« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S3E8 - 'A F*cking Good Time'

2017-07-17 | 🔗
Alfonse takes Belinda to a private members' club where she takes part in a sex game with some of Belgium's high society...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply giving problem call. One hundred gambler following podcast contains about themes, sexual content and strong language, basically old. That stuff previously on my address a porno mail. Me
love around the edge glue ping. Chocolate covered a toes calves and suddenly of June. Shoulders, Gonzo's, vagina, terrorism, Dinah Belinda's tits awoke with the mechanical.
Signals like up they d earlier said to her minds. I was happy Monday everybody's, my dad wrote a porno weren't episode ate a blueprint three hours. How you feeling I feel ecstatic James, how you feel I'm good can we reveal now that were over half way through oh yeah right, because, as we have revealed that the fifteen chapters in this book fifteen tat, his son had been like that many interesting. What one chapters are ones before they can be with Canada. The pages also lycian system printing a book in April, so at last. To have heard you ever happened, vaguely we're in Belgium. There was The line shocking that matter or shuffler. No, it's not gonna show on the continent did really believe that pool of the contrary, flavors chocolate
for we push may never manage again. So shall we delve into chapter eight that is, could have in good time. That's what we're going to have. I cannot wait addressed to think what Belinda's definition of a fucking good time as though you what she'd been having today, Well we're about to find out. I feel that room for wild right, buckling, Belinda Blink, three chapter, eight, a fucking time. This is my private member's globe said our funds sloppily licking his fingers as the taxi drew up outside a very imposing stone building somewhere in the centre. Brussels somewhere. We don't know where the author, with grated
whether I could tell you but I'd, have to kill you also? I don't know: there's a rare chapter in the Finns, Tony in Canada, in the its directly followed on from the previous chapter, as if I was you licking his fingers of the chocolate criminal joke about so he's getting the cap from outside the factual, yes and it's gonna somewhere in the center Brussels Guy, the taxi right, in short, our breath of other almost paragraph is rarely burning. It now thinking excellently. Fellowmen. It's like the taxi right has been short Phones led Belinda dress. How long black evening gown with an extremely low plead vision, backless cut, which just show the top of her black string song up the White stone steps, if not
We have often look over the sunrise going up, Mr Congo's, her crack around the building, but mercifully straight and solitary blank god they were each be shown to the library building They looked around sensing. This was no ordinary reading room with his chairs and reading table. Bonkers chairs in. Eating tape. That's no only reading room with its reading chairs and reading table to reiterate It has all the ingredients of a classic reading room went to change its name from library till it reading room literally. Within this, I will, I think, that's trying to not repeat the use of library. I was an end for the vote
ever is used on throughout we face she studied the other eighteen guests counter the bottom up, you'd like rain man when it comes to number they were all couples. Oh, maybe is it not just the men were older and the women we and hatching normative James. Why were they will have sexual couples? funded by the James Rockies, don't know day nothing with game area nor gay Banba love by women. You might colonies consultant in you sing with the weekend what you asked about rocky coffee videos to show you you can be his men on the inside. One of the men older and the women were younger. They looked exe dreamily ravishing. Perhaps they will all business associates just like
ravished they all day the man on the women activists. Angola learn your movie. Even in an emerald. Do you remember my last few words to you in the maze amaze fallback book long? Do we remember his nephew s, mate? Wasn't I derive death He notes that everything is that James comb by everything down. Doesn't it seem in two and a half we come on? I oh yeah: do you Member? My last few words to you in the maze when I invited you to pursues yes Alphonse, I do you said one hour. Ladys are expected to be properly addressed, at least when they arrive. I do remember so? Do I am I correct, absolutely move and then you will understand the full meaning of my words. I think industry.
No really had all the words we speak. Both is flemish mean so many questions, Belinda was intrigues. This, where they retired to a private member's room, and he had his wicked way with the help of fat they bore, especially after this afternoon's excitement. Yeah I mean, what's gonna talk, fuckin swimming in WWW, Uncas Chocolate found that we grant it now you visit as a gay club. It's gonna take egg bricks in patent. You know it's a popup, naturally people after the pop up at tat moment a but living and the centre of the room, Mesdames Civil Blair, Alfonse whispered to back up the game begins. Please stand on the chair. I will guide you as you may, not understanding
if I'd musical dress she notified of all Belinda. Does she was told and looked around the nine other Ladys were doing exactly I can you, the butler shouted monsieur immediately All the men removed the closed. Even this ox. The rules and have suffered a natural death, Does anyone know the rules voice? The give some members only there? Isn't it s kind of power, the fabric of the play, a meeting, the all the men, their clothes, even their throwing them onto the floor White MESSENGER, the butler shouted I won't say, where's gave it stop, it already has a hey organised fun at this level
I have to take up the of a naked Alphonse with Movie, spelling dear boy, that's not what I want Samians advance now saw. I guess I was start remove address, oh What about the debate of leading on that? We just relying on Rockies French, Slash battleship link, my dad's a huge europhile, but he loves Europe, but is a fluid, European. Clearly know he'd like to think he is. He can communicate with anybody. That's what about that skills in la communique? battle, so All this is not a fucking good time. I'll give us this is I owe you just the kind of person I would start losing monopoly just throw the board. I heartily pooper Cooper loved. It was the first on those issues,
Cooper Party, Pooper, Marilla, obeyed interchanges, genuine is on the life and soul of doing the job. The fountain Belinda complied, and What is more like it, how how quaint me and nine others. Why obsessed with Albania. The people to the ten now completely naked Ladys stood on their chairs wearing only their high heels, with their clothing also scattered the floor around them. Like a chinese laundry. What happens like delicately folding stuff? in the corner. I was very book. One is very UK from the continent. Has no idea about and James the Butler shouted I will say one more and read You to develop, appeared in unison and cleared the floor with all the discarded gum. That was gonna ruin me, you know, gonna getting hot heavy thinking. I wish in the washing up like
It's all you can think about sound lad is a bit rockies. Ideas. Maybe two afterwards, I can't take a close look at the valleys and valleys enter ovens. I accept your unbeknown to contest the contestants. Unbeknown to the contestants, the club would immediately send them all to check the organization for distribution to it shuts throughout belt, We got it Let me address the other guy. You didn't want to come to a close.
The engines go instead of once again of the two parties, the hundred one down variations in the Van Gogh. Oars seconds later, the butler shouted the Sunday. Pumps and saw the beans cried unbeknown to contestants I would immediately send them to challenge you disappeared itself. Throughout Belgium, media lie in the Van the engines going Once again of the two parties, dungeon went down variations in the Van Gogh Boris quickly seconds later, the butler shouted the Sunday
get get around one get out, get out. Why and all the ladys step down from the chair got down elixir got out. Out. The issue is the game. What is the game its authority? What no one knows the gate where my clothes guy, what we gave when this guy Do you is the game that was my grandma that command all the Ladys stepped down from their chip away? One of them must have done it because they knew about men and the brass copied, because nobody knows what today the butler then shouted the sandy do so one
when everybody get down to means lie on the floor. Well, this Sunday, the Alphonse, together with the other nine men, help the Ladys onto their backs and showing they were spread Eagle to cross the might be reading tables. What's helps them on their backs. Known to be just fine. Thank you got this from honestly. I let go go. We lose the battle. The need to better as the room descended into a fucking friends? Oh god, I'm spicy didn't make them they're like a two hour and then every just entered in one soup from not one hundred very quick to debate a friend, a fucking. This proceeding not just seems completely arbitrary, like why were they stood on it's a game. It's not good enough to get. That is beginning to its an order.
It's that from the beginning and maybe not as an orgy he'd been oh yeah, obviously Alphonse as areas like day bastard. Furthermore, as you are all what's going on, and then this showering thing than most of you to the road, your eyes whose us at all the right of entry to be right. There are no rules of the game. Is gonna, take off the tap mainly about the rules, as it will further butlers rule so that assignments at summits as fuck diamonds as strip Belinda very soon had had dangling legs wide apart and our funds was fucking you're, like a mad thing, regularly anything you spoke, but Quite this Emily Mirth food. Dangling legs daddy on legs that which is the principal than to get I've only got about three minutes left with you. Our funds box out a deep cough making Belinda
who's going to exit this life do by gangs I've only got it say minutes with you. Our funds box out a deep cough, making Belinda think he was going to exit this life and continued. And then I've gotta move under there. Do you know I see I know, lady. All these men were well versed. Operators in their own business fields, besides, you think it's actually like a lady like a lady of the manor on his right or is it is using ladylike gown because Belgium does have a monarchy. She sire just sail further aristocracy over that there must be designed to his inquiry
run space on any new Rachel. I love the idea. You'd be fucking, someone a newbie light of Three minutes left which immediately site just be in the moment lifetime, and then you build a video three minutes and then I've got to fuck the go next year. So if we could just get this done and that only because you're gonna forget well bus operators, the rumours that really don't worry, light didn't wanna buy out I've funds need to work on a sexual partners and also sends a he's got like Qatar. She threw coughs during Sagoth phones. Belinda made sure has cervix, was clamped tightly around his long cock for she needed to give our funds a good time He was the reason she was here, I'm just saying now: I'm not gonna reward bad behave, so I'm doing when that knowledge, the civic mentions wrought in encouraging him future by itself. Not gonna go there among us anything, but less often has a massive Coxe who father it's like
beyond, it does say long, cock, long, cock, long long of genetic on cocksure back a step back. I actually means longer confined Her flexing vagina worked his penis hard. She fell excited. I hated the face. He just it for that also. I love that Belinda finds a way to credit herself anything it's not like having a good sex. She's working really highlights she's, making sure he's having a good time than you can't control the vagina not weigh volumes are no the genuine James. You can gritted pussy, we know the simple indolent through. Maybe you can control it to a level that she is not hand This does not know, but you could, like. Tents in Laos intends because lower down the chapter of the service, every that's is happening, but literally silver prehensile, you open bottles, but hundreds of uncle
door handle slowly to the right. Drugs at ground level upside down from her flexing vagina, worked. Penis hard. She fell excited the opportunity to meet nine other contacts seriously that is our funds didn't arise every day and she was going to make the most of it literally arises. Every day she meets new men everyday other time. This has happened every day and I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks incite credit. If you don't win download the vandals sports book out from the Iowa Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one years, older and present, a new jersey and penalties,
sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem, call when a hundred gambler after about four minutes, the butler shouted allay Uncle for God say, is a bright buzz, killed the hunting and moaning with the occasional streams from a couple of excited, Ladys stopped as then then withdrew and moved on to the next table, literally speedy in just with writings. I haven't it's, not quite sexy deputy, withdraw and any guy withdraw from the composition of the withdrawal, but it can be metaphorically ass. Her new partner pellets. Oh, my god, you want to say that I am buying weapons as her Newport LE penetrator. He passed through his business.
Grey zone as a speedy vagina, his business I went to her, but she thought the Ministry of truth. The belgian colonies. That is useful, though, to be about the greek or collapse. Isn't she, took his card in a tea wealth will answer busy and once again set about tightening herself to give monsieur. I do the right of his weak it see day than ever. They said This is a normal life, causes them up s. Work of the we he's got a very experienced french mistress, monsieur Rideau, monsieur fiddle speller. Ah, I d E. U ex fiddle feather, say, though, that he's not a real person. I would dimensions
like what do you mean to tell you, the Minister for Trade, for the pouch of its happening? If you guys, but neither off by heart, I'm embarrassed and is even the correct title is probably not report the belgian colonies living this tape, it again gas, so as you too much and whipping ignorant, but also He's thing may Julie out of date, a better it's over both wrong. What we do not know when it sat so yeah precisely well, is it in eighteen, eighty five, we have rooted out typhoid, crockery holdings. Maybe it is so boat, uncontrolled, two colonies during its history, the belgian Congo, eighteen eighty five to nineteen sixty so do now. Ok, the if she's in the minutes that good work and Rwanda women die from nineteen. Sixteen to nineteen sixty two
not a concession in China, Cuba, referring to the administrator of the Tangier international Zone in Morocco, but really minister, looks after those areas but don't exist. Monsieur said, though, event to know is Rideau short for redundant, I'm guessing if the colony doesn't exist. The post. But it doesn't exist and probably not getting reduce like I did onto its business, got up, but I still got to reduce a hundred and eight some mysterious go, see my god. He panted, as its full minutes, expired without a in a way of saying it you didn't come to saving. My four minutes expired without congratulating think nothing of it was seated Belinda, huskily, replied trying to dump and a desire.
No Guzman feeling exceeding be glad he's been able to control himself properly. Why she guys? That means Why she controlling her orgasm like if she can come out of that just come, maybe come in unison. Why I got out colonies, then cut second. That idea I just feel like just go with it. Why should think alibis? I know you right Well, I guess you have to get through and cheese female that figure o multiples near you Roy, like its multiple, a isn't it when you hurt, when we women have an orgasm they have multiple at once. It was not to put it more like a big one. Legged turbine get one free in what a woman all gas. Yes, here It's so intense and happens. Less frequently than a man you mean less very kindly aims women August less frequently the man no
make an orgasm multiple times in its name, a session yeah, it's not a burly yeah for us there James is now straight that. Why did we would like it? I mean you can come when you want to come in theory in one single. They involve in one go data ass? You can all of you see. That's it, I'm a wow How guys like once you com, you can have it a rest yeah, not so with a fascinating, I must have made a note of. It failing. This is this: we need status of pop cost because this more than I have more questions scavenging are that we need to know that no, I didn't like evidently got together and those of us who believe in the need to know the words on call
echoed around the lines that busy belgian bail. The men moved on and Belinda thought speed dating but this is ridiculous, just Annabella would love it here they were. Perhaps you should try. Speed fucking in London on surprises authorities, Mr Prodi does around the room: Belinda could see that most of the women were not up to her level. Of concentrated sex, what legislate on their. Maybe that is better business. One lady deed was now just giving blow jobs how defeated such twice more were gaps lilies, Lima, it wouldn't take. Much really soaked in seamen. Belinda thought wickedly at wouldn't take much what you just apply to self prized. Her thoughts were discarded
How could you cite third partner? We ve got my not going over nine. Our he's been skipping so much in this book like her, we skip Why doesn't always give a sex does so every now, and then he feels that we need to have had also funds. This is like the new maize. This lesson I, like five chapter, must back her down. I've got the stamina for needles Belinda bit that she does. It sounds like Alphonse is ready to accept this I got her. Thoughts were discarded as a third partner of evening penetrated her vagina. What that's? What shook rather thought no room, this patent rights? That's a guy to evolve One vagina out the other painlessly you He was alive, looking all if skinned, youngish man, not the youngish.
The medium lens hair cut to be envied level. Glossy my hereditary Hutcherson soup about really emphasise Bob Ass, he entered her. She inspected. Business card clear while way to make a guy bill Spanish, it said, Annie guesses. I think it's gonna be in Marcus. The Galileo you're, not a million miles away out of us up. It said, though Fellini. That's really fucking liar relieve me. God help me on this balance here, upon the pastor and little well. It said I'll. Do Fellini direct daughter commercial, I'll, Inca supermarket toss by scientists P
Spock Capital, ass, small pay, big. I felt this kind of thing you need see written down as a Greek, I don't know, Lillian says Italian more directly. The eye a devil tee I worry, has fallen and then the whole thing's Natalie debacle it set out Aveline. That Acta, commercial, Inca supermarket us as spear, and she was impressed by that. It took the whole form in its region, sound and without he was gonna, think she thought she tied and her lips. It is wholly, took Senora, Fellini, two minutes to come and with release Belinda. Let herself have pleasure for their first orgasm that evening. I love that she's, like that. Yet their end away. Then, if about time left over that's my personal time is arrested. Business time they class
teacher the tightly enjoying the combined sensations of sexual release. However, the four minutes they were over too soon and Belinda reluctantly Algal Fellini continued his journey around the room. Instinctively she knew Me again, I am not the lawsuit heard about you know. She'd, make sure you d think that she got excited because an she hasn't had an Italian. And she certainly hasn't done a deal in its yeahs within the civil rights of table, like sort places We must not. However, there must be my sister, but into sister of achieving the opposite, be like south twenty five minutes later for the skipped ahead on the table. The butler held his head in his head.
The debate is the lack of these funds above his head and shouted at me. Lee after a few minutes all the lie remembers lie Boone remembers that several that then agriculture, that cod stamp arrive at Hamley cassettes, gouge he's running about three, I loved her. Unless this is used to lift the restrictions have been very sick. You know you never used to get fine for I ve book as a kid But when you turned eighteen, o God, they went straight to light a pound fire. After a few, minutes all the library members will back sitting on their chairs as if nothing had happened but still naked in daylight.
Where our oxalates awakening realise the only Cluj the sexual may have of the previous. Our was the nakedness of the participants. My big clue then happened here. Everyone's Nathan there's come everywhere June. It is equally clear that history, sections governing the men stood up and the Ladys join them. I think that that outside ten black range rover evokes were waiting to whisk the couples backed the hotels, a crowd of press photographers. It gathered at this point to reward the naked. So have you heard about like on this? Was so two thousand and forty green does it give light died? This is where the years ago, but the sofa he's trying to be topic. I left casually as well but make.
Greece is on the method by which I mean the euro, sucking like Europe. I think that that outside ten black range, Rove revokes were waiting to whisk the couples backed the hotels, a crowd of press freedom. If, as it gathered at this point to Regos and naked library members leaving the building. Has The press is because the trade minister, of course, will deliver the perhaps it bi annual event and the belgian tat Lloyd, never miss the sexy photo opportunity. It gave them changed the day, like all aid that they continue. The ban. You didn't want to be in the reading room, Alphonse wiggled, his rampant, cockpit what'd. I tell you. Look at our sunshine: grow, bigger ones and whispered. Belinda,
yea as if you were fully dressed, gives him a polite wave smile? Didn't you just want? That's his polite smile, Belinda, grinned and hope Andy, Tony didn't get the belgian newspapers too often my woody lies about, which is also being brought into, that he might see the as Belinda's luck would have it. The car was the last in the case of course, issue just stood there. Looking up and down like a cat will probably that meant maximum exposures. The press corps press corps international brass, showing completely naked body. Imagine, but, as I say it passes there, Gatty are trying to get their images is like a builder I said I'd. I can also go to the right of islands. Is it round these hey frontal ass, an
rush shots similar to their actions. The safety of the pressure yeah, you got the money without it and I'll go Vagina Peyton younger is to me. I got a bad hundreds of me like Belinda's, about to be plunged into the limelight like a breasts. Why we, an international cells director, came out upon what us, both by March, will yakking of private international news and the way that this hell she got catapulted into the limelight because who is the plus one a few gram oceans, ones that dress that showed a bit of her sight. Madame Madame Voss, unarmed, civil courts or norm, they shouted shall we be the press cordially together aggregate. Madame Voss level, with the shows political will, if they shouted didn't answer,
she wanted to remain Madame axe to keep the game the other guy does worse than to name. But some of the star. There is defends, painting, Madame acts, of course, of course little. Information made them even hungrier but I know, but I'm not a normal civil there's, gonna be famous to whom to their range rover opened, and our funds and Belinda escaped the press. I completely get why they might care about women because that's like a bit of a political standing here and they loved that Europe, yet the oil, no Airlines have a mischief, that's the devil, gave you sit and Eliza Berlusconi, exactly the tablets to love a certain kind of get. That's why they give a flying fuck about a girl that works pots and pans company, a guy
That runs. We don't even really know. Why do a chocolate fountain harm like I don't? Why do they The usual behave like that guy annually and it's gotta be a who's who have whose it's no one heard front page or democracy tabloids, but so that funds, my newly divorced wife, will have a field. Can you imagine the amount of funds Divorce? Does mines of? Why are they all getting divorced? You heard what browser then he laughed and kiss Belinda's juicy nipples one after the other, for the duration of the journey to hotel the brook. However, he really did miss the chalk.
Company. We still thinking about several areas. It is not an older and wiser Riva Chocolate we hungry Avonlea, it does need the energy does. No one asked about the clothes nonsense. Was workloads noble that even noticed, and that is the end of the year. So they will never ask. Probably, while I was a fucking offered, I had the worst my young lie there, I ask where we end up next time, what the Czech decide to her Google, it fixed Odeon, curveball. The next chapter is cooled Yorkshire, I've gotta, I was going means is conducive, which ones The pines mine, thereby mankind's mankind's, is like it.
The arrests and that we probably had least fraud is tends to shine. I can't wait to see what happens in your Yorkshire. Stereotypes is gimme. Teague law, you know, Yorkshire put in Yorkshire. Put up could be sheep involved, Oconnor her that's whales, You can usually are made about the vagina by no other sheep. Why, wherever there's a field was achieved? anyway. I see that our sheep in Yorkshire and joy is next week from what our rapporteur in the meantime, it has on twitter at downwards opponent Instagram my dad right up reminders on Facebook research whenever a porno- and you can email us, my Deborah Porto Gmail dot com, you can, you can buy the book rocky Every penny, the Amazon isn't steals Becky, where his want to write them and we got merchandising leading t shirts and think for that, and if you wear it, we won't steal it and take it which our children,
what's wrong. And I felt lay offs- are in full swing right now. Fanned all sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit. If you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderpool, dot, com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem called when a hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-21.