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S2E11 - 'Forsters of Knightsbridge, Dressage Outfitters To Royalty'

2016-09-12 | 🔗
Belinda and Bella go shopping and splash out on new horse riding outfits. But first, they need to get measured...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The following: podcast contains addled themes, sexual content and strong language. Basically, all the good stuff previously on my daddy upon a God, knows what it did with my phone, probably eight. The way he was around about number. The ether use around somebody's lost. None of its food was Thursday, better smiled and said his wife invited this time. I doubted after that spot good. God I thought she was going to flee him alive ride. He didn't need a second invitation.
And since rum, which has fallen sure. There must be strong enough to my colleague, Mr De Vries version, one tangier, hallo everybody and welcome to moderate porno. It is checked to eleven on J Maple Alice and James with me in Alice is back room. Is this about grew a box reigns in Africa? Is he still? Batcave is quite act Maybe that's just because of my enviable high ceilings. Very probably she wishes of its terrible. When you didn't victorian gentlemen, I prefer georgian snow elements and how are we going to do you prefer between the wars, the into work tabloid difficult time, Watson who was rushing I'm good, although I a banana on the way here, and this made me want to come.
Bananas anymore Belinda's bananas. For me, among other things, she's, room bananas, but not peacefully through the agency laughing: I too, and they were quite long. Straight, and you know when you that moment you go in for banana fills. I You know I was thinking of so start at the top of the banana Anita Sexual myself. Even so it doesn't I mean I don't know where to. When I was in banana before, but now I'm decide what our deep throat and look into the eyes of some one in the bus. It's like a normal people have talked about how you know. There's a Belinda diet now cause we were in mayonnaise for people cappuccino Iraq, that maybe it's not a cappuccino mayonnaise or that something that quite high calorie but the life balance there hasn't Jake is she's taken out all of those calorific items, but should also exercising a law. Seventy percent divergence in excess of others.
So she's she's got it right is winning a life, and we knew that already. Maybe that's a spin off like maybe she do Belinda Workout DVD or some sound like myself, who do not have work, how Dvds Belinda's bum tons and value added tax, as often as one that muscular Timor, a very strong, the open jaws. With a wait till you see, I can live with her public flew back into the most of you. You are addressed to the occasion and I was you ve been so red mutations. You walk through the door. Sorry I'm not wearing a bloody bowl, gown man do you and your questionable fashions- and this is an interesting look. Isn't the cooler will ever coo EE, oh muffy. They also afraid spinners view
it abroad. I mean I can literally see so I am wearing apparel now, but is everyone's right not aware of raw, which I was very much exercising when you came lounging elliptical me a thing before we arrived, she was totally new. She has got the because of resist rushed into the river for other things. You confirm this curated doubtful so this week, I'm a wee excited about what, but in is gonna, get up to remind me what the chuck Cold and it's called forced, as of Knights Bridge, dress outfitters to royalty, nor, the title of a chapter as longer than some chapters really is ever used number that order books. So it's a real place forces of Knightsbridge. I would imagine not demonstrate up. Let's look it up just in case. You think we're out this way before we have. We are the least knowledgeable paused cast out the dance right will be so ashamed of us. We need to fight check every thing. I mean weeks back. I pronounced t alone around here. The amount
of abuse, I got can believe it, Sir James, ignore the hay as he has gone. Hey, let's, thanks to him and say, there's forced a memorial park forced a communication. With an old of book were so. Is this a real place forces of Knightsbridge? I would imagine not none of them in nice. We say this is entirely fictional, good, ok, so Belinda big to chapter eleven forces of Knightsbridge, Dressage out It has to royalty. Belinda and Bela, had a lazy breakfast, a fresh fruit and special Jane day. Why? What the hell? special jailer. Shoot me, for God's sake, that something Bellerophon but under spend the night together all possible. We ve heard nothing
She was gonna go round. Wasn't you to watch a big movie timber yet, but I presume that we can have a bit of lesbian fun bolt aims, but does have to tell you everything about them up that would seem like a key seen a book about sex to omit the sex does seem interesting. Recent knockoff cereal brightened ever it was a book about sex written by Iraq. Evinced surfing all bets are off. National J. Those I initially thought men like o J like Orange, but for some reason again he's can and about naming a brand for work, he's fine with citizens being named, but special k is obviously a bridge too far. Acacia is special. J and we could have already- but I wouldn't worry about a thing or two feeds about corrected guys. Stop telling us off reminds me When you supermarkets try to do their own brands of things in the cold rice, Krispies Chris I sell some big life. Quist rice krispies arise, Daddy's to bankrupt vines and lexicon,
I believe the blink to it's essentially Belinda blink one, but with a different number this is so the path to rise? Belinda better had a lazy breakfast, a fresh fruit and special J, newly made smell of ground coffee lingered throughout the apartment subsidy. Announcing the arrival of the weekend, nearly raid smile made smell cells, someone's faltered, tenant nearly made now come on up a fresh web. Put these red hair it that's how you guys mentioned it. They remain email now really rush coffee, the news Eight smell of ground, coffee lingered throughout the above,
certainly announcing the arrival of the weekend? Ok Belinda? What have you got plan for us to do today? Ass, Bela, stretching her hands above her head and yawning surprise. Surprise we're going shopping. Just for thumbs and browse. I want to get my horse riding outfit. Where do you think she s clothes from? I feel I should apply Marco outages Matlin. The thing I think so I see them as it could Tm Lou in If I very often see where are they going to summon the duchess is organised, I don't know why am I getting ghostwriting were well, nothing Belinda likes to think this is now part of that set because knows the duchess was just met, all have outfit fatty acids. The glove had to give it back. So let me she wants a Roman yeah She tried on an and she liked what she saw.
Maybe she herself in them, marriage? I look a million dollars which probably looked about five pounds, but this isn't, as you have specific event that we know about to go to not win over the international donor. Shorter motive, She has never really been rockies concern people to do things on a whim, cha cha anyway, it's the hour to hour forgot about that. Hobart comes up, epic presentation and yeah. That sounds a bit specialised, I doubt as stock that sort of stuff they guy you're too, as the most likely you can have. Your further reveal the Georgia tells the I doubt as to Woodstock that sort of stuff- bit push for you, anyway, probably better, probably, but the duchess got me into it and to be
Lest I look- a million dollars all kitty down when the jury writing this book. Now, thinking about it, you would do even U r amp d, you think! Is it expensive? Yes, haven't a clue, but then what isn't these days also belly can afford a big screen tv. I think she can afford a pair of riding boots. I've come down and price a lot James things, but not with method, so where's the shop. Do they have a shop or is it just in a bar I know something on the very few shops and abolish. This is like a national trust, she'll love that they have a shop. Was it just a bone or something you know next to educate the horses. She's banter is more walls. The bell is actually like being but crappy about jealous thing. Parliament. Your incomes were actually going to Knightsbridge a place called forces and from what the duchess
me, the male sales assistance, a top notch, some easier. Changing them, isn't it have a shop. Was it just the barn or something you know next to educate the horses. She's banter is more lulls Bela's, actually like being that crap, mobile into stop in front of what looked like the old curiosity shop. This is it about angled and the two girls walked into the subdued interior when it dying on. I lay a reporter ask if it is not turn away. Oh, Good Morning, Ladys said an approximately eighty one, religion is not bridesmaid anyway. Also what about workers rights? Let her attire others he's top nor ogre. Belinda must be it. A top notch mean like actually good at that I am not fancies
good morning. Lady no ready for that is an old man is an hour like earnestness, Islamist mix itself. Good morning, Ladys said in approximately people and evil gentlemen stressed in the morning suit from behind, do we want Let me finish: dress into mourning soup from the highly policy. Could there goes the young male attendant story up in smoke. If I may make so bold Belinda, they may well, let us make them so YAP, Alice gutted that there's no fit men not was the only promise very was otherwise you just helping somebody funds and boots and bloody. The helmet running around in or checking around in, as the case may be good morning, sir. You ve been recommended to me by the duchess of that Some took us to
looks behind other idea into some sort of name said he. I was up some absent. Source razor. So the absent Darby of sorry famous, very well now I can actually find a duchess of absence so, while he's quite cleverly created that decided to these churches entirely fictional there in a shop that doesn't exist, about a woman than doesn't exist, which is fine as technically how you got a novel. I well John nobody's gonna huge issues of dickens, never with he does normally a grain of truth in the fiction. You know each does tend to draw in real life stuff he uses his own experience. A lot. Doesn't anyone who does until the starving sexier what say all the way? Through good morning, sir, you ve been recommended by the touches of Epsom Half way now he's getting older by the minute we, the old retainer, smiled retainer thinking means retailer check. Your words
key? If it's got a weekly line under it and probably means wrong? I don't think you can pay attention is to be switched off. Spelling and grammar check a long time ago has take typewriter guys. You think he's got word please typewriter and tax. Hasn't got typically without should be a gift we gave him at once. They have is a lot of sorrow about and been at. This is as it should. The boy was Lloyd Road with a quill like a massive feather detaining, but one written in blood and book to unseen. I the old retain smiled, but in that case you'd better follow me. He led them through do away into what was a display room of leather riding gear and stopped at a lift. So I wonder if it is like Harry Potter, you, the one chooses you does the wind choose, you rob will fall into the spectre.
Oh it's my roommate assaulting dildos grab granted it slithering afterthought ago. They just whether and how did you oh papa. He let them through do away, What would the display room of leather riding gear and stopped at a lift a let them get away at least they modernized a little bit. I imagine this kind of them float ceiling wooden cabinet seen and I cannot help it ashes. Lady drawers and coming I mean a lift, is like a red rug toolbox for Berlin bushes. I get me about lifting it. Was it so he slow my job to the button and ushered them inside slowly, job slow man It wasn't a big lift, Belinda's unbalanced,
breasts, just sold with each other as they try to avoid contact come on in big enough to fit that bressani someone down for Belinda's umbrellas breasts jostled with each other as they try to avoid contact with the Did he gentleman's nostrils? remove little man. Wisp of a man slowly went up three flows to what was labeled, ladies hiding area sounds about right, or is there a pakistani jumping reigns? There was a I've got a full set up for you to try out your boots right ago. Area are never riding area yard moment out, man shook Belinda thought it was quite but that the Ladys riding area was the floor above the men's area great observation:
nice to know we're onto now. For God's sake, I went to develop the floor. Plan of a sharp gets going, nothing escapes Belinda, surely is the frickin horned like she's, a sex are worthless problem here. Sometimes things should just stay. Is an internal monologue, let down by the voicing it like, not interesting observations it just leave it. Don't bogucharovo dialogue, I mean she got so. Let's say I bet she wastes a catchy way the lifts stopped and Sedgwick them through. Cedric Seti the lift, stopped and said ushered them through to a central area stocked with everything. A lady could want by writing experience. Stu Bell, bowed tobacco in Berlin and said the young gentleman
We will be here in a minute, or so am I gotta that Bolivia rubbing their hands together, like younger, actually Inga could be just eight makes. No weapons now has accommodated below you blow me at school. He weighs about idea coughed and went back down to the left to receive his gait keeping duties in keeping with the boy. Did you just send them by their wasn't enough room for the three of them customer service, there's no annual smell their breath. His nostrils, smothers pomegranates wow, thought Belinda. They ve got everything. She was brought back to reality by a gentle cough from behind emanating from a handsome gent, dressed in riding clothes and her favorite, extremely shiny black leather boots, wise ever wheezing coughing leg?
dusty own shop. She's gonna do is that the olden days, the shop- all I can think is that Belinda's Ike can on this place, needs pots and pans. Completing a hashing Edison promised stopping the yeah how'd you get a big or different Cedric Epic. You know she's thinking about it. Ok, who wants to guess the name of this handsome chap I do I do I cases a partial something should take that into account Derek that's his policies. If you're gonna look like Cornelius, is it talk when I think repaid Oscar you're, all wrong as I have any ended, good morning. Madame my name is Adam added with two eyes there are creating at him with three at the theatre
I d debit? I am I answered. I answered I am so maybe it's a purse good morning. Madame my name is at the helm and I'm here to serve you I gather are good acquaintance. The duchess has verified you Polytech yes MA am replied. Belinda still know who I am, say Adam for the sake of ease chalet. Let's, yes, Madame, replied: Belinda, will you be able to see this both my friend it myself so to speak, not sex she may serve as or do we need another staff member was wrongly that vital. He can help her and also clear subtle. Is another case of conserving serve make it deserves our Serbia erratic observed unmarried surplus serve. Let's do serve in life.
If someone is caused by this. Why? Yes, Madame I'm train did multitasking. It will be my pleasure to assist you both at the same, now or I am that's the kind of thing you put on your tv. You know, and this has skills are fighting teamwork. Multitasking mean anything but into smiled. She hadn't had a proper threesome some time. Yes, she her shop window was days ago. Yesterday was net, while this is a day. In the early hours of Friday will Africa. Doesn't even know since the decision
she's got the memory of a gold face. She said she like, oh my god that was so good Belinda area, so african Dory, a full thirty minutes had passed in a knowledgeable presence of Adam and Belinda and Bela had now both fully briefed him as to what the needs were took them thirty minutes, the shop it took them thirty minutes to find what I needed think about. Thirty minutes is a long time to go through the slightest boots, blouse choppers guys, I'm a size time. Thank you guys. Aren't you really showing your lack of classic sneakers things about it? I've got to talk to pick up a medium, I think, is a very definite like going for a new cause. You in a time says she Medium of lost way is wasting away. Banner was going simple, but
Active, whereas Belinda was going aristocracy level. What is happening is our point to this, or they just stood at the light fancy dress. I feel an Oscar winning costumes. I was gonna come at any minute, so measurable that basic difference apart from quantity was the price agar. While they are different pay grades. Lest we forget balloons alleged Vulcan Yeah! She can afford the good stuff and unbalanced trying to live like Belinda. Bishop s often love trouble. If she, if Chirac's bills, similar she so got loads of credit card should have. You rose, stick on credit. Bela was going to spend a grand I ran up of public goods that must be like, but we reckon battles on a year. Receptionist when he grinned, maybe twenty needles, other spending, a thousand pounds. On a horse riding look, I presume I mean I'm making presumptions ever
presume balance not horse riding every day, but also to impose by should even was going aristocracies level. What is happening is our point to this, or they just stood like fancy dress. I feel like an Oscar winning costumes. I was gonna covenant minute, so measurable five grams lots: Surely the difference in their pay grades we can work out. Man walk Bela, earns because Belinda and five times what barons, ok, so Anti five divided by chance. Seventeen ground and you drop in a glance Mass ATLAS illegally joking, unless it means the banners on I'll see and the five grand
yeah to a different? I wouldn't put a paragraph in which case, why be this house directly take on none of the responsibility and be the receptionist Adam had by now open the second bottle of champagne, as the girls were thirsty? Maybe that's what spent so much cause for a bit past. You know when you like, come back from an island. You go on Ebay, ballot, blamed who bacon sandwiches she had had a cafe whilst waiting for the two too, only today also special J, an absolute trotter, Sancho locked up their lungs want to go to the station at the level of bacon, some which, while it was written from a train to I think, is a bit the rain baths back business Ladys. If I might so boldly Ask do you know your vital measurements by that I mean, apart from the obvious, your intellect length, head size, etc, exit
its head size of vital statistic: either go way The heads of State Belinda Bela, looked at each other, they knew Brazil, sizes and foam sizes, but everything else had passed them by six eight ten on a bad day. Twelve was all they understood that I too high give him a break anyway. They so pots and pans. Look thing they both shook their heads glumly an mumbled. Their apologies fell out. I can tell you the diameter of allowed frying pan, but do not ask them that way. You think that's how they do their heads there, like its medium palm in the knowledge that it is the oxy Perillo source. No, please, ladies, don't be downhearted, said them with a winning smile on his face. Second attaching Papa me, I love this part of the job I'll just go
measuring tape and we'll get started inappropriate. He left the partially enclosed area and came back minutes later with a measuring tape and, surprisingly, to blender umbrella, a female assistant. Oh, I thought the reference to partially enclosed It was a reference to Belinda's vagina. Her vagina is not partially unglazed is forever or limit the weather element of its green bout, such combined with a woman. This is Samantha she's just here to write down the measurements and fetching We, the garments and storage area relay. Besides really, it says what it says, really Yeah does Adam Philip people, don't believe so high Samantha said Billy Jim Bela in unison. They looked at each other and giggled cut sake.
Had Samantha ever seen at a make it they wondered. Oh my god, I know every company for, unlike steals, they ve been around for hundreds of years, not because the been shagging around Samantha, curtsey, to them and said. What's going on Han hello, I am I a pair. I she sat down and produced a notebook. Madam you, first commanded Adam pointing at Bela in an authoritarian voice. Ballot put her champagne flew down. Training at first of course, and stood up. I think she's a bit of an hour she, the bigger, which mean Bela larger than to breakfast she's legs apart. Please Bela moved her legs apart Stopping sexy, really quick, Eustace Instructive. I thought
Gonna like sends you least of like run his hand up that lag or like put the measure and tape across their brass, so like somehow titillate them base that she got legs about. Get us down if this just turns into a fit. I'll be fine, I'm gonna storm of health as well as you gonna see such a hiss. If it Bela moved her legs apart enough, so that you could feel have a joiner awakening to the newsstand, my God, given to the news, account stretches or when you open your eyes in the morning estimation like an Oliver I imagine an eye she could feel her vagina awakening to the new stones and Adam Competently, completed the necessary measurements, wild up here competent essay. He went from the Tipp of her big toe. What's a measuring for to the top of my head, why
stoking full human conduct? There must have been at least over a hundred different figures. What that immeasured always say so so what it means is starting. The Tipp of the tone might yet did loads are different measurements, image, Women actually measure from toe to topple ahead, but also must have been at least over a hundred Molest in this whole chapter needs to grow. So but those details good. He said now, madam it's your turn. Belinda stood up and voluntarily took a similar posture to that of balance. Adam gulped and took Belinda's inside like measurement. Why did you go He doesn't want to go to near like her midway for four farewell happen through that click chatting away
Latvia, careful I've, just been to Amsterdam. How you I thought with one of those retractable measuring taves, it might disappear like. I'm sorry, madam. He said What measures do you? so bugs there's no mandatory tabled or measure these orbs. I'm sorry, madam. He said your leather trousers and not helping give me a true figure swearing. Let the trousers of all the charter's leather trousers. Would we gotta get attributing to say that the most figure famous skintight. Would you mind moving them. Sorry to ask, and all that Maybe that's her go to changing rumours you that's all I do it like not in front of everybody in Bloom, is like a thought: you'd, never ask Price he's got a monster- oh my God, James. What I thought you'd, never
Belinda you're the trees and of rock have said it before us again, my Belinda, you were God, I thought you'd, never ask said Belinda. Certainly wouldn't sell you a set of expensive pots and pans without seeing your granite worked up what God law, I got this is also about. The whole of this is the light perversion of sexy till. I said In our view, if an expensive pots and pans about seeing granite words, you would sell someone's unpleasant hands without seeing that work topic is the workshop has nothing to do with it. She referring to like parliament, not to me as the work top Adam smiled and when the house was going on about a lot more respect for other mothers and he hadn't asset a strip just yet meanwhile better laughed and said typical Belinda
Referring things to work since then she's getting pasted the God, your trap is hackler, Adam nodded still puzzled and pressed on should be? One of these were its results and the only voice of reason and the entire book Belinda had now and leaving moved her dark black trousers and thong was just the trial. There's just the trousers, it could be back any minute and if he saw that it would kill him, would you can't you, without to a man, AIDS very upset? I think happened. She slipped your granddaughter too. Honestly that say the strong Adam studied have vagina with professional interest. What profession has an interest in holiday. He gently trace the small truck of dark pubic, her down to the top of her lover,
his forefinger measure the slit. I feel I can say is Rocky said it before. That is not a thing. Why should never say if we said it there, he stopped out he d and placed the measuring tape. Belinda had now kindly removed her dark black trousers and thong was just the trousers just trouserless, etc. It could be that any minute and if he saw that it would kill him dad You can't do that time. It was age very upset. I think happened, so I guess we'll split personality disorder what's going on, but in the smiled no don't mind me, please carry on two minutes later and without a small amount of pleasure in part to Belinda Adam moved on to her legs and feet. I'm sorry, Madame are having.
Morning, we all wherever the idea having about life You any on my most sincere thanks I'm sorry Madame having a bad morning, would you could you remove your stockings and heels again, so she went stockings and let the trousers thought we saw a hall, but you know what they help: Greece, the level lies in Greece is set but like you're, never gonna be like a silken kind of yeah, but it's not normal that's a lot of layers generally. No, you wouldn't where tights underlie the child as now, but she loves taking things off to the more thing she was the more she can take us, but we got another pair of rather Chaz under the leather trouser. Could you move your stockings and your heels again? Please, the measurements will be so much more accurate,
to be honest, the quality of merchandise, your investing in demands the highest of tolerances there like so thin voice. They like margin for ever gonna, be like on some time as an absolutely eads are not even there like that, like the finest. Of the fine but practically but transparent. Yet they are point yet and he's transparent. We all know what a bombs. Now this was the sort of talk Belinda understood. She had always believed the more he paid, the better the service you would receive and that would reflect in the quality of the goods steals pots and pans was also that sort of a break. And, as the international sales director Belinda would make sure it stay that way unnecessary and led. Her thoughts came back to the present. Thank God thanks! Madam did you hear me said Adam get your kids off Belinda said no future
Stick Bela now fully reclined and a white leather city flew by our country, and what time is it must be like a half day again to be further. It was out the whole. You would all our mass anyone, a kind of wanna, be friends with Bela of God's sake. What does give your bacon sandwich while that and also says that she's fine after during now she doesn't? she's impulsive. You just want a thousand pounds lawyers there was too much just seems like a good, laugh Bela. The budget slowing the words I yea here- that said, an enthusiastic banner now fully reclined and a white necessity with another, Fourthly, to champagne in hand, it doesnt seem not the kind of place that would have a white. Let the Seti really tough,
he isn't it. I thought it was all red yeah, maybe like a Chesterfield lemon Monday, but that doesn't seem like it will be plush in modern sorry item. I was daydreaming don't apologize, Madame, I'm glad, I'm relaxing you sufficiently to have a daydream. This is bad But what does she was thinking about pots and pans through just think about what great self Righteous was because the quality of the goods for change? Thinking about herself Adam smiled, Belinda blowing up, don't tell me, that's the end.
That's the end which, up to our car we measured, he hasn't even finished. Measuring outcomes are probably take another chapter: diminish measuring a freeze over the next two is called befitting. The saved a spectre is called the war footing the fitting bit the fitting merits the fit bed just limiting bit vote. He's up there as one of the driest chapters, the Sahara. That was the pits, wasn't it would go up. Lazy breakfast long for the lazy breakfast like a great wall point now serves. You got that ground coffee seems seem seller, company, there's no shouting in the left. Those shocking and shouted lose their guys. You can't please you too, because it says that she hates it and go through. It has no sexually mother. There was no sound
Oh sorry and you haven't away live a time. I'm just saying I have to defend that in some way. You love it because there was no sacks special to me on the unavoidable further Porthos cause, I'm just Some shit unless was unjust worth the next was just gonna, be like details about and with a harmonious Macedonia, it should be called a hundred measurements. Many measures are elbow, and then he measured only well. There's only one way to find out is a hundred measurements nuts, but shooting and next week, if you know you're still a phantom want too Secondly, the loss this week a thing I'd love to see the start of any word em if you would like and touch as this. We have so many good emails of lay them just been loads of people, letting us know that listening internationally Lange you know cause then at eleven Anderson, listen. I gave you a genuine Saturn S. Now, listen back! If you don't know the stipulation
so you re emerges is might average polar gmail com is engaging, goes on twitter directive on waiting ass, an instrument at my dad rent, Anon Facebook too, and I hope that you can buy blend linked to and also preordained our book that book it's a come in and which are in October. Which means you will have it in time. The probably Halloween cause it's quite scary. As you know, rockies work is terrifying, but also for Christmas. So by Will your pals as eleven stopping villa you're, just fine and by searching my dad wrote opponent is right now and knowing what we know now that looks like a fucking masterpiece.
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.