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Footnotes: The Bisch-Burt Contract

2021-07-28 | 🔗
Jamie, Alice and James read the contract between Herr Bisch and Wayne Burt (aka Dr. Robbins) to try to get to the bottom of what their legal agreement was and make sense of what the hell is going on.

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Did you know this? Podcast is powered by a cast. A cast is the home of podcasting creators looking for freedom together listeners and make money too and of brands. Looking for smart waste, advertise pot, castors and Four times in the no no a cast, it's time you did to visit a cast come to find out more a cast, for the stories. Logan's, whatever one of its footnotes time once again, Alison James now we're little bit confused. I think about the last chapter will never look these have been love emails about, it makes no sense and continues to say your looks just blank.
baby? You work of you know I've taken time, candid gestate. It was that the phrase to just data, even a birth, to find it out. I don't don't just state that sport and actually it doesnt, stand obscure, me when you re starts think about it. I think in the room I was I was praising by dials got out. I am the nose got but yeah after those. I just want to make a great deal of sense. Did you feel dirty sporting and well and other people of raises questions. While it's like the tattoo thing almost years, I could absolute red herring that the what is cut a two parallel storylines. We got this whole tattoo thing and then the blueprints and suddenly and smashed to establish how together yeah, I would say- and this is in dad's defence- is that these books have never made sense, but that was kind of the point of his reading them that they were rubber. Should I feel like somewhere along the way people are expected to be good, so I ask that it was like look. I have some questions, you have anything
that might you know, shed some light on this as sir. What this arrangement was between vision, Wayne Bert, the beans, and he said this is our lives we, this is happening right now. This is real and he said yes great. I Don't go for that message. I smell content. You said when he was writing this book. He was right you he was once extra stuff, so it's no use to anybody, but he said I did take the trouble to write the contract between away Ireland which has stood looking, we could take the trouble, and I ask you how yesterday I have the contract J J, its appropriate, counteract these drafted a whole legal contract. What's the story, so this is the deal that
signed on their to write this. These are the terms of that do. What are you talking about the dealer on paper, but the signal Danes she's ever The patient. I'd love that if they had this entire three page contract on their body at some points, three pages. Yes, can you give a sign that the headlines? Maybe you can we hold hanging over the country the ultra ages. It's important to read a contract fully that decencies included rockies a very litigious man, as we know, is why how navigate call out the special J is why he Wilson He never name a famous name, as it truly appears. So this will be watertight. He loves reading contracts. Nay, is also about ITALY. The wording will be top notch. Okay, so it starts with its as we have seen that written an array of fun size. Some things in bowling hearts different humped different did different for different funds for different wants change, so the top of the people must have.
Letter. Had, I guess, contract consider different from its as from the desk of legal law, firm of rapid Haitian and service is granted beer wagon the world and that can ok, some assuming that's the law? a bit reveal wagon. They work in a coma obey work and dirt unfold is one name. Ninety one: how can you actually offsetting well good them bear wagon? Is We are coma, always the three three participant it's their partners at long last. Find a merchant. I am one of those called John Bandwagon whispers to believe that's a b, I e w h g prerogative and then, into quite large. Writing love language, the people that it involves so bitch hassling semicolon of EAST Berlin Semi contract with.
semicolon labour wine. But have you worked in order weighing Bert Semi Colon Berlin die under shit shit? I can't. I can't find it while under shuddering Lynch tanks, STAT d- slew, so the clink that's start industry and killing his eye persuading plain blatant walk into remember. He was in prison at the time for ceiling to be used in vain and banish made a deal to break him. This was the deal they did to break him out and the army arrested in old, where he was arrested, because the army found out. He was a thief yes oh yes, the rubbish said you can get out by half our times. And competitive experience my truck instead. Yes, this is that Congo, they don't get coms
on ten percent, you being fifty seven such aims. You'll get Google translate our search for under tonight. I think it's for the best isnt it God being now die. yeah, but knew at EU and De La c h, D I and g I c h a This does not mean try reading it survives Do you and you are fucking out. You are see see each are this from word now so much say my dear. I am I hell. I have I c h. A Phd great knew me would ask tee I d t space fleet are space
s c h, Rio, honestly, you with two o clock, is ass S. L, what a thorough waste of everybody's time was clink our then click the impenetrable city of the key clink by that is that a real place? Does that does mean prison? That's a type of prison, light tat you in strange ways, or so he put say what I mean I'll, wait but of Berlin, the impenetrable city of the key clink. What was the guy called? They did their the map, the master of the keys of the grand the gardener master of the keys nothing to that great, similar rich of anyway, so that's the prison. Yet this is the deal we Wayne Bert ambitiously clause, one, oh, my god, how we not even begun bitch hassling brass, be age and will therefore be referred to as be H. Henceforth,
contract to bust out Zeke link the above named Wayne Bert Bracket Step in Germany. Of this whole thing, the kind of Europe against the german contract even now, Z cling labour, w B? U S american citizen or homeward key. The gods didn't get hold of contract beforehand. What bust out settling There may be smuggled in like a birthday cake or something on other so than W B will be removed. From said, clink mats gets now no flew zis, bartender, accordion players or the reform of their ground or other riffraff present in Z, so will be a comedy. I can't cope. If it keeps saying
close to God? I hope he doesn't share of fucking cell with an accord you play. I can imagine that fucking to know about what, you just get me out of it. Norman shoelaces about Skype complicated, but, according to the clause to W B, Ville, agree to US style. Stop it now to be I'll, stop it say: well, a collar, to every. They will agree to our climate, be ages. very onerous terms with zero negotiations acceptable to negotiate. This is z, take it or leave it It's really believe that this is the kind of work it would put. An open economy, turkish or leave his motto rely to describe your own terms is honouring a patient. Oh yeah, it's a kind of them.
Though she closed three be age, is engaging in z, hazardous, and risky business about, maybe breaking any stupid. German, wasn't with garbled English is legally skies with. Is that the big easier? So? Is the hazardous and risky business of rule? Breaking the exact coordinates our states? Can I say: it's not the risky business of rule breaking is against the law so slightly more than real. By breaking out of criminal- and you ve been involved in like just that huge fraud addendum one to close three were paid you up, palm. I have to say that quite these early, there's a quite all encompassing something we get. The just like appreciate, deal advocated. Company last
in perpetuity throughout the universe. So these are the The universe was coordinates, are estates so as to why this is the deal upon such that is should. I saw two w B labour be H businessman. We don't think it's boring Others in Benson and Hedges side carved out better than I thought. You'd be giving radically b will pull down the shutters and play dead, then, these authorities start calling on, then we shall be stone. So said the b, the escaped. What plan was he went to these coordinates and played dead no, sir, he's so Wayne, but in prison because Uppish hassle, pull down the shutters Ave dad the justice of its sorry. Why can be ruled out the shutters,
excuse me, sir. If you look at the presence of an I got to get me. Well, I think it's your dinner to publish it is now looking up tonight. and then played. what is caught up in a bowl of soup, and so when so called authority start calling on them this airport authorities hot. So the actual pull down the shutters and played down yeah. Then these so called authorities start calling on them. We shall be stone so so far, but still in the prison, ambitious outside playing dead, I mean those fish has to them as well, which is that the whole company, this isn't a contract between just bitch. I thought that was vicious, full name, no Hersman beans, manufacturing and German. That's the company no said the whole company. a fish, has to look for the whole of steals pots and pans. It's in there. I play died out,
It's just a small, do think about her dream up an addendum to agent, brat Miss Browning S, but that fish and fish is with the ice age agenda. Doesn't matter agent, brat fish with a z big. Luke activities will seduce Z, Guard warden man ever the lawyer reading. This is not what is written like this. It's beer wagon admission of growth is right. Fine, so agent, breakfast she's new on the scene and she's part of wishing she's just somebody he's employing, has ever need break anybody. Prison on retirement, because you got bazooka breasts show, are they actually bazookas is gonna, shoot, godsends, z, big bazooka tat is
I don't know I'm so she was seduced a God warden man, she will pull down her blouse to reveal bra, fails and flat, This will then be lowered to full nipple area, with an invite to sniff hesitate, snake so one of age and brought visualize the invite woven into the contract me like do what you want. Last year, on the mission, but does not really need to be a clause Smith who sniffs petite requested? We will then be low, oh that, yes to full employment to sniff visited once sniffed Z, God wooden man will be ready for sleepy bedtime due to drug missed, so this drug within in in this new in this house in a so it's not that somebody would want to sniff fatigue without goes of. Like knows, first to that she must push the added in her bosom in them. Is it so this
that's what I'm sorry and the nipple is releasing the missed the gas, the druggist eyes, I see maybe perpetuity like not too far from harnessed. droll, so you'd think knock yourself out venitienne with, but the rotates she could be, and this is what is known as a booby trap. I should stand a process of all the books and building of one of the best ways of in my life, you know when it finds the word baby really funny for like a certain period of their life. I feel like that's a joke. I could ve done a deal. I was a baby chop review light up. I would elbowed out maybe Lex NEA. If a mighty road told me that Jake little Biogas here do addendum to
Let us talk of the former and I shant so sniff city, and that is a booby trap. Addendum three be age. Sure W B escapes does he landed, Z, dikes and disease at no further cost z, dikes and Z Sk as yet it was the vitality of the tea Z, dykes. Aziz Disease, Z, Z, calm down, What is the seas? I just assume that everything that is meant to be net disease times it they're taking his easy, but I don't remember when chain freeze ice free time
and dropped at a local from map witherspoons under both because it HOLLAND is that landed the Thai. What's he talking about land, the diet is walk, HOLLAND, just Google, what's a dying of error in the sea and land land at the dikes and windmills or life in HOLLAND. That's a book yeah I've items to do with HOLLAND, because that's where Peter is based. the doktor weapons it. Why is he talking? James like this makes sense TAT s? What makes me the most annoying have everything is way takes on this town? Is, I guess I always thought it was you guys? disease. What are you getting ready to leave these right now? We have to have a little rapporteur, Zis melded, so will escape to the land of z, dikes and, and
He's these tougher, no further costs to the rebate, all will be dealt with by be H, this episode is sponsored by the Nectar mattress, there's one main thing that unites us all and that's not doc porn and exactly how much We all love sleeping. I don't think I can mean runs at people. If you guys were like up five bad. You know one thing in the morning you didn't. I adore sleep. I listen to you king, but Odin. Think about is that I am on a sea like a cadaver when I sleep so much so that I once was leaning against a radiator, and I woke up with a burn on my arm. Honestly, I can sleep through anything. How do you, Not even stir worry, very, very well what you seek her house just go out like a light like guy. Well, I have to have the correct environment account you sleep anyway.
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and nectar are currently running their biggest offer ever three hundred and nine nine dollars in yet just visit neck to sleep dot com to get your new mattress today, that's nectar, dot com clause for Christ alive, be age, veal, take and modest interest in, and the mother S, for this has been confirmed with apply it. Ain't gonna concerning the eight will take and modest interest in the business interests of W B C, confident contracting just interested I will be taking on its interest, doesn't sound, but it does. If you re how'd, you measure, modest z, company called birds baked beans. It is just that was never clarified. The three bees that so that's what is birds baked,
means births baked beans, gas, so snapped Miss sharp. That means the net of his name, Mitt Bess, harangue Katir, I take it back. It is half tongue brackets GM. h, g leaving too maybe he's coming. He asked, I mean it out of shape is come up as a company with limited ability to it's unhealthy d the german equivalent. This is likely to pity why thing that does not mean that it is actually how surprised, while so so, a German, Algeria is a walk. Bulgy be H. Gesellschaft emit best charge can turn halftone snatches I'll, send another. That's what you is a Company type in Germany use you study, Germany Sire, you got
Gesellschaft Mitt be shrink, have two, so that company will convey ten percent of all its profits assets buildings, including the future stocks of Z. Begged me, latin onto us. His hands on horses were not in the western. So what year was this contract men it's cold war. During the cold war ass at his yeah, I saw the total elected for you guys have written about green players and bloody line is a petticoat since now hand, courts, wagons, endorses handcart and merchandise. Which may or may not be sold in the future course, five of how many there I actually become it was what we're audio page nearly obeyed. Three to pay to? Have you heard how long sentences, and also the erratic font size
I mean really long german words which really use it up. Your ass, by close by June, as a final interview with W B. it is unnecessary conditions that he be subjected to Z, continually repeated efforts, Zeit of Z, Frankie goes to Hollywood Vinyl album did I may I ask about I pass on to my colleague This is to ensure that W B reaches sit up and will not stop avert in is business then be H, makes its investment doing some. Any of that. What it sounds like he's got to be regularly played a Frankie goes to Hollywood. from the outside the outside. To have the name any more. That decided eventful during the courage here. Nor may because its I haven't, heard the album, but should be ready. P, motivating songs to make him at the end of the closest W p must remember, shooting stars, never stop.
Lyric. So maybe this is z, be H, company motto, shooting stars, never stop! That's the big being company, more tat! No that's been has to even when I was taken from a Frankie GO faster, never stall. I think you tat needs to be institutionalized. His own benefit, something terrible is happening. I don't care what the institution is. I just I just. I just think that invisibilium idly not the dew round the clock to keep an eye out grouping which closes this little book, but despite that, the lyrics from song, but frankly ghost Hollywood Called welcomed the pleasure most famous dollars. A famous other lyrics include the world is oyster, that's probably more appropriate. He create that Frank. I guess.
Well. The phrase is already created. Nineteen eighty today is governed by the cannot read a few who actually the first versus the animals are winding me up. The jungle call the jungle, It makes us much sends its potentially low by an amazing like cutting edge band low frontiers. Hollywood makes sense, dad he's ahead of its time. Jamie. Amazing cutting edge about about an eight year? Isn't it on? I will give you diamonds by the shower like stood by the shower or by two hour. Maybe it means like I will How you doin Diver unit is shower, could maybe nothing in culture would stand up to scrutiny of James analysis. Keep moving on, got to reach the top shooting stars, never start shit go away, go play at times, apply to you, but for for rights reasons recurrent little book, and while I think everybody can Palo benefit himself now, just a guy, I guess, into the head space.
Of tat when you vote bits comes of opportunities in his mind on and off I guess, but when ISA is most efficient, thirteen minutes forty long and how many times you have to listen to every time we works. I think no more of our shared is its violent view and just continually repeating that will drive it wasn't. The recovery plan will be right over the whole cycle of six upon. successful termination of z, final interview, W B they'll, be strapped to each and the tattoo artist lick. The third will make the lasting a family of tat. He ought to have a lasting impression of z, voter tightness of these contracts on z body part of choice, namely these three bees as such and he chose his head. The heap, however why would you choose your head but we're web
you choose, if he was having a discreet tom, I got like hip so light was always hidden by a hum bob Bob Bob we're never gonna see Well, I might almost say you will do its utmost. Yes, well suppose, there's the everything a high ranking where there are people outside this room not well, for you all know if you're never nude, maybe behind the behind the wheel. Girls with like you know, that's kind of what he did with is top of his head that offer the cover twice had that low to pay with three the was bold start with, or he shaved his head too That's how to know the trauma of having the top of the habitat is. Even I don T going to have to say the rest is not one. I'm is playing the driven snow, so the rose Allison. I have a lot of issues like the type of white is driven That's right. You play MR pure, maybe pure as it happens, I just have the matter
upon a tree- or we are having this on Your- AM data we ip. I have that of zero over an hour. Parents made good at eighty. Anybody know I wish to thank you left up. Would you ever that's who you have other? Do you want to get lost, cheaper, What am I not right for an eye Does it believe that may be true, but what might have happened? logo? Yeah little guys. Should we all get? We do you like, This is a huge part of our lives, I mean because it wasn't in which an escalation of the other guys in Lord of the rings and all the actors if the fellowship got the same tat while I would never get the loan toyed with like a little Belinda, nice italic. Have you honestly on your arm made, maybe less well off with your download your girlfriend, whatever else with all your bum? Oh these buildings.
after some sex, maybe I've met both of rights that were or just little baby organised the tree with no fuckin way about signing anything if your a girl's, namely to love her and is not your mother's on your arm, they'll be or how to pay gap souffre. I think this is to be discussed off abacus I mean James Oversee thought about it any more than we have say this with loads of listeners, and I do mean loads because I said this he's over time have gotten various tattoos of things from the books. There was one recent three girls will listen together got W W B D. What would happen in today who will have got mad? A few pomegranates pomegranate a popular? Do you see that one of the core somebody's back that whenever the Shell doesn't. It was Mr Cashman and Knee mouse costume. Oh yes, I, like other people, have been inked because of the show. Maybe we should for the moment I was making eyes like she's genuinely serious about it, which is worrying that will be bound together, forever
Well, I notice your both not saying on my ideal. Do it is very wise and that suitable off my back? That means I'd like to see the contract before asylum fair enough all rising up. Then you know if we gotta, you know who would definitely get it. Okay, so you'll get the baby bait and blood has drained uneasy tattoos. A financial strain W B will be given his new identity as Doktor Peter Robins, Viv, gaily color, to pay free of charge on the house What's an unnecessary three about but I think I really want to be involved in this massive breakdown them forever more. You know linked to you inextricably So how do we would not dirty dealings?
paying rather than to buy on offer its gaily color puts his daily colors of the rainbow too. He will be transported to is new land and leather desk job at rouses supermarkets head office. Jamie Light, smirking a lie in France that I'd like is That is not where the question clearly like lives and breeds world, so much so that he's taken the time to me, not that long to write there will then be seen as its. I can't think of a more futile exercise, addendum four by h, evident for from a different clause or the garlic is russian. Nothing can go back to one because its Patsy, I she hates the dead, therefore be age will operate his birds
two beans shops in his absence. I'd call that more than an addendum might say that every the addendum ironed out business, but I also run your business shops because after seven I'd love to try not broad shoulders, like three ruin, the blocking this size team is a being who does even I beg to differ flavors Gazelle stolen so fairly around like I take it that you know what, though, in this state agencies London about being shot, you Polly like us We would like to say with sharp, unlike are going to have a bolder beans.
College. Imagine then, typically toppings picky base legally contraband. No, we only start BB here you ve ever had the biggest military breakthrough. you. Clearly data humanity, bosses, Diego clothes, seven. This is this is the last closely because no thanks, God, I'm close seven. This is the customer NBA section faster, for those inexperienced, this is simple, and stands for never discuss anything mates not by its non disclosure agreement. Fundamental right, it's not never took both, never discuss anything to yet another ok and so on? This contract is oversee, signed That was one of us is this. I think I am the test is my: It's also cite one is digital signatures, signed with different handwriting
might look here, which is the way in like a light, twirly worthy want what we got ones on this usually used for, like kind of greasy spoon menus. one is that we may not have an Wayne birth is very fancy very kind of fully tonics, fuller Talley? that's why I was standing over bikers answers. I'd Wolfgang Bitch bitch hassling. Inside Dwayne Dirt birds, baked beans. Gm be h that that's an if could brush grip, nothing community Weinberg signature, its brush grip. Right labour inputs get to the very easily forwards. That's what have you done to its away? Is the tattoo just a second, as we discussed earlier. Second will arouse invitation. Heritage must be absolutely absurd, said the taxi thing completely pointless. Fascinating about third generation. Tattoo is involved,
Was it the bird on this? The sizeable is doing its job? What did Let me quote from a border region and they got us they gotta checks out. Another Erlich we're ready to go to holding anybody want dolphin on this point, as I know, different annex no different tree on the bolts blues. Although views third generation. Wiser, making nimbly gushing blood was ill dripping wants, it drives a drain trains to hate, and that was it yes, they go so has that help Is that given? Is that a good deal? I dunno nice, it's kind of compounded the crazy. I think it's just kind of reaffirmed everything that was said in the truck ok! Well, that's it! I think you know I had a good time, even if it wasn't that implies a lovely But did you know? I had a good time even in February. I think I mean that's, that's just
of how we feel about my daughter, a border areas. We have a nice time. We just like do you like it, but that's we the final episode of the series that you didn't want to find out who's, knocking on the door and guys. You know I love a party, so I hate to be binding on about it, but we do have a listening party on Monday or yes, the second eight p m. Uk time will owe press play exactly the same moment and between along using the hashtag Alice Hashtag poem. day. So we see that get you Belinda Bazin, gay beans about you. I would have been sent scenes on taste and beer can not fluctuate. Everyone's gotta be gentlemen, works all over the world cloud, sick of it
pay for the season for knowledge, a cast powers, the world's best podcast he's a show that we recommend Hey this Jake? You were mostly Turks, part of to your keys podcast network, where the world's most popular progressively show online? Not a big deal, I'm just saying and we deliberate, uncensored, unapologetic version lose. You won't get anywhere else, and that's really true. You should definitely check it out so listen the Turks on the eighth ass or wherever you get your pockets. You can demands.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-30.