« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: Righting The Wrongs

2018-09-20 | 🔗
Jamie, Alice and James correct some of their many, many mistakes from over the years

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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We ve been doing that at this very table, but we thought it was high time to get our appraisal from the listener. Ship owners keep getting shit wrong so here in bills office when HR, we're kind of Goethe, all the things we ve been doing wrong. Carelessness favour thing to do is correct us on you know facts we get wrong yet light back in book to. I said that the harpies work from greek mythology and they were on the rocks sink the ships that are actually Simons got. Wrong. I get tweets about it. Probably for five a week, the biggest one for me is cheer, how we say: tiara right, I'm not joking. We get to three emails. A week of people saying it's pronounce here is key. James. Its pronounce key are gonna, write and the like a countless it so annoying, but you chat with Rocky right. Yes, I checked with what I think I have said this before bunker
again definitively won't. Listen to yourselves with rocky I mean. Is that even in a way of verifying anything? Well, that's true, but it came from his mind. Yet the thing is with this cheer rocky aura debacle is the unchecked with dad and It is definitely meant to be. She all right. Dad often changes the pronunciation of special J levies. She aura a k, and there is something that we have found me friend called cheer up. Mrs such vote, he's he's befriended. Somebody made them change their name by depot just to make this a valid excuse that vote she's cool key or but he calls are cheap, our fine yet so he kind of is very much a braces Thea the slow, hard case for him. What's wrong, with dancing names, because my dad somebody we know me shall now name is Michel and has always been a Michel, but he's all right. You know, Michel, you play
stressed on it. You ve never heard anybody say that where have you got that from I was it isn't the name thing, but when people say and that place or we'll go round the houses, Referring to me my anything that was very thin. Ladys necklace my place, it's a necklace. Do you think of it as a necklace laces placed around the neck? Yes right, because it is an houses, houses and about what should be he's over. This train takes his round the houses, the house's houses, I dont see the difference you say, Leafs leaves leaps, has no hope and we kind of wandered about, but it is by majority, please just stop mentioning it because we do know that technically its key are about. You know you ve just open the floodgates to ask us to read, and even these basically Pope the Wasps Natsir does something else. Someone recently flagged that we didn't ready bring up. I remember when Belinda with shagging Jimmy
no toilets at the wet I'll get my only icily while we gonna Anal called Belinda toilet issues from Nigel K height to be that guy, but as anyone else considered, Belinda needed a poet the wedding before having sector Jim Sterling returning to the wedding party dancing with Doktor Robinson and going back to the toilet, with how grown having sex again, all whilst baking a cake in the bottom of it. I'm not really the most law is growing worse than baking a cake in the bottom of an yes, I mean how good munching away centimetres from the turtles had my guys, I told you at Nigel Espies showed me so Niger is actually type that I now understand. How did that more go straight to junk forward and sometimes
this site. Great philosophy is nevertheless, it allows multitasking though Wolden Belinda points for the Christmas emailed. Remember nothing Alice you set. It sounded like Helga had a hand whisk attached to her tone when she was like looking out Belinda sure, yeah yeah will apparently was an actual device on sale does this it's called the squeal scooby oh yeah here is it's like a how'd you describe, it a wheel with loads turbine, by an EU must just put it to your vagina old watermill. What are they tongues and each bit that comes off the wheel? Is a tacit home and sorry where'd you get this different. He sent to link telegram. That's nice name looks at it now. My postal instagram, actually Alex's Christmas, presents sorted this that await stocking fella for everyone, but the squeal. It spell askew W E. Our task as it is a wheel she's where they are to get her again. I want someone sent me to my defence now time
we are doing today is shut up it's from Abbe. The subject title is funny: James was right. Funny is a character in the famous five she's them of dick. She does not obtain some say sorry, she's, the mother of two consort and the armed Julian, and so is known as aren't funny he did sire. You did say you are the best right at this table, apart from her somewhat unfortunate name, should actually the most boring character known to earth did mucky right as the insecurity of This is what we got a lot any it was just knowing kind of great. I think something that James also fails. Guy and a broad wedding come on now. That's closed email states in a broad wedding. All people been saying to delay. No meaning Really. You know people after how new industry there is not cordon abroad. What surprise surprise scalded destination wedding says who
literally everyone who the about it. If I search destination on the inbox yeah, I suddenly There isn't any ideas about what destination wedding will mean. The broad weddings and also that outlying though, but we can agree that isn't a definitive answer accompany these different himself James and never sounded right on wedding sounds Roy either. I think an abroad weddings colonise people learn as ever a constant criticism, but the accents yeah. How grew in particular was pretty dreadful. I think it does need to be held to account I mean I think who had gets a bit big after while Eu Cuba and I think the reason the Jameson I flag, those emails that we get learn to die. It's just that you come across it and maybe it just needs to eat away. Also supply was flagged. Look I'm ever claimed to be some great voice, our teeth
literally what you claim with an eye, but I think it adds a kind of job. It's almost like my accents you're as bad as the writing. Dear to me, you ve, created during beast, though they ve gone, like taken on a life of their own? That's always let you will you don't decide what comes out of your mouth deal. That is true. I don't have much control and not trained classically who's in charge here Boy says everything you and I urge you to stop doing the voices. No no light is up to him. Would you think of the way all the struggle to out of here now I think they fill out the rules. You type o someone listens and Yemen sorry to swim.
It is even less now just chirping up every hour, then color together didn't ok on ways. I wanted to write books, animal least yeah. Thank you to the airport and blinked in Saudi Arabia. Gone must come and giving it to a complete it very much less. But his height at this stage, but then again I mean he thinks of titles fast. His name is but a little seed alice that will grow into a lovely big. Well, whatever exclude vessel from the Middle EAST is not so maybe then we'll go in search of the recipe for the drug. Speaking of jobs, rocky yes, drugs. What's his willing on them. Why we need to follow the oh? No, my dad is really really anti drug, although would you class alcoholism, drug Meda guess it is, but I mean we know his position on that of young sees a user of shortening yellow ways: anti illegal drugs. Yes, yes, and yet his
I'm arise them so much in the most recent chapter. He's always like marijuana will make your pain a shrink itself. Is that as I fired at it, is a fat right enabling but yeah I know, but my parents, whenever keen on drugs he must have had an off the rails, use a moment in Northern Ireland. I dunno what they could cut back. It's all just natural silence. Over the river occasion, the high that you get is quite pungent, psychologically look thrilled just going back to the penis shrinkage. Oh yes, my kind of us there's no physiological evidence that would suggest that smoking cannabis makes you paint a smaller, but there's a handful of documented cases for condition called cannabis. Induced Coral, Cairo and Malaysia expression for turtles head in the second is a turbulent. How did it happen?
There is an acute panic reaction associated with the perception of penal retraction lots. This is so matter what you think that you penises retracting subpoenas retracts. Exactly one of the most significant coral epidemics took place in Singapore in nineteen sixty seven, in which nearly five hundred people sort medical help, believing that the native pork was making their penises retract so yeah. It's all right! If you think it, if you can see that you can achieve it, basically is not the secret imagine blaming pork side without the themes light in the bedroom, like our had that poor sorry, that's invites an airport. I had a crazy chop before I came here and that side ass gone, so it's not directly connected to the kind of us. It's it's. It's all in the mind. Ok, you can mentally met. You paint a smaller eight go trial. I love you can't do that in a China, or is there a minimum size took me what's either way you can and gorgeous tricky into being.
It's o Higgins with those nothing had happened, then things. If I only know we dick is a thing and its ruining people sex lives. We did we dig in scottish everything about. It is an illusion. It presents. Oh certainly, can read this article. We all know about the tragedy whiskey dick when alcohol makes a dude funds did not so fun light was not from that is not the end age has evolved in his new animal studies. Reveal that cannabis hasn't inhibitory effect on certain receptors inside the erect Tal tissue of the penis, which is basically events. You are saying that we can make it more difficult to get it causes erect hold this month. Maybe that's what even then say: go don't smoke a terrorist flew if you gonna about have sex cause you're real to I love that that was a classic damned thing of telling you something. That's a bit ever told tile man. It meant that it catch you off. It forever. Well, didn't really work, but yeah, I'm so boring, I'm I'm not really into the drugs I would
I didn't think will dare at school drug abuse resistance, education, bloody. How Pc Weldon had a massive effect on me. What the police constable yeah he'd come in once a week and give you a class about the negative effects of drugs. It stuck with me for my whole life. Look good. We did that to do. We have this book with studies about people over, they were based on real people, but they were made up, so it would be called SAM salaries. Laurie gonna be like this sally. Should lead to friends- He was a great shootin. Every subject. Egret have family shown great with. Will she so annoying Sally? What a bitch and then it would like one day, single Gus schools at solemn. Don't regret it because I now or thanks a lot destrier but pheasants fray, destroyed destroyed it right. You never guess what happened. Long low great start suffer fell out with their friends and had a really bad relationship with it.
Me after one cigarette and she died. She died. She died problem really the Baltic Sea died. Children, undiagnosed, heart condition of nothing, but do not every story was I'd. Weather is we'd all cigarettes or pills or whatever. I knew how to do it. You have to replace oh yeah, I'm sorry, I was very convincing. Can you do on your sally on I'm pushing the either always pushing at always pushing away? I just because everyone area who can I be you'll would make us it's peer. Pressure has always paper hey fairly high how the grades tonight's thank those parties search. You wanna, take a pill. I've only got good I'll go on like what's the what's the hall everyone's during its Sally Ann, I didn't know, I feel, like people wait, there's only take another bill. Why. Guy he's the seventy shapes colors fast forward. Here I can't believe sallies, don't
what a beautiful funeral gorgeous the flower arrangement die, underlines its diet to fuel. Never then you'd go rewind, and then you do this. You're gonna Sally yeah, yeah lips are long and happy life. There was also there was always a lot of emphasis on how much people would dislike you. If you didn't do the drugs, that everybody would be around being like United Sally. We fuckin, hey, she's, not direct anybody. I actually, at the end of the course wrote a rap outlawed You say you ve got it with these performed in assembly, about their am Gardena off by do you remember any of her date? The teacher loved it so much with the whole class had to recite James. It was incredible. Did you you had kicked in? They forced petals down his throat. It was the year six leave as assembly and there was a dunce routine as well, but I'd spray
my uncle soak. We couldn't do that answer. It was easy to working about sorry, those dams routine. To really do doves routines to wraps. Can you in retrospect at will you can't you choreographed at you tell us so where would we get? hold the wrap. Your mom will still have the rap. Surely arms kept everything even written? Why did I do for you? I want to and there were only send Angelo message. Where would it be, though, is probably the box in the loft some work public elegant, please find for future episode. We need to night and recital perform his you. Definitely the downs routine servants to Rome story. Even when people talk about how they could have been huge stars, you know in sport or even in some kind of physical activity. I love that is a defining them and James Lifeline sprained his uncle, but that could have been his mom way became fashion with arms. I could have all other USA, Russia. Then the next Eminem I think it was just say no,
That was about twenty thousand, because the wasn't there was a song. Actually there was a dare song. I remember that I didn't write that that's enough fish tuna tuna fish, which is to say no to drugs and yes music just say drugs and yes to life, just say: no, where's the malady. Let me see if I can find some so what you say anti drug say. Yes, a life of music, I can't find online, maybe I did write it Look opposition quite get that publishing deal the James, but nevertheless, I just say no to drugs and yes to sports, but you just get tired like relies knocked, whoever you into personal. I say yes to musical, yet you say yes to musical, say yes to in boys to mitigating gangs. Like light dad, I cant: do you not do join?
that's why I was on these dubious wild well of you and others that sharing I was too busy didn't have a kind of blocked out of school. So don't really remember because of the cloud the cloud of drug you couldn't say no to do Why didn't you say yes to life, and these I have said yes to all those things. Are we wondered off the point many times interesting chat, let alone thanks guys so June next Monday, where we'll be back to undoubtedly make more mistakes which will in turn correctors on I'm sure, I'm after nice and yes to lunch.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.