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S2E8 - 'Amsterdam To London Sky High'

2016-08-22 | 🔗
After an eventful night in Amsterdam, Belinda uses her flight back to London as an opportunity to join the Mile High Club...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The following podcast contains addled themes, sexual content and strong language. Basically, all the good stuff. Previously on my daddy opponent, Belinda looked across the regal and followed his lead. He was clumsily kings are like suspension, stoutly, like you know, there's rye Belinda quickly started to slowly poor quickly started his lonely Fuck me Grieg Belinda,
come down on me and give me my feast, is hi. So let's talk about her. Oh yes relates ass was so I did a little review of the charts number one in the just charts. I tunes not to be scoffed. I will, I think, that's pretty well done every law. Nice excellent needs a number one in UK. U s a no way, weirdly tell just just out at the outset that the lemme think overall in the UK, we got two about seventy nine, so I think the linked, as you have done,
our great success, everybody. I think. Ninety ninety well spent around its moderates. Porno its chapter, eight James, zealous, hi, guys, hello, Yo Yo has a guy you're, really good, dusty briefing on last app. Bang is truly nauseating more than any episodes before I think, on the plus side, she she was recalled. Breaker yeah, show Baker Who plays a central bank with the sole progress? Caboose didn't get him on the use of artificial adjudicate her in the room like yes, that's true, I'd love if Jan Andersson Gladiators their own agendas. Polo its chapter. Eight James Zammit, hi, guys, hello, you YO has a guy. You have really good dusty briefing on last app impose last detector, not physically, don't worry it miss that much excited where you live. Did she agrees on this
I voted no cm. She gruesome Kahane. She was like authoritative and didn't stand partial information. The greek oars palming often use at I've, been part. This big crowd and I want to know what exactly did we fund with an extra rules code? I can't recalls were so you know this leave such rights called down to London Sky high We anticipate this at the beginning of the book coming in and get what we were after all. Well, if the title is to be believed than yes, but then again it is work, for instance, and maybe a mile high club hot to happen. At some point I mean she's, not gonna, get on a plane and numbingly not have sex. Unless he's taken a sleeping, pale and she's out for the count, I can think of no reason. Why wouldn't even then show just dream- sack of course draw just leave her light blanket to the side and when I say let me always make sure that we can see that you're seatbelts done of service the blunder decided she pulls asleep black, probably like crotch Lisbon
I just know Nick is what exactly about Joe, because they give you they stick is now that say like do wake me. Male doorway under oil and showed us, how was it this light do me for shag, maybe she's, icon gotta. Let me sleep through how long the flight from Amsterdam to London for a couple of hours, if such you get about twelve, the Ngos in a lot of cabin crew, I feel sorry for you have sat next to her on the plane. I should in an emergency exits. Aren't we find out? Yes, ok, dwindling, to chapter eight Amsterdam to London Sky, high Obviously how else airport Belinda hoped she would have enough time to replace a missing song bra. I've has somewhat tired, but still sexy
he'll says you can feel slightly more respectable for the London flight, so what she got on at the airport, scum straight from the sex window, nobody out or simply of I think she has wash. You got no clothing with You going with no shoes on the apple she stood up. How you robbed and transparent dress. Was you have a brief We that she had said dress, and so we achieve Scott Change, cloak invisible, we're talking about. So if she has got any grey she's just carrying a briefcase. All of ve got three eggs about districts, and here is again, I wanna some ok at the airport, Belinda she would have enough time to replace a missing thong bra, here and has somewhat tired, but still sexy heels, so
you feel slightly more respectable for the random flight Scott dress on enough none of her in the clothing Belinda always thought that smart footwear, with an important factor when meeting some of the first like the other looking out on when it was a thing recently were those of the pole, but they said women look at a man shoes on the further that remains babes, our shadow essentially we establish wearing, was it like a sea through rain mark is basing your skull with no one to go around. You won't go or not, life. Is you see a temptation to show every good enough? Tosh Thomas She didn't intend to meet anyone just to look respectable enough to get through security and on the plane I mean to be back up.
In that respect, too, to get through security movement with a low noise thoughts, Oreo judgment, unless you have on the but she's, not carry of anything she's a pot from payments problem, Hooker she didn't intend to meet anyone just to let respectable enough to get through security on the plane. She was out of luck. So let us give she's out she's a tramp. All the clothing concessions at Amsterdam Airport had closed of his home. Peach were dropped her off. There was nothing for it. Except a stick. It out we'll stick out what she's wearing jeans Belinda security without being stripped searched? When are you ever threats have never ever since you are never even seen someone taking aside to be strips edged, I do know somebody goes to tee in Indonesia line up and forlorn things at the bottom I'm going to write ass? She, oh god, his birthday,
seriously sounded like rigid excesses. Bertha probably looked at him, what they were like birthday, but they spread it. Thirty. Two time you free, prostate exam, her aunt s isn't it. I thought it was folklore, the Raven Data, when a lucky him Belinda went through security without being stripped, searched and entered the departure lounge the noise of many females chatting excitedly. What did across the large area she looked around trying to ascertain whether noise was coming from. Then she saw them about two ladys were standing around in small groups. Waiting for the flight to London is this. A Hindu will shortly present day out your thing,
tackle all wearing those sashes Robbie. She already slept today, inflatable cocking one home rail cock in there a wonderful and is looking at the hundred and thinking they must have a quiet. We can Has what light when you're weekend was more or less than a third a person's hand? Here you know you living in life right, then she saw them about thirty, Ladys were standing around in small groups waiting for the flight to London. Even stranger, they were all. Sloppily dressed in crumpled business, attire, similar to herself. Why are they gonna Belinda Themes, I do how many of those have happened in the world it has not happened it nevertheless, political handy, Custar, account friends, Belinda wasn't invited. Belinda went over them wondering what was coming on nosey bet. Yet that got your flight home. None of your business was it got to do with whether touch they
and he dressed like they were. What What does not look like a baby did she thinks you get me on the fly around and I heard was the only back on than herself when she London, but also issues. Which is the queen of business. Unless you can go up to anyone who seems I'm sorry, that's your business here and the queen of business, I'm doing pots and pans. She is the Queen Bee Sheet motion You think she is but actually shapes out tonight this something, but will help hello. Said one of the Ladys in English. She approached them. Way, you're dressed, you must be on off light as well, is a theme flight, but why aren't they just wearing crumble? old business. Well, that's what she said. If that's great, I think that makes thirty one of us what Belinda, smiled and thought the sea
to be genuine genuine partners? We, MR chapters of just check, no, would definitely on the road chapter cause. There's been no explanation of what happened after she left the window. The list We would have a clue what's going on and you ve ever imagine going up to a group of people waiting for frightening. Like sorry like why you on this guy, like we won, T fats, great academics, thirty one of Us Belinda, smiled and thought this seems to be genuine on earth is going on. Good question makes horrors Belinda, listen to the chit chat, trying to pick up any clue as to why these trampoline dressed women were here I mean Belinda doesn't look exactly bell of the border Shea, yes, my sales, been shooting up with the new tv advert have you noticed an increase? Question wasn't directed at Belinda but believe
standing next to her. Why? Yes, my plastic, why has been especially popular a plastic pauper. I'm gonna see We can see that tv up. Why? Yes, my plastic, where has been especially popular, I just wish we could get a good supply. Pots and pans on board ding Ding guns. They were ever tells is what they call that we have contrived. I just wish. Would you get a good supply with pots and pans on board? Are they said good supply, so they went and she told him apple and so many Estimates keep asking for equality pot. Could I gotta clovers report in this day and age also how The EU is on key visa courting up to be light unlucky product, but also what can get quality
This is a general outline, because I need a palm gold rush. Belinda's ears pricked up immediately pots and pans it suddenly dawned on this? what do the pennies drop from, like thirty five thousand feet wide taken as their long she's, too drunk it suddenly dawned on her way. Must be attending a big weekend national sales conference in London at the all too. Ethical. Those are the only to fix this no city between tell us where you have to tell them that they must be attending a big.
We can national sales conference in London at the o to Tony had briefly mentioned it to her. Not in the book I was a bit. Myths steals haven't been invited to speak. Well, I mean you recall you: silence of the business is absolutely actually she's done a lot of good business poppy, since they did the itinerary for that of an invite nine months ago a month ago, and she probably wasn't even in her position. Then she shouldn't be us up about it and I thought who's. She got to sleep with Uganda, the guest list I think about before they get it. If you gotta help me not sorry, and indecisive sorry, this barging hastily sorry I don't mean to mislead you, but I'm a supplier. I just happened to be dressed similar What was happening. Boys what's happening, Is when rock he's going off the rails hang on This is in relation to the lady age. Scary said hello. There
your dress, you must be on our fly as well. That's great lummix that one of its member Linda says so they think she's in the party. I think she's, an official member of that of the conference a delegate exactly, but if they're going to a conference, why they all dressed like trumps already already if they're on their way out of their rural rough. For the big we'd have exactly yet it is a good question. James sorry, but I do said, I don't mean to mislead you, but I'm a supplier. I just happened to be dressed. Similarly, good. Ass? The first lady explained we still know. What's your name, lady and its classic dns is the first laid the twenty seventh load. I can't believe it said, Michel Goodness, the first lady exclaimed so you're, not on the official pre com. The dutch fact finding to turn its back
So this is it even the conference just going for a fact finding mission so you're on the Dutch pre fact, finding prefect fighting governs do what we can do, Find our way like there's numbers is means clad, whether an eight the second lady said here are you with deals, pots and pans reply Belinda still reckoning allowed about. In that same stop cringing at the name. He keeps at the first lady quality stuff. Then z, headed exuberant, arrange we like to think so. What's your names I've got those, never ask what c, What's your name, what are your names? What's your names? Look, thank goodness that actually being ass to the end the compensation should like I'm Belinda. Thank you. What's your names, I'm Betty retired outta, the biodegradation vote, whether this is
Acting area manager. Vicki would say he works, really work. To Victoria Wood is an aim to keep alive. We know rockies about all of us, not only a huge amount of attitude that must be in homage anymore. Surely, unless it's like you, on a statement of their approach that he definitely will think he would for a lawsuit, love, rocky reality. Dana Belinda, Blumenthal, nice to me. You gotta eat productivity, she turned into a really new amiable, I may say unites gonna get you cover, Chow, on what the who is Shea some Jenny deals with that darling. Why should handle street but into Blumenthal very nice to meet you gonna? Get you by the committee seeing as you're the supplier, we prefer, a glass of shortening you know, helps at LA nerves for the flight and all that passing the he alighted
just out, for they can get things you're. Picking up the bill of a shock. Also in this world is the only wine that's ever made sure tonight is that many of the products we need ass. The drinking to pre conference showed, If I find it very levers, is dutch official revision pre conference such funding to key. We prefer glasses. Shortening you no help settler nerves, the flights in all that set of smiling Vicki. Do you think the victim Bessie agony, forcibly removed from this that Kate Mass on any later life, genuine, both basic bitches, lay after my own heart reply to some in Belinda ten minutes later, so the three of them We must organise the across started loading, so you wouldn't mind putting into the conference next weekend. We only want to ten minute presentation and we'd love. Having your gear on
said Vicki outside this, the last minute booking behind what she's wandered away in Malta, Belinda Ass, such a pro, be delighted, said: Belinda people, leaving her luck. What a thrill answer no play! We choose a pretty big data sheets. Playing the ode to she's, doing a boring ten minutes. All kind of frying pan ticking should be bill. Does that line? Belinda Blumenthal I like to think Postal just be like Wharton Front row of people in the rest of the places we have to So is really embarrassing when that happens. You know these big billboards outside of the eighteenth, I think thereby Mastercard awesome credit card and is basically about funds me in the eye. Pull that playing the eighty two do not be those posters but have Belinda people with its hands lies the best ever lie. She's a priceless moment. She's worthless moment be delighted, said Belinda. Hardly believing her look. It turned out the Ladys both worked for direct retail door to door.
Coffee mornings, organization, a coffee mornings, Can I say that women's institute of like a parish gathering door to door. Coffee morning nothing, it's a door to door organization under coffee mornings, organization, a direct retail door to door and coffee mornings organization. Oh my goodness light when people have tupperware parties of the eighty eight I mean people, don't do it now, so Rockies really reach back into type. People did used to sell tupperware coffee mornings right yoga, genuine that you too are both of them. So out of your mind, is it many Roma mused Isley light. There was a jewelry retailer they have jus report is in your house and monitor the dining room to basically like a Jew. I can imagine ridiculous. Did you
anything in the budget, but the roulette, but you didn't set something so shelters, pics fight about costumes. Whether they are real jewels out. No, not really I mean we lived in a choir rough area, but yeah they are. They are something off of light. The eighties that whole culture. Judgment when be policed, others, and some as part of our greatest, that our friends is already strain pretty much like a conflict. Is the modern equivalent of an anonymous, partly related right. Now I am selling no one's by it
and I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fanned will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit Vanderwiller COM, slush Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one years, older and present a new jersey and peddling Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call one a hundred gambler. The Ladys both worked for direct retail daughter and coffee mornings organization tat? We all if I had a pound, we haven't met. Somebody did that honesty. Whilst they were big at present,
They were strong in the north and the south and he's having a strong in the north and the south. It they hardly serving the north and the South EAST of England. Thinking so less like Manchester Liverpool leads and London and data or fixity target can not get enough of us. Whilst they were big at present, they are strong in the North and South EAST of England. So he covers that area. Place I can say, is that they will cause he's. A man from the north is night, things Dave woke up. More importantly, they were growing steadily. Sort of business would never effect the big retailers people in the present EU light on say I feed anchor- I repeat some other business heavy chapter. Isn't it it's just difficult for to leave? country how back to London already Vicki made a quick called the central administration and spoke to him, the conference organised as they are,
over the moon with the idea, as they had had a few people pull out at the last minute and steals the manufacturer would be a big a trend therefore, in the first place ever desperate to do air Belinda Take a she's used to people it out the last minute IRAN Belinda minds of Jenin tonic when we get seated net uses? certainly already on the shore DNA withdrew. Celebrating my pleasure Vicki thanks Betty efforts better. What has bade levies and Jack all that right and not waive Belinda was in the final vote, the plane. I was allowed to board from the rear steps. That's era once they taken off she organizer drinks for Betty and Vickie
twenty dollars over their eyes categories. I'll knows that's what fun she thought she started to prepare some notes for her future presentation, literally by June of this year, delay or two for this preservation sheets, I think, or why they go to London ever that they'd thy tongue. I am not sure that it lacked tramp, get restage of it. What fun she thought she started to prepare some notes for her future presentation. The plane. An overly full and scattered around, mostly the back. We uniformed accrue changing locations for morning flights, so they were doing is caught sight of it. Only when you get on the plane, everybody's, the crew, that you gonna they're not usually see they re election? No, you know you don't want that, will not do that like end of ship process of little troubling bert now now Europe has hit Shariah. Don't you want to go on, so I
rises a particular busy flags. You got seventy two members of staff, you upload unlimited unlimited, but that's gonna go out the back three, but the plane was an overly fool who clearly a smart. Looking. Lucky blonde with decent looking breast and co pilot uniform with sat across the hour from Belinda Copilot, so she's, the cobler or she's just Nick to cut off from someone I think she's on? Should you be at the front in the cup? nothing a co pilot from the airline is hitching a lift back to London right bloody shuffle boss, a smart, looking lucky blonde with decent looking breast and a co pilot uniform was set across the oil from Belinda. After ten minutes of flying she s Belinda, P S, curiosity, why all the ladys awaiting such sloppy business attire? What do they mean by slop? Hey? I feel that may be ill fitted a bit drab grey list.
Aids all over- I don't think so, just crumpled not then yeah starched not steals basically not steals girls lies as gradually coffee warnings that turns out straight exactly after terminus, flying she s, Belinda purely out of curiosity, why all the Ladys rowing such sloppy business, attire purely out of curiosity as opposed, she's an undercover detective. I what else would it be ourselves? An uncomfortable bitches issue- it should about people in a slightly them alone. Just light struck a nose in someone else's busy, judging peep of how the dress and hated one do that's what Belinda date to its domestic utensil trade treated tony from HOLLAND and believe it or not the sloppy business at times that uniform? of logical that up. That's that uniform, who shows that you chose a sloppy uniform with you, but wasted linen ill fitting is accompanied we'll take it two hundred police.
How very interesting and water as unusual full of dress, my name's hazel by the way, a cake we just take a step back. Yet what is going on, like rockies drop the ball in this chapter four he's not probably explaining what's going on, is also not operating in his usual style because of introductions happening number. One number two he's gone business, but he's gone like cook. Business solely it more or less than thought some time. This is so small fry a work for a gathering of mums over coffin yeah we Bobby's Northcote Road does count. I mean You gotta tell one patent that doesn't mean waste while it's not insignificant in that world, but in the scheme of business that is not unit is racing off the shells is it the most are just surprised,
after building up is become so graphically so say in inverted. Why suddenly gone so business again, so parochial, like Yahoo, has. My thing is that it makes me feel uneasy, because what He goes into. One of these love is because he's ramping up to something and usually that something is repulse with water addressing part, but the ward starts to move its. I, oh God said regarding it as essential t Rex, on the way, and a name may be hazel how very interesting and what a most unusual fulfil. Tress Muslims Hayes by the way Belinda Currency next to many people in Digital pays, obeying Belinda cupboards and after me, up in the same year Belinda,
comes next to me. It's uncle Al Belinda said yes, I try to do it with intonation power sailors, overviews, Belinda, cupboards and extremely hazel change seats and settled herself down beside Belinda hot in here said: Belinda, open the top, but enough have blouse showing a fair amount of cleavage Alice? You were right. You can read these books, so while Europe I saw it coming like a train in the night. You gotta be the chairwoman of the rocky cliffs and appreciation society in no time a thank you to the sound of its political blouse. Always is it me, I'm just totally slight. Maybe I'm not listening. Probably I guess she's in crumpled business attire, which is why they thought she was Paul, delegate, which is very well she water for dogs, rightly seems like a lifetime. It goes far enough, if you don't remember, you're, ok medicinal bends he's in a chance and moral compass happened is open window or God knows what I feel I can stop asking questions the was it was given to oversee the Emily. Could just wrap up the package
majority questions winner closed hustler, consists of a hot in here said: Belinda. She opened the top button of her blouse, showing a fair amount of clean. HAL cooler right down I'll make such a difference. Just twizel thing about we had here said Hazel. I am a co pilot. Am I understand these things? Let me just you haven't it's just above you. Finally, and I were in your life, jacket is below yours. Let me show you a blow the whistle and no smoking. Not even those pesky ease the garage light hazels a long arm, snake upwards and twisted the nozzle, letting us dream of cooling, ass flow of Belinda's, face and tits. If you ve ever been,
those lies you'll know is like somebody breathing on you on the bus. That's what it really is, not refreshingly rehab right! Next to it still, it is exactly. Pesos long arm snake two percent with the nozzle, letting a stream of cooling ass flow over Belinda's face and tits. How efficient Eu Hazel you always so responses someone's complains about the heat, really hope she doesn't run of the cockpit. If somebody says all bit, balmy injuries are obviously the pile of research. Who was you Madame Lebrun suggestion nozzle, how efficient view hazel Are you always so responses, I believe, I believe I am at least all my best friends say so showing off that she's got friends resided thing: Belinda's was the issue best, for I know, its main my best, but guys you all my best. What am I going amendment at least Alma Friends say so. Is that what they say
oh you're, so response it paves the way things are in a birthday card: oh you're, the best Once a friend we have here a great listening Hazel started to move, have fitted tight skirt Vice Belinda unbuttoned, a lower section of the Bahamas, should leave it in the Middle EAST, she likes that so trademark she's at the wet bandits, but just like leaves one but on a blouse. I'm really reference a change in the no to the engine, prompted Hazel to say we're, half way back We're gonna get out like a house on biogas, Belinda's never of duty. Also, how does the home go from I mean it's half way back, isn't a thing, because nothing will be happening, that point, surely just in full elders in the not going anywhere and feel by Cyrus Harding anyway, if it sounded yeah the first half
really low sound the second half the tank is really hoping I only have enough fuel for the journey does not like a drama. Report, a change in the no to the engine, prompted Hazel to say, we're half way back the plane, starting to descend. What my click Belinda, Well, I can't safety measure de descend venue halfway there is it terms, rubbing someone's quit that seatbelts, I'm going to go on any second indent soap, really Bob polite. I wrote my clip Belinda parentheses, Besides we're half way back, the planes started to rub my click: Belinda Flee,
The planes going down to the last answer, my clear up? How many people you think and opponents going down, goes to the person S, and please is Robot Clare. You make me feel better. Another saying like like dogs genome, we believe my balloon. Blind, hazel and Hazel. Obliged Belinda bother. The landing gay was down. The girls had become firm friends That's right! I'm on the brink of searching about food five minutes to descend visas with a seat belts fastened. They were ready for that bumpy landing in the windy conditions
The windy condition, not gonna climax, but it was a dangerous if our hands a snake in a peach, others skirts and then when these really bumpy landing a bit turbulent honestly be vigorously God, but we fifty the renewed? what is good as a play tyres, screeched, multiple times of multiple money has not textbook lending. As long as the planes tyres, screeched multiple times on contact with the tarmac, both girls climb simultaneously. While thus pre less intense. The timing, is thousand Willie. I presume that the hazels hard to do she time that. Well, that's not the first time for her of user as a co pilot she's like best time to orgasm when you, London, absolutely it
well. That's screams were muffled by the landing. Belinda didn't need any adverse publicity in front of her thirty new customers, then down mass debate use out. But if any one also is not that loud and the commitment is love, you clear was on your headphones began. It in the background. Are you ever do tough landing, Belinda Hazel? So it must be tough landing. Belinda Hazel nut. You purring up her their supper. But everything worked very well. I thought even the arrow foil flaps came up with a relay euphemism. I rarely dead ceremony, it is not a hare. Tough landing, Belinda Pert Hazel, but everything worked out very well. I thought even the arrow foil flat
came up somewhat she's, really in the mobile. My check now remember the reform flags of other flats, Arrowpoint or otherwise. You join them. Hazel Hazel, laughed and straightened her skirt now in back to work mode clearly, but in the button the pub loud and put on her hired, but still sexy high heels. What is tired pistol sexy Mean said that twice a fillip scoffed, but still those that gradually. Thousands Belinda the parallels and put on her tired, but still sexy high heels tat keeps yes, it was a very eventful flight it was. My certainly was, and that's the envy of how well Wow you're doing here,
he's going to be permanent, fixed on the saying nothing besides law, the picture, and you think Betty in value maybe about Betty, and if you will see that they are true, surely for the big the beach which already taken was available. Now it's probably sold out. I mean it's a holistic and rigour, the real, not hasn't sort out our my daddy porno book. I mean it: happens. It will be an absolute godsend. I mean essentially is rockies work out the call this people's opportunity to own it in the paper form. I know that will surprise a lot of people delight some unscathed arrest. This could be the perfect christening gave. You know like me, have birthing something lessening of someone's gonna keep for. Repeatedly back open leg in sometimes people by assembly
Y know O Connor Spirit and are only allowed at once of old enough. This could be that thing. This book will appreciate absolute one hundred percent during these before funerals keeps people be buried with lamentably, I mean it's more bed, but it's not a no for me. What a great red on the river sticks is ideal just the marketing of baby. You can already pay all right now and Amazon, so just Google, my dad was a polar, the full of regional book upland billing want and some added extra from us and from rocky I mean that money can buy content exactly and in the meantime, get in touch with twitter at direct polar you can eat. May less. My daughter, opponent, Gmail outcome. We ve got some great emails, are keeping come in and you can instruments at my dad right. We love the pictures ascending and we ve had such good artwork illustration amazing artwork by actually really good. We got a very interesting artistic impression of the scene with Gazelle and shown, except that was amazing
on tastefully done. There was nothing to exploit. It was Instagram, safe, yeah watch out, Michelangelo seeking to check out our concern for all of these amazing Pisa found out the peoples and answer. I popping, where little social networking face, because, while some people of her that's two such might ever opponent, so what is the next chapter? Chapter nine is called motivating the sales force. I read to think how she's gonna do it. I can't imagine it's a speech. Maybe who knows about the tickets make sure its front row but have not had any more than I thought we,
and I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller COM, slush Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.