« My Dad Wrote A Porno

S4E13 - 'The Wicked-ish Bisch'

2018-11-18 | 🔗
In the final chapter of book 4, all hell breaks loose as the Special One's identity is finally revealed...

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The following podcast contains adult themes: sexual content and strong language. Basically, all the
stuff. What has he is rocky? You known as it was saying hello.
And welcome to the last porn Day of season, fool guys feeling we had better, not dream. Jesus tat. I know this retails three pounds you shouldn't have got some carve a brute and some books is re thanks and our nature in child neighbours again, which ones you one I'll just have the playing carver, please I will read about given about your way, because that Christmas is very nearly to look at what we call the Foley carefully Buddy how are you feeling we had been at at at at at at at at Gaza dream very good since that the quest of sound of three pound books. You know people of head bubbly liquids before probably in this book.
Bubbly liquids, rocky phrase flood the arches, isn't it with all the sound of their chairs test guys. I can't believe for book deep. Does it do and I M very excited about where we left. It makes gone missing a thought care also that all having this big cordially and wearing devils WASP nest is Moon was nastier Scott, my return, so I'm oh yeah, that's what you mean you could be anywhere in the pay of sin. The quality control area should be neither the punching area and basically anywhere in the general factory we wouldn't want. Do we think that it is made? That is that everyone's final, but one for our money where our mouth is going to make about yeah a wager. I must look what anti gambling? Ok, but not without it shouldn't goes a little coining somewhere the Foley is out of control
got to move. It is saying. Travel would like a sack of gold bullying, like he's literally like the sheriff of Nottingham, that this deferment or just shakes the package you to go to my rucksack. That's just fuller coins. Really. Why where's your coins these mind torn reimbursing the k a pound each year, three pounds here. Ok, so my money is on insane. You sell all season and after the main thing up, you want me to state which is Africa. Hey? I know it doesn't feel right, but I just think it, it's my sense, I mean for our money on belinda- leaves the goat, deliberate, not read this chapter because I was hoping. We still think that that's the one is via the internet given that we well so I don't know, sir I so I have no idea I really want it to be balances to night no you're not allowed to put that in May.
That's ignite, maybe I'll throw my dad about. Maybe ok, great hope. We find it so the jackpot on the table? Tonight is three whole pounds. Ok de blinked for chapter thirteen, the wicked edge, they Belinda regained her composure as best she could could have happened is a powerful portion of sex portion, its Eliza cuts. Vets have sat with optimism. Heart, is a half fucked fox in a forest fire so the whole Fox fog's labour. They have they strange barbed penises, don't nay, very vicious lovers. They go in the bar,
come out when the charm retract is putting up an umbrella inside by and that's where they speak, Greek, Maria horribly out and the focus on what little girl screaming it's terrifying under the boys as well minded of bills, but yeah, I'm his horses, a half fucked fox in a forest fire. She flustered pulling up her thoughts on the wrong leg when she puts the whole thing not about how long a daughter of you ever seen, those like men's thongs that just on one leg and you took it all, it took blood take into their and it's all on one side we have seen them now. What for I've ever known said for a single site. Don't yesterday, but mark my god. It looks like an apple your face quota c string and hooks around the penis and round a bumpy Would you ever choose to wherever awful? I think it's take a turn on one side and then you were on the reverse way, the next day how
I mean how determined out. Why do you need a term that area so badly? You gotTa London, just an awful. If you can imagine it looks like an eyebrow one eye brown eyebrow, if you're gonna, where it you gotta trimmed, you know he's just pure hair- is an aim. We start looking, I'll oppose the Instagram, so she put the thing up on the wrong leg: do too couldn't spoonful Edith had come spoon or spoon voice out of Sorry to have to say has been, is just such a fund voice to guys, and is one of the few that I can do so to other eking out sorry, due to croon spoon Belinda, looked around the massive bodies, scattered amongst the pots and pans scrunched down the top of her face and rolled down the forehead area. Where are my people
Why should another? Now? Where are people Bates may yawned, sweat well, I hope, A sweaty Bela now wants to see sweaty, but no, you won't sweaty Bela in between Neil Macduff spools, hope which way round line by line there a cushion all face. First, in all, like a net pushing yeah in flight, pillow itself grows. Long, if they can do thou name ass, if both always mobile, that long suffering Yeah, yeah, yeah scrutiny, where solutions spoon a sad Belinda and sooner immediately looked at each other's position,
underground. Oh my god they know each other's position. Iran, Belinda and spoons. Stormed into the lab, Pretoria storeroom, I dont have found them. Yeah. That's a new look. Oh shit formula that cop asked where a body was gone, King professor, since with that silken Still although it is true, They spoke, as has always been true- cried, oh my god. Don't home because either face. Don't tell me that some for some reason, because he who is fully doing so it Belinda debt since that the body stared at her
across the floor as cruel as an ice cube, letting her own the reputation of ice cubes Fisher, in cruel is an ice cube does mean coal as a noise. Q is definitely cruel, giving cruel a bit like cruel at the frozen tundra. You know the way to do that conditions, are so cool and bitter? That's the look that should give me ass. I didn't why not following Why are you doing this to stop asking water masses? So this report You haven't yet kid
my name is John Mars, chalk covered the clock and I am No, thank you. He has every time I know I don't know. I d only take my whole life easier, leading may, but about eighteen months. Actually do so why does it matter that she's model for this cause? again, Maybe she's gonna be associated with her married name. That was why, in that away in deeper and knew when
what little Mary so quick when she was moving beyond it said that had been waiting for this, we should have an alderman yeah. That was, it does plotted this. While this doesn't make any sense lace did I wish to state greetings of labelling. Products that she was a special one south Why are you doing this? Mrs Sylvester shouted spoon. Chatter, then why Durham. This must have so vast becoming ever allowed through my name, Jesus Mars talked about the clocks and I The special one. No none, yells, Belinda Cheese has been played a very
sneaky, has she's in on everything. She's in on Writ spoke asset she's in on every alone, and when they can share in five lessons chaps warm Bush but she was in the job interview she's. She's the masterminds, those that these changes- everything. That's all we dana her real age offenders. That's too far Register Blake, she's, Dutch Amsterdam. Yes, this Next, this connections what's it about yeah. Belinda, I'm look. After numerous ooh, no fool, I forgot, or I should change to choose a sheep. It's over time, update you save II, Blumenthal to dad
commonplace unemployment, more chisel pulled out a mini pistol gun and many but gun from the net, it banned around her thigh that surely in the orgy she was involved whose overtures lids lit. That's a pistol. I think if I was led deep biomedical tools, prison oil she aimed at the ceiling of finer she find and a barrage of cooking AIDS fell from the storage racks on the ceiling above them all. One shocked at that impression they tumbled onto Belinda Rents, Buena, stopping them.
That's right inasmuch as they had started, went out with lady gives a cartoon Indiana Jones. Now it's like a bolder rolling and none of them isn't it Gazelle grabbed the hapless violence by the armpits, bundled him over her shoulder rear body out. Relaxing though, if we recall and staggered to the sash window with original glassware. Such window in a lab come on shut shut shut the window shut no were really in cool nobody's ever think. How could mean a couple of things that these boats have always been Don't call me now will really lost and cool exclaim. Spoon Judging from underneath the heap of toasty, make a rival to the fate of cyber water, steals pots and pans. Make toasty makers ways that, if he's got
energy in the hut, spur to make up sassy aside and each other out the window and chase after them. Oh, I was there's always time for socio saw a foreigner, I mean we ve made lives she's just got here, We have to pick up open I myself together sobered Belinda solely for Burma. Can you imagine, if always turned on the southern, without like an image? It's my name values this? Is it not, and I am the special do that you all this, but I am this measure
Gimme, that is a very emotional say, I'm not much in the betrayal treachery and that was so beautifully play Jamie. All. Thank you. You a moment gone best actress in a leading role, but just to promote balanced. If only because the face he doing sobbed Belinda recruited, she's kit since changed Follow I still got out the window spoken in the car park. There. There Belinda Africa saying just take some initiative. Somebody shakers our partnership. There too, like quite athletic people, these carrying a captain. She inquired slowly, I'm sure they forget it in spies, literally. What does for a living. There there Belinda spoon as he fell
a fuller in his hand, all MIKE Folk S, she turned to face his face and began to kiss his lips, then his nips and then his tat and then is caught shaft. Are you serious? Actually, I'm not serious, and then his cot shaft of patriotism, issue very different right so much has just happen. Yeah right her eyes out and then she thought of doing up quickly. Plover Plaza she chewed and choked on it, It was to be the last time ever vecent with relief. I'm escaping certain death at the hands of her old glee, tee friend Gazelle? Don't you
what I don't care, just just react to what just happened. This is not what I know is porn and everything I don't have now is the moment. You know we can have some light Victoria check scene if they catch another, mainly rightly like the end of a bonfire yeah he's like a boat and they have a little cold. Oh yeah, that's it I'd, say this inaction seen hitherto been frittered away that he could have used unless I still gonna do it. Unless you shall have alone off and then the little revitalized and Thou Chase six with three hours late. Also now, yes, she's, probably got away now here even acquire Headstart unintended. How point three of our many minutes a third of an hour- I guess just under three now about eighteen minutes. So six, three hours later, Berlin coolly, took the camouflaged leather gloves from the leather room, wool and opened up the sea
Meeting room of steel was pots and pans sitting back to London in six hours from Scotland is not public, as such reasoning could fly aghast and they are very close to Heathrow via whole via my heart of a sleigh. She and spoon a walk, down the corridor and entered the room there. They all were her trusted gang of Cook, where professionals hand picked by her, and her singularly how many levels is an extra out, why single, think singularly singularly Belinda's This dialogue travelled to each face sat around the space aged reflective table.
So you just need to be higher than what they pulled out. The mole now so Valor regime, but you know, are more safely like about Bela fucking You could depend on us, his loyal she's media, but she's loyal, she's, consistently stupid too stupid to not be loyal to cry. How do we ever think it was her soda out. The other side feel so stupid, but it made their power and I didn't either to everybody with kind of intrigue and suspicion. I feel at Bela, so her practice dies or looking at everyone Bela Tony! Sir James clause does not getting Patty the barman I'll come on the trust it wasn't maker. But he must have a lot of confirming his just watching every one in the picture the whole time, but don't let him into the inner hub of the company. Literally the secret meeting room he's. Clandestine, futuristic, hub, o hunger and not for you
seeing Patty the bomb and, amongst others, serving cold Ozzy shard tonight right he's just the hired help. You need snacks, unimportant uptake of meat. Exactly you must signs of India Gaskell's. All in all there nearly twenty individual characters, rather negative rocking whose names I have forgotten economic. That is really no need real. They who they are. I love the though out nearly as well, namely their about nearly twenty, and what you can go about. Tunny Belinda, stood quietly in tons of India gave us all in all thereabout. Nearly twenty individual characters. I called you here today because I trust in you. As you all know, The end is nigh upon us all, so they put
pots and pans it miles, but I had thought he saw at aiming at aiming to make light of the big speech you're. Sorry. This is longer than the one of the millennium. Don't look at me, I'm afraid the organ to get free, to make at the end of it. If we don't risk professor since some will surely be the end of steals pots and pans. So why didn't you fucking rescue him? Then I did you give a blow job. Instead, we presume for five hours in an hour's travel. So if we don't rescue professor silence This will surely be the end of steals pots and pans, didn't as it does to cover, because basins Belinda took over zealous director. They have lost so then she's like Enron, illegal totally, Biscay go a game or six hundred tonnes of bonds loves not just just what pretended to have someone just to remove. You showed and went into the car park, unaware chase after so
This will surely be the end of steals pots and pans. May Even of quality at affordable cook, I must bear, is gonna have a knock on effect. They are the second biggest distributed very blue Bella, Stout baby asks the Nazi crop up West Bella stout a baby asks naughty cry: comforted by the duchess is long. Gloved fingers lies the duchess. There is she trusts. Is it's not just everybody she's ever trusted in our whole lie. I think it may well be because upwards of twenty carriages There- yes, better these times our grave times, but I
leave us in friendship in professional connections and link them in steals pots pans meeting room corrupted in cheer. We will not go down with how to fight they I have taken our silence, but they will but take pans from break up he's told not from braver. She literally went down without a fight. She literally went down on him without a fine, that's exactly what she did familiar hey can also. They will never take our pans capital. Shouted Sir James boldly. So Colleagues, now is the time for action. That is I
Belinda Blumenthal international sales director proposed we create an the ground movement, a philosopher. This far not necessarily just fine slender defined as don't you let make in secret societies what she said. Another masons, pretty bad huh a dialogue, I'll fuck off he's not that food Jim Sterling, not so boldly, piebald, heart dignity, Don Juan all and We want a welcome The first official meeting of the financial order of cook where nights this, that the order of the Phoenix and hypothesis whose with May one by one. They want
and when about Bela has known realised what that spells into an acronym the confidential. What was it? conferences, odour of cook, where nights cock God he's. Not only what I say I did notice it What's it say you'd say you remember, of course I mean call is. Our weekly meeting have cock one by one third, peoples that around the table, road to their feet. I arab me candidate twenty times that just assume everybody said a you betcha about Governor Ogilvy. Josie s is everything we? U bows, Belinda be stumbling opening tarbaby. It was still. Cold as cold could be in EAST Berlin, a deranged beating.
Fist. Banged polite on two, huge scale doors somewhere in the depths of a decrepit office block dissolves brought back to bed we used have been from behind a cloud of smoke sitting at his desk. Two things need slender, or could they just have taken the plans for she's dragged it. She's carried into Germany, decided that Scotland, Germany, on foot literally reforest, like rivers, could you just a visibly you'd, never to reveal hasn't got into bad get back to also. That is what basic aspect:
in the first place the book. She cannot bring insolence and right now the clear because it is not the man who said that we were not really were abandoned their gold in tat. We have fish from behind a cloud of smoke sitting at his desk. The doors swing it open? and instructed the beautiful form of Jesus owl. Large oil in black patent leather? Lonely ascended lots. More of your seats Valley was a somewhat its flesh site at the fifth time s eye t Zed, F, L e, I ass c h. You two german lie: she's meet, oh yeah, you're, sitting meat you talk about, maybe someday the butter gotta translate
since butter and how to have no, such in our own zipped, splash, z, splice. That's not at all what I say: movie. I state flag, shrieked bitch, now: squat, how familiar cover belong where David, jeez Elles, steel, tipped, high heeled shoes echoed on stone, slabs ass. She moved a little quicker to his desk. Doing your have blueprints MAC special about now. Ask to be given a photograph of them could easily technological know how big shadow he's not a He screamed. Let's see little thought, but I did not vote determined.
Belinda Blumenthal had bitch hair bitch blind I've come to learn. That means nothing, but can do so, but in this jobs. Xl you such a lizard no, but in business shrieked her ass. He rose over his desk and hobbled to his feet. Chisel blinked she'd, never seen her master stand before it turned out. The He must have Wolfgang Bitch was a mere five foot one she wants to remonstrate three Fourtou and go with annoyance. He took his walking Cain and raised it to beat his special basis. Such bitch, but Jesus was too quick for him. She kicked her leg
Ninety degrees and pinned had been to the grimy office wool with is the letter my Welsh, but I have one: better. I wouldn't say it's one better. She spoke. I have an old man the poor memory. You invented these plans three years ago and we can't guarantee will talk tat after it had been the chairman, and I was choking I'm just before I arrived Jesus click her fingers. Might I, which fingers just to check if she kept bakers, had been thumb? I know namely how patent leather gloves didn't allow for much connection and it sound it. Rather like a pitiful. Posed to a sharp snap. No matter thinking on her mighty fine toes gazelle. Clap hands. Instead, a couple of heads
Men entered the office dragging a big bag of something behind them back excellence. I have professor slim it's him, so she exclaimed Jizo on ripped the bag unwrapped we read that she said Rebecca out of the bag. Ass. She sorry. I know we ve been down and bring insolence in, but if he invented Charles Ebola Range, if he's under the command of base, and he could invent loads so that she may be better than just having the paper ease. The genius is exactly such as that on ripped the bag and out tumbled. Iceland is all hell. Professor slim see petrified. He doesn't know what countries has been through its been called it in hot water. Half of his heart Moon Spectacles was smart a half of a half moon of water, Moon or Hartman's back so half moon, but maybe half respect so half
I have one half of yes, one half of his half moon spent. Because I was smashed and he had a few loose bogies dangling from his nose. Another feeling danger terrible, obviously to be varied and always know that we do obviously from when he'd been crying for mercy inside the bag. He's, the only one alive who knows the true trial He breathed recipe for the blueprint Sunday, the recipes the blue pencil. That's my ass for the recommended that process, the head of a t moved inevitably alive now, instead, so so so It is ass. She looked down at him. I feel, like you specifically for the blueprints for reason, if he'd wanted alive, professor said capture the life professor? Do I like it? I was talking about yet it was a very clear brief men. She hasn't fulfilled a bitch ruffled closer to him, so
chin. Whiskers were each since his facial whiskers. Oh, it's a whisker, whisker, little kind of second Eskimo case there. Are we not call it that anymore and I knew it gets caught you so woke? Why don't we took at the annual meeting meet at gaining silly or who they got a past. I think they train together. Now you tell lies wait a SEC. What nationality is slants hung over Germany, their brothers. I think- and I am really mining nothing since if you are best left to spells habit, the newly formed confidential order of cook. When I heard that fact hawks eggs, hit the steals pots and pans, complex and blue
king in the sunlight, walked to their respective modes of transportation. Oh there was some got everything at work. How well they had and that cause Tony Amber to his handsome jack. You Sir James limped, too Groovy rolls Royce. Illegal in the car of Belinda's Motorbike Bela walked and the duchess mounted her beauty for the horse, How could you Ok, I'm here that our stallion well, she brings out
office every time to save lives and never seek for order a horse. They often utopia apple tree was very, very inconspicuously, let's not draw to others and then a convoy of every kind of car you ve, just as they did so maize from reception ran up, to them. Shouting no screaming Hogan Banana dares Bella Patrick pilgrimage. Falander there has Burma Tony Patrick, both my picture,
if everyone take cover to cover its Obama, get behind the cause away from the obvious yet get next to the massive tongues of petrol. Why don't you? U idea, put tapioca troop, hardly repugnance and opening up work to do. Also sorry I given over overnight? Does it not die now? After all this war, course the newly born confidential order of cook where nights in the universe? All of them said what the that's, what they say: we want scattered just I'm a good luck. Tell me, don't worry on with our eyes: everyone scattered just before massive explosion ripped through the car park toe he's JAG adjusted
up in smoke and flames represent all of it. Cacophony of calm, alarms, shrilled all around as the members of the confidential order of cook, where nights lay the ground bleeding profusely. Oh my, out with potentially last summer, the premier possible specialist in the world. This is catastrophic proportions and Belinda blame, oh she's, alive, maybe I'll sign. It was Joe enough to see a hazy figure running away from the explosion. Then the fearless international sales director of steals pots and pans What law died. Choctaw. What
Tony's jag had just gone up in smoke God and Flames effigy of coffee of calm alarms, shrilled all around as the members of the confidential order of cook, where night, to see a hazy figure running away from the explosion, then the fish Alice International sales, director of steals pots pans fell unconscious and that is the end of Belinda blinked for fucking fuck fucked in? Oh, my god, without a somber, no to end on said the peasant running away. Do you think that internet work and accomplices Gazelle also? Yes, somebody this desirable bishop related what it was Tony's car that was bombed unless dockers
is timeline. All mixed up in this actually happened before just left the country. She did. It why, as they gonna flashed back in time there so hang on just sell the special one, she's kidnapped the guy, who makes the recipes of all the pots can we use a correct, demonstrates a design rested dozens recipe, so slow, it has been kidnapped. He's now in EAST Berlin, with had and use our avatar. The wicked tampa yeah. So now they ve got the plans for this amazing pan bag and light take over the industry. I still can't even compete specially some omelette Belinda at the helm of the can't compete, because all the major players have been taken out potentially might have lost a lot of lives, but they have just formed this, this cock this massive these are quite solid call me, so they form the secret group to try and combat dish, a secret cock, yeah fuck now. So how many a laughed the online
bleeding profusely loathing, that's the cliff and you're, not gonna, know known to book five, which means Jamie. The question That comes every season. You can't not less report five we have to find out about the car. We need to call the desperate for the cock. The thing is about this- is it took? Five was the first that that road after we start doing the poker anything dumb make sure we do it yet what I would say is that he wrote it so early on in the podcast life. I think that he'd written book, six Week, nine of the podcast being out so the influence would be minimal cause. He writes, I fucking quickly. What's? U concern that it might have got sexy? Oh god, growth. I don't quite interest to know how the pulp cast is now going to influence the books, James is one case accident at stage like it might be
toward it'll, be all my desires in a book, and it would be interesting to see what dad thinks mixed its popular, because as you both now becomes to our life so sometimes and will say to us. Why, then, after that, this isn't funny. This is us book, so yea doesn't really have a full grasp of of why people get so it might be interesting. I get so that, yes, one more Jamie Billy. You want more what a just war, this little book did a little I'll. Give you three pounds TAT S: life working! Well, we're ok, good, I'm gonna embrace! It was made a decision.
Gonna- do it worries it's gonna, be even shit, that's possible with influence with inspiration for next year next year, a kind of threat, but actually would be back before. Then we about this year with a quick most is tradition, isn't it the Christmas my dad right for people to feel like it's the festive period with our little report to carry them through December people, bake mince pies. Listening to it, it's really poor peoples, christmases boring, but if you do that, you should be shared resource. Yes We back on Monday, the seventeenth of December for more Belinda Festive Fucker,
but before we go, we have a few thank yous. Don't we guys Martin Bachelor desire, amazing, music, retaining love, love, music, same acts? That music is some people's wake up alarm tonight, appetizer yeah people, one is a ringtone. If we could make a fortune and claims that we think about abandoning climb borrowed, it are amazing. Artwork as well have declined. Yes, very nice, we classy to classical showing thank you. Two acres hosting this absolute smart companies are with us, it's been such a good series. Take it all our guests as well. Yes, without Jesse, where James huskily, pediatric, wow, John Bronson and Dynamic, hopes that we look to the duchess and also thank you to dad rocky friendship
letting us do this such a pretty exports? We already love you, you get your such an icy, sucking up to your dad did. I was too late for what the people who live in the other know. Why? But I just love in more and more every day we should say as well: Belinda Blink full is now available to buy on Amazon. So if you want to throw rocky few quits, we can buy some new pens. A new path as tat over two hours in the most importantly yeah. Thank you guys, listening, we re really can't believe You ve been so loyal. With us for books d, they stay with us for books. They could have been reading or listen to actual audio books about six. This is what they Julius is a classic amount for the pictures, the songs we everything you said in your so great. If we love it, we love troll into all. This stuff is under this amazing, so bossy, a Christmas and thousand and nineteen to open licked.
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Transcript generated on 2020-01-20.