, those
shots of miles with bits of toe stuck to it, and you know that was too fucking days of big news onset and when the film came out the campaign against Poland He which used to exist. I know that's a hilarious, oh my god! Really! I can have it. I guess pornography that so nineteen visionary anyway, it did and they said that if they were to show their children a sexy, they would show that one because it was on Monday, and it was fully FEMA was answered because I noticed at the time the all sex scenes Everyone was so great you look Erebus faces you look it basic instinct Sharon's zone on what's face. Do this and their lives they just leave it out of it so cross wasted. For many, it's silly like is funny. Like
how many times, sometimes obviously one does fine ones face in a Rick Verity. You know so Belinda does enjoy an that's. That's a plus, I say that's a damsel class, but at the same time, without really talk about it. Let's talk about it properly, and we sell it to the young, with no emotion with education attached to it at all known, which is the most important part of a railway. Now I've gone into W h, myths and I've taken all the magazines and anxious turn them around or ten put them on. The top shown will just gone to them and said: what do you think you're doing here? This is ridiculous. Yours, right, though, because so much that we don't talk about, we don't even talk about pleasure. Really we don't talk about that from a young age. That's not a priority. In fact. It's a bitch. Forcing you to sit over masturbation yeah when your little, you think I'd like to know whether I speak
that is really nice. The fact that we don't talk about pleasure and where pleasure comes from because one of the places it doesnt immediate become from is your car. Or your dick, I'm sorry but thats. True, my husband's just come come what an untimely checking of the fish by so but true, is why don't we talk about pleasure, but that's what's so great about my dad's books in a way is that actually all of the female characters have such agency and they are not shamed? Never sexual. Now you darling data. Celebrate absolutely
Yeah and the volume of it too, is an, is an initial, isn't, isn't an issue and the further my dad subconsciously somewhere decided to write about women telling sex from a woman's perspective? That's really round me how many porn films from the female perspective, none and therefore that there is a huge of general see to it that fulfil its incredibly charlot. Some thought you'd there, but I think there is another. There are many old Missus generous, so he's already doing now. You know he is my mom's of absolute amazing. Firecracker of a feminist is raises all great feminist, not sure where my dad's gonna fits into that, but actually, oddly, I think his books are quite feminine.
Yeah you're right! Absolutely! He is one of the great feminist facts of our time. Here, not only know from both a very ugly literally one, tiny little needed is barely a step. Is a shovel Braun taxes to be really? I worry, no is that's going to be as inevitable signature several times. The greatest further, Mr Rochefort is a feminist icon. The feminist we all deserve guys just go Baxter. Though I read today that you once made a kind of sex and emotion handbook for Gaia when she was younger. I did it because I think he about sex and the fact that we don't really talk about it and that's what so brilliant about this is about connecting. Feeling that you have in your head in your heart and your stomach and in your growing cause, they're all different feeling
and they all need to somehow balance together before you take any action. What what is right to do is wait until that happens. Yeah the slot machine? Isn't it wonderful cherries come at once you get going, get that little book was due to one. I felt that podcast us and as it were, I have no personal. I serve a purpose sheen of an end, and I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans. Will sports book will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit? If you don't win download the fan. Dual sports book out from the Eu S Appstore arise at fanned, will dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast? That's a c est. He must, between one user, older and present a new jersey and penalties. Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call when a hundred gambler the first.
I'm Gaia message. Does she also mentioned that you'd be keen to play some one in the Belinda blinked movie, the duchess I am I'm cut out, for and they bring your own whip. We await a fly is very short, one. Isn't it go? This is just suffered, shouldn't really beside a horrible truncheon. I've got a paddle of it'll do without the puddles. Do me like an auction paddle, or like a sofa and all you could use it as an old spatula, yeah I'd think This'Ll wooden paddle? That would do sure I've. I think you remembered well on the other. One we could have a fair competition is being Hollywood. A younger actresses usurped you at the minute Daisy Ridley from STAR She wants that. She wants that. She wants the duchess, but of mine, a tangle of your age. I haven't got a paddle aberrant got the props, not I've got the from. Do you mean
Unfortunately, like about shows and other products such as well as physical who hears like my version of components, clouds will cause a sort of actors in this. Have the progress by this I'd have the new insult, a fight to the death than between you and me, and daisy yeah. I'm on a meeting you may with Nelson say the Dame Hood. It's in the bag. The trainers lie on her. That's a line, her beaches, a desert, Myspace slippers, my fairy slippers with bubbles on very nice. We We have the book. The boy went and got the book a K. So this is a double sided. You flip and turned upside down. It's because you have this emotional self care. I feel like for the purpose of this report because we need a flip it Stu the sexual self care they first thoughts on sexual self cat. We? U does that mean I I
You slightly about spooky Isabel spooky, when your little isabel, imagine a doctor who seemed June. Yeah. It's quite big book is its full. No, a right can save hundreds of pages. You would I kept away from her for that. My lot to be this. It is as though I am if I'm ready for that. Eighty can I By saying one thing I think sex is: maybe you should read it. I want you shoulda, and so not by saying one thing. I think sex is a really she's. Would it's all asses and excess and sounds like a snake not in a good way and is hard and sibilant me and used to make me feel slightly queasy, even just herring it. So, for the purposes of these early writings, I'm going to choose another word: fact, I'm going to make one up page turn large colorful letters shoe
so much better idea, laws everyone's shoving, voom whoop of everyone good. She very oh yeah. It also sounds a bit like lives with hurts, but it is certainly very desirable that which is actually quite right, because you you could imagine that culture would come up with a really great. Were feeling very, very ornate which again another what I hate horny cases I mean we ve got just about your room, but there are certain feedings to look out for and in this petrified the really crucial reading it. A sense of unease that we get when there is surely me stuff floating around. We all not comfortable with, Look I U Z, oh slit. What it looks like as a crime scene, drawing of a day of when you draw around the Baltic when I'm with us boy, some wasn't gingerbread man, peoples,
I haven't had a happy, and I think you you yes, you said on this body scan mark. We think you feel you Ricky sensation and I dont know how old I was, but I've Jordan crosses. Where very high up like like, if the airline, your hairline, with having about time but better available sleep release. Sleep, is reacting very bottlenecks like the pubic bow. It's not it's, not your in parts of your five while we are, we ve got the title of this matter. Is pornography can I, as you know, readily available to life and computers and pretty much anyway, it is likely will come into contact with it already have done so you ve got in the brain again that the dead body FEZ brain Massa way- you said lots of reaction in the heart- is no reaction. The key feeding in the stomach, which looks like the head of a colleague says adults of reactor is smooth like an action that it does nothing hanging down. My own government is
to react, although, as smooth like an action, does nothing hanging down my own government is that actually ever has as much knowledge. Eighty million. That's me as my die Zeit remain, are obviously already the kidneys when you're arousal giving it up. You can see that there is one I leave. You ve called pornography the kingdom of egg, but I think that my daughter's upon open excludes, I think you do. We see outside and dark eyes very involved in all that stuff you see online and no poor is just kingdom of egg is, is is what we're going to cool normal pornography? That's that's the term that spin. Coined s! Look! So if anyone does anything says anything implies anything shows anything suggest anything that makes you feel ache, move away get away, say no, thank you. We ve just know without a thank you walk away because it is an unbelievably useful emotion. Ec means no yeah We were the first means no tests. True ache means no means. No just just go.
And the last part of this chapter again, the body scanners, coming even more died that pubic region, bright boundaries emerges a coup. Somebody has it's ok, so it's it's VA jostling if he were to die. You'll, cubes pink is what I'm looking at and it just is sure room when the mind the heart and the centre of should remove connected than you are safe, save to make a decision about how you going to act and that's how you ended. This is a very simple is Cindy does need the for things to be aligned things to be in line light. The cherries in the you just go yet I feel us it's all right, but you always know cause your instincts are so so finely tuned tat, the subtle gauge by which we should all be allowed to live our lives
in the left, kidney means no ache anywhere means no dont lines and goods, and hopefully in the airline. I wrote a letter saying they were that's brilliant. I love that you did thought that such an amazing gift? And how old were you when you got that looking down at the bottom I think I want you to know that. I'm I'm in the company of freeing up. I have been saying that qualitative has, I think I would have been about. Probably ten so they might not shiver shalom is gonna, be a book nine. It's always a story of shoe rocking have that were ok. They, albeit at any time I believe I felt Belinda Pomegranate lie breasts, passed from her from her complicated bra. A high ended up literally local tribes. It's kind of little, my dad's doing both like if you laugh
the thing you can suddenly talk about it way more freely, absolutely Martins head. He said is about humbug. I should be so damn we can get it things with with words and which also, website, but only he says this is the phrase. Only laughter will blow it rags and items at last, ass, lovely. He was good Recent events in very good point. That's really rockies been sent to say That's all. I think the inevitable conclusion to which we must all around no choice. We are being corners. Bear our own arguments behind means acknowledging him as the Saviour. It is about to know the move You know how some people come to such Jesus. Why was here if you believe us or think, but he was here to do God's work, but he was unaware something maybe that's been sent to do.
It's like you all Messiah, because this that obviously Belinda's his merry motorway. We'll ever. Thank you so much for outing yourself as a balloon. Lisbon summit spot and thank you for having manned and making the desperate drag on. I now see to another. Location so that all our Europe last year and and for making such good use of my cookbooks, which I am not going to call a fish First of all, I would say it is a shame we didn't covering the big topics by a fat. Yes, like everybody's was oh just so put on an that's. That's life is a key shallow. That's why I like a puddle satellites raw materials,
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.