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Footnotes: Your Sex Stories

2019-11-20 | 🔗
After Belinda and Bella's bonkathon around Australia, Jamie, Alice and James read stories about the most unusual places YOU, our lovely listeners, have had sex...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to my dad roads of Porto. Let's put no time. How are you both our glorious great, let's have a laptop soda but little to what our know, how such sad needs and that, how some quite incriminating hoardings on it over God seriously. Oliver attics do not open it. Might everything is that they left the bag. They saw the back. They took the laptop out of the
They left the Bible. I don't want them to leave the past events, so in this week's chapter, Belinda Umbrella found themselves in Australia and they had sex in many. Many weird and wonderful locations are useful to the beach. Where else will everywhere about. Basically, basically, they have the giant but of course, that they made from about hack into the big. Sixteen personal and which we presume they had the orgy and began they ve gone all over the shop. So we thought we fund to ask you guys were the weirdest and strangest places you sex and my god, you aren't shy. Get I put this outrage that around thinking one or two responses, probably thousands, I'm not even sure I couldn't keep up. It- was ridiculous that the amount people want to share,
That means I wanna be anonymous. So let's keep everyone's dignity. We were mentioned any names. Jesus Christ right here was a start is just for your basically isn't. We ve talked about a theme of thing inspired by this week's episode, but honestly, I kind of like to read that it is already well legs and girning. The thing that struck me most was how many people have sex in Mcdonald's. Oh it's hard to even use the life. You not a patron of the fast food chains. Are then I'm presuming the toilet, or do you just mean by the sources? Will his wont used to Working Mcdonald's and have sex with you
party table not while it was a party going on. I want you to remember a fifth birthday. We lose both these Mcdonald. Why did we do the idle to those figures? It is cheap. It was easy wasn't on Rollo Mcdonald was that I think, are a hamburger remind member Hamburg. He was very strange way. That's why I was he when you're laboratory, that's another Mcdonald's worker. I used to work a Mcdonald restaurant and have had sex in the storage area in the roof, the freezer of other dementia pigeon unto the walking refrigerator Chile, but the thrill of getting cool added to the Simon, don't shut where you eat. That's why some of them only require the headlines
and for me this is a winner literally outside by the dumbest over the strange ransom. Patrick stay, I dont, even if the lay said and assigned of obvious amabel, this one spoke at one time. I got very, very drunk and a guy that I met a club as voluntary about his place, but he lost his keys, so they ended up climbing through a window and then down their sexual encounter, and he thought of the strange chair to having your house, but didn't they can think of it and late. On his sober up, and then he realized that you that she climbed through the window of a church hall and the church plinth. Oh my god, what made six in the church all good Lord, that's obviously not appropriate that kind of cool Coptic, not not about some way to space. I ve had sex in a goat, shed. I've been out of an attack nibbled, my pomegranate nipple gonna go to school. Children came to visit, the go to my nipple was bleeding and I wasn't in agony.
As there is a lot that let some pack so she was it, a gut will, even as a goat shed and she got actually nipples by a real live animal whilst having, I think, she's. Having sets a human and then go ahead, was enabled her nipple when she was concentrating on other things. I mean, I don't know how you wouldn't. About coming up in my have energy like that? You it before it got the nipple. You think, although in that kind of moment, your attention might wonder yet and then apparently, yeah yeah, boatload school kits rocked up horsewoman doing with a lot worse, if wondering at work, but not sure she was working ever go whatever schoolchildren
kind of us more questions than answers. It isn't. It really does have a couple of similar one looks at what really syllable sector that boyfriend incited to export without due sex. They were walking through Hampton Court Palace and they started to have sex it a bush and she had no top on a just heights of Oscar no top palmed gas was topless, but public as girl very Belinda, better knowledge that I was in full throttle on top shake him a body before we knew a young kid. Watching as after his foot book kicked into the now, it's not a baby, go towards not what I am going everywhere. In these other say they approach. The good old traditional dad did to court. Is six wives. I mean that's thinking only of the year I mean maybe on illegal. Maybe you well did you know he didn't do that traditionally done many times, although we need a shoe the kitten
rather than being like watch this video gotta these persons it you think she says my husband and I had sex in my parents close it once they came home and we were right in the middle of it in that bad they right into the closet. I decided to finish up about that. That's disgusting, horrible right, similar attacks in the cinema, disable toilets knockout during mean gills as it was. A bloody, are fulfilled no one more funded about leather by land, hey attention when you learn something in it, it's mean tat, stick for a reason gotten here my boyfriend and I had sex backstage at assert, dislike hast party behind the restroom trailer. I couldn't even joy because those certain was gonna get fired. Why is everybody having sex you're upset the work so delay, though, be very bend area? Then? Oh, my goodness, lexical lasted men and women.
But these inhuman, isn't it how much they can vote. Please keep this anonymous, and this one is from Monday on a couch on the side of a mountain. The cap should be met for quite, article about roads that is making me feel so beige a juicy. So, as you can imagine it be spongy and full of life, stuff or net was postponed in their husband on a clean it. This is mad because we ve been to some landmarks in a half together and very busy places. If you go to a major city in your climate hour, I've kind of had sex at the top of the sea and tower in Toronto girl Office with at the time, and I decided to take a remote control vibrator with, is to add a saucy twist to us. I think they ve taken props remote control. We entered the base of the Tao with em,
in place and having given the vibrator. A few test runs before we arrived. However, we were both somewhat concerned see. We would have to go through an app what style, security, including body scanners, worried that it might lead to open questions about the device use, concealing and the trigger for it in my pocket. Fortunately, we passed through security with no alarms being self. Hopefully the story has not now call it. My c entails a curative like that because of my macaroon fund labelling list and end up having a very enjoyable visit to the famous landmark. We even managed to get an inch In tourist vote has taken while she was having to conceal the fact that I pray TAT was on full power wants, whilst others, but to be felt like, even if they saw the insecurity, the body to take them off. You ve breakthrough in the scientific world. What world we live in? If you can't take it, right throughout the entire? It's a good idea to live in it. If someone says a peddler in Corfu them. I believe it's sick people without alarm. Eleven Iraq does you paid for it. It's hasn't buckets. They weren't aboard
But who was peddling one of em, I guess, while at the same time, while they sailed round the cliffs out of sight of the beach and they made it back in time for the sixty minute limit. So everybody wins, always too long. Isn't it sixty minutes, not a peddler, say gonna have to spend some time to something else, because you don't need, I say thirty five minutes MAX and then you just waiting to take it back in Germany we were all other purpose. A peddler is rowboat such a book. New York really fun for ten minutes, and we will see what we do now but let me just made you rose rounds. I got it has been so boring occurs, but this is very adventurous. Scattered lists wishes that sets out the airport at the gate
Anderson Coat, nor is it a cemetery. Man had a dark it. A library required yet would have been quite unsatisfying. Sack tat would make bigger than one time in a car in a parking courage where I was beeping the horn with my eyes,
Even imagine he or she is. I mean very Belinda, very Belinda, this one's quite exotic. We had sex camped on an unrestricted part of the great wall of China. It was wait to hear how the facts, if it's like being in a green house and its presence as forgot, walked off shrugging Oji someone here saying: I actually lost my virginity in a secret room behind a bookcase, how the house itself was a historic moment still cyclic. Historically. A caprice, though, is this. The duchess is how to get my regret that the house itself was a historic mention. Someone was playing Beethoven's fit
in the other wing of the house shots. I spent the entire time trying not to laugh. My partner didn't seem to notice the music. I still can't hear it without bursting into a fit of giggles. To this day I beaucaire, but also thank you. We story this person did it in a solar. It was turned out. There were forty closed. I once had sex in the toilet, Blackpool Bus station. We broke the toilet people visit to this very day. You can see that toilet the family was waiting outside. Having heard it all against a wall between the church and undertakers during her sisters and get each would put a leather, the next door to each other, so efficient Bialik? Why is it with people and walls? After bent over Hadrian's wall near my boyfriend, around a lovely walk and no one was around so one thing lead to another
What do you mean? Not one thing: that's what happens when you went for lovely problems, that's what happened and we re created the Henry the Fit out. That's his one, not me getting laid by once walked back to my bed in an eighteen that hostile dorm thought. This was very per yeah. To find a couple going out on my bed come on now thinking I could make it funny. I just perched on the under the bed: instead them which didn't seem to deter them. I then tried clapping effect, which only encouraged it isn't that how you shoe away, I'm raccoon not stop people having sex and new hostile bet. I slept on the floor then, one of them directly piss themselves, which calling my hair through the sheets, beautiful holiday, five stars, unchecked adviser this move goods national exit, hot and heavy, and then they heard some weird noise is like a low picked screen and it is a third of goats. What is this
we don't know avow. Have you heard to go screamer now it s a really high, pitched like quite human scream, it's hilarious together how to cut its videos of people around the world. I think he has a good it's a high pitched. Can you give me a little to as not even if you Literally a pack of those as you go in there is competition. Someone takes in a smarter recently. It does not allow room ass, though it is only if a jerk a better get in the way this place. I've ever had sex with an adult run, used to work and live in. My boyfriend would go with me on the weekend to take care of the boarding animals and we lay down blankets and fool around while the dogs run around outside so strange behind, sex in a room that smells of wet dog year in January. This wants from you on a set on fire.
Age in a theater. I didn't know it at the time, but the guy was technically living at the fates alike and sleeping onset for free in exchange for work Ladies and gentlemen, we are doing this is offered my backstage. I can imagine that require from place those but no onstage, four hours there s hearing a panther, very I've Jamie's out. Will you oh you're. I dare little Langdon earlier little conquests whereby this one, this is old, school videos gains I'll other blockbuster. We both rather than with video gay mild, but they were very exposed block, but there was no cover but often do I often robot overlap what I'm getting low from a lot these people all right
leave all the ring to high like that. Just cause. That's gonna pull the king, isn't it doing outside danger of being who? I just don't get that, though, because you know sometimes when people are against the clock that can affect the foreman, I think thinking that somebody's gonna burst in surely that's can have an impact, but obviously no obviously not once had a blow job in the back of my thoughts call whilst he was driving. That's all that makes me want to cry pretty sure he hadn't a clue, pretty sure someone with satellites someone on a flight. They, both jerked of together, like they were like turned on by the independent Ngos, are like. Oil anything that smart way with those airline, blankets girl, I think Maghreb, another put them in plastic, but where they come from to recycle it strange and also pay these past. It come on guys. I've got it on her. We can relate to this train toilet whilst drunk covering our way, which may not sound original, but here's the other trauma
It was one of those big cubicles with the automatic delight. Hon opens really that's anxiety about eyes. When a young girl and her mates came on a press, the button all either of us could do with stun there with our pants down, looking very sad and sorry and repeatedly jumping the door then how to hide in that until the end of the line, they were just high to give us all it whenever an Oscar off because of the shame, but I've been to the toilet just to do normal toilet things not have those, and you do panic that ledges can open and eighty life I swear, they don't law can also was they talk to. You now have the majority,
see and maternal love, hello, I met toilet. Oh yeah, please be kind to me. Is that what I have ever taught you knows the weirdest ass. You can't think of anything on sexier than a british train toilet anyone best saw reparative. I voted once open a door on an old lady in the talks in the tuna yeah between energy fellow she was on the table on the olive oil and sorry semantics shoes on the toilet chose the soldiers. That's what you mean. Why did you do that? I can just sudden locked it probably another Ansari economy to whimper noise. At least it was me what sets pursuing love a good person, so I just close the door again and went on a very well. You know I never spoke of again let that agriculture should be regulated in Vienna for night shot automatic this one I feel at Youtube or like one specific detail of, because it seems to be a lot of these toys, which has just having sites outside which I guess I got went for a walk on some class. Neither see and procedures have sexy times with mine,
in a secluded bet. Next to the sea and a curious seal state to watch the show seal. The artist I don't know I was there, but is it- is broken, saved, Avenue OPEC? This was pre, hardly a k, so there seems to be themes building at work outside in the car. This takes a turn I didn't expect setting friends cottage on the dining table. Think rustic, canadian, my then boyfriend. I bought new anal beads, warlike poles. I think tennis foresight, and then he was well pulling them out of me. This other look interconnected, broke off and I was left with one tennis. I saw one dead, his size, solid, glass bowl in my ass, so I had to go into the outhouse washroom again think rustic and literally fish the ball out with my hand, with a lot of dedication leave out.
Less willing retrieving the last ball. The end. Somebody like it's a beautiful, my God, released or use, make me think Belinda blink, not that we actually people go to waken. You stuff, I feel so beige, although they were so good. Thank you some and also could you sail to serious note. Thank you so much for actually trusting as little story. Kind of the reason that you did the yet we ve posted the publicly already well, thank you for sending them that their hilarious, others loads, more solar arms can occur in reading. We have definitely most at risk
or the blinkers getting some well lawlessness or a sexy bunch alice. You confinement.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.