« My Dad Wrote A Porno

My Dad Wrote A History Hit

2022-03-12 | 🔗

To celebrate Comic Relief (and hopefully raise some money) Jamie, Alice and James team-up with historian Dan Snow (from the podcast 'History Hit') to chat all things sex and history. Expect slow thrusting, Henry The Eighth sexual slander and more filth than you can shake a bread dildo at.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello in aid of comic relief. My dad wrote a poem I was teamed up with done. Snows history hit for a very special podcast mash up this red nosedive donations will help people here in the UK and around the world, the free from poverty, violence, discrimination and support them with a mental health. This includes helping people right now in Ukraine, and the mass displacement of people in many parts of the world had to comic relief, dot com slush podcast match up to give what you can now enjoy the show. How and welcome to a very special podcast mash up between my dad wrote a porno and dance knows: history hit all in aid of comic relief, hi guys is this fund has a guidance now. This is a main.
Usual combination, I'm sure, you'll, a great shortage. In fact, I think that, when diagram of middle aged polar graphically minded Authors and finds victory histories is protected. So don't worry, I think we might be among friends. How has it taken us along? Well, I mean I've been a big found for use guys. I've been waiting for we're looking at you. You seem to be in a hotel room. Where are you right now? What's going on? I wish I was there in person with you guys, although when I didn't eat up, do you guys and personally I feel a little bit average the following day, so maybe it's best that we were conducted some remotely you got drunk without me. What what we drinking Christmas? If it's Christmas and I caught any further comment we drunk all of Christmas on the baby shop you eleven?
here we will a Christmas party together and we will go in the council for us. We thought we still mash up, and here we all it's amazing when these bizarrely crap Christmas Party, this is actually come true, so deftly email. You actually happening accompanied about you like there's, no way, thou remember and then, being Monday morning cool say you did cut a doubly promise. That's one! do you not home what what what you think I'm in Cape Terminal, Moraine Antarctica, I'm going to oh yeah, I'm going to reach the such vessel into the roughest waters on planet, earth, stormy sea, and we can look for shipwreck of famous shipwreck insurance, Shackleton shipwreck wish here, which sank in the Antarctic and yet to take the small it's on the epic journey of survival back to civilization and we're gonna. Try and finally, the sea by three thousand meters down. Why is incredible, and- and this is your warm up for that this- this is this- is my frustration?
that will be easier for the perverts who listen to our upheld, cast and may not be familiar with yours down, although by what they know, it's huge. What's stay here all about. Well, it's basically the good thing about history is everything ever happened to anyone who ever lived on this planet, so we go all the way back because paying content, pen consent, the problem is. You rely on the man you ve learned, the pen of Welcome so foolish I mean you know so I go look. I saw those guys looks like hard work to me, so I can stone, age, Tanuki, right, digital age, and we just what do we tell that history? My favorite episodes can ones where we take a big thing going on the well. The moment like Ukraine is our Palestine, portions and being an absolute idiot and weak Look at historical context for those things we have powder that will come to be, but here we go. We talk about sex in pay. We talk about. The goodness knows everything evidence of happened so history in its widest sense. So we really are like the highbrow lowbrow here that has got us took what terrible porn
Yet the explanation- the other way- is actually harder, safer, Duns listeners, retreating into this, for instance, that having heard polar, exactly room, you do well my dad when he was a builder from Northern Ireland what he retired. He thought that he would be like email, James and right and erotic north but would sell millions and he became a huge global success. He sold for equal rights, but one of the people that you send its who was make and because it was the most unintentionally hilarious book I'd ever read. I just had to share it with my mates, two of whom here Alison James, and so we basically just read a chapter of my dad's book every week and critique kick comment on it dry and give it some contacts. You know elevate the material if we can and the jokes kind of become honours, because dad has become one of the most successful pornographic writers in history. Vices you could say, rights is at all exactly
So we ve kind of created a monster abuse for months now, you have a minute you're, one of the biggest put cousin a world you're right. You are part, of course history. So it's great Hadrian history, because you have you have made it pulled, cast its absence dominantly talking about us one day on his part counties about the history of hot. So with this measure, we thought would be good idea to to make sex and history and talk about the history of pornography sex throughout throughout time One thing we wanted story about these, because obviously Rocky thinks he was the first person to other rights, an erotic, novel and for context. That's rocky flintstone. You are telling us does my ass pen name, but but that is not the case I mean how far back does pornography go? Is there is a fairly new phenomenon? Nor does it go back to the cave men James is asking for a friend asking, for you will be surprised to learn. People have been obsessed with sex since the beginning of time. In fact, no no. This is this is crazy for, like queues of true
Is it people and human beings and that's what so, wonderful that history and away some things have changed dramatically over cell technology, some of our kind of ideas about the world and religion, but amazingly so much of what drives us hasn't chain. What are our passion to reproduce to have sex to enjoy? touch of another human, for example, took to eat all those things of bit remain consistent and so sure enough. Wherever you find human beings writing sculpting carving in the past, you find political for fines. Erotic, I believe, is the push we describe it in whose value password yardstick we do see away from that work, it doesn't fit for that, but yet social networking to council so in any kind of veal de bus stops and you never bust, shelters you'll find he already pornography stuffed. You know layers Elias into the peat even before the old. He knows the four days of your way about ancient Rome, which is over most people's cover. They were doing at midday.
Then, if you go to campaign hook, uranium the two cities engulfed by Vesuvius nearly two thousand years ago, there was just erotica all over those streets like its bunk. What is useful that you're laughing? I actually think that this was note like it's. Just that is peanuts is all over so they all just like twelve year old boys in math class like what's. The data must join dicks everywhere. It was a good point. Actually, I'm in this joint debate, this kind of stuff all time make. I am I glad to join the debate. Somebody somebody can appear on some of its kind of around iconography and fertility load issued infertility in people wanting to have babies and people ones have having sex so so, but there are not call of Brussels in pay than that. people discovered and they show women in a variety of sexual positions? I think you describe, as I think, rocky Flintstone. We would obviously the as the experts Serbia probably call them all out in it and discard mainly to the USA
like murals, with information about services like specific services that people would perform procedural problems, and climb appraisal of women is what cyclones talking about particular women's there's, one famous biography, two says thrust slowly, which I know is definitely take. I think that's I mean it its advice. The has stood the test of time. You would hear that now looked. Trust me, I've ring a bell or age. And then does not want my favorite is you play. I was here with two thousand beautiful men and cheaper. We were told in the list of prices sucks because five effectually unit of the roman currency, five create basically secular, so we know that get out nuclear. She her name is becoming allies. So do you think there was some
thing more respectable about drawing penises on everything than Ass Jamie says now, when you see on a bathroom door or or a textbook, we do. I think that, because we are worried about so, we think of ourselves is really really kind of liberation, but we should we really worried about sex It's really funny and interesting. What your podcast is one of the biggest her cousin well but like why not everyone's is obsessed and fascinated by sex must talk about at least until the peoples, but I find it very emancipator- listen to you guys talking about it and innovative in this matter is not shame is so and you haven't, I What surprised goodness me, I was surprised that mainly us down to be there. When I get to say our byline for the programmes should be. Do you think every limb. it'd about sex, but there actually just really weird about it. I think probably does so that we do try and be sex positive, an open minded, but throw three prudes in a room, and you know you didn't what's gonna happen, we have been called by the Americans, the wrong hurry and Hermione of penalty throughout Europe.
It really is about the Romans, a kind of famous, but that orgies and stuff how much of that has been overstated throughout time? Or is it just one big, as that would say, fuck, that's what it's one big profits in the answer is it's very hard sure I'm a lot of historians and criminals at a time like they do today use sex. Like sexual deviants is a welcome, criticising untrue and destroy summers legacy. There are obviously reliable accounts of the emperor palace people having orgy sir, but you know there were those like in France. Was I've been court case a couple years ago about that guy from the World Bank using like the single, quite lively, seen among Lily in France. I am reading that is much like. Do my kids nappies at five in the morning. Thinking something's just got here: I'm living or surrounded by dirty nappy. That's a fascinating point! Now about early sacks, shaming, that's very kind of mobs thought. That's that's crazy. We think of the US such a contemporary phenomenon, That's always happened. Oh yeah definite. So today,
areas to remember with said, buys a biography used because young there are soldiers. I hear of ruminant pointed out the old in a bit of fat and greedy and he's apparently get young boys to swim in his swing, pull it. Renewable energies, genitals, It was a sign light by the buys bugs like it could be true, but also just could be them saying. Lucky became a so depraved old man here, the bit of others, maize, nibble, the nebula gotta, know, there's no suggestion. It was anymore it s kind of like a little bit of fishy like kiss Fisher about support for Rocky gave him a richer gives an uncertain.
It started with politics. Sex is about politics and control and power. I guess it always is well, which is a bit like Belinda blink GINO. It's it's business tool in many ways to sell the pots and pans. So does the Son of God, I'm just trying to find some equivalent with Belinda Blank teams is right. Certainly, when we started reading these books, there were lots of discussions around their protagonists, Belinda Blumenthal, who is the cells director of stairs pots and pans, those that listening for those that don't this just sounds like weird white noise? She shut the way round the world she uses her sexuality as a tool is something she loves, and then she really a joys using control of it and lots of people were not sure, feel about that so yeah, I think it's just. something that we are still talking about now, which kind of blows my mind is really difficult. History on this, but blunders is great example space. We told
people like customers who, by the way the whole thing, is a complete and utter Mason and like disgraceful, bloom, socially, but she was sexually active like any other monetary had lovers, usually monogamous series of a favourite of lovers or of its like a famous French, asked gratitude, century said they like these women like sexually voracious and what we don't know is it they were like I'm, usually sexually active and- and that and having a perfectly normal and and lovely time or whether that is like trying to sell it? de legitimize them take away their power the influence. It is very hard for us to know that so fascinating is you can read this sources. You shall work out new by men like one of the mental do with Belinda is just the latest of many high profile women who ve been Written about is Rocky China do. Without that mean, we ask ourselves that constantly what was each find it difficult at the other side of that was and is, but the first reputation of being the virgin queen to kind of give her more.
Power, is being seen a sexually promiscuous or active, was to diminish the woman. Was this virginal depiction of the queen to elevate hostages? Yeah, that's really difficult she was trying to say first one, I'm marrying England. I am faithful only to English like so it is not some also the anti like a foreign principally of Mary foreign. Socially look, I'm not gonna marry some french guy right. My city, my spanish prints, like Philip I'm gonna remained chased and pure thing, because I like the idea that the court full of men. She remains like untouchable. Like super weird and difficult me out. It believes that that was deafening part of her mystique and was it true Was she a virgin or do we not now? Where we don't know, I think she's right and we don't know sixty deafening, formerly close malfunctions two commissioners young, said: favorites and cheap army. She met on a bit shagging, but some sad event may happen We think that download, but no
It does not sound like me business actually, unlike us out of course, you famously got married six times and people from thinking we celebrate shagging. In fact I'd think possibly the opposite is true. I think you have problems in the department in fact does bring story and Billina trial. So Mon Ambulance brother was on trial for rum having sex with sister incest right and many the best in brightest MILAN for gas. To watch this trial and emphasise my enemies low. I will that don't read this out to have one, but this is apparently something and told you and he looked down at what the aggregate can't get up and is crap embed, paraphrasing the entire room dispersed out laughing,
It was this greatly that human that some actually happened during the tractors utterly utterly humiliating, so he struggled tough sex. I think, but many of his forebears didn't obviously Edward. The fourth was at the door of the prince in the tower was an absolute shaggy. It was said that he tapped sugar. I mean Social Atocha hushed up. That party won the reasons that the people in back in was because the women in London wants to jump back in his bed when you, for it was civil. What services to shagging allowed him back in the face of atm. He was a beautiful while he was a beautiful young man, but he relents of calm. He went for satellite begotten happening life and to offer- and I love the way that talks about these people, World mates he's got, yea was Grey Laddie beautiful, beautiful, really want a top guy. This is why historian spicy gossip about dead people right.
So just when we run out of people's gossip, our cells, we can grow and everyone in the past. It sets what makes tell you exactly great weight, so this down the pub with all his mates, and then you go down your like. Oh all, in his head pipes for five different people know once that were right. Everyone in the bully exerts- that's not going to close the bad guys. He ironically able to force the shaggy kicked his cousin and six of the throne and six was poor thing, one of our set of less alpha kings and he and his wife had to be joined by sex coach. They had trouble procreating for four years and that its get some advice- and I think an unbiased both of them would have been virgins and it would have been quite company. I actually think my dad says that his dad had to consult a doctor when you got married cause, you didn't know That's it I'm sure leaves at that. Sorry, that's who are living in a kind of time now which is
Rocky Flintstone, so everybody has them you'll. They need to work out how to do. It is fine, but we will encounter those problem public service. What without the early examples of contraception like condoms, and things like that would when, when the day comes, stopping introduce people reduced most really difficult. Condoms over the land. Intestines allow yields paper, I'd, go the oil. Moreover, Lomb intestines may not relay anyway. I think I'll go alone, Inter Alia, the large you will like. I think you might get the feel very interesting, because I'm a vegetarian, nothing less. It may be the first to suffer when he's a nice guy.
try. Me is what you would do for the feel I guess, but his pleasure yeah fine you're out of the picture there I mean intestines, are never the sweetest smelling of meets we're. Having too much of a nice time, we should pause for a second. This is a great sex education, slash history class, two lessons which are usually a hybrid. We are here for a very special reason. Yes, this mashup episode, especially for comic relief other shows in bold, include the football ramble. The guilty feminist home sapiens. Peons off many firms be buried with out and loads of other great broadcasts. So you have the power to do some incredible, this red nose. They were there's a little overlooked. The money you tonight will help tackle poverty. Take action. Violence and bring an end to discrimination, give now at relief dot com, slash, podcast, mash up or tax package the seven zero to one zero to give temples today, text
your donation amount. Plus your standard network message charge on a hundred percent of your donation, we'll go to comic relief, a register charity. You must be exceed or over, and please asked the bill. Pay is permission for full terms and conditions, visit, comic relief, Doc come forward, Slash, podcast, Mashup we have a character in the boat was called the duchess. The duchess about some actually achieve first question is the reduction of Epsom. I don't think there is no thank God, because the b, a huge defamation suit She in her country pile she has a room, dedicated full of dildos different types, different materials, different sizes, anything you can imagine it's a confection we were interested to know what the histories of dildos kind of what some maybe somebody he's still does were. I think she has a wooden weather, wouldn't do those in the passing so that goddamn talk to us about dildos yea, I rarely tool, but nothing else. Really.
You know it's quite did because we find quite a few fallacies. Penis shaped things. We found from the stone age what they it can. Penises look like lots of things as well. Is a temptation to like find a little blob of somebody from the stone age and go that there's two people shagging it's like he's got lump sum bump spamming. I guess it could. So we are really difficult to can work it out, but there have been delays that found through history. Amazingly, those people seem to make dealers are bred. Yeah. I know this day was fresh spread. The key thing to remember folks is before today we will immaterially poor culture. Like most bicycle, haven't stuff see this activity is what came to handwriting Danny show. It wasn't just forget it. Yes, they please actually is of a government fills absolute felt too. you still don't accused Hilda mists of dealers are very calm
and we ve and women would make their own dildos this amazing. What I want so in eighty century it looks like an egg whisk and it was. It was of a vibrator, that's like when it when he gets a mechanical vibration introduced as well that whisk themselves off risk sounds like that would probably be a law fatalities from the early vibrator. You mean the end was like a whisk all like them. The mechanism that the mechanism- you know when America Divine Right- fine, ok, we're on the same page, good, ok to work out and a great time fuses. I was thinking, I guess it's trial and error, but fool the era involved in the early ones. While so again, this idea that
we're living in our most progressive time, perhaps not because perhaps the idea of a female estimation is now, moreover, to be than it was in the past. Yes, I think have been times when it's been very Tibet mediate the nineteenth centralize returns coming for how time and their day on the whole day, it was both a time of patients, but also there are lots of sexually loss upon August Llosa between porn, but they, like Florence Nightingale rights extensively about from avoid masturbating. I mean it was like it was a fuckin sum up to Sundown. It was her personal Everest. yeah it was. It was like Jerry Maguire is a struggle that you will never have a so she never succumb to know. I think she did that's the problem, so she didn t, save redundant. She hates herself and be set up about God, I'll flow of locusts, tough, given enough time line- and you you mentioned victorian pornography,
Is that just like? Oh look at uncle look alike as every close up of an animal bone do not achieve. This is new content, but I should like to thank for it because it's just like it just is Photoshop down we're, recording, recording down just saying this lies, so they just photographs if, like recently, human. Looking people s worked out that link to like it's, not like modern pornography, where it's not what most of us actually look like in the things we do it. some priorities like amusingly normal looking people dislike shagging or like going for a bicycle right in line with nice, Signorina photographers studio or likely thirsting way so doing some flour ranging and they got lots of body hair nail it like you know, so it's kind of its grey areas like I of the idea of flour ranging being a big part of the decision, We are less concerned about. The bodies are more like yeah, that's fun. For me, like oh yeah, we know we know the classic diploma to fix a thing, but what about like? I'm arranging my paeonies so wishes
you going as we speak now, I'm like. I think this could make a comeback. You'll, be amazing, how many of my guess, when talking to promote the end up doing when I speak, it's it's not my first time to see that glazed expression Alice is naturally Google she's, just setting up her only funds account just her flowers. I think, if you're into other people are into that's all I'm saying to address, if you think about they were using studios cameras, qualm wielding the lighting rigging of an accessory using studios where you do you, family, portraits soul, that kind of victory honour that we used to like a nice, pleasant countryside, scene or flowers, or the little pedestal, with the little hanging basket of that When you break great grandma, I went for a family, but they just they shut the porn enough to use the same set and that's why you get these There's? This can really weird seems. Ok, this is already the most educational episode we ve ever done.
I am not in the least Steve ever done all this talk cancer obvious, since some James Starr Gooding between employees and spoken out just give me five human anytime, every heart, saying technically mechanical me, I'm just beginning to think the Rockies is hiding loads of Easter eggs in the books that were not getting he's. A historian basically essentially focused our relationship. Orchestra is a completely agree. My dad is a real but actually because he wants the same school is and the Duke of Wellington demean. At the same time, I think that they, like Miss, bite you he is using yea. I use a lowly seven alice. You couldn't possibly approach in my view
He does Papa the books with references and the honesty sometimes go over. Our heads issue I give us you guys are even though, is funny, so you get a double legal from me. You guys, like the sea, dramatic a new skip over to the next funny, but I'm still roaring about why we took that specific, because I still have not really sure what the relief of backing is. I might just like give them have contacts of how it appeared in the books, if that's ok, so this happens in book to chapter nine to be exact, everybody Bela shook her head ass, her clytius became wet, Sir James increase the pressure and his the slit through her nub rather drank her sharp, nay and saw Belinda return. Bra less from the ladys talk about the relief of method. King thought, Bela watch you about them, as ever
I'm not absolutely sure. I know exactly what he's talking about the reference to map the king is always called the reef gotten methods. Basically, it was a a siege in the bull war in about nineteen hundred. It went on for two hundred and seventeen days at everything. The Brits love quite a few toss, a hopeless, stand against. The odds were sir. Did by the boys, who these whites, Africa's descendants of dutch settlers and after the bricks and that the borders of fighting it out for control of South Africa I was very celebrated because Baden PAL, you might have heard of area the scouts the scouts yeah. He was in charge and uncertain plucky heroism against the the Brits kind of held out. within relieved and because the war was going really particularly bad for the british. This time it was, it was big they gave up those Victoria crosses and they were sold made a big thing off for certain generation method became a byword for plucky british underdog success, and so for someone schooled in that it could have fifty sixty
these have been actually boys. Girls, who founded capacities, was all a few years later basin, listen now not have heard about anymore right so is this. Is this is written by certain generation for sudden generation. I would suggest you guys are so wages the wrong people to be reading. It is what you say: it makes perfect sense assembly there sixties guys you're pod constitution. And, ironically by people in their sixty. when the Emma Thomson loved. So my agenda, if you know that- but this is that's it that's just how prose works at generation, I'm so glad we cleared out once and for all. So it's a byword for being an under basically what actually down while we're on this train of thought, the some other stuff rockies reference that we wanted to color get your taken a few other assets in the boat. There's a very famous one about the Titanic: oh yeah, Jamie, if you'd be so kind job to read it. Ok, this simple one chapter twelve
a nip holes hardened with her feeling of freedom, and they were now as large as the three inch rivets it Helen. The hull of the fateful titanic together, I love that line, marries maritime archaeology maritime history too, but with nipples, which is something that is so damn sedan, algorithmic lay down that was created for you really don't luxuriously let people in both for Tik Tok algorithm, obviously, the best outgrown Baldest I've just fed into my thieves No me so well. They also also has a lively debates actually about tax rates, which I will try. If you got time, I can share o tied up. Please he jumped headlong. Is this? Is this a sub ready egg? I find this is in fact You mention spout week off this one, because people are gonna go. Does that the It is a lively debate about whether the rivets, where behind of quality and whether the Titanic would have survived if, if they use,
he'll rivets in the bow section, for example, in what they were like in a hurry and use lower quality, I'm rivets and guess what local area with its there too much slagging them MA, am said too much like them, and so they were we can see the full is that they looked at. Second, the seabed and she smashed into iceberg which card that huge gash in the hull. and, and some of the still put some of the place is some of the plate. Somebody then loosen because these these rivets can opt out now If you say this people in Northern Ireland, both ass, you need to get on a plane get other very very quickly, but it is. There is a body of evidence Just when she's been built breathlessly, they did use these eyes riveted. Slide. So really, what dad saying is that her nipples were hard but not maximum hardness. All
a political statement because he's from Northern Ireland, so is he saying there is this discussion? There is this debate, and so is he saying no? They will rock hard because the rivets that were made were rock hard, don't come for the rivets. I think that's exactly who is doing an earth expression goes no non. Lieutenant was farmer left her, englishmen drive into an iceberg. I think you'll does come down hard on that site, but I think he's next round email in your place. Would like depleted uranium, rivets or some other anti tank, miss all reference, but I'll, be honest, when he tries to use a contemporary reference or tries to bring it up today it doesn't go well, but yet we can definitely. We can definitely suggest something I mean this is making. We really think that the joke is on those guys, because if there are all these legitimate reasons, why that is put these metaphors, reference in his books and fancy. His genius You are that having done here is the first time we ve
the fully understand your dad will nets. We destroy dance, polecats he's destroying all about it. If these backfired horribly, you have no idea how often I actors, translator between my friends and I and so much more now than think isnt skill reference to whether one aviation, but we can listless move on. I think what he means by that is, I love you just how will we will laugh? but we will, I think, I very early in the book when dad wrote that somebody's breasts fell freely like pomegranate, which we found him areas and the parliament has become become the unofficial symbol of the Belinda blinked books, but pomegranates actually are quite well known, symbol, third, sexuality and fertility right throughout history. You state that tote. They are absolutely anything of passivity and upon the granite, so she took carried off by Hades The underworld and
and she's number, but with so many sanctum suppress your your dad. You know he's in a very rich tradition, and I this amazing social media Tiktok, run by Winkle Kate Listings, a brilliant academic unsheathing puts were posted video with a list of things that press has been called the eighteenth century, love hillocks, Judas call them darkies duck he's alive. I thought aquatic is cupids cattle. drums miles but really unpleasant? Nineteen seventies, lung what's my girl. Would they call them something that is you know, infected in Israel who on earth was calling them
long war, somebody that wasn't going anywhere near them not use it if these top bullocks sense and another one from this. Just before the french Revolution, the Apple dumplings shop are that's nice, that's very nice. I think those nice it's by the top Pollux for sure, try to think what else Rockies called them over over the years. Some of tat, of course, the money tits reminded once describe someone's breast, is falling like the Lehman brothers which are going to it this court given, for that is clearly very links I ve rapidly dramatically that is bringing down the global financial system, the power of the breast, and I like the way your dad says the north gods. Yet in a big way, I think that more sex positive, I think the the Christians who we can all agree. I've got around sex,
Marion, Knowest, Nelson, This is our nearest pantheon of God's is comfortable with ease I get bored. One thousand years old- I can borrow that one and I guess the so called sex postmen Transgresseth and no which would suit his comment. I, entreat when you said the officer you're going to be Antarctica to recover it a shipwreck, it kind of job, my memory that my dad did use another famous shipwreck and one the books- and I don't know if this is possible he's he said that in the end the seals, pots and pans office, one of the brushed antique brass knobs on the door was beautiful, have beautiful, go threading roundabout bit
I must admit, to touch and see rumours headlong circulated that it had been recovered from the merry rose, but who knew for real? I mean the marrow roses. Watch you, the warship. I think we manage to send that from when we did that beside ancillary roses was aggregates, favorites warship and it sank famously they left the gun, ports open, and it thank in fifteen forty five and was then raise up the seabed nicely to second for your dash generation. Now I got absolutely amazing than it would have been based on the best televised events at that point in fit for someone of his age. It would be this amazing moment watching that shit. Come up and see about just out of interest, I guess that's just doin up on her office at steals pots and pans. How much do you think that objects would be worth of the merry rose yeah, given its fame That's a very tough question: why I'm? No one's ever you don't really buy stuff of marriage is open, so they are protected and so
I don't know how you didn't. Slicing could sell part the crown jewels what they worth. I don't really know, but I think it would be worth a bridle. I mean brass corrodes in seawater, as we all know sets bearing Ladys have survived in the bottom of the sun. It's a simple: it was Boden mud when it sank, so let's just go with our eyes and then people the museum sold off because They were short cautioned. They somehow got. the regulations are so I think it would go foot on two hundred. it's gonna be in a very, very valuable, so while two then use it as a working door, handle feels like a bit of it. Grace really doesn't know. As you say, it should be an exact cabinet, not that such a plan thought about that later, ass, it came to my rose, will effectively while the most precious maniacs and what so no one you for real. I think we know for real, can't, haven't you may notice
Jamie stout down, but he's he's often covering his back, so you will make these sweeping claims and then put in a little cover up the site. But you know it was so you're gonna happen before engaged the estate of the merrier workers. We also felt safe having the brandy Mary rose. you know me, avoids those at the plague may rise of public domain, it's more than seventy years after death, if they ve been yeah like say she's component. Well done this has been so much fun and very enlightening. I have to say we ve learned. A lot has to be expected. You put me not learn anything. I've learned, Martin Class in broadcasting, podcasting echoes what can I say. I dont after I've learned consult absolute legit. If this doesn't born a kind of many series of porno hit- or you know my dad write history book, I think that would be a real shame, but likely will just see you drunk Christmas Party only hope. So, if you don't want to write Viking Warrior pole, I can be historical consultant.
No problem. If you ve got one subscriber enjoy the Antarctic, them hope it all goes well hope you ve, got Eustatia victorian pornography to keep you company of printed out to cover my principal that's time problem and I'm gonna come what she goes. Life show So thank you very much. Mailman. So great see you guys here comes the palladium. as this is your last chance than anything else. You want to say about sex. I just told you ever single thing. I know about sex, section history,
Transcript generated on 2022-03-13.