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S3E5 - 'Accident or Emergency?'

2017-06-26 | 🔗
After last week's devastating clithanger, it's time to finally discover Belinda's fate...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gently problem call one hundred gambler following podcast contains addled themes. Sexual content and strong language? Basically all the good stuff previously on my address, a porno, suddenly law.
He's going to last she's going to very low down below is now to do she skewed it off the road bashing too. In a hurry coming to us in a deep ditch. She lay there motionless and and king in the smoking car greetings of Alice with me, I've got James with me with sympathy. Echo, is real issue alive. Is she dead? What happened in that car? I can't quite handling see this TIA spin there are weak. New veil is very respectful, but yet thesis
you want. My black lace gloves. Lacework is something else that area him say reverent these times. But how is that lovely sharper? Your husband and begun to sexy Heaven I mean if he kills off his protagonist ill, be unprecedented It's killing the cash cow unless she has gone to Heaven and the rest of the books in Heaven or have she's totally go to hell. James haven't Conway, I'm sorry, that's jumping a shark is net. When, when the, whenever gotta go to Heaven, I shall let crossroads all ended, whose at the check out it was all a dream. Oh shit, wasn't Evans. Nationalism is a pretty crap soap opera. Friends. So what have a kind of our Dallas right, When he worked in the shower, I think on air, but it was even worse. It was the council that beach, I didn't know you such a sofa, I'm not. We were banned from watching them as children, but I know of James and above the Mccain
My friend Eddie was saying the Irish wakes. Ah amazing parties, because your celebrating life- and I feel like Rocky, would give her that kind of send off. Well, if look here's what you he's of an irish wake, a lot of feeling, but no emotion. Oh yes, of course, so we weren't showed what that means at the time and maybe about find out now no way no she's, not tat. She might be a bit mangled, but she's. Now that's a leg might be right. This is not the right given Rockies were just a passer by like crack that by into places and advise the currently, but every light road runner I recall you never die like no injuries. What exactly do you think, though, if she is injured, she will milk or sexy incident in the hospital doctors and nurses. Anyone that's great, accept a prior experience with doctors
doktor Robins. Oh of course he makes a comeback well at least of the gravest cervix up at the proper medical, always read the instructor, ok, or should we get on with them because I can't handle this has spent any longer list. The world needs to know yeah. Maybe we'll get clear from the chat to title about. What's happened? What's the capitalism ok, Belinda, Blink, three chapter five accident or emergence like a review. Of the whole book say one more time. Belinda blink, three chapter, five accidents
emergency. Did he put a question mark or is that there is a question not present question mark semicolon I'll kick out lovely one after the other show unorthodox to the end, if isn't and it is an emergency recovery. We have one without the other night, I think this thought it sounded small. I didn't you just thought dozens. We're ready to level instrument because he's like people say action, emergency, but I've spun. It's one. Does an island or emergency. It's cool heads in the sand or manage ready, always I should add that she alive caught if she's dead, Belinda's watering eyes. Slowly open market she's life ass. She suffered
Two of the merciful, our back, did you know I have always said the more of a hasn't been help they can bring in act like a brilliant leave bit choking on thirteenth out. She sat up in the coal wreckage. A rat costs can be right off how many causes Company got three variously Scott Motors Martin anymore, Belinda blinked for fuck's sake, her mind, told harangued really reminds older, like isn't that nice, another five messy governess. I do believe that my mind telling me it's angry bodies wet with tears. I'm sure! Well, I'm a bit worried about a body. Is that some money maker relay it sounds like she's. Ok, if a minds tell another folks minds, not telling you're bleeding out is instead gotta live. No. I role than its fine for fuck's sake. Told around really a flat tire. Well, well,
There's only one thing for it. Sorry, such the flat tire said wreckage because in true that's no roof hi, I'm fucking our work in a flat tire. Well, there's only one thing for it Belinda removed had dishevelled blouse, that's gonna help the flat tire threw herself onto the ground. Halts wish you all a bow singing her head back. She did her best damsel in distress, act, making sure her tits were protruding out of her somewhat in people, she's crashed her car any reasonable human beings. Gonna stop further EAST should leading all over, but she's got some Botswana. Doping is bleeding. She was on her knees for
long, while waiting for a passing car but at least have exposed breasts, keeping snug by the some tarmac somehow lost is try try they now on a job has now thought I haven't done so cases trust the car. It's got flat. Tire she's walked to the road to get someone. How can a blouse off and now she's what lines on her breast a need have no data on the ground, trying to pretend that she's academic industry. Sorry, why you say that, like that suppose the damsel indices, everyone does when they have a conqueror lie of atomic with the top off. Oh no, no fly that's tire, Allison, just flesh a bit of uncle and no longer just a little bit speed up. If anything, if you with your wife, she blah blah stopping up, and it must happen Jamie. You can get them.
You'd, be like now we're gonna stop anyway, love. You certainly does Dracula, oh here, because I ve been a picnic. Sport and famous was Thomas Middle. Ditch put your hand down to its virtue. Baby. Its vitality baby. So she is on the tarmac, with a tits out being a damsel industry, s sure to ours. Later, oh, my gosh is lost to touch a nineteen. Sixty mustard gas stopped next to her helpless body. An out jumped me Our co, like all Marco, Regos Marco array, gas. Did she recognize him which he like other gotta smuggler rigour, Roma Mexican Phil? I love is not worried as it is. Not exactly must I Marco Array gaze,
was brazilian brazilian and he knew it never thank God, he's gonna birth certificate authorities from did you break that term later in life from pursuing their own skin snores moment? impossibly handsome. He was the leader example, that God was presently, the Brazilian, but this must be referencing Rocky spend a long time in Brazil Right rocky lives. Half the air in Brazil so loves Brazil. I wonder if you ve met the real life markers Barcoe Array as Marco already gash articles. Yes, probably a beautiful name for peace for man more apparently. So there are very good looking people, oh yeah, you're, quite porcelain,
please that we found something about Marguerite S during the record. James transfers, fat gotta, you too, Mr Karas number in the book for the first time you to it into a Belinda Blink characters actually pay around here. We like people, pretend await the beneficiaries. Ornament, with a bow. The mud said, rose exerts, look back, it's got which uses. As we always say. He was a living example that God was imprisoned in full of poise, poise, Anima Richardson, unlike his word heels, full of poise, impeccable manners and peace ought to die. Foreign bed. He thought a self review is not worth the paper it is written on here. It didn't settle for the average. His taste in women was that of high class
the lady. He had just seen lying in the middle of the room with the definition of high oh boy, with a living example that God was our high class pots and pans saleswoman lying on the tarmac with it. It's nothing says high end like that. Does it everything about her with sexual that I agree with the report? The bloody wound on ahead she's, not bloodied, it's a rap. It's a flat. Mine, too old? internal monologue validity is everything about who is sexual from the quality of her clothing to the philosopher. And the way she wore those riding boots? Ok should not worry and clothing. I think the glass and a hairy, sweat and pity
gas gasoline in passing cars, but he knew he had everyone. Has to have a, and he knew she wouldn't deny him knows everything. Doesn't noises from Brazil is using it you must save me kind, sir. I have a flat tire, not from what I can see. He said in a perfect owners presenting his niece. Oh yeah, presented like that. Please not from what I can see. He said in perfect English, albeit with a slight Boston. It is about thirty brazilian living in England. They know that I know that was lost and that's not. How do you like them? Apples, that's lifelike goodwill. Hunter gatherer can have a care
the care and pack and care. I just go with you Priscilla, and really to think. Maybe that sex you than what you just did it was a bit hullabaloo. Look at me, have you please get but Papa gruff into a show. Just forget it he's got a boss, inaction yeah. I think so. If rightly reminds us again, we can incorporate it, but he'll probably began a few sentences Don't ever got on earth, not what they can see. He said in perfect English, albeit with a slight Boston acts and voting on it. As he stared at her now heaving breasts, nevertheless, mockery as agreed to drive Belinda back to a central London apartment to Chechnya, oh interlude and image. I love as a chop line the identity and invite somebody back to flatter me like just purely so. We can check if there's any damage sure and have a look at this. Yes, I know your game play that let me check your spleen. Oh yeah Jack, a girl as they stunted through
the world famous, seen countryside, the world famous non specific, prepare gotta chatting freely. Oh good, thank God. They got shot. Freely at hate them to have a gun to their heads You know me in Perth their famously there's a man said the brazilian Boston Voice I saw a little more and there are around then. You may not know me impose said the boy, Lillian, Boston boy. I wish you could see Jamie's mouth right now, because it's trying all sorts of other godfathers very difficult guys. Can we just stated presenting area the best but Bela. Why? How do you know about Bela Belinda blinked? He does you might not. Maybe a person house, Bela WAR Shades, says a twisted, and this was it.
A chance that he gave up and picked her up is no, I shant better. It didn't link Bela's classy bird Jesus. He's got eyes, but you better come to think of it how'd. You know me: Fannys dropped, spluttered, the for once flummoxed Belinda, Blumenthal he'd be set. Scan bequeath, might stop stop because it's in the countryside, the boy baby, just jump, how you none other by Anne Sister, asked whether the ginger non jumps out about them car again, not familiar to you repetition proceeds. You miss bloom until the second I saw you. It's in the wind mirror. I knew it with the queen of pots and pans anyone.
Get to the heart of the continent by let he replied think he bowed his head and smiling his deep brazilian deep brazilian. I love that day, brazilian smile, you I believe- and I was The brazilian prince charming Storm reminding you recently, we know you know it always. I would feel brazilian princetown here to save the day, be a battalion forthcoming, Belinda smiled and thought if it gets any more patronising of smoking, one potential
customer or not. It's, because I guess everyone's potential estimate to her. He knew she was the queen of pots and pans. Also, unlike that, you know that from been accused of being a bit old fashioned in his counter development of women. But here's this man in saying that he is Prince charming and she sang her anymore, patronising and especially on the other who fairytale she doesn't need it to me that she is Belinda. She's, Belinda, she's, Belinda Blumenthal didn't Is it the o too? Is that why you knows that she was cleanups amounts? We knows Belarus. A movie at all was if Rubagub, Brazil, alright you're episode places, God and British, but I can t have offended you apologize I love this guy already Georgia's watch J. We read it, not everyone. I meet a shop with you, an intensely uncomfortable and mouse
be worried, motto: oh, he lost his major, pretty quick Belinda smiled and thought he is handsome and if he's a lover of Bela, he can't be all that bad embed, wiser battle, shaggy, anything that show you how to get it back allowance for God's sake continue she mouthed, whilst her tongue wet her lips, select to lift the ban, business take me all over the world, and this week, I'm in London, Athens and Moscow. Are you going to be enshrined, thereby giving critiquing reader? We have to really concentrate
to see what you're saying. Oh sir, I think even iraqi my business take me all over the world all over the world, and this week I'm in London, Athens and mosques and melting king. I'm a world famous plastic surgeon bought this dimension of a world famous plastic surgeon. Has that worked on and I had the pleasure of Miss Vale of company in the good old? U S survey not too long ago. Why, as Belarus plastic surgery, I was there high rank guest of a guy called sternly. Ah, what he's got
step, praying cypriot anyone's up here, Jim studies caught, please, my dog that did the Robocop. That's his shoddy remedy were regular plus another lay he J he handiwork. We might be in Reykjavik and stolen the where all this shit is general. While thus blow my mind God It would be beaten, Jim's, plastic surgery. Never did you wouldn't lieutenant into the crime which it but also what's been, really clever from dab. Is that he's actually, threaded together? The two cliff hangers of Belinda blinked has hey yeah cliffhanger before was that Jim had the monster prick which have issues hissing, and this is the person who created the monster dick supper, I mean it seems like such an impasse.
Simple coincidence. Talk about contriving her. How so he's doesn't look umbrella? No I mean I imagine, that he met Bela when he was a guest of Jim Sterling when they were all in Texas USA. So I imagine that when Belinda was having meetings all was with gems. Angle, with thanks getting old Hank scanned. What was better doing probably seen I've already got so maybe the future will be a flash back to her being with Morocco or yes, oh, I don't doubt that it's gotta chapters on the cheeses cosmic, my head, her feeling I've had a complex origins.
Both nationally both and I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users there first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans. Will sports book will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit? If you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore arise at fanned. Will dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast? That's a c est. He must, between one user, older and present a new jersey and penalties. Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call when a hundred gambler, I was there. A high ranked gift of a guy could still be used at length. S obviously squeeze an excited Belinda feeling. You know the little chap too. Level as a project eyes invested, it lay hold of a little thing, called the hippocratic oath confidentiality,
Kay so right, you gotta be wanting in order by twenty old Tom. Dick was Sally funny. You know the future too. Know of him my bedroom flop of May, have him he's been, is I mean on more than one continent. At least I think he has. I ve cocoa butter. Up, Belinda murmured to a buzzing fly around ahead. Cartoon is now made friends with all the animals my god, it all made sense. Does it Belinda, I would mark a big time for saving from sterling's market cock in Texas. Usa sees about harsh vote. Please suddenly a comfortable, Ireland settled between the two of them living Ferrel, back
Marco's, London man didn't go way how God, This means cocked transplant, a new. How picked me up in Epsom Geographic leave on kid. I feel that this got out was worth conversational, that revelation of Madrid silently moments in silence. Jeez tobacco is flat already and tree rocky style. Back at markers, London, mansion block on Harley Street honestly lives on Harley Street. He those diseases, yeah yeah doctors live as well. The live above his shop. Clearly so Ike fly above alone, Draft Linda, lay back on his wolf fur rug in front of a fake but very realistic. Looking fireplace fake, fireplace yeah with like
Johnny claims have been then never convincing, but she's, not the brightest planned in the box to say that there is a real wolf rug and a fake fire area priorities. He had given her a type Romania cocktail, secretly hoped his seamen, tasters bitter sweet, outlying through a clash of cultures and misled, the moon rose with a fully used to Boston Brazilian. They forget that ought have a visa, oh yeah, where's the can get at the care. Oh no Sweden has the bullet. Wasn't the blue seamen bittersweet didn't cut across the dreams because it was so bittersweet, rigorous, early, tasted bittersweet? I think she's just like like when you re too Pineapple may say it makes you seamen. Tastes like No, I just think it's disgusting life. You drink a kite rhenea. What does this even taste? I try premium, but everything it works die. That's what you think. We call a cocktail
even now to be found. Its way applies all of his date. Billina scholar, Peters, colliding Venus colliding cocktail. Sorry, I don't give my dates. Penis, lighting context. There is a great idea Belinda removed her red jacket. She didn't want wine stains or anything else for that matter spoiling it was just Think of that. So no one up and it was fun are too knew to be sent to the dry cleaners. I don't know I don't you got this ass. We do Belinda, now half naked Marco concentrates on her George Prince concentrate your just like staring at the recent put up much of a fight at all even off, during the day, I'm getting to know the school so to speak, getting to know
the school he slowly, an extremely gently trace the path with his finger up to the base of Belinda's Vagina West Base of the vagina phase base camp. They planted a flag, we ve got to talk. The basis that can stand freely under yeah, but where is it like, underneath, I guess, maybe base camp atop? Maybe Nokias rocky calls the top of the vagina, the top the vagina something the basic means like the Greek under carried the carriage in the cloak skis me the cloak three: it's like the female Googe. Isn't it put it we under bit the cartoon, the rectum and the vagina? Is the cloak Plaza your family? So no good! No thank you about the search history. Like you. Let me just check on. It sounds like air, a Batman batty preclude,
so cloak on the urban dictionary withdrew. The kids you know, which you I go to from my facts here- is the combination of a genuine, the asshole The combination they should be combined while the question tracing from where exit traces up to debate the where has even tracing he slowly. Extremely gently traced the pathways finger up up to the base in the actual way around the path gone from the leg he's been taken. The trousers always come from like me to the cloak of the Netherlands connected to the vote by this. All I know is that their his fingers stopped just like a car at a railway crossing waiting for the barrier to be lifted. You gonna? U the level crossing seek embarrassing after a minute. His fingers continued on his journey, raise guy
fingers away from US day. Forty two topics he's trying to seven forty six Left the whole hand in the clink of respect, and that is a deliberate pause for breath. You never come back from the coca leaf. Can we get you? Isn't it while the trunk has an area which is always lucky enough, Loca where'd you go to this link between those in the church bells. Call you better get me miss. You can to transport that then the work different reading. Do we now all about his mistress after a minute his finger continued on its journey, the barrier
obviously been raised. Now we get it. We now Belinda thought astutely as a very grateful Marco took the opportunity to pleasure Belinda's clytius with his tongue, she relaxed, passionate and that markers tongue. Do the talking What does the donkey rather than they play about regulation suddenly and without any warning, the Brazilian flipped Belinda. Her stomach and started tapping at her with a reflex hammer- What is with many balanced hammering someone does is heard Belinda not yet she said wickedly Marco nodded. Looking serious, it was such. Aphrodisiac watching a man take his job seriously.
Failing this mindset her mind, shots ha. No one cares. What you thing is her mind that fly from also either plastic surgeon. Like soldiers to him his job would be to take a shower pay. Enlightened, do dotted lines the labour embody take good note, You, surely I sense that, having The sheep minded Overdrive, Marcos, final text was to ensure her heart had not been damaged in the car. I let me guess he's like after will maintain a thing you need to go. All the way is a huge penis. If you feel it taking your heart, you find. He placed the stone cold stethoscope onto her left breast. But that's not right for a star is that's why you're not you're brass
Why is not the tissue? All Here was the thundering open? this desire things wrong, then there's quite good tat is all good. He was there thundering Belinda's desire content mark that's right. That's normal theme. Fine for me, content marker, turned to ravaging a clear he chewed on the soft dark hair on his head. So, like any goods check over by doktor his eye caught sign back down a guy to the Turkmen factor, stop mentioned. I wish I'd, never brought it up, so it backs the future, but the clock Belinda soon started in search of similar material, What the hell does that letting body
Two is pubic, always like back her shall also similar material, get. Isn't she At his body hair, like Braille, around his nipples way down to his smile trail to his belt, so very traces on his reading. It light Brown was sad. If I'd take me banana, I'm yours, I'm a god. I am Priscilla in and then I am extremely inherited. She cracked it off. This gives me the higher the thought about the God why she, cracked it off and pulled his trousers and speedo trunks away from his torso. Why speedo drugs has presented? Is it in their love at his man who sprang up before on its hind leg,
I hope so and she had to admit Brazilians- were women down. While you didn't ask, is naturally a virus, little but sometimes out. Well, perhaps he had model Jim Junior part do, what we can Will you about on himself Jim Junior Part arenas. Is that too many rare? I prefer monster dick. Thank you. Perhaps he had met. Jim Junior partner on himself. Anything was possible in the plastics game. Now the precise the guidelines at the grand
dad it isn't. I can let polymers is a pass. Thinks merger Belinda pointed at her boots and said how we take these Marco bent over took the first boots between his legs and pooled Belinda pushed her foot higher and squashed is balls. Our work He groaned with pleasure. I we like that to date. No that's gonna yeah! That's when the pain goes up and use them ass. They thought what my worst crushing that meeting crush them. You can take with them. I take a cup them. Bessie could maybe squeeze The treaty is the image of you. Tickling voiced here, Wanna. Do it Belinda pushed harder marker pooled harder I'm plop their riding boot was off, one boot
Well, I've been there all day, one boots, they repeat exactly the same, see you for the second he's devoted more time to get these boots off rush with her toes finally free. Linda, very neighbourly, invited his penis into overdrive. What you like, a similar issue in accomplishing this phrase ago, when you called me a Mamma. She let him fuck her with vigour, as Belinda picked up. A fancy, fireplace poker stew. I can only ask and still do to scream and delight as he responded. This continued for at least the next five minutes late guys the unease silence three hundred seconds. The Brazilians cock was now so big
she couldn't help shouting out. I desire a get it. Allowed, knocking These from the ceiling with the words shot tat brought her back to reality, whose upstairs in the laws house, though the really outline our that's the thing about having a neighbours, but James is here I know it's a very, very noisy James. They saw Bavarian invariable behave tonight. They have and let you know I met them recently on by our lovely and I hope the never listened to the popular she choked back the next scream. Around her pounding in silence, Eventually,
send you away again? They form and all of a sudden, came and collapse into our open arms. That's nice, Belinda Grab Marcos, still erect cock and took it into a male, our gas war, less noise. I thought they just came. He did but such a study Just maybe just always erect always ready to go. He groaned and stood his ground was Belinda, attacked him with her lips teeth and on everything that you have at our disposal, the full tool kit. The council's. Got? U distressingly good! He exhaled soccer I want you to join me soon in real. Please consider just want better it. Ok for the second time that afternoon, Belinda blinked a definite
is the third time this afternoon. With that, accurate representation. The book is the end of the day. Say so Belinda isn't as very much not so that the car smash He described to us was literally a flat tire here. So was accident or emergency orator waste of time not like this ever enabling chanted refer, but we met mark how he's a baby? Oh, my god, he's such a hunk. Are we allowed to know what the next chapter school journalists who is? The next chapter is cool? old. Mr Klaus block that it doesn't matter. Mr Klaus blocked lots,
not at all. No, but no, Mr Klaus Bill off. Ok, See l a? U S cloud! He s bluff be out. Oh c h, ah, like a like german, german bluff, very german law, which we weaken me next week, safe in the knowledge that she is in fact completely They should be given one say that that status gaps and desires of using a strongly. I could take this veil of now any excuse to wear it. To be honest, we get in touch with, as if you disappointed in will happen to Belinda V1 spitted until some of it Paul. Could you are permitted to that report onto its and you are running out essential ideas so that we can only go? That's gonna fly off the handles. If you like instrument, cars pictures may be in a very good with the words at my dad wrote we're on Facebook
my letters porno and you can email us my daughter, opponents, gmail dot com, so don't forget Monday's upon a day and Thursdays footnotes. Diet is chuckle website for all alive dates. Merchandise, allow something might utter: a polar dot com unevenness by That's book as well as an eye to the places so do by that support them cause you, hey, has worked hard issue had been heavy. Definitely Pritchett it when he gets, although sales coming in Brazil when he makes his day. Oh Brazil is an eight year old God, probably on a new dispute at like his cloak and as an image. Lady.
And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Fanned all sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderpool, dot, com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one user, older and present a new jersey and petals sacred, is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply, camping problem call one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.