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Footnotes: Learning German

2019-10-17 | 🔗
In honour of Belinda's time in East Berlin, Jamie, Alice and James get to grips with some sexy German phrases. (Listen to the end to hear one of our favourite 'Ok Georgie Porgie' remixes.)

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Culture. We really isn't a hate Sabre, actually learning things as we as we go yet about language, not the english language, because overseas North eleven now, but it does seem to be trying his hand, languages of the world? So I mean we didn't company seasons go we learn ducks. So I thought I welcome. We learned Dutch we have we tried to elicit. I might passing over at Amsterdam, and I am as we are absolutely fluent. So what I thought we could do is I'm going to read you some sexy german. Raises I'd like you to repeat them and then trying what they mean to each other, wherever you want to tell you, I'm an artist at the end, who I think has done best of the best link, store Conny linguist, exactly the genuine, absolutely nothing. So it's entirely put this ok. First This is more a flirty first day. See romantic raises really not get. It is too hot iron
a patent coos weak legs. Well. Well! Well, ok I'll, say it again repeat after me, how I in fact clapper uncouth, smooth height, handkerchief, clapper and kids made not that hold. I caused the copper uncouth Smooth told I'm class, who I'm a cosmic like a german scottish chop. Any guesses asked what me know up. Yes, eyes so peaceful. No, stop you from a time stop! You got the clap. Yeah? I can't be on a date with you know internationally, since the clap is clytia, I think clapped his mouth because it means just shut up and kiss me. Ours is kind of aggressive but is actually quite decisive, shut up, just shut up and kiss me when we have the movement that subtle changes, birthdays yet name and is perfect.
But perfect. For me, I mean this defect. Bodell exhibit perfect me me. Man is perfect in new cars will nobody's perfect, you half of whom are less high five, you joking, What were you gonna? Get that come back after not baby, cakes us its agenda, up against me, an acquaintance beta or cable, more big, ESA Nicht Ex Laffer Nicht eke too Nix undead is ice and Dick Sudan can let's break down ESA Nicht is that we need a second Nicht ex lafontaine. It is not a to make
and there s a big techniques and under the ice undig Sudan can island and Dick do not answer. So what do you think it s? An edict, guess, a Nick. I, if something Nick night too. I know I don't want to. I know I'm is nightfall. Not me! No, I don't eat, I don't I. We! U because they are Nicht. I don't I think about it. Sets of ESA Nicht is I don't eat. I die eat pussy Bali, your policy for Europe. Now, but said there were next one. Is the slavonic two hours but I do eat files, leather and stunner. Later I don't sleep, I don't sleep, I don't I don't sleep. I just fuck, you brains. I know I know I can't sleep. I can't eat,
you just Emma thought. Yes, I do nothing, but think of you a new, and I can we just put some kind of this claim on this, so that we don't need all of our general affairs. Ok, we're gonna go bit router fiction, figured munition Ella. Fuck me slowly, nearly fuck harder military fuck me again back me silly for me faster. Give me that, as pretty close, nice is surely not a thick mix. Never thick mix Naylor Thick never be big makes you think makes matters. Be snail sounds like Smart fella, he felt smart, give dealer area what was done to stay as much tribute safe thoughts Miller. Like the way to saying that we faster, dare notch. Fleck dead, Nook like the clear to us that the Nobby flesh Nobby Flash Nobby Fletcher.
Please stop saying no, and I then nudge, Fleck, danish Fleck, you may french leg, so a lot like her the nurse black exacted a noose fleck, yes, the noose black, always run, I didn't, I might be wrong, but I think it's maybe I think it's maybe like a come. Pattern familiar pattern, you no longer that's better! That's really rocky a couple days like every snowflake is unique. That is something about. The uniqueness of the summit of language flock is yeah like a flock of natural knowledge is obviously the not obviously cock, not despair, of deduction
well I'll tell you what it is, many can save. You can figure out where love bite o Emily flashlight, our luck and MAC am I yeah lack okay? This is more of the phrase but something I think rock he's gonna need, whereas if it's always please, how do I get out of this? No de hat, nay, girls kissed. You made the sign of its italian hats de hat net grocer net grocer kissed a kiss that, like how direct german sounds, the ads, France is very clear that last year we know what'll. I love you as the big Lieber, Dick it bleak. Sovereignty elegance gave a Dick color, like law today, you caught me for the day. So sorry this one again I'll see you ever go saying gunmen de hat. He had no grocer Nebraska kissed the castor Ivan I do not close live, not waste, your
Can I kiss your dick had caused the has led to the next I can I suck it cannot set you off now, because everybody can you're. Sorry, what you know it's she's got big tits D had a girl, sir. Stuck history is our history can kiss the kissed? Is nice or kissed it in some regions can mean big rather than blah. I like big, kisses and cannot lie teased Chiesa peoples, a keystone, Urartu, hello, yes, ugly, yellow, no good keys to off by properly Oliver whenever people up men, home alive, So this is a verb doing work at a to something and its teen brackets Ting slang. Ok,
Ok, this is a win, win really german know a thing or learning you. No real colloquially, and if we want people to see what the kids a say in how James I sang let even in every says anymore, he's fine hum, Sigillum the hand saying alone, so I will leave it at the other and that's all one word: I'm hands Sagan, I'm hand cycle and think about the word and it might help to threesome. What he thought about? The word that I thought Sagen sounds a little bit like three symbol But now I am highly me. I know I'm say hands he immediately seagulls. No, you focusing maybe too much on the end of the word rather than from a buying home and have our eye of one king did sex, as it mean literally yeah one hundred sex. I think so too jerk off one could spend the monkey I'm so down Kids? What why don't? You know any German upon you want so prim, though
the real german words. I lie on the streets, Kyle gee I'll guile guile come. Is this one combating ok, just to help here, not because it is not a thing for me. Is this anal? Don't look These are directly. May I say that is this: Anal is said that before my eyes, what about this guy or guy a guy loyal means less guesses amiss I ask us: is it putrid smelling he's alive, Bio, always it always friggin like freezing
Stop looking at me so that we get this right is it was ready to return of sex acts that one would he short word majority forget about cod. Isn't it I'm just going to tell you. This is descending to manage horny I'm well guile dollar will act, Super guile has become slung for cool or great in German, so that its soup, guile of December. A neighbor fiction is too comes, can tell you, make a fair comparison. Second, working for Kennedy obey they haven't vacant obey okay. This is other verb. Yemen, Damn island, blazon, your either blazon ye among them brazen but were demanding island blazing boxing Michigan Island blazing and something what
something and something. What let me, let me say, a clue. Island, I'm an island- and I know always, as I have been skunk- is not discover that great gas? Yeah man them ion blazon something ass, something yes to fuck your mother, Why do you plan to fight back above fucks above that enable a mother? They gave us how we Mustn T bugs gives I've. I guess I've run folks. A daughter because I want a daughter, someone banal- reflects a mother, but not everyone that suck when yourself. You'll. Have they want you for women but less than right phrase, everyone that a woman has a daughter everywhere? It's not the beautiful philosophy that something! So I guess you, Madam Ireland, please I thought your mom. You say that we have among us wearing a visa. Is nothing you're bombs on foot
your mom, so watch some fire in other languages isn't like land. Is it sound like human glacier lenses Isabel, but it is good that you are taking as before, but you don't go you man occasionally Mandeb Ein blazon think it means your crew all of a off their smoking. We do want a com he's at quite enough team, I'm taking off his. It means look, we're gonna have to clear out because people can be hesitating. Ok, I'm going tell you then Blazon is tableaux side. Your mandate Einem, is to go down on someone or do fellatio lace here right last, one because It is this gang upset his supper. I have advocated in other things to do their analysis left dash funds that spans
funds are spent hours is, have you thought the funds? it doesn't have to arrive at the english word or sound like dash bans. The cock- yes, it slung subpoenas facts, this plan is a stupid way again. Nothing. That's enough Anita choose a winner. Yes, please, J, you got to write Alice. You got to write so It is a bit of a droll, but if I was a boarding on yeah? yeah. I'm gonna give its Jamie both bull shit, so you're that you're the loser, and so is the german language in good company. Pronunciation. Was why I'm sorry? If I got it wrong, I was I was trying to remove any basing organization of you, so I can have yet to Germany. Is this just what's in your facebook or have used deliberately ineffectual stuff those repressive area for Egypt
forget when we roll in Berlin together without a thought clear where we can They come very high. Ok, well, we'll see you next week in EAST Berlin, but before we go guys on Monday, we had the song, ok, Georgie, portuguese member, do way. While we people to get involved and to send as their remixes. Oh my god, we got so yes the little tree. We thought we'd play you out with one. When we ask you guys do this, you never disappoint me. The quality goes from so high to solve areas, but the thing I find always amazing is how few people have job is really amazing. So this is Lex eat Morris with a regional composition of ok, Georgie Pooty was very weak.
If he was in a foetus, only the same man out of place that is just what they flew back baggage sway.
Bad about big bang. Bang baby be has a long time. We haven't had stand back and you're gonna be a thing of the back of their daily by saving measures that will bring about a job where the money in this debate there is
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.