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Footnotes: Who Is The Special One?

2018-08-30 | 🔗

We didn't discover the Special One's identity in chapter one - who could it be? Will we ever find out? Jamie, James and Alice examine your surprisingly detailed theories...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Home of habit, so if you wanna see online show on Monday the third of September go to my dad was appointed. I come now to find the tickets benwick. Now the first footnotes of this theory, quite exciting as soon Isoude back on a Thursday, guys so diverse chapter and as predicted we still know close knowing who is one is James. I dont like hearing you so disappointed. You really should have a pad yourself or that we have got that weird figure in the church, though, that could be something to do with it. Jamie don't have time a unified? Why get is hopes are probably the cleaner? It's like saying to somebody. Who's got a box wrapped up a Christmas. A little kid saying could be a bike not by his defies all logic budgets clinging onto because we have to find out of a special is this book. We after more people, have been sending in their theories about who it could be granted for the past twelve months, literally the last year people have, in light of the middle large, you just get email.
Yeah. What is like, I think it everyday people stop me in the streets, and you must know who is a genuinely don't know already. Cap has sometimes, when I saw you boys want what's going to write the special one, social one. I got one such emo here, a lady calling herself Elizabeth. I can confirm or deny that room she, everyone suspicious of everyone she says hello, hello, hello, one for each of us, so you probably been told this by several times already, but in book to act so tat- and I mean she's really gandhi- said James pops up the absurd Sir James mentions two Belinda that Christine arouse is not only the receptionist but also in control of information flow or what you would call a spy what river this is old Alice Loan either you take a he's. Christine
with the ass Chris baby. Peter has created a false connection with Belinda. Christina is an approval of this relationship because they are both spies working for team Bitch, Peter controls, the big deals and Christina keep an eye on who is coming literally coming governing dubbing from reception. That's Elizabeth Things Peter Christina are in Cahoots, so does that mean that she thinks that Christine the special one. Don't wait. He saw Berlin daily. I honestly think that this is gonna be way by adding the revelation actually happens from Rocky proceeded, doesn't work, steals pots and pans, and we know that the special one does right and it's just been promoted. We know that about the special Jimmy. I'm not saying Elizabeth and expert she's, just offering her Harry mean the fight that she's this invested says a lot about Elizabeth. I mean. But the we won't even go back to book to chapter tend to verify whether those directly by well, I can't be bothered, take my word for it, but absolute, which has been alight with fear reasoned speculation.
It is quite incredible that behove, it's been worrying. I think Sally hits on the head. The most she says there is no special on what might be able whenever noakes it'll, be forgotten by the neck. Spoken will never be mentioned again. Sally, that's very gossip Take Mr Exocet remind me again why and Eightys east german intelligence officer is trying to bring the UK to its knees via the medium of kitchen web and of splendid special, I'm asking other on questions that I really like. Jades input she's as one hundred percent either Berlin draw Bela Belinda, because she's the main character and having had been infiltrated by, would actually be well written plot to S Bela, because I feel she's plain stupid animals without writing. Outfit costs. I am I start issuing dividing up. There is a huge, huge red flag on both, but she had the budget funding
She. She has only a grand money, James, why you spend it on a Friday night out. Another vote for Belarus is always encouraging the rest of them to keep drinking and spilled the beans. She was on the dumb go a lot, but I reckon as a brain up that. That's why you lost me. A lot of jobs as well as those amongst waited. My money is on design being, especially one. She was promoted. The k I say and Tony's near misses hashtag double promotion watch CAS. I, that is a key sales, fails man. No, he said he's ass account gear yeah, I love Alison, is no victory more than we do. I think that was a kid managers, nothing! That's the thing that she's talking about were too deeply tragic. Blue has got a very, very interesting angle, so I think it's, the long lost child of the duchess format. Has ski instructor got her pregnant at swift?
she school for revenge, or maybe it's a team with the duchess. After all, family, yes, family is at the centre of it. All we ask is that what was settled that family yet firm, God, people really dig, don't less easy, blue blue, but how and I hope that that doesn't mean that Belinda's, especially one and also the Dutch, the longest articles that be ready, wit with what they ve done. A cadet Eliza things is actually the duchess, because in German, but one at the end of it, won't you has to come clean about something and she starred hinting at like a conspiracy, but why has that actually does some plots it with this guy worrying so haggle she was gonna, come clean gets and our neighbours will be nice She didn't tell her, I thought so what we wait that long, maybe rocky was like seeding early on and with we forgot to say people need to Darwin read some.
Actual activities. If these into Belinda blinked, they love actual. Let you go the whole world out. There goes imposts Pandarus said: what's the chance that Belinda just hallucinated everything posts, cockroach massive chance, he shouted who's. That disease said a lot of the posts. Car crash of does actually see, but it could have been several nights worth of metal. Will induce destination was blocked, lands which the said the kid? This is why my simple exit bargain basement land he's got. A point of view is bought share its battleship. What my Aston thoughts! It will be some when we ve never met and tat night, and it will be revealed casually in chapter seven mid sentinels, never thank bag. I think you're in the US. The ban, Johnson, I think, has preserved the truest thing yet witches.
The special one is rock events to ensure that what you think he's gonna actually right itself into the boat begin. Would you put it passed it on me? I wouldn't be surprised, like a lay text mask some pills. Are often he sent me away hospital style? That would mean that I would have to read only my dad's writing, but Hale tat. Writing about Thomas is a friend of mine. Clearly its billion dragon mean who else would stoop to this level of espionage I fell in Asia. I wish this is his triumph. Better Christine's got an interesting theory. Sir James got winds. Wife who tragically died in a parachute and accident, was actually taken ill, a nurse back to health by secret spy organization. Only too
washed and trains will demonstrate the pots and pans, and her accidents, of course require extensive, less exerted unrecognizable, but also allowed for a brand new identity. The identity being Belinda Blumenthal Bacon to James got wins wife at Belinda, the same person. That is bad shit. You know all that makes about my senses. J J Maxie says is assured The blueskin from Jim there's mutate past of silly thy silly become obsessed with Christine's plays print now, so that we can give it to rocket Clare kind of concurs. I think it's a blunder pasta,
facial surgery done by mockery, gas very good and Julia said Bella because of the Belladonna mix of names. I've seen this. If you tell people that wasn't a mistake, I can assure you, though listeners it was a mistake, is what I meant to dad. He looked so sick can do everything turns out. He got outta. The people still talking about at the hammer has gone into the detail of the last chapter of book, three ass to be someone with an online bank accounts, and that can only be You people has been in the night data only character, who's ever use. Modern technology of any kind is Alfie linked in smallish, because really woman dressed as a man, had no idea how to do his job crush. The ode to joy to spy still got a walk just saying she was talking about
new range, although that was just occipital? Wasn't it, but he doesn't work steals. Exactly Liam has said, and this person doesn't work deals either, but this actually is interesting. Hazel Oh no, he said why he said oh, randomly bump into Belinda on a flight and then bring on gazelles hand, do a likely store. Well, I love and explanation for it and it does what it is: fine poor, we alone Hazel. Georgia, said that it has to be just sell because she's marrying Tony to get closer into the company. That kind of report debate most sense. Would I quite like that failure costs as hands up who thinks its hands, for instance, absolutely no one. No one's gonna origin says Laura Alexandra could cause net solve, whose lot who's that out that's Greek Collins Keys,
assisted in larger she's, conspiring with Peter Ass to take steals down because the english or beautiful, but stoop Caroline, just ass, the woman from the chocolate fountain of doktor Robins, someone said Norman. Ok, how about my favorite friends, Tonia name, lays or Norman Toggery over soon came up on Belinda CVS, one of her referees yet, and we said he there is no Norman tokenism. Facebook people set up northern token emanated loads of atheling tens of Algeria that Belinda's ogling said someone's. Maybe he did for Belinda Blumenthal Sustainable into twitter like people, just how are you sure you south Militia says that maybe it was Betty, Wilkes and Vicki Woods sloppy business attire could have been a cover. Hayley says, I think the idea,
its special one is does Martens now ex wife, oh, that would be good. She'd have inside a knowledge of the company and her Simon conclusion closely coincides with the divorce. I don't know what that means. Isn't that such a thing as spousal immunity was? Let me see you too have to testify against your spouse. What your experts the has gone through a maybe not divorce, does take awhile famous with whips out Jackie. Please now I think you'll forget he wrote it and to start but something else may be an in depth chapter about train journey or is it on a level with it? We conduct of it every possible is anyone. We have mentioned tar gold gene. Once again. What she's, not simple, it is lots of things you pull the other than that. I think we ve mentioned late for chapter two, a Monday because I actually caught handle his dress, is getting too
sillery characters we can even care. Is it don't exist? Does my wife, I mean what it shows it could literally be anyone. I just hope that it does get reveal the humblest very worried that you will forget. I think Amy Pussy right when she says after much the duration? I still have no answers, but I remain utterly thrilled as aspire at all It is through the best plus. I finally well, no matter what your personal theory is of who the special one as we hope that you will all be listening intently for chapter two, a Monday, because I actually caught handlers dresses into much it's great to be bought and ways so excited about. What's to curb yeah socio Monday, special lunch, nowadays, as airlines, would never gonna find out.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.