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Footnotes: Learning Dutch

2016-08-04 | 🔗
Want to learn some key Dutch phrases that will help you if you're ever planning a Belinda-style trip to Amsterdam? The gang are here to help...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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since we're in Amsterdam, and I do have a bee in Jesus. He german might go about it and I would mention it took a thought landed. Heyday, You know how was school you learn like, whereas the I break my name, his James yeah boring, not you never knew use em. So I thought I'd be useful to teach people some dutch phrases he might actually use. If you're going on a Belinda Stolid, then Amsterdam. When you said you would you may make my duchess Opel in your debt is terrible. Rocky people are really impressive, Rockies Risa. Now I feel a bit a shame that we were mocking it because apparently it's all completely correct, although certainly did say when he said Dan Coup with slowly you it could have meant grandma queen, but without a before I found a website with some useful dutch phrases? Ok, so that we can learn
today, while Organise found my favorite but ass. She bees for the high for future chapters. Where many, your love, Google, translating we might just understand it, but I'm not sure we flew in Bergen whisper I dunno days and I could teach her yeah. I read a dutch phrase: alighted shrine, guess what is ok, but I am also extremely every day that will be useful to Belinda. Exactly listen, some of endearment leave it leave that leave. It means leave it. The valley I forgot my thereby cutting corners. You got something without approaches the typewriter leave. It means my love leave it Alice leave it demi, neither Shit Shit shit, shut shit, shit you tell us this is like
Madame grown all over again and said she with any learning that mean that we tabled angrily. Tat means treasure We have neither the areas. Treasure what? But what was I going to judge Chechen citizens is headset, nay, I want to show such new so far so great a k, something the Belinda pop. Say about all of her nights with different man and things like that. Yes, individually, it was the romantic van fun. Levin Lang, headfirst a romantic fund. In live in line It was a romantic Vanden labour lingo. It was a romantic virginal blue clothes. It was the romance of a lifetime so that close them sky far way said Romans Dundee HTML it teach thing really good high anybody else solely them.
Jamie is like a girl in my class from EAST Lynne, French and she was a bit of a homemaker around a really sweet french teacher who is called model. Mademoiselle laugh you never our name. Merlin directions. Madame, would be like a gay glance. Ass we are going today to date, the rat sir. He began at any gush attorney, had let em He went round the class and got everybody to say it back, and then she went to this naughty. Go to his. I turn you guys to tony attire. Now he was frightened. She was a very good, very good. Bethany voted through a gay guys. He says what they will only at work in its future. I think we're gonna throw nitty gritty. Now this is the sort of they were. So I just glance at his created to say Hello talks. These categories pillow talk at eleven talking like a titan
your head now, like a debt and Harold, we get some so structure. So we the first thing we should do. A thing is repeat it to get aplenty, that's very good here, then we should have a gas at his hands on buses. Whoever can do first. Could she just gonna keep jumping in allowing the other like you're such a swat? Look teachers I could at an organism Elise. Let's look at us like a tattered. Look at it in letter, Detton lacquer TAT, some lacquer detton. It means let in your imagination as intention as in the head. It could mean, while the pillow talk dirty pellet all means pillow talk affection, Neither do they picked subjects. Pillow talk, ok! Well what I said. Let me I'm happy, like ten learning said that some of us have better. This cannot be out of you. I have also been so long, which I did said through not doing stories but observe tables got women's rights, a picture
What you just did that water is in English. Probably anyway, I think like tat and if I'm not mistaken means it means Ike. Like lead you to be wrong below my balls, please, I think from the Latin, for it means, states. We should have got him on that A handy want having your pocket when you you know you round about, Another humdinger here, I repeat after me, I might break up into chunks, gives its assent. You can get it. I won't be bottom set back into old among go exude met gee, I mean I can see, and I can't do it longer. Execrate add extra grog met yea now, bed will in a guy, so it can good luck.
Some of them right. I guess they know. It's? U, God! It's a gag machina machinery. Stop. It is definitely under the bed. Willem Bedwin, Bedwin assessments do is bad woollens you think it's hell goes bad Woollen Willie, like eventually about with the city, have like a day will ay and about the city the first began. This is how this is already hard. What MRS nor into media exude rug match. You know, but William Are you ready for me to my Willie in your future? Fatima lots of love it takes us is what are you guys base terrible gases? The answer is, I would like to sleep with you: that's exactly what
you said pretty much further: we can either all this on the cracker It is all in that in how you say: ok important, yet the delivery, I think I'm good. At least you could Brooklyn Alan for sex again blocks in invoked sex in London deserves thanks for the episode of friends. Were Jovi learns friend for fulfil, so hang on site again. He brought me island for sex echo, probity model. He approached me for sex. Are you asking me for sex? Not always is safe, Will you please have sex with me you're just me for sex is me for which Belinda often is besides gold, and yet, if you can get there, you're, not many others, one who will to on me. Please
That's strongly sprung common all meet Senator Platt or sprung sprung common wilt. On mean plots scrutiny, sprung, common allude plots. This broken sprung in spring. Will rest. Your William my plants come come in my face. I like what you take Peter out. It's free, much opulence experience or more time to. Second guess the meaning of the soldier, meaning. You were closed. Maybe it wasn't quite right. You I mean Plattsburg, sprung common. You will definitely the grass what have you done to me with that? Slinky This broken sprung is expressly springy. Like him, a coils in game is maybe that's about the bad there on arriving this one. This doesn't make sense in England all the teacher s failing european skies wears off.
That only need a special measures may seriously with the worthless, never another teacher sailor inflation is. Do you want to come to my place, bouncy bouncy, so that they are called person, bouncy bouncy, they just about everybody, always bouncy bouncy sexy today, is actually going to come to my place for bouncy bouncy. Yes, and last week,. But one that I feel is really appropriate to the border. Belinda blinked and I want to draw keys, favorite body parts cervix now that lobby pink, thus lead wait for the phrase Mine temples explode around Van European. My tap minor pause. Bloating, with lust or with milk, which one you got here as a club for the further people
my nipples explode with delight. That was a very lesson we all of us who asked hang on outside of your past James. The right path leads straight at each boy, you actual darkshire device and clogs because I can speak Dutch, a cable. You pass the lesson. Yes very model pupils. Thank you doing homework for everyone. It's trying phrase Lecoq captain into a conversation with your boss, Festival accepted.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.