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S2E1 - 'Ritz Spa Gossip'

2016-07-04 | 🔗
Belinda and the gang are BACK as they open 'Belinda Blinked 2'. This week, Giselle lets Belinda in on some sexy secrets as the girls treat themselves to a free spa treatment...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The following pot cast contains idle themes: sexual content and strong language, basically other than the weight is over. I have Belinda bling too in front of me, along with James and Alice hi, guys I high, are you excited so excited? I can't even express it. I can't believe Erica have there has been a bit of a weight, but I think it's a white there's been worth because they were all now ready. It's like yours, too Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. We're gonna need a bigger delta. Has rocky Rocky is brilliant? he is loving the response of Madeira Porno Series, one he's a celebrity wow
he's he's a known or for which is a notable author of note, which is good for him. People are desperate, see what he looks like as well. He is the bankruptcy of porn or Alison. I've seen him he's very dashing tat. You think he's our face now where he would get the trimmings of a national treasure, while all the trimmings oven. Plaque, maybe you know someone notable named after you like data or Public building, like library, the Rocky Flint stirred library may thing, I'm taking him Papa, but two million people have downloaded. This thought makes him I'd, say ass well, known as Mary bury. You think the queen's listened. I would not doubt, but we do have listeners in the Vatican city, so the Pope's this rise in credible. How many, I think, too, that even more incriminating showed up the pope and a card that we should
using encrypted line so busted you knew this would be the scandal and the conflict. Ok guys, as is That's my with, but in Dublin books is not just corporate dipping too, because that would be madness in the cold. Suddenly Sandra does a semi Sonny, I'm a man. So the full title is Belinda blink to semi colon. Continuing story of coma everything said passion and big business deals. The Asia deal is semicolon how following the sexiest sales girl in business ass? She continues to earn her huge bonus by being the best moving herself blouse. This offers semicolon occupants. Answer me. Comin
What what is hell is dripping sex, well and also you can't do a call to action and the title continue the story of trickery so so that's the full title, but we will just using but endeavouring to four, is faster than outside I don't want to highlight myself as not being fully upon, but one that is a bit of a Blair, yet we should kind of have to think about where we left Belinda, so she just finished up with the duchess in the shower, I think that said that goodbyes had another drop exchange, the email addresses and stuff, and then the Dutch literally sped off into the more the ashes in the cloud of dust and then Belinda went back to the office. He was back in the office by nine thirty, which is only half an hour So do you think we're gonna be starting where we left off so to speak, Would you think rocky dies? I feel a careful them to be it's twenty. Eighty four
Belinda an old woman that, by the time in the maze duchess, is just ahead in a job hi guys. So are we ready on my guard rocky Flintstone, what you gonna throw us? I've got really hot and the fact that companies book to chapter I know is crazy, so you will have a sweepstakes on what the first chapters can be called upon. To read that the word we think rock he's going with this. We have the time to chatter I was thinking. Will it be like nine thirteen interesting Monday? meeting. I mean that would be a logical guess. It's not that have her name in the title. No, it has got a name.
Should be allowed to use by anyone. Tell us: ok, Belinda blinked, to chapter one writs spar, Cosette! Oh god, I mean we're about to find out writs spy, it Belinda's phone rang, Cripple, We read it now. There was yet a page. You should use the phone event Marvin Belinda here. She answered Tony, get your ass into my office pronto! Well, yes, sir! on the double replied, Belinda feeling distinctly upset already more than Chevy spoken, but one. Yet this is incredible dialogue here. Why ships there? Why?
Epps. After all, she done for the company yesterday. She didn't need to be treated like the office cat I have a word one office without a cat, does she mean a pussy? I wish It does not get treated well his dry. It's not microchip God knows that shipping. That's given us an indication where we're out Ask me Monday morning must be Monday morning. You're right, literary, nine we want a slow pace. After all, done for the company yesterday, you didn't need to be treated by the office cat. Tony the Andy, so you'd better get along quickest young ash. Through television minutes later Belinda was standing outside Tony's duel, Pavlov was she mentally steeled herself, a knocked somewhat she's done wrong, come in answered a gruff voice, our Belinda that was fast sit down
Belinda. Did ass. She was told, still furious ahead, demeanor to her son there's. Another attention has already been said. To do what she's told God this is a turn up for the marks at the most passive woman in the pots and pans industry, some of character. He passed her a fax and said I've Melinda. What is they never? You did a printed emo. He pastoral facts and said: what do you make of that It was an official order from Peter rouses supermarket company for five thousand units of utensil cod and breathed Belinda. Just that how'd you breathe, the word thanks: Voldemort Belinda, it's not fantastic, its bloody unbelievable. What
you do with him yesterday afternoon in that bloody may not want to know where to establish basic like that, would be a profession. No secret mister M D, Sir, replied Belinda up. Well, it's a sweet deal for the company with some of these units in stock for at least six months, at least clever infantry very nicely depressing as Outlay Shack to get rid of her. The whole story could shift our well, how about six months, nor even the new range, but the quantities good Tony said Belinda family. Are going to sell rouses organization a pop up seal pop pop pop. That's a new ones. Me yeah things, look at their accounts and upon the office can up so animals. Do the funniest thing that can register attention. The fact that nothing happens over to be left for sentences-
we're waiting, but anything tat is what you expect. What did you sign up for, but the quality is still good. Tony said Belinda faring though so browsers organization, a pop. The best, of course, is just ass sales force can't get any outlets for them, but thinking on it, perhaps Continent is where we should have been setting them in the first place, worst sales team effort, The famous Lee there now is not the best strange if they can't shifted. That is the best, as it is a pop up the path. So I suppose a pop on this point is about great said, I'm in Amsterdam, this Thursday and Friday to type the loose ends of Peter so keep in touch on this one. You know it tightly. Them means sanitation meeting now officially over says. Everyone. Does it also wasn't of those like the quick is meeting in history? Belinda left the office feeling stunned? it wasn't. Every Monday morning a new major client came on board. Whatever
How is she Sunday essentially said he's gonna put in a massive order, emotional massive order into her vagina, no interbank designed to having closed systems she's waiting in the recent visit of it. So we saw another high the Lebanon to successful. Finally, the hardware is paying off back in Belinda's office. Dissolved Doktor had run the door and said to Belinda he's, given us, the passage to the Ritz. So why not come with me today to the spot? By the way? There are no such things. It's free passes to the written, Odin towers, that's not the right moment, but there is no free pass. Our expose us back into disorder. Speedy boarding woke about you. So shall we say? Oh yes, work and you so good to have you with us again see don't trust as far as you can thanks to sell that's fantastic, Belinda grinned come on. Let's get out of here promptly. Nine thirty
on a Monday morning. The second day of words refer. She sends a blue days essentially and she's just gotta massive ordering. The woman deserves a bit ly. Writ spar was in Central London Knightsbridge. Neither writ suppose you isn't. It did not do it now. In politics at seven in the negative. It supports not like us to read the writ spouse central London only one those could shops for about one convenient lay Knightsbridge, so the two girls took the tube at the spot mentions they passed over their admission cards and that everything just happen admission. Everything levelling just happen, so I'm just but admission collar and then, if everything could just happen away, her the culture of reality, status, and they were immediately lead to a lounge serving champagne. They left their valuable in a small room where they also changed into white robes and collected three large tells each
No limits on the Taos guys. This is the Ritz VIP assessment within guided them to the motor room I feel is about star, is another room coated in my dear It is. We are honoured to have you join us today. Please free to ask for refills or anything else. Might desire first, experienced the mushroom. Then the cylinders, then the crystal pools and finally, the beauty silence the whole beauty view on is, as is a chapter list. We could have in this house as a whole, but if the index this has been indifferent to everyone chapter, four, the crystal poodles, the whole process.
Takes around five hours, cheeses, sweet, baby, I'm so lunch will be served when you wanted Belinda and use our looked at each other plenty of time to check them, such as EL lots, to hear, I think, replied, Belinda we got stuff those you're gonna gossip about what is writ spar gossips. Then I'm going to spark off. There were the rents. Thought makes them to sell relax into her much pack. Institution pale thoughtfully sounds like a rocky word from bottom looking to sit on mumbled pack Belinda Do you mind if I tell you everything I mean even the stuff I kept from tone, Wait. Wait, wait! Wait there, when the duchess was like about to unveil that stuff and light, reveal all those things
This is an exciting enough that we didn't find now as big an anticlimax meet. It could be less I believe it is until we find that would actually is because, if it is exactly so desire, gonna tell Belinda what she was up to in those taught in that I imagine so yeah gazelle. If it means that much to you, then I'd be honoured. Passive below, isn't say, gotta, be too keen exactly the kind of I coaxing sally. Fine, I'm simplistic to fight on that related may not be honoured, said Belinda, so spill the b, Tommy as well. As you know, just after the barbecue Tony placed you in the maze he then me too. The building which houses the James is anti cause. It's quite large. At in the centre, there was a full posted bed,
in the center of a carriage, but can I just say before we drove into this any further, unlike that he's kind of falling back rushing alike because we thought we would never have those huge gaps fell. It's like a flashback I mean more respect, for it makes me think this is an actual book. Giving me food for early days was I going to its credit tony. Have admitted the four poster with some ridiculously pink colored plastic handcuffs, so ridiculous, surprise, surprise, Belinda nodded she knew only too well the scenario he told me he would be. Back in two hours and to enjoy the bad, nothing here. For the first hour, and I thought that other start this chapter? Nothing happened for the first hour and I thought well
Fun party that hasn't happened at least have a comfortable here on this posh bad such small dreams, desirable, simple desires, then I heard the singing while per annum, singing gospel just because to assist and what do you mean singing ass, Belinda cisely arising we intensely interested when yet beginning one. Second, I tell you they felt comfortable here on this posh bad. Old irish song, Is it party I have led to play games What do you mean singing ass Belinda now intensely interested? It was an old irish song called. Will you go? let's go
these are not only is it is a classic staples. Morton household Avenue sung it s, probably drug. We give us a little Will you go? Let's see how well again in there, Lastly, the good luck, it's beautiful piece formality- quite mournful for some of us- have approach, someone's have sat quite upside down, beat an old Irish Concord called. Will you go? Let's go. How very apt said, Belinda that at an early hour as in go luxury? Nothing but does not lapse lousy. Did you feel like you, Re Amazon go let's go on my impression
Yes, they sang it really well. They which mean day o all in harmony all ears acquire they have great voices of course, Of course, this is all about get some weird orgy with an irish vote band. Is it the cause and the other Sharon will not pay them certain might have any all the cause. Is you know the members of like anything to things like yeah? I'm just now, that's pass. Ages. I just want to make the US turn. Every boy burned has another wonder and because the Having Zenza Nk six jumped Anja, though not learnt for obvious reasons, nazis coordinating the effort
I didn't, think, Lunchbasket feature in this episode. What the flights of fancy? Yes, they, it really well all in harmony. They have great voices. Of course, if I didn't know you better I'd say he was suffering from it. Pack of Stockholm syndrome. Muse Belinda, many of them did you say there were she didn't say how many Go on expertise. Stockholm syndrome is that when you are When you can, then you don't? You feel in love with your capta, but then He Belinda Hostile came syndrome too, because she had a grey old time in the maze unloved, the duchess S, good Pooh, pop cattle with people in houses, shouldn't shaggy, amazes blab. Could you say there all the time the town, ah by first confession. Belinda, I told Tony there were six of them, but actually there are only three
Belinda, let slow whistle admit like a boiling cats to pitch, is done. The latter slow whistle emit through her teeth and thought six would definitely them better than three classic Belinda such guzzle got me day, so they might It is the building between the cause and up to the better. I was sitting naked, though reminded me better. Seven dwarfs they never three of them, no mention of the being what they might be Second guesswork events, they remain. A bit of the seven dwarfs they always everywhere in line and what these cold, like shaggy, commie pattern. You run things and just a little bit fact fetish
grubby. All they were wearing was a black phone, all three of them sharing or so and take them long to get ready for action. Well, then, they started kiss me all over? surely one of them called Kevin started started to let my pussy. Forget it cover been throwing that YO of singers what others called Kevin, whose obviously the most one irish thing is, I was thinking I saw the Irish also yeah you're right, but what is missing in obscure our recent lovers islands, the tops and advancing well Then they started to kiss me all over and eventually one of them called Kevin started to look. My pussy Another called Danny massaged, my tits and a third called sure, because my
kiss, my ass shown and another call daddy massaged, my tits and a third called should cast by phrase that means Vulcan kiss. My ass John reaches up, What about you just ass to the bad so did lose this possible. So I I was thinking about unless it is the proposed Tibet is a bunk. Bad news from beneath somebody could be packing shit the bird Love is drink from those water bottles. Exactly Gould Belinda. What you said was missing out at all sounded terribly civilised. She received civilized missing body parts of their elbows at such an elbow
Jason was nibbling any gaps. Belinda did. What you said was missing out at all sounded test. A civilised and chickens. It had a hard time in the maze Belinda said nothing and just nodded guy don't blame. Yet, though she hasn't arrived and I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Fanned all sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderpool, dot, com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present a new jersey and penalties. And I felt lay offs are in full swing. Right now fan dual sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place. For about ten minutes with a bit of rotation going on between the lad drift nets.
You cover the rotation of staple timed repo. Everyone moves around the body, this all lasted for about ten minutes with it tip rotation going on between the lads between you and me. Danny was the best looking like lit, though I never said anything I didn't want to upset any of them ass the lying. If Kevin went in first as well, we must have thought I'll start there. He was moving around over up here I mean they. Well good, but daddy was definitely the best Belinda added to wonder what is I was trying to say: did she fancy Danny also note we just was good looking at lit. Would it be out Gesture is already gone down and you found difficult yeah fine in the means. Of course, I started to pump Cox with both hands. It was an easy like some a bell ringing. Isn't that play a song bombing dong, precise love nation that in a kind of
when sighing all of these weapons right but she's handcuffed, the bad? It was an easy decision to make who got what tat terse Bush It was an easy. This isn't a vague who got worse as though Kissing. My ass was out of reach, so they must now show me that push on push on. I think that's why they said to rotate I've got my meaning, so will make sense really building nodded her head again thought. Yes, I'd get a bit upset if I only had the rump unknown stimulation besides, Danny's cock was really responding. Big so I started giving a blow job, and that said, the other scrambling for my tits and cleared grab. The legal position themselves are messy and Ozone, arrayed, sirens being called here. How was done his cot responding? How does a cop risks
well, I'm getting a rat said you did, but where they were watching us, you can get anonymous if you and folded high collar. Your house's caught with one exception there all erect. So how is Danny showing He was more aroused than the others will enable savings If you'd come under these kindly, I think they re lying rigid in a slight harder than the other. Two, maybe like big, more says, secular brought this up. Danny got hold of my hair and started to twist it. While I continued working is cocktail my throat the sword. He really enjoyed that an came the next minute. What is he twisting the hair a bit like the heron, the maize? Is he the maniac, These must enable Danny Danny the mania than a maniac romania- oh my god of course.
This is how to those when she stock as our and she's out Jesus Christ, why she like tired and plucked and feathered approach to rocky that is a well thought out. Wrote with inventor won't happen. Javert just wait, don't none is there was, I feel it. Maybe Alice's have clock that from Ghana, maybe maybe thing very slight zones. The qualities of some guy, solve it bogged down with anything, but still they love. Daddy got hold of my hair and started to twist it. Well, I continued working is cocktail my throat, he really is with that. In came the next minute. I think that's when the scuffle broke out, between the other to defy the barber. All you know and my rush cigarette lecoq since my mouth, Would you like
if both at the same time, a name for it. Probably the Google, I think, that's the scaffold, caught between the other two? You know, and I rushed to get that Cox into my mouth anyway. They only landed a couple of punches on each other boys. Desperate, is is aware that comes to mind her anyway. They, a couple of punches on each other with shorn coming off the worst. He must have a beautiful black eye today. Thinking about it sure, really got the wrong end. Quite naturally, of the deal just laughed and Belinda grimace slightly. She could believe what she was hearing. Exciting also voiced his electric about that? That's drawn up baby shone like concussed. Somehow I thought it in his face James.
Dear sexy Jack, just laughed and Belinda In a slightly, she couldn't believe what she was hearing is that You got your limp ass Belinda pop in detail how the limp didn't she does this chapter Rico as a lot of non, remembering backed the obscure trombone episode. Ok, I would recommend it people are struggling to go back and chapter seven, the Tom Bowler, which is where love this originated, Is that how you got your limp, ass? Belinda? No! But I've come to that bit later. As I said, cabin one, the touch of the next blow job and I duly obliged him- he wasn't as ten dollars, Danny, probably punch to his lips from shown didn't help out there, but you know maybe Linda I never admit defeat, and I got him to respond after a few minutes of prick teasing with my tongue and lips,
once he was up. It was chance when he was down once he was. He was up there was none the wiser than good. There is neither down he's, not no doubt that once it was up, it was Charles Plate please? Could you what that aren't? I asked my God and he came quickly that only left shown you hadn't had an education at this point. The session my god, what is with me really does it rose sterile language shows very had anything at this point bless him. So no furnace, I have to concentrate on. He said a faithful of ass follows at that point. The spar assistants came out of the side, room and approach the agreement by default. Too bad, you know we're the flesh, but without back into the real world. The Ritz ladies
time to remove the mud, packs please and then look at each other, area, Stephen haven't conversation with mud smeared all out for their faith Joanna Belinda fell silent and enjoyed the mug pack removal process, which only took a few minutes and with them on they were led down a corridor to the sooner area the assistant poured out and champagne into to fancy delicately cut, flutes delicate impeccable, put too small white towers on their chairs and disappeared into a side room. I felt like a troop of Rockies. Really a name kind of admin stuff that gets you from? to be that no one cares about and he also loves a fancy. Delicately cut, flew he just loves drinks, receptacle detailed picture of glassware. This is great set Belinda? I could sense get used to the standard of Jim, very easily jab famous bar, if she could sipping champagne with mother faces. The gin, too must be big. What you think
a larger lady, I think recovery. I think she's, just buxom yeah cheers below does such as Alice. She not back for champagne in one go classy bad and you too, to sell hasty happy ending to the story of We know what that means. Belinda just as leading not back cut, drink Gazelle got up to the bottle the cooler and pours another two drinks gave a shit. Law men feel like I was there and not a good way. Let's take these the steam room and get started. These glasses are actually very posh plastic, so they won't break It never really found ago delicate, flew down yet delicate and thank the picnic plus. It was all spin off serious for the collapse of the Berlin. The blind, these glasses are actually very posh plastics. They won't break such XO and bring that small towels. You can sit on it, Belinda
ledges Alley was still limping across the central furthest. Key wrangling like behind Belinda the glass door? Let yourself limp into the steam they put down their towns and glasses next to each other, can't say He doesn't like a good line. Changes are like, like a veteran now says, work anymore, just as limping it shouldn't limp download. All the rooms for the mud pass, the hero they put down, the glass next to each other and waited for their eyes to accustomed to the murky interior. Already inside who well tanned ladys with fantastic axes and good sized tests, and while the man. There were around thirty five years old and obviously enjoying each other's company. What does that mean oblivious to the newcomers? They were kissing. Fondling, each other's breasts, with some enthusiasm at the rates, the classes,
Elizabeth pay we sell. This is a fantastic jam at rob. This didn't happen. If you want to do that sort of thing, this places you can go, not the red shoes. I looked at Belinda Belinda looked at Jerusalem the blinked lived another that if you can't be join. Him was the phrase that hey into both of thereby come with us Neither do she's, outcasts, Belinda full on the mouth and Belinda responded by tat changes, elles, nipples, just the Naples, definite focus very specific, calculated. Belinda, softly moaned, dissolves hand, snake down to hack literacy and she opened her legs. Just a touch. Loud yourself. Further access Axa. Here you going like to go away pass. Turn, Belinda took one hand away from deserves breast, and
Mr Lyon, down her body to have a China with a deaf to me, a thing drink. She pulled her lips. Part one Albert for French, really cool, not demands and studio back for more. She pulled her lips apart and found her heart by vice my support. I guess G spot is what you mean Gaspe then she's pulling the lips apart, like the curtains of a grand statements in day to day a good about she pulled her lips apart and found a hot spot. The small nub flash. Came, wet extremely quickly. What number flat? What is he referred
having to what exactly it must stop. No helped by the invasive steam How could it not been mob? This I'm hold your breath The small number flash became were all surround leader. I I still back no doubt helped by the invasive steam open up is such a pop. Now I feel that the office can, Jesus, murmured softly in Berlin Desire after a few moments ago. This is not the place. It really is, and you Belinda nodded sat back and sipped her champagne deserted. Same and they will see the two women for any sign of acknowledgement. None came. Everyone's privacy was intact and after a few more minutes blundering yourselves They too have lunch that was so fleeting
Well there it is. Should we go Belinda? let the conversation over lunch back to a question she'd been meaning to ask all morning things I back to her vagina. Has everything has guided back than what was the name? with the organization these Irishman worked forges out. As I know, this is important why everyone? There was to do a deal idea, Belinda this woman, appears left his out This should go Belinda directed the conversation over lunch back to a question she'd been meaning to ask all morning things I back to have a giant occurs. I did back that. What was the name of I say: bore a dry five hours, Belinda I've outages AL. You would prefer I'm sure I find these. Do that's what made you just without border Belinda pull the faces took a very sweet turn outages though. Ok, ok, look
my brothers from Dublin they have six cashing, carries throughout Ireland within Our citizens want cash, carry cells, pots and pans rarely get cashing. They have six carries throughout Ireland and another. Heaven in Boston in Chicago very well. Please Austin Chicago and adopt very well established indefinitely of interest. They already do some business with us, but nowhere near their full potential. That's the story this company. We work for reply, Belinda, return ass. Ever she nodded and poured into the two fleets of champagne humbly angered army glasses. We are now they're, not driving as one of the chief Yes, and with my assistance I reckon we can get them on board very big, Listen leadership. This right by think wench means assistance. She means says that was his eyes, yes with my assistance, I reckon we can get them on board. We
Don't you be me or you too? You have a sales as well as Tony's. Job replied, Belinda Drop, this ass Belinda is were team, said Gazelle after started. That line Well, you are reading her mind. Belinda I mean we you with me the team ass. Ok, I understand and fast I have always found it hard to tie down the Irish. They tend to squirm. So much just like the worm? Replied Gazelle come down and speaking of which introduced Belinda? How did lose your hat, whether the spoon still this far with that's arouses fall to cover bad. She went swimming, looks like well Belinda, I have to admit I got five
so hard outlying hall. That's not a thing. A half an hour s shop, hell you're, making a great. In short, it suggests little disease, I've inhabited myself. I think all congenital oak agenda to a very different area be bandied around. The young gentlemen so like like inherited react. If so, I guess he said it advocates editor diseased I've inhabited by, but no I didn't Emma s eyes. They may have really good shag. Other picture you ever like good shag allocation. That was the only distressing part of the whole afternoon. I'd lost my beautiful blonde hair style. It'll. Take months to get those curves spam
thats mental sorry, no less revisit this. She was gettin shag, hard, terrified, but also this means, while Tony's never given it a good sized, because she's got a phone, so Tony shit in bed and also says Belinda, because Belinda's had set, which is as well and she stuck I'd asinine. What he should add. Gazelle fell, silent, Belinda, put her hand on hers and said There was a cover, their Belinda put a hand under hasn't. You know it see the show her well know her. But in developing arise match. Ok, it could have been more curvy early, but it's ok.
Could we bore curvy, but it's really Martin a statement having clumps of two and said. Thank you dear friend, What I understand is your limp: not do thou blushed. What did she do? I see on a pool of seamen and wrenched. My uncle So when you know younger, you got like love by and used have to make an excuse for. These issues are going to make for a bald head and limb Martin, the opener you're, never gonna gas is. I know a really why external Some Sabre Belinda said how. Able to sell. You could have broken IRAN or worse still bruised utitsa Gazelle, nodded, shivered and said You won't tell Tony or the truth. Will you all that the point you not caught me again?
I don't want to think I'm clumsy or now I have a genetic defect. Gentle genetic is put you better. I think he's gonna know from the fact that very little hare and you had dissolve I'm your friend. We have each other's backs. Besides, I smell another multi million dollar deal in the pipeline, a hearing some say: dollar Mcdonough brothers. Seems cashing, carries out. Million dollar openly alot you're wrong started. They both laughed and Belinda too. I'm not going to ask you about Danny Mcdonough. It could be to personal and too early to I'm sorry too, like three that low job one guy she said in the same light hasn't she shed was to turn hematoma. Oh Johnny boy that is the end
perhaps one of Belinda being too I'll, be It was a long one. Wasn't there I mean there were reveals, often wings and chapter seven book worn for some of these reveals or showed me where's. The rocky is thinking about the biggest story, or at least tracking and going I didn't really right historian, but one so now my childish directly traditional these characters and never mention them again about about, say something about what makes you think, or else we can discover this book working to flesh out the world, which is quite exciting. It such a joy to be back in the world of stairs part. Somehow, I know, is an ash tackle and back and she's, not going anywhere through dinner and join our next week's chapters as so next week. We all look forward the joys of but endeavouring to chapter two.
Amsterdam nominating trends. Three socialist Amsterdam. I can only she ass issues after Amsterdam next week, but to start properly in Amsterdam. We love to hear we think a book to so far. We loved meaningly messages about book one and as a lot awaiting in touch with us, we twitter, which is activated porno instrument, which is at my dad wrote. We also impressed by the images these and in that way I watering they really are faced with is where my daughter, a porno, so get in touch. To us and leaves a review, and I choose because that really helps us. Finally, listeners which be great so we'll be back Monday with a brand new chapter will be back Thursday with a fortnight guys. I've got a sphere purposes for the spar. If you about why we fell again, get your coats.
And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast. That's a c est: he must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.