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Footnotes: Nicholas Hoult

2017-08-03 | 🔗
Star of Mad Max: Fury Road, A Single Man, the X-Men movies, and more, Nicholas Hoult joins the gang in Montreal to talk weird flats, hen parties and the cast of 'Belinda Blinked: The Movie'...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello and welcome to my dad vote upon the footnotes this week. We flown all the way to Montreal Canada to record without very special guest. Who is the star of such films as about it Ex man, a single man and mad MAX fury Road is Nicholas, holds a huge applause. Am I right goes while it will. I, by India, with some lovely, can actually just laughter. My office to someone in the bugaboo. We thought you were working today, so we felt Bob that we'd like so attractive from work, but you like spending a lovely day, my family, Dick was us as with my family, and I thought you leave them, get the priorities right I mean,
right back here and then and get on the show hardly contaminated them. Then why was kind of breaking down due to listen to a lot of podcast. And then I was breaking this one down in terms of what it's about. My mom thought the though the concept was hilarious, but she hasn't listened yet yeah, I'm sure she will do it yet now, because she's, my biggest one at that I do it's brilliant, maybe maybe not this one, I'm only you know. Maybe we'll get the book and act out at Christmas. I'm nervous it s, actually what we do in our family, how much using national family Christmas! Now, I'm insane you with you some short, and I thank you for that, but also brought all the ingredients for blue cheese, fish moose. Yes, well, my favorite males, these they all the ingredients took his through. You think I so I brought some it's actually crab flavoured alaskan Pollack. It's a balance. Thursday.
Thirdly, that all at some raw salmon or something which I thought would be inappropriate- that's an area which is an island that and then there wasn't any moves so just brought some vanilla targets, which we will look into later, as they do that so that court, those that where we can actually maybe diamonds them of ITALY, Rama, isn't about chow. Unless we act member, means really pay live the life This is a long time. Coming has been a long time coming Joe when I spoke first but to yours when was eight years ago, a long time, It was an accident. You ve been a bad boy. I feel like there's gonna, be something in the future too big and I need to be part of somewhere someone's dad is writing terrible abroad. And I'm gonna, be appalled that do have a question in writing for demand now, for you guys to carry on the show, or is he how many books are there stood up? Stop there's no demand. More than one etc. There is.
Well, I don't know yet he is continuing to right. We can't legally stop him from doing that. We have checked, but he boat full books within the space of about three weeks We think it is vital for living and leave a belgian. I mean like Shakespeare S, you can pass yeah. You can tell so way quite site to get to the point where we readings took. The things is funny. If we ever get out and you can use these went. Intentionally funding, although I think he would now say that they were intent to meet one of my face, a law, my daddy's, like you, you don't get a James. Is it's it's supposed to be microwave mould? Wine, yes, but on action you very kindly misery in the actions in person, Yorkshire from the last episode was, was perfect as well, however, that eventually improved a hell of a lot since, if not, they would. By what was the worst, we obviously balanced awful, just doesn't. I was a member of the American one started out pretty bad
they're not visiting Pacifica they that just like didn't generic and but then on the other, the unready getting used to women on funding each car de identifiable and I'll find he added a cape, I'm about to keep up the media shit work. Ok, I will do, though. I feel at the whole point of the actions it they're supposed to be bad though there was shit, is the books So that's my excuse than other measures are currently censure, because if you try to elevate with good actions, it doesn't make sense because early becomes too real exaggerated rivet. I mean he's the ultimate embarrassing that both are all doubts and embarrassing innately light doubts come helping a bank, but your that's quite cool like cause he's a pilot. Doesn't it isn't there a whole lot of embarrassing or not? I mean not publicly that would notice anyone doesn't publisher had been indicted, basic behaviour
No, no! It's not like. I got your thought in obey through when I remember when you talk about that is ok. I remembered I remember thinking I honour their dear little sleep in areas. Have you seen them with your Ivan Cinema just another? They exist acoustic sniper, I'm a spiral. Staircase to establish their own passport. I saw inspire surfaces by an ice. Is over you, Confirm that not all of the actions of Hazel that let their verify the old you know what they are doing to bring up is how the books affected my opinion of being lift or elevate, say here, because every time characters in these novels, You know about novelty. Every time they get and alive, someone takes items are close off or they start banging. Wherever is instantly
Firstly, our prosperity. I saw this bar surfaces by an ice, so you can confirm that not all of the actions of Hazel that let their verify older, you know what they are doing to bring up is how the books, you didn't rear up a bit like created, not lived. And here's my ass any time anyone says I'm Christina go his. My eyes is the polite thing today. Exactly there are lots of real I scenarios. I feel that these books have ruined, though this is something I don't wanna talk about, could is obviously influenced a lot by. Things happened to him and I dont your word that play an author. I think I'm gonna do another bomb playing an author and it and they kind of always from my what happens in their real life becomes part of their creative, also imitating life yea eggs, at least I'm wondering there must be a few bouncing points. The
sing point I M, just let it can all be from Modulation- is gonna, be just thinking about that. High tech, rivets thing, there's obviously elements of him. That's over the effect that he learned there was interesting, and then he translated when the poor thing, even though didn't work, did I get the engineering? Why something he liked? Yes, on an interesting facts, then? Who is that all these little? No one wants to get it to delve into more right. We could discover a lot more about. Has an old man s handwriting alighted from some thank gas, hey what you're saying? Actually so, maybe all of the sex things from Hamburg, and I know I don't want to say is that I think, though, that it all, I did it all, because people on Picasso drawings and you can't actually do half the things he said you can do you can't grubber cervix not possible, then have been some. Kinky things, east level with reason,
as I said earlier, the unless not what about about it. Comes this house, our another Nicholas, your own father came into my father sex life. It was tat. The handwriting of anyway said last chapter was very interesting Jeez reseller is always the awful ivy. In any offer flats runny share of a shared any flats with mental people. I lived in a house here. Actually that was already funhouse was used for russian reality tv. Well, isn't like. Sometimes no, whilst I was there had come, it thinks those like a kind flashy, but it was all kinds. One upon a little bit and they will swings like a sack slang why are there was to introduce if ever there was a low but sticky MIKE, and it was really fun as that for a pie. You ever come round, yeah, but then, when you woke up on your own now
this places or I've gotta clean insects weighing who did you live there with just a mine life size, leopard cooled, Larry real stunt? Surrey. F, that's made it a bit! Sorry for me. Larry and he said that when you invite me Angela remain lowering together. My girl, you ve, done it again roots gradually the travelling with the book, yeah, Belgium, mustard, Texas, USA, Texas, was that we had robs the vote. Echo, the lazy fever lazy pay, most pay meant to maintain us. Oh and the lazy, Penis Ramstein sound right, though, that the lethargic Venus runs.
And I leave you are speaking to a friend about earlier and we still a little lost on when when it set right yeah. Maybe we missed a few key things, but tell us when you think it's I was feeling eighties glimpses of the future, with when Rocky gets a bit body just kind of jobs, the future, not the present. The future yeah like jumps out glimpses of the future is genuinely the description. I would give this hotel room back around I'm ok, so you think that it's it's a fictional time like its eighties, with whether a fax machine is less than the millennium dome building our millennium down when they had over the patents. Underneath the tears what you worked out. The expenditure that right
six hundred thousand pounds, but money well spent any what what a trick. It's just the fat guy. If this ever gets made when this gets made, thanks to see who have a place, Belinda walking out on the stage in the crowd go more than recapture nice. Can it be magical because they are too big and it's not the twenty thousand people? Would you think what the book so far this very year, not crazy? It's it's! Not! It's crazy is actually gone back to work, as you said it in Nepal ass, a kind of went back to the tried and tested platform. The new countries, exact words from the first words essentially became an unjust along the right lines, up it's what people have you ever thought about data the performance ill. I thought we were at last time out last week that change the boy don't happen. Recent Zopyrus, arrogant and obliterated voice. My max did well didn't again hits
It is put that Kenya we get any other world like form. In this author, handing that's gonna work figure. What we're not, who is someone your favorite characters mean Belinda, would be at risk. Yeah do you suppose house and is never Canada by thing. If we choose and carried it to play, I would go for adults. I really like this is already casting himself, but you'll have to put up with me. I'm I've already spoken tonight we're in the process a dog. I just thought that was announced twist that one worries I is in the shop. Everything seems normally is kind of a little bit judgment wherever children you have that not all of us in this guy seems right Suddenly I thought of it. But then you never see him again till you get all these side, characters that come in and you see a crazy, though glimpse their world. But then again never see him again. I mean this with all due respect, but I feel that you ve got the range
although we just said Esther and everything the same, I mean it's a brave thing to take home with the thong as well. Yeah, I'm really glad yeah, but you ve done sexiness before so Are they really have a super awkwardly? How people gonna get to grips ache? They carry on with their very technical normally. Is it like left arm? Am I, like others that there might there might be rough geography because other they can live if you're gonna be bouncing around the room so that they can live single recently in films, not withdraw little sketch. Right. So ten, fifteen to start with. Whom are you not be the to use my thought out of you with you,
Jan Andersson, I would really waiting to see what you that, after ten fifteen, I want to see you get a bail out of ten seventeen. Seventy years comments systematically minister gets a whore. Beautiful, just not right, and then there's that thing where you right, that's all well and good, but then you ve got my camera guy there and a few other people. I am sure that a move that little button then talk that way and then and then there's at that moment, I call cut and then you with someone that you probably don't know well yeah. Precisely that according to plan That's the worst of the cop moment when you left the light full of shame in a room for the people.
Low, while having lunch about small talk after that, always even in life. At the cigarette burns set up his own development, especially and I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks inside credit. If you don't win download the fan, dual sports book out from the Eu S, Appstore herbage, vanderpool, dot, com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one years are older and present a new jersey and penalties, sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call one a hundred gambler, so you, be a damn. You want to be not necessarily gonna baby, just Thurman from An interesting me how does arise is already got youngest man right here.
Yeah! I like law that maybe you do not enjoy less that right up to now, but I'm saying that you can still edition of these guidelines is unavailable. Well, he's not caught the really accidently gets injured. Just before, Finally, I was able to face it too is based model like we haven't, made any hard and fast decisions that we have made a single decision. There must be one he's like a steadfastly right, that's definitely hidden. Less now we're around eleven Thomas Mann that democracy in both wanted to be taught to Robin. So who expect neck wheat in still hot, and who would you pick both groups. Will you urine and on somebody cast at the moment, are light we could transfer to broil everyone along and got into rage and exactly what the accentuate the x men crude so from X, men who could be put into the Belinda blinked saga before them all in some working, so who's? Who could be heard from show MAC
began to play a role. I felt like a bigger Tony actually, MAC avoid really on the smallest man, dressed in black I'll figure could be cut all day. His expertise is five. It's the rose and generous father he's a good character after he's not he's very dedicated his car after you completely disappear. Exactly look. I got I'm Newton numerous rose like and split yeah, undersized yeah different characters, exact that you could make this like split replace all arose. Oh, we ve we voice as fast and as PETE around so yeah perfect yeah air, yet, but when he comes great, pitching terribly fabulous horses in Jennifer yeah she's Al Jazeera, London, so she plunder the moment. She no eight, so dont know Belinda, and after that you deal break a lot. The hacker has not yet I like it
Well, that's very last year they pay the Louvre politically, like a failure of whipping. If you really want other could get away, leg is easy: whenever we kind of our agenda but she's got highlights so there's no gonna work with them Tobacco high was via is five nine, so fuckin over sets for five exactly recourse. I think that like no one it's but this thing no one's wanted to people. India would Jan Mulder What are you gonna? Do you awake and normally that's quite good, quite awards words bakers. There is actually any Redmain other Medina Yak as you do. We do get all the awards, don't if you kind of them right. Where going. Ok, really but a change, your well from Adam to other by did I'd, let them all
I've just originates and were, as I said earlier, that I said Ozma Amazement, there's no drew out here. I call that is really need. I loved you. I didn't you print pretending to go to work. You know like men in the fifties this level. What with a briefcase off to set my busy day blue poem discover? The end of the last episode is that we are going on gels. Hen do next episode and not comment on a handy once. That we are going on gels hen do next episode and knock. I went on a handy what you know? This is not an official interest or abilities of it. We want more as an ally, and I got a phone call from friend- know what we do in this area, and I was nineteen as literally samite Aaron ridden scripts, nearly I'm going out with a few friends if you wanna, join us, ok and they sent me at the on the saddle ranch
you have to ranch on sunset now, yes, I know it well. Lighted Texan, Callaway, thin bar, like mechanical philosophy, runs river, walk denizens of about and then I looked, and there was a table with a handy caught paraphernalia everywhere, and I let NASA, that's too good. For me, women all mid twenties two days. I was nineteen us our boy, Dover and then I go into the full story, but I was basically mate. I won't come on. It was not what I expected Hidden the wild our aim as they know that, because it What do you mean you? A meat was at the UN guy there was also nineteen years old and it was just not novelty for them. Wasn't it. We turn them from then point where they touched you. Used to identify the area anyway waste from how many how many people to declare that I know is actually very rowboat.
We are under, the bazaar was like it was. I goes in call you wanna know were very wet Ok, you are you so was. I was then why not engage eighty about exactly? Why can't you go into the story of you so about? Because all these people still exist in all eliven? The crisis has only been used bomber question and only the line we fully clothes for the whole evening. Much there was. How do you know this argument? As there was a moment when we got in a car and were traveling somewhere else, and I was a pin down and people were So often me said things not Zermatt from from your office Let me therefore, would never have come on.
So do you mean like because of shots like to kill a show, the one in the shops in the car on the hydrated women other word, so you don't, Oh, my god, so we're gonna hinder the fantastic. I imagine it's gonna be wild than that. They thought she must be a without. I felt like Nicholas's languages entirely. James we'd wasn't nothing I feel, like I told my cigarettes, anything else in your your list of anyone. Any more questions are we cause? You got. Everything went down enough does he does you plan on writing? Any books are on Belinda blinked or oh has his name. I can see and face he never stop. Trying Anita, I dont think Belinda blinked is the Nothing is doing, though, I think that that is like one of the most prolific writers of regeneration actually, and we don't give men of credit quite safe,
king ask my dad noted, always produces a shorter time, Stephen King S, everything that is perfect. We cannot go on like this slightly weird tangents occasion, mainly about this has nothing to do with the world or in seed kings. My dad's favour author right. Well, that's the influence and That's what that's where the mounds- and it came from. That's where the monstrous things come from us, where we symbols in the mud comes from yeah, it's all adding up now out staff, king, always wearing his ugly head old stuff, kangaroo vehicles and staff king, he thinks of reference. Is anything staff, as the abbreviation of stable growth is reached out to no not yet have those eyes, had any offers to genuinely to shoot the film or she like a weird soft call version of what you offering better written off, not forget.
Like I want to say is after I may not want, I mean, have people. I may me how much much of the rights that nobody have you heard me one come to you and below were interested. We have with you have assertions you. I knew in your kind of tied into playing weight for like a normal film nor stop pushing the sovereign who over the heart, what we're talking about it and so is working, and I look out if we get it The middle browser between exactly was only a matter of time. Starring Nicholas halt as all the characters decision was the value. The production value of its can be incredible. Look we aren't direction buffer
like an awful lot of such high resolution ripple galleries at around the room. Above whenever that he's a little about set aside eighty period, I think I'll just say that I really ass. They got their names like you can basically see what I'm doing a municipal who could be away from my face, That's my ipod John is something going, and so am I What Where would wear with your novel? We sat Pombe sat and I have never ever thought about that before where's, your sacrifice, you know how shall I His mind palace with is mine. I don't know I really know I've ever too busy with rockies that they give out my own erotica. You need to think about your own erotic idea. I am now I thought about something.
I guess it set. My one is set in a store, a store literally caught with is upon us in the car cause. I work or something as when it was written in July to euros, were through a special. So in the future, but in an almost like store. It all goes where whereby, when you browse through the catalogue depending on you know, then you enter the code and a backroom is where kind of just like a future astute brought him. I guess what the working programme begging about its either feature is the growth of, or it's just always ascribe August you liked. So it is time and in a more lively ass written as it broke out from the back stop it ain't gonna pay only taken was good day, and maybe you could lady gave you the hair, straighteners
you're suggesting as catalogue with like things you can have done yet go into the battery or you look and those people that can be anything now depends on the category. That is literally a brothel. I guess it is always a ban on discards in August brothel doesn't really work. Someone's gonna steal I'd ever for workers are very similar stories. But imagine, What is coming up with on the spot time on his own good, because everyone knows August, grossly no worse, reliable believable would like. We did Jos, oh maybe you weren't joking when you said that you come on the footnotes. If you get a signed Rocky mug yeah, I go up before even my word you go. This is beautiful. Only you guys monies nay. I, though, that life is a little boat with absolutely
I know that is there and that's amazing. Thank you. I mean, I think that penalties come off next time you watch. It was never going to wash in the saddle rocky. I will not watching. Yes, you do. As you say, it was specifically made people young yeah, oh yeah, he is a big fan of yours air. Thank you very much and say. Thank you. Damn well I'll meet you welcome these major you you can say thank you to him. He'll be listening. Thank you very much for all the good times. Anyone and at times good will make its been amazing. Having you on the ship who I wanna. Thank you guys. I haven't beyond forget me through our times generally. Nobody's going to listen to you guys so much and often the lights in the germ, pretending to work out whether and then I'll get the gang. I was unaware of the tunnel- lift await the restaurant left because you guys want me off
pressure, while it crushing does isn't, as is like lightning ideas that are already widely happy people, a walk around the centre as Wanna go shopping, giggle into a new currency will grow. I was so happy about net, even amazing, he saw what joining us? No. Thank you. And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.