« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: Samara Weaving

2021-06-16 | 🔗
Award-winning actress Samara Weaving (star of 'Ready Or Not', 'Hollywood' and the upcoming 'Nine Perfect Strangers') joins Jamie, Alice and James to talk all things Belinda

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And welcome to my dad wrote a porno, the footnotes now with full episodes into book six and which still in Australia. So we thought it was about time. It took an expert on the port so our first gets. The season is the award winning Ozzy actress. I want the business people in Hollywood right now. The star of radio not been in TAT faith, the music three billboards outside having Missouri and the upcoming snake eyes. Nine panic stricken Babylon super. We hit you guys. When you emailed me out, like I don't know if they know what they're getting themselves falls into this- is not like a normal guess. This is our phones fan What do you count as a full found is like? I know I'm not like indifferent alike
remember like I know details- and I thank on here that man who made the website Belinda thought business. He's amazing, isn't really amazing, because I had so many questions and I was like D. in his website? So so this is essentially meat and great. What this is we're just like high alone, one autograph? Yes, please! You guys have been with me for what six years now so tomorrow, as Jamie said, we got you want as our kind of Australia experts. So we just want to get your take on rockies interpretation of Australia and how much he's got right? How much he's? Probably mostly, would you say it's an accurate representation of your homeland? Basically I mean love rocky and no disrespect, but is not a lot of like a z references. It's about, tourists
yeah see you saying that the biggest tv show isn't dancing in the sky with super, because in Australia there is nothing that is number one on their heads. I will pay like Cosmo Macaroon was pretty spot on like there. I feel like there s one like morning, show hosts that have that kind of, like all he is sell your pots and pans, of that he thinks the rocks are actually the rocks, like the big rocks involved as the others? No, no! No! It's just a normal place like fielding. I think they called it the rocks because and this super creative of them back in seventeen, eighty or whatever, some of the building
were made out of sandstone and they were like that's a rock, we'll call it the rock really earlier. I think that just heard his namesake and thought rocks rocky Gray, I can include them in the books. Has Have you done much travelling in and around your homeland? Have you been to the scope and dust so is that just the dead did the desert tell us and you your programme and ask why is seen that means like had desolate, tout back town, outback town with a loan shed with one factor Grady. I imagine it. Larue yeah did didn't go by helicopter to Sidney. I had a date because it takes like ten hours to get for jumbo heat flying in a jumbo jet, wasn't me and then, and then they landed in the sea. Ba on the pavement, I guess just thought necessary on it: gotta again that that that pants,
in the Sea Ba Jane said the Central business CD. That's gonna, be I'm sorry, but I regret that such a business district and a lack And the old Sea, Ba old saving the pot some come Pacific conference does not happen every year and it does now it does now. It's really picking Cosmo's been shouting at from his rooftops unto you know. I know that my actions are one of the worst things about the sun and I have to say. I think the australian accents really difficult because we ve been in bloody Australia for so long. I was trying to make a list of the amount of different characters. I've had to do with an action, Cosmo, Macaroon Cornelius, kettle doktor out tricks. He forward jail man and Quinn's. That's a lot of people to give different sorts of access to more. I dont by the way, it's gotten a lot better
the first one I was like K. Let them recently else like this fellow Austrian like fruit, go very really. I think it's one of the highest accents to do cause. There's like. One million vowels, like the word no is like, Where is he now lie? Not No, I'm not I'm not deny lie. It's really odd. My dad has a theory that it's because the british live in there's not much sun there and then, when we came over to Australia we will all talking and very pretty Jackson, and then the sun made us squint, so we started.
that is a theory though in America they say that people like the Deep South talk a bit more slowly and drowsily because of the heat is the theory that people think that? So maybe you that's not wrong. Maybe if we do English with screwed up hot face, then it becomes little bit off to work relay were absolutely there's, no way that you can't do it last year either really, whereas what you look right, always think you say my you look so hot they're not ha ha financially those action. If I keep my face like this, I I can't I can't I can't go back to my and accept really was negative changes. Could I just say I'm sure glad this is happening, because I got so much hate tribute throughout Europe by acts of work at listen. I think that's a w. I that's all I'm saying I'm thinking and very good brick, deep rooted in pretty good tapping. My
speakers. I'm trying to hide my real feelings about this now, little bit by bit on these tomorrow, Ura your Americans very good. I work with a dialect codes, Jamie David, don't I if you could pass on that detailed, that's good, that's even more impressive than what you think he's got dialect couch in the room, but he's read it now. It is maybe he invested in itself. You know some. You know, sir I take it seriously enough, would be somebody. You would definitely have an Alias aarhus. You dialect that's reign, the bow to have as if that's the real name. Please put my name today. Regression three accepts now and about Jamie Smart. Tell us quickly, SAM, yes to please call me SAM's Mars with yet who is your favorite character in the books from all six books? Looking back over the years, the duchess,
such a great story arc. I agree with that. Actually she's grown a law is a character who yet made her at in the maze I think the asses and dumb pissed off at this hour after Lisbon. Donkeys trust, a new serve. Think she's, almost like a elderly bachelor rat, but then you find out she's married and then very king key and then suddenly she's. What am I six? The head of british and elegance Yahoo knew the overall head off over. All speaking of am I five? Is it right that you think that one of your family members is a spy? I think my dad's is fine
for a while that, oh well, we grew up in different countries, but they will all part of the commonwealth and names he was a business consultant and then I have a friend who actually dated a spy and apparently there everywhere ruler and she was getting to know me like where'd, you go up. Oh, and I told her you like all your dad's one hundred percent spy and then let us agree go on my business trips for a couple of days and then but, like I am thinking of a close, the child We went to. You know that Singapore and Indonesia and Australia like very suspicious, and very vague job titles like he worked for like a cigarette company or something
a pots and pans command? He knew a man named James Tuna, but when I ask him about it, he like laughs it off and then comes easy. I can see why. I think that and then gives this big story as to how is not. But then I hang up, and I realize he hasn't answered the queen Jim classics by actually denied he just talked around the subject. They teach you, to do that is by school. In fact, Jeremiah Mountains and frost first, probably told him. Oh my god, how do you know about Jeremiah sent from us without these crazy that to someone you dont despite and let that you just out of him on a podcast well done for the boys like retired now so short by can't you tell your story is SAM. If we put him in all sorts of danger, think of the things that he seen this is a breach of. What do you mean the spice everywhere, a private slap? Your next enables, despite this Spyker straight
specifically James is next door. Neighbor invite James Cooper is an incredibly secretive man diabolical drives. You spoke James Spy. You gotta boarding, school, no denial. I went to a mixed, comprehensive that's exactly what a spy would say. No, I didn't go to boarding school, but surely your mom would know if he was a spy. No, she wouldn't she doesn't know. What's going on receives definitely knows by them. she could inspire these books. I don't know which is worse. Outing your daddy's aspire, outing, your Mama's, an imbecile baby has appeared stable in will be having a conversation she's a look at that bridge and you like what we love is that despite the pope
reed's delicious at the moment satisfy look about bridge. I think it's a technique, approaches it got it, so we so deeply and speaking of your mother, haven't you got that you too how to kind of weird porn connection. At one point I was reading some that you, while you didn't audition- yes, oh my goodness oh man, alive, bows terrible. Yet we have a house in the South Coast in Maria Australia rulers and it does not like a big crew- It is still has already think. Oh, yes, accosting directors that live that cyber notation for fifty shades and gray. This is like ten years ago something to beat the took the lead. yeah, oh ok, and so as in the middle of nowhere and now my friends were around, and it was just me
my dad and out there like the deadline is you ve got two days so you ve got to get this done and I tried doing it like recording the other person lines on my phone and trying to match the timing, but it just wasn't working on it like all my god and the scenes of alike gossiping about their sex lives through for go. I asked my mom of man. Can you just like just started to look at me? Just don't look at me to read it, but then she kept like staring at me doing it fights what you're like I'm being sexy. Mother Agamemnon am acting shows like you, don't need that much lipstick on earth, and so I like like, hey dad you too hard.
could he pulls spying for you, just pause find is for one minute. I just need your help, and I said this in us. I don't look at me just say the light like this is gonna Hungary, so much therapy pith, but he got so into use because he's a spy is that he was like tell me everything. Ah, he was like was the any good just like getting saw like he became like me, sexy little lady character. And what did he get the part on you didn't? Yes, he plays the best where he's the best bread yeah. No, I did not get that right Also you just now you're lucky stars there, some that it was just dialogue. There was no there's no activity, goodness I just say: look thanks to the opportunity
and although not have a career and read this with money, thankee so tell us. Where do you listen and why do you less still beans better? I was actually flying back to allay for something, and I made the mistake of listening to it in the airport and I looked like an salute lunatic, because I was crying Bang alone like I couldn't pretend to be like Oh that's funny, Jimmy all our Jimmy you, one of those crazy people who will be used is laughing at porn demented
your own, with your headphones on rocking from side to side a bit like Doktor Robin matching up the robins just shuffling around following my laughter. It happens all the time like I'm insane and never learn or listen to it in those and is walking or onset people. What are you laughing at like if you know what this is really embarrassing? in preparation for this. I put off doing any of my script work and took note wow. This is impressive. I told you I'm a fan. Show us shows you know tat. It was before I am onset. Others, roarings and everything. Oh wow denies that propels the onion knife cry no more knives? Let's see your interpretation says cry, no more, and then it says it's for. I am of lost
drew them, for I am a credible and your knife. I had so many energy drinks and they were like you ve gotten our downturns. I was just like pacing in my work and then all I'll do some. My dad wrote a porno homework and it's not useful, at present, very good during though you ve actually captured what I think is quite difficult mechanism for the climate will not knife I mean. Have you seen like any artwork ever is not a good doesn't even look like a knife. It looks like a sieve is a bullet and this is the air coming out hell yeah that blows the two anyway the waste valuable electric. So I put a plug a political debate. I think it would be right. Why
that's so that you could get not looked into the wool upside down its gazelle after a good. I love that Belinda gets like her mind, blown by the fact that the radio is waterproof, but then when it turns like an actual Gadget she's, like an approach, is he sits in simple, simple woman, such a confusing, simple one button dangers both her mind, sick, its waterproof, like James, Spain, will have like a bracelet that can like shoot, lasers and cut dresses off people in that's fine, but what of it, but in a in the best way. I'm confused, like I love rocky, so much because he makes my brain really think about things that irish beef Jimmy what these books on me. I thought about it,
sense before they are bad shit. Bananas like what is going on with their insane and the most beautiful way. It's like lead easy riding, but so creative and like specific at the same time, which is what makes it yeah it's been incredibly detailed, yet incredibly slept. I think it takes a create. brain to do that, but this episode is sponsored by the nectar, mattress, there's one main thing that unites us all and that's not doc porn and exactly how much, we all love sleeping? I don't think I can mean runs at people if you guys were like up five bad. You know One thing in the morning you didn't, I adore sleep. I listen to you
king, but Odin, think about is that I am on a sea like a cadaver when I sleep so much so that I once was leaning against a radiator, and I woke up with a burn on my arm. Honestly, I can sleep through anything. How do you not even stir worry very, very well what you seek her house, just go out like a light like guy. Well, I have to have the correct environment account. You sleep anyway, yeah. You need to have an amazing mattress to have that restore swiftly to get into that good old, deep sleep next. This whole thing is that, mattresses a well engineered uncomfortable and they should in theory, cost a lot more they start from just four hundred and ninety nine dollars. That's way less than paying for a lifetime of those soporific audio books that you can guess.
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because you ve read so many scripts in your time. You're, probably coming at this from a professional angle and of course rocky is a professional and where we're barometers. So I'm wondering if you see in this real potential for adaptation of one hundred percent? I know someone mentioned that doing like a drunk history version, but I think we should wait. We I'll be involve come on. I think this is a pitch view to do it like a very dark like in the Rockies like he's too, he takes a varies so get like John Mark Valet directing make it really knowing doc rest. I think the committee will be bigger because of it, because you won't expect it to take that turn on love, I'm wondering if this is the sort of material that kind of needs a big budget for it to sing.
And I'm thinking. Am I right in thinking you're working with Brad Pitt soon he's a producer. You know he's got Bombay like is Is this the kind of thing I mean? It would be great if we could just take onto the slight will in a way we're gonna, giving him a gift of what I said be gray. I mean every great the heavy should be so lucky. I will let you mention it. Could you just pass along to him? I mention it to everyone. I know Jameson, ok, great great, great and Brad. Pitt is known for like watching and listening to everything. So he's, probably listen to you guys stop it. I don't think we should just give it to him on a plate, though, because this would be a real game changer, for I think we should have a bidding bidding war. Well I mean, maybe we should see some of his work. Does he have a show? Real Margo has a production company and, oh my god. Oh that's true. Lucky chat yeah. I mean well take your guidance on this, because this is your world. But yes, as people do you like to it with Maugre Bobby of her. She said good stuff. Prepare I mean he's got of experience. Does it there's somebody the allied they'd be probably be able to handle it then
I will will will let them have a look at you. Gonna get so much money for this, like Thank you know and you ve got so many set peace does and like leather, Remsen, rocks and into suing poles and then carpets than Glasgow than the production designed a huge put. in itself here and all those locations. It is like a bond movie like that, like that, always at a different place me it's just so epic there's just such a kind of this scale to the word. Yes like avatar, yes, that made you, Bob okay, so we're doing this, you obviously have to be in it a well. I think if I was to play some one Yahoo Jonah Bay come on. Let's go, let's, let's cut to the chase is probably than a popular opinion, but I feel, like as Martin has such a sad fact worry like baby bring something interesting like he has. A divorce in
me days and a slob worrying on boobs in Belinda. Doesn't care like just cast aside and giving its ask about because you know it so emotional? That's why I'm going the dares? Yes martyred curveball and a bit like that Bob, Film, where lots of different people played Bob Dylan? Yes I know my colleague planchet in owed to enable her interpretation, necessarily no offence. The natural casting for does Martin, but I can see it. I could say: look you with it. Does, I think, Tripoli I think, if not jubilee enough, then you could bring it in. I feel I feel that you would learn how to be more directly. Drivel coach he's just cry so obviously, Belinda now has a tattoo in the book on her like a thing
Read that you have tat is in such places as well. I'm a deadly hallows tattoo and I did a film with Daniel Radcliffe and we would wait. Do stunt training for life three or four weeks- and I will really long socks for ages cuz I was trying to you, know just be cool and then one day I forgot, and he said, is that what I think it is, snapped animals like it's, not about you. I had that from the books, though, today with the movies on the box and up the films country, dad come on. I acted more off scream than on. Could we have attempted to get Belinda blink two? Maybe three bees Shaw, but then we you ever talk to me. What if we actively encouraged? I think that's fine. If we like made you gotta, do a thing. I think that's what a cruel twist
get a get it and then you get it will I flew by later also signed, but you have anything else on your part. There Y all Zeus, cult, I was not ok riding needs to know that can we go for that and it something I'm interested in wild religion, because I think I brought this upon a recent episode. Light is a sum biblical references, Bolsa like what is Belinda's religion like cushion It's a lot about fool, reddened yeah nor Scots, but their nose. I went to happen and she got nodded at her. He said sorry God. She said sorry government exactly like I'm just wondering where a headset as far as spirituality also occurs in the maze they were, drawing all those width spirals and maybe there's something I mean it's definitely science fiction these.
books, but maybe there is also some sort of magic coal from to see element that such a good put. I've forgotten about those weird symbols that peat arouse per annum in the mud, maybe the reasons to do with her religion. Maybe We should like. I don't care, I'm trying to downplay how much you with Dick. I am about this show please don't downplaying. This is this, is the forum is obsessed, does may you ve listened through more than one one hundred percent, it's like if I'm in a bad mood or sad I'll, listen to you guys and immediately like I'm fine again. Ah ha that's nice and wait. If so, weird, I did warn you at the beginning that I'm not just like an indian
front human being whose like all this will be a funny little pod cause like what are you guys up to? I know everything. I didn't believe. Even now, I do that's the best causes they put getting. People didn't know the show. So it's great, we love it. We love geek, you know about the show with people. That's a favorite thing to do is, We do every we I mean enjoyed taking out with a spin the highlight of my existence, so low salaries bit so so great having you. Thank you so much for coming home at about one. I well. Thank you so much. I can take this, my bucket list and now I'll stop you in London. We have had a lot of laughs today, reception interception, and ass. I can.
looking for a new plan has to listen to here's. What we love, courtesy of a cat, recommends, I'm sorry Owens and along with Tracy Coxe, who is an international sex experts and author of seventeen backs. I co host the podcast sex talk with ASEAN Tracy and it s a ex t. Ok and the reason we have it as sex talk is because we have an viral- take Doug stars at the moment with some videos getting over one point: one million views so listen to us I'm totally shy and scream ass. She is super up in british and hilarious. Listen to us each week as Tracy there's three anonymously sourced questions about all the things you talk to your girlfriend's about with an outcast wherever you get your bike, ass, Sexton, Viviane, Tracy,. Cash recommends.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-17.