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Footnotes: Finale Predictions

2019-11-27 | 🔗
Jamie, James and Alice read your predictions about how book 5 will end and quickly realise you're all as nutsas Rocky Flintstone...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem. Call one hundred gambler hello- I'm broke into the last footnotes of season five guys we finally made it. We ve made it and this one had to go, and no one has anything. Can I how it's gonna end, including that people have been sending in their theories
a single to this aim. We know everyone's got a different. Something is a really interesting stuff. I've never thought all some insane like this one. The entire chapter will be the slow and excruciating walk of bay. Up the beach to wabbling better than at the last moment, the duchess will pull off a mask revealing herself as George all along ambitious finished. A book with I've would have gotten a favorite if it weren't EU meddling klutz. I've would have gotten away with it if it weren't for meddling, klutz actually see how hard it is now for you to do that already have a little then Scooby do reference that actually by young person there get in touch with the shape. So yet someone just thinks it's just gonna be shitload detail now much happen as huge Christine thinks. The chef Cosmo Macaroon is silences
off brother and much less romantic about the head on and he tried to avenge his death by capturing just that unfortunate to sing the praises of his brothers last invention, the tri oxy, whatever triumphs hebrew loathing he on live tv than the duchess rescues better Belinda Q, an orgy the end people think the duchess is just gonna show up. Minute. Yak is because he has a tendency to eleven Australia. Drugs is not an area, while some of them Sharpness is body and he'll come back to life affair of missing out. If it can work for ballast comber, it can work for dead silence just how we live, not just slim. She no longer needs Belinda, so lets them all out of the cell, but turns out since his death is given him. Amnesia steals winds of has given him amnesia dead, she's heart just stopped, oh as enlightened You need to find those black boy back, steals winds and applies for patent on the tracks. He bring arrange, pot, West Gazelle Info
the patent office or the blueprints host great into her hands before the payment has been mission. Brilliant knows well don t you I mean I to ninety nine good, very good Chris says the Carolina set prosper shows up and impose. That everyone's happened, since you set foot in the Academy of drama and stuff has been an elaborate set up his part, a real spy training law. People saying it's gonna be kind of a last minute. Like we're all embellish, coma tree Ellen s asleep since, like the car crash in and out of Gaza is Visa and EVA S, Hendricks unarmed people aren't thinking that far ahead. Eliza we take his has either somehow They managed to lubricate the lock on the child, or so it comes off or they lubricate themselves.
To squeeze between the bars and then they end up in some sort of physical combat, which is our which most likely will end in Saxony. That's paisley, just the necks of thirty minutes planned as opposed to the likely under the book lover where they get in the loop. Here's. My big question, I think that's awful is always loop here. Ok, I love this one. Actually, a giant orgy ends with bitch dying of a heart attack. That's no good! That son but then we find out that jail man has been a rating. The story this whole time jail, money, frock the gentleman's the one that says we look from a law Why is he said? Just do we tell the recently? An incredible story has one of the greatest challenges of our time. It's easier he's. Real Rocky LISA made a good point, Don't even understand what has happened, let alone what will at least have preach. Sister honestly Abigail thinks that bitch will gentlemen worth in the cell, knocking all parties out instantly, but luckily Belinda was too busy knocking down on balance delicious folds that she is able to escape the toxics now and stayed silent just as Bitch
does so and then Belinda blinks. So I got a lotta yeah little watchmaker batch skipper, Filter, spoonbill, rip off his mask and reveal that he's Cosmo. Mockery in disguise. Sudan is a distraction. The real spoonbill rescue them just as Gazelle and Kyle arrive Belinda will reveal that she's an expert in the ancient of pots and pans corrupt, fix them ass. It will be oblivious to all of this event. Glenn mittens, oh Jane, Jane, Jane. This much leave you now. Cliffhanger spoon actually works for me which explains why so shit he's a double agent that could be interests. That would make sense, because it is not clear why, as one of the top spies, he is so ineffective, love predictions the Bishop gonna die so I mean it's gonna happen at some point, so Y know Joe wasteful thinking. Isn't it ready- and I think this ones by a child gas, the duchess providing data toffee up what you have said.
If everyone had saved her from some ground, from whose five don't do that voice, but if they are not since the country Toby, but she was a gag. Do enough to be able to walk on the plane gets a Saint Chris Tub says the last chance will just be page. Fifty two of the ninety ninety six summer August Catalogue politically one year and also as arbitrary is anything lives. I know a lot of you next letter on. It's me, man, just things that they'll be taken homage involve somehow I mean this is the kind of thing that we expect from rocky just bringing something back that he thinks he's been ahead. Sophie's taken the Australia thing literally and she said Kylam, an oak and Jason Donovan run into the clink of Doktor Cultural and national there's a so doktor Cocke. How was in so called neighbours culminates wonderful signatures. None of this is also a
Essayed Jason Donovan used to be opened up used to me will lose their jobs as a technical, a thing he also Philip Schofield US over the kofoed you saw for disposal, but you fantasized about its lose darling, toffee up and you will be revealed to be the most my behind all we're at level. The parents and copy of which, in the end, what it can to bring about further. You know at the end of a musical when there's like, everybody, onstage or no boat, it kill him to do that and then kill a few people off United Stephen things that the formula of Troy, Oxy Brill, arranged in Britain on the back of a pack of ten pounds, Belinda's back, everyone goes hurrah internally, forgets about silence the lash or is it professes lives destroyed without stirring up a brilliant display indo unblinking allowance has very moving. We should help them up with rocky. They make it out of the people, hoping for an interaction with God. Belinda endowed with your book. Handing the book exactly slit somehow comes back to life. Some of the amendments,
and Belize and chips Jenny Day. You think these theories are such a reflection on the people to have written, and I feel like it. S like colleges would have a lot to say about my eyes that predicts that really starting to get inside to listen as now somebody says Bitch saves the day by killing Gazelle at how the not being specific in doing I realise that the era of his ways emerges with steals amendment nine. If some of us knew what the hell happened to the confidence load of cook wet Night physical sloop shit study, even though rebel indoors right now, the turn of so we can wait and nice old houses, but that is about rosin says. Obviously, I can't begin to predict what rock he's gonna do, but living and hopefully somehow feature does Martin had been flown in by Hazel separately to put all the hostels bunk bed back together, she's thinking cut of less about the espionage
and more about the deposit. By expect that she's word about- and that is the greatest crime in these books to be the only things that Belinda Oranges L will fight to the death with only pots and pans as weapons Belinda wins, as the trial people arrange immediately boils just now boil ignore burns at an oak honourable. They melted Nepal. Now, what a way to go, but it's what you would have wanted, and actually we have too many times about that woman. There is deep fat fried and that's it. Its being absent, USA generation event. It I'm not invited sent. That's a lie: the twenty thousand Ladys from book, three, all Russian, with an object and walks to events, Linda the greatest speak about money, but this is the definition of being an optimist from data Hall, and he says rock you probably get born here into the future thing is done and customer macaroon show is such a hit. The steals is the best company in the world and winning the ward, thing
The end is that the bar- and they all lived happily ever after very thy. Isn't it is dark summonses, written Belinda will take her life, oh god, not her life life shall kill. Someone does president now for death, and these could be another destiny and honestly think if we settle on one kind of thing we're just asking for trouble, because as soon as we do that it's like suddenly
wherein Alaska and you're like war on these lines and is a little party in this now wasn't. Data is he's gotta reasoning, so mad. The moon just got its purpose that unity, but it will be that some us, as suitable whip, some ridiculous catch of his work anywhere because blow of the Wolf mistake is below the wool pick, the lock or something and I'll get teleport it away and then go back to UK look at a knighthood for saving british colony. If he gets a knighthood won't even is that systems have we got knighthood? Yet? What would I get? Gotta a Dame Ville, tameness, the queen. I come anywhere near us loved. You nothin getting citizens, I'd love! If you do, you know how he found out that people are in that capacity. That time, can we pinpoint it tonight specific areas of London. Is there like a little hop Adam Buckingham Palace, we'll just in case shut out Lizzie Merry Christmas become a speech. By way of this is true.
Katy written to sell will find the error of her ways, kill George, with some weight sexting and have a happy happy old orgy of James gets laid off because he dejection to help someone's replied for second assortment James Cooper, you in it? If they're going to laugh at, you also did a gazelle can just say like Senora Way saws after all, she's done also includes ridiculous lot. Turncoat somebody exit lay all I could souci Gazelle lives like getting so horny various and giving an out and out in someone's hoping the book ends with a musical number I was about to ask discuss the big financial eggs are show stop a high like I kick. You mean that sort of what we had over all those bodies didn't really when the duchess wrote on Yahoo Chub Overall moves in then Harper that was kind of a sort of a guess. Enemies of coal, like everybody, onstage by that everybody is lying dead on the grounds of inanimate. Duns regret the choreography was simple. Jimmy you could write.
Music, music, a background in the obvious need for that going to shut up. You are you in the background of the rest, let me thou Harris can help with the Lyrics Vulcan. Night attack rare off the back of this poor cast I'll, be furious many mended and she is still with us. I found out recently so high vow. Did you find out? There's somebody said you cease and desist just some recent you cease and desist Foul Harris and the queen listen to lose. My mind me: Thou Harris is the queen and mine choose the clear the club that should be at my heart, o amen. You gonna have to come back on Monday for the last chapter of book, five, We go just a reminder as well we're doing the listening party on p M british time. Ok empty so in Say America? What do you do? I don't know I was sure to track Google chip, Google, eight p m UK parties in Europe has examined as got load a different time zones it of itself.
What you do in France does not go here. Ok, what a few and I dont know how stresses enough Google had yet will all be getting on twitter. At the same time, hashtag Porno Day centres picks up where you listening. I'm a little press play I am surprised that guy's see one. And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.