« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: Michael Sheen

2016-10-20 | 🔗
Star of stage and screen (and general lovely man) Michael Sheen sits down with the gang to talk about his father's own unusual career and how he thinks Flintstone is the new Shakespeare...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem call one hundred gambler hello and welcome to my dad was appointed. The footnotes have got James and Alice with me to lie hi hi guys, and today we are joined the one of our greatest actors. You know he's a start. The queen, midnight Paris Frost, Nixon massive sex, I think we all agree is greatest role. Is that of a fully
blinker it's my position. I will allow this. How are you you went all serious when when you're said hello, oh hello, universities, our Levine, don't do not get them over we're almost there with this. The whole thing is based. These areas is just gone awry with every other applicants, very awry, rocky and intended to be serious, thought worse that well you do. You think you really did not in any way intended to be funny. Having heard gas with incense since no honestly in Asia. What did you think it s? Mental genuinely benefits This is, of course, no one. You did you write book to after the podcasting now Sahim Oliver. Yes, he wrote fool blogs before, because I would have sworn that he was now writing influenced by the podcast algae thing. I'm sure that Jim Sterling quicker, as a result of everything I said in my first book, but not but he's not. You know
Will he kind of money? First sent me the book pages, I should say of the first reach our taxes paid. Yes, it's ok, it's gray light. You know right and is out of order and four by the time. It, took me to read and write tractors, he'd written for his very much. Don't wait around for your approval, everything like the prince of erotic adventure. He really knocking and amuse like Malta is a vessel that attitudes feel that I feel because a vessel suggests you have like no member, and it does just kind of fool out Dr allow companies through him like a terrible cases, ass, an analogy I bought a fairy, doesn't even touch this doesn't, together with full pure, become You're. Both the untouchable says like in hundreds of thousands,
It is time that we have created a religion around and they'll, be looking back and we talk about the four pure and then the apocryphal all attached to the Belinda blinked Apocrypha authorities for pure ones. This is what they base, in a circle of the religion around, so how did you first discovered the podcast? I was something about this because I am separated that Europe really I vote on Kindle didn't you. Did you kindly before the focus I wish I was having read literature. I was wandering passed a gazebo scribbling furiously and I thought I wonder, I am. I think it was one of your guest, one of your previous guess on. I think it was Rachel Blue rights who I heard on another pod Gaskell script, notes which is about scream yes, and they do a thing at the end, which is one cool, on her one cool thing when she was a guest on it, was this last interest.
Something that I was able to do that and will anything to do with your dad doing something. That is embarrassing because I feel like we have a connection. Oh ok go because my dad didn't write a porno, but my dad for many years was a professional, Jim Nicholson, look alike! we're having a good number of times and wanted that are the guy's, a professional valiantly with good we got paid. It started when the first timber bombardment. Literally overnight ungenerous blades, Joker and overnight people. So we can go to my down the street going if you turn off. Jack Nicholas. My did know you want my dad thought it was the Gulf Jack Nicholas, so didn't really made much of it and then more so he must have like lions single gems very loudly, and then there was a bit petition. In the newspaper same, do you look like the Joker and my dad said? While I think
I should have about what size I know my cry. So will you take some pictures on me, so I had to take photographs of him anyone, the competition and then when Batman was in our local cinema, he got a job is first pay. Jarvis Jack was to stand, ended in the not in the Joker in the kind of that the pre July, like a hat and coat within and outside the lobby of the cinema, as if he was a statue and as because, in those days there were still crowds outside covenant and as the queue came along, every kind of five minutes? He would jump a shotgun and then go back to her and finally, you said the term Esau down in the line, a guy that are used to work with cold Dave, something waited for data on anyone and frightened about was always start and then for years and years and has used due next now. For me, it did cause me quite loud embarrassment, so I feel like there is a slight connection. I've only got myself
blame a really. I'm the one who's made this a thing I could have just soundness and never told anyone Strip would have an embarrassing, but just for myself, but it should have liked therapy it. Really. It is grew therapy if you hadn't done this, but guess you'd been on top of tat goes with a gun silly thick in Austria, thank God you're a world of easier, but I'm gratitude for ISIS avert everyone's interests. Did you get teased about him being jack? No better, because I was already and drama I'll find so I wish I'd be stored it's over. Now I was, I was twenty one, ok. Mom said it was called the ass. I kind of like there was embarrassed. Has he met John? While he's had the opportunity to quite a few times law people going such a them and said we'd like to get you used to step out onto the red carpet when Jack he's gonna win Jack's over for a film unless this, my dad Saint Madame, was telling me this or that someone has been in touch, my God
want me to go and stand on the record that I see what you can do it. I shall I don't I I'm gonna, think, but it and then I called him up the next week and I said to be decided. I said yes, but I'm not doing it jocks night, she's very sweet. Don't spoil, but he's done a lot of that kind of thing, so he's kind of the pre eminent Jack Nixon. Like the world that we doesn't. It not anymore. It was an american one. It was very good. Well is kind of arch my dad comes to visit man, America, he does love to go, with an eye like his hat on sunglasses. Any hopes that no one will recognize my mom is constant. Indigo. Yes, I'll take a dental, don't really want to see a picture of you. Dont know, Google, it you can google, my Rick Sheen migrants, an e? Why our icy k, gene and it will come up there is-
That is very good. I have to say this picture is: he's got them alongside each other, so you see there, which is very cheap shots and everything you did it probably end up when I was still drama school. My dad was down in and doing a job doing it acknowledges the real leader is. Yes, sports sees me, today I can down to meet him. He was doing some jobs. Are my job and I met him and he said along tomorrow. I have to go into agents, was DE in London, I said I would do a Jonah come with me. I said so. I went in with him I was just sitting there was. He was doing what have you to do and by the end of it I could see the agent looking at me. The list, of course, look like agents, see the whole world through the possibility of who you could make a living scouting as I was leaving. He just went James Dean,
Renault Flattering still? No, I don't think I've been dead, that's the guy! God. Graduating data which call for and then just the other day I for someone you know like when on Twitter, they suggest people you can should the age of the suggest. So I followed up, and then I got a message from a judge. So I guess today going how lovely to hear from you like, but we haven't found you anywhere where we ve still got on the guy. You wanna do some good laws. We so good I presume you are, of course, if I may tell you it's not just here for the gesture one eye glasses, oh you'll, have to fight J before that, a war on our way to go back actors like costume, the dogs life. Isn't it really is we're hovers you mean it's all. I came over the ip on the line.
When I festival paint a very lucky, but you know you. Want me to and beat me and both pilots bananas are ongoing. Looking for the spiral staircase, my goodness I imagine it to be you look beautiful. Antique fretwork is now going to be practical on eight one idea Ross Nixon and we did the that we did the scene on the on the arrow I'm sure they had a spiral staircase in any. Am I in the seventies I reckon they did that's why I was that was in some of our troubles than it does feel like the older than the books. Both books do Like they say in the seventh year and then suddenly it just takes a when cervix gets ground or anytime. You say the word tat, I have to say I just gotta the zones around with it, but I wanna hear breast yeah, but even a boob. So we were coming to the end of book too. Has not been long.
I mean I say, like we ve been doing book to forever What did you say when you arrive? What we deem avoid gay Mitchell? I got you a little and I've been catching up. I'm done so. I just listen to the last episode, which was the Texas, USA and TAT. There was still about fifty minutes ago. No I'm not going in and out so I walk in its black as it's cold and I nice neighborhood, yachting annoyance, but very sketchy right. Your I get out and I were our work in four miles listenin and then just as I was coming about attained its I would come back just in time and as I got off, weigh up your road It got to the end and the kangaroo an unwillingness crying Jim is like that, and I just
in the middle of the road? I dont mind telling you did a girly squeeze in the middle of the road, our minds, and so when I got to the drama was still permanently monitor. Saint alone, you above all about it, I've never said, but the road parallel to the soon is called curves road is a civil war. I ride. I propose road and I was worried because I felt because their law of people coming from the tube station is a tube station. The other side- and there were long people walking up from the excellent transport links with very good and I am not so I was doing the weird thing, because I wasn't actually going anywhere. More- can lay down a road, a little battening coming back down and I think women comes in the tv station for I suppose, via textbook per behaviors, but sooner Helga Jumper. You ve got the. How dare you, Have you it's about. Twenty
degrees outside now? It's a that's. I mean that's like Arctic, where even for me, I'm onto a Maastricht now only got a black foam and with a little bit a red light, but not right where you want to ask about the time of course, how long have you actually being doing? These pop goes in real lifetime in real life? A urine yeah yeah we celebrate our year birthday athletes who days gradually lazy, but in the story it's four weeks as past She hasn't even page repent from none of its work. This is a living on have done as if not ourselves, holding peculiar that it all happened so quickly. Some of you, I kind of want. I sought him because I know you ve asked uncle, pre empt questions. No you not where you want the story to go off, because I've heard you say that to me and examined it. Let's not unless there are now living in this key region with a minor, do monologue. Ngos, because I want to see-
Linda, indifferent time periods sheer unlike victorian time, I like Jane Austen Times, and suddenly you, though, yes, I really do you go be amazing- to see how she deals with all that the delivery of the region secretive yet so maybe she can like because there is an element of bond. I think very much a huge so when the exotic- and rightly I figured this empties Roger more money- I mean everyone. I bet it's octopus E. Maybe let me make it so. I feel like at some point. Belinda will be led into a room at sales pots and pans, and it will be like the equivalent of you all and they ve been working on a time machine and off Belinda goes is Jean. I mean I when he got all Tarantino and kind of way ass we went back.
And we were seeing is right. When John Travolta comes through in politics, I mean you, I know I think you underestimate well, rocky is only unto encore. Agitated about is the fact that we're going to the end of the two to really nothing has happened. He's gone to likes fine, is deals that she'd already done in book law. Now she's made no business progress as far as I'm concerned Jamie shaking his head, you know there's. This is where I feel I have to defend. My father. Visionary has got along and admittedly, chequered, history and business, but I do think that he knows what he's talking about James Universe and business. One of the chapters was her getting in a car s walking into a building and walking into eating we a chapter. You know there was an award winning novel the because just that entire novel was the space I'm it took four Amanda come down and ask later no it's like an apple, Andy Warhol the empire. Indeed
the issue of the Empire state Building Phylactery ten hours. Well, yeah we're talking higher yeah, that's not just on Saint James. Not our problem is less Barbie up here I don't know they. Ve got a really strong. She such its talking of the classics. I think there is. I think there is an argument to be made that there are similarities between your father's work and hamlet hear me out. I'm signal. If you set me up a deep breath that long, so there will be some great works of literature, theatrical it should such as hamlet. Such I've looked back in anger by Jonathan that were written
In a in a rush of feverish rush rights, Jonathan apparently roadmap recommend green week, it just port at yeah Hamlet. I believe Shakespeare wrote in Aqaba Primacy and it's almost like they, they put so much into its own, that they're, not in control of one was in some people have talked about hamlet ts area. The famous point once criticized hamlet as being certainly a failure of a play because technically it doesn't hold together the timelines. All messed up, oh bring about things seem to tee, much longer than they actually do in real time or shorter? And you never question The geography of anywhere at all, it's all a bit like a dream, bring about as much and such moments in eight, where you question the reality of what's going on. Even so, I would like to say that I think you know Rocky does right these very quickly. We know people tend to underestimate the power the work, but
great literature have been written in this way. Can we just compared rocky to fix, but I guess I have while but James both pieces have got iconic lines to be to be and the flash of bank on us? Oh my god. Oh what a piece of work is man and the flesh I say this summit: where does the flash of mankind come from? I bet one out of three which they have tasted hamlet. I don't wanna go to museums in years to come and light the flesh on time and on the wall in like metallic right is my greatest sped? Actually, it's a genuine peace of literature. A milestone of the medium. If her forget afraid we go Fellini, the great Italian Mazda filmmaker with delight he would do such an extraordinary job of this war and a half is its is similar, Michael you
to stop. I can't stop you. It's like a cross between Fellini, in line with your only encouraging him with some Linsey Anderson thrown in I contest it's just delicious and just a touch of Tommy with something else out. I do love this other occurred to me was that I love how outraged you get. Because I like that, I love the fact that one episode of this ended with you just going flock that with the great is then do anything. I'd get absolutely area spent. I think with ground. That's what she says to us. Every time we stopped god I just I don't know the waste of a fucking Idiot Alex's such a Bella I feel like after you spoke to muddy, ditch middlemen,
without reinterred. I feel like you are influenced by doing is Essex girl thing and now Belgium has always completely changing yeah and will I enjoy, kind of this as much as I come from the book, so me kind of creating different persona takes. It may even further away from dad so that one of my rising also I and terrible act since, as you know, son, and yet very- president about suggestion when it first lives with me. I seem a bit my dad in gold Jamie is about the big words. Do you like my mother and father? We ask about the treasure one. I don't act. Joshua, nice, that's a whole other donors a week. Long engage with apologies. So that's why you one for war.
Didn't actually, when I was nominated firm, best actor in a leading role. Yes, sir Tunnel, I told her tat all people who pay still run to this day, you does Google to afterwards it does. Does anyone under tomorrow. Why can't you earlier Listen! You no wonder you me an hour Nandi. I dream Vietnam beyond. What we want is to go Alice. I lighting Don't talk about Jamie's! Don't do that that I have set out the light at the end of any performance it people, like the whole origins, go Papa and I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Fanned all sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans. Will sports book will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit? If you don't win download the fan, dual sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderpool, dot, com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user older and present a new jersey and penalties.
Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call when a hundred gambler. My first line ever ever in anything ever was in the wizard of OZ. I was farmer munchkin I had one line and it was also lie or no earlier law, yesterday's amalgamating as well. I exist but absolutely align carriage. You're like a coastline ever you own deny that was nice of you to do a little talk about Zoom, Jamie's, Poohpooh amend it really is totally ages. You haven't them actively Jamie funny that I think this book is improved. Why I'll take it, that was your last stage performance and then porno alive. Now I've only left in Manchester. I heard you left it all on this day. I did. I just couldn't continue
why? What about your, your butcher in only one he has talked about last, but I feel like is maybe more cult performance. The announcement mainstream that moment. That's insane the Jamie's, although I don't know I just feel like. Sometimes you should hold out for the role does meant here under the whole rewards picnic lately I too, when I was very was in Oliver go on issues before I'd made my mark on the fact that the world then I over all the awful dog, but I think that I mean their obvious choices who wanted to play those? I interpreted the role of Dick scares me Dick Wilkins, That's you will let you know that you will stay sunlight. She should be. I'm calling. You said, I kind of what you said. You'd suitable Betty wields Vicki Woods lobbying. Someday. I kind of what light reference you made them, but I'm sorry
It! Surely it's carnations, react Betty, oh no, we were allowed to watch the soap to two thirds deciding Rocky could easily slipping in writing. I leisurely. Maybe amateur definitely is definitely he has the Billingham, nothing hey, I was not only talks about doctors on the daytime on us asked about what was the one that was set on Kosovo's all oh yeah held about an elder roared. The El Dorado is still ongoing and we should do that. Bring back Eldorado written by reference to review the absolute another thing about bloody middle, much money debt What is it that we took them that I want all. Did you really don't Robin S court after all, as you did with his girlish, go shopping from one may easily other someone's. As a clip from you in twilight. Why you're gonna say I've already done that already guess somebody you cause you don't talk has to come on, come on
what I did think about a career. I if I can't play that, then how about Cedric ACID rain choice. Thank you. We don't ask do new subjects that ain't, we don't we just now he was- and I think you should be like hundred biblical people I can give you your hundred made should be really really old guidelines. Don't be silly, I think, would be C4 he's challenging. He doesn't have a lot of dialogue being the child, no role, but it's a good character was a grey carrots. Injuriously is dealing in this area, click on the left. I mean that could be a moment yeah. Does you asked a moment deferent definite, I sort of imagining like the creatures in green gotten hurry. Yes, very much scientist. I know that fosters does feel like very hopeful yeah, but it's all those those little streams think. On the contrary, they I sort of sea Cedric glamour. Why some wanna play oh do like days. He wanted to play the duchess, you like
Tony. Maybe, whilst some english part, though, do anything good who have you got for not gonna send Wanna play this, but who have you got for Peter? No one, claimed a pity we do need somebody for me today. That feels confronting succeeds in to be fair. Well, I've done a lot I have done. The law was I was the boys a sexy like Unifil. I've got a jacket. Korea when it comes to my first one ever was but the chess you wanna facing nineteen production of total total me into now. Officials with Stephen Frame and somewhat Oscar Wilde, Blue and yet and it was very romantic, though a billowing curtains Stephen, like fucking grumble about my first base, my first by to the cherry The the second sex scene was with chocolate, Potus middle of my face, and I had to baulk like a dog when I became was anything
filthy lover I played in line with our city interacts so that my first introduction, the Saxons was quite strange, depend and then of course, one society we must have sex than it was a sort of daily occurrence, but then it became more about watching other people, insects, things which was of a strange thing? Wool? Maybe you are really Alphonse avoid. I am on television. The man is we're to watch people doing it because, on the one hand, you don't want to make an uncomfortable. An unusually inertial people who come in people and just for a day would normally on on the bill. God rest his soul, we have just come in. I mean you know someone get into a fight or whatever show a lack of fiscal nice. They come in Anita, just masturbate all have sex. That's not me all nobody lose their environment, and so we
try to make sure that they feel comfortable as possible use of China to darken alike. But then, after a while you just get used to it, should not having real sacks. No It's you know, it's gets its inherent dammit, is damn it Doesn'T- was dominant and season one. There was a whole story like about how I worked with prostitutes and they would all masturbate with a glass build up which is actually what happened in my life, and so all these axes would have to like one after another, be informed me pretending to stimulate innovation with a glass Tilda now, there's only so much. You can stimulate your point and then those one young lady who she decided to get your things called modesty patches, the ladys of modesty, patches, demand of modesty, patches, of course, despair. Maybe decided that you can go, modesty touch, but her seen in boulder being on all fours and me, and you place your back to being sort of behind,
and dumb I mean, I could see day but she will stars. It's true. You could see Belinda serve its exact elation. I can well Ryan's belt and I remember that point has built up a closed sacho as a minimum amount of people in the room and at a certain and I remember looking at Lizzie and realizing we'd. Just filming porn is that's what I could feel that every was very uncomfortable is widely legitimize, like ITALY, Poland, which has even where there is like we're all under this illusion, It's not a new phenomenon for go out. I can still see Afghanistan full on no matter how great a caliber backed you got. My Alison JANET the amazing it stillborn does exactly that. But what does the Patsy cover them because you'd have to have? I imagined it like a plaster
It's like come what Coloma summit Resartus Anatolia and goes all the way around answers to sort of flesh, colored large sanity. Whose picture about New York Times and then the man we have a power riches and I'll tell you what's difficult, but the point is that you you're supposed to put your full sat he's, gonna be peace. You know you got your cup Maria municipal Anybody stones continue stones and yet what the testicles behind me and you and then it's got a drawer string on the points you have to everything in and then you pull it all locked in. Many money, exact contain alike
leathery medieval merchants. Pirate attacks. None would have examined old, calling examine the ship lunatic, so you put you d blooms in it and that your house and you d and any tied up and then that keeps it all safe and on supposedly Beth. But what tends to happen over that over time that you d blooms, work the land ally that so you ve got your hose still everything's, indifferent to lose its balance, and I found your springs not, may have logged onto your. I have been very anywhere. Suddenly, there was no one else gets so that so the pouch works or does, if article I didn't
but thank you- have you ever been turned on by Belinda blinked cancer to the arrest, nor in the actual thing in my reveries afterwards, perhaps impossible, it has real writing open and the actual, exactly I mind, foundation of it. That function is an extraordinary people been doing that with this gas we ve got some. Have you had it for the show, but well not so much for the show that they may be, four twilight Pierre. My daughter takes great pleasure name, making me read the function that is specifically about me. My character, arrow and Jamie Camel by was car. The case. Just ended on together, say things month, hilarious. Well, I can imagine because in this scenario, really your like you go as rocky. No, but the other parallel, of course, is that my daughter has grown up my dad.
Is in Nepal. And yes, I know that it is it's not a porno, it's not as far as you want the view, and I anticipate what are you doing here? You daughter and I only when she's going to do about the guy. That's an appalling we ve got competition, did did you I have something for matter cabin swim early on in his like would eat. Did he accompany his mother to a gynecological exam of some walked requested, and I mean I've got issues like Malta. Everything revolves around about nobody's his his mixing up like sexy, sexy time and for long guiding laudable mega stopped. He doesn't really seem to know where the line is dizzy. Grannie, doesn't know about sorry to bring your granddaughter this as if it could be anywhere moments. I don't even think about it. My poor mother, she didn't. We drive through this
unites forty years suffered enough. Hutches torn the family apart. Sometimes think, though their neighbours and things like that to their neighbours. Now, we'll dot goes everywhere, brandishing his business cards, so rocky, but he's got. Lastly, have one for you. He he actually signed one for you, as you saying one for anyone else. Full of people lightweight, isn't stuff, Levison tradition we like signed by several years I'll sign this is well so so heritage is it. This is being have you seen one of these with? No, I haven't they go to that. That is used to keep my goodness contact details? We hit a diver liars private number to the letter, the type he's just handed over here, and there is the signature play- lies young, I'm gonna gas, female body.
This makes the spell efficiency little ribbons, those pomegranate toes pocket. That's me I'm gonna get that laminae immediate. Why? Why do you need a lover? Nobody must not mean I'm coming I ve spent. The last couple of weeks, just ogling, gray, whales, peanuts actively the shock of the law of running out of that. I just liked rust and picture of it. If I wanted to go That was not a baby three guessing. What should I do want guarantee? All most people go grave. Ably Smith
There is such a great way of light, bringing paths out what is theirs. It may well be, and have you listen to me the other thing that I do to try to find out if people on death row upon our goal is a whispered them. My auntie is the famous secret password was it to get into the brothel yes done and if they whispered back and Shaw, I know where you get. The caviar elects its wild. When I first started listening to it, it was during this season. This last season, a massive sacks gotta be film area which only finnish nursery and debt, so I would listen to it. In my trailer and other morning, eat him a breakfast before I, after I've been inherent make up. So I being
Erica has Bill masters and I would sit down, listen to blend of linked, as has Ozma breakfast allow Guph, falling spitting bacon and a scramble back onto the mirror and render me any other converts on this I got so I got Lizzie Listenin to it right and then Lizzie and Tom Riley fiance. Now, Nay started listenin to it when they went on this trip when that happened. I'm off and now their massive converse, brilliant great thanks to spread the word What are your money to ignore? You like, I feel like an evangelism. I it's like pooled, going often sending letters epistles, dilatory media. This is the beginning of a manager, someone tweet through the day saying they were on the tube, and this was the tooth. What when it- and it's a big cylinder that transport sold amazing change science
living in ITALY, it came with a backpack line with however, this girl was on the tube got to the cliffhanger kind of an old money, cod and the guy next to her from the children said. Jim starting line is yes, they had a conversation about. Landmines are actually people together in an already weird Y gotta is it's like a religion. By its the community, how many do need, because on the census, wasn't Jedi religion at her house. Ten thousand at two thousand blinkers: you could be a high priest, Michael born for my father. My great great grandfather was a street preacher and put all that he was a waster drink gambler, he was lying in the gutter one night and God spoke to him through the movement, and mend its ways, I'm from then on. He became a street bridge that in my genes secrets Dunham streets
just ringing about anyone technically Linda Pigeon, word of livestock escape into a world of Possum PAN, as may believe we're Michael. Thank you so so much was swinging by its open or things blended with us. I want to thank you on behalf of myself and all labelling o four. This is so wonderful. You make me laugh, is so much all of you and it's so lovely to get to know you through the pot got no it is as good as everyone imagines. It would be that it is wonderful to be in the wounds of the welcome Belinda's bosom It was a dream of it like a pleasure for us now far. Ah.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.