« My Dad Wrote A Porno

Footnotes: Show and Tell

2021-07-07 | 🔗
To level the playing field when it comes to embarrassing childhoods, Jamie asks James and Alice to delve into their creative writing from their school days.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Is it safe to get back on the road? How is tat becoming more seamless, can business I will go back to business as usual visa. The complex questions we'll dive into on tarmac warriors of three part podcast from S. Eighty concur solutions, I'm Heather would Davis join us for a chap with three extraordinary business travellers, a big waves, surfer, a tropical fruit, expert Anna Climate scientists and see what we can learn about where business travel is going subscribe to. Ike warriors wherever you listen to part cast. welcome to my dad road supported the footnotes now Alex and James before. We start today brings them into attention. Ok, please! You know! Last week we were petitioning. We come to discuss how we wanted to petition to get dad and knighthood
how could we forget? We said he deserved and honour because it's an honor to never. I mean though it was a joke. I was just playing along well the joke soon be on all of us, because someone's actually set up a change, dot, Org petition to make it happen tat we should have seen it wishes into coming with current go over four thousand signatures on it, which I think means it's about to be done. Most important, but it proves the power of the blinkers. They literally will stop at nothing. To get down. This own will Technically, you know if enough people think it in their head that make it real right, even if it doesn't actually happen if enough people just like a magic but he's a then become to happen, which now who hasn't that is already him tat castle.
Unto Sir Rockefeller is now serving rockets, which I would say is illegal, but I do think people do. That is as a thing. People change it by deep hole, but he's not even done that. He's just didn't, I didn't call without that grey. He thinks that brackets will save him from the feds. If you can see, you can achieve at Jamie ourselves. So if you were to sign a petition, go nuts, let's make it happen, but onto this week's footnotes now over the past few weeks months. Let's be honest years, you two have been really enjoying ribbon on me, for my childhood theatre paints a lot the stories of my youth. Well, I thought I would turn the tables on you too, and ask you to go digging in your attics to find a few child would run. A few artifacts of your younger years, and so this episode
We do not have a show in town without us and James. What have you both found? I can't help it is set up. It's gonna come back to buy as I'm amazed how much I found I mean you know that dare song yeah, that's true- you have shed stuff in the past months cat all my school, Christine Lagarde has just catch you rim, exactly the same tat she hopes or come home wonders you don't. I was a modicum friends were also stuff is perfect and more because it's like used to block yes, yes, This is why we have the same experience only found one book. One exercise book but for some reason I have isn't it wasn't a modem dots house Alice our creative writing, which is so it was a subject wasn't at least till. I do this. this isn't so that you did your own time now to signal from year five civil age, For instance, I think I was probably nine here occur all manner of exercise and has from nineteen ninety six
at last. I read. I guess the task was to lay out a letter correctly our. How are you right, unless I remember doing so so the lay out was more important than the content yeah. I mean you'd be interested to know what I've written a letter about. I think ok, says dear Madam, said: the slashes Wrigley record. I guess I'd better for letter have complained to the prude word soft enough in my village box. To see BBC to complain ABC, which is a children's children with this country I mentioned- We complain about believe addicts I feel that this programme is shown to match the present. It wasn't my three times a week they presented,
is a not humorous, although they try to be longer air was. That was that it was like Stuart MILES. Nay, you really Alice. I guess not if you don't like you, just don't watch you treat each other. I couldn t poem here it's all very given a baby, it's a girl with a little poem heckled anger, Oh, how on the page after the complainant acts in this young child angers, blood red, it's a bitter lemon anger is crackling fire and a burning flame. It's a baby anger? It's a volcano inside me waiting to Iraq, you didn't know
If it didn't you, let's get anchors a baby, crying you'd write, something like that. Now I feel like yeah, it's very much. If I may, I knew my voice yeah, I'm going. I can say this is an what's this about this is it The treasure Junta us above it about This is called rage. The museum Macbeth at world kind of creative writing little bit like them occurs to hang my perfect world in a perfect world. I would pollution free see with whales and dolphins, taught me money, trees and your garden for poor people not make our neighbours the poor people of open access. Her bobby, we ask each pick. The monetary runs a little. How rich warriors job
bombs dropped toys very clever. Rocky legs could still hurt people. Have your biggest tories rolling out this guy anyway disease may the bombs bombed the job toys for animals asterisk up. Look. I think I often lack today realise that you be more specific about the job toys for orphaned children. perfect world? I wouldn't have accidents on the roads dying people in far away countries. Sorry, I haven't closer to him down people in various countries and most of all no war. The feedback. Care is good, but you have to explain why you would. I wouldn't have each thing in your world. I mean, I think myself. It's not now I don't want to see. Is this your friend this only whether my friend, why are you putting toys? Why
you just do not toy drops. That's why I think that this, but there is no, what do you think you're putting them in low loaded, stuffed animals innovative? It's like a nuclear warhead, hey! I take a very black. I guess it's any technology available to me. I've read the peace. Could rats? Do you love him? I regret that I knew something strange is going on as soon as I got to school that morning everyone was quiet than usual, no he's playing football in the yard and nobody was laughing the rats? Well? Why is that? spoiler with the Bell rang, and we should build up stairs up her coats and sat down a sad asks. Well, six k doubly means that GDP Irish across its hey doubly. I have something very important sharing our teacher said what Miss walked said James and always use dreaming of repulsion shut up, and let me tell you
James did ass. He was told not even surprised at how teacher she never snaps you see their own with Jesus reveals that you try to get the teach roadside. You never saw that. Do you miss Phoebe, I can be an active in a very fair there's, no easy way to tell you this we're going to be closed down. She sat with a whimper because the rats Lowood and air well put this point over the time. Why said Brian brigadier? Why Mass repeated Clare Sattler? What apparently it's the vacant room? It's unhygienic beg you re! What's what did you get? Rats awesome thanks you applied laying her eyes. Floods, droughts. Oh I see said everybody what did I say they knew I had a plan. I always do so. If you you're within a blow
Are you gonna save the baking room from rats? Well, they consider talking all day get on with your handwriting could, after handwriting of his playtime, and that was my chance to tell them my plan. It was playtime we will run down, get upset and got into the yard. I got the group of people together and told them. Going to hide inside the school at dinner and nobody was around and about what is going on with it. Everybody knows we don't have rats, but I think I know what we do have my flock, but I think I know what we do have pupils of the competing school in the baking no just listen is how long is this? To put it on a longer than a rocky chapter, gonna tell my friends, they thought I was balmy, but I explained one school have been closed down in the neighborhood and, of course nobody wants it to be, then other school has found a hole in the wall and that some hamsters lease they want to place us down. So we have to do is get a phone, than letting them in so easily. So my friend great
the camera and debate? I'm sorry, you all Bobby This is rocky level of law, so my friend waited with a camera in the baking room. Cameras been corrected, spelling thereof, he waited for ten minutes. Until he saw a face of a pupil. He pressed the button on the camera and ran back our group. We sent it off to the photo me sent it off. We sent it off the photo that is today. safety man, but he didn't closes down until a full inquiry was carried out. The only we couldn't approve it without setting them up, but it was better than having a school closed are actually inquired uncle some notes after this directive, the inquiry we state opened. It was a big adventure for nothing exacting ever happens in our school. This included, like related some real life incident, lay the teach has been very imaginative story Alice
there were no rats. Nera of his heart was promised us planted hamsters planted by the other school to stop their school being shut down because they had to close down one school and they didn't might be. Then. What will written, though, is it gets bit convoluted tools for now. in Euro, so public inquiries waste that was enlightening and fantastic. Just a snapshot of my creative writing from the time by any means the the full extent purchase denial, taste avoided expanding I'm worried about you built up anger, enrage inside you, as as the poet anger taught us. Well, I mean it's cathartic sit down. That's that's! So next up James Anthony Cooper! Yes, now I brought my
years, seven, english books with me, so I was while eleven nothing involved with my teacher, miss corny, lovely, miss corny picture here. She's missing there was a song released at the tangled corny so as to be like she's gone, gone, gone, ain't gonna subsequently got married and changed and that at the end of that joke now I'm going to read you. Oh I've got poem here, a guy. It's called one man and his dog money into jeopardy. It's quite heavy he'll be rising old ass. I see the writing. How now isn't it? My Russians deteriorated attitude. He lives on his own in a cottage along the Yorkshire Moors. His dogs is only friend to guide him along, that's right. The Kazi his family has died, he's all alone. Oh my god. What is he doing here? He's thinking he still leave
and bade the little money that he has. Isn't enough. Isn't enough. I think that is the beating. You know that's like a device that nice written he slowly painfully dice oak dying, she's his eyelids clothes, he is noble, is normal. where's the dog? Oh, my god, what happened to the dog tags out from it in Yorkshire was, of course, we will also see with your anger, poems you with the dying, me writing songs, about masks and went away from the bushes dog, very bleak, or the story here are much read an extra funding place. I saw the beginning its called vice versa. Okay, Jake! where's. My razor asked Mark impatiently what other they shaving of gangsters level so that they can
I understand I haven't got it replied Jake with cutting look on his face, cutting raises very they always had arguments. It was the same. Every morning. Mark thought Jake had taken something that you haven't, or vice, They can also be a free rein law making. oh boy, who was very popular at school. He had short Blantyre curtains, the front like Nick Carter, firm backing. I think she has written a site that, with more, he was due to go on television in three days to make film about boys life in Australia. Which was so originally named: a boy's life in Australia, ok, thieves, going on tv to make Phil Jake, on the other hand, was the total opposition. He was a small company. eleven year old boy. Oh, you ve got me I wasn't too good with the girls unknown to them. Fight was being about boy boy, marking a godsend, Jake enough bubble, his innocence
very wrong. It was eight thirty in the morning Jake had to be at school in ten minutes down a serial ending up with Hotham in his lap and run upstairs to get his bag when he noticed a small box with his name on it intrigue. Sorry I thought is eighty one in school and also wizen eleven year old need a razor note march. Eighteen, he needed razor and its Jake who's going to school lies got the right here. Why they argue that a razor I dont know why Jake'S got the regime's razor and raise the reins like a fish. It doesn't make any sense it never seeing this box before it was black, although it did have a gold Clinton it on the top of it was a label reading do not open temporary Andy's name called off. Is written but Jake being eleven was very curious to know what was in the box?
through the lid open impaired inside those some sort of glowing green liquid in a glass tube at which he took a box and temptation got the best of it. Many through the drink damage, it, is really good works. Is due open, Jake began to feel dizzy and a bright light began to glow in front of his eyes. Every looks really in This very I mean I've, Saxony, DMZ, Usenet supernatural everywhere he turned his head. The light followed him. What light tends to do this with developments not lie? I gotta get ready. He shook his head, frantically Mont walked on the landing and so Jake shaking his head. Jake's got but before he could finish on knit finnish nets or if they get school, for, if it could finish something happened, then he felt smaller markets in his eyes, only find himself standing in front of himself without mare inside I think, as a body swap vice versa, why I think marks got into Jake's body and Jake?
two months, but I hate when he looked down and didn't see his body gates. Jake did the same. What the heck is, Don't you want to do is yet to be done now, cool remarked, Jake ass. He looked down these new body. I view mark at this same illegal by some strange phenomenon, their brains are transferred into each other's body, is estrangement, in other words, Mark was Jake and Jake was Mark. I think, can forget witness exposition bit ly. I guess the slower readers changes, but right now demanded Mark Jake for the first time lifted marketing year. He was silent for a moment he said at last his head of mark that you too, very well. Considering insists that changes by like he's not speak. Now he dropped marked the ground. J could start to get school. You old man from downstairs. That's you said: Jake got up instead of his body trip. Dunstan
and it goes on, but that's the premise that how goes it? No one, four pages and agendas, chapters of. Why didn't you sense, even in a motion picture to have you known a motion picture, they get showed it to the test by us really boy I was a mean need, could see by my face out of that city graduate, I think of my committee. I read this properly and safe is gonna potential cause. I'm seeing dollar signs You do that. What's quite interesting in front of my creative writing book is that there's an have there's little died, the print to cheat that we oversee all got to him in a realistic in two hours. oh yeah, yeah, yeah books, and it says I'm proud to be a good response friend and its basically how
to receive a story that somebody else has written and how you should, or should I get asked at the beginning when exact of this whole podcast so fastings fast? You should tell the person something that you liked about the story. At least one point which I we ve ever done with wrongly, and then you can move onto how it could be made better. Ok at the Essen summit. Anything so we ve set em is anything missing plot is anything not clear everything? It is the beginning good? No, are all your questions answered at the end, but even more, if anything, but that be a good thing in life. Could anything be left out? Twenty percent and finally is suitable for the intended audience. They says who will listen to it? Will they live Will they understand this? Well, a lot of people. Listen to it, a lot of people like no one understands
well guys, never lie from today's it let size I can see what we're friends is either uniting you who all it'll frustrated created thespian. This is like me and honestly. If you ve lived near me in Manchester, you would have been in the cafe about stage all the time while Harrison. looking for a new plaid cast, listen to here's! What we love courtesy of a cat, recommends I'm sorry Owens and along with Tracy Coxe, who is an international sex experts and author of seventeen backs. I co host the podcast sex talk with ASEAN Tracy and it s a ex t. Ok and the reason we have it as sex talk is because we have an
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Transcript generated on 2021-07-17.