« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: James Haskell

2018-10-11 | 🔗
England rugby star and Belinker James Haskell joins the gang to talk royal weddings, drilldos and the mad, mad world of 'Belinda Blinked'

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem, call one hundred gambler, Hello and welcome to my dad wrote a porno, the footnotes now, for I guess this week we have England International but be Legend James huskily alive. I go in all my God, I'm so excited this is the single grace
team of my life had been about. My dad rapporteur have, if I bought supplies and stuff that but a long time coming this we ve been trying to organise its the ages and I would be talking. Knives came out of the very first live show which was was was incredible. I brought Chloe along she's very upset that she's, not here, This evening the half yeah sure one has come a watch. I think I better kinky and not invite enjoy so identities behind when on their weddings off. But anyway, we have over my robe one where we appreciate it. We appreciate being now James. You have been so diligently Eve made notes. Yes, I have for every a series of very soon they said, but I dont have explained okay, so so might our opponent such a roller coaster, as you know, right so intense, so exciting, some what's going on,
but I also want to things I hear and then I need an instant hotline to call in Gaza. Have so many questions, and so many queries and I want to like interrupted, say: oh my god, what rocking thinking? What was he doing like death, Martin ass. One who lives in a bed sit boys are made in New Orleans car. That's why he's such a sorry state and the commonly video cameras, the country's your Hindus break a shady flat with, like you know, is military or not. Get on the toilet, horrible things, legal camera, you didn't even use. What madman wrote this boat Ignacio agitated, The news, the cameras there was a video when he told the downward bits hold newspaper. Why does nothing erotic about? I was a boy he pushes everywhere. I go home, but that's a valid question country bringing offloading back James or cut, I think, a blot most about my head. It suddenly all become really on the start of book. Full was so wedding with like three tat. We thought we gonna be the wedding for the whole went on for ever that
in two thousand and we would like bullets the wedding, the air, but obviously there was another big letting the share that you went to the we'll where data. How was it unbelievable everything you wanted to be actually I was the outcome. Blown away, but the whole affair, but not enough to have Cornwall and got into a comfortable in by effort, must be a mistake as inevitable. May anyone I am surprised yes well were protected at the door several times. I agree with what the fuck you too bad, I just think, come it was games or somehow wasn't jobs we will be able to go, was supposed to be playing a diabolical injured. Conveniently? Why didn't I made that ever made? That point was that we know you should have their spoiling the team. Is I try to winter to get fitted
and also hurrying Mechano, getting married guys on things, and we will end up side. We lost the games and shame, but I was a wedding and it was amazing was anything like jazz elles would in no way I can at the wedding is an interesting because how politics that is about sex, how he just legitimate. Let someone get fingered in the middle, the church, an overdose of all the places nothing could possibly gone on. He would have written the church. She got out, my god, but the time will come it's an unwritten rule is he's not attained demanded, but that didn't Samantha church, but it's not like. I always did me Oprah joy, I didn't go. I met some hardy. All these aspects about you guys gonna, how some fire, I think I've got the fambly. Did you make him do that?
voice. Now that is if we did not make him, do it a bit about economic on genetic libyan ahead, lava beds that I tell you I did, but this is the best moment of my entire life, the hand of the wedding and I dont want sound such can somebody one key I'll tell you anyway, I went to a gig availing Jones, the Itunes vessel a while ago, I might get backstage meeting amazed guy with Nicholas hopeless. Where am I m? Phosphor cut use the role wedding on talking the turtle Chloe. I get tough on the shoulder I turned round and his l java call any untouched. Else into some sort of investor. Abidjan only said Durham, hello, James, how you and I was at home. I literally almost had a fucking fool meltdown and another
good and we had little chap. I told him how much I loved him in them near the kings were magic circle. Oh yeah yeah and you play himself in a body of work about which people right, tiny down cameo in that assembly and anyone performed for songs kind of way in his closest you guys, automate ass man. For me, that was the best thing is watching. Sing that close to him and ever have a good time of his him. The speeches that was well, you know the whole day you a full day. Ass. I was allowed to price rises qualify, but it was just also bids. One person did meet with everyone. Tourism address Elba levies on command of Luther he's dead no friend is a knife and heated months. Even remember me, I don't want to set the level of each as we all know why I'm John remember too. He was good limits that she loves you rugby.
Unbelievably yeah yeah yeah shut right or origin are good, but put a lot baywatch face. I crouched, as I've been told many people ready said that he was on the problem really head of eleven. The best bits, unbelievable season it left of cast iron cause. I'm not go quite. A lot closed is fine, but also that is when the problems one of the James gave it to? You were one of the revellers. That word is gathering outside a troubled shock. Joe uncharted call my lovely plight with boasting ices on greater labour ministers. We saw in the insides Angli company the engines that it was, but do you have to rein in it?
more than a normal weddings. You're, not gonna, get off your face off your face. Are you wedding about you? I've got. Some amazing story was not needed in this one I see from. I was very lucky to go to em, might indolence our Phillips wedding, your first royal wedding guilty So you do me a favor. Get me other spoke with roundabout way. We will not stop fucking rigour me, but no. Actually, I think if I see pounds a runaway interim on big time is at least five realistic report actually having fundamental covers those that were mental incredible, I woke up next day and all that is what I am honoured: the full dried up, the dread hot. Let the absolute schedule sketches look ahead that, like monkey just on my back you're gonna die payments. I had not the demons from held during the summer, so I sat on the tree
on the way that far from Scotland is ahead of the window. Going on my god, this is the worst moment amounts highlight. What did I do? What did I do is worse than a company. I did that right. You know what you mean. I don't get blackout drum, remember not detail every single detail. What can you give us Bob outputs pick that woman with royal family was Carrefour homes, and was I tried to take him home again? I will so they said. No, I said yeah, that's pretty why he invited you to his own wedding. It was very home, possibly Cypriot. Did you manage to get them taking pretty far to the opposite of death? Of any one factor of is a really good. Oh my god, you're definitely turned them all regard, as I explained that shot no wind, so you're getting married. Yes, what you party for your wedding, we go to legal one in the UK you're doing
roared wedding. We all words tat the one of you to raise your sisters getting happening about letting a laborious everything would be both the voice than statement abroad wedding. Isn't it Things are not another. Is a testament ladylike make make us think, I'm coming in a broad wedding, but legally married in here in here, Maybe that would be. If we go to Greece lovely. Would you like rocky to officiate, I'm not gonna meet. I tell what we got our with an eye on the patient and actually get to know him, and then there could be a bit wait if he did it when I think you know pretty intimately from the podcast yeah I do. I just I partly really wants to mean partly doesn't want to meet him just don't want to have the illusion shouted he he would live up to the hype. He is he's your arise out in this case up stage. We need to go out on an eye out with Rocky. I think I think you have a great, I think, you're the blockages bloke we ve ever heard of Miss Podcast
for having emphasised let's run social rules. Can bear in contribute view uneasy This is just somebody get in front of you and we can repay this. Pretty behind love is the main beaks medics is my favorite beer know. What was your perspective on how the men of the trade in these books capital before about what you say and they can lives pathetic, lie very fond of awful count their awful characters? I just think some fundamental apologetically they. Just like the capabilities no Belinda's overseas is. Is I'm not sure her taxes that great, I don't think she's ever. I think she's thinks she so good neighbour. Decisive periods, every woman had winning the white ones. If a man is into a boots, while in out an admin, forget it just kind anything that might exist aims on the bomb. Straight up, so you do not seem Belinda's why I asked both outside and even in the bud.
Yes to manage, never seems to be a mind of mines were minded so in a voice which you would have been in a monologue with herself about myself. All the guys like apologetic in either a mutant rank painless shed skin a farce, blue seamen all under he could be talking about or like incompetent oral skills or just I know I don't know phenomena like anomaly that mainly in that that good, I think that the spoon a bloke James Buena, whose lays it up. You know her dress up with conflict, lasers and and somehow didn't burn her face eyes. Oh no, he could potentially be the first man to man and because you have always shown contrary guy-
I'm expecting massive things from a medical you needed. It will show economy as well as a means of acts. As a kind of improving us said the you he's the lobbyists, if the lads- yes, I think so Peter Rouse went off the boil a bit. I didn't he paid, it was which forms the count was a cowboy yank skunk Yahoo example. One were he'd like discards is big thick like farmers, fingers oak launches hands and Europe must not be ignored. What saucy think big? even that even then they don't do a proper job and rapid across right. I think this is the one thing I got with whatever, but nobody's gonna proper job when anyone not once have decent sex. That's my problem. It's all kind of like a mishmash of terrible things, have not heard one or rotting song on the assembly, but I'm actually get elaborate father and I got the US that was unbelievable as well, because I wondered because I know those are always a bit nervous tension,
was he going to go into the realms of anal? Let s be, has stayed away from them and then he went to no one knows how to play with it. Ass we just put smoke. I oppose outlay unthinking shouldn't prepared for that becomes. You should have put up a big morning or another mean I just don't think economically, as did make ok sure just the logistics of there. I don't think you can just willy nilly go sticking cigars or smoke up people's bottoms and then I'm not sure that erotic, please down. If you listening, go unwilling Billy, Stick cigars or snake up people's bottom. You myself sabotage is something in that it so of key phrase like the way he described them. Bishop of Yellow tee and its breath. You not given brushes teeth. Playing I've got some sort of terrible lung problem at offering these wheezing and then she's seem an office. My subpoenas, why couldn't you just make it like a little bit normal, but then it then a chapter and just as the getting going blind response from Turkey and then the rifle come and sugar.
An amazing and then the shouted, and why? How that just to let it rose, let it develop and I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks. Incite credit, if you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present a new jersey and penalties sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call one a hundred gambler bow. What else is The list on seven and eight are literally made. So many notes on this thing. Final open. As I said, the leaking come off, the placid ups upset that got to say that I see me Everything was yeah. What are you pitching? There was a big red hair,
We know. What is Europe and some others if someone thinks he's so archival into those egos teething some of them, the anatomy he chooses. I reckon come out like these become a poor man, Someone told me about a brain atomic Lord John Russell, and we have to pay read as wives at twenty pounds expose themselves and Delight Debbie for knowledge, and it would be a big red. Finally, that would be that it was not great right. I imagine, Ways like got was just the genital area with Diana that was both as well, but I like it was like on terrible bedsheets we'd like yeah, yeah then, but you get paid twenty pounds you get like twitter, they know they vote was trimmed up for the photos. Unlike you right, yeah nice, just not great, but you going twenty sheet. So that's why they're Right, that's what I would describe as push you may yeah right. That's why I'm thinking I do not know about it!
You better come with examples, yet so, a long time ago, again, friend a friend of mine, obsessively initial stage, but that does not relate to make shop, read some erotica and in this particular book penises all getting lodged in and around the Serb lodged around him away yet like if ever implying that this person, such a big, hefty hefty pain, is right that there it was getting wedged in around, and I thought to myself live Rockies had the same book, didn't know. You would think that serve to play a role in normal sex but oversee it clearly doesn't so I wonder if he'd read the same book, maybe I mean it. That might be the only butler had access. As I mean it was close, you know not quite strike goin combat taboo, yet I was at least yea proletarian locks. Any poor, mighty shops in education is like from a friend a friend or friend your friend, who was once in England who saw something.
Ah, that's exactly how these soldiers rounds of china- and it was my foggy service. Will it's cool for John Labour, vaginal lids doesn't want that make means only fifty is I shall we meet pussy me right. So I think that's gonna happened and I wondered goes wrong. It might have been the not impede smuggled and he had it What's the border marched into service, whether you think he'd, liquid water At least it was a war zone dogma, lest we forget the seventies look or I just didn't, and that was the contraband Debbie and where will shake every from North pole, my getting rid lit shouting later all remedies I'd like to think he's done some research because he got the the exit kept for. We are. The duchess is funding those eggs are supposed to stay, there's no way to slip in no way What about the eggs?
what is it? What is it over as well be his last season we had em assail on the show who runs killing. Could you possibly have been involved in any that anecdotes? She may have been well yeah. I got to know where I can possibly comment. I wish you point possibly maybe I'm somebody looked a little bit more may might be no looks. Letterbox of art is another way screaming back to back to church obviously Joyce my sins. At this hour you yeah I'll call body rubbing the whole thing. You know Emma S, amazing those things I think if it was somewhat
from what you ve heard and seen two left books. What what? What kind of things are we saying was what you gonna cities, pawnbroker relaxed orgy, is still good, I think a very chilled out ramp and torture, but just think we ve done come full circle of ancient Rome. That was a kind of all ago and then overseers. We ve gone through it and I'm asking you gonna. Let you measure timeline progress with now got were freely talking about your dad's erotica on here is the biggest part was a base forecasts the world take on yeah discover that yapping spoke ass, the while not everybody lives embrace this. This The show, I wonder how Jane was conceived because there's no way knows what he's doing. You must be an angel when she must have. The pages of Saint must have like noise cancelling has when mechanical posse read these books, because I wonder if it was a bit like the Heron Philistine for the two people Mr Missus John, we wanted to embed is black and white and they go well. They should have sex is if you must stay at, let's go off the combat pollyanna, both symbol.
Inevitably, the baby's delivered. That's how I am Jamie was, while It is evident that so you don't you go to, then you go that's full circle so that those kind of things- and now we see not re normal, but but when it does not people buy into its quite fun foretold. What's a weed way of saying you would, then I want you to say I love you tried to deregulate via ancient Rome, and heroin is quite a good even had lots of. I should just right. You can look at the story from him of liquid at one place. One place told you nothing more, You are the true. As regards the congratulations one day, I wanted to ask that the swedish man who's on on his hand, oh yeah, the shadow of the swedish man. Yes, swedish, anything that could be me Butch the vote do you want set, as you lobby swedish,
Now I was thinking you urgently story, arbitrary powers over the river levied on nothing, and it was only six for marriage, so I thought I'd terms like every other character. Do you wanna play Butch in the movie? Is that we are trying to invent some of his check is pretty average. Very fact he can't choose between five women. Negotiation will have that one could establish exits, been actually finding my suit our walk but worried about by written off. I'm trying to think who peoples and you got a large woods to chosen someone yeah its whole shows someone's gonna chosen, one even a piece it S. Just who? Would we not a swede?
I'm blonde Nan, but no offense, but you're an actor man metallic today. I do not see reproach me hopeless, it. You are making a well cost podcast. Anyone can do any man to say so, but we are you surprised how ramshackle is. I love it, though all of his well balanced and cookbooks like do you have a favorite carter, know you'd, like maybe play Butch Addy Phyllite, you kind of got the right attributes that, although it may be, can get anybody else. You are my shoes when thinking twenty eight is how to help round the wind three humbly with all. We shall not I'm older than you. I am thirty four how's, your moisturize erosion event. You then I am out of Asia, Can we be tactical we face the last sentence in our written ship is reliving mass. Basically,
sounds like most of my fingers, oh my god, you're doing a claw. It achieves a little finger that kind of bends if you can't straightened out one contrary, neither, oh my god that little finger is rank in his heart. That is perfectly for that ass. He was wrong and had them liquidated a little and so we can all be voices that was traveling all yours to start. Try to take over the ok, sorry, council, wise chronic who didn t relate to anyone. Oh my god, you relate to somebody escape route. Yes, your father is probably the duchess. I think I think we're with anyone could that you know each other nicotine stain voice. That kind of rule has changed a voice, but I can imagine
just she looks like the one from them Sonny about Mary, with about our constant undercutting, say no glinda wags fallen again and it s got, nor that it did not appear to be like you have had a picture with words. I am turns up in a full by for Land Rover Widgeon VAT on the back and like a bit longer, I'll catch. You just learning. So please, if you didn't get it back of it to tonics anyone sit down shuts, it drives, pulls out, zinc, low in case the mimetic drilled. I wanted a drill down Leavenworth unreal to drill the thing: is Google out later oversee behind closed doors? Split you doing in there drilled progress it well out. My guy does literally hummed drill, and then this is not about. Pluck I'm familiar with only the stuff that wouldn't be a common social. It's a compatible drilled obeyed
and then there's a teenage, realistic dildo, which I assume you attach does it have a backpack as if anybody has used a trail No, that is really annoying to after you Know- and I guess we're not by Alice- was an icy it. Let it isn't. I guess how much will you, but I'm gonna find out what happened on Fridays, but what we want to stop its demise. Ok, the diary there are no customer reviews yet met Excuse make use on a normal drilled. You have to buy the drill all its. It says here, transform your basic household drill into the ultimate x to know now. I don't know why you looking at me ass. If, on the professional, I just heard about the things that I made it very clear and want to be very clear about this. I've never attended any those who exploit evolving crimes or had anything other than normal straight up announcing standards. A hypothetical, though,
if the people behind its actual having so that you want, but I would probably by professional version, because you don't want to make a bottom up there, why situation cause yourself harm. You don't know how we could you could go through it partition, All that you said it was a hammer. Ethical road travel has gone. So what is it going case of the big black builder when it is another thing to unpack a drill, though, and start assembling it like a bond? sniper rifle screwing bit scenes of violence on it who was unable to come out of this would be held again reiterate. I had no idea about this. For a friend told you get any of you. It is a very dramatic guy
have you told about the public has told everybody on a good. Every total devote big eyes about it, I even so rich last night, but your father and which it mainly of rigid engine originating autonomous. I d respond. He said a hundred and listen to me. Listen to this episode at least one is absent. Biscuit Party won in Amerika, southern ITALY is absolutely. Because I'm a few questions wondered what was that drilling. I was eating D I announced by yes or told him total every advising anyone who sits areas, oyster businesses, podcast messenger greatly about health unfitness- was gone up together without Rev. One great thing like you need look, em, it's a game. Changer. I think I ve learned about body parts you be learning about. What, if I have, I not that is a lucky. He didn't beat ever known seriously this I know more now than I think, maybe most statement. I think this is not great virtue for banks right now, happily be gay.
To this end, the whole world yea eyes world, I believe, is a lot of nonsense- is not locking sex going on there that the female anatomy are not the best. On the human rights. Are they finally another of the local news for everyone, and not just an amount, got there's gotta be street bonds with James. Thank you saw so much becoming has been growing thanks. So much for having me, I did want in a undervalued when I can't this is where the great man of my entire life if I've put any one off. I apologise if I have so much off my chest, but there was so much more come, so I will let you behind you for another colleague get back home because you got more. What is check back in this was latin page one hundred percent Bob about bed, think so much mates go on.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.