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Footnotes: Vagina 101

2017-08-10 | 🔗
After many of you requested it, Jamie and Alice help answer James' questions to learn more about the vagina.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Hello and welcome to my dad's wrote, supported the footnotes now recently James entertained, as all with his lack of knowledge about female all guzzling and analyse over the second to the pub and discuss all things. Women with him, and lots of you wanted to attend that meeting. So we thought, let's bring its the full hunting aims. I've got a lovely lesser shortening. Is this a backroom at my house is much like a yielding pop. It smells the official its mouth bitten. It says that, like what dog I'm just happy to have this time, I want to learn, I want to know I'm a sponge, how to absorb the juices unsightly concerned
the list and how long it is of your questions, because we're probably not all the time the world ok yeah class question yet tree is an amnesty. Nothing is too embarrassing. Nothing should be shameful. You destroy them up. Jamie and I hear a sounding board. It just gonna help me moving forward with the book totally question on how many holes well, What do you mean while that you have at least have a triple a pass? So you have highly sensitive area figure, so I've heard this either two or three whole steaming until because, obviously those like ears and mouths and noses into another downstairs, obviously I'm sorry, my bad James, my bad of each hole has a different function. So what's the walk, how many other? What's while others so you're very well worn in particular the vagina no yield more acquainted, one specifically James out that above zero out alone. We will consider that covered
fifteen pounds for some reason bed blocks over cover the bob, so we now in the vaginal reach a case. But go without then than this. Just to one is the vagina so one site, like different things, come of different and go into one that you you're, no one spoke about somewhere, so lemonade, somewhere down And dusty meant straight out of the other. Do I or do we as women, both a man which one does the penis go into? Ok, so should we talk the urethra yeah sure a good play such I mean, I think so, get certainly of transitory is peanuts into away from the red. Technically, every hole is a goal, so no the We threads nor a global in anyway. That's a file that alphabet
to use a sports analogy, which I don't feel contributed, so you haven't you either to thank you yeah, the very similar. Yet you look in a year in coming out of that of looking at it so, generally speaking, and I'm sure there are people with teeny tiny penises, the Eureka is too small to penetrate out for sure yeah. Official invented yeah. I think so, if you're looking at the way through a woman, you ve gone wrong he's gonna move on very seriously, but how we have to be a lot If you go on south of that year, sky. You know and that's when you can see the functional opening and that's why should you want to? You could stick happiness and thus below the urethra, yeah yeah, sorry
ray through. What did you call? It had showed his knees, entire professional cavity, cavity, humble openings on all the vagina, even call it the vagina and then the Anna said. That's got the cloak of between it. Of course a bad which we know is a joke. It's part of slang over a guy's, ok! So three, we came fundamental ones, you go. You go in the middle somebody despicable that you do so well. That close, I think I've heard about that. That's definitely a colleague next question: do they all look the same value being women,
Video like if you saw you over, join in a line that slightly light. Why has someone produce this and how do I get it off the internet? If you ve agenda, robbed you or something and you have to tackle, could you spot your vagina? We're I mean, I'm sure, that's what your own! Can you ever do all of different? You say that the EU offers you don't see your own for China that often up clothes its location, but because the vulgar different Aristotle's right, you can set the Nolan sisters. Never some more and can some girls like keep them ready. Yet the way more than that James is not any body. You know it, you will pay them. Same as my own control mine in the liner. You could tell you in the lineup number three boys at what what are you? I features
No, that's the flaws. We both know. What are you looking at the bulls other shot shall be ethically everything's all right. It was your most as major powders element I mean. Is that part of the bulls only knock? Is that not the one I know should be the shaft awry the victims no one saying is that vaginas on different because of the highest, there were serious about that. I guess it off. I don't you introduced. If they are actually differently, everybody is different. So you know there has tended to such an after school special teams. Lady looks at because they're beautiful exactly anyway, all repulse you let universally set as a matter of other somewhat like the lips alike, differ yeah, like size living colors. Yet some want some got snow.
Really may have their personified but yeah sure. So you know, and people have design of a joint. What do they do down? There thought interest me too, because I double standard is like I don't know what they're saying looks really good. I would say, because I think is quite common for them to not be symmetrical but her. Symmetrical life. I wonder with a design vagina, creating like some some weird standard that doesn't really exist in evidence. Vaguely, like me, The giant already meet the way that, like male janitor, you isn't really neat, but I wonder what they using as a reference, because you flip through a catalogue and go and love I love the proportions of a like twenty three. I'm loving like what they ve done with let internal vibes on the house Fifty eight is to die of the pal. I love the hairstyle I'll. Take you to undertake a wholesale, and is it wait? If you see a picture vagina in this catalogue, the you like everything about it is that we had to complete
copy, someone's vagina yeah, because they say it's thought the biggest form of flattery debt levels verge. What responsibility because It is not something that can change your life. Wait a minute you're, the crow together stole my vagina look tv on my God with China twins fear they all have different is the answer to question. We all different creatures. We built it just the one tat you would be so goodness good Assembly, I didn't see, light natural light. Stay is really like reassuring, but educational or authoritative, get understanding. You know like when there's a horrible by endless sex education plasma there like go home. Look at It's really with play with it. Pleasure yourself get familiar with and when I hate the brave
really. I thank you thank rather just like dressed in the dark and shame those really familiar with robot. He really, you really be convincing eyes. Do that. The voting from of your item sells over therefore, without already is dependent on whether cosy baby you're late we met twice. This is one there's just no popped into my mind, but can you control the lights in any way? Can you like make the move? punch and Judy show you might like talk dames. What you owe me a beer you bit silly cookie, now finances. I guess
you can control the muscles within? Can you control that? I am not I swing indoors or anything, but not like more rocky things. So loudly aims is lit. She's doing like a crab pins, a movement to illustrate the lit peacock picks up with them. Now we want intellect flit burgers or something so ok. This is a bit more in depth. If you like more, death. We ve been like right into the urethra, read our way. We serving secretary Men orgasm, obviously they attacked late coming upon yeah yeah, Why don't you just said? Yes, it happens with women like it, to clean light clean break, as it is clean plate, the terminology, is my bay. Does anything? Come out, ok, can you
you got to start as all short, when a woman gets arouse, they tend to get wetter which helps with lubrication jewess helps us mortal. It should just Enrique pathetic. What would the plow that data blushing it with one eye was on the side. That is a quote from those Washington but yeah as you engage farther and farther into your sexual activity There is a if you really proficient and what you're doing in Europe, both on a really lovely time in the sexual cuddled Mummy might decide exactly. A girl could also ejaculate oh come as we would colloquially call it. Tonight's discussion is absurd. I think there is discussion is that's. I think, that's cool, I mean some women can square others. I think it already amidst squirt? Yes, it can at night.
Other regions this: is your nigh princess, squirt yeah, so that words it brings that visa at no other want things to take to gross it affects people could be opened. The dinner, beating a pudding amounts in the Middle Go Nash. Chocolate poured a stick, Utopia put it, but could you expand on please? I can say, as it sounds, sometimes I can be a bit more power behind that orgasm, because Europe is open. Means vintage one Jimmy a two thousand or three thousand Mary different tomorrow. The pumping the combination of I don't know. Actually how commonness is other than is not common to build more poor thing will inform people love. Domain. There was a thing in Poland with it yeah, but isn't all over poor is like every woman squirts in Poland,
Have you checked? Every video he's done is research and I didn't because our today's I've been on a few hours in a recent survey by me, I found sixty percent of women has been a recent bedrooms, but though it is, that common, but you know I'll show you think you ve got a pretty good job of maximum squirt pouty, if you yourself handy that I'm Inga and TAT, if your sweater, but at our opponent GMO actually pleased as well Emails, icon of emails with the subject like I'm a scooter! Thank God you tat them Dave exactly So have we answered some of your questions? You feel a bit more enlightened. Now I feel like I'm armed for future chapters. I won't have to ask these questions young. Thank you.
Thank you know you work but also feel free to keep asking the questions. Even you can ask on workers. You can ask to support over the side after the also occur. Not may one of us like Jamie anytime jobs on her feet. He knows the female body much better. Well, I fear this is not the last time we want to do this by letter, Maggotty, regular, showing part one done gap. On Fisher, thanks, guys, yeah before we go last, we did ask you. If anyone was musical to write a song to fuck me care, materials. These majestic line. People really did step didn't know we had so many other entry. It wasn't a competition that wasn't the benefits that they had. So we would get in touch in said, does their interpretation and there was one there is a particular? favorite on down so well yeah people love it. So we thought we play a little snippet on the park at this can be a reward James for great aunt school. Unsurprisingly, it's called fuck me. Can I change the name,
it's by Clare and she's, playing on the ukulele at it's. Also, a beautiful instrument for peaceful, solve such place out its clear with fuck me. Can you can just like me so so bad I mean that's one. Seventy J W man, just where the matter at hand still fast and the train. On the day, camels and me all the way I find you solely therein, hardly heard the camera wearing clinging to ghostly. Suddenly tat, let me by my vagina, let's can gristle attempting remain like began just ain't, so so badly beaten. Day. That's why seventy g double
just what I am concerned about the building only now, I just ones in F in massive is worth a viewing girls, just dream of a proper doing tat The wedding, shabbily shop is a bottle he's going to land We can just about me. I ain't you, oh so, I mean I do not want seventy J W. Managers when you really care about, and only then will the champagne
upon my flowers, a down the child she showed so bold naked we might be, but I need you to penetrate me: Big popularly tanks can lay head on the table. You can hide the camera cable, but we can just so badly. I mean that's right! the tv, never man, just when really Gaza
time at eight sound so badly. I think that's one. Seventy J W man, just when I am concerned about building a building down their noble and airlines can make me do it.
and I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fund will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan. Dual sports book out from the Iowa Appstore herbage fanned, will dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast? That's a c est. He must, between one years, older and present, a new Jersey and peddled India Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply common problem call one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.