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Footnotes: Inside Our Book

2016-10-13 | 🔗
We've finally got our hands on the first copies of our new book and it actually looks good! We have our first delve inside the pages...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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my dad about the proper very loud before we started so creating energy and atmosphere. There's a funny atmosphere. My Let me come to others. Singing topics are by their very often not Correia, atmosphere, obviously her if I might have it as a first answer, my wedding never have any negative effects, which deafening won't happen now They know that the promised I note today on the footnotes. We could be talking about a brand new book which is really excited ass. The first copies of our I welcome a few days ago and they are looking as fit. Belinda Enemies, no bad. Naturally, Marjorie Battle had look so nice where do they look so profession? It really belong. What's inside, belies the rising price of all of us, including rocky. I think people were worried about what to expect, because I feel like people come. We personal and social media people are all that looks nice, we're just gonna piles scrubby handwritten pamphlet,
something which is essentially what political equals in the first exactly will retain the charm of Princeton where this, a hundred and public is in here. So the original little thing one is in an typos and all we haven't corrected effect. We deliberately so the editors are trying to change the ninety eight publishes didn't quite get the semi Catalans placed very do about Mr Lewis. Put it back some things. I particularly is I'm a breakdown of the different characters. It has been useful, for example, I'm still in the matter. We are getting to know in a whole new light. Recently now you might get the answer to this question. But what would you think we'll be down for his defining physical attribute? of all the volley, huge sums Only thing even render I not right that she'd Ivan rowing I'd really like the illustrations we gotta go, could amber to order. The straightens stood a great job
to draw a man in a thong. I would hope that area chance if YE versions, she really know what I mean. It's totally grows that money to bikini works. If everything goes every time you that can't be Jim, but this is about cellphone, oh yeah, much much more spelt out. It was based on James Cooper. I reckon similar bill similar others a donkey for an example is a picture of a donkey. That's Philip James Elles and have enough at the right. We also have. We thought this is good idea will be pitched the book, but we got them, Maybe we should every thought, but Rocky has written his own orphanage zero each chapter- and this is one of my favorites size- has what was your writing process while penning Belinda Play, one and he says, without giving away any spoiler alerts I write to a very defined plot line. Overseer lie,
I call it a timeline other or thereabouts affect everyone. Goes that I've low. It's a very unusual something called a pen and its basically, the skeleton upon which I put on or take off the clothing of the characters. Lovely energy is to see what is done, those card it through every month in the actual book I know, that's, that's way more detail and kind of use of praise than he ever employs in a chapter. So he said He does actually planned like there is thought that goes in before he sits down right, allegedly, he says my timeline. Comes to me when I'm awake in bad around three I am in the morning. Three and a half forgotten. I wonder, what's the am says goodbye, an idea. Just hits me alone can get back to sleep. Let's not remains a law, so never an idea good enough to keep up at night and also never fully lucid. Without now I get my mom's soap is gay
Italy abruptly must be so and when it gets us Dick to vote in bad idea for a character. I am relieved you said to phone. At the end, we were kind of thinking about the moraine. This book we wrote it really late at night, a lot of time in order to catch him I had I've got some great pigs of Alice just literally heading the board will melt down boat, but we just kept thinking about what a great book we ought to be for groups of friends things that people could enjoy together. Group, because otherwise you just wait, I have on Euro, but you are exactly as there's some activities could be quite nice. If you are, I don't I having dinner party having drinks with friends all along car or train journey, that pepper throughout the book. Leaving it loose friends if you bought the salad in Nepal, people. What are you doing? He'd have to now well when they wouldn't be a new friends scenario. So, there's reading group discussion points at the end of every chapter ask this is useless if you were having a book for it, as we have things to talk about afterwards, yeah totally. So
pick one out his one way, our assembly you identify with most, and why do I think I probably go with Patrick I was gonna say: tat you have discussed like hell to routes, Sir James, you does do. I was gonna, sound asthma and have the lady like to go with a cry baby. This is a happier tigers, lonely and cry baby, this guy's name. Only then can it he's Alice. I my table Cox. I think you can these reports, because that to Northern Swenson sends out in its day. If not now, then a textbook sake you go to page to a fool, or does the steel company structure messages for that, but Europe has rightly does mountains then at home counties. I tell you that makes sense here: crybaby southerner countries,
central and Northern England and Dave Wilcox, the West areas arrested areas, western somewhere, good Belinda, streets in here as well, has obviously it's difficult keep track of whose them? What with cause. I asked on something with everyone I so He says a dashed line is cool to glimpse the flash alight line, horseplay full line is all the trimmings bus. Everything as you can see what she's done with each character and how far she's gone. So it looks like she's only ever caught a glimpse of flesh. Tony yet, which is surprising a kind of but she never really, when old way, with the withholding. Maybe a line for caught a glimpse of flesh between. Everyone in everyone out everyone seen at least a tete from everybody else. My favorite there is an all the trimmings line between peach aroused and MRS rose just ended. The book disobey declared that MRS Rothe has had sex with teachers that we don't even know.
It's a cohesive about who we now know, is Christina, oh yeah, exactly say the wealth of the secretaries general. As after book too. Sex tourism and found the page was gonna, keep growing laughed. We followed out as also Obviously, the official drinking game rules the back as well, which is kind of an central for anyone. Who's gonna buy this book, to set some people straight, because that playing a kind of bootleg version of the drinking is not the official version those people have been crying out. Well, if it isn't a reason alone to buy the book drinking emeralds people of one about for a long time and then a Kosovo awkward The box test, your Belinda blink knowledge, but we try to make them quite tricky. We try to equal, be real superfund to know the answers to their heart. I have to say you have you and again ten corrects you're, not even quite a small as Bela, which is quite a simple advocate to the house,
who plays at high if yet thirty one to forty, though you gotta be taken business a bit like the honest man is presumably a shorter. She goes on one year ago, the name for Belinda's body parts PETE aroused rules, symbols on air the reality is that what you ask that that is the only one hour a cold, because it was so ludicrous founded on an area of assuming breasts tits because I use sound yeahs very good were more a big bang. Now, a mouse, a symbol of mud on your lips, makes never answer ludicrous even autism was other in their own way. The symbol, so fewer wondered what they might be and what they mean. We are also after each shouts. We have an activity if you today
either in a group or alone, these are quite demanding. Actually they are one of them here hippies, only household bombs and creams style. A hair into a maniac up. Do whether look out to the house and document the reactions you see. I have already done and I have the document. A reaction is with me now I was but do not activity most of her already today and I protect range of Jamie. Will hate me saying this, but his his read a little forward at the beginning of lightning about your relationship with Rocky really good, as well you're about right than you dad. It's not a special thank you eventually ease punctuation and many of the right places of Troy, Davis. Already half those paragraphs,
headings? I mean you're using all of the literary tools at its disposal even using asterisk. Oh, my god, I don't have rocky. They exist, they'll, be everywhere every the night sky. I do go through the five stages of grief, which I feel is fitting for discovery. Wyndham adopted Wimpole one thing: I'd love. What to do when they get an apple trees. Some people promoted need should have mentioned it that accompany order. It now we haven't mentioned at all now probably say some arrest how little we ve never even better the book before field around like Amazon and Water stone and in many ways it will be really great risk, is that maybe we can get in the China as they say, if you probably mentioned, did your Tesco is going to stop it and which you weekly shop of white, bread, milk, eggs? You can have this in the basket just hide under some pomegranate.
We find surely they'll do immodesty, tight, Lakota magazine it? I can use agent, which is covered with a bare brown paper. I presume they we're gonna have to exactly so. Do we have to do with it then yeah I've. Controlling the social structure on the other. It be great if people could take pictures of them reading it. In line with locate unsuitable location, like doktor, said she talks a surgery. The pyramid like departures at an airport say I want people get their copies of the book. Take picture targets in yeah I'll show the best ones can of brilliant. We can make a huge big montage of everyone's leverage. I'm onto lady views, everyone's pictures of them without book, to make a huge, big mural of Belinda ties with the Truman showed Post exactly nation says you Second, thoughts about on the power for personal
Yeah, you rose, top surpassed, guys were published authors I know as work, and we should say we oversee take the place of it. All the time is a harsh. It is, but we are genuinely ready proud of. It is the best we could do so yeah if you We ordered it becomes out on Thursday. The twenty seventh of October so should be any post box that very day what a lovely dirty surprise. You can imagine it somebody's looking after your house as you would like to be the highest open. An important thing thinks it's a gospel. We're gonna go nothin, when does it nothing gets up politically, one we got, she added sums have been Belinda bling one would get confused, magazzino, so yeah and if you have created a which, frankly should be shown to be so, you can buy in actual bookshops in real life on the twenty seventh auto Mozilla Teresa decide that way. If we want these people that I say like some start to finish before, you actually buy, and also great for stopping filled,
and or secrets and old people at work, wobbly tables the plethora of uses for my third point of the book. So thanks, you will make an open and onwards and upwards for the Flintstone Empire. Absolutely book to eleven makes a mistake twice.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.