« My Dad Wrote A Porno

My Dad Wrote A Christmas Porno 5 - Part One

2020-12-06 | 🔗
Jamie, Alice and James are back to read a festive chapter from Rocky that is so long, it can't be digested in one sitting.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
It wouldn t the holiday season. If there wasn't candy right, celebrate the holiday season with the holiday crass based, sprinkled candy with a holiday theme and fine pact challenges. Every week for five whole weeks finishing on January forth, the more challenges you complete, the better, your chances of unwrapping delicious rewards. So are you ready to crush the holidays? Play the holiday crush now downloaded from the app store? Google play or windows store for free terms and conditions apply the following pulled: cost control adult themes, sexual content and strong language, basically all the good stuff,
hello and welcome to them? My dad wrote a porno Christmas special twenty twenty James Alice how'd. You both been good. He hasn't it because I have had no anxiety up in totally cover all time, never panicked. It's been absolutely I mean it feels way to actually be doing. This does is ITALY on behalf of Europe's we should say we are socially distanced overhauls like a healthier, and yet we ve had to come to the only place that could fit Solon whilst distancing, which is Jamie's country pile mama he'd here some renewals right whole. Thank you. It's nice to see both This is so ya. We have been in the same room since we celebrate your birth in September, yes unavailable,
flat down. If I remember how we all want it in a minute strange, what have been you'll go to distraction techniques are completed, Netflix I've even watching like something homemaker. Mr Christmases, FEST poems takeovers? Why are you always? I was desperate. There was nothing to do. You know where I started watching from the beginning and not not matter what dozens Craig yeah whenever that. It's not like this. I can quote two are used to watch it as a kid grown up. I loved Rosen's grief totally miss me let the whole thing, you were either an o c or Dawsons Crete person. I need my thinking about a social pariah. Having the whole thing is is totally leader Christians, easy but thrilled obsolete, whereby we, you guys know the import hub, gave one free membership.
that's what I opened a logic, they really yak, as they were saying that you couldn't have sex with people. Even your part, like do from behind aware amass school, which you knocked before I was a baby. Is true, you had to do it w nothing, although that was caveats breathe on people. You say so obviously, as far away from each other's now back against the wall, and they make us anything why it does not facing each Emmy doggie or nothing. That's very extreme ivy likely created authors are like a rocky Flintstone chapter died. I felt everybody this. and again, mosques for years is like finally Enrique as allies. I told you German, just looking at your lovely Christmas tree. You have a hook up. Look if spiritually, all speaking a Christmas tree in the wording I wanted. I don't get too excited they. Our Christmas decorations, for both of your anatomy, is ineffective way. What is happening.
Then I so James. Yes, it's overseen Oji. Is this the right size, beautiful thankee you up and then Alice it'll have occurred over J J. That is the difficulty for the change it when it was, the clothes like a gap will think integrity. Attackers and I mean I'm no expert, but it doesn't, let not latin sure hasn't off the rotten pipe and I met you know of is its close enough is green James. It's definitely glittering Allison, full on virgin, explain to me some of these texts on your tree of gossip does a bird of peace. I see the design is drawn to the crab the crab. That's like a family joke. Theirs I'm not gonna believe in one, because one of the family got crops, one Christmas, and now we always talk about it- is my sister lives in crab key. So it's a bit of a thing and then there's a really cool one of the role of a whole, and this apparent
I say: that's nice little, humble brag, her Christmas tree, I played there. I basically get it duration from every Royal concert hall that I played a no no dad got at me to say well done supplying guilty site autumn. A laugh once knew. I gave him on the same Christmas. We later we'll send your problem and know what a smug little family, if you wanna Bobo, What's that one at that, that's motor active to use mobile that with you, we results, but talk about ships. I wasn't on every decoration of my tree has a story of course. Of course it does. Of course it does not look, there's! No. I pull a six from tests guy. That's why
Of course, every bauble tell I come Ireland Levine or now we're missing, but it is a lovely treating thank you. It was what I thought you know festive, let's get in the mood our reading, yet another Christmas Belinda Prevention, while we're thinking Festive Lee, was that a Christmas present that stands out from your youths that really made an impression. I remember getting. The Tracy Island one, yet all my right hand Thunderbirds. He had made the blue Peter version the year before that it was a lovely. It was so share. Very high parents bought with a real one and its whispered They were quite so after that you can go live no money, oh the Buzz lightyear. The eighty I mean the one that sticks. How is getting a bike and it sticks up because it was so badly about what two
We also bike. I guess it's like the best, but what coming right, because you must ask president you're the one that's it out of here, that you asked to seek to cells what yours walls? What would you do if she can't think what I got, but I certainly member particular Christmas list. I write em and, as you can, and precautions and demanding that the ice sprout. Would you like a recipe? Mother? That's all! I want a brute machine. I actually thought that you could ask for anything It was free because when you six, you think that some bring it. So I guess it is mine- is opposites. Just your parents, knotted shot of illusion for new earnestness sport is an unsafe. Distancing of lead knows something about your child authority. I think I'm going to my teens before I let go centre. Are you fucking? Joking no shut up what you mean.
Thing. Let me like you in denial, or do they all disabling two's? I did your sister minister told me about carried either. Oh, my god, you little sister being like James it down. Yet I think it was part like wanting to go on like I was just a child who let the magic, if at all a child. I we would have ass. He stood in the love the magic. If I was a little you believe incentive when we met you know noted another budget. Everybody got around, and then did you walk in the remittances load. Remember that companies must lie just one day like offhand was just like change in their substance. I realize I difficult, but I take your own. Like I had questions before we have.
I wanted. I just get me wrong. I was curious, I don't think so before, like the handwriting on Sundays, cod look suspiciously out. My own tvs and things like, but I just went along with excited like to tame internet worries. Me only set his teeth. He hasn't said whereby were twelve or thirteen, I'm really onto which adds no listen to this day, not anymore, I can't believe you secondary school tat could have devastating James Edit this out. Sometimes I wish I controlled the others, so this book something's chapter were reading. There is a challenge we will actually have to tell you something. It is about getting James but the day after Carlito them swing. It into the room, guys yeah. Let's sit down, you never guess what
of course, our muscles. Your mother was like finally to notify the pretended that ridiculous pretends that James going to bed at six p m she's like it's by rude opposition. The current Angela combine. Other bidpai entered another bit of Burundi to what we have today. I feel it is a bit of explaining ways. because what we spend even more than normal, because dad's gone very. What's the word mad ambitious response concerning yeah he's kind of written, an epic which meet like a whole book, Ribby fucking long as though I think I'm not sure we gonna get it all and to day just everyone you. So what split it? Let's see how we go about, we might have to come back for two. I've got nothing of the kind of Mesopotamia
today, for me, please visit. If you could wisdom that we will. Hopefully we will get it done if we don't just under three will arise and the conceit, they stood. Nobody could Lord above Sweet baby Jesus and not manger. He's kind of based on our family favour. Christmas movie what are we gonna get sued out, nor was accorded than the one about the old man, and these not nice was that one? Oh, it's one of alone that is our aid code? It's a blink and allow these really cover this basis that we caught up in it. It's a have you both see that move because it happened. This could be a very long. I saw it for the first time last year is about a guy who wishes hidden have been born, and then he sees what the world would have been like. If he had never been born,
So this is about Belinda, yes, but to the tune of it's a wonderful life indeed, by there's gonna be like that little girl lose lie. What did she say every time, women's angel six wings Ga just visit by his guardian angel basically has claimed back demanded watch it years ago by did fall asleep in forever. So this will be a great his long? Is longingly law such as this are we? Are we ready so ready mode Christmas guy? Merry Christmas, every was lovely to see you see. Let's Christmas at this has become a tradition like no other. This is a tradition. I've kept him more, probably than any other Christmas tradition to this. I would not missed for the world, so I'm so excited to be her. Yes, if someone is in it materials to get him a gal,
I remember how in ITALY, at the clock and using Latin Ravenstein yet spoken, Japanese, that's ok, Belinda blinked its blinkin life snow is falling all around about children play a cape discovered by having fun. This is not ok. We all gonna get complaints. What that that's a merry Christmas, everyone shaken Stevens, so snow is falling. All around me, children playing having fun Belinda thought you concerns long Belinda thought ass. She sat behind the wheel of a swank pants jack. You are all rich with regimented heat filtering,
but her mind was as mad as King George and a scared as a spice go, I'm sorry bought scatters, a spice girl, she's scare re she's, not scared, but King George was mad fencing you see, she had stolen a couple of ink cartridges from steel, the hand and set a print off a festive newsletter God. Robin ought to be on that mailing list. You, those families, do newsletters Iverson all obsessed with Gertrude. university this year, no one cares a very british phenomenon because receive all have both low, wouldn't mainly like from people that we don't see any more. We have only a clear answer to your family send one unless I feel like
Now, if I got my present Levine's be the ones to do. I resent I'm sorry if we have a law of news that we want to share with our loved ones, and I was just doing her fifth Chris was very proud of her. She hopes to find another vehicle soon gather always ready pedestrian not may is always like Linda gotten. You cook, can she's really enjoying a similar or even some fantastic recipes that we speak with no lives. It showed with everybody that they don't know, but they still managed to fill two sides. You know how much fuck you lose if you got the. Hopefully this will be very short and also I've ones, Pat gets thrown Paragraph Africa. I feel that we're all thank you very specific family that they receive it wrong and, let's hope not listen to this so Belinda's, where those people should hang on Belinda's just sending her own. about herself the enormous impact upon our dear diary shocked. If you people If a majority of us what it'll be went, nausea knives you, so you see,
She had stolen a couple of ink cottages from steals pots and pans to print of her festive newsletter and that's what she said about. It was wrong: Gallus, Israel, illegal, even and he was sure that such James would find out and fire perfectly shaped ass, cheek by jowl, I go straight to the James. Does a Wednesday five happens when inconspicuous go missing? I don't mean to you for what I think. That's part and parcel of working in office, maybe not to cartridges. I'm inhabiting putting off a few envelopes I like to also only dealing with like corporate espionage and share, I think, he's a big official I was also she's fucking in the office. That would be my first she kept wishing she kept. King she'd never been born.
And the snow is poverty. I say as Erika I really can't you just gotta. We have never been born bloody criminal. She kept pushing she'd never been born and the snow was as heavy is her luscious bosoms balancing on each and every hunt bump of the poorly maintained, a road of rural Ishii, throw patent law of rule relations are not an area. Also, not rural. At all. Around you throw all. I'm thinking is applies, as we know it is. A bookkeeper is just the I don't have you describe. An apple is good I suppose it is not enough, but highly built up over an area, and this is an apple or one of the Christmas sudden knife and through her guilty too, she's, crying over it Belinda made a choice. She quickly, swerved off the south perimeter. Road and drove Future straight into the long for the river, what shape
but the biggest over reaction, I should say in the film he jumps into river, but because, like to know a lot more built like you'd like really gone to shit, yeah, there's like two hours work as she slowly drowned in the polluted mass of a waterway not often used for swimming alone dying that's what he's dying, but all that often someone grabbed her extended nipples and pulled her up the river bank safety whose strolling around by rule relish Heathrow by the river to pull out by an it I'll. Just when should ask opening her eyes, she was confronted by none other. Now, God, then James Spoon really famously dad. But, ah sorry it's I'm twig.
it's ok, I'm twenty writers! Note everybody right is no writers. Note spoons is now with two zeros as no longer a double low agent and thus has no number. That's me. nonsense. Why does he stopped sought to give writers notes? Well is odd, because James Spoon Spell ASP, zero, zero any are something he fascinated to explain the side. Now he's not a double. I wait. It doesn't have a number, but now he's got a number his name. It makes no sense We did what we had time we're living in what are the best stories are the ones that have to be explained, and you don't usually a footnote in a novel. That's usually an academic phase of right about the reason of said you might not found this funny, but
tell you for why spoons, I thought you were dead. She cluttered through bog water cluttered that like she's got, there was nothing else, but things I place in Africa. I am, I am your friend angel I've just wake. You he's the one is going to show her light. Sure sure I just at the edges, though it ignored the bodies that I won't, but ass there was barely reaction to being pulled out of a river by goes crying about stealing cartridges. I am I am your friend angel, not guardian dishpan friend Friend Angel Classic, frenetic, Belinda blinked, a city said the boy
water slowly drained out of her over worked orifices Belinda, Blumenthal, she'd, sucked it up in a very long covered by Albert I didn't picture coming over. I write the train of her over worked. Orifices and Belinda Blumenthal shook her head, determined to finish it on truly fucked spoons and the fact that I'm saying you talking to you is because on tat, isn't it so fuck off such an unusual reaction took Adina Reverend Angel and also the fact that she's come to terms with her death almost immediately ass. She really has, and also what would you say, fuck off. to the one person is that a guide you have been. I will find God your hair spoons shifted, uncomfortable on his strumming liar and Beth. lie. Like an old older guitar off is. It was a sit on what it is
although we fully dressed ass, an angel is like online is probably Sancho play lie. What's on the Guinness Rye is that Eliah have their harpy at having also Deasey sitting on it would be uncomfortable like it. What I ask as cherubs perch on them? Don't I Babies he's a full grown man. Are you this policy with a poppies nobody's about Christmas, spoons shifted and comforted on his strumming liar an answer. Three rated t it's secret, Is this a favorite tradition, Belinda Europe, nor did operations? This is even more point in this network peaceful tribute to your country. Not why would you want to? I think he lives on through spoon who is? Was it at an Belinda Europe? Nor did
just that you're not really alive ether cities that spoons trailed off play like to thank our as Egypt, wondering if God was to the office for a bit of an end of the day, chat the way your dad thinks that not only the mortal world This is the left steel world is organised, is incredible monarchies laying the groundwork for like a heaven spin off like they all the role in this office. Brad, Belinda laughed and quickly, replied your dad, I'm TED you're dead loss always happen. I'm a thief was wanting to be. We not tat. You just been told you.
Death and living. You haven't always wanted to be a dead thing. When I was a little girl, I wonder whether he was a dead sea grow of deadly. A piece of that has always been deadlocked slopes before issues that we have outlined again. Yes, your dad I'm dead, you're dead lost always have been. I would have thief always wanted to feel like you just did for the rhythm. The silence echoed around the muddy riverbanks silence. All she's done is done. Also how to silence echo vertical sentences. Barney israeli languages, like you, the gig spoons, had no answer, can't, explain you so Belinda Brightness after about five minutes, although, as you please, along the end of chapter, has to use, if performed,
You think he's looking for something really nice story is that just like gaps on the age, how big we talk in good page were a patriot gap. So what's the school, do we get luncheon vouchers for the country in order to sell service luncheon voucher is patchy. First question. Also: the luncheon vow shows that even from this area or, conversely, that will have to wait for him, no we're going to do a little hawthorne to the back of my liar it's not also be a gold. It's an instrument struck a chord. Do not the end of the learner it goes in a class liar still learning to drive a lot of ways only recently data, supposedly
how it were put on your side. Have you right out late on a liar yeah, but will do and then they re right, you know, is leaning on the high road. So for now we go to take a little trip. Hope on the back of my life. Shlomo G course: don't knock off the forlorn pollute and we'll get going with Canada site if Iceland or black sorry what's a d, It is a law of the sea knowledge that you do know hospital IRA extremity go I'm not getting on that thing. I thought you were an angel Belinda protested. I still need to get my wings right. Ok, wise. The hay will take place on how we got wise, the Heaven world, more thought out. The service deeds, nobody rules and so much thought I still need to get my wings. You she
every time. A bell end comes to an end, every time a bell and cost a lot of Asia gets ass, a bell and this diversity and just the tip I waiting for mine to every time. Someone comes Pavel somewhere, a friend angel get swings us be happening, ask and say people coming, especially as Christmas time is up. I hope you think about that Don't do anything? I've got an agents goes billions. when we listen to genuine the next next time you must have sex. we think it a gallant? Israeli, that's really gonna ruin a lot of fun, just a balance right and not. When a woman comes now
Alas, the balanced Belinda replied with a sour. Whatever spoons is making snapping spoon arrived up. The little fifty cease. Liar. I don't get about ecological, we are rising and the police back off very both chugged through a thick cloud bank of swirling myths, clapping really doesn't even non existent clouded. What's a cloud bank suddenly the clouds cleared like on a screen. Saver balloon three very much on the screen. Saver of clouds represent one like the windows media player screen saver. You got back in the day
what is it all clouds on I didn't and Belinda could see beneath her more than that it was somewhere she loved to go. It was the beloved pantry hotel of her glee team days, I'm she's by Heathrow and she's flown out of the atmosphere to go about harbour petrol health by any role. It is as the crow flies not the quickest way. He needs a feeble lessons. I would say food and sharp, nay, she instantly thought spoon apart the lie in the car park, locked the staring and they ambled into the tent was long bar. I would say how sad is there if he died? He died and the thing that you, MRS going to the pension by how much you miss in pubs God so much so actually for once. I don't think there. That's ridiculous. I do think just be sat in a poem. The pine
to be the phenomenon that has been the Petra, the longboat? How worried about what I wouldn't give? Well guys Cuba party the bomb and was on duty. That's lucky and Belinda reproached him with a big smile. Paddy shouted high fighting in Patty, looked up from cleaning a glass and ignore the completely cancer. So gonna find out how Patty the bomb and do, I would say exactly those it paddy coolly higher. It's me Belinda, you know, steals pots and pans those offices just down the road question how long she not gonna get it for, because, if any longer I submitted believe it he explained what he's doing Isaac Endanger its so called on quick party. Looked at her and then said: the spoons dont know what her game is son, but steals pots and pans are absorbed into Bush has to level. So what's your poison semi didn't ignored, as you can see here,
nor the bog terrible bomb and just totally ignores its patrons, not to shatter the logic, but you can see here. He also remembers her. So it's not like you didn't exit s, no he's out who's. This woman I've seen it before. So why would he give the update eyes she ass? She meant! Yes, she met she so high curious Belinda. You know it was still hot some pants down the road and these light. her game is some, but steals pots and pans were absorbed into fish hair salon over five years ago. The always northern irish padded don't know it's been a year. I kind of a house of new, certainly irish, better if he's wirelessly steals, is a subsidiary, not even light the controlling company just a branch of base. Sorry without Belinda it would be some kind of concession wow, you think about it over Belinda I'd, say you think about it. What, though, because you think about it, you Brian explode she's, the one that light got Helga from the F B. I it was
How the hell definitely see I've got the river polygamous, spearheaded the whole country. The other is full of shared political of it. What's your poison? What's your point, more life spoons applied quickly teutonic waters. I should lemon, please bond you both dead on early to get what you want exactly basque. As he's driving Belinda blinked several found a job, but Party Patty Coup. Don't you recognize me? Belinda look Belinda immediately pulled off her jacket and loud and through her bra behind Patty,
she smuggled how wonderful tits in front of his nose and squealed. Surely recognize me now she's getting arrested God, you ogled these tat so many times it doesn't. I think about Patty reacted suddenly night. Now that sort of laid behaviour in this hotel Madame try to run a porn free environment. Thank you re, so without Belinda that be no porn, that's the thing! Yet this whole world doesn't really operate with the same rules at all get out nigh allowed. This has escalated. Patty through Belinda's brought back over the ball and, what's more, your barred for life. Oh, my god. We don't want your short. Hey fidgeting with my irregulars you'll, have me in jail out everything they can to jail. Belinda blinked again, another Belinda still just not getting it. Spoons put the now half naked Belinda on the back of his lyre and spat out of the pantry car park as fast as I could use.
Strip Berlin believed it was moaning Yeah ambition, still So doesn't than that that something guy but Belinda, you told me you didn't want to work for still you wanted to be dead. Action is have consequences. If you're gonna steal to cartridges, the whole company will go to part. Can't you see now, but Linda was in denial. It was all a dream and she'd wake up with a massive ex miss hung over the massive bona. Spoon is fifty c c liar. Stop stop stop giving the flap Maria we drive like ready, bizarre vehicles. Spoon is fifty
c c, liar unsteadily hovered over the steals pots and pans car park over the office. Well, actually it was a bomb blasts site, Tony's jack you had just blown up as everyone had rushed out. The office is very soon after an anonymous warning had been received. So sorry, sorry, just get me had run this year. We ve gone back in time, which had another like a due by the way fifty say goes back to the bomb to the bomb, but the bomb wooden exist in this area t, because fish already over the whole thing out of line over five years ago. Yes, so we ve just come and we'd like some so multiverse what the fuck is going on singing It was an alternate universe that wouldn't have been any hell. Please plan and on how many other would anyone talking about you even be in this world? Let's hope so, but that has happened. Apparently, that's it
and somehow I now in a world where there has not been exactly where, since I will, I hope Rather, they are united in their court. Breathe Belinda, oh so lucky to have survived all asked, spoons, tersely, you sure about in an instant. I love how collaborative exhibiting his business That is also because she's, not in so he's like to have another look and she's that in an instant, the changed in multi colored Hughes to that of a hospital ward right in front of a sign that red fertility than exposition, isn't as easy as you think, loops wrong floor, chuckled,
over the Red Herring, little dog Christmas cheer forest had wrong foot, chuckled spoons, but Belinda stopped him wrapping up the courts because its authority, when he prefers to now prodigy, not know she was a lawyer players. They wait. She said for their further there, For that further raising further a further four, you know that
say something to you. Let us forget the beating semantic aviation area for their sitting. There nervous as a couple of virgins sat Peter. I'm Christina rose in the fertility. Click, ok, I'm going to get past. This can't be important because she said no. What she let me look splinters attitudes over. So this is a part of our education is a part of showing her. What would have happened is just by the by this is not going to be important. They was sobbing into each other in Dutch. Obviously, out of their debt, have you say: Belinda reproach them now, knowing the school. I cannot wait to hear rocky deal with. What I imagine is gonna be quite an emotional, delicate subject. It all the difficulty with fertility. Excuse me lovely couple who have ever met. She went to spoons me. Oh yeah obey my ass, the source of your problem. Now you may fuck off you are you the couple looked up at the
stunning stranger, it is me, I'm afraid, miss I'm impotent Peter Ass is impotent. Was that all Belinda shrugged I? What with loads of impotent people, I would worry? Does she know it's going now? Cried Christina, he can't get it up by with a guy who gave its trade presided over the coming days. God you must believe in it. You must believe in it. So, basically, when Peter assets in this universe, no friend ages ago, knowing how you never know what it and she's upset and sobbing in Dutch Belinda was amazed. How could this be the same? Peter arouse, who factor senseless, medium sized maize, because we're in an alternative reality, what you get Belinda, Fucking Idiot woman authority. Also. Why is that the thing that shakes her from her belief system system?
children potash, she's, fine flying on a liar as soon as they go about what was saying. How could this be? The same? Peter rose, who foot to senseless in a medium sized maize, but she kept her Cooper. HU, I have no fear Matin. May I try something on your hub. Can I say that dialogue is even weight of Indonesia, but way by talking to each other. May I try something on your she spoke shows a soothsayer. Thing we're thus poorer who's that arouses set in unison, crap on together. That's him. never speak in unison have regard we do so Yoke seen run Pisa. Anything would have as their desperate
The heavenly smiling Belinda pulled up her fast is many skirt and showed Peter her flashy fruit of fertility fresh, have flashy fruit of fertility, not terrible, actually rubbing in ineffective as she's rubbing outside sizes, are yeah I'll sensitive, oh I would feel something piece of exclaimed this is so deeply offensive is less conveying. The bare fatality issue is the Christina COM, made peace and all that was required, was vain to look at some one SEC. The thousand also fertility issue of agility issue isn't, like I'm gonna tell you, don't fancy a. Why not your life, a mega, unafraid plastic surgery, we think the Rhine, Whilst in and I lived, and then you should be observed when either you
blind or she turned her face and play a you choose Belinda blushed, while taking his long dutch donkey dick and brushing against her bush, strange that very solid Peters, friend, tingled and thumped from stump to Tipp sort, but what's pieces from his penis endanger Brenda the range of it, but in the smile passing patients as she began working is prick in her lady hence afternoon. How are you It's it's a rather unorthodox treatment that we often hear his thick outer Schoon decorated. Ache was a fake Sk Economic Della banana skin, his thick outer skin decorated with bulging worms of blood.
work. Is of blood to demean vainly worms of blood. His thick outer skin courageous, with bulging worms of blood, sucking how moved up and down with each motion it took an age as if, the shaking hands with every board member of a fortune, five hundred something so unreliable. I mean all of this is unrelated over whose about no oh yeah, yeah and architecture. Peter became a bit wobbly as he sensed a volcanic eruption from his boulders onlooker. If you haven't come in a while, she can around their better make. called the wing factories is. Can we go? That's my against season.
As I said on the edge of a controlling, and let me tell you this guy's a grab, a very good reason: Roma Dogmas as sensitive all kind of corruption from his boulders. He began. Grunting words with a native flourish head is in goods, wonder tat you have drawn up. Maybe do they can't wonder but I think I know what it means a conjugally journey by almost no one, and I did the spelling, of course I do so h e t I didn't expect. I detect a dutch good news with its word. I ass is over safe, ok, so forgot. It is next who heard. and then it is up to the next, but this is above all worried about the one I can write a k E. Ah s T Europa,
Oh and ye are to be- oh wonder I wouldn't it. was wonder, couldn't agree more, it's Christmas, wonder others core funding of language het is incorrect, when that that's level nice, I now say, is becoming heads. I mean that's not me, that's an impression that record some Oj Julius. Do that again and then I'll be Belinda. Your movies have ok, I'm embarrassed. I turned on their heads cost. What excuse me Chris, California, handbag five frequency Belinda between one, You speak risk, sorry, because this is gonna blow the indignity of it. I'm making a husband Tom who use not only
It may come from, however long and he's gonna come in your hum bag. Of course, MRS Rounds replied. Handing over her Christmas pudding shaped back well, at least. Is keeping cherry in these difficult I would question where Christina spunk Scott choose to have. You know something about her. She showed her. She did just. She handed over Peter served, own special brandy source. Would you stop hates humping it from the slit into the bag? but by and a bit over it in the most traditional fashion, fiscal humbug for Christmas, putting humbug full of Jesus. Maybe that's what I wanted to be fast. Belinda turned to look at spoons expectantly no wings. She saw no wings of somebody else, got them so Belinda.
she now is to one covers many many. She can't so that, as we all know, is that she just trying to help them now. You know how it was about its wonderful. I have. This is bad way off patent here, it's just going to your wife, fast and so like fast. What we're looking at here is a two part one for me. I really like new, not gene in front of the other party. ass? Well, so that's yours now! So do that what you will, so does she think they're gonna use the sample has been provided in the pudding bag and they're gonna go back into. We presented absorbing, though delighted grew right. If you could just give us a funnel le, we do. Where does TAT S going to work? As you know, he was a turkey baser that are actually mean tat. What I don't really know attack evasiveness its look. pact. Isn't it? Yes, you pull it that's hard to be the most technical are almost
effective mechanism. Surely any more? What would you use now because stroll at blow through a strong ogier? That's the technology shooter. I don't even know asked good luck. She out it a she and spoons to lie. At the next floor. They were suddenly in a beautifully decorated in barrow and full paints very lock up private hospital with him, Sir James Godwin, with sparing no expense for one of his key account manages to this important that what we have just experienced was- I just fella, all kind of bodies like the color and now this is going to have been important lifeless, and you know how we talked about how this charter was really long. I'm already find a bit. We can just could pull out.
If we here with miss nothing. Yes, Bela Ridley Leyva, stricken from the after effects of the bomb blasts planted by George Sylvester income. what's with the special one, none other than Gazelle Mars, chalk, averred de cloths, Nay Sylvester. We love a recap again, though referred to earlier comments, does make sense. Bela was an account make us that what you have little hope was present in the room That's the spirit of imagining a monitor without heart rate, in the monetarist s hope and, as I do little hope was present in the room where her best these were gathered. Does Martin can juice Bree. These are balanced, bessie
Finally, her brother about Bela's, mom and dad the pub would remain closed. This crusade does very give them in her honor as the door is dying in bed the purple to be included as a Christmas was too close family tat with a potential tragedy too fat, all public closest Christmas. I do you know what this is. The first Time of ever want to be in the Belinda blackboard. My base, our closer. We love, relate the vital organs. Monitor was a racket going be beep beep, but the silence was broken. I don't think it's a vital organs monitor A hot monitor is alive, kidneys, live, it's a rocket, also
He was saying that they're alive should be encouraged, that downplayed meets on turning off, but the silence was broken as the door opened and doktor stood walked in, but stud wasn't an ordinary doktor. She was a coma specialist and she had a job to do. She slowly went over the life, support machine device and switched off the machine. That's one method Berlin's her because it was beeping, sorry because it's annoying beat Bela Ridley with TAT like oh. I think other issues? I visited experimental approach as such or such out again Alice Balance that Happy Christmas. Thank you say: significant increase in this miracle. This is a cause for the occurs, wonder that might be a good place to two points.
This procedure I mean asked me being glib like this is quite shocking. Obviously, out of words, that's your problem. You wake up in the next sentence. Can you imagine that if you just walked into a room is a doctor, so all the best friends not a there, have been got you just wander over George, you and say words who she's a specialist. She knows what you do scares me ice You have chosen a little cliffhanger moment yadda since Bessie I mean walking over and stopping their and hovering by them London, she would have been. If I find out, I mean we ve dropped off the cliff and she's got better hurry, rocky way to deal with legal. If I give you the reveal all those,
yes, the combatants Vonnegut better come back to that will use we're going back, whether it be us will join as it is up to them. Next, we usually do not put on Monday. You wanna know this very now more than ever before. What else have we got today? What exactly has to say terrified, there's another half of that. Yes, which did feel long, and it was this hot, but you there's more. So why are we can't do? What was there was a page I would suggest pools. If you don't know, I think most of it may just both via Kay, so poor Monday's back for another time, absolutely stew it. Let us know what you thought of this mess. Yokota clinical and ass usual ways wise it twitter tat were forgotten them to be honest, tat rapporteur in Scram. My dad rota, you could email. May
problems with debts. I don't know I mean, over the normal way. You know how they don't know by now what you play not if this is the first introduction. I got myself polarities. Why have you lasted this far? Absolutely ludicrous and when you listen to part, two were also going to announce when we're coming back for book. Yes, we are. Very. There have been a lot of emails, no dm about what to do. You know what it's the vaccine, we all bloody need and just like the actual vaccine is taken a year to happen. Even in development. Is a hundred percent effective, making Europe's unspeaking with being such a shocking? If everybody we thought we would do our level best to put some good back in the one. Yes,
Putin at Christmas time, particularly yes, so we thought we would raise the money for the charity met some some frontier beautifully pronounced donor if it were met some some frontier or doctors without borders, and they working over sixty five countries delivering emergency medical care to vulnerable people, which is obviously extremely important right. Now, absolutely the experts and work in an pandemics epidemics everything, the passengers. Basically has been about, and they do all kinds of things. So whatever it is, you feel you can give. It will make a massive difference. The best way we thought to do that was that you guys go to their website or else what is the website or to do well. It's am asked ass format, sums on frontier door, obdurate, UK, so easy. You can make a donation that, whatever you can afford, whatever suits you, we would really appreciate than just Emma lest the combination of your donation and we
and to you into a very special raffle to get at the spoke message from guess who is just one three of us plus colleagues, I even if you can do if somebody that loves might have a porno whatever you want motoring, the decencies you're so good at them. Thanks goes so you need to email. Is the screen rob to my dad wrote a porno gmail dot com? You ve got until eleven, fifty nine on Sunday, the thirteenth of December british time, british? Yes, we Gm Tb as to who knows on including the subject line. Msf donation will choose ten winners. Random! So keep an eye on your inbox, specifically on you junk mail, because its weight how our email address goes into his arm chair. You spent we'll get the ball rolling with a donation of ten thousand pounds, so please do give whatever you come on just one more time. The website is Msf, dont, old dont, UK and the big red and this has donate on homepage, so see you next Monday thought it's a blinkin life continued. Now, in the words about Islam and you to disappoint freeze,
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Transcript generated on 2020-12-07.