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S2E3 - 'The Dutchman's Leather Desk'

2016-07-18 | 🔗
Belinda gets to grips with Dr Robbins on his large red leather desk. However, it isn't long before he quickly reveals some bizarre sexual quirks...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The following podcast contains adult theme, sexual content and strong language. Basically, all the good stuff previously God, right upon a sorry about all the security, but we do get the occasional terrorist threat from time to time says we're pretty high profile company pots and PANS the fund must a target for target number. One of the answers that really get the heart of the country that don't let them boil thing on Christina, please my ass
receiving quickly, put down a skirt, nickels and bent over to allow Belinda to perpetrate serve morass g o. How preceded us is that must be a Dutch. I think means? No, oh no said is Amsterdam, maybe even our have anything better get ray of hope, and I welcome back to my dad Rapporteur chapter three episode. Three James innovator here with me once again guys. How are you great parallel action, meringue togae ass? Ever I hope we just had a dinner somewhere feeling full were feeling find. My ship levels are high, excellent just before the books.
I was singing a little heart. How you should see. I was after me. Oh it's something to behold: a combination of the excitement of the feed and the excitement, the chapter, not the excitement of the company national patent affect me. What's so, we finally announced We are finally into the office building you about, took while didn't it the chapter on others: a terrorist threat and movement Doktor Robins talks have brought onto the railways, is not quite sure qualified and he's even qualified doctors been dropped, Maybe that was in an era clerical or otherwise, and if I remember rightly, this chapter is literally based on your favor item in your bedroom yeah. It's no longer him about Dreamer, have moved a rebirth. Subsequently, some less podcast here, it's now at my mama. That's how I feel it belongs. We talk about the DAS. The DAS get please half I like us. The FIFA yeah nazi. This whole chapter is called the Dutchman leather desk, so I feel it is gonna play a prominent role and got his white clean. I feel like every book of Rockies has to have
wearing I've been chapter and I'm really hoping we got eyes that quickly with jobs. To me to meet her, if I remember rightly, we were just literally- should take the blouse off and then ensure rocky style. He entered the chopped, we're on the cost of actual facts. So true, so, let's plunge back in surface Belinda, blinked to chapter three, the Dutch and let it s the sunlight, was declining now and Belinda still couldn't work out, how Robin said, managed to manipulate her onto his red leather debts. Where she now sat Cross Leg Cross lagged. I wish you all a cover up, but I'd like assembly yeah, that's proper school time getting about Lapierre Cross like doesn't sexy there. Is it now
unless CLOS lagged business. I don't think she's literally cross legged, like he's on the floor now, I think she is Sat on the top the desk cross lacked like chat, really having just I'd Elias Alice, you have now become a very little she's there every Sunday for money, recollection overflow crossroads. I pronounced in the being Belinda. Still could work out how Robins had managed to manipulator onto the red leather desk, where she now sat Cross lagged are what like him. Have mind powers so that you will sit on the death. I don T much sutler when we left her so she just suddenly jumped onto that he's like a fully grown Matilda. He can move things man and that a neutron ajar there on the desk, maybe he'll, be the transport and await them, sense because Hell does in the Choky
but in the still could work out how Robins had managed to manipulator onto the red leather desk, where she now sat Cross lagged a what like, he might have mind, she had to admit that you haven't lost any more if our clothing, but then She was wearing. Was her native fully open blouse abroad, a thorn in a skirt, so this is internal monologue, providing exposition for us, but also that's all her clothes? Let me going all I had always a teacher genes boxes and socks. Sorry to talk about women to siblings. Going pretty much all our clothes. She had willingly discarded the rest of her clothing in Robins Office, even before they had discussed the contract with the five lan. What other items of clothing hang on she's wearing. Jack in high heels. If I did not eight ago now, the good doctor was sitting opposite
after the good doctor, nothing good about him. Good doctor robins, neither good doctor was sitting opposite her his head on one side appraising her body. I found a praise. Is everything in these books? Business is business? Why you're looking on It may be seen something unusual. I wouldn't put it possible and is about aid, but that we something that requires a closer look sticks to look a double totally with the collateral and seems to have our breasts now. The good doctor was sitting up. Her with his head on one side appraising her body Belinda, you look very hot clammy doesn't say hot or sexy sweaty. Would you like me to remove you
Blouse forgot new voice for Doktor Robin. How have we would you like? A little more is unlikely grand high which reaches the chosen from all of your blah Chad's. I will he did write a shed light. Rocky does. Did you have as I'm pavilion yeah, oh my card, but did accorded the pavilion, thereby didn't nothing? You just go to the shed. Let a normal and big rolled off we all know is an elevator like the glass elevator and Charlie and without checks are settled. I leave it to the legend. Stroessner, no unseen rolled rocky, no books. Children no way similar Georgia's marvellous medicine, great book, Belinda's, lady juice,
I'm going to show the sorry Rocky we see what it is, but India, you look very hot. Would you like to remove your blouse? I certainly don't mind in the least you'll feel more relaxed, I'm sure she might fail We're not sure is uncomfortable before she will feel more well. I wouldn't, but she will have to shut her when she found never strike she's always pick now, but I don't like his salary flirtation who talks Robin Jaffa. He adopts the manner of a doctor, but he saying vaguely sexual thing you'll feel more relaxed, I'm sure Belinda smiled again and with the who, a very small tee. Is she undid the last button hole? a cream blouse in place. All that was the one that needed loosening wasn't at those that are sold.
If she does not always gonna happen. Is the blouses slightly open a bit more genetics going to fall ape and cause had babes China push fray? I always try to push, Nothing can contain them. So rapid, behind a rickety gate. Should we in Britain, Red CAT Sue and that's Toby Breakin free ahead, Hedge Brittany, Topsy Jamie's till the poster Brittany on his door. Firstly, in the very concept of now, I remember in just a little five pounds at all, so I was very much like Belinda with one button on the blows. Just not so true, there was a full size, one full body whose life size poster life size as them as to the naked women games in everything he was was peering at entry I always wonder where rockies pulling his influences from maybe has he used to visit you uni right? Maybe he saw the Brittany Poyser so that one blouse button is. I am take em up personally, as a Briton guy voting I was Christina
No man in the street. I dont think the life options should be Brittany or Christina. There's always other option. Christina is the holder of the poor. Tina further an ATLAS chops days, a worm dirty fame, yet sorry, I say beautiful, but she was she had certain stage. Defending Christina Regular is getting it right down again pages Anastasia she's all while the pollutants back she's left us. Alone. Even then, it was late noughties. Why? Don't you just like that with eighteen? Seventy Belinda you'd have very high Would you not with your move, your blouse? I said you don't mind in the least you'll feel more relaxed, I'm sure not how people to Berlin
Yet a dialogues exceptionally stilted. I thought Belinda saying something in the middle. I did too that all him that was a very confusing but MT again and with a hint of a varies, more tea. She undid the less button holding her cream blouse in place. And slowly removed it from her arms and back and tossed it. Large, roared broadband at all, how drogue lose quasi mood and homes, but actually going do. Oh that she's got a huge bar. You know this is not something that I made my very broad back she caught, which is not here to defend herself, so she, I always think you The big brother, but that's mainly because it such a big back size, the cops Renee but the box. Like a fifty two reasons, and slowly removed it from her arms and back and talk took off and tossed it towards the small pint of clothing now
emulating with a high heels behind her dream. Work accumulate in me. I think it deserves a drink to rocky robins that has a long sigh Belinda's breasts. Though they were still modestly concealed by have rosea what to say the least magnificent. Indeed he had to admit himself. They were pro the best he'd ever seen in real life. These are watching nineteen. Three portraiture Doktor Robert? Neither did he looks a lot medical manuals, Delong gases, because he's Robbins Robinson, Robin Rocky Robin robins that has a long sigh Belinda's breasts.
Now there were still modestly concealed by her brazier what to say the least magnificent. Indeed. He had to admit himself, though approval the best breasts he'd ever seen in my life. Of course he understood she could. Compete with the many large busted girls on the web. The work on the gnat, big ballistic, boobs dot com. The magnificent melons dot tv, our these were ease to put into the computer, to pretend you're wrecking our don't look at my search history, It is down to the last Oh given that, like the cherry statue at a global level to achieve its aims and Doktor Robbins, so he's been surfing. The web for big business is, of course he understood. She couldn't compete with the money large busted girls on the web, but that was irrelevant in the here and now by that she can compete with the big possibilities on the web. Since I can make a lot of money if she decided to go into that failed, but that was a rather
to the here and now how he end. It is managing director Peter arouse Peat is timely. Then told Hasn, T been age just gone to the Lockerbie men to spend our lands you another gas he's as biggest gossip is designed and better sounds like he's kept the breast to himself a robin this literally bowled over even to a deep wasn't prepared for those That's true, so maybe he's been discrete about also was jealous of Peter he's about to get under way with their himself. Well as he entreated by this time. The five o clock son two very strong Jennifer's we're getting too Belinda. I forgot about the Jennifer's on side was getting to the blind she's in that kind of hot spot. Isn't the wind tat? She was starting to sweat out the gin obedient gently The busy swear as well that so rise sting a horrid.
You when somebody like the day after the big night out there just like wreaked, and I thought what she's work these sound. So Let us remember that, for she was starting to sweat out the gin or be it gently. She decided to up the pace and ass doktor robins. Would you really mind if I remove my skirt? It's rather tight in this cross, like position, and I would like to stress my legs and feel the smooth leather of your desk on my skin. Why does she came up. Permission. She knows what is this isn't like As time has happened to a. She knows why these situations go since the blouses off you can probably just take everything. Tat is very well brought up later no she's, not even Belinda's a well brought some played a directive at best, Gerardo by ever
drop shoe of her father was brilliant in the world. He knew how to entertain a climate of wheat. Do you know it's about Belinda's mom, no Betty Blumenthal, his Bobby Bloom and those that what was tat we never found I think we said Bobby Goddess Belinda site Belinda resume module on them was like the basin really know who adopt was about. She claims that guy she's gotta have daddy issues when she gets. Did we not apply? Mama me? I shall get like five guys. One's mother had five husbands gave married couple never to be married. She so so she knew no, it's gonna Mama's, I'm in a no that's, not really voters about its rather tight in this cross like position like to stretch my legs and feel the smooth leather of your desk on my skin. Yes, do what you need to Belinda your comfort in this office is my ultimate concern. Yet,
chop saw with him telling about just get naked wondered There are very varied. I agree with. You must also be provided at sunset. The gentlemen. You must admit that is the way to be. We literally, beating around the Bush right now, let's get to the Bush. Your comfort in this office is my ultimate concern. Robins high pitched laugh wants it the state from this affair. In such a horrible off, isn't it sounds evil. He says I can even in character. I think he sounds like a petulant. Listen. I'll? Let me like love, Lord Fauntleroy. Listen, robins high, pitched life once again escape from his a mouth This whole mouth is you got lipstick, aren't you beautiful, like bees, stung, live and let live. Tyler are college in his lips.
Why do you guys flashy full mouth Belinda got onto Elise wriggled harass remove the garment in one smooth motion. Everything's, always in one motion: carbon scat, my hat with graceful exclaimed the doctors Belinda calmly to The skirt ever go back a large back, my that was graceful. Exclaimed. The doctors Belinda calmly tossed the skirt over her back dressed only in her. Perhaps real working clothes ass. She would sometimes on fatty, put it a gazelle back in London, Belinda recrossed her legs and waited for robins to make the next move I tried to think what robins next move is: gonna, be no one's even think it a brass still at a poke around and between nothing's happened, Belinda recrossed her legs and waited for robins to make the next move. It didn't take long and it wasn't what Belinda had ever experienced before in any of her sexual admin
choose always gonna like soccer tolls or something like a man. I tried to think what Rockies cook, Now that you're ready, move into your new home you're, ready to refinanced or student loans and save some money for when this happens. Thanks for coming to my house farming, sorry you're, sitting on an Ottoman yoga Baltic Stump ladder bars the leaf. Your federal and I've student loans with Citizens Bank and you could lower your monthly payment, so you can buy matching furniture, you're ready to be dead, free, faster and citizens. Bank is here to health, go to citizens, bank, dot, com, backslash, ready to refine for more information or to oversee drink alone. Such individual When you re steps terms, emissions rights of suspects of random citizens beckoning, Billy the shut her eyes and relaxed in the sunshine. No keep your eyes open Berlin, because any you have to have a witness statement, late key wits about you. She felt strangely uplifted. She had a feeling
Things were at last going her way. Robins was obviously strange, but so far he had been utterly harmless. If not charming and then not been charm. No one, but even then he's been stilted an awkward it best. Sofa he'd been utterly harmless if not farming and it certainly wasn't his fault. He was odd. Try understanding whose fault is it indeed most The best friends in London were unusual people and it didn't really matter They were all good fun and would help you out. If you ever had a problem, nice assessment, This is an area like the misfits Fit said. I don't really know. She's, never mentioned any friend, though so the nice and then always help you out nice, but then no nice, but that have you two unwearied totally wid, indeed, most of it.
Spends in London were unusual people, and they didn't really matter, as they were all good fun and would help about if you ever had a problem with as it could try to have as an even if he should be in the circus. Even if investment is the better lady, besides Belinda didn't do boring in any part of her life, I would beg to differ he has put me to sleep in the Bastille as frickin dishwater pests. Malta is some boring, is her whole chance pledge is awful. Where there is no choice was built. You're putting on a date with her. She be cheap day wondering. Can you take your own? She just Iraq, and then she just do with that. Long there. It came as a bit of a shock, Belinda reopened her eyes to see doktor Robins, no
with a pair of long handled surgical since last year. The chapter I know now Oh, this is surgical. Scissors Jamie known and it's over. The Lisbon treaty is remembered. The reference I mean. If you need me We are happy with the house and anyway permitted. It came as a bit of a shock. When Belinda re opened her eyes a bit of a shock undue statement at the year. We literally, scream policy, our run. Belinda is our horror stock, but an example. Make a snowflake Johnny links amended by girls having entered into vapor. No, it came as a bit of a ship when Belinda re opened her eyes to see doktor Robins with a pair of
handled surgical, citizen, his hands. Oh my god. She stifled her gasp but couldn't control her breasts from heaving up and down she breathed more rapidly. Ah, I think he's gonna cut a barrage of allergies out. But what does this I'll? Have the hedges fellow who should have so much sex great sex, maybe great says, adopt Robins means chunks just chop, How do you didn't leave town? Maybe he wants me to think that is a good sign jobs in the morning, you have the disease to be fast. No, she doesn't the genital does again for disease. Don't worry! My dear this will not hurt you one little bit That's not what you wanna hear when someone is ahead with a lamp and run, as he pointed them towards her breasts.
Still hidden beneath her Brazil, yeah he's gonna cut the path with one swift movement, the doktor cut through the loop of fabric, attaching the two cups of cream lace bra together, that's exactly how they should be read, released from the confining effects of her bra Belinda. Tits fell forwards in agenda forwards, slept under the table like driving Islam diverse, but The boy happened is demanding when he slapped downplays lot dinners ruddy nipples a meat. We started to harden as they felt the warmth of the sunlight, not a thing, not plaster of Paris wise it sang in the sun with the doktor then turned his attention to her black lace. Thumb
again with too precise cuts, one on each side of her long defies unethical and the thumb fell uselessly onto the red leather desk, revealing her flushed vagina for weapons to see parliament, the flushing noise. At any rate, I think fluxes in, like black election year, red Rouge flamed plumped appetite each is ruined. My Nick, it's light longest pursue home no snow, already puppet. For us, as you know, is a bother with broader or phone apaches caught like a true all full of other women. He slept with That's all I'm! Unless you know that's true, we were you can usually like what are you will look at struck off its burden lies below unless you know what people say, he kit appear sweat boxing ass, someone else's shawls and never got washed ever ties he's a response.
Member of the medical community, I'm not sure. If we say this about him, you ve changed. Your two he's got a doctorate in cutting people's browser It's very age, but it still without the document, it is essential to a black lace. Thong again with too precise cuts one on either side of her long defies and the thumb fell uselessly onto the red leather desk, revealing her flesh vagina eyes to see rise, description, so new will know? Georgia before not only in rockies fiction. Just generally reminder anywhere else task as blood rushed to it, which is the better makes a made today, because it is read rule whenever she like plump, red and low levels of robots like a fat kids face. After he's my brother
ground, nothin and puffing bent. Eggs is have been above her blow. The house did she do feel and where we guy she's per head on the table, but Robins had no time to view his work as he quickly put. This is away in his desk rule and immediately took out a similar styled path of surgical, tweezers, a good guy raw. Like a goose, like a Christmas. Just go with them. We ve got over it. What's he gonna Park, Belinda was in shock she'd quickly, gotten over the scissors, but
We again she need not have worried. He has a good doctor, pinched her flapping lay sprawled and roughly pulled it off her back back of earth with tweezers. He threw it to the floor. Concentrated on Belinda's, now quite useless thong. With the same shore actions. It was soon disposed of. Opium consensual movement from Belinda's now quite naked eye. I movement go for Spain. The hidden they want to. Turkey is a scientist. Testing is sensible, media, banal- What is going to use to caress there is everything to use an instrument, for everything will be done. Why she's been We do away with a touch of the setting. Sun continued to down on a bad Belinda ass. She sat Cross legged on the antique leather desk completely naked Berlin. I wondered how this scenario would end. Did she really wonder nothing it
ever been more sure my mind than this. I know exactly This is going to end. I don't think I do that because he is an unusual character out he's a very old man. You didn't citizens coming, you didn't see between his coming and she will see the painters coming. I don't find her variants. Do it if she's not learn receive no other sucker gopher matches. Dory always this new Belinda wondered habits. We would end at no point during her time with the purchasing director had he touched her physically, so he's a doctor of purchasing directing not at no point during her time
purchasing director had he touched her physically, you write. He is icy day. He's got my way, a weird foible, except for token handshake when they first met time, would tell Belinda thought time would tell Tom it how ya don't have enough, then that the charter is now tell me at the end of chapter it for the next five minutes: Belinda still whilst Doktor Robins observed her. If you can draw like one of his french guy it's alive during glass, he had started to move from one foot to the other, as if he was in some sort of trends it introduced app, swaying and his rhythm was quietly picking up once he is a free loop cycle. He stripped naked is chopped offer underwear announced entities to its like shifted the one after the other,
staring at the five minutes, each jive and in front of her. He started to hum softly to himself, like all, seem to Belinda that he was at peace with the world. Christ himself, who has carried out his share his bessie. I think he's medications worn off CALL Helga Calchas Metallic AIDS. Negative Helga, oh, I know goes all that was rudely interrupted. As the door to his personal assistance room, suddenly a lot better than that in walked Helga Thus he did with another stock of paper in our house. Once again. She set them down and nodded it. Doctor robins you gonna help, and I must confess I acknowledge the fact. As a naked go on table boxes, lightens of we entrenched
having to himself, as I said, to residence. I tell us how the czech town Ontonagon she's call an end these days, Ohio of COIL of dialogue here and the findings. I am looking forward to the on is lucky flared up in Germany. Google translate out. Are we but let's have a bashful? Did ASEAN distills power? I wouldn't know what I'm getting a bit of their contract to add on attacker How I put my phone I think we did.
In this deal a contract of or had undertaken that active, Robin, not even dutch, like he's wholly and on the on English words sounded contracting VOR heads under attack, maybe is that, but we weren't behind No o rocky really and love is decided that dialogue in another language is totally achieve Robbins. Age, stop swaying and humming and said dank who have? now go meet missed me with no problem with it, Multi lingual Watson, Dank who held Vancouver, Helga, who is just about
Someday you don't do not make this limit, will probably, oh god, how the commie look. The naked, Belinda up and down and smiled remove her spectacles and kiss Belinda hard on the mouth Y know how good the crown balloons need everyone's invited to join in the bar. You, Helga Rosa Clubs, The time is ripe for music. Now she was like in one week upon movies is already hideous like wizened, despite the Jackal Instagram promoted, was given Helder really rough time. I like hell. They call me, look the naked Linda up and down and smiled removed her spectacles and Belinda hard on the mouth Belinda. Stunned for the third time
afternoon stun left right and centre and made a goggled reply as her mouth was now full of his tongue and how this black teeth. Belinda was stunned. The third time that afternoon and made a god replies. Her mouth was now full of health is tongue. How there wasn't put off, perhaps because robins was looking on very intently and stretched her right hand. Out too, We feel Belinda's right breast right through. I also has a mouthful of how this time in fact, all singing jacking on August, we sure of himself is easy to see. Why wasn't technically invited aren't you having invested volatile hovel Belinda Meeting moaned and saw weapons out of the corner of her? I start to move from one foot to the other. Again I see actually, I'm selling. Surely it is up to them
That makes a lots and beside it. Do Belinda suddenly understood what was going on. Do you understand, Rob, and was a voice even knew that needed a show, and that was exactly what she and Helga we're going to give him guys. That is the end of the hour. I mean this sounds like a bit of a cut price to sow Helga. Why have when you got stake? A host of aim, cheap Jesus, I'd rather Adona, frankly I was Donna. Wendy need dollar back. How is gonna put on a sheriffs and, alas, like this, I'm gonna wait. You know the next chapter school, oh, my God, go on chapter fool. Helga, turns it
Unfortunately, this is only going to be a three episode series of mathematical. Doktor Robins is crackers, our young Matt as a box of frogs, which I kind of like that. I like it. I am also petrified, eases gonna gun down everyone, but yet again, Rocky has made an indelible character It is amazing you gotta handed to him. How does he create these like incredible characters that that might stay with us for so long? Please guys! The good doctor, I see the good Doctor Robin light. The goods lollipop women is is adding to the cost of carriages. Isn't a do we think he's been struck off like you, is a guy he's been to be purchased gave. Maybe that's why maybe it was a doktor? Obviously they realized he was.
Out of his three insane and retrain retrained, giving you can't you doctor title if you struck off and I think you kind of him toxic, What do you do? What you like Robins is not one of US citizens again let em Gordon's astronauts under penny. Farthing is less Europe in maybe go that's chapter three, everybody We are only how we feel about two, unlike in it is different pace like it's quite slow. I still really one know what's going to happen, which he has this incredible ability to do rocky because book, one of his nothing happened famously and yet page tenor. Finally, a covert then put it down so far celebrates manual books, so yeah join is next.
For Helga turning it on my inside those able it fix on all of our socialist run. Instagram at my dad wrote you can guess on twitter average opponent and you're lucky with love. If you re a review, oh yeah Lovedays. So if you go on Itunes, you can write as it were. You give us some insight by which parts of the book he loved, which characters and also run, but you can. But he had ass, say from Amazon and no reputable bookstall and leave a review on Amazon as well for that gap. Who can read along once again yeah the boat a pellet library of rocky books now has quite the cannon and even higher when you're only funds and no one knows you and you could say it was some can you could you say it was not you know that would benefit the you to open on. Did you just say something Weird APOLLO doing I didn T Abode Jimmy have stolen thinks I was the donkey
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.