« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S1E4 - 'The Maze / The First Client'

2015-10-19 | 🔗
This week it's two chapters for the price of one! Belinda puts on her tennis gear (without bra or thong) as Tony leads her to a "medium-sized garden maze" to meet some prospective business clients.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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previously on my dad, was a porno. She She needed an overview and the detailed could come later in the field. What you spend time with each manager individual? What are you talking about? Is the sacks luxuries TAT, after all this job allergic to sack society governed. Hats hits hung freely life Palmer,
hello and welcome to absolute fool of my dad wrote porno hello. We are, as you can hear, joint by James Cooper. I am really pleased to be here and our slovene and am also good to have you back again, both of you. So last week we were poor, do most boring chapter bleacher ever written have only just woken up. Do you think It was kind of a decoy chapter from rocky. So too, he's kind of learning is into this: maybe mundane business world and actually not having cap reform. Will not woe. We weren't ready for that. Hopefully, we wanted to dive back into the action. I'm ready for matching EU does Antuco to absorb refreshments.
The boys, I'm isn't a erect ready to go out. I mean I can stop that we actually Yvonne okay, so Belinda blinked, chapter four the maize Sunday morning came all too quickly and was bright and breezy, but dry ideal for quick game of tennis and then later a spot of shopping and browsing through the cook shops of London Dotted Street Cook shop seller announces whose mainly physical ensures the foot locker? Maybe that's, maybe I'd never see me Belinda It was important to not any know her own brand, but Those are the opposition that evening she plans do an internet search of the guest list, Fitzmaurice function where she would be unable to eyebrow or phone. Definitely a strange request. I've everything in a weird single
where's, your life, which is only ever gonna where one bright eyebrow or Athos with others. The article I was like rockies, very idiosyncratic, grandma, very him, isn't it go to his own meter somewhat alive. Poetical I say, almost Sunday morning was warm, so Belinda put the soft top down and most over to Windsor Windsor, very posh, true to have instructions she checked into the horse and Jackie I'm a her in a clothing thing internal play. You go into some means of lake emotional baggage. Now drive in only her tennis gear. She drove the chairman's house. She part Naxa Tony's car and jumped into his passenger seat,
that said in Doha put it so you must be in the car or she's broken in and got into the passengers a peace that he is the great good morning. Tony her tennis good had risen up to show the top of her thighs, totally pulled it off at the front and studied her pussy I'll pull the up here. France which meet all like it like a proper little alone, no peekaboo of circular vacancy wait. They agreed Pinkerbloo a big delirious, so we all large active authority brilliant. He then pulled up her ten, a shirt and inspect. It is, of course, I mean Wendy inspects the music like the one. Do you want to get in the one you just counting one that both our president, whether Belinda on everything's accounted for payrolls. Why does he always inspect? Why do you never,
My warlike everything's, always an inspection, didn't poke them once having fought for can offset it's like a breast, offset its satisfactory. I'm independent outstanding abreast can stay open, vanguard. They ve got into a special measures, high Belinda good, to see you good to go. So, let's quickly goes through the guest list and discuss our targets with their potential. Is he still lifting the share? This point ways sailor boots. I like to think the ages holding out some didn't pick achieve at the same time, the fact that the specific ass this I picketing after we ve done this we'll get some lunch and take the positions. So I can you couldn't see that, but I wasn't I just looked at each other.
We don't to comment on these days, so I can we adjust my clothing Tony Belinda, blinked. She's back to a blinkered ways me again, a very inappropriate unto blink. That's definitely a wink link suggests, I would say either garrison the I like a twitch liquor, light had kind of Keats E battling the eyelashes type boat, vacant. Isn't it so I can we just my clothing. Turning Belinda blinked, Want me to parade to lunch, looking like this yet tony forty minutes later after them Odin too strong Jenin tonics Tony took her to a mere. Is that quite clear to eat and drink lieutenant hummocks for women. Ass was wafted down she's a hundred omega babbling. Scott Tennis whatsoever beans, will ever closer than James. Ba
Christians are merely takes that its proxy country club, I presume she's, having appallingly forty minutes later after some food and to stronger than tonics Tony took her to a medium sized garden, maize location. It's not a medium. Medium sized, quite rubbish maize. They entered the tool undergrowth Antonia led her through without a pause Belinda was glad someone you their way through the myriad of paths and openings.
They sound like many Wendy Growth, giving some impact, as I think not everything rocky realises. After three minutes they enter the glade, which was obviously the central point of the maize he pushed Belinda's back onto a flimsy wooden. Trellis gave her a quick, kiss and attached her arms to the trellis. With a set of red plastic. Handcuffs attached to a length of parcel string stopped again pushed her back again I'll. He pushed about Kosovo onto a flimsy wooden trellis right. Rickets, though of course, and then attached her arms to the trellis. With a set of rare to plastic hand, me she's, gonna gather straightaway attached to a length of poor soul string attached Jimmy like when you put mitten, so you can drink Belinda
I thoroughly entreat and a little excited me by FIFA and the little excited at what was about to happen and left out loud told me. How did you know my favorite Hank of other books? I dont believe. Belinda, who is like the most boring woman ever dissident law. How do they know Hank hunk of color attack was nice. He would have Turquoise Aqua Marine for her seriously, though I've I've seen a parity since my days and kindergarten prison in Kenya. She struck two trellises inclined to go and more to the point. What does she mean? I think, is out there like plastic toys? Ones. Are you making to play with handcuffs at nursery? I wasn't even spoke gun. Turnus mousie, backed away from Belinda,
what's coming on, said Belinda now seriously trying to control her amusement only she literally roughly she's, lovely Ben Ali Willoughby Trust people under treat your clients well, and let's see that business rolling what's going on why the backing away is scared, I think he's leaving, but he found the way he's not walking away edging back facing. I can even villain, maybe You just can't bear to stop looking at her. She is a bigger, say, I'll return and release you in under two hours in urgent, because my parking the up that, but I don't want to pay a premium, keep your chin up and let you tits and click. Do Ok, ok! Pause Chin up, China
nine days go home with China, a patronising was let you tits and clicked do the talking now. That's enough tricky issue, body parts not know The data by the english nation Ex her clear, such are the right I have the doesn't say a word through chopped want just blinks click classier than he is unequivocal, overstated grove intruders in the play. He would pay Belinda's clear, used a great radio voice. Has it been possible
character, documentary embargoes or somebody Belinda's. She terribly do as well Miriam if you're listening get in touch with the role you were born to play. I smell an Oscar and best supporting click goes to click in a leading role. Is literally gonna out shiner about seriously political competition from her own annoying. To hear what it's got to say: ass for tests, I feel that the typical of short shrift with erotic, words ringing in her ears walked off, they arrive the grass underfoot felt, wet and Belinda could hear a sprinkling nearby which kept wetting her ankles. The area of work grass would soon become a mud tat. She thought disgusting.
What somewhat patch patch of modelling says it like it. She hated what are the best times, but tides. This garden fence meant you couldn't move around much It would soon get ready, muddy and quickly, and I was going be right- quagmire messy her thoughts, ready by the sound of cheerful, whistling down the maize, nothing so sexy like whistling most annoying how they ever also what's his clothes, namely to me like dive in I'm going to say get Malcolm today? What your closer than you think you could get market alfonse stir back from Belgium how our funds, Stir Backer from Belgium strolled into the glade and studies Belinda's position with obvious interest alfonse,
stir back as their backers. I've got one of those porn star names where you light you first Pat and you ve street. I can't imagine a coincidence that moment reading where he played Wilson s cousin infringements about other butler from Tony's outlined in her internet research, Belinda recognized him, and ten shall immediately over three hundred supermarket outlets throughout Belgium. Northern France Southern HOLLAND and they were soon to push into the UK. You lost me from our funds that is about to be a push in that delayed. If you asked me about the business, You is the leadership. He got a little bit of facts that are now severely three wages, a business, a good start. She thought. Yesterday I mean, if you must only where three hundred supermarket is a good place to start putting a lot of stuff. Then I would be over the moon manner. One's got together. I'm just saying it's not very sexy at present nor present, and that was the end of chapter bought
it's a very short chapter, so I think the guy the act in that way is you. GotTa Katy did Hoboken then go for tea or something I didn't do it. Ok and then, Chapter. Isn't too long. She just looking through its. I think we can just sizing double whammy, exciting, denuding, better chapter and I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fanned will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa, Appstore or visit fanned, will dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast? That's a c est. He must, between one years, older and present a new jersey and penalties,
sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call when a hundred gambler, ah love a vast chapter philosopher called a kite interest to lead. This is called the first client Alfonse Stir backer, so it's called the first line: cologne Alfonse tobacco, which is called the first client and then I'll phone stir backers just written underneath it with a semicolon afterwards, better go nowhere, My bad, of course, others tradition, regards, I think, less gopher, yeah, exciting Belinda blinked chapter five, the first client out Stir back good morning and Lady Anne who do. I have the pleasure of meeting
be it in a strange situation. High MR stir, backer is Belinda Blumenthal and I'm the sales director of steel pots and pans shoe What about you should apologise for the terrible company name, but she also was so awful that very few people ever forgot. It stir back, replied excellent. You look like my type of girl, young dark and mysterious. As you know, my name, you will also know I'm the purchasing director of my company sexy. That's quite the picket line is another. I think that's what it yeah buyer, let's get to know each other. We only have twenty minutes contacts and I intend to make full use of them. Oh god, oh Taylor, so crazy idea at all. Duffy Pudding, but that is not related to Sri Lanka. Revolting Alfonse immediately got to work moving his one garment of a black solve the end.
The matter is very early, Ablaham thong aware only just hearing about it. They obviously wasn't that important data when you reach one government. I thinking like wise. You anxiety, calf just a thong, so Alphonse is is ok in Belgium. I think there's a damn thing on the continent. Remote region, navigator, Our funds immediately got to work by removing his one garment of a black thong and taking off Belinda shoes and socks drank of every corner. Of the many little amaze. It's gonna take another species and tenants. Neighbor are no pants. Of course you can wear socks amene when animals here that in the clothing can stay completely naked. He pushed up her white shirt partially in covering her breasts. He then pulled her tennis got down to unease
and backed off what the hell is. That click is talking now. Lies are no less about backtrack clue, as our phones never see the Naked lady AOI, Oh, you know what it was. The lids Papa does a bigger j of to begin with. We could you pop limits for paying now they, how strange Belinda thought he's just a voyage. He doesn't want had a close contact. Maybe he's happily married. Oh yeah that'll be: Happily married people act, they turn up in a black song, they strip, someone and every marriage I've ever heard of quota hope is no rockies marriage. I just know about the same time: does rocking have really good relationship with the neighbours or anything Is there a maze nearby? We note straight trellis, none at all haven't I little maize in the garden, like a media, have
that is our glade remains, but there is a tangle of woodland made. The glade had a lot of tracing and we do have a leathern Alfonso settle Belinda. Would you visit in my office in Brussels? And let me see your body again. You can see my name Turning to say I've, I've only assumes that sort of thing on earth with them or something above like a kangaroo out like a toe boggles skip, became we're up with this. Perhaps I could see more of it and possibly in a less disgusting environment. Complementary or more of the usa- and we now know is any light pooled. Please, put us down and wait to show any see, partial breast
yes, and I have seen a thing like a beautiful. We sat in ruminant touch. Certain routes have no faith in their rooms. Draped with sat in autumn is if we talk about our homes by issues the living room. Half leather has a big part of modern, with other people see more of a body. If, but she has to go to Brussels for yeah, it's all Belinda she's gonna go. There is not making any effort. Absolutely Perhaps I could see more of it and possibly in a less discussing environment, Belinda immediately understood Alphonse needed order and homely comforts in order to progress his mount his eyes there is cock had quickly become completely erect. Well then he can mixed messages is repulsed backing away. Turning into it sure she replied, absolutely
Mr Backer, I'm so glad I fit your expectations and I would really like to do a lot of business with you. This is not the way people thought when then leave it like laid coveted. Most cheese. Semi needs No, no, I mean the way there talking. Oh, oh yeah, let's do it. Real, oh, yes, three hundred stalls and ethnic did she'd laxity some more business with him. I mean, there's gonna, be some more business in this maize before the night is through so he grinned and said that is assured my lovely Belinda, any fun old, her waiting to with relish with relish a bit of relatively both in his purse. Prohibitive chutney moments it. Oh god waiting a brass. I thought you said weighty, like the blue beggar,
they always cheaper? They were also waiting while awaiting the diverse is an unlimited s, verses, Abou waiting. Maybe this I if, if a lip was erected means is waiting here. Ok, like attack, having its light on like thumbing a ride like URI. I'm right, that's really useful tonight, each other so the next time. We feel that is its awaiting your noble and wool. I'm thinking, maybe that's been happening people have not been human behind me. The link with me- and I didn't leave another Belinda grown softly. One of his hand- sit down to her vagina and started gently caress it. Into after all, after all that kind of standing on solely back in a way being avoided lawyer, isn't a policy in she stroked his penis with both hands. I aren't you, haven't structural trellises, I think Debbie Magee over age, winds about our phones place, one ending on how
no, I think that the parcel strings attached the travellers so the title the eyes around, so that you still as completely free movement of her but part of strings of plastic chemicals. We can break free Amazon yet, but why would you leave who knows he's gonna come round the corner, exactly it's a whose o of european business people a gentleman from Brussels to Opel under but a great start the afternoon ridiculous burgundy Belinda blinked, the big here, Brussels, the sexiest, a country that has he asked of the administered generic, if only to bets, often the Hague after further ten minutes of extremely heavy fondling little while it Alphonse fondling so heavily exe. Really heavy fondling. I think the only time that that's been written down is on those heavy patting.
Next, we some bombing Belinda is becoming very wet, Alphonse had now greatest. As our english Goodwood J, I fear how funds our phones have now gone to a tense big time with his teeth and his very long cock had penetrated have over. Not a bit by bit. Jesus such stop by marks all over boobs but she's loving have shown that time. I wasn't sure what this week I recommend disassembly, but what else is there in his very long cock penetrated the boulder times, so he does have a very long. I told you not like her weak span, the some people it penetrated have fallen and biologists in the room was inside this conference. Sexy too, like sex ed,
let the EU funding is sexy before James me. Me me me me: why does he such science see words? I mean your guess is as good as mine, I'm letting a love of my father through his literature. So please don't let your I'm trying to legitimize it somehow come on. He was coming it has been giving you blinked, hasn't he obviously enjoying her tits and clear as Tony had put it. So I mean that The use of commerce would be helpful if the various points pleased at my side, lucky. He was almost Enjoying her tits inclusive Tony put it so happy just fifty minutes earlier and she had her. Major client breakthrough. She mentally pens, in a visit to Brussels in ten days time no sense in
strike he was the I'm was hot. So to speak. I like that, if you can have a real, exciting sexual moment, and you know she's climax thing and it's like fantastic and your mentally pen, selling something you do when you cut you don't about moving ahead, I mean something is steamy and haul. Think one o clock of flight now I know there's a two o five and if I reject hand luggage, if you can is that your mind is never wanted in german and very different us in our sensations, never been struck to a trellis, afar off, whistle sounded and I'll phone sparked off. Is your dog elephants tone, lagging blow? The whistle Tony study also believes that an who time for me to go Belinda, I thought they enjoyed your lack of brown and thong gods,
to something very thoughtful, but don't forget them when you visit me in Brussels very soon, a real funds, because I really didn't enjoy your play of thong? At least one of them was wearing a them, but how is it thought full to not have us all on, because there are fewer items. Remove is true, but then surely it's outrage about funds to Africa. Because it's repulsive runs wet with the Albanian won't Belinda's, though I had. Why isn't true we haven't talked about whether Alfonse has the body shape for critical after I think something's overhanging the thought the girl? What did you do now I family, George, your lack of bronze phone very thoughtful, but don't forget them when you visit me in Brussels very soon we will have dinner my vote. Exclusive gentleman's club and all our Ladys are expected to be properly addressed
at least when they arrive? You can't if somebody's not got a phone, is like the wide open other there haven't star or is it when I did? I probably use of those rules I mean I mean you would know that she didn't have abroad is, as always, but they would be like that behind him, money on quite lilac, pomegranate or they'll, be waiting. Belinda replied, don't worry, Mr Backer I'll be in touch very soon. Is not the end of chapter three under the chapter, so she's secured a meeting of the back of what has just happened they sat, have disarmed laughing event have extreme, but you have then turned into sex? you put it over, I'm sure he's everywhere,
I mean unless it was like a like dipped in an hour, it was which you like, I can say to Us- also yet that's too far and yet do you right next to the mind, accompanied so do you think I should chapters that too in one we're back mobile back on track. That was pre icy yeah after a kind of lacklustre chapter three, we are right back in there with chapters I want finally love this kind of national trust. May settings poets. Public players group could come round to any point with recycling, adding an act of air of danger. Next, we will tackle champ six. Why won over evil and what state in the maze? Yes, we are indeed, stay the night is so much more to happen in the maze chapter. Six is called the second client Jim Sterling Jimmy. The regional serve meeting, none but
Jim setting may have been in the blurb around the globe, which was longer than tat to walk around with who certainly longer than chapter for something that I thought we might cover, but an will clearly be safer. Chapter six is and about the duchess Yes, I know the duchess is still a bit of an Enigma reason. She who knows where she will pop up. I don't know I just feel like in these past grounds. That's the kind of face it s just a day. Yes, Tran will maybe she'll be visited. The maze. Oh, I didn't even think about that. You tease out over the book on somebody customer. Isn't this clear test of characters? I think we're gonna have first pick on here. We want to play the characters in the film version. I really think it can be. Like you know. The new high potter we're gonna actors knocking on our door, every bushes actor, we're gonna, be
All in all. I am unhappy James is satisfied. He's out of school he'll sleep good tonight I will an exhaustive Jane, I feel like Alphonse. Don't take. My black flung off curling runs up like that. How does not take us thus with them and be honest eyes? Will you let me comment so far about people saying that bag gang injured? What listening to rip? Please be careful out there that we get. You contact us on Twitter that road opponents on Facebook, my dad wrote a porno is an aim. The page, and run Instagram now as well. Indeed, my dad wrote her because they don't like say porn on Instagram Prudes and Duke come it's coming in. We are reading them, unloving them, as is my dad. Oh yes, rocky love in the coming honestly. It's actually kind touched him. My therein,
no way think eyes and his heart. You dirty people, yeah he's his loving and who knows you know all of your comments might be adding fuel to the great fire that has been done. Keaton, come in, and thank you for listening and am in true Alphonse spirit. We will now backed away from the MIKE's here.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.