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Footnotes: Feet

2021-06-02 | 🔗
Prompted by this week's chatper, Jamie, Alice and James explore the fascinating world of feet as well as look back at the reaction to the first two episodes of season six.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What the epic staff extraordinary staff, the edge of your seat stuff. You know the good stuff with empty plus you can watch the best of M C Bbc America. I have see Sundance now shudder and more hungry for whore feast on shutters chilling originals like creep show season two and killer premiers like trained whose son presents Peninsula gotta need for speed. The boys are back with an epic tour of the UK as top gear races through a new sees all available on aim, see plus ad free and on demand start. You free trial today at aims. He plus Dotcom AMC, plus only the good stuff hello and welcome to my dad wrote a porter. The footnotes now guys we're too episodes in and those already somebody took and kind of deconstruct the complaints.
full with Mr Duff. As always, I prefer reaction. Rothstein, plain comment yeah criticisms, but one of the things that came up the we didn't even notice in the first upso German. James Spoonies State funeral have arrived gay. He had a line of people behind him. He'd ravaged, in the old de la propaganda, as is protocol the tradition. Of course, all states miss that it's coming, Why a lot, but we got one email, that's kind of sums up nicely. I think she says this is from Joanna. You wanna Joanna in between the russian Minister for propaganda, prevent the hothouse unwieldy milk may eat. It was mentioned that the grand high prince of Liechtenstein came in in the ravaged line. Can spoon and I'll be confirmed as the first male bisexual in the bow. My ass, we didn't even notice. That was a chaotic fuel. Those a lot going on here and also because it shouldn't be noteworthy. James, though I think, is what with awoke.
With open eyes you it's noteworthy, that is the first in the bookstore near he is that's amazing! So yeah he won't didn't when he first survived steals. He was covers the eye team and wasn't that some sort of talk about him, possibly being actual? Then I don't know if I gave you really ask a lot of us to think that there is no. Let us know that's why I honestly don't know your authority, but yeah, I'm rocky now really talked about gay sex. male day? Sacks all those who took the floor, lots of lesbians acts and yet mailbox. Well, that's what I mean great represented, I mean is that we take them six book ass. You say just drops into mentioned. It moves on both again. If you gonna, do it do the grand high prince afflicted real title three: look it up. I'm gonna, Google, it the suspense. Yes, hums item. The second is the reigning grand high prince afflictions, land high.
That's an actual title, the grand I ranks just he. Seventy six he's married to counter Moroccans Kinsky Kinky Kinsky, oh my god, the countess. Marie Kinsky on VIC needs tat our most joke about it and so rocky looks up but chose not to include heard such a relatively good name. We should, for legal Pepsi, say, of course, the reference that he's making is completely fictional. Yes, but there was something that people say any resemblance to a people is pure coincidence. Oh yes, any resemblance twenty one living or that is entirely coincidental. We should send. Another thing is Assay wild fauna, go on is all of the talk about whether virgin the company found.
I bet you Bronson gained its name from his sexual orientation as somebody who had, but how tax law that point to that point at the time of the formation of the Avis. What am I took up this house, but without the Rockies assumption lots of people when on a mission like we did, try and find out, if that was true, gather hustled Richard Brunson quite aggressively on Twitter. lets people attic here, asking the question wise virgin, cold virgin, Annie tweeted, I'm so thrilled it I think it's hilarious do think he was free from MECCA. I'm saying that you get signal in MECCA. Nobody not he's got virgin into the on going jungle, so he tweeted. This is the tweets I'll do my best Richard ransom.
with my first. We came up with the name virgin because well, when we started out, we were virgins business that make sense that you go find out. It could have a great name. Could great origin. The name actually can't believe that people pressure them. So that he felt the need to replies lawns cloverleaf ass. It was he says, thanks for dimensions like shut the fuck up, Dickie, sorry about that, and this week's episode people are very concerned about. My heating turns out that my boy broken so issue, which means that that's? Why that wasn't about the full house would have it will happen in writing. It was also it was. It was a combination of factors and they certainly go into here is very boring and very expensive. I hopefully have it saw today It is now a lot woman such or can I just say someone tweeted why they moaning it so hot today,
it's not a live. Radio broadcasts clarified we do recorded in advance days. It's never my weeks and months in advance. But yes, I guess I didn't think we'd have to say that, because it is not I've. Radio show! Sorry, that's needs to me. This isn't going out right now. That's a great relief! I've been really quite stress for about six years that, because you do not want to hear the known edited validity spoke ass if, for a rule, by name in nature and somewhat also currents to bow that prevents our toes. Yes, I want to just as well. The last to us has been pretty rough. We apologize, MRS Madeira Porno. No doubt feels by two liveliness is back in the metropolis things like settle down began there. She was in either scrubbing dust, Static. was the Santa your apologizing on our behalf, but we can only work with a machine.
it would be very hard to needs to ties what he writes. There's a baseline of fills the we just calm, protect you from civil, go, it hurts and said. Look you at all it on these prehensile tone and then she didn't even use them to jerk off or anything, but though it is the kind of guy, Only in that way in for it just never happened, we that's good rocky writings. It's a curveball yanking at last, going to obvious exactly is measured them in the end. Ultimately, yeah things can offer them using a phd the move and academic arousing. That would be really what we might have taught once before wisest bringing about maybe just from my past life, but would you put both sets of toes around it? monk. Of that way, oughta be one set of toes like like a hand, will if you ve, got really long prehensile toes looking at a grip parameters.
The penis Ricky lie in a desert faxes. Yes, you do whatever you want. Those matters that are going on what guy We do a foot notes. Should we talk about feet, Perhaps this is one of the most popular king is its super mainstream up. I mean it's. something I've been to which I would say that what I thought was but yeah like a lot of people, love feet. So this is a fortnight. Truly, it's a feat notes it'd, be nice it notes. It's funny we're talking about this because well how so they went on computers I felt very show your listen. What's going on sitting on, it can get off my feet, so I often get messages about my feet in my dm do quite long sourcing,
fuck him more pictures. They please put them away, split them away. Those Troxell Tbilisi, when you present saw another you often post pitch Savio, so well. I reject that Bonica. I will not accept herself trotters by both the awful his hoofs mice can be given to the word when it is a little different. You two four feet. I didn't think I did often paste pictures at my feet. I dont really post pictures of my full link. The body very often lie repose on us. It will quite, although sometimes apparently, I've taken a picture of the simple with bothy inaction, even simple near if they out and did I walk that all catalogued on Wiki feet. I'm on Wiki feed your I've heard of Wiki you're looking up right now, my name and I did
gathering the song live for years. It's basically cuts logo, famous people and pictures of their feet right, yeah. Well, thank you for saying that. Yes, this, the upper echelons That was and is as yet the m yielded anyway, I would, by the case What have we got a bloody? How cinema zoomed inversions of bigger picture. You ve taken shoes on in some of them. That's ok, apparently o guys at the bottom. It says three pitches were removed from this gallery for Decency choosing, but it has more info the crescent Moon unless somebody else's Vive intact, as mine to pictures, were reported as cheaply fence and one picture was reported As- and I quote,
no feature it is about. It is regrettable that we can have a bit right. They got some interesting Information here is thy love on Wikipedia Pitch of my face is abhorrent legislation Scottsdale garbage be on their, so you, you know you can rates people's be on her if you ve got rating so MIKE nineteen out of a hundred and eighty seven votes The results are no. Ninety one people said you are beautiful: beautiful feed, forty six percent, so it forty six people nice River winds? Now? My goodness may raise twenty. Knowing said: ok, fifteen said bad get this. So suddenly,
and the common, such as quite like. I don't see any of their. So someone said: love the souls of red heads. They always look amazingly normative he's famously a fake redhead don't you keep saying one of her? The episode, because we would like a bloody like here with your foot in it like it, looks like you, so we are, that's gonna go passed up in the sea. The silver noticed these people so was at her foot movements seemed too. Mainly precise and careful. Now. Can I just say that what you think community, wonderful, what everybody I would hang out with them a veto any goddamn day and also I just liked site every the vote. For me. Thank you to the academy at the time and that I wouldn't, I would have these little tutsis without you and anybody that's enjoy. My feet over the is fishes with somebody said she does have nice for you you gotta give it, and so I do good like why people like the gas oil so afoot, fetish or pot of feed
which is an unfortunate name for a full Celia, is always and yeah before Customs Policy report put a failure. Footnotes policy areas is meant to be. None of this is meant to be. I mean, does this multiple fairies about it? One of the first that emerge with Sweden Sigmund Freud. Here we go again. He believed fat issues arose during early childhood when you around fee alot, when you're a kid like on the floor, but that's not what he says Alice. He suggested that when a child for their mothers, genitals, they was shocked to find that their mother did not have a penis leading to a fixation on objects or body part that looked like penises. What did Sigmund men than life of it like a time so in case of foot fetches Freud's theory states that they occur because a person perceives the foot or toes the penis substitute. I don't think that's at each other, with, among other things, that I dont believe that one I know more than you think This Freud tendency. After school space
Let me go. Let me James, like you, James this education. I was more entreated to know who was into feet who's, who were kind of prominent figures in the culture. So I've looked into some faint, people who have foot fetish I'll show here. If you, if you people, F Scott Fitzgerald, apparently he wrote about the great gatsby. Any illusions tonight in the great got state simply. I've read it, but I'm ok. Believing Marietta gave us a thesis that what they let him that he loved women's feet but hated his own soul, We refuse to show his feet to anybody and he's quota saying they had Freud in shame about his feet, but he laughs at things and he was so obsessed with feed that he frequented repetition, sex workers solely on the basis of her feet, tat they solely momentum. Other than I am Andy Warhol
is merely an all out that something I want to clear up as well? All the bloody people, about my morning common many more hurting, I'm just play? Actually, I've got on my phone and if these products for this well. I would on Twitter, but United. The focus has more, which I think is cool. The amount of people that my honest, a modern Montenegro have rights that it has got precedent by none but then Dame Judy, Dense, Alister looked with its well like he does living life. I David you did what would you today no I'm just a belief is perhaps our companies clicked on asylum. This will not be the activities, is a nice piece together.
separate clips of Judy then to make his eyes his anger. I gotta pick seventy glimpse of abuse. It bony really has actually goes. I was rather work out where I got it from Gaza must clearly in mind that a delay vulnerable shakes their company fast, of course, she's that stuff Whaley you'd just went to the club theatre, not backstage. That may be so in her Oscar nominated role. As MRS Browns less crematoria, she said doing it for any of the green subjects. To presume to tell her majesty when and where come out the morning is, as always says, she's lecture says. Look of course, he's gonna have to playing Queen Victoria. Thirdly, very more quality audio, not even know what she's anyway buttons Andy Warhol. stop doing it
and we all morning, though he is here this morning. He was also a policy be clear. I believe people Missis Brown in the dvd you know indeed does not keep on Youtube. You know he was a defeat. Well so much so that he kept an egyptian mummified human afoot, biased different. Now, isn't it you can me into fee and not one among the fight for next year bad. I thought he was like a guy's Sb Sex, positive everybody can be into other internet like our right, fair enough. So don't come in amendment five, That is why was it when you ve got a longer second toad, then your big toe. Does it mean your clever or what do you think? I have a longer seconds out our minds of mine. I don't think it means that your clever, and at the same professor, that said when you
the Buttercup unforeseen events you live up. Do you like? It was wrought every time we got the boat and you're free account for around twenty five percent of all the votes in your body. Are we making indifferent show? Now? I feel it is making a science a charter for, but there is a really really famous foot. Can a scandal really looks going on further Of course, she got her toes sucked. We ve mentioned, who brought up Steve among and brought it up, oh yeah, but why was it as such handle so she'd been separated from Andrew the Prince video name for a while. I thing off a few months ago, twenty that bit hush hush and then I didn't realize was that she was inbound moral with all the royal family Queen principle the day, those pitches with splash by a guy. You imagine that wrecked racks and ways of making good upstairs
proud, wouldn't really well yeah. An apparently royal right to Richard K claimed that he received a message via fire painter in those other two from Princess Diana the night before the photos hit the newspaper, sons and the message you said that heads in trouble, all life that is up to each killing or some other. I was before often Sophie I don't know exclaimed story, so she was separated from Prince Andrew, but they were actually divorced and she was packed, while in the south of France getting her toes sucked by wait for it attacks and million, Kim standing basically Jim sterling. His name was John Brian, and he, who is the prime, isn't anagram Jim was a quote financial adviser, amongst other things, a joke, and
he said subsequently, light years later, I think you said I wasn't sucking her toes. I was merely kissing them where they period on the beach in November in her valor and send to pay or give them some bloody privacy. But why Would it matter if it was sucking anyway, but this is my point, is that you should matter, but that's mine isn't that that was so of front page news and it was referred to as the tow sucking saga. I do think, though you even light car sensational, you die because I you know like tickling somebody. Well, I'm gonna punch you in the face, and some people alike dilemma. There must be a busy. A lot like is not just like logical, as is, I knows, a physical thing right that feels not you're. So what we learned, people Ivy Rockies picked up on it because he's very good movie with his eyes and I'm a gas like afoot sensation, your foot, superstar, I know that quite nice. I thank you.
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Transcript generated on 2021-06-29.