« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S1E7 - 'The Tombola'

2015-11-08 | 🔗
This week Belinda is finally free from the maze and takes part in a charity tombola. But, as always, it's more than meets the eye. The prizes are much more racy...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The following podcast contains idle themes. Sexual content and strong language basically altered its Jamie. Why We hear work is mandatory in the corner. You that's written a port erotic, literature. What why Previously, on my dad right, a porno Jim Study, The chariot, Mr Lange Champion, shorten stout. Oh honey was despite. My name is Peter. He said and quickly bowed. As this traditional in so he began using the mud to mark Belinda's, tits ass mouth and is with symbolic sign
hello. I welcome back to another website of my dad wrote a porno Alice thanks to join me again, company five, an invite back so Cushman abide by always welcome, always welcome James Thankyou, new hacker swish, while make enough of the Belinda. You know these especial knights to me and I didn't Jamie. Thank you for often tweet is yet another chapter. We're getting really make your welcome Alice everyday to struggle, but I'm getting through where we are, of course where are we in a few days, are forgotten? Nothing motive, led yeah, so, basically last chapter, but about Peter round they might have gone to love from just sacks. Which we know Belinda, laughs and enjoys, but we think maybe that's motion or connection? Well, she certainly made reference or rocky did through his praise that she fell a connection that was deeper than just the average Falconer Bush.
Which is the essential. Are you doing an amazing, I think paraphrase paraphrasing? Obviously, so it's turning into a romance novel this? Could the next gone with the wind gold while bud symbols on her back. I can say that call. Beware it in another way, but Belinda knows a heart, so I trust her train also trust my dad. I'm really as colleagues want. Let's take some more, maybe, but not as much as I used to use it as a whole. Boy. What he would take me fishing, but I have understood him on a different level, certainly throughout this process, which has been interesting. So are we already Belinda blinked chapter eight, Tom Bow, they certainly forgot about the term. Fowler get your tickets. We nothing alight and innocent
This Belinda was now both exhausted and exhilarated. She was now exhausting the three clients and she's haughty who said this, so we, found a straight back in the maze, a wee wee where we left her she'd, been fucked by three males. Male! It's almost like a David. I M, pronounced Hale approached the female with a black thought. Has nothing natural about it doesn't happen the wanted they bury happens in literature, Odeon Rockies filthy mind. I hear my dad said: somber she'd been fucked by three miles. Well, let's be honest, two and a half to have all That's that's! In the book of that cop rival hours a day
oh baby, see rocky? Maybe I should say again to give the full flung Belinda was now both exhausted and exhilarated. She'd been foot by three miles. Well, let's be honest: two and a half two hours and have been totally mesmerized by one of them. The vow, We all work that we can take our eyes up a computerized. She also had a sixth sense that she could never uptown The special relationship Peter rousing herself, were developed in their short meeting, but for all that she was completely up for it. Peter was a successful dominating character and come to think of it. So she she's basically met her match. Yeah! That's what I like about that relationship. It feels of our two very equal parties. I dunno asking us to dominating part
surely need one passive one dominating utterly going to work out. I foresee problems or mother rose and speaks volumes about your private left end. We supplement mistakes. Lifeless passive is the James Guard at the? U and repeat IRAN now relax sing against the trellis. As you David quite the place to relax, get a cab on bathing in what she pulled, the parcel string sharply and it fell to the muddy ground. Secure. Then, after a large, my swordsmen stood there. She slowly twisted the plastic handcuffs and they fell apart and she down to pick up a tennis out how strong is Belinda and then she ripped the travelers inattentive she's, the female hulk all of a sudden, and then she punched, our father, it was a real mess. Me about it. I think so tell herself at all. I will admit the whole thing from China to him through to present there.
It was a real mess, but for decency sake she put what was left of the shirt undress dress back on what session great, does one rattling. She knew Tony be here any minute to bring her back the barbecue area and then she could get back to her lovely bath, her room in the horse and jockey soon she heard footsteps coming through the maze. Thankfully it was tony. He was in a black thong, overly high Belinda. Let me guess we could write a James. She stool wicked way with our views. Yourself always gets in the way they. Maybe this is the moment o o o. Thankfully it was Tony a large smile on his face side aided your stuff, our Belinda. Those three guys you just and detained or over the moon with you and detained? Yes, she didn't issue shouldn't. Go song about number three value that same. Does everything that song and dance to be fascist and the whole region
has the over the moon with you, and the other girls have done. Good is only trellises, all that information, I don't believe it twisted and see coming forward special now to shake. What do you mean other girl, I'm with Belinda? Didn't you know Just seven Bela here as well. It's not you will have got the lower ranking executive statuette about somebody with three hundred outlets hardly a trellis suitably. Would probably it's not you. It's your glee team as well. Galileo team. What does that mean? It seems fruitless to ask that question motivated oh come about is like him pre, emptive, Belinda, every turn, Tony. What do you
by Glinda. I love but he's like a call and I'm the rockies anticipating basement that are not a language that is they now realises. I'm gonna have to explain my every turn. Tony. What do you mean by glee team? We all just girls out for a good time and only the ban tell you looked decided not to come. A condition very good, then he had never seen so much mud stick to a person and what were those symbolic Look on her face. I thought I told you I had a town driving out of somebody asked about. They soon reach barbecue area, which had been transformed, to a roman style Mp Theatre with over four? The people sitting around on chairs having ass they had
They see reach barbecue area which have been transformed into a roman start and prefer to with forty people sitting around on chairs. They were mostly clients, but there lives about those wiser having the best today out a job where have you been divided over molotov thought must have been gone for forty five minutes. They were mostly clients with their wives, who heard up to this. No knowledge of the sexual adventures, which a few of their number had been allowed access to. How could they not? No, I mean you got Belinda Moon in a groan and from the maize which commune
far away. Absolutely someone's blowing a whistle all the time. Belinda sat down on a chair a really paints a picture with words which Tony it found for then. Certainly she looked around and tried to look ages. Alan Bela they'll be the other muddy ones, probably Belinda gasped when she recognized you so why a beautiful blonde hair had been to say the best remodelled there is another thing to say the best is by perhaps Romania. With a twist of the dramatic three question marks, well hell, unorthodox, rightly Leicestershire, so I've been remodelled, perhaps by a man.
Yeah with its westminster? That's how I describe your so if we just look at what we can kind of get a sense of what use are lacking and the poor thing what you ve been through this alibis, what you ve been through eyewitnesses, Belinda Gasp and to recognise Jizo, her beautiful blonde hair had been to say the best. Modeled stupid thing to say the battle by perhaps a maniac with a twist with a dramatic. Her dress is seen as much whereas Belinda's tennis outfit and was being held together by a few safety pins. Those from here thought had yet see. Belinda's a novice. Just looked up and saw Belinda staring at her, she smiled and stared backup, Belinda's. Equally disgusting condition and torn cloven girls stick together and stop like sign off the airlines. Finally, judgments have ever which no man I mean girl, why that is about like a mass, also, maybe they understand,
I think it is something I regret each other perfectly recrossed, the unprecedented ouch. The sea of forward here he put up a huge our house on chairs, can one as our on chairs. I forgot about the chance heart, have against the Chinese. Each has Cummings. There's no reference to those in the blurb convey, though, with a reference to Belinda thought. Perhaps she had gone off lightly, but why was tony so happy? Jazeera was his girl and she seemed to be in a bit of a state. Why does Belinda always think she looks better than Gazelle? That's it we're about slightly better boobs. Step after so Belinda gaped Zella thumbs up herself, and does that
I don't want to go. The games is thumbs with looked around for better and dominate she soon spotted her and, to be honest balance, it looked much better than just now. Curse, though our hair was intact in Scotland, so just don't worry about it. This. Just as has been designed to pay on Belarus has in turn God has. What do you know how to find out? She finds out, though her hair was intact. Her ass, it were sporting half a dozen safety pins Where is everybody? Get you decide to keep him raw had y know what I want the balloon is actually in the main challenges our brought a box of safety. Pins didn't help
and they're like screw Belinda. Meda They belinda bogus greed. Maybe it's an annual Tom Bola, maybe the male. Also to say during all this when oversee they looked like they ve been drug through a hedge backwards. Jacked up against drugs, which is exactly what's up all the wives. The decision on drinking Pimm's, gonna Ladys about a rough ride got caught in the re. Half naked uncovered pills every enjoyment. Cucumbers homage to balance face was home. Covered in red lipstick as though another maniac trying to apply it. Like you know the maniac maniac hair stylists. They had definitely succeeded in making it look at heart. That's gonna make it was all over thank you like a because just lipstick schooled. Over your face to screams.
You can certainly does I've done it before and attract a lot of attention. Belinda court, but as I and smaller Bolivia, for the thumbs up arms up Belinda through this very strange. What's going to happen next, I'm guessing tumbled is about to happen. In this chapter. I felt desperately misled a couple of years later, a tool chaps stood up and address together. Welcome everyone to our annual Tom boat. It was on you'll, get everything once even to want. You cannot wait more than twelve months ago to another one cheapens, Yvonne, you bring save, depends than hangs actually welcome everyone to our annual tumble where prices are the same as previous years, while great get can I guess what they are? Are they women but there's no referendum I think we have to have been to theirs, outmoded previously, the fictitious tumblr to know why we have had to visit rockies mind a bit like big John Malkovich Acres
welcome everyone to our annual tambo nowhere prizes are the same as previous years. I also want to personally thank Sir James Goldwyn Valeo person. Philosophers have this opportunity to raise my needed money for our local, generating charities endorsing this as a form of funding for these young people have been arrested, be raised, money- I'm really. This is now the viability about, but it goes to that. I also want to personally thank Sir James Godwin for letting us have this opportunity to raise some much needed money for local charity. The season He has trust what kind of ass a little. I can now die happy. This is my favorite very often in Dublin. I found my new charity to settle so one spear, let's
let me just get this straight. I want to see the pursuit times industry get together shop, its. We greens are Wola, hosted by said genies knight of the well. I don T want association, no trust trust or are they are then? If you can ask rocket as other looking for numbers because I'm willing to take on that role you couldn't write but permeated you shouldn't right. You man. Now please remember, as your prize is a real person you in a human being, apparently so you will only get your servant for the time being rate of twelve hours. That's the highest bidder from this audience, for each individual prize gets to take them home. The audience clapped, enthusiastic click on others, The tall continued
is anyone rule, and that is that we have a safe word. They have a safe word, a safe word which after the means, the owner stops the directive task right away and the servant is released from their twelve. Our duty can, I just say, as you know, into a long term goal, as this is the first time I've heard that most of the required to pay, my fifty being taught you take. It got my half use ball of population and got married, but has never been as they were involved they rode the asses and donkeys trust, because none of our business, the downside is that is this: haven't has to match the donation paid by the bitter to our charity, but to be able to have a safe word. One rule fifty two roles. And the road negated by thought through the downside of that is that the service has to match the donation paid by the Petitoire charity will win, obviously the donkeys we're not even being that in this situation
and I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit. If you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user older and present a new jersey and penalties. Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call when a hundred gambler. Ok, yes, no, Europe will not just to himself. Ok continue, we will win. Ok, Yes, now, please
Now, please remember girls and potential owners. The safe word is simple: Yes, yes, I did yes thimble. Anyone yeah everyone's got the same safe word: thimble yeah deciphered is thimble. Yes, thimble easy to remember. It stops you from getting pricked lovely little joke from, but all them that's very good, provide the crowd. Groaned underlined
my guess tonight, who both bluff crowd a great guy, latvian and not very quickly the crowd, groaned and started clapping, notably relatively till she did, she was intrigue, doesn't take much to peek Belinda's. She quit people who would pick up my prize Tony Burma. No Sir James caught were endeavour that he could look grows and boy would I enjoy that scenario? Today we have three servants on offer and to find out who they are and take note. It could be any of you here. I want you all to look under your chair. As and see the number attached to it
The price is right: it is light. We really should not brought my auntie Doreen. Suddenly, the chairs also revealing leaping o the sound of her would be scraping. Chaz fills the air was now huh studios check. Venomous Belinda's was thirteen unlucky for some she soon. I definitely gonna be unlucky, fa she's totally mister. Ok that old man shouted let's tumble the term bowler it and say that I have to say that does not prevent us tumbled at home. Would I have to say that list humble this umbrella and see what the three luck the numbers are lucky that, Both I went round and round. From the wheels in the bus, Belinda felt a sense of adventure takeover person at
Haven't you upload girls? She somehow felt she knew she ll be a prize, but she didn't know who would be her own office in our current sexy they wanna say no, This does not mean a lot, that's oversee where feed say and cleaning out, but you mean I wanna intrigue. It is like maybe says that the narrative devices on to kick him alive, he's gonna be the winner. What is wrong with you to read? The first number is twenty two, I repeat twenty two with the person sitting on China between due to please send a is a term twister asylum, because I think that is the person with the blue Volvo, please. It's part right across the entrance sport customize Belinda looked around to see who the lucky person was. Who was a guy, can better what you said it was just ass. I she stood up. A safety pin fell out rip
ass. They were things you paid for out of eating a beautiful right, breast. The crowd of course, unripe breath night. The right now is not the right now, I'm sure they are right, but it was the right unappreciative murmur came from them. Which so many of the wives elbowing them in the ribs. Did they dad bit for her after that? Belinda thought. The second number is thirty. Seven, I repeat thirty, seven battles yeah no kidding her safety pins? old Belinda balance to the society pins held and Belinda started to smell a rat. Was it was I would again but never mind the third them, but is lucky, for so nobody set up. Should ices areas by Belinda Jump to a feat ready to go wondering who should be a servant?
For the next twelve hours, her to one shot fell wide apart, revealing her breasts and attend school flapped? Why in the mountain breathe, revealing her lied to me. Some body ask me founded this chapter. Eight others too Good, over and over a telescope Why did the mounting breeze revealing her pubic airlines, the assembled body, but she didn't care? She was Belinda and she was going to make sure big. Butch men took her home down like a talking in fat person like some sort of like super here and also one she's dropped. The Blumenthal now said it all.
This is where we make them not told them. This is where we make some money for our charity, as the rest of you can bid for their services. But, firstly, do I have the agreement of these three very fine Ladys be coerced into these important roles. Fine Ladys, with worthy establish standard black apps, the threat of one's coveted mud ones, bull, and the other one does not lead to clarify our tent. The scarecrow without Laploshka Aspect, the home. With a face bang got around a winner, shoe dip. Droplet Belinda thought what the fuck I am with the executive, I'm thinking right now. This might be fun It's probably you do you cleaning and loan moving on a Sunday evening. Its know: how does she don't know what novelties? In addition, I do not know who she is: it's probably the egg.
We must put release of light tools, shouted out. Yes, I'm game was was you came, Belinda! No, unlike some of these are over, these remain once covering up her private parts with hands and arms. So she said I'm game and then tries to cover? Sulphur is always counting boobs in the private hubs and the pubic airline travel division between the two fingers, airlines being concealed the other two girls followed suit and happily agreed the tall man bowed. How to making an almost normally I want bundle gum the chinese ritual the term about them. Thank you for your noble assistance.
Charity. The asses and donkeys trust is much indebted to you. The bidding quickly started with better and she soon went for three hundred and fifty pounds to the Americans. Mr Lange, Listen I took about short straw lit. And gave her own. I vow through greater number and belet sumac for three hundred and fifty pounds, the American Jim Sterling who Belinda thought could do with a cop transplant. And I'm very soon that doesn't mean so far. Still. She our Belinda difficult transplant Gazelle when next for three hundred pounds, Tony of all people, definitely a case of protecting its own, the tiny bit unresolved, whose kind of his bit anyway grandmother whatever, but only by three hundred quid
this guy guardian barrel quota. Let us we would have a proper identity. She spoke. Women will be just ass, a body to die for a working ever sat and talked about, but she is now bald she s plucked than it was Belinda's turn Lord, no God the bid started slowly pound I use this shrapnel. Hypocrisy is ready to accept postal nerves. The legal tender, but would you bid for Berlin a mistake she's in blessing the bid started slowly and Belinda couldn't believe her body was that bad? Perhaps it was all the mud. Where was her perch and finally, she went for two hundred pounds from related.
Lady River Ladys, dressed in a white linen trousers suit, a Panama hat. I got it for two things: one the man from dome Tat is just just you. Ve got the prize, Finally, she went for two hundred pounds from a lady dressed in a white linen trousers suit, Panama hat court, only the dutch yeah. Dutch is finally arrive at any time with Belinda sold the Tom boat it was over and the three girls were taken away to stop by twelve hours of duty that now devastated Belinda. Oh shit, he shouldn't get the putsch man not being funny that joint for tender quit for twelve hours, that's
she sixty include an hour from the Dutch why things got money to split Joe? You would hope she's not going pay the scourge, the authors of the dome. I'll, give you all she student for them. The now devastate Belinda was immediately led to a whole pipe, neither stables, whether duchess stripped of her torn skirt and ten, a shirt and host her down, She roughly fondle Belinda's tits and ass in the washing processing, the watching price, as they all do. With long handled brush and then pushed her still naked into a who spoke. Oh well, at good clean. Do the brush Women should be around who is now the Monroe Linda with the rear. I obeyed down. It was obvious that it has all been implanted advance. Instead of straw and manure, there was a sulphur for drink,
our views career, I probably say: yes, that's not how it usually so for drinks, albeit chilled tinned gin and tonics. Well, you know they are our doors. He kind of everything beggars, combat users, our kitchen and tonic and attain junk. In the park night, the duchess Rudy pushed Belinda onto the sofa and after a drink. Clearly, good breeding doesn't need good man is a lot, but after the duchess, rudely pushed Belinda onto the sofa and offered her drink. Belinda nervously poured the canned down her by now parched throat. She was still feeling horny didn't think canoe owner, give her what she craved. Even after the afternoons. Events slope she wanted a birch manages ended up with a dainty woman dressed enough work in Panama, Panama, fuckin hat I mean who was Panama, she's done
There are not any matter and not white linen. Can we just talk about the fact that Belinda poured a drink down her throat from on high, like local she's such a facility straight down the girl at she's in that market? Woman? Quite a lot of the kind didn't get down, Belinda Throat engine made sure the liquid trickled down her neck onto her breasts and then into a television. Oh, why pooled overflow? and ran down the track of her black people can have a China still isn't animosities doesn't let a vast sheet is: wound alcohol and either of internal bits. Yes, if you ve got some kind of cool down that Lebanon now gives us an account prudence it just into the sea to think of it. Ass, like the inside of the Ladys,
David is lack of experience in said, region really is showing a not seem many have had a baby. Don't have about you, dont know if he could have been sure, but it was dark. Very loud was glad to bring in two thousand and four unusual much. Two Belinda's surprise the duchess murmured waste not want like the Gina put into stomach and glitter genuinely no waste, not one welcome, Belinda thought result. But said nothing and let the dutch enjoy, has laughing pig flesh, puppy piping. This was setting the tone with directly Oh she's happy now got using fickle
They cover them difficult, difficult, fickle, Belinda blinked. It was obvious that This is enjoying its relationship as she kept her free hand. Around Belinda's left breast was carelessly slopping the drink into a mouth. Sucking sexy like slop seriously had enough servant said the duchess, as we have to me. VON also James will be joining our little party, the duchess, efficiently clothes detailed or if the horse trailer to the charge of the quickly assemble party of Stable Lancelot Discharge grim mean as Let you don't even know what children it kind of means. Disappointment lie. It's gone like also they. What the stable boys will I looking from afar length now they kind of wanted a piece of the other I met. Chug remains it's one of those. Let's I've always rat. Rather, the need a city that that that, across the rocky further, even when they props, where the day for rocky children, the duchess efficiently closed a tale toward the horse trainer to charge at the quickly assemble party of stable,
leaving Belinda reclining on the sofa and helping us out to another Jenin tonic and comfort. It was just as well. She could stretch out because the duchess was after competent driver Lord. She hasn't gonna, do anything until negotiations not drink and enjoy them. Is this while most it slip off? Belinda's body, will then she's a bit. She was, alas, is waste ashes, her vagina giant vagina dinner. If you are vigilant on average Everyone comes together, the girls she not a competent driver, the large four wheel, drive vehicles plus trainer, I mean who is so hearted sat a lotta kit. Belinda lost count of the cut corners and sudden hopes as they drove through the country lions to an extent the most hell, which had some private chalets in the grounds nice sinking a been treated well, motel!
shhh allies, the motorways of the chief is they can get as being so glass half empty, Belinda, wickedly hope the duchess was better fucking when driving me to Jesus and had a companion who could do both Oh, that's. The end of a marathon That was a long on what a roller coaster yeah alone We learn that a law happened down a plot to the needs of the citizens will get plot we'd nazi characters, plot hello is rocky. For instance, if you ve been enjoying might have appointed, as we make sure you get in touch at Davos. Porno on twitter find some face because willmott report- I am by the original text- Belinda blink the book by Japanese the cash locations and is trying to build a concern which we please Hotmail and all extra proceeds go to the asses
so this thing.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.