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Footnotes: Live Shows

2016-09-22 | 🔗
It's the very first Porno live shows this week in London and the gang try to overcome their nerves before hitting the stage...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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really nervous. I know it's the week of our first ever live shows states. That tat. Can I had my first undesired you dream about it. The other night I was through. She around in bed like nobody's business yeah. What about the dream? No, honestly, I think I'll just playing out every an area that could go wrong. My wife and saw wife. Where rubbish I mean that's highly likely. I think that two of the most lovely things are not so much an anxiety dream is a prophecy biting alot of people can probably empathy it is on this economy and how you must be feeling dreamy. Well, I think what you both forget about me is that I'm actually an award nominated actor. This is a negative, a breeze tomorrow. What was then the role again I was Alice and then, if you know this, but may I was nominated for best actor in a leading role at the Cheshire one ACT festival supplying toad in total.
Told and ninety ninety six. This makes ten million hours Poohpooh pregnant. I see the noise, the arrogant toad, and that is what we call you behind your back and now. I know why. Ninety ninety six should it be like ten new already were nominated to the wind. I didn't when I was wrong. I know I was a child I think an old man was his Jimmy needed in order for diet is a better. There was something that we will have a ten year old. It was the Chechen war, like Festival, Everyone could and everyone's welcome famously that agenda touch one eyed festival absolutely so used to age? I mean this is this is nothing new to well? I haven't tried the boards in money. Shut up. What lay now you mentioned, and I should also Jones and stage experience- I am very much brag, but I was cast because my portly frame and five as the butcher and Oliver only goes what we were saying,
I see more may on a lamb chops. Mr Bumble, oh that very good. Thank you, Joe Song, minnow. Just that was there and then I scuttled off. Oh no watching you mention it. I did join in the chorus of consider yourself. I didn't realize the second time use you only sang at once, so I went cause nobody else. Fine along it was all I was the Butler Joseph and its technical dream code, the butler there but there is a god address. If so, you ll play servants, honest, honest, are you other work, my master of light, the manner while we should channel all of our experience, and there must be some tips on line on how to banish all of those bad nerves. Sometimes butterflies can actually be good. Absolutely, I think we should feed off on earth. You shouldn't be paralysed by our nerves. Are this? Is a guide is as nine steps to take when you're feeling nervous grain, ok, great, and so the first one tat I always wanted discount, I feel like they ve, maybe got like fought.
And their lack of direction about exactly less beef up nine about where animals be. I thought this where I live. Zealous lives will need all of them, our God. We will go feel like the slowest. Our It's an hour and a half now to harm no interval either. Do people know what signed up for what I am concerned. I think an hour and a half is a long time for someone to be set in the same seat as an also the audience us out. Today we can have a little walk around zero people do on long haul flights. Do. Exercise it'll. Do you got yourself this first one? We can skip over thing because it just says, breathe because we are in danger of forgetting to do that so deep rats, I assure you, I guess so
cause. You could maybe get like dizzy and a bit like Hetty. If you don't use that correctly guys, oxygen florin, I mean that feels like a filter preferred Wimbledon. So does a second one check your posture well, I'm so nervous check your boss, sure it helps dry. I mean the only solution for that is em when you're feeling and secure often we try to make ourselves a piss mauler who, in the world because scrunch into our souls class expansion. But I am a hunch as it is. I do like to unnecessary hunch, EVA James, escaping ahead. Let you do with Rocky absolutely drift often feel nervous in your day to day life. I think I do too. Could you have the past of like a nineteen year old lady that sells baskets on the side of the road to a comas open a window the other day who's. The almost got us many
a lot like a turtle Lulla is called shallow makes about my neck, like sticks out, and my box or hunched on its need to work more pasteur, but basically this tips for you, James, so dont hunch that food. You arms done it. You I'm full to the floor. That's a good thing for the isn't it, but when you put a book on your head and you balancing act to walk across the room, that's good for postures like finishing school yeah. Maybe you do that in addressing before before. Why, before we finally have to fell, do not protectionist at the top of the list, till I had Spreadin nothin lightweight and about ten pages long and a book, as has happened in the little man right, I'm starting to realise these nine tete, a tete oh bullshit less, but let us not dwell surviving only about the same Tipp will bring
Then stand up, I mean these basics. You very severely displayed by this nice one another incredibly easy, effective way to use your body to get your brain to relax. Its smile sake of you. That's not gonna help is I'll, do anything, but also the lion smiling. I says here it's one of is powerful ways not only enhance the moods of those around. You two completely alter your mood in the process or really see out a little longer Isabel Buddy List. As I said a lot, even how tiny Tita slightly fewer gum, what you doing cod is that your smile, I do feel way better than I do that. What are you sweet, smile, okay, now it'll immediately relax seventy Filmore relax after that yeah. I'm not heard you everything soil! Just wait at amendment no eight Debbie unit. Let you ve had surgery. The cheek bones got really really big fat cheeks,
You look like you, VE had like college and lip implant, this good or slow about rarely amnesty I've never seen any of the expressions around the stable. It hurts sit straight. I should see a doctor things with which to buy the radiator, threatening its anything sulivan stretched out on your face. I cannot wait to hear so am this is kind of that thing where, in times of like a fair all, I said, You just got a disassociate, go like tat. You mind to somewhere better more positive to this as remember a time when you felt really powerful.
Tat. It had hoped that I have learned that the powerful performance said Natasha Gazette Alice you may mark, but there was talk of Cheshire. Wasn't really where the newspaper reveals that Muslims are those differently from well Rocky couldn't attend. He was writing porn. Probably I mean powerful lifted like a heavy ball have like monthly happier, why you suddenly, the weedy demanded England Hunchback. That's that's what is wrong. God, I'm not Benda Mommy, but that's when he felt powerful like one ones. Yours, I always feel exponentially. More powerful wants you to have at my house, because you kind of sap that zap that power, but we can go no earthly things, a shit acacia just so as random of making this call bullshit
Are you ready out? Was it through? The network I accepted and fighter about before is not about these no gay. Discarding that ask yourself these questions. Ready here was actually worst case scenario that we destroy Bramblewood in building for two and a half years. A point that was case now. Rio worked come true when it began to the world, so you do less, not completed all life back to defer in five years time. Would you still we hate yourself or nobody hastens over? I know you will be absolutely no lessons you could learn from it. We feel that not a single lesson I mean also really matters,
one to the world of learned nothing. This is the question. I really want you to stay me. Would it just completely, and I let you and I wrote this: did you write this? Even rocky wouldn't put his name to this a kite. I think what MRS Torres is that we're not ready. I apologize to everyone who is gonna be coming to our like shows. There are free tickets. I, when I I fear not Joe, I think if we were just our selves that'll, be fine to think now by avoiding the ticket. I'd miss Saunders, no returns policy, that is your best prep never die,
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.