« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S1E1 - 'The Job Interview'

2015-10-04 | 🔗
In the very first episode, we meet our heroine, Belinda Blumenthal, as she interviews for the job of her dreams - worldwide sales director of a pots and pans company.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem call one hundred gambler. The following: podcast contains atta theme, sexual content and strong language they, we all the good stuff Jamie. Why we hear workers without through an opponent it had written a porter, erotic, literature. What why
James Alex thanks very much for doing this with the Haiti problem Jamie there are not many people. I was once a visa or on a good since April, with reading out my dad's erotic literature, I can't believe we made the cut, but we go back. A long way out is what kind of a contrast, the sort of material with our new friends so guys this pod cast me pretty simple, is basically gonna, be me, and you too, and I would be reading a chapter a week of my dad's porno novel. What's it called well George, the full title yeah, because it is called Belinda, blinked, Belinda, blinks, Belinda blinked, is that her name but
does a name hot. Its is actually day was. I think dinner lady and then I think what you gonna do, what you get a server is actually didn't. You know what he's confused, winking and blinking blinking isn't the most sex that makes me think I found my kids, they re learning is indeed, I think, cataract of blankets that one baby just go to build alliteration. He wanted it to be so we have no other way to begin Bay safely, but the real title timorous. Full title is Belinda blinked, one A modern story of sex, erotica and passion how the sexiest a girl in business and a huge bonus by being the best at removing her high heels of removing her high heels? That's title other. That was the blue. No that's. The title is used up a lot of work. I just couldn't about Twitter. I don't know how I feel if my dad wrote porn, I don't
I'd feel if anyone a new right poorly. I don't feel that way about it, which people are quite surprising, when I ever deadly your light broadcasting love any author, but I do think it's great that he feels comfortable enough to show his in a most fantasies with world. He heard about the success of em, as he says, fifty colors of gray, fifty other. Yes, he read as they heard the news was successfully before making a bit like copy. My mom have both been quite into the self publishing hoping I didn't have attended the guard. Carried away. They sort of that little travel guides and now they ve gone into porn? How he's gonna pull mums very much against us? The problem itself, publishing as it is now quality control, like anyone, can do anything what he suggested and accordingly, just you weren't around, because right of quality, I think it's a pair fund is in it for sixty year old man just write about sixty one man in question. Is your dad?
will be referring to him by his pen, nay, whose promote is rocky Flintstone. More than tat. I might you, Google, evoke events. That is the first letter. How did we come to the well, I think, is a part of the first of May, the daily lucky. That rocky Tedious is quite point about this. What this demand will be meeting held it out. If you were, we didn't growth industry coffins tackled Rockies has in a way that it wrong, but it got a works, so he we refer to henceforth, as has rightly been disciplined admirers, so you're cool with a. How did you mom is less cool allowed. It definitely not Cyprus who feminist and she is. I think she's mainly unhappy people think it's about her or
oh she's Belinda! Well, I want to say right here right now. She is not and she's made that very clear. I have so many questions. So when you first presented this work of art to us, we should say I have three says As I might, I decided to give me as the only son, the preview pages of Glinda blinked, and I had to share with you guys I started to read it in fact. One inheritance seriously contacts that Christmas. We were having a Christmas dinner. I need though it was why to bring the draft cocktail. We have quite bottles of wine, and I thought you know all this points go. No, so let us get Machiavelli. We haven't actually read anything beyond the first chapter where we read the preliminary draft. We have naturally have the finished product can be published. I don't know it was a work of art was the version. I've had should not be altered. Apart from the type and rocky
but I am I right in thinking that This is in no way autobiographical threat, but your dad has drawn perhaps on some of his fantasies. If I had to say, I think that first that's why I think you should feel uncomfortable, so she read them the blood of my concern. You got the glad I answer ready, Belinda Blumenthal, that is the least sites your name. I ever heard and isolation again I think I'm sensing a theme, Belinda Blumenthal politically withall- gets exciting, solicited sex regularly so regularly. In fact, she makes big bonuses Roma based in London UK,
the words steals pots and pans as the world. Why wouldn't allow realise what potash hot from home again is the sexiest of industry? It? I didn't think. If you work in part, in pounds, you call them pots and pans. I feel that there is a more official title like need. Working a kitchen where I am head of pots and pans for a major distributor will shoot ourselves to others who doesn't work directly with the pot smallpox biology. The centre right. Back, say: sorry, I'm kind of men work in the pots and pans business, nothing we're about to find sexually supported by Jizo and Bela. Her head off his colleagues who Belinda always gets the Oda. When it comes down to the bare facts, the client base is large, They Belinda has the whole world to fuck and go out to sea get stuck into it. That's ok! So this is the first, the blood
we support the book up in it. This is the first book in the Belinda blinked, since this is the first book. It's a series of how many I mean this guy's. A limit on my country is, I walked domestic dad wants to do. He wants me: what's its views. These light, Belinda blinked in Saudi Arabia, career. I think he's interested it mixed signals to passions, Belinda and Travel today. He's gonna be a franchise. Oh yeah he's gonna be on Oprah in no time. This is the first book in the Belinda Blink Series where she gets by Tony her managing director and then goes on make some sales headway by bringing on board a large european customer Peter rouse Peter Rau. Oh Israel, Peter arouse and make. Initial inroads to the north american market through Jim Sterling, How are we gonna? Look like some some business blurb in that
but he was suddenly about how he was gonna market Belinda, blinked, one on eddies of internet search, the key words lesbian, erotica and business and leadership. Gotta be reams of students yesterday is going Belinda blinked, so I take it my blouse, can't you just looked at my search, illustrate read about the sexual conquests these men make and how the mysterious duchess makes Berlin. I'm excited about the juncture, Is it the Congress of the man who is about Belinda and also the jet lag, and how the mysterious duchess makes Belinda alive to the sexual fantasies of the hot riding sat through supple, black riding boots jawed pose another handled whips, so this term kind of an equestrian lightly on one side is got ale, James, the other scientific paper, I think that's
he's mainly and on the other side, a kind of like business use a manual and threatens to ok say: shall we go for it showed each up to one? Oh, my god, we are going to stop me Jamie. You called stop me too much, though, because you know there's a rhythm to these things. So, what's chapter one called chapter, one is called the job interview within factory about services, and I feel that this is the main gonna be in a few minutes. The right jobs, James, ok! Already now. I guess we're gonna be ok, so Belinda blinked chapter one, the German, but into blinked.
That's what I call Belinda Bling still they have much light on this subject. To be honest, but into blinked it wasn't a dream. The job interview had just asked her to remove her jacket and silk bows, a great dream, not abated the managing director across the desk. He would innocently brought her through from reception smiled and nodded at her slowly with a hint of a team, but then to remove the two garments a black Brazil was doing over it. To contain a full brats. Ok right that force without why she wearing an ill fitting bra. I don't think that ill fitting so much ass, her breasts so Joy Norman's that it's it's working hard to contain. Looking hard that isn't failing. Is it overtime image Its scope is image of them turned of spilling out environmental situation own doing many, women, Estonian Susanna taught us all wearing the wrong file browser, maybe rocky so that all those years ago
and is a weaving that end the narrative of social competition in a way that women dress. I, like the author, love these brassiere because bra not a sexy, brassiere, a major me so far. Nothing has been sexually how about you bleeding? Try that we give a black brassiere was doing overtime to contain a full breasts. She had worn this one for today, as it was tight fitting on purpose. She never thought it would be exposed in such a simple way forth and its critics bathed in simple way? The only way to explain something by taking away the thing that has concealed it? Until now I mean, I think, maybe he's gotta get the fuck. You know it wasn't an elaborate situation that got rid of the garden. She was asked to do it. She did it. It was simple
she just sutler and about how this bizarre the Andy got up and took up a thousand jackets. He hung them until one of two elegant wooden coat rats in the corner and sat back down what next Belinda thought the interview I resumed his questioning a perceive ie and after about five minutes asset remove uneven skirts. Belinda stood up, remove the offending went and passed it with some surprise to them. Do she's really over the now. Why should not questioning any of this monster sooner? The vending Norman skier on underneath use wearing a skimpy black song and sexy black stockings, which you didn't apologize for. Number of times I felt the need to apologize and I just haven't about waste can be underwear. After all, she was not market woman, I mean we ve done. Is this every moves over the fact that a jump into the EU,
Linda has class. That's what we get. He does the glassy lady. She sat down again and crossed her long legs. She knew they look good, but she really felt she wanted to keep her private pussy area. Hidden. I'm sorry, that's three words the genitals private providers, what's a public policy area and also what area how much land does not cover the private sea area that could be for me to hip Belinda lean back on the white. Another seat started to gently, sweat, erotic, nothing sexy than a sweaty lady. After a further ten minutes of questioning the empty got up and walked around two Belinda, he gently pulled her stockings down her ankles. He removed her bright red, high heels and stuff the stockings inside him. Oh, my god, they were placed under the coat right by the interviewer. Belinda was now feeling exposed to this action
Just now, I suppose now she's, roughly lady, only the London scarves of a chill, but there was nothing exposed without abroad and some left she thought total nakedness was not far away or nakedness of gold and then work anymore escape a shape ahead. Schaefer private procedure only go to ban. It the public. With the honest onto gently, sweat and I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fanned. Will sports book will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit? If you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller COM, Slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one years, older and present a new jersey and penalties,
Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call one a hundred gambler. The empty events occur. Is that by saying they wanted to offer the job it says director me trusty allocation to the same level as surprised that you got the job as when she's thing: ass, distress, but she's. This constant, the problem is that the only reason that she got the job as sales director will. This is the question. I feel that we can develop. Our hang on. I didn't finish a sentence. The empty than surprised, if I say they wanted to offer the job is their sales director today on completion of a few further detail? Ask anything sexy Shirley, but ended with surprise Oh right, Belinda with surprise as a job is worth eighty five thousand pounds a year, plus the car on all the Trevor puts so she nodded her head to be with a yes, just, not a righteous impassive, just say great dream job in and she said a word. It was not a single word
with her agreement, given the Andy walked behind an unhook, the tight black brown, while agreement was given to the job about the brutal. I don't remember him mentioning that. Maybe I missed it in all the excitement by sway just mention the age five thousand pounds a year in the tropics. Now we need men, in the bra, I'm not sure she would have so obliging Belinda's breasts plunged to freedom and hand. It immediately student stood I didn't it was immediately stood to attention to how they pledge How old is she and I got five, my favour, but so far I think I am Xyz persisted with her, but her yet.
Right has plunged. I do think Rocky is mistaken in thinking that women would like anything on their person to plunge when, when layers of placing a remove utter to think what's gonna happen, which takes the makers of bamboo sat down in the phrase to was the interview accompany us, as is done to remove her phone. So beware of two people turned up from her. So let us just want there. We haven't. We have any brandy and envy and even as an asset price, they are set. Yes, so the thumb is about to come off. Oh, my god is this: where get sexually, A shaven pussy was available, Mornin shaven, there was a real with just a delicate runway of dark pubic, higher guiding any view at guided any view at the top of her vagina. If you leave you ve, got it wrong right. If you ve got that far warehouse, you gonna go like it's either.
Fine tummy may, nor even the right area, Ronnie Light. Why, like watching like an arrow point. To be fair, it is guardian of you at the top of her vagina right, you're. Looking for the top kind of like it. This way, I Para. Maybe it's an arrow without is about with peeps Bullock, adopted to kind of life, inadequate, dotted line on a runway now sit down. Relax, Miss Blumenthal, obviously, suddenly interview Bausch thousands, That said, the interviewer, in fact just breccia legs whites. We can get a good look at your internal attributes. I find it hard to do. What is your view of its thought? You know it's before. Them is native thousand pounds a year job with common troubled, her an apparently a medical really high Andy is a chain gonna colleges, Belinda, lay back in the laboratory and spread it lacks. Why does requested
Havana lids pop to put a lot of things that I mean I'm no expert on the vagina Alice. Maybe you can imagine this vagina? Have limits I have never thought of it as a top level. The v general liberates popped open. Let us let that percolate rely, gets worse, Havana, lids, popped, open and her Lapierre Pinckneys was there for them to us that, while some much to talk about, so not fix that if China a cause, it's specks, if you Didn'T- and MRS Ek they but that's on, but it is my father's erotic fantasy of love. Tat in a story stop here. What do you think when you know your dad's wrote that sentence. I think you need to.
Above all, I think we should get rocky, maybe a little in a bed and bees book baby, but maybe that's what you had a pop up but I think she quickly became moist and a bundle of liquid trickled down her left Lois. I lacked lower thigh that may well so she sweating there's runnel till we dehydrated out The empty then said my name is totally now time for an injured out these ages. Introducing himself I love toady. What ledge My name is annual report directly to me bill, the human resources director and he's available to you at all times. You might need him, as you have a direct staff of twenty eight, some of whom may need fucking off again. Can you imagine if a was your line? Manager people actually got funding said exactly.
I shall be naked, nodded and blinking. Much Remy ABC put you vagina, relabel. Indonesia Braun Ulitsa Puppet Belinda nodded in us, which was to her the obvious question, but the thing now exists taken a very unusual turn. When are you guys, gonna fuck me now? She speaks spin nodded and not the best thing that you too. It must be about forty five minutes, that matter I mean that took on this. We will not let you know how many thousands of pounds the trouble, bookstore ass female protagonists go she's very passive. So far, you know, maybe she's a slow burn no, I just villages
a lot and nodding a lot of smiling blinker blinking in a blue concern thought that's our calling card granted you I just I mean this is a very forward move for Belinda Petroleum figure. That shows that she's got a strong character. You know she just she's just got things to do. She wanted to wrap this up, though, when other gonna fuckin other games the places to be effective, I wanna be Belinda about it all bus Belinda, a lot better representation willing to do that. This is the sort of how overlooked this business. All businesses ray what they know. What specific business is dissipated then, when you guys gonna fuck me only quickly replied, wealth bill had never will it's not his area of responsibility. A country like everyone's responsibility I dont want
Some, like pity shag from Bill bill will tell you what your pension is, but he will not have that. He will observe you stripping and a job interview, and he will also tell you what you should be putting away weekly as a savings game. He has got the employees interests I believe this is it the and the Bell say what you think. I I've been getting killed and win sex game well bill who never will, as is not his area of responsibility, and I might depending on how hard you work for me. But let's get to the point Belinda. The reason we put you through the scenario is to ensure your positive reaction to certain members of a customer base. It will definitely try you out so this is ridiculous. I'm sorry like when it I think I can I ask that as someone who doesn't either, but I I don't I read erotica. Can I stress that as someone who doesn't either, but I would imagine, show you don't we
If a capture in the rye are we not? This? Is this plot isn't the most important thing at, but at the same time I mean I mean I've, never happen, it wouldn't happen, but you know. Maybe this is the pots and pans industry. Maybe this is just an area We don't know about. Maybe that's out of existence. Expos, though, maybe part. Sometimes I felt they good, so I have to ask you here and now: does this give you any problems: Belinda blinked, oh she's, completely she's she's, deafening, living in awry lens blinked shook her head and said. As long as I have you and the companies backing, I will do whatever is necessary to make the sales happen. I think this shows that she's, it's that that the I'll have to disagree with you. I have this shows that shit
strong character? Could she knows what she wants and she is on afraid to go and on all the docks route to success that should be champions in other sites. Diverse got the job as posing a bill is successful. She did where that browser unpaid as if we recall from that paragraph one and she didn't apologize for a study didn't apologize for, and I imagine that's how she means to go on great character, well, written credit, bad and bell. Well, Belinda Tony as a large small crossed his rugged features. Tat conniving well done. Kurdistan Sinclair Helsinki. That tiny, I think I do, We imagine Tony to be really now. The nuptial ever got well jumble into how sure, whether he voices earthenware, maybe chocolate eventually employers and introduce a totally than dismiss bill. Oh thank God! We think this aim is neither dismissal fired either ways out of a total ban. Smith's bill and said to him ass. He left the room sending Gazelle with the contract just now I mean come on
we want. I watch is, I was gonna. Let loose works for pots and pans company is called Gazelle after a few minutes. Twenty six year old, stunningly attractive blonde hair, go join them with note book and chief of papers in hand is Belinda's. Don't I by the way, I think more about our letter that put the paper. Down just gotta meet Belinda on new sales. Director Belinda stood up still totally naked a cash thankee and shook dissolves hand polite, not appropriate I've ever it. Wouldn't we sit in front of me, one guy comes out anything just I've gotta go on upstairs I'd, say she got out the whole attention. Belinda shipped yourself up up up up up up up to share in response to sell helpful into space and a hand and kissed her fully square on the lips. In response to it, I'm sure you a hundred ache to those who have been brought up right for you, so
with this is all one sentence. Something should I be. I left it in response This desire helpful into space and a hand and kissed it fully square on the lips. Belinda instinctively opened her mouth and yourselves tongue snakes it and they both share the touching of ecstasy. At that magical moment, Gazelle started to strip off It didn't take long. She was wearing any into a Belinda thought. This girl does this to us. For it to be a once in a lifetime event, Belinda? I mean that's. What I was thinking really here enclose is a once in a lifetime of then I think people get naked enough. It should eat. I'd never happen, however, desire was a magnificent creature text that was a dye for and ask that was so tight in Belinda felt tested, though she was equal in every respect and unaltered felt shut better shape. Boobs said to me that kind of says that Belinda, you know she's she's young stock. I mean we were thinking about
plunging before this is real insight actually enter fizzy cause just telescope tits that will to die for, but Belinda feels that her breath of better show tweeting. Let me she's older than Gazelle, because she's kind of comparing the going action batter, possibly with soft deft actions, she's You have Belinda gasping, Belinda could only respond by sucking deserves breasts and tea. They heard the pools vigorously and must be other options which we should only respond that way thumbs up. Peacetime has led the way to respond to all teething on an impulse de thing. Dissolves can we read row or its youth we get we go into. The color is their grasp of the last sentence. We're on the left
not bad for a final interview for the job of her dreams, so that will check to warm, I think, at all stages of reading this, but we should never forget that your dad wrote this from his mind, and that is both scary. No, it's just scary, it's kind of your jealous the candles I can in today's it off and less no use Israel Marion's or so that's why we're gonna be tackling chapter two which is cool, general, please, the lesser room. Stop I wipe clean, so are you turned on? Are you not turned Andy of questions about anatomy? We can answer them all get in touch with us. You can either twitters fire
that right, a porno email, less my dad wrote a porno at Gmail, dot com or find some facebook might outrage. Porno is the name the page. How many email sitting will that some people here in the same boat as he Jamie, I'm hoping many? We can make a fraternity and you can buy the book you can buy the book getting advisable Google Belinda blinked. First hear things Amazon you can get on Amazon and get on Itunes, think scribes and get it in many different format. So have a download have a red red along with as next week. I can not the best way to do. I think tee then we'd along the same path, and it's not a lot to read week by week, but nothing can be your sixty year old, father writing porn. Good night, kids thanks listening.
And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller COM, slush Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.