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Footnotes: Helga's Case Files

2018-09-13 | 🔗
Jamie, James and Alice open Helga's FBI case files on her fieldwork in Amsterdam. The problem is, they're written by Rocky.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, come to my dad wrote a porno, the footnotes. Now this week there has been the most almighty revelation, ass, Helga I'll go an interview. Alice is once again dress. Let us say no, because I mean this is as fully as I usually get. Aspects is quite well, isn't it it's pretty much like it's got more fool than usual No, MRS, ever sat alone, this is quite structured thanks. Nice things him at looking great Helga was revealed to be FBI yeah. The thing that shocked me as he's gone for,
a world which I mean, I know he's into James Bond and stuff and spies ends up he's gone for which I would have thought rocky would know nor full about which is the FBI is CIA and it is that kind of stuff. The he's aware of to feel like you watch is a law of american cop kind of dramas, he does he liked the Rockefeller? That's how we go is now also any I'm contemporary american cop. We only likes recently at isles because his initial plan for Belinda was Jane was only yeah sailors and see. I asked brazilian isles, and can we also saying Bezonian Isles cannot be could not be put in these by a job? Well done, obviously has gone slightly deeper into this world. Big have amongst all the crap that you sends me. He sent me help. Is FBI case files sailor. Laurie. So he's created a classified documents that suppose these she's written
written about her she's written. This is what she sent back to Washington. Cute? So, should I read an Anderson Sid note when he said you this stuff, which I know doesn't irregular. How is eating it up, whilst does it say an email? Will this email subject just said classified it does have a definite. So will you not supposed to read it? Will I thought I'd take chances, you rent benefits, no matter what I love is remember when we read the tv of Belinda. Yes, that's quite a common ten play light. Allow people know how to write to see new year and yet the formatting with so bunker. He has wisely gang of France to write FBI case file hamlet, those available just under invitation. I'm certain views that I'm struggling to understand exactly what it would include. I dont really sick
findings kind of a kind of its head day, a dive omelettes. Yes, precisely did I refer to the FBI. Director, Jo Leinen. We're gonna. So many questions under a celebrated potentially I'm comin receive. Maybe this is why Trump fired him to help How did you get the republic pots and pans industry going, but it wasn't mushroom at all of this is hopped material. This coup and in or at least deals pots and pans. Oh my god, I know government then and dug miss out a single thing, but just before I start you have to do. This is classified a cable, as long as everybody agrees that it doesn't go anywhere, we call
talk about it outside this room ever shouldn't record this, I would just say I think everybody listening has to agree to not talk about it unless there with other pass now that having a top level clear and they must bear so it starts with the head of the United States Department of Justice missiles. The next line is Federal Bureau of Investigation yeah. I would hazard that these two lines of probably in font, size, fifteen or sixteen right quite law. Quite bold whenever go quite a jump down what say an eleven or twelve field office, local attaches semi, Colon Amsterdam who he's already using words, which, I would say are spying like an attach. I was good good lingo, we're back to like size. Fifteen
a with jumping around with you with the big poster funds. This is in metallic, says: well, classification, semi, colon confidential. Those classified boats now confidential let's be downgraded, whilst in transit? Please tell me one, but also we do tell someone just ask them: Turkey becoming a regular afterwards to say- and it is the Binkie bromine Derby promise made friends, make friends, never development. Then we have a bit of a jump and then it says case file number, seven
he six. I am eighteen house, it's only number seventy six, but we think it would be like born o seven five to ninety three of it was all one one kind of number number and characters sure, but I mean still only about six characters: tire for the early cases. For what are, therefore, what have we would? My fan establishing case activity classification, seventy six, escaped federal prisoner, subject: Robins Coma Pietro, calmer, doktor, comma nationality, american dot Robin, but he's one escaped federal, prison doctor, is a fugitive crime. Fraud against the USA Army units of the Rhine, aught of the Rhine
Let the german ride like the river yeah. I guess copy to Director FBI, Washington, DC agent, Helga Yunker Yunker, we didn't know her last name, Helga Yunker Greater Young has gotten date, o seven O. Seven too, and in three right hang on. Did you think when he goes on these tangent slight? He doesn't really worry about the storyline he's. Creating Belinda blink like it seems like keys going on a different time, be suggesting the doktor Robins is some sort of scaped prison away, but is he saying that she's just been an agent since two thousand and three, to something that she sent way back when she first started. Maybe
this is an old case file from two thousand three, these ones. You register this information. Yes, I images and Doktor Robins was the subject of her investigations or guess that's how she got into his office hollandia, because she was not in she wasn't directly investigating. What's going on with especial what s to this confirms what we call a suspected when we read the chapters that she can discover, the special the side while she was investigating Doktor Robin Right, makes sense, because when she was talking to Belinda over the cubicle, she was saying this not really. My area. This is too often makes that you have to do the best you lot. Ando became so synopsis and also going to say two thousand and three that might have meant the robber. Mullah was the FBI director also worthy topical, synopsis. He loved this american politicians as an annex case, Doktor Piazza Robins is perch, sing director of rose supermarkets based in Amsterdam? He is my.
Immediate boss in this organization, my role, this organization is part of my deep cover in Europe as it is through it have uncovered this extraordinary crime, not regular writing reports. The flying speed, probably probably illegal flows. The director of the european public, I've lived no idea what she's doing this makes a comic had multilingual speaking there like Navy S, my seat is pasting saved, discovered. What it was a go directly to the director of the FBI of others Let them come on procedure. Do you think this was a shit job for light? You think this is a job. No one wanted to do
yeah cause, I'm guessing she's is following some stolen shipment of urban gloves nobly be like terrorist serial killer. That sort of thing we know is actually to be focused. The activity classification was escaped federal prisoners, escaped federal prisoner in his job as purchasing during her doktor Robins receives many approaches for the supply of goods. These pass through my office offer of ten million cans of tinned beans from the from the USA. Army of the Rhine was my first piece of incriminating evidence Doktor Robin sign the purchase order and were Julie ship to the round supermarket Jane over a period of two years. Why I've been unable to discover where the payments had arrived ships by
siege of further investigation of doktor. Robins has meanwhile unearthed an uncanny likeness to an escaped federal prison the: U S, army of the Rhine, what U S army the rotten you also fog, associate the whole dynamic. That was it. But we didn t even know about sorry he just symbols and escaped prisoner. He Isn T escaped prisoner. He just got Baldos awful likeness. Also, if it isn't it, prisoner from the: U S: Army, the Rhine, that's a really good thing to put in the books yeah why these things too, so liberally thrown around or email under classified just to get back to the first point. What the? U S army. If the rice excited glue, this and I was named Wayne, but what a beautiful name for your baby boy he's the most gorgeous thing. I've ever seen will call him Wayne burn this prisoner.
Was named Wayne Bert, and he worked in the quarter master section. He was, eating transportation back to the. U S on fruit charges when he escaped just over twelve years ago. This so brilliantly back, my investigations, esteem at an stage and are thus inconclusive. What long way to go about it now, for you as a love in conclusion the incomplete, and then we have Washington DC action request since his from why every eye directors is from Mullah necessary tat now, is from the mild minded Yoda, so the Washington D C action. Request, continue Vesta Gating Doktor Robin Slash Wayne Bert
way been Bessie they are in the votes. Otherwise, I call it investigate the way in Bert Fruit, K, C and evidence against him. Send the information to our food section regarding the payments for the tinned beans. How can you write about with a straight face what happened with the beans? So I wanted its beans, but they ve not bother Missy smuggling beans, two years have thousand guns being seems almost a million times in terms of being standing. Very slowly. Does another beans ass a dream at her without smuggling operation, the Anne and then this? This, then, is a lot of white the Roma, as I do on pages where and then right at the bottom. It just says pity of colonies either I just shut up can make any. Let me have another case file. Gotta hunt. I care One is case file number two
nine five hyphen m hyphen, one o fool. This is, ass? Quite a really has- I think I know this one of my heart, altogether now into an insect. I said that I am activity classification to nine five intellectual property rights already suffer. Subject: Bitch Wolfgang NUTS reality, east German and had not the national crime fraud thrown at a zone of operation, Europe copy too director FBI, Washington, DC agent, Helga Yunker, twelve o seven, two thousand
and in fourteen so eleven years had passed. Synopsis Wolfgang Bitch is chief executive officer of the private company bitch Hearst alone, based in EAST Berlin, the company is a worldwide metal. Fabricated specializing in Cook were currently a major supply to the European North American Austria Leon and Middle EAST territories, whilst bitch have major search and development facilities. New technology developed by a small, smaller UK competitor, known as steals pots and pans, may potentially threaten their dominant position, all marketplaces. Why does she can it pretty serious? A copper espionage is a thing and there are heavy penalties. I googled it today
There's really. I really did gone in the. U S, you can go up to twenty years in prison, twenty eight hours or five million dollar fine, for if we do want to hiring a spy Gather intelligence, intellectual homeopathy under this fact already, but the other day I said to you in the car of interest got any good ideas for a game and and then I'm did on the radio tomorrow then expect to Lebanon as these undeserved, so it's about the new technology. The steals have developed, which the trial to bring her. So she goes on to say, had bitch is aware of this technological breakthrough, and it is my belief, has already taken action to procure the blueprints and processes from steel sixty. I have already made contact to the senior steals executive, and I shall contain
new to monitor and report back on vicious progress with this intellectual property theft. Three years ago, who did she make contact with the Linda? This must show MR written this, either the day after literally in the toilet, sound like a thousand twenty forty. Of course it was A funny fucking I do never read through words. Why are we trying to dig what what was it like? Twelve July? Twenty voting, yeah to this. I recently all that yesterday or did say I'm tired of it doesnt specify China. Look how exactly Tony injures, elles, wedding anniversary, is why China comes near development. Should thirty one I mean, a lot of people will be thrilled that there's a revenue
this is even twenty first century is giving us a law. It would have been glad if so this was in the behind his actual good shit. But why are we bothered about anything Belinda's doing in comparison to the? I feel are you going to do blinked, but please don't feel wed job to follow her story. If something much more interesting is going on adjacent. We reform the show where we just read the case file every we never show called case file, but could we could be cereal but a pots and pans hospital The only true crying here is the fact that my own dad wrote Porn Washington. DC action request, permission The casually informs the castle thought. Would you be that day? This is a threat posed blueprints. I think
his right eye herds. Helen Belinda, that's the casual, yes, it is. Finally, she said this case: file between Belinda meeting her in HOLLAND, she's just heard back from a guess by now James CO, me and say that is hi casually informed, suggest me or the toilet so that fleets the timeline slightly, which means the wedding present quite happened yet not yet said it was some time in July of twenty forty. I probably, however, continue policy of ensuring Blumenthal Unaware of our second reactions, the beans the eleven year beam saga way. We know she likes beams, who Belinda get it? veins the tennis match, although I should have to take how much of the bank being either that's any coincidence. But then, when does the pity oakum? There is no pity I know Peter finished, knowing regulation states, plus he how to case files,
we got twelve years were we believe that the two reports both its deals, his body set up a bit like me, have someone in the field of that shit out when governments? What if what if I learn that we literally invited a family that she wasn't coming, I've got at lightning, but also really kind of boring as well. You know like one of the most interesting things I think work has risen. If I may actually look I'm home hands up more, this progress is the moron I know what he's out James you on your on tape, you having Slovakia, fleets and apologies knockouts than all the more like he's got shit together, unlike things are really starting to tie up her. Neither still makes no sense like he started
so low that you'd only go up to be levied at but come on. Baby I have been in it has been a long day. Belong gave a long life things die from it. So we will see you next week for chapter four: will we find out? The special is probably not with the title like saccharine much such pessimists. And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply, gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.