« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: In Memoriam

2019-09-12 | 🔗
Jamie, James and Alice gather to read your memories and tributes to Bella, now that her fate is uncertain after the explosion.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem call one hundred gambler. Hello, everybody and welcome to my dad wrote a porno, the footnotes We are gathered here today in memory of Bela richly. How are you guys? I'm guy,
what you want me to say. I think she had a good innings lighting Twenty eight year old issue. We let no hurry. You know that is a good point. She died. She lived been while annoying. I I don't think you reflect the views of the world. There's a lot of people upset, I'm joking. I'm being glib, I'm trying to hide my emotions, it'll, just eight people deal with indifferent way ass. She might not even be dead, but that's just park that for now and pretend that she is really also killed off Dick Vandyke. Lest we forget I accident, we presume, I don't think that was it That just assumed unknowingly arguable person wasn't with as any more, which is that kind of thing that courts. Ripples though didn't it did someone made the point. You know if this, what was written around the time of pot cast Boardman? He thinks dick mandates been dead since twenty fifty, why even thinking about people have been obviously
their respects and the tributes have been flooding in this. So we must start with William. William Gordon rain fell a poem g for gene tee for tonic. Your voice was truly demonic, while I'd rather be shot than hey your voice. So, sounds something you'd want for a bosom gallop. How does know better choice? Even though Alice doesn't give a shit you're, always in our hearts, you absolute off with a dark eyes these. And many eulogies you get the word shit used than other poem here. Actually, I'm from saw all the way from.
Town in south africa- that's all he wants to do. Well, I share their anytime soul. You sought out will be. That is really the logistics. That holders backs all Bela the girl who got fingered by many a feller. Her voice was in great, but her tits did shake what she liked for in class. She made up with her tight ass rhythm needs work. She was a valued member of cock. She really. Rock. I hope she has a lot of fun. What's under funded it haven't, inhabit a seller deployed. Sometimes it's the emotion that comes to evolve, the writing abilities- and you know, isn't just these lovely sentiments. People are coming having their memories of ballet, what they gotta remember fit for years to come missing, which actually you know a lot of people always say they want the funeral a celebration of their life, yes, nor a kind of deal
calling on that really quite gruesome death, p K Wells has said. My favorite memory is when they visited. Forces of Knightsbridge and she ate two bacon sandwiches and drank full buffers. A shiny, parry, and think about two months salary on a horse rocketing outfit that she neither needed. No one to two rather than as a routine, whose can inherit the horse riding out yet surely Belinda about be left to her when they tell her estate, you know when they say that all of that belongs in it. That's all she's gonna. Why and how could she have foreign tat, the other books, Especial J Ai? What's that? Maybe that whose voting outfit will one day find itself in a planet Hollywood automatic and what is behind the reception? This Melissa, overriding memory of ballot will always be this. Bela wearing a wedding dress as aghast at dissolves heading the pebbles could get away with it. She was always a thoughtless, wasn't
yeah so incredibly also very, very thoughtless, knows Nina said our people May we have an unlimited supply, gooseberry yogurt with the highest level, along with the champagne and all the Koko's she could ever does. That's rather lovely red junk says my favorite memories pony the first time she got her distinct voice when she went from being a forgettable extra to being absolutely unforgettable, an incident more to you, Jamie than to the woman herself. By so much I feel like. I really have helped create the character of bellows. Occupant of the teamwork mean dad. You know that weird, maybe per his words, your goal. Lindsey said she remembers that moment she was Donna it, will not be on the other side of the tombstone voting. Yes, flip around Mathieu, said my favorite memories when she thought she was getting fired because of the faulty key cards. Key culture
love it I didn't learn you might not being some of your life. This is quite a good one. Takes us back to Happy Times Luanda says our Ip Bella May we never forget that time she stood alone in the cafeteria and send Christmas Carol. Boundary and mixing or in their absence. That's life is like cookies, as always the friend that's a little too drunk cannot in on the joke, are IP beautiful of all classes of the opinion that shall open one eye: great, don't ya! You thought I was Ed, how long, after the event of an old let the scene of the crime, that's what he's of bells next gravestones wasn't, even because it was a joke,
stay here. Little book at loads of people doing psyche. Sire Nick has said it's not a memory, but he cannot wait for ghost Bela to make an appearance. Labour mobility, a ghost I mean Belinda a direct line to God, so you would think that she could pull some strings special seat releasing on sweet up there I mean Melissa, makes a good point. She says, despite being a total wreck head and being low Bela, which is actually a very conscientious employee. She worries about the key causes, as mentioned, doesn't want to disappoint Belinda even sees gazelles hadn't do as an opportunity to improve a spanish, so actually Vegas baby, she does have more to other. Just you know I'll give you today, but after that we are not we're. Not we're not harmonizing. Bela alone is really thrown back she's. She remembers the first time Bela met Belinda and told her. The importance
straight thumb and show the very first time I wonder how many people she inspired to straighten they found from other forward. I haven't seen a warning I really have an much like live, who can't see a London bus without thinking if that was wonderful analogy with them in penises, she really has change. That is, I believe, a dome was his hunger, the Red London, Birth Goodwood, someone is, sitting whether dad will actually Catechism Mairead says I'm without us. I don't think rocky would kill her she's, too beloved, we all need someone to look up to in any aspiring millennial needs proof, but you can be promoted to a key account manager from a measly receptionist position Where was taken my words and twisting the mai deadening, I visited that convention of precaution. To be the reception is quite the rise. Actually, when you think about it, she saw the most correct development, dare I say, not character, development budget, Employment promotion Keith one prison,
sobbing ass, he types. This says I have to admit to a fondness for describing who encounter with the James Godwin after her joy with Clarence and the duchess after the maize, with the line of course, at a quick, fumble imitates unclear and he says. Well I mean, of course he did you wouldn't who wouldn't be able to eat Alice come of ballast great, I'm gonna miss her really gonna miss her you a thing of all of his James. Then you have the most affinity with. I have often said that should be one of your actual friends. If, if she exist, I just think she'd be fun on an idea how she's an absolute ginger left, she's totally herself light, makes no apologies for her behaviour seriously. You know this may take me leave me and I, like Jamie, could apologize for her on one or two occasions. I don't have it she with her on the page. I cannot stress that very little issue there on the page, she's, not the
spot in the box now cautious, nor should have claimed, be though less they claim is vague. Jesus. What she's, given to her strength and look at the difference, is made in the world if we could even make an ounce change that she's made. Wouldn't we feel like it was a little a life while level to govern being turned into a Bela lover about yesterday I may live are, we absolutely sure, she's all well. This is He notes it still up in the ass. She could be fine, but next chapters of any failure, much confidence, though, beat beat beat B, Neil Re Catherine says in the wind or is thus in the wind. A cocktail of Nelson Mandela Forest, but little as my fellow moment has to be the flying? Kick she did onto Belinda during the flight to Texas Julie, simply says well Bela every dog has its throwing it back
coastal Belinda said too about the wedding Leah Said- and I just I mention this because I want to say again not bad lad was a loud back from the dead. She never truly as long as Jamie's, with a special kind of which I think we all second Stephen Emerson sent him when he says rest and paint a spell argued well. We're gonna find out really soon less than a week Monday Polar days back, we'll find out whether she's, dead or alive. I'm thinking dead, James quit dead or alive, I'm hoping alive and thinking that ok Allison had datum thinking, I would say, of undergoes.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller COM, slush Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.