« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S4E1 - 'Dearly Beloved'

2018-08-27 | 🔗
Jamie, James and Alice are back with book 4 of Rocky Flintstone's erotic saga, 'Belinda Blinked'. The last book ended with the revelation that there was a spy in Steele's Pots and Pans. Will we find out who it is? Does anybody really care?

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The following podcast contains adult themes, sexual content and strong language. Basically, all the good stuff, hallo everybody we are back. My dad wrote a porno. We are about to open Belinda blinked fall. Oh it's always noise before we open the book and realize it we're about to enter biking. This is the only time we felt this kind of anticipation. Alice is so excited. She's left her coat on some, not stopping. Literally go shopping argument. Does it does you closed up but she's out the door as soon as I realise that he's not gonna reveal an international one is what do we think? Will we find out who the special one is today or no? I don't know if you're gonna find out is a special one is because its less faces,
even stone and anything can happen, but I am very much in new approaches but very differently this year. Oh well, because I think he's he's becoming a writer of note now he's writing something budgets. Hedge ends at the head of the break up, I don't know, what's wrong with you were his, I won't laugh. I mean it embraces with proper critique. Are we supposed to actually enjoy the book? This yes, they'll, be known after for me like never need, not review, because the walk I wish you can be someone like zombies. May I thank you for that. Jimmy could be the guess. We put lesson at my dad's there's been a drop out beasts. Never what if, what? If it just gets, really good this book, I feel that we should stop taking the pace now begun. Alright, I hate to be. You know the same one we reading rocky. For instance, it's not gonna, make any sense. It still gotta be as bachelet crazies ever and we won't that right, it'll be weighed up, suddenly became good luck, a page turn anyway. So, as I said, no laughter from me,
it will hold you to that feed me MIKE? It's easy tat! Yokota I've told you why I've dressed in the start of Belinda and I forgot abroad and I'm cold touches Nixon and we're going to other poking through but I'm going to build a woman, you become that's all love reaches l crop tattoo oyster visited on, though I don't know how you get up and he's really good, actually he's comin in Brazil, wonderful yeah! I know he's having a tropical season, didn't send this picture here today like double, visiting high premium of a good time enjoying his retirement and also being a literary sensation. I like the idea of an and Brazil, but I thought you had a sedate kind of time now, but he goes into party mode. Mri, oh yeah, he loves the
if our everyday economy, not imagine him like a pool party going like all at all, or even still does he know ripening, but tonight he does yes, yes, he's very excited. He was here what you both think immediately after its averaging discovered in UK other causes angry, I guess he, Brazil going around with you. I grant you that's difficult and reduce effort at the river them so long ago. Exactly does not really something that he thinks about until they come out again thought he must be a surprise to anyone else when he listens back is like the smallpox. Isn't it everything about it until the pustules com and apparently smallpox is extinct, one Davy as well. So that's think back. The last chapter was that mysterious
Kind of EAST Berlin meeting with Bitch, yes, TAT voice. I hope we get more of that voice. This debate can let you know what do you think that's can actually carry on cars in rocky world things. Get drop. This isn't like not diagnosis. Do you think this is like a game changer only joking? This is the only bit of plot. Everything else feels like a prologue like a finely chopped toward with chapter fifty, the book. Three. Ok! Well, what do you think the first chapters called because a guess that will give us a bit of a clue, the special one? I hope you know the special one revealed unmasked, I'm just gonna say it's actually shows a mood due to the UK. The two Belinda blinked fool due to chapter one
G2 dearly beloved, can, I just say James, failed at the first hurdle and allow the chance you reminiscent you're gonna, be ok because our doubts ironing out soon it would. If I now move into letting all dressed up in even when well bloody call somebody. So there then, we saw was that meeting with bash Belinda blinked Fool chapter, one. Dearly beloved, Belinda blinked. She must have nodded all don't down it's all there.
Love, don't you fucking their hard to do on one leg slots a leg she flamingo After all, it was a rainy Friday afternoon why someone like she shook her head as the tenth pair of freely french. Because right down her long legs what is going on it, though I do. What is this series of statements? Lays she scoop them up and put them onto the stack of used underwear sitting on her desk one by one she set to work stuffing one at a time into a jiffy by. I know exactly what she's doing she's putting the neck is on and then posting them she selling these Nicky. I know someone who did the Meda. I do. We know them also to another date. With a book I forgot all about covered,
The only woman I've been on a date with those I went on the first day with this guy and he's too were pants, and then people would all them, unlike bottom of life, for equal to pop really did airspace the pent margin, largely Oh, I think it was like a prime of life and I worry Calvin clawing, so what he just went through the day whenever the day like do whatever they wanted him to do, and what was it like, a notable per then the people would want his knees, notable peddling. Why would you want to know these patents? Would you want one notable person come on. It's really does want to complete strangers. Isn't it I could understand? If you have an obsession with someone, can you please guy? I think I can imagine if you really fancied somebody wanted their debts and cats in a jiffy bag activities, other jiffy by countries like a good looking guy. So maybe somebody
just like when you got home with him. Did you heaves, inviting her home with their remarks, agrees that he just story about it and go home with them? So by one. She set to work stuffing one at a time into a jiffy back complete with the latest steals pots and pans right card of art. These are like business favours. She lick every envelope closed and triple be like, like that, guy in a jiffy bag and triple checked the addresses, Pete arouse, Klaus, Bluff, Alphonse Stir, Backer, Jim Sterling, etc. As you know, the other one I remember them. So I have to say that when you probably remember them tables, I'm rockies, I don T remember the satisfied she pass them on to her out. Trying to reception. I made how Both by this is above my pay great authority. These events to be posted out, please Belinda swindled on her chrome castors
I won't let away she was bored global paperwork. Nickel work she'd been hard at it for a whole. Two days now determined to clear her desk physically of paths- before just that in Tony's wedding on Saturday fast forward. So fast book. Let's move fast forward and Belinda Blumenthal was humming to herself in her large bathtub smothered in soapsuds up to hurry holes, not beyond it
things. So what would how's the point in the panties thing that might come out at the early morning, Sun glinted often pools cathedral and penetrated her penthouse apartment, bathroom, leaning back she relaxed taking care not to splash soapy water over the expensive, Thailand Forest Mahogany floor. She just batteries effective, sounds gaudy, F, Waterbed, Thailand. What do we mean tie floor? Thailand, Thailand's of lies and flow, is her Thailand Forest Mahogany floor, but Thailand Forest floor me says light bracken and decomposing leave that also commented on top of the world today completely though the bird flu snakes suddenly her body tense and twitched, as if she'd been stunned by a vicious and ethics yet the bath. She are a montague submerged head above
gasping for both air and penance. Please apprised, as you suggested she was giving her oral sat. There were some from the hitherto neither up to revolt and other holes by the sounds vat. Oh my gold, Belinda didn't nozzle you too sharply she gurgled. I accept that description. Ass, a really long time have been long about. If they do not she's, not us comes up with a snorkel. So sorry darling, it's fine tiara, but I have no desire to be chew to peace on this wedding day of all days up up up up today, I got the buttons prevent my mom says not today of all days, literally anytime, you noticed and say I don't want to be true to death on this wedding. If you just as they come sugar path
What's she just stop made stop she's dying, just stop just don't bother carrying on we're, not gonna get their Belinda stood up the soap bubbles cascaded down her curved back and over long legs, whether gushed into a streaming shoots into the Warburton alone, it's working overtime, baby, I have heard what an impact at K Belinda tightened her bathrobe around herself, making sure her ample breasts, recovered and went to put the Catalan. She knew it would take five minutes to boil Madison gird cattle knowledge. Five minutes: that's U law law is in his she's fell into the top, which doesn't need to ensure that lets you make an apart. No point, no energy efficient goes. Noise, Pat Babe, tiara purred as practised. I followed the London skyline stretching all around the building where he thought
Hannah roaming due both to cheer enter through the pipes about that? That's like she was to cover that self employed, but she's got panoramic views of londoners or window. She's, not my resigned, that's millions! That's those felons and I ve always provided that all the special ones, just got a million euros There are constantly aspersions. Also special ones, definitely not mix up, and it was New Thailand Mahogany, wooden floor to so why should come into some suspiciously large funds? Recently, the domestic criminals use their swag to just re floor, the bathroom universe, a bigger problem,
the dress cheer had designed exclusively for Belinda have another headstone, who I love that brave was Heaven on Earth Everybody, the visa writer, either rights. My darling bus would happen before the summer. It was Heaven on ahead. Stand idle, daughter, sequined, gold, interesting toward her wedding gold, secretly sequined gold, it pushed her tits up to her chin fell off and the lugubrious lit up the leg was as classy as it was practical, pragmatic at all, so she got its runaway holes,
but but you select, isn't there are rules like don't due to an lagging Sandra undertaken clear in this? Is that was a practical and classic? What's impractical writing a horse while running at speed laws, a wedding was always a good opportunity to make new business contacts and Belinda dressed ass. She was to die for was now all set. Tat was a difficult if acrobat technologies now's uncomfortable prestige. I love that she's, like totally China's upstage Isabel. She is the pepper Middleton of this worrying. How she's gonna happen
tush, isn't abs church like bright gold like blinding everybody down, look it may miss Montague Multi million pounds worthy hands, so the steals pots and pans international sales director into her skin tight dress for the final stitch she started in into the end. The dress as the final touches of aid to the ham Belinda got an electric shock. I got one of those rights Roy because story Back was its static from the dress or Chee are being naughty static. From address me, you could never tell with these public school types, its meaning, but let's just then Belinda had the urge to kiss her seamstress, but she always mouth is
of pins, no matter Belinda to be off and for once there was no time for yet more hanky panky. Finally, taken a break. I'm sorry, you can't be my twenty first century date light we discuss tiara, but they ve been frugal with the plus. Once was twenty percent about lesbians allows as many votes I won't say, but it just means modern right bids, not really modern. It's like oh cohabiting Mary Financial recent didn't six. Have twenty percent reading evolves erotic business in a very lovely flowery frock, with shoulder puffs That said, we show the path. The kind of mushroom cheer, with crestfallen wake,
she's just Fred, oh no there's somebody was dressed for a higher than in the smallest of salt is crap. That is politically team. Up to not get up was warm bought a judge, I need only known Belinda for about three weeks. Is that it's not like you to invite rightly say J threatened with each other for three weeks they ain't bloody Mary. She must be really upset. Could she cried assault tat the most solid full time. The sailor ones are decided just that the door on your way out. Oh wait for my drunkenness turn in the early hours anyway the grateful was? There is none ass from the US. Is Indonesia Belinda winked she slam the double padlocked fiducia.
The things that very well advised in that part of London double padlocked fight, the door was locked GR about skating, luxury follows another get caught, something in her life, be normal wise, even the locked on her door have to be in the same, but that is obsessed with secure either the old ads or be obsessed with padlocks, unlocking things properly and triple lock environment. I don't like keys to be on short stay with high, let the keys and like a sea of newspapers on the table daily keys out for you. That I submitted to the window to see them? As I know, people know we have four key this hostilities breakin immediately. When my parents go out, they literally turn on more things than when therein lies all the tv shows that look over night see into the living room, whose no one, what
the tv home alone see, but he's got over those like figures on train. That's the guy got TAT S ridiculous land around Nigel Level, shredder as well on when there I'll they just like any mail they get laid like shredded before we even reader tat happens. Allow fifty five sixty think rather than sorry. Candour. Shredding by my life cannot have a paper trail everyday Belinda popped, her jack, you're Thank you off cinemas, ladys penalty, crushed it maybe he's gotten. I should call for the wedding splashed out fast out, but in the park to Jack. You are the last available space in the very large church car park, another large less base, good God. She thought and then remembered she was unhallowed ground.
I didn't think it he'll know. Sorry, God sorry, gold, ass God, so we got, but I really didn't think so. Many people would be here she religious with it. I even got everywhere, if you believe in God only present everything, Oh, my god, wherever you are? You sure you saying sorry got every time? Sorry God, but I didn't really thinks so. Many people would be here. It's wetting, God nodded. No, even he was eyes. If truth be told, sorry You can't put God as a character in Belinda blinked after cast guy who's, gonna play, God said, and I dont know how to look anymore, so Maccallum, rather good God Voice of ink. What was the line? The cattle under the current, you didn't even speak. He does not hold everything's humming and people.
Mine's right now. I think we all need to go to confession. After this, the official and I felt lay offs are in full swing. Right now, vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fan dual sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the Phantom Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit vanderpool dot com, slash, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must, between one user, older and present a new jersey and penalties, sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply getting problem call when a hundred gambler Belinda walked up the oil feeding, let Penelope tree who's been ivy tray with her who, whatever betray. Second Google Belinda, walked up the aisle feeding, let Penelope tree
Why do you know it's? No anyone, it's participatory, suddenly a character. Another point: reason: English for fashion model, prominent in the swinging sixties over Twiggy yesterday and Twiggy. What are the chances that he'd, probably never from without she? Nothing has already don't recognize. A fake really can only produce very big in Northern Ireland and Sixtys Lily. So what may to fill up? Ok, she was treating it like a cat war. I mean we have to find work. A referendum on me now, but they also stop kept walking down the aisle. Not your job! Guess your day about yourself right behind the like, the US give Belinda turnabout another accident, she's yeah, baby handle between understand the penultimate year. Perhaps the path love me play is no pity. She sensed I upon. I
on her tabling a similar three eyes that? one hope personal, three Iranians. She says I oppose. Upon jiggling ass were always water age people went back eyes of those Sheila eyes of though she had yet to love what its benefits Have some people got one eye on the bride and one eye on her also should any sense Giza. She sensed. Upon upon focused on her jiggling ass eyes of those eyes and though she had yet to love of us from the gospel at the front of the church. The bow of the friends of the earth,
Belinda noticed an older woman, very similar teaches l, but without the shore and hast I obviously he'd had better sex or whatever the role as well, It must surely have sex dove dutch slush belgian autonomy, and, as such I imagined it was the first thing you think about them. Mom and check at her sobs, you be good sex. That say, I was figure out where sit down to the agenda on the other side of the iron was a tall man with a brusque moustache and no companion to speak on that matter. Saran she so saucy, SEC, starved, loner, judge Mental, got u soberly between also just jump
conclusions had been a widow for years. Now you don't know those neurons are lax through it had to be Tony's dad. Why, like his son, he was Ex army coming over. The tiny was at all no new detail like his son. He was Ex army and someone you didn't tangle with it. She did using this just from looking epics over there. I can use the axe army again. They must doesn't just the brisk mustache she'd heard Tony's murmured succumb to yellow fever years with no he had and why you gonzo ere. It covers disease from the rats. Here You honor bow. Yellow
She'd heard Tony's member to come together for years ago when they were all buggy stick opened the door and let the seventeen hundreds having twenty first century. I feel that that also way to ruin a wedding Jesus, bringing out the yellow fever and loan. You must be there whose wife died of yellow fever egos. Congratulations. Does it have resulted in you find anyone since you look companionless here, we go Bella. Back into the empty seat next to a vital green Bela. Neither of them when she looked stunning piled in high old folded, poured stuffed like this accident. I am ready to address. She look stunning piled into a white evening gown why swine heats password buys a big none of us here tonight,
is the only now really need to get away with being dressed as the Oscar not getting away with a white dress evening gown. It sounds like a wedding dress, the truth. Why picture that takes the absolute best bet? I would expect any less about. To be honest, I don't indeed learn anything. She looks Stunning piled into a white evening. Gown the rhinestones jewelry was particularly eye catching Belinda thought when just now on the home of a strange man passed by her a strange man or potentially, I doubt that the summer we are yet to meet the only person they could actually probably did you who the fuck is that what a strange old man kick him? ride slowly made her way up to the altar liquor to those gay marriage is a big moment in these by two now feel as a tool. Coming ever reestablishing the Malaysia out whether anyone upset about the
I'd slowly made her way up to the altar. Her large nipples quivering at the sound of the base notes in handles notes in Handel's masterpiece That surely is the happiest day alive. Gazelle knew this was her day and she knew it should work months. No years to achieve this result now feels some odd turn of phrase. This result here, just with just with you know, what's going on in the background here, some of the special one so Belinda's got a nice lovely pad with the lovely, wouldn't laws O James gazelles achieved a result is not very high described you what is it. That is a good point yeah and you also right with what's going on in the background very far in the background, gleeful, that's anomalies, better settlers, squeezing address probably drinking the alter one enabling the wave of producers
as she greeted Tony at the altar handsomely dressed in his finest clothes stress, beautifully rituals and seizure handsomely dressed in his fine clothes about returned and half shouted, believing that it is the happiest. I am alive, What is very much at all. It's no odious participation, but we ve been at weddings. Where light does a rowdy like family member or something I ve? What being it is rarely
the ceremony that just as the brightest and actually also slowly after a few too many champagnes, but she's, probably already had to be felt sad, dearest. Bela every job has its day how every drug or their dearest better every dog has its day. Belinda whispered. She position to hand over her colleagues crotch. Thank you for that competent Viktor Klima, Vagina, oh well, it went from a pat to a DAB Mach two, a foot, long caress and tied to discuss the difference in whichever way you look at your staying out what she did it really pissed off. I would say dogmas with it with a damp Jake I thought was a part, a pat
to a dab to a full on caress. I think none of them are appropriate in a chair, spivey, bigger loss of electrical energy be focusing on about that. This is a wedding, editor begging. I do indeed fingers up. I'm not now say that the provisional about about thinking the word now she's friggin, somewhat offer that won't. I ready for me. So easy it wasn't. Before Bela, had mucus emitting from every ho. Oh don't be dirty rocky at what such a nose is running tears. Mariah tell me I'd like that.
He's not ducks. With a k I dug Wagner. I hastened ducks the test Where I ducks stop saying terrorism ride through my dog sooner I dont salt outside snot for meadows and divine juicy similar. Well, I mean they're divide in the House of God on they get a holy. Water really have really up has been blocked. For votes been blessed advocate an tapped on any longer standing out with heavy water flicked the baby and God I can walk
Bela becomes a healer amount. She might turn their wedding banquet enter extra portions. At this rate I got a little Jesse won't do beloved and the vicar droned on that had happened? Just spoken, he said is the fastest, but we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of. Oh, I think our car. Do the real bad, witness the marriage of Tony Sylvester Surface Surname Lester. Thus they were out is the Algarve ischemia in absolute hunker? Isn't it could do it and Jesus? I was just about consonants MA
we are gathered and wisely save abroad. We, I gather, group, echoing the varied there? Really at this moment and worse than what we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Tony Sylvester Surface Surname Lester also, it became obvious I'll call the scam in absolute hunker. Isn't it could do it and gazelles just about consonants MA,
Charles Clarke, dogs. Let us meet me every letter of the alphabet, you didn't say anything before decline and disease. Mars chow cover the cloth, sizzle vacillation was he's dirty girls sat. We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Tony Sylvester and Jizo Mars childcare. Word juggler of us feel as parts you, don't you marry, say the places of work of the bride and grew it's not like all of tests,
like when you introduce the soils known, they say like lady, seven timezone so of HOLLAND, very grand, but not appropriate, Queen Beatrix of Luxembourg. We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Tony Sylvester and Jesus Mars, chalk, avert the clots of steals pots and pans. Bla Bla Bla Belinda's mind into twenty second available is. Let us act did her mind. Interrupt me say sorry, that's my mind. Ignoring blah blah blah Belinda smiled, interrupted. Nothing beats the efficiency of a registry office. She jumped to the south,
I do agree on that. I can agree. It took all her refinement not to burst out laughing how old, mother beholding ice runaways. How today, today everything why rude today happiest during two thousand and five in which european light shut the door behind you ever tonight. I've just been a free t as the congregation wept and grinned a slight figure under a big hat and long morning, coat snuck ass, quietly ass. He could, Until the end, but it's mom, it might actually put some between Luxembourg and really a man to reapply Daphne Emma a slight figure under a big hat and long morning, coat snuck as quietly as he could into the back of the empty church is back I'll.
Of those know what's a morning. How is that possible wedding worth a man but kind of like a long is quite longer. I can imagine that sub issued where and what have you set? A sombre was a big out. They can reach big rubber stamp of pink cow girl So in between the short hymns, you could just discern the sound of his wooden bamboo Kane tapping on the cold stone floor. Why do you do that ferry, Incognito, Belinda, secretly, craned her head to either side and then back for confirmation of suspicion? the figure coughing asylum horse call I mean a silent and horse. How does it slowly inched his way to avoid
pew behind a large stone pillar, tucked away from view
god. I actually get a good perspiring freely splashing about everywhere and had the agency to sweat, perspiring freely, the phantom sat down, exhausted exit. The fact must be removed. His heart began to say in the ten minute walk no cruel from the car park. At nearly done for him, there were no spaces laughed, he must have already over spell illicit is best. We know he's got like consumption or something as any, but he knew he had to be there. Why would pass have to be dissolved wedding because yourselves, the special hang on to an ailing fat could not possibly be
a lips is, he wouldn't dare ellipses. Why wait one question? Belinda knows bash, go the right way way way, but do we think she knows, but as an liked to have had always all knows ball, she knows that. Bitch is obviously that big competitors, but the shrines dog ass. She was told whether partnership that him. Why would you know he looks like a shooting that she was the special alma go at all? She had she thinks it's the pantomime, the opera, What's he doing here is a sad. Today's imagine I on that could not possibly be a lip says he wouldn t lips is surely, as she sang ellipses, sat next to someone called ellipses I held with the cricket Bay Ellipses access, yours dearly,
they love what so I rewind, the clause, agree y know it's a pull out dear led by love it the vicar, continued? If anyone has anything to say, that's not what you do is not any other business but others have anything to say why these two people should not be married ellipses. Why did it's his car eclipses a dove ellipses? You outwitted Belinda blinked, oh god, my master. We need it and who was eventful first chapter of any of the books that wasn't she really good. If it got good yet got guts,
back in the middle about it was coming all over the chopper yeah, so we're not gonna find out who's machine is in chapter on love, Clayton, while I'm at the end of chapter, I feel that we can close. Yet it was a few like hints knots. Also he hasn't forgotten about it. That's the best thing that we ve learned is that that someone data thing he's gonna carry this through. I think it has to be bash. It has to be, but who does Belinda think it is spent
well issues, especially one of my thought, but now she could know what this looks like without being the special on, because you know what you can pass Dyslexia yeah. She be like carelessly quite fame exactly as it could just be thinking how dare return up to this private event. The tree the whole thing, which is oh, achieving her goals wherever it, while it made me think more than its desired than Belinda that new flooring that benefits the requested goes. It's always the mahogany that arose narratives yeah. Why should stay a week back which also we're back, but are we invested it's the first time we saw the something next year as if it was the point of a second. Can we know what the next helpless hold. The next chapter is called Tony's secret Yeah I've got mucus coming out,
every some really exciting. These avoid runoff, especially for people who have been able to make it to alive, show all the international blinkers around the world. We ve been now live, show to HBO. We would do him HBO special reading the lost chapters he can all enjoy the back she craziness of my birthright and take what you ever heard of HBO what he loves David Thrones, these eggs in the city for that more sopranos, but I think he loves their output. Belinda linked is very much the modern sex in the sitting. I would argue yeah, that's it. I think, that's why they're interested in. Firstly, the original eighteenth, because business do is to call on China to Charlot Christmas Michel, Novice evil,
need an audience of a good. The difference laughter would be nice to keep your eyes to will be releasing information about tickets in the very near future, so so excited just if anyone's interested. Others still has a Kosovo you off a morning. Kosovo is time to be off before so yet come back next Monday. Hashtag polo days are back and we want to hear your theories worn away. Things can happen so to us tat our opponent habitable peek at the Instagram. Might advent we're on Facebook and, as always you can email is my dad wrote a porno, gmail dot com you can indeed and to keep up to date with all things my dad wrote APOLLO, you can join our mailing list at my dad wrote a poured out dot com, a big thank you to a cast for hosting this podcast and we'll see you next week the oftener yeah about I may have been about eight I've been difficult and other double Patrick
the way the bastard. And I felt lay offs are in full swing right now. Vandal sports book is giving new users. There first bet risk free. That means you can place any bet within seven days of signing up and fans will sports, but will refund you up to five hundred bucks in sight credit, if you don't win download the fan dual Sports book out from the Eu S Appstore or visit Vanderwiller com, slush, Android and be sure to use promo code a cast, that's a c est. He must between one user, older and present, a new Jersey and Pennsylvania Sacred is now withdrawal expires. Fourteen days after a seat, turban restrictions apply gatling problem called one hundred gambler.
Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.